Ontario Community Newspapers

Durham Review (1897), 10 Mar 1898, p. 3

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uyAF CR GARAPRAr, )URH A M. year, IN Editor * 1zed ak of Canady prineipal SKHED 0. Toronto. a""aa¢*ar BAN1I M 4s LJ, Â¥ AN. Ma® m. It but n it» s Havo ‘ENCY 14 amaleo Geo Have UT® t 1 A. Munre, s from 10 +‘ points T’nl?od Sta N ‘D'm + Proprietoy is of #r ‘""l'ylut L000 . LEAX, $2,000,008 1,000,008 ly Agent, t C Reid, lhm.. NOLYas LARGEST WAVES. The largest waves are seen off Cape Horn,. rising to 46 feet in height and 765 feet long from crest to crest. Waves in the North Atlantic bave hbeen ol>â€" gerved to rise 43 feet in height. In the Kerman Ocean their height does t <xcund 13 1â€"2 feet, and in the Modâ€" ac.‘.tauo 14 1â€"3 feet. ANOTHER RELIC OF POMPEIL Another Roman villa has been dug up at Boscoreale, on the slopes®olf Vesuâ€" vius, near Pompeii, where tha greas find of silver ornaments was made two years ago. The walls are covered with seautiful frescoes, chiefly landscapes ind marines. One represents a bridge ovar a river, with am angler fishing with a line. Four wine jars were in the cellar and seven skeletons have been found in the excavation. P to work to cut deep ways in the face of the Downs, alonz the slops of the hills and bank them up, so that the whole caravans of laden beasts might travel up and down unseen from the sea and greatly screened from the land side. Undoubtedly the sinken ways and high banks are a great proâ€" tection against the weather. _ So they were represenated to beâ€"and no donbt greatly were the good folks commen ‘>4 for their consideration for the beasts and their drivers, in thus at great cost abutting them off from the violence of tha gale. _ Nevertheless, it can hardly be doubted that concealment from the eyes of the coastâ€"guard was sought by this means quite as much, if not more, than the sheltering the beasts of burâ€" den from the weather. provided . with muumerous donkeys. which were hespeeforth sent down to ..'*:\choa anmd the kegs and bales were removed upder cover of the night otr of storm." ~As an excuse for keeping droves of donkeys, it was pretended that the sea swmd and the keip served as admirable dressing for the land ; and no doubt so they did ; the trains of &â€"ses sometimes came up laden with sacks of samdt, but not infrequently with kegs of branmdy. Now a wary preventive man might watch too narrowly the proceedin~> of these trains of asses. _ Accotrdingly squires, yeomen, and farmers alike set to work to cut deep ways in the face of the Downs, alongz the slops of the hills and bank them up, so that the whole caravans of laden beasts might travel un» and down â€"unseen from er permitled, were not on t} away their go« The smugglers goods into these ¢ E4 W & We Lied Six or seven actors were sitting in a Laudon bar, when a wan, haggard individual, with a ragged coat, shufflâ€" ed up to the table. "Pardon my appearance," said the mar ~ith the ragged coat. "I was not always what I am; but, to make it short, I am in straitened circumstanâ€" ces j'l-‘ll nOw . F un uko © buummiers FJ n o to the farmers neighborhood â€" all ided with mnoum minutive [)â€"iut I am starving. 1 have not in anything for three days, and I on the brink of the suicide‘s grave. esitated â€" while crossing . Waterloo ize just now, thinking whetber I ild throw myself over and convert n the mosaic floor LC OX F® ‘a)8 what 1 am; but, to make â€" I am in straitened circumstanâ€" t now. I am not a beggar, 1en, butâ€"butâ€"(his voice falterâ€" be turned aside to wipe away a ut I am starving. 1 have not and _ dow 1 greatly‘ sc Undoubte igh banks . inst the we and His Attempt at a Handspring Proved It. ° seven actors were sitting in nd RVING AND PENNILESS. M averns UIS h i mea (Herd 11 actpr encelorth sent down to I the kegs and bales were r cover of the night or s an exouse for keeping not do . 1, "only A U OT LG eternity, or wheth ht with his han lings and a handful of from his pocket jingâ€" _ formerly ran their raves, when the weathâ€" °_ the preventive men ookout. _ They stowed in the caves and gave rmers and gentry of 1 all of whom were moumerous _ donkeys. me elfort po mnly he that sSDFIM Ansl BMn chang e all th the remarked the ‘Lort to get a few at would save my e man broke down : brought me to side and weeps.) n, but drink did with not a penny t ing. And as he position a haifâ€" in this world,‘ ilent Thespians uis â€" han ) the sea, and a sindy shore ons, and the 1 in all direcâ€" into his po _ precipitous re and there stream has l “”b“imo-. how quently on snow s £ on it Dt & mlgm,ngain for din > "f| 1 write oraingly purpose t llikefsvt ‘ your med the face +o ing the s of the :\igh %hcn hat .lP? is sick or n dsprin@ starving T‘ 13 so :d me to Varâ€" onâ€" Don‘t know, exactly, but it would be a poor method in these days of sky scrapers. with LOCAl, APPLICATION®, as they canâ€" not reach the seat of the disease. Cnavrh is a blood or constitutional disease, and in order to cure it you must take internal remedies. HMall‘s Catarrh Cure is takâ€" en _ internally and _ acts _directly on the blood and mucous surfaces, Hail‘s Catarrh Cure is snot a t’wk medicine. 1t was presâ€" cribed by one of the best physigians in this cribed by one of the best physigians in this countrf tor yearm and is a regular prescripâ€" tion, Itis eomgooed of the b.;ttonlon known, combined with the best blood purifers, actine direct!y on the mucous surfaces. The acting directly on the mucous surfaces, The perfect combination of the tweo ingredients is what produces such wonderful results in curâ€" ing Catorrh. Send for testimonials, free. F. J. CHENEY & CO., Props., Toledo, O wades through mud more than a foot deep, and ford streams waist deep in ice cold waters.. When I started for the Yukon my weight was only 149 pounds, and I now weigh 169 pounds, thanks to Dr. Williams‘ Pink Pills. 1 arm soom starting for another trip to Larsyson by the same route. _ This time, however, the travelling will be on snowslhves, and you may depend upâ€" on it BDr. Williams Pink Pills will again form part of my outfit. 1 write this leiter for the two fold purpose of letting you know what your medicine has done for me and urging those who go in to take a supply with them. Every man, whether he is sick or well, who undertakes the trip to the Yukon will require someâ€" thing to brace him and keep his conâ€" stitution sound in that country. I may say that my hbhome is at Copper Cliff, Ont., where my wife now resides. Yours very truly, Gentlemanâ€"Madam, at the price you charge for board lcould rent a fine house and hire half a dozen servants. Mrs. Highpriceâ€"True, but you‘d have to do the fighting with the servants yourself. I save you that trouble, and it‘s worth the money. What is that old saying about proâ€" claiming the truth from the houseâ€" tops ? & skagway, Lec. iZUh, 1027. Dear Sirsâ€"My object in writing this listter is to give a word of advice to those wio contemplate going to the Yukon gold fields. For ten years I have followed the oâ€"cupation of prosâ€" pecting. timber estimating and minâ€" ing. and the bhardships and privations whah one has to undergo, are enough to wrock the strougest constitution. In the soprmg of 1897 I was stricken with pleurisy, as the result of exposure. 1 recovered from this, but it left beâ€" hiad the seeds of disease which maniâ€" : B Auboms 4/ P24 0 :4000 silb ~/â€"aer ~Aie cmagy i: ~ Ve o7 F. J. CHENEY & CO., Props., Toledo, O Sold by Druggist® pfl&h Halls Familr Pills are the besh of refined eating In whe rush towards the golden fields of the iKlondike there are thousâ€" ands who are illâ€"fitted to stand the strain of hardship and exposure, which are inseparable from that trip. lliâ€" ness, disease and death is almost cerâ€" tain to claim many of the illâ€"prepared adventurers. _ The following letter from one who has undergone the hardâ€" ships of the trip, will prove interesting to those who intend going into the desâ€" olate but gold laden north:â€" some sous>d Advice from One Who Has Nade the Trip and Ko ows someiling 0| the Haurdships the Goid scekers Musi AN ENORMNOUS RUSH OF GOLD SEEKERS GOING IN. Ihe Gold kT able practise, while tI his fcot with his long thoroughly repulsive t even for fish. ‘The latter; use of the spoon is somewhat curious The Japanese diner uses chopâ€"sticks, a form of implement somewhat diffiâ€" cult to manipulate without considerâ€" able practise, while the Chinaman tcars his fco 1 with his long nails io a manner I‘l‘bf Numerous Idiosynerasies of Yarious reople Whiic ai <h> Table. The English are admiited by all unâ€" prejuaiced foreigners to be the miost relined eaters in the world. To see a we‘lâ€"bred Englishman go through the vari is stages of his dinner is to have & lesson in the art of graceful eating. Very different is the behavior of the Russian, who does nut disdain to use nalure‘s weapons when he considâ€" ers the latter more convenient than knife and fork. The Frenchman will use a piece of bread in nearly all cases where he snould use a knife. The German, on the other hand, plunges his knife into his mouth in a way that is terrifying. lhe Swede cuts up ati his food iato tiny pieces first of all and tsen, having laid aside his knife, proceeds to take up piece by piece with his fork. _ lhe Italian uses a spoon quite as ofien as a fork. He will employ the former for vegetables and sometimes CATARRH CANNOT BE CURED D. When all is said and done, the Engâ€" h leat the other nations in the art i.0W DIFFERENT NATiONS EAT. WHAT BOARDERS PAY TIMES HAVE CHANGED x 0 olden Klonadike. John Piche l12th, 1897 The following gentlemen were elecâ€" ed to serve as Directors for the ensuâ€" ing year: Hon. George x."Cor, J. 4i Kenny, Hon. 8. C. Wood, S. F. Mcâ€" Kinnon. Thomas Long, John Hoskin, Q.C., LL.D., H. M. Pellatt, R. Ja{fray, A. Myers. At a meeting held subsequently Hon. George A. Cox was elected President and Mr. J. J. Kenny, Viceâ€"President. _ Sweet Girlâ€"I wish you would give up smoking. Impassioned Loverâ€"Tel!l me, my anâ€" gel, what to do to prove my love.. Oh, that 1 might, like some knight of old, battle for you, suffer for you, die for you. SHE KNEW BETTER. He, sententiouslyâ€"At a great barâ€" gain pause awhile. Impassioned Loverâ€"Oh, come, now, that‘s asking too much. _ Bheâ€"And let another woman get it? I guess not! Total assets.... Totai liabilities A PATIENT ENCOURAGED. Hawkineâ€"So you sent for a doctor. Does he think you will be out soon ? Robbinsâ€"A imagine so. He said he wighed I had sent for him sooner. Dividends declared.., Surplus to policyholders.. $1,241,364 51 Balance...... sUMMARY OF FINANCIAL STATEâ€" Total cash income...............$1,470,339 40 Total expenditure, includâ€" ing appropriation â€"for losses under adjustment... 1,309,506 65 t The estimated liability on current poâ€" licies is $511,982.86, an amount more than ample, according to the Comâ€" pany‘s past experience, to run off all existing risks, and after providing for this there is a net surpius over capital and all liabilities of $79,381.65. The Reserve Fund has been increasâ€" ed from $528 8238.84 to $591,364.51, after providing $52,500 for two kalfâ€"yearly dividends, at the rate of seven per cent. per annum. ture, as shown by the Revenue Acâ€" count, is $100,832.74. There has been a net appreciation in the market value of Securities of $14,147.93. The baiance of ture, as shown count, is $100,832 Mr. P. H. Sims was appointed to act as Secreary, and read the following report, which, on motion, was adopted : ANNUAL REPORT. In presenting the Sixtyâ€"Fourth Anâ€" nual Financial Statement of the Comâ€" pany, the Directors have pleasure in calling attention to the following reâ€" sults of the year‘s business. The annual meeting of the shareâ€" holders of the British American Assurâ€" ance Company was held in the comâ€" pany‘s offices, Nos. 18, 20 and 22 Front street east, Toronto, on Friday, the 18th February. The President, Hon. Geo. A. Cox, ocâ€" cupied the chair. I UA 1 1@ V L probably read this advertise ment many times, arnd though no more about it This time make up your mind to try LUDELLA Cevrron Tea without delay. It will do the rest. SIXTYâ€"FOUYRNTH ANNLYAL MEETNS. You Have«s&â€" Ql To show the manner in which silk is adulterated, an English chemist reâ€" cently analyzed a piece of silk with the following results: Real silk, 28 ; water, 11 ; ash, mostly tin oxid and silica, 14.30; organic matter, not silk, 46. â€" Such 1s Canaia‘s Greatest Medicine. 81 ; «is Bold by all Druggists. Get only Hood‘s ‘"silk" becomes shabby in a few weeks, but so rapid are the change of fashion that it is said to be preferred by many purchasers. Yachtsmanâ€"‘n ordinary _ summer weather sailing is just as safe as carâ€" mage ridiag, in fact safer ; yet somehow the girls don‘t seem to care for it. Landsmanâ€"In sailing a â€" boat you bave to use both hands, don‘t you ? Hood‘s Pills I told my husband I believed this medâ€" icine would belp me. He went right away and got a bottle of Hood‘s Sarâ€" saparilla. I took four bottles and I was pured.‘" Mrs. Allen Stivers, Makanda, Hlinois. l_,a d m Sarsaâ€" 00 S parilia OCould Not Eat Without Pain. "For many years I have been a sutâ€" ferer from a severe case of Dyspepsia. Icould not eat without great pain in my stomach and would be sick and vomit up what Idid eat. One day I read o a tame cured by Hood‘s Sarsaparilia. Â¥ ol‘ sls t i 1000 . Greatest, Because in cases of Dyspenâ€" sia it has a touch like magic, which just hits the spot, brings relief t> the sufferer, and gives tone and strength to the stomach as no other medicine d es, Canada‘s Greatest Medicine. In lead packages, 25, 40, 50 and 60c. From leading grocers. SAILING VS. DRIVING WEIGHTED SILK THE LIMIT NO UE Cmi. MENT income over cxpendiâ€" are the bost afterâ€"dinn«r piils, aid digestion, 250. 1,510,827 88 169,46; 37 100,832 74 52,500 00 aix for $5, A natural gas well has been bored in Sussex County, England. It was heâ€" ing driven for water. The odor of gas was noticed during the sinking operaâ€" tions by the workmen, but no attenâ€" tion was paid to it until the gas was lighted. It has burned for a long time. It is a decided novelty in England. My snowshoe strings cut right into the flesh across my toes, and I was quite lame, until 1 used "Quickceure," which removed the pain at once, and healed the sore completely, in two days, Nothing equals "Quickeure" as a dressing for Burns, Scalds, Cuts or Wounds. Find that sort of collection pretty dull don‘t you ? Hargreavesâ€"What are you looking so a‘lsent about ? Ferryâ€"Iâ€"I was trying to collect my thoughts. A Corn Photographed by X Rays Shows a small hard kernel, covered by layers of bard skin. This tiny corn causes keen _ pain. The only sure means of extractâ€" ing it, without pain, in a day, is Putâ€" nam‘s Painless Corn Extractor. Sure? Yes. FPainless? Yes. Cheap? Yes, inâ€" deed ! Try it. Sold by all druggists at 25 and 40c per bottle. Francis U. Kahle, 127 Bay street, Toronto. Croup, Coughs, and Colds cured by Rangom‘s Hive Syrup &and Tolw 25e all druggists. Trask‘s _ Magnetic Ointment is not only the safest and surest remedy for piles, but it is the best known and most popular. Every physician and druggist in the country knows !t, and what it will do. Old Family Manâ€"Wall, they is fer a while, but mo‘ generally so soon as a girl marries the expense is through with; but just as quick as a son get‘s married he wants to borrer all you‘ve got. A prominent Grand Trunk ramlroad man says:â€"*" Having suffered intengeâ€" ly for yvears with piles (not being able to sleep for nights), and having tried different ointments with only temporâ€" ary relief, I was advised to give Trask‘s Magnetic Ointment a trial, which T did, and feel thankful. After using three bottles, I feel that I am completely cured. I consider its asâ€" tonishing efflcacy truly marvellous. Wherever I have recommended this ointment, the results proved as satlsâ€" factory as in my cese. Any sufferer should give this wonderful remedy a trial, and I feel certain they will say as I do, that it cannot be spoken of too highly."â€"J. C. Frasier, Toronto. In China hens are employed to hatch fish eggs. These are sealed in an eggâ€" s @g‘ ind placed under the unsuspectâ€" in. n forafew days until the spawn has \ .rmed into life. _ The contents of the shell are then emptied into a shalâ€" low pool, where they can bask in the sunshins until the minnows are strong enough to be turned into a lake or river. Old Friendâ€"I s‘posegiris are a good deal more expensive to rear than boys, ain‘t they ? Each Trade or Occupation Has Its Special Disease, It is well known among medical men that certain diseates are more rapidly developed in certain cccupations than in others. That each occupation has its attendant physical weakness. Enâ€" gineers, railroad men, and similar ocâ€" cupations suffer mostly from kidney troubles, and men who are often exâ€" posed to the weather suffer from rheuâ€" matism, while clerks and professional men, in fact the army of people whose business keers them indcors, are ofâ€" tentimes great sufferers from â€" piles and constipation. In this connection the followin@ letter is of interest to people whose occupation will not allow sufficlent outdoor exercise. Indigestion It seemed very strange and curious to Bennie that his little sister was born without amy teeth. A few days after the baby‘s birth the cook was obligâ€" ed to go to the dentist to have her teeth extracted. Oh my! exclaimed Bennie on her return,. what do you think? Cook‘s been to the dentist to get reâ€" boraed. CURED Are, that your temper will improve, and you will enjoy walking and skating in real earnest once that sore corn is removed. Pitnam‘s Painless Corn Exâ€" tractor never fails, gives no pain and will relieve you in twentyâ€"four hours. Give Putnam‘s Corn Extractor a trial and be happy. After the young composer had playâ€" ed his piece twice he dried the persâ€" piration off his brow and expectantly looked toward Rossini, awaiting his comment. _ Rossini stepped over to the piano and asked : Arse you through ? & Yas, replied the young musician. \'Vhat was that you have just playâ€" ed ‘ It was a funeral march which I comâ€" posed after Meyerbeer‘s death. â€" How does it please you ? Well, replied Rossini, it will do, but I can assure you of one thingâ€"it would bave been far better had you died and Meyerbeer composed the music. ~‘° CELERY KING NATURAL GAS IN ENGLAND -enid:ens the stomach; aids digestion; ac antly on the bowels. Luge pacha. 25 ct by all _dmg!lst.s, OF WOODWARD MEDICINE co WHAT S YOUR TRALE ? HENS HATCH FISH EGGS SPARING HIS FEELINGS. GIRLS AND BOYS A REGENERATION. The Probabilities PROBABLY W. H. PETRY Quebec Bank ; acts SHIP YOUR PRODUCE, Butter, Eggs, Apples, Fruit, &c., to 18 TME DAWSON SOMMISSION CO., Limited, Cor. of West.Market and Colborns Sts., TORONTO, Tommyâ€"That church is over 200 years old. Gracieâ€"My auntie says it‘s only 100. Tommyâ€"Oh, well, 1 s‘pose that‘s as far back as she can remember. dR YPI Dorothy (noticing the brass knobs on the horns of grandpa‘s oxen)â€"l de=s the oxen do their own sewin‘ by the looks of their thimbles. on receipt of price by The Dodds Mediâ€" cine Co., Limited, Toronto. YOUNG MEXN, Learn to Cui. No better trads or profession. Write for partoniars, 112 Yonge St., Foronto. Dodd‘s Kidney Pills, the only cure on earth for Bright‘s Disease, Diabetes, Rheumatism, Lum‘ago, Diseases of Woâ€" men, and all other Kidney Diseases, are sold by all druggists, at fifty cents a box, six boxes, $2.50, or will be sent LAW We will NOT ACCEPT AN ORDER at these prices where the packets are NOT selected from the above list. Address all orders to N "I have known Mrs. T. Hughes for a number of years, and I can truthfulâ€" ly state, that the foregoing statements are strictly true."â€"N. Leflar, J.P. @ GCeodrich Rosâ€"Flex 11. Herbs, Buvory 47 12. Merbs, Marjoram 28 13 Lettuce, Nonparcil (Cabhage) 29 14. Lettuce, Denver Market 'nr‘od) 30 15. Musk Melon, extra carly, Kutmez 31 *"*Finally I tried Dodd‘s Kidney Pills. From the first dose I began to mend. I have used fourteen boxes, and am completely cured, and as strong as I ever was, and can do a big day‘s work, thanks to Dodd‘s Kidney Pills."â€"Mrs. Thomas Hughes. 1. Beet, Elipse, round 2. Beet, l,zyw_hm. fiat round 3. Cabbage, Wiuuingstadt 4. Cabbage, Fottler‘s Brunswick 5 Carrot, half long, scarâ€"et 6. Carrot, Guenmx; scariot . 7. Cucumber, Chicago Pickling 8. Cucumber, h-ne;&w 2, Celery, Golden Selfâ€"Blanching 10. Herbs, Sage " For two and three nights at a time I could not closs my eyes in sleep. 1 was bloated so terribly that I could neither sit nor walk. My agony was simply indescribable, For nearly three years I was bedâ€"{ast. © "Five doctors treated me, and I also had the care and advice of an American specialist. _ All failed to help me. I tried nearly all the patent medicines I could get, but none of them did me any good. Morley, Ont..â€"This little town is excited over an occurrence that would, in early days, have been looked upon as a manifestation of magic. â€" The cirâ€" cumstances are clearly detailed in the following letter sent by Mrs. Thomas Hughes of this place to The Dodds Meâ€" dicine Co., Limited, Toronto:â€" "I cheerfully testify to the wonderâ€" ful work done by Dodd‘s Kidney Pills, believing that too much praise cannot be given them. 1 was for four years a great sufferer from pains in my back, along my spine, in my head, especially over the eyes, in my left, and occasionâ€" ally in my right side. TORONTO SFEDS RVariciiesorC Mrs. Thoma in hes Felis Mer story, Lefla r, J. P.,Corraborates 1t â€"Bodd‘s kKiduey Pills, and They Alone, Cure All Kidney Riscases. wWoON IN GAEY countY BÂ¥ DodPsS KIDNEY PILLSs, Miss Ankshusâ€"The brunette man in the brown suit and derby, wearing a polkaâ€"dot scarf and opal pin, chrysanâ€" themum, patent leathers, tan gloves ams@s smoking a cigarette? Pdidn‘t obâ€" servs him chosely. Did he speak to us ? Mrs Hymenâ€"Did you notice the genâ€" tlemam that just got off the car? This is a BONA FIDE offer made to introduce our Vegetable and Flower Seeds to mnew customers and which we guarantce to please sou or the amount paid refunded and the Seeds given as a preseni. At these prices we can oXLy offer the varieties named below, Order by number, Buy what you want. They are sent by mail post paid. Select from the following list : vYEGETABLES. l107 Water Melon, I'J;a‘i!' "’Mll;hl k C ( Onion, large red Wethersfeld n (Order by Number.) 18 c:”’...': \"er';:fi:”l;lulfr l)nme‘u . Bect, F:)ipse. round 12. Paranip, Hollow Crown £ Toronts Cutting Schnol. ANOTHER VICTORY SINCLE TUSE TIRE 18 THAT CIVES THE REAsox WHY T is TH® BEST. The way it is made, the material used , the tests it ia subjected to, the personal inâ€" spoction, its scientific exactness, and being as trme in<ide as outâ€" sido,. DON‘T FACTS LIKE THESE CONYINCE YO4? Our ca‘alogue is full of interest. sond for catatoâ€" gue " T." Dealers Quoted. AMERICAN TIRE CO., Limited, 164 and 166 King St. W., Toronto What and Why ? THSIR OWN TAILORS ROUGH ON AUNT‘ER A CASUAL GLANCE of Charge TO SUBSCIIBERS or THiS rug. Providieg this Compon is CUT OUT and sent to us with an order for 12 packets, we will include 1 packet New Giaut Chilâ€" ian Sal piglossis, price 200. _ Free ress all orders to No, 5 Carrot, Half Long Danvers. WM. RENNIE, TORONTO. FREE Ir is WliAT Ta® URPERLLPEES Mills, Mills & Hales, Barciâ€"<ters, etc.,removed to Wesiey Bidgs., Rich mond S(« W.. Toronto. WITH EVERY CRDER 21 23 P C 909 Radish, Preuch Breakfast Radish, Rosy Gem Squash, Hubbard Tomato, extra early Atlantic Tomato, Dwarf Champion Asters, mixed Mignonette, sweet Pansy, mixed Fe:unia, mixed Nusturtinms, tall mixed %rect Peas, Fine mixed i1d Flower, Garden mixed PLOWERS THE PAGE KIRE FENGE GOMPANT I WALKERVILLE, ()I\'f["'.l“.‘ L| Unr dealers can supply you with the reliable, time tried, thoroughiy tes, ted Page woven wire fencing, in di/â€" ferent styles for generel farm» purs poses, at from! 45 to 65 cents per ro4 Whese prices for such fencing as Page @re very low. And whan comparing with the cost of other kinds of fencag the difference in favor of Page is gtill greater, as so many less posts a»re used with it. A recent railroad order for 200 miles is good evidence that Pyj F. is in the lead. Send to us or apply in persm or by, card to any Page Fence dealer, GONBOY‘S IMPROYED CARRIAGE TOP$ Montreal and Quebec to Liverpool in summer, ‘oil and to Liverpool in winter. Large and fast twin screw #‘eamships ‘Labrador‘ *Van couver,‘ * Dominion,‘ 'n-uum}n,‘ '\'ol‘kihLl;O.' Superior accommodation {or First Cabin, See ond Cabin and Steerage passongers. Rates of passageâ€"First Cabin, $50 ; second abin, $34; Stecrage $2250 and upwards according@ to steamer and berth, For al *form.winn .-“wlp to Local Agents, or Davin TorraXxo» & ‘t.. Gen‘l Agents, 17 ®b. Sacrament St., Montrea Intelligent ladies and gont.lcn;en can be supâ€" plied with genteel and very PROFITARBL® omglofimem. Indusiry is the @sential NEQâ€" EsSAltY to sscure GOOD REMUNEiIA TION. Can give the address of roprasentative who has just cleared $113 in 21 DAYS $5 car NMOl'ish! AT conr own HO ME . L. NICHOLS & CO., 83 Richmond West, Toronta Montreal +wa wart YÂ¥ [J ovcs." » CONTAINS THE NEW IHSREDIENT Dominion Line Steamships ""*"*® o HERHIIIYV, HERCHANT, Willam St., â€" â€" â€" ‘f‘ORON 10, 0& 202 OU®mn, POPULAR MUSIO DEPOT, 20 Aloxis &t. Montreai, ‘\EQI'AE‘n 0 !ngou.! E: lét t lo‘aold plate & ws :& ranted, to any one who vw ® 1 doz. Indestructible Lam 1 (need ro trimiing)@mong |:!cads8ti0cts cach. W y! â€"â€" HAVE YOU â€" A PIG WITH TWO TAils 9 â€" It 80, Waitek â€" _ W. R. HARRIS, ©8u., lVl UV UV SV aarnars INDOâ€"CEYLON TEA, is packed in lead and cansot be adâ€" ulterated. 25, 30, 40, 50 and Goc. per pound. . All grocets keep it. YOU RUN NO RISE MJ oNSsO9! §.â€"See our "ad" next week. PRICE, 25 CENTS. wm-mwunon' {riendsati0cts. each, Wriug wa '1:.. mail you ld" Wl‘elho.."\ ou :t."ll ]t(hl.- 6 ns the money and we wiil m you 6 oi oeoni es w is youthe ing. in i al]. t received the bigh« est awards at 1l 3 World‘~ Fair 1893, Consey‘s PATENT ROLLER TOPS3 have met with such universal faâ€" vor, that othor mea neu f w o tiume re inferior Ons. Insiet on having the Conboy make as imitations ro never as good as the genuine, now making Mitati+ 1 1 3 * w 1t § &

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