Ontario Community Newspapers

Durham Review (1897), 3 Feb 1898, p. 5

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Jitib'.'t. ' , " to " 9) ing for 'e Right m __ bun“ air. Ira no.“ Pe In" tijiiljiiii YuRO' Mic 600:0 000m Soto Itoto 100to . os 08 " LruTiiiiiui"i" Eiiird .5"; " to " to " to " to 50 to 40 m 80 to 60 to to to to to 80 100 800 ooo " tt " 8h 60 is . if; A- 50 "H 60 80 For a, recent cold or Cough PINOL BALSAM never . fails. It is please ant to take" and prompt in its ao- tion. For Sale only at DURHAM OFFICE. CALDER'S BLOCK, B‘RRISTER. SOLICITOR. 10:71" pusu-J. comvznuczn, ac. otntee------UPPER TOWN. DURHAM. Druggz'sts Booksellers. Durham. LUCAS. WRIGHT. a BATSON. BARRISTERS. SOLICITORS. NOTARIIS. convznmczns. dc. MONEY TO LOAN-Low mun-EASY TERMS Wm be in Prlccvillo ttmt a third Wednesday- ot own mouth. Butter. Hotel. Mcfarlane a Go Mills. Dawn. M.rt.ga,tt's, Lemma. Aqua-moms, he. ‘orrwmy fuel-urea. Emma ot dttceasod pawns looked after, and Executors' and Ad- juitsistrttiortf Amrmutes prenatal 1nd mused. Mingus Conn Bit,inr"an, Prohaut of Wills, Lovers of Adminisvrutinu nod Guardianship “banned. Search“ madam Registry 001cc and With; reported on. BARRISTER. Chat gas moderate. Fire Insurance Secured. amt-c, aver Gee.? store. Lower Town. museums and “ms. Due-h, M, comGrsr and. printo Funds to Loan on Mortgages " law " when of lntemut. Yul-muons nude " Acompetent and careful anuntor. Large bottle at Mt: will cure a lingering cold. Try it] 'GLU/rom m SUPREME counr. NOTARY PUBLIC. COMMISSIONER. ETC. With the Hypophosphites of Lime and Soda. 'o---'"""" ()FFH'E FIRST DOOR EAST OF the Durham Pharmacy t',uhler' Block. Reside-nee first door west of th" You. Dulce. Durham. Will be in Priceville the tirst Wvdnes day in each month. UtBce at the Com- mercial Hotel. Emulsion of Cod Liver Oil MONEY TO LOAN AT 5 PER CENT. Our , Perfect UPPER TOWN "ulstein, J ttttttttv, Hill. 1891 Ail Charges Madexate. Dr. T. G. HOLT L. D. S. 'nsvnn or MARRIAGE amass. Hot- . stein, Ont. Parties waited upon within a reason- able distance, if desired, DENTISTRY. G. LEFROY McCAUL. . P. TELFit'D, I. B, 10cm. . w. H. Wtstasrr, C. Buses, - . AMINE OUR Stock NOW NEW GOODS OUR STOCK A GORDON EE OUR STOCK BEFORE PURCHAOING ELSEWHERE . S. HORSBURGH. LARGE VARIETY TO CHOOSE FROM AKE YOUR PURCtb ASES EARLY. LOOK AT PRETTY -FOR- buunAM. A gene; " )mpuy {mended to, Mmkdnla. Owen Sound. Dru-nun. Lower Town. DURHAM. Mt. Forest citizens have carried a. by- law to construct waterworks by a ma- jority of 45 in a. total vote of 319. The Council have already let the contract. fur 822.400, the lowest tender. VERY OLD C'orsm.-We were shown a copper cum by M r. Neil Wilson, Glen. elg, dated 73i. Neil dont remember when it was coined. Miss Fraser, Pho- tographer. of this town has one dated 776. . Vet. Surgenn Gokey now occupies one of the handsome off1ces in the Me. Into re block where he may be found by night or Jay, except when his practice. calls him out. This is we believe the last room in the building. Tms TELLS WHERE HEALTH MAY BE Fomso and that is more importum. than making money. If your blood is impure, Hood's Sarsaparilla is the medi- cine for you. It cures scrotula. salt rheum. rheumatism, catarrh and all other diseases originating in or pro- moted by impure hlood and low state of the system. If everything goes Well. we purpose moving to our New Store in Lower Town, on Feb. Tth., 1898. J, A. Hunter. No'rIcE.--A11 those indebted to C, McArthur are respectfully requested to callut once and settle their accuunt by cash, note or produce. We needthe money and must havejt.--C. McArthur. We must. congratulate Mr. Asa Rob- son and Mr. M. N. Clark on their success in passing the professional lst Glass Teachers' examination at tho Normal School. They are pushing and umbi' tious young men and itis apiry the teaching profession is so overcrowded for there is not much pecuniary reward for such schulars. For Manitoba. British Columbia and Klondike maps and literature call on or write R. Mucfarlnne Jr. C.P.R. ticket agent. 4 Budd's Pills are easy to take, easy to operate. Cure Indigestion, headache. Report of Dmmm-e P. B. formonth Flour $1.60 to $2.25 at G. t-4parling's, Read a. A. Hunter's Moving Sale Ad. We want wood either green or dry on subscription. Cmts.-Choice white corn 40e thus. at Parke: 's Drug Store. Rev. Mr. Ferguson, Methodist min. ister here preached an able sermon at the preparatqry services in the Presby- terian Church, Friday last. LOST ---Wedntsday last, between Mt. Forest and Durham, a senlskin cap, the finder will be suitably rewarded ty leav- ing same at MueFarlane's Drug Store. Durham, Thur. Fur. 3rd. 98 " Jariiiut? 3833 1'33.“ V --Lottyg.tues, w. Ti." les, thus I ",'-, Hannah Dixon, C. Dixon. Mary Taylor. Haas IH-II. Rmnvwk, M. Uixo- and Eva Hornsby 11,041., Annie Wells. Class II 'r'w.--Mary Dixon, Jas. Renwick, John McKenzie. Class ll Jr.--Willie Legnte, R. Hal- penny. Gordon GeMes. Part Ir-Nor- man Renwick. w. Dixon, Alex. Ren. wick. Part I-Arthur Wells, B. Ren- wick, w. Wells. G. CUSIINIE. Teacher. Wrrn THE DAmvMEs.--At the Lon. don Convention some plain talking was indulged in. The Inspectors gave startling reports of filthy factories and appliances, unreliable thermometers and careless methods. President Mc- Lnren wound up a. speech full of warn- ingas to the danger of Canadaiosu,g het pre-eminence in the British market by giving same things to avoid. These were: turnips, impure water, rough usage of cows. feeding of refuse, wood- en pails for milking. whey in milk cans, (KT. Of course there were notes of pro- gress but the prevailing topic seems to have been defects in the matter of cleanliness on farm and in factory. The new President is Harold Eagle, of Ahcrclitfe. 2nd vice President is Mr. A. l \Vrngur, Ayton, 1 Is MEMORIAM. DUNCAN F. CAMP- BEmL.---Irt addition to the reference which appeared in Inst week's Dornoch cottespondence regarding the death of the above gentleman, who is a son of Duncan Campbell. 2nd Con. Bentincx, ( the following will he of interest. Hel was oversee! or "Walking Bose" over) the lumber department of the contract- ing firm of which bin brother John C. Campbell is a. partner, the other partner 3 being It. G. Williamson. Duluth. He, l Duncan. was peculiarly well adapted l for bis duties, and having begun with ; them in the infancy of their now exten- ' give business. his'loss after 18 years of i faithful and able service is severely felt, l in addition to his loss as n brother and ' friend. His energy and insight enabled : him to master every detail and to his l care was left the management of many 'of the departments. both In the oftiee l and outside. The firm " this year tak- i ing out IS million feet of pine lumber. E and have in addition Inge railwnycon- l struction eorttraetn. His brother John l c. left Inst week for the neat. the other . - -_. " .. ,i R, - "--a 03-.- I brother: will follow frrt, gum»: 'tint. LOCAL AND GENERAL in . than time. Luge new residence for sale. rent, or would exchange for farm property. Apply to R, P. LEGATE, Flesherton Station. 4 Dnouom: FomeaTERs.--The McCal- ltuu-Benuett concert in Russell Hall, Thursday, 3rd inst. Fon tiALE.--A few home made cutters. Can be Been at the old Carriage worktr, Upper Town, It. MacFarlane Br. Hood's Snrsaparillu is prepared by ex- perienced pharmacists who know pre- cisely the nature and quality of all in. gredients used. LECTURE ON HOLLAND-ln Pricewlle Thursday evening Feb. 3rd at, 8 p. "L. Rev, M r, Jansen of Durham, will deliver his second lecture on Holland, One half of proceeds in aid of Leper Mission. The chou' Will furnish suitable music for the occasion. Those who have heard the fhat part will desire to hear all this flnelecture, so come. one and all. Ad- mission 20 and 10 cts. An ode to “The Plggerv." Ata Liberal banquet in lVest York, on Monday nignt, Mr. James IV. Mack sungnnoriginulsong, One oflhe stun. 2&8 ran in this way :-- Tltty hitched a pig lo _the pattsyrig, - Elie-“rigs weré ti"eld In) the Shim} At, every turn they had pork to burn, Tm people were sick and faint, They drove the pig into Parliament, Where the Saint bet 11%». Sty l When everyone asked w at on earth he meant. He replied "Root, hog or die." Report, of S. B. No. 1, Normanhy. for January. Class IV-d. Backus. A. \Vatson. L. Gndd. J. MeNieee, Maggie Mearns Glass m-c. Burns, B. MC' Niece, lu', Allen, i. Backus. J. Gadd. Class H-Hattie Watt. Maggie Wallace, G. Backus, IV. Ferguson. Sr. pt, It -L. Fee. A. Adlum. H. Elmneun. Jr. pl. II --c, Bowling, II. Gadd, v. Backus. Class I-W. Morice, M. MeNiece. ll, Marshall. R. Wehher. Average attend- ance 51.--J. REDFURL‘. Teacher. 7days of bargains in J. A, Hunteru Old Stand, in Upper Town.-lome everybody. Look outfor our next weeks advertise ement. J. A. Hunter, Durham, Rev's McDonald, Glamis. and Little. Domoch. will exchange pulpit: next Sunday. Try our perfect Emulsion of Cod Liver Oil, only 350 large bottle, at Mac. Larlane's Drug Store. 4 We notice. by last week’s Walkerton papers. that Mr. S. T. Rowe, now on a. visit in town, took p, prominent musical part in the Burns celebration there on the 25th January. Thurs-day Feb. 10. Allan Park, Friday Feb. 11. S. S. No. 9 Gr.Esrcr.o.--The entertain- ment, in S. H. No. p, Miss M. Large. teacher, last Friday night, was one of the best, if not the very best we ever' saw. Miss Large is a born teacher and her. ability is excelled only by the c'ont fidvnco which exists between her and her charges. The drills, the umrchings, the movements of all kinds were done so methodicaiy as to he an education in itself and trustees' and people should be highly gratifletl that their children are in such capable. hands. The audience was of the most orderly description. and Chairman T. McFadden had a "snap" in the pleasant duty of calling out over 30 numbers of successful material. Prof. Peel gave several of bin cornet solos with his usual ability. Messrs Irwin and Haulage both spoke expressing the pleasure it gave them to be present. and complimenting pupils. parents and pedagague on the happy relations. The former advised the sec- tion to look after their teacher as some. people were inclined to think she might get a. "Whalen" if she. came to Durham. Inspector Campbell made the speech of the evening, and his speeches, always good. now sparkle with the experiences of his late trip. It would be impossible [ to enumerate the excellent performance i of the (hildren and the patriotic fervor of the four songs by the school. espec- ially "Where the Sugar Maple Grows”. The address of welcome was given by Miss May Aljoe. and recitation: by Albert McGirr, Her. Matthews. Lizzie) Matthews, Jas. Ector, Mary Ritchie, Arthur Weir, Martha Lawrence. Bran. ley McNally, Fred Ritchie, Sam Law- rence. Songs by Ethel Weir, several boys with a Union Jack, Ida Wilson, "Red, White and Blue” by three girls dressed to suit. and several Kinder- garten songs. Dialogue. by Albert He- Fadden-nud B. McGirr. also ‘Traden” I by 9 smell boys (with . precocious Gov. i General). I clever masquerade dialogue t " Annie Bell and Edie Williams. “The Practical Joke" and "Matrimonial Ado vortiuement" were very good, nodule i Wand Drill was aplening feature. A tableaux. “Blue Monday” cloud the iwmdtho urn-l voteoof that. ion “God Son the Queen? followed. Them-ocean.» tettuqrttedtoe. , chasing school clock, tinck, Monday Feb. 7th Corinth, Tuesday Feb. 8th Bunessau, Wednesday Feb. McCuaig,s School House, Clark’s School House, Ben.. ---Have you renewed for THE REVIEW ? MORGAN MEETINGS, ouaiL'YRa Dr. J. D. Leith, of Inkster. N. Dakota, has as will be Been by our marriage column to-day, joined the ranks of the benedicts. We join his many friends here in wishing him "bon vorure" through life. Campaign Notes and County Council on outside pages. Purely Vegetabte Pills KNOX Cannon. NOBXANBY.--A Tea Meeting with a ttne army of talent In- cluding H. H. Miller and Dr. Taylor, of Hanover, is billed for next Tuesday evening. Usual prices. Bee bills. C. O. F. CoNCmtL.--The local court gave a. fine concert in the Town Hall last Friday night, and although other meet- ings interfered, there was a comfortable hall full. This Court is having a large accession to its membership at present and the concert will make it more fully known. The phonograph was very suc- cessful in reproducing tones and inflec- tions of voice, and in the familiar tunes such as Rock of Ages. Gomg hack to Dixie, etc., it gave good satisfaction. The Durham Orchestra gave a few good selections. Mr. A. Galbraith. in his comic songs was rtcpturously encored. Me. John Uollet. who sang2 comic songs was well received. Mr. J. A. Hunter has a fine voice and Was a favorite but Mr. S. T. Rowe, by his spirited render- ing of popular songs took the cake as an amusement provider. Mr. Thos. Ferris, Proton, was in town on Friday last. ness. Mr. D. Greenwood, Mr. Arthur and Miss Nellie visited friends in Garrick. last week. Mr. Alex. Martin, of the Mt. Forest Mills was in town Monday. Dr. and Mrs. Hutton, of Priceville, were in town on Monday lust. M rs. Thus. Greenwood, Glenelg. visited Guelph friends last week. Postmaster Masson of Owen Sound was in town for a. few days this week. Mr. J. M. Findlay, merchant, Dro- more was in town on Monday on busi- Mr. and Mrs. Jos. Firth, Edge Ilill, visited his niece, Mrs. Dodds at Berkely this week. Mr. Geo. Wattron. Proton, Commit" sioner for Division No. 5. was in town Saturday. LHVER PMS Mrs. Wm. Willis is spending a couple of weeks with her mother and other friends in Owen Bound. Rev, Mr. Morrison, late of Uorhetton. assisted Mr. Little at Rocky Baugeen Communion last Sunday. Candidate McNichol waited on some friends here Monday before going to the Allan Park meeting. Mr. John McDonald, Ehteralie, and daughter Mrs. Davis, visited friends near Edgehill for a. few days. Messrs A. Robertson and J. Mchul Mere guests " the Queen's Hotel. Hanover, on Friday evening but. Messrs A. W. H. Lnuder and J. A. Hunter attended a large At Home last Wednesday evening at Mrs. H. Cur-gun’s Caz-gill. Miss Maggie Turuhull who has been visiting her mother new the Rocky re- turned lnst week to her home " Bob. caygeon. Rev. McNab, Kilsyth, Am! Rev. Craigie. Hanover, fitted Mr. Little's preparatnry services last Friday and Sntunday. Mr. Thoe. Smith. Be bu been under the weather for a week back. and was unable to be present at tbs communion of the Presbyterian Church on Sundiy, of which he in m elder. Mr. J. Hound)”. biscuit. mmufuct- urer. Owen Sound. accompanied by Miss B. Framer were “out! at the Mid- (laugh Rouse from Baturdsy to Hunky. The formet took a. run down to ex- Wsrden Alba’s while he”, Price 'e" a box Durham Pharmacy. GUN’S PERSONAL MENTION. No Pills to equal them . TORONTO . Our fifth Shipment of String and Open Bells hu just arrived. Come early and get your choice. Some more of that superior and latest (lain Granite and Enamel ware just opened out. The Baptist tally WM held in Paisley on Friday. and Saturday last. The Durham Baptist Church was represent,- ed by Misses Brown, Benton. E. Hatter. son, H. McGregor, Maud Caldwell and Messrs Rev. McGregor, J. Benton, F. Graham. A. Brown and E. Kmnee. They reiyyt, having a very pleasant lime grid Juvédld drive. The Dominion Parliament meet: this week. Magnum: maaa.--A ripple was caused in the social life of the town Inst week over the marriage of Mrs. H. J. Middauzh toMr. Jackson of Clinton. It was a quiet wedding. The knot was tied by Rev, Mr Ryan. Mrs. (Dr. j Jamieson supported the bride and the groom had a like assistance from Mr. Wan Irwin, of the Chronicle. were Pactory was held here recently. There was delivered A total of 817538 tha., of milk which made 8110411)... making no average of 10.45. The total vdue. Wan 33531.29. The PE. - wu only 81.75 per cwt or " cu perth. chemo. The “can price per 1h. for the scum: was 8.445(1) cu. Thin was the most oueese-N1 par an meiaitrneetrood, “snow allot-n are. Jul-W“ l Copper Kettles at $1.10. Old price 81.25 Tin Boiler (Copper Bottom). No. 8tor 2in Cat Nails 2e per pound. Gin Ra'iwuy Spikes 2c per pound. Lined Mitts 250 per pr. Old price Slic. Manure Forks, 65 and Ttie each. Old price 75 to We. Stow: Pipes 6e per length. Catpet Sweeperl 82.00. Old price 81.00. Old price 82.50 X Cut Saws 750 per foot. Old price The Annual Meeting of the Cheese [i BARGAINS huyechud andthe paw-ct- HARDWARE: OVERCOATS, UNDERWEAR, READYMADE ch0lll?mNt1 Served. An attractive range of Four-In -hand Neckties, “Way down In Price. BOOTHVILLE. IN 3sata.--A ripple war tcial life of the town lust‘ marriage of Mrs. H. J. Ir. Jackson of tda':) wedding. The knot was; Mr Ryan. Mrs. (Dr.), JYo gnaw: to . M°ARTIIUR These must be sold and the Price will do it. First Come, Fin-t Our Grocery, Boots & Shoes, and other departments are complete. lm’e'muo"" Giaitt luau-1 mocha tgeo girl-tho 3 'iiiiiuui--" Mvnoocar--tgwttttrrot'--A,t the resic’ence of the hride's petty. llillnhmok Farm, Yeovil. on Wednesday. Jun. 20th stool-belt. p. m.. , Ree. J. M. Miller. John R. Mumioc ' gunmen, non of Mr. and Mrs. James “Much. iIIst'hw of weThu and MINI. an Miu Nnncy we. eldest daughter of Mr. and Mrs, James “wan-ton. LEaArtr.--At Won m. on Thursday 27th inst. the wit. cl II. R. P. Made. ot twins. In. ad daughter. BcAcar--in Du wife of Mr. friénd- in and noun Mania, and Sunday. Mr. Wm. Wellwood and Mr. Wellwood o! - Dundas? V0013: j. In. io, R. Duh Iett on loodny for Proton when III. laund- to mill for some tune. In. B. J. Eden was ,ia'th'r, tsth' Di; FrankCan in win! Mr. E. cure wnw " logo. Tho Rev. Mr. Iceman at Durham. took charge at the who been but Gabby. Amy-dot two from 'tret. t a v rue-e, eve" . " W,.'lt,glfhtll My tlite. _ ME 16:16}: dar. Wchadnm ieNgsaNrh'glltt, 2fe.'ttl'l'l'll'l'll"sa lob-HOV iri'FirGiaeoredtoiet? munmullkowkmf arm -wremrott--At Winnipcm. lam. on Thursday Jun. so tflltt, by e Rev. Joseph Hung. D. Ntf/',f, of St. And. rcw'u Pmslnvlomul .hurch. Dr, Jan. i,'; eh'lr'd Inkster', fa,tlttt a; u we "on. "er/t a. ter " Mr. and Mrs. rl. W inon flag halnpton. Ontntio. 0mm 38.50. old who “D. Individual 0mm Pitcher- .I M. old price " Berry Dishes .5. old price I. Cake Baskets " old price " Butter Dub“ .1. old price " Common Butte: Dishes 0 an“. old A Good Lump oomph“ '0 eeatta. HanttinR Lump“ old price It“). Five gallons Canadian Coal Oil for so cents. price gtr can“. iiiLi p. “but! an: i;cj.....,. a I“. an . VABNEY. a iiJiiilt Cl

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