Ontario Community Newspapers

Durham Review (1897), 24 Feb 1898, p. 4

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Jamieson. MeNichol. % Morgan x The voter above has marked bis ballot for Morgan and capable ment he supports are considered he certainly will. â€"The ballot paper contains the following names arranged in alphaâ€" betical order, and we «xpect to see the scriptural injunction fulfilled. *‘The last shall be first." If the merits of the man and the Governâ€" 5; °_ C_ _ ‘es3s _ Oof the government : selling pine to build prisons, taking money for mining dues for the moral purpose of building asylums &c. for unfortunate ftellow beings. Allowing pigs to take Cholera. selling school books cheaper than any other province in the Dominion or State in the union. But to drop the sarcasm, they are charged with being friends of Michigan more than of Ontario! What on earth would they be this for? Is there no record of them standing up for Ontario2 The only conclusion is they are charged . with granting favors tor nioney returns a charge not one of the Conservatives ean substantiate. The charge comes with a bad grace trom a party whose Leader, Whitney, is the acknowledc â€" ed solicitor of a Michigan firm, and | one of his brothers, it is alleged, is a‘ partner in one | â€"Mr. Morgan supports this temperâ€" erance government. None of the car. didates are prohibitionists. Thev all belong to the great class of moderate drinkers, notwithstandin« false and shamefal stories have been cireulated rceusing the Liberal candidate of la0se habits in this respect. Ontario o:eupies a foremest place in advanced temper. ance legislation. â€"â€"We don‘t think the Ontario gorâ€" ernment has done everyvthing for temâ€" perance it might have done, but what it has done in the way of restriction has received more opposition from the Opposition, than was given to the exâ€" penditures of moneys by the governâ€" ment. â€"Mr. Knechtel, s aking at a meetâ€" ing in Hanover, sai(I).3 that every vote cast for the independent Candidate would be a lost one, as he had no show whatever in this election. â€"Speaker Evanturel, Prescott, and Truax of South Bruce are elected by acclamation, a start of two for the government. â€"Progressive gevernment assured by the proud record of 26 years. â€"Somebody will have a lot of exâ€" plaining to do after next Tuesday. â€"Cle‘and for North (Grey. *«â€"Good government for us all, â€"Freedom, Justice and Toleration the watchwords. One week more and the agony will be over. Let there confidence, no relaxation and next week will see South Grey in majority of the seats of the province supporting an honess admini no charge over them, no scandal among them. It is not time for @<â€" We regret to oppose Mr. McNichol but with no chance of winning, his canâ€" didature is simply endangering a government wor: by on his own testimony of a very generous support and candid men should feel ‘like the quaker when about to use his gun on an intrader, "Friend I don‘t want to do thee harm but I intend to fire right where thee standest." C aeoigent * This double influence is undoubtedly at work, and on March 1st few of those tory patrons will remain true to their late allies and the result will be that Mr. MeNichol‘s following will be chiefly a section of the reform party and a few illiberal enough to refuse support to Mr. Morgan because he is a Catholic. Walpole once said an ambassador to a foreign country was a man appointâ€" ed to do the lying for the nation. The Review never has and never will do the lying for any party, and our belief most truly is in this crisis that indepenâ€" tlent voters in South Grey should rise in their might and do themselves honor by voting for the able and broadminded candidate of that Liberal Government which has made and is keeping this provicce a place to be p.oud of even in the opinion of Dr. Jamieson. The run of the Dr‘s argaments are chiefly intended to seduce Tory patrons from Mr. MeNicho! "one of the Grit candidates" as he is pleased to call him, though Mr. MeNichol points out that he voted oftener with the Tories than with the Gr’a. The result of Mr. MeNichol‘s arguaments have much the same result as he finds so much to praise in the Hardy Goaernment (as everyone does who «Approaches the subject without bias) that patrons "with Conservative instinets" have more than they can stand in many cases. K 5 Messre, Harry Willis and John Corlett, the latter Patron, demanded a poll for Dr. Jamieson. All the speakers got a good hearing and each presented hist claim in & reanner similar to that done at the meetings. For once they were all together and if any one thought Dr. Jamieson‘s constant reference to Mr. Morgan‘s abâ€" sence from the sombined meetings bad a hint that Mr. Morgan was afraid to meet them they must bave been undeceived on Ncmination day for in the opmion of many Mr, Morgan made the most effective speech of the day. He wurprised his opponents and delighted his friends and he received many conâ€" gratulations. A very large crowd outside were disappointed in not ge The decision to speak inside was made befors the hall was ray this because a paltry attempt was made on the street to for the refusal to come outside. â€" Mr, Thos, Lauder had three names handed in as was fully expected. Mr, MeNichol was moved by Mr. Wm. Allan, seconded by Mr. E. Hunt; Mr. Morgan by Mr. Gilbert McKechnie, seconded by Mr. Geo Binnie; Dr. Jamiesor, by Mr. Stone, seconded by Mr. Joshua Woodland. Taesday saw a great crowd in town and a thoroughly mixed up crowd they were all of the three parties having a fair share of support. â€"Hardy for Premier ~â€"Morgan for South Grey â€"Boland for East (GGirey. crimes of the THE NOMINATIONS. A TRIANGULAR FIGHT were disappointed in not getting seating 6 annecalee Kucleiis c N T ues hm 5 C n ‘serimxs objection urged against this department is that Mr. Ross, the Minisâ€" ter of Education, is an autocrat. | more than the heads of the other deâ€" ]p:u-temenn? We will not forget that I ME i apdintatniits. â€"Adaniruao litalah ds 4.4 2 is a it o The Surplus: It is not pretended that one dollar has been misappropriatâ€" ed, but complaint is made that the surplus is not so large as some claim it to be. Whether is it better that our Governmment should have assisted the | peopley by anuual grants to eyery public [ school in the Province, to agriculture, | to building required railways, to mainâ€" | tamming the insane, the discased, the poor and the uufortunate, or that they should have refused these things and hoarded the money tnat they might accumulate a tremendous suaplus _ of ‘ which to boast at election times? _ Let us remem6er that Ontario is the only Goverement on the North American , :i)o;:tinent which is withont a large ebt % ildpcaziopal Department : The most ' After listeniog to and reading | throughout the whole campaign, politiâ€" _ cal speeches delivered by the opponents _ of the Reform Government of every deâ€" gree of eminence, from the most humble Conservative to Mr. Whitney the Conâ€" | servative leader, and from Patron memâ€" | bers and followers, is it not a matter of which every Reformer may well be | proud, not only every Reformer but lm-ery citizen of Ontario, that the Govâ€" evrnment after twentyâ€"six years of rule stands unimpeached ? No scandals are pointed to, no dishonesty is claimed, no serious mismanagement is pretended. In the very littlieness of ite objections eveu the Mail and Empire admits the efficiency of the Government, in its issue of January 2nd that payer says "It is" not necessary to show that tge Goyverntwent has proceeded upon "fundâ€" amentally false principles, &egligence and incompetence in the management | of minor matters are all that need be proved." And what are these minor matters 2 The Piggery Cry: This was for a time the sharpest arrow in the Opposâ€" ition quiver, but they are now ashaimned to mention it. _ What are the facts ? The Government built a piggery and kept pigs to consume the refuse from their several large public institutions in Teronto. _ The Cholera broke out among the hogs and after employing the services of skilled Veterinary Surâ€" geons the Government did just what the Essex County farmers did under the same circumstances, tbe{ destroyed the diseased animals and slaughtered and sold those that the Veterinary Surgeons pronounced healthy and fit for food. To the Editor of Durham Dear Sir,â€" â€"*‘The Canadian Free see Bouth Grey in line with ball was Aqe;rly Afull. _ We Leg_ therp be no overâ€" ++ > a e â€" we believe a good Tory s administration with time for a change. blame Mr. Morgan . 7, A. memâ€" r has ranged in the House P. P. A. who Review. room, 2708 inE S1800 In Hurrah for McNichol! He‘s the man. | Alex MeceClong pr Miss Esther McCoskery of Toronto is | the best of order â€"peoding a week at her old home, We}a good time. Tt are glad to see her look so well. _ The showing that the injurres she reccived last fall in an acâ€" the question of t cident are mending rapidly and we hopse and g) MecNichol she will soon be aliright again. night 21st and nc The social which was held last Friday Attended and evening at Mr Z Clark‘s ot YVarney was tbrasbed ount, ‘"Glimpses of the Unseen." Fascinating book Sweeps the eatire field of borderland subjec te Everybody orders. _ Maryellons iilustrations, Piospectus $1.00. BRADLEYâ€"GARREISON COMPAKY. LiTEp Drury‘s School House and Latona were also favored with McCallum,s elâ€" oquence and wherever he has gone he testifies to the warinth 0# his reception as an advocate for Morgan and good government. _ At Dromore Thursday night Mc Callum had a different audience. Russell Hall was nearly filled with a misture oi Reformers, Patrons and a few â€" Conservatives. Dr. _ Jamieson had no champion . and Messrs. J. Geddes, Sr., and W. Allen sprke for McNichol. Morgan was at bth these meetings and made a goud presentaâ€" tion of his case. _ Mr. Geddes, Sr. felt aggrieved at the alleged scurrilonsâ€" ness of the Review and made some pithy remarks to which ye editor replied. | _ Mr. A. B. McCallum, B. A., â€" of Paislevy one of the most ardent and most eloquent of the Liberals in the i)rovinc.e held four meetings in the tiding last week. At Priceyille Wat son‘s Hall was jammed full. _ Messrs. Riley and T. McComb respectively spoke for the Conservative and Indeâ€" pendent candidates. Mr. McComb is a new stumper but has surprised his friends. _ The mecting was a rousing success. us might be indifferent as to whom should go the victory, but let every elector remember that if the present Goyvernment is to be assisted Mpr. Morâ€" gan is the only man to vote for, a vote for the Independent candidate is likely to be a vote {’ost. as it is generally conâ€" ceded that he has no chance to win and every Reformer who votes the Inâ€" dependent ticket is assisting the Conâ€" servative cause. _ To yote for the Conâ€" servative candidate is to assist Mr. Whitney to do what? What is his policy ? T it whiil / P08 tdsfi d d c h cce c is d The Candidates : we kn(»wpnf no reason why anything should be said against the personal charater of any of the three candidates all of whom are deservedly respected. and if it Were a matter of which candidate most of A{)parenlly with no hope of succeedâ€" ing by fair means some canvassers and speakers opposing the Government have resorted to means most unfair and most absured, for instance, one Conâ€" seryative speaker unblushingly asserts that the Government employ thirteen bhundred fire rangers, that )Izlr. Campâ€" bell the Provincial Road Commissionet â€" a duly qualified and unusally capable Civil %ngineerâ€"is a lawyer, other equalâ€" ly untrue statements are made respectâ€" ing the character of Mr. Morgan, these yarns must only injure the cause which thowe who spin them seek to help. ‘ WPL o mel y y w n Ts & C Time For A Change: \Why do the opponents of the Government think it is time for a change? There may be some man who thinks it time that your Township should change its clerk, why ? because he wants the position and the salary, for the same reason Mr. Whitâ€" ney thinks it is time for a change, but how will the people be benefited ? _ License System : Dr. Jamieson says that the present license system is a good one and much better than total proâ€" hibition. Timber Question: The Government have always sold their timber hmits to the highest bidder, and with the proâ€" ceeds have opened Colonization roads, built asylums, hospitals, schools and reâ€" formatories which are the property of and for the benefit of the people of the Province Just as a farmer on a bush farm might sell his logs and cordwood and witfin the proceeds build houses, barns, stables and fences and make other improvements simply conver ting capital at present unproductive into that which will be immediately and permanently productive. _ | | School Books: It is claimed that the price is too high. As easy statement to make but as yet unproved. If school books were let by tender, as is advised. it would be much more likely to increase than to lower prices,. There are but few large publishing houses in Ontario and as it takes very large capital to purchase the necessarf outfit for the publication of our text books the probaâ€" bility is that in the event of an adverâ€" tisement for tenders the publishers would combine and agree to & division of the work at prices fixed by the comâ€" bine, but Mr. Ross prevents this by his mcre prudent metbhods and sees that the books are furnished at prices which _ an independent Commission consisting _of Judge Morgan, Mr. Robinson of a Presbyterian publishing house and Mr. Bain, Pubvlic Librarian, (most falsely and unreasonably termed a *"secret" commission) after an examination of interested _ and _ uninterested paperâ€" makers, printers and bookâ€"binders proâ€" nounce so low as to afford but a reasonâ€" able and a moderate profit. Di. Jaimeâ€" ] son recommends that the Government Rrint the school books that they may e cheaper. _ Why not as reasonably ask the Sovernment to make our shoes, agriculsural implements or anything else that we think too dear ? To establish a Government printing bureau wouldâ€"like the adyisory boardâ€"simply and unnecessarily employ a large staff of Government officials. our educational system _ in competition with the world at the World‘s Fair at Chicago took first place. Mr. Whime’y1 advises an advisory board. in whic case the minister might shift responâ€" sibility npon the board and the bourd upon the minister and what would be everybody‘s business, would have heen nobody‘s business but the people would have to pay the expense of the advisory board. ~ MeCALLUM IN THE RIDING. AGENTS ROB ROY. Yours Truly, H. H. MILLER. ToRoNTo. TORONTO The first politrcal shot was fired off here % gr a tert last Monday evening 14th inst. when Mr. is ~G.K., Bent Morganu held forth is the Lake school * & £°00 bi house, assisted Ig Messts G McKechnie, ®MAll orchard, G Binnie and J Grabam. _ Reeve Staples NCe hardwoo took the stand in behaif of Dr. Jamieson. | A Alex McClong presided but failed to Ixeopi the best of order as the boys were out for a good time. Thke attendance was larce, Duiham Jan showing that there is an interest PAKON 112 en s the questicn of the day. _ Dr. Jam1ieson ‘ and ?) McNic‘bol are billed for Monday Accounts.â€" Fine winter weather. â€" Good sleighing and much commenting on politics which is now at fever beight. _ . Mr. and Mrs. George Flewing who has been visiting the latters father Mr, N. Main and .ther relatives for the past tbhree months left on Thnoreday last for treir homwe at Grenfell N. W.T., they will spend a few daps with Mrs. F‘s sister Mrs. James Dennie of Noaval. The Farmers of this vicinity are busy getting home a supply of iss for the summer nse. Mrs. P. F.‘ Thair and Mrs. Thos. Brown Jr. are yisiting friends at St. Thoma«s Mr. James Angus and wite of Waâ€" wanesa. Man., Mr. and _ Mrs. John Williamsâ€"n, Mre. Wmm Rrothers and Misa Rachel Ren, of Newbridue, were emests of Mr. and A. Doupe for a couple of days last week, Messrs. Carse and Lambrith, from near Regina, N. W. T. were guests at Thos. Brown‘s for a few days last week. S. R. Rowe, of Paisley, is at present visiting h‘s nephew ‘Thos. Orchard. Miss Minnie Walton. of South Bend, svent Sunday with hber friend Miss M bie Cameron. e i emennrit Mn n Be icomamnatnenies I Snowed np, dil you sav! well no., no‘ HOLSTEIN,. exactly, hut Grabam Timmons when fraxtrdvs igning to see his best girl had to order the On Wednesday evening of last week pathqnster out to shovel a road through a political meeting was beld here in the| the Side road. interests ef D. MeNichol M. P. P. and| af},. C E Brooks, piano and organ Sorer Dr. Jamieson as announced by posters.‘.ud repnirer spent the 16th and 17th of The evening being very cold It)herJe wasn‘t | Feb, aronnd Zion. a very large number out. r. Jamieson s fe i s was the first to speak he tried hard ‘olw::vi(;r:.:,: 2;:;;;"::“‘, m:: :fl i’:kdngo".'fi trump up a few things that he d'fl'e"d!be‘n.clmngo s8 solne of AGbem *# with the Government on l;‘nt it uel‘tlned east quite often are l!‘”"l!i bhard work for him to ma e any to ingl " * ‘ impression against an houne=t admmistraâ€" h Mr William Edwards tells ns that he tion that has held the reins of pnwarl as the ofl‘af lnf a situation in Manitoba, for over twenty years he said that ho'Wh’ch bhe wil probably accept. In that believed every member of the government | C&80 he would like to sell or rent his farin. were personally honest men. Mr, | We understand that this moye will bring MeNichol was the next speaker, he ex-ll{"“ near Mrs. Edwards relations who plained to his friends how he had voted ; v© bear Brandon, and he hoped they would give him as| Ruther cold weather for the hees to‘ large a vote this time as at the hszfswarm. but tlgnt might be sail of the election as his platform was just the | wood bees this winter, upwards of a snme. *"I have not changed any since I|dozen being on the list, was elected Fefore." (A voice from the| Mr. Michael Kenny beld a wond bee on audience "you changed your name." CAive 18HY uen ennescils qs y M The scholars of this Section havo been getting a new footbail. The teacher envjcys a kick as well as the boys. Miss Elsie McCoskery of Rochester U 8 returned home last Friday to see old friends and to spend a few days at home belore "Mac‘" leaves for parts unknown. Miss Jennie Newell of the Garafraxa was the guest of Miss Ellie Stewart last week. Mr John Gray of Bunessan we believe has been hbelping himself to a new horse of late. Mr George Ryan of the Rob Roy flotel badâ€"a wool bee lust week getting quite a pile of wood sawed. well represented from this pmt,. There was &a large crowd and all seemed to enjoy themselves eâ€"pecially "Billy" from Rob Roy. GLASCOTT, 1 oo 2 2 N.A C h HAuse ty whom ac will alzo be we ho have not yet i be well counts were sent, and w ) dfiml‘v ll:n:';:" welt responded please do so at once as we & < _need the money and at once, : s Five different styles in Variecty in Headwear Children‘s Fancg T; m O‘Shanter‘s all at 25c¢. +4 age c We handle largely the famous E. T. make, and gquaranteed satisfaction is what we claim for them. Old Reliable Corset, 5 clasp, heary twilled Jean, still the best value ever offered for the money .. ..«..«..ssssss. s« . 409C KFine Jean Corset, 5 clasp, very strongly r.ade, regularly sold for $1.00, special @t..........ssssse se s kss kss . s . s.85¢ Fine Black Corsets, Steeled throughout..........$1.00 T wo styles of Corsets, one for a large figure, the other for a slim figure, either of them best value ever offered for....$1.00 An extra heatu Sateen finished Corset.. ...........$1.00 CORSETS Bamsay & Merleck, To Suit your Figure Ida Aocoum.TWill those to vre]’l counts were sent. and wha 1. CASH AND ONE PRICE. LOWER TOWN DURHA M . to suit your Purse. 'I‘h? nndersiggfed ofletll fo&l Sale g'r Rent for a term ears, lot con, W.G.R., Bentinok.y On the property is a good barn, goodfnmehoue, small orchard, 70 acres cleared, ba}.. ance hardwood bush, Well watered. Apply to R. MCFaRLANE, Sr. Durham. Du: ham, Jan. 17th, ‘97, ‘ I have in mx hands far sale, the (Stone Jackson Resi ence) in Durham consistâ€" ingy of the Block on which house and out buildings stand. Tenders will be received from parties wishing to purâ€" chase, stating price and terms, Durham, Montpelier, Idaho Notice is hereby given that anvone trespassing, cutting timber on, or reâ€" moving the same from lots 3Dand 408. D. R. Tp. of Glenelg, Co, of Grey, will be dealt with as the law directs, Rosrert McDoxarp, Mantmnallan T41 _ 240 n NOe mm ~~ ~CuISe UHere the nsoa! party at night when all youth and beanty of the country were assembled, and kept the humming and the fiddle thrummin the small hours. |__ Mr William Edwards tells ns that he ghas the offer of a situation in Manitoba, which hbe will probably accept. _ In that case he would like to sell or rent his farin. We understand that this moye will bring ’bim near Mrs. Edwards relations who live near Brandon. _ Ruther cold weather for the hbees to swarm, but that might be sail of the wood bees this winter, upwards of a dozen being on the list. ‘ Mr. Michael Kenny hbeld a wond bee on the 14th, when upwards of thirty cords of wnod was rawn, split and piled before the sun went down. _ Of conrse there was '.hl monal nawke 2l 2fo% 2 & One of John Duncan‘s family is seriounsâ€" ly il!l at present which is causing more or less anxietv in the family but a speedy recovery is the wish of all, Our Incality will be represented «t Revy. Mr,. Little‘s Sabbath School annual erâ€" tertainment on Monday evening at the Manse which is being looked forward to with pleasure. Mrs Conrtland of New York was over attending the funeral of ber sister Mr:. Frank Pryle. Deceased was a woman in the prime of life, leaves a husband and three small children co mourn ber deâ€" parture. The funeral was largely atâ€" tended as it proceeded to the R C cemetâ€" ery Dornoch. Farm for Sale or Rent NOTICE TO TRESPASsERS Dec. 7th 1897, For Sale. U.8. Dec. 6th ‘97. » ZION. & Lild €20008 fiddle l.hrnmming till Jaxes C u* when all the the country side _kept the fnor Flicio-l-t'i‘c'm:' for tlhe lfl:' (lvlf the I;EZT:)';‘ foArIE. mo(f!on 4, N.DTR.. Glen:l;- enrs, e known on lpplwc’tlm o * * J. 8. BLACK or Aet BG lom MAL. CAMPBELL A Good Farm to Lease . . WANTED? A few good men for cu'lnlu?n yearly aalarias THE LINSCOTT COMPAXNY TORONTO. Ageneral flnn.nci:l ;-_inoutmnucwd Office next door to Standard Bank Durham Eugs, per doz ... Chickens. per pair Potatoes, per ba Ducks «s Turkeys, per lb . Geese, per lb ‘ Hides. per ewt . COalfskins | ... . i Sheepskins ... 'H“."v p.r ton s SBiraw, ++ ... _ Apples, per bag , Wo%d. 4pfeet g i 4 “'00('. 2‘.). incline Flour per bbl ............ $ 8 50 to §4 80 Oatmea per sack ......... 1 80 to 1 80 Bran per ewt ... ... ... 60 to 60 Shorts per owt i+ . _ «t 75 to _ b0 Fall Wheat per bushe} ... 0 90 to 0 90 Barley, 4* »»« O 80 to 0 3% Peas, tÂ¥ »»â€" O 55 10 _ 55 Oats, *+* »»» O 80 to O 80 Dr‘d Hogs, per owb ... 5 75 to 6 25 Hogs, live weight ... ... 500 to _ 50 Lard per lb s »s» 10 to _ 10 Tallow‘* per lb 08 to _ 04 Butter per Ib, Tab ... ... 0 18 to 0O 15 ao ** Roll 1e > in 14 CONVEYANCERS. E. .1 n fiss. P s “'; 48 "";f. iA / 14 .A :.7";. j gl;"‘:' mi{. 'ég’;é? “l‘y JACKSONS. 2 inches DURHAM MARKET bag #** V o0UG 10 U 30 WE .m 5 75 46 6 2> 1»» s 6 00 13 50 + as« 10 to 10 08 to 04 s« «s O 18 to O 15 se 18 to 14 "Pv s s 14 to 0 15 «24 25 to 30 I . ... O 50 to 60 40 to 50 »», O 05 to 0 05 ++ 08 to OH ie y5 to 80 at Pomons 0 50 to 40 to 0 90 to 0 80 tc O 55 to 0 80 to (18 ; I Wa 1 Payr i Ana e â€"MoCr ackl Wednesday, 1801 Jno. Little, Ds Adams, Egremon! Oracken, 200 daug Mfl‘v Gk‘”d“. PFost OMice, Durh Will be in Price day in each mont mercial Hotel, Harrrorpâ€"In Or inst., Catherine, J, Hartford aged Kressâ€"In Darhar 1st Catherine, â€" Geo, Kress, Sr.. : Cullections and A *Â¥ ills, Deeds, Mort #e, correctly propa persous looked afto ministrators‘ . Acoo Burrogate Court 1 Letvers of Admint Obtained. Searches Titios reported on. BARRIST EF® CPPER ToW N Office, over Grant DpUI DURHAM OFFIC 3â€"25 â€"7 Will be in Pricovil of each month. But NOATRY PUBLIC OMeeâ€"â€"UPPER Company an Mortgag s at lo w made by a Com soLIciTror in NOTARY PUBLIT, C Our spring st now coming in an« reom in our racl therefore forced | lundâ€"â€"lmt it at a q it goaâ€"In many p4 enough for one o# come, first choice, it now it will pay for future use. LUCAS, WRIG BARRISTE R NOTARIES, C MONEY TO LOAN MONEY TO Druggists & Jf]cofo CnREar Rarcw. P. R. is bound to. is how they do it, Colum bia 830. T $16. Like reduct points. | To Tord their nlgem‘y here R. McFarlane, J;. For Sale in ll CTharsy Dr. T. G. H ;.FFICE FIRS DENT Wauhes, Cloc Silyverware, E1 the Durbam k. â€" Residenc« G. LEFR BARRIST ER C. Ba Repairing Chatge Fir W JEW MA

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