Her by Suly pdly Regam EGKED, ". KEANg ought. \> 1: *J8 )D 0A M «uh 4 * We Lb [Â¥ A fibrous preparation ol steel, made fn the sirmme manner as the soâ€"called "mineral woo!," by passing an airâ€"blast through the molten stecl, is coming inâ€" to use for cleaning, polishing, etc., inâ€" tead of sandpaper. wWHAT HE WANTED. we ma of coâ€"0 €lpi¢ ft Is Practiced With sueeess By a Society e Basket Makers. 0 on n Te Conterns upon In Euroy piphanyâ€" The Stth ular among us alone ? L\ caen Yes. That m to say, your mother with you STEEL FOR POLISHING Ar n th n mo A CURIOUSs LEGEND. a Plece of Geid One of the Wise Men Gave Chrtst »0 0 n COâ€"OPERATION do you love me for myâ€" n H names It e men" to the caveâ€"staâ€" m twelve days after the 1€ 1 o hi & Or in ran they were thre« Melchoir, Baltha tC urchase of steel, made n @LV @re eems tu t n n n n n i1 Araman, second, an n U n ful ese | don‘t tradi th i0 th in in in n 18 of "Oh, well," replied the optimistic j Theosophist. cbheerfully, ‘"it‘s all in & | lifetime. and besides, there will be | other lifetimes." | NIL DESPERANDLUM. "Things in general," saia the pessâ€" imistie Theosophist, "are very, very “ad'bl mowe strens or an tism He it\ ng In reply the detai beginning to Féd life stricken d escape _ from thought to be li Hear?m: of such sd on Mr. J. J Fredericksourg and interviewed cure of his son Two Hundred and Seventyâ€"Five THE STORY OF A YOUNG BOY‘$ TRIALS. Was Growing Too Rapidly and His HRealth Gave Way â€" Several Months‘ Doctoring Did Him No Good â€" Mis Parents Almost Discouraged. Do aretul msu renuth returned with renewed vigâ€" c and all signs of muscular rheumaâ€" sm had vanished and he «teadily reâ€" iined a strong healthy color, and was »le to do considerable light work in ie harvest field such as riding the ower. reaper or horseâ€"rake. He has nce attended school regu‘ arly and ougmh a year bas elapsed, he has had ) sympntoms." Mrs, Smith spoken to re paln in the back and had no apâ€" tite, â€" continuing to steadily grow aker and finally lost all ambition. + had little more color in him than bit of white paper. A physician was nsulted on the first appearance of s trouble. _ He <-nr-â€"1’u§ly examinâ€" the â€" case stating _ that the aring was affected by catarrhal ifness, the pains in the back originâ€" ng from muscular rheumatism and > constant tired feeling and general akness was caused by over growth, eâ€"e difficulties together with the er effectsof la grippe left him a phyâ€" al wrock. ‘He had the benefit of raful medical attention for four mths. â€" The doctor had carefully ated him for the deafaess and sucâ€" mded in restoring his hearing, but in ier respects was no better. He lered that be should be carefully salth Lost and Found. A VERY DEEP MINING SHAFT. red that be should be carefully sad which was about all that could lone. To make thin :smore clearly erstood I might say he was at this + past twelve years of age, bhaving xn very fast, was large enough for six years his senior. The doctor medi ine could not bene{lit him all that could be done must come pursin«s. Wa naturally felt greatly ouraged at the prospect, not knowâ€" ne lan people. Cups in each pound of 40¢c. LUBDELLA Ceyion Tea, | you realize the value this containsâ€"xagven cups for one cent. Try ‘% i 25, 40, 50 and 606. . In lead Packages. . From Leading grocers. i is truly pitial 10N He ged at the prospect, nol knowâ€" it course to pursue in the At this juncture one of the ts of Napanee who had preâ€" compouaded many â€" prescripâ€" recommended a trial of Dr. s‘ Pink Pills. It was then the June when we purchased three nd commenced the treatiment. the continuihi ind finally little more Hiams‘ Pink Pills are nd nerve restorer. T} lood with its life and coverties. thus driving s of t taken . . He (‘Sll‘rfu“ case â€" stating as affected â€" by he pains in the dul H+ 93. He becam ull constant aw â€"very we ng more prope previou wed kim â€" regarding the on who was in bad health it by the use of Dr. Wilâ€" Pills. Mr. Smith is one of sidents in the locality, of Loyalist descent, and has his life on the farm on ives. He is consequently throughout the district. he scribe‘s query he gave [ the case. "My son, Stanâ€" in sick about the first of 93. He became very deaf In iliable to see noys just alize the possibilities of lown with disease, the which is sometimes ittle short of a miracle. h a case a reporter callâ€" J. Smith, living near ni<hed th & _ >BiutD, JIVIN; Station in Lenn kim â€" regardin As Ve in Sal in k Pills are a blood storer. They suuâ€" ts life and healthâ€" us driving disease here are numerous ons against which d. â€" The genuine 1 only in boxes the ich bears the full tliam=s‘ Pink Pills B h d the second 103 «ly fickle and un rfully _ improved r the pilâ€"s unti tI ry de Smith spoken lily concurred A relative to ] een used & Ith givin Dr.â€" Wii ep pain in his ik, such _ & rly describâ€" l muscular ed with seâ€" in )X His vigâ€" umaâ€" y reâ€" 1 was proâ€" ims‘ in 0 >X Jane, said the newlyâ€"married lady of the house, I want you to flute each slice of bread we have for dinnre. Jane, you are not keeping up with your business. What did I get you that sawâ€"edged bread knife for? There never was such a bargain ofâ€" fered in seeds as that set forth in Rennie‘s advertisement in this paper, Users are offered seeds in 25c. packâ€" ages at less than wholesale rates. This is no fake bargain, but something giltâ€" edged ; in fact the price at which seeds are offered speak for themselves. Moreâ€" over in dealing with Mr. Rennie peoâ€" ple are dealing with a man whose name has been a household word in Canada for probity and honor for a generaâ€" tion past. We hbave no hesitation in recommending our readers to order freely at the prices offered. Do not wait until the offer is withdrawn, but order now. Fluted, is it ? I‘m not the sewin‘ woâ€" man, mum. Faot, Fancy and Fable Have convinced people that Putnam‘s Painless Corn Extractor should he given the preference. Get rid of your corns; get rid of them without pain ; use Putnam‘s Extractor and no other. Hungry Hobyâ€"Yes, lady I reiterate my statementâ€"it duz need shovelin‘. An‘ ef I wuz you I‘d keep me eye peelâ€" ed for some laborer and giv‘ him de On the Sunday the whole troop, headâ€" ed by the Bishop, go on to the Jordan, and after the Bishop has blessed the waters they fill bottles, tin kettles, and. in fact, any available vessel with Jordan water, and most of them, men and women alike, taking n> notice whatever of the thousands of Arabs, Jews, Greeks, Mohammedans, and even Engiish and American tourists with cameras who are there, calmly divest themselves of clothing, and putting on their shrouds and crossing themâ€" selves three times, stumble placidly down the rauddy river banks in the cold waters of the Jordan. F Phere is a strong contrast between the broad, simple, honestâ€"looking counâ€" tenances of the Russians and the keen and crafty faces of the wily Arabs by whom they are surrounded. There is a surprise and a pleasure in bearing for the first time the sweet and tuneâ€" ful voices with which the pilgrims revâ€" erently chant their service, each taking his or her own part, and producing a weird and beautiful melody which will long dwell in the memory of those who hear it. + Miss Sharpâ€"Before T gave you that pie you said my sidewalk needed shoveling. _ j e At the Brovk Cherith memorable as the spot where Elijah was fed by ravens, an Arab, with a view to the main chance, has provided a plank, for the use of which ha demands tol}. Much to his disgust, ho wever, the pilgrims prefer to wads the stream. So strong is this feeling that an anâ€" nual exodus of pilgrims sets out for Palestine. Hospices have hbeen built through ut Russia and at Jerusalem, where the pilgrims have free accommoâ€" dation for a period not exceeding twelve months. They walk from all parts of Russ‘a, some of them, even as far as the Wnite ea, to Odessa, where they take stcamer for Jaffa. Thence on to Jerusalem, where they wa.t unâ€" til the Saturday keforse Epiphany. On that day both men and women walk in thousands down the twenty miles of continually descending road to Jerico, where they encamp tor the night. â€" whup The Annual Exedus of Russtass for the Holy Land. Graphic. Nothing but Jordan water must be used for baptism, and t> be buried in shrouds which have been made from linen which have heen dipâ€" ped in the Jordan, or, still better, in which the wearer has bathed in the Jordan, is extremely desirable. The Russian peasantry have a strong belief in the sacred properties of the waters of Jordan, says the London ob Constipation CURED &*" GELERY KINS Pure Roots and MHerbs with Celeryâ€"a Ereal digesâ€" tive stimulantâ€"sold by all druggists. arge packâ€" AZC, 250. WOODWARD MEDICINE CO., TOROXTO, CANM, The World‘s Great Blood Purifier is Hood‘s Sarsaparilla, W hich absolutely Cures every form of [Impure blood, from The pimple on your Face to the great Scrofula sore which Drains your system. Thousands of people Testify that Hood‘s Sarsaparilla cures Serofula, Salt Rheum, Dyspepsia, Malaria, Catarrh, Rheumatism, And That Tired Fecling. Remember this And get Hood‘s, And only Hood‘s. [IME COMPARATIVELY HONEST A PILGRIMAGE TO JORDAN M SEFPDS FOR JANE TO BRACE UP lady GIVEN AWAY own the twenty descending road encamp tor the LR om q €} é Coodrich ‘55 Resâ€"Flsx with LOCAl APPLICATION®, as they canâ€" not reach the <eat of the diâ€"ease. Cata‘rh is n blood or constitutional diseaso, and in order to cure it you must take intornal remedies. Hall‘s Catarrh Cure is takâ€" en internally _ and acts _ directly _ on tha blood and mucous sur/aces, Ha‘)‘s Catarrh Cure is not a (}unnk medicine. 1t was pres cribed by one cf the best phys‘ciin@ in this country for yearm and is a regular prescripâ€" tion, Itis composed of the besttonics known, combined witi the boest blood purifiers, acting directly on the mucous surfaces, The perfect combination of the two ingrediâ€"mis is what produces such wooderfuiresu.a in cur ing Catarrh. Send for testimont (s, free F. J. CHENEY & CO., Props., Toiwdo, 0. fcld by Lrnogists, price T5¢, lall‘s Family Pilis aro the best, First Nutâ€"We shall be eat :n soon| The thought‘s enough to drive us mad | Second â€" Ditto (brokenly)â€"Yes; I‘ra ‘cracked‘ already ! sig Brdr t ds t dn ts €3 BUILT TO WEAR...... ? Wel!, sir, said the chief of police to one of his shrewdect detectives, has any one succeeded in deciphering that mysâ€" terious paper you found on that susâ€" pect ? See here, you infernal youngster, what did you swat me in the neck with that apple for ? F Man in Distress. A whole family suffering. A dull aching of nerve or muscle, or the acuter pangs of neuralgia toothach», or lumbago makes life a misery. But Nervilineâ€"nerveâ€"pain _ cureâ€"will â€"reâ€" lieve all thoese. Nerviline is powerful, penetrating, and effectual. at that First â€" Paiient (se You have wheels in y Second Patient (pr I have! and they‘rs On the occasion of his golden wedâ€" ding a methodical English busband figured up from his carefullyâ€"kept acâ€" counts what his wile had cost him. He had an assured income of $2,500 a year throughout hbis life. Winning his wife, what with presents, engagement ring, and extra expenditure on his own personal adornment, cost him $500 ; her share of the bousehold expenses was $625 a year; her clothing and linen cost $250 yearly; presents, medical atâ€" tendance, amusements and summer exâ€" cursions amounted for her share to $1590 annually. â€" He therefore spent for her in fifty years $66.750. diching Pllies and Other Rectal Troubles FEastly Cnured by a Safe Methodâ€"A Reâ€" markable Aumber of Cures Made by Trask‘s Magnetic Olntment. About one person in every four suffers from some form of rectal dlsease. ‘The most comimon and annoyln;fz is Itching piles, Indicated by warmth, slight moisture and Intense, uncontrollable Jtching in the parts afflected. night The usual treatment has been some simple ointment or salve, which sometimes gives temporary relief, but nothing like a permaâ€" noent cure can b> expected from such superâ€" ficlal treatment. The only permanent cure for itching plles instar short the t recent c ed it t caine, ¢ jurious Many physlclans for a long time supposed that the remarkable relief afforded by Trask‘s Magnetic Olntment was because if was supposed to contain cocaine, opium or simllar drugs, but such is not the case. A recent careful analysis of the remedy show! ed it to be absolutely free from any co+ caine, opium or in fact any poisonous, in« jurious drugs whatever. For this reason Trask‘s Magnetic Ointâ€" ment is probably the only pï¬e cure exâ€" tensively recommended by physiclans, bes cause it is so safe, so prompt in the relief afforded and so far as known the only post tive cure for plles except a surgical opera: tlon. If suffering your druggist 4 PLAGUE OF THE NIGHT, yet dis ment, 1 every 0 by number. Buy what you want. They are sent by mail post paid. Select from the following list :â€"â€" It wasn‘t any good, sir 13. Lettuce, Nonpareil (Cabbage) 14. Lettuce, Denver Market (:x‘x:led) 15. Musk Melon, extre early, Nutmeg 10. Herbs, R-ce s 11. Herbs, Ravory 12. Herbs, Marjoram 13. Lettuce, Nonpareil (Cabbage We will NOT ACCEPT _ AN ORDER at these prices where the packets are NOT selected from the above list. SEEDS (Order by Number.) 1. Beet, Eclipse, round 2. Beet, E'.'ywim. fst round 3. Cabbage, Winningstadt 4. Cabbage, Fottlers Brunswick 8. Carrot, half lon‘. scarl et 6. Carrot, Guerande scarlet 7. Cucumber, (.'hic.go Pickling 8. Cucumber, Long Green 9, Oelery, Golden Sel/â€"Blanching USt CATARRH CANNOT BE CURED as well as to sell, and it pays to buy the bestâ€"as a good investment and a safe return is the JOY OF THE BUSINESS MAXN. are n safe re:urn for your money, be cause they are c~nstruoted on eclentific pr;uciplel and are away ahead of the oldâ€"timed tire, They don‘t GBT OUT OF WIND. Ou "T cauloBur ex> painod why. â€" Send for it ealers auoted, AMERICAN TIRE CO., Limitsd, 134 and 166 King 8t. W., Toronto FRANOIS KAMLB, 127 Bayâ€" street, Toronto. HER FIFTY YEARS‘ KEEP IHE MYSTERY CLEARED t relief and the continued use for & time causes a permanent removal of imors or the small parasites which the Intense itching and discomfort of "OFF THEIR NUTS It w nly permanent cure for itching plles covered is Trask‘s Magnetie Ointâ€" i0t only for itching piles, but for ther form of pn«s, biind, bieeding ruding. ‘The first application gives relief and the continued use for me causes a permanent removal of YEGETABLES. ering from any form of piles as} iggist for a 25¢ or 40c package ot Magnetic Ointment and try it to SINCLE TUBE IN THE ASYLUM S DSCARDED a doctor (scornfully)â€"Go on i in your head. (proudly)â€"Oi course vy‘rs chainless wheels nts, medical atâ€" ind summer exâ€" r her share to refore spent for prescription WTN I AFEIU 16. Water Melon, Early Canada 17. Onion, lar{e red Wethersfield 18. Onion, Yellow Globe Danvers 12. Parsuip, Hollow Crown 20. Radish, French Breakfast 21. Radish, Rosy Gem 22. Squash, Hubbard 23. Tomuto, extra early Atlantie 24. Tomato, Dwarf Champlon FLOWERS. 25. Asters, mired %. Mignonette, sweet 27. Pansy, mired 28. Ferunia, mixed t 290. NasYrtiums, tall mixed 30. Aweet Peas, Fine mixed 31. Wild Flower, Garden mixed 907 Cood Business Mon, Insurance Agents or others, wanted in each town or villago as Agents, Every Cycle Fully Guaranteed and consequently our low pric« have always given extra gocod better results than many mac ing $25 higher price Our Motto «s tss Do you what you home ? I‘ve put in gas, electric lights and lamps. If there‘s anything else to make it brighter I‘m ready to invest. IVI VW NV V U PV D ancss INDO.CEYLON TEA, it being packed in sealed lead pack. rts.â€"Black and mixed. All grocers. DR. SPROULE, B. A., (graduate of Dublin Univarsity, Jrelnnd) Specialist Chron‘o Diseases of the Nerves, Blood, Constitational Ailments, Impaired Vital Energy. Letters coniidentially answered. 9) Carlton Bt., Toronto. IMPOSSIBLE to adulterate LAW [ / CRSOON TV AKCHIVES TORONTO OUNG MEX, Learn to Cut. No better trad« or profession,. Write for particulars, j 112 Yonge St., Toronto. Toronto Cutting School. Removes Dandruff in One Week. Cures Itching of the Scalp. Prevents Breaking of Hair. , Stops Falling Out. POsITIYELY CROWS HAIRM DOING Tho Best Goods at Lowest Possible Prices "TLKALXLXZ PREROGIERU CGEk®" COver 300 are using it in Mamiltog. Over 1000 in Toro»mto and Logdog. t} This is a BONA FIDE offer made to introduce our Vegetable «ad Flower Seeds to new customers and which we guarantee to please you or the amount paid refunded and the Seeds given as a present. At these price« we can ONLY offer the varieties named below. Order 12 VARIETIES FOR 25 Cts. »â€"+»â€" WM. RENNIE, TORONTO. H!S LEVEL BEST k. Grim ©1,00 por Botile from Bruggists, or on reccipt of price to y aWhat ? V "AMBIRINEC * Job Cook Mi‘g Co., Lordon, Ont. X surE! * to Wesley Blogs. mond 8t. W.. Tor Barri<ters, atc.,remor Milis, Mille & MHalee to 5@ SWOnX Rosy Gem Radish. hines bring d machines service and TESTIMONIALS SENT FREE. h you want to buy or se‘ a carload of PGZ7 ATOFRK, write us. Ship us your Butter, Eage, Powt &, Ap ples, Beans, Mapic Syrup, Hoge, or other prg wnd we will get you ali it is worth on the Quick »11â€"« and returns (‘orrfls ndengs bovited THZ DAWSON COMMISE!0N 00., kimited, tor. of West Market and Colborne $te., TORONT®, Referenceâ€"Dominion Bank, Maiket Brancb, Klondike Suplics... Wow ig!ire one baifâ€"round Ring, 1 8k Iolled Gold plate a w are anted, to any one who will «ed rdul Indestract!ble Lamp Wicks trimming)among {rlendsatldcts. each, W rite hulr t * & g W u:s we will mail you the Wieks, You sell the r ‘rd ns lhedxmneé and we will mall you w.&i i CHEMICAL CQ., Box 678, Centerbrook, C Suxerixa Bags, Sr Nets, Sxowsnors. B: FIsHING TackL®, Kre. The Wightman ROOF:NG C. DUTHIE & SONS, Telephone 19368, Adelaide and Wisamer Sts., Toronto. Csxt. INCGS COLUrRINC: ) w..)give one haifâ€"round Ri L\kl Iiolled Gold p‘uleouauk anted, to any one who will #el rd‘,;, Indestract(ble Lam»p Wicks Tre FAMOUS Most widely Attended in America, Nlustrated Catalogue (30th year), A nor® «â€"â€" HAVE YOU â€" A PIG WITH TWQ TAILS ® Intelligent ladies and gentlemen can be ll= plied with genteal and very PROFITAR! emolokmem. Industry Js the ewontial NEQâ€" E=SSARY to sscurse GOOD REMUJNERA TION. Can give he address ofrepresentativ who has just clearsd $113 in 21 DAYS $% c‘ be made r.sht AT your own H OME . L, NICHOLS & CO., 33 Richmond West, Toront& ROBINSCN & JOHNSON, F.0.A, BELLEVILLL â€" + â€" ONT. Wiliam St., «we waxt Y 0 [J ovic." Mr, Jacob Fisher, who is emploved by the Niagara Falls Paper Co., of Niagara Falls, N. Y., suffered for a iong time irom Rheumatism, Scrotula and blood disâ€" order, He took Kootenay Cure, and now is perfectly free from disease. He has been examined by Dr. J. H. Sutherland, who declares him in "a perfect state of health, and free from any disease." â€" Mr, Fisher himself made a sworn declaration as follows : 1 am the same pers« amined by Dr. J. H. Sutherland, over a year I was a sufferer from matism, Scrofula and blood disord commenced taking Ryckman‘s Ko« Cure, and now I am free from all disorder, Rheumatism, Scrofula an diseases, and my cure was effecied by the use of the above named ren Chart Book mailed free on appli o The 8. 8. Ryckman Medicine imsijted HMeâ€"â€"»itan, Ont. Fare reom DisiAst 00., 103 8r. Paur 81 I‘m W. C. HARRIS ectly free from cdisease, I xamined by Dr. J. H. Suthe clares him in "a perfect st and free from any disease.‘ himself made a sworn decia ws : J am the same pers dNTARIO BUSIXESS COLLEGB THE DOCTOR SAYS S0. MR. FISE ‘R SWEARS 50. KOOTENAY DID 1T. St., â€" â€" â€" TORONTO, Ont roR CU E. â€" It 8o, WurtrE â€" Providing this Coupon is OCUT OUT and sent to u«s with an order for 12 packe*s, we will include 1 packet New Giant Chilâ€" inn Salpig o«sis, price 20c. Free of (‘hug TO SUBSCRIBERS OF THIS PAPER. FREE Srorm Hoops, Mosqyiro Bups, Boots, Moncasin@, tc. Send for klondike list, and Sheet Motal Works, Sporting Goods MONTREAL, QUK, WITH EVERY OKDER worn deciaration same person exâ€" Sutherland, For flerer from Rheuâ€" lood disorder,c I kman‘s Kootenay ree from all blood Scrofula and sicin vas eBfecied solely : named rem â€"1y," ree on ay‘plhuliun in Medicine Co., METAL y MERCNANT, e afeal y DRES8 â€" nd now He has erland, 14 U