Ontario Community Newspapers

Durham Review (1897), 3 Feb 1898, p. 1

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rt Its Ig. Highest Whips. ght from Unused f sonablE 8111688 SOUS ,dr. ads Hots. ll is; I" " LGR We take this opportunity of thanking our customers for past patronage, and we a1e convinced that the new system vnll merit, a continuance of . the same. N. G. dk J. McKechnie. We beg to inform our Custom- . ers and the Public generally . that we have adopted the Cash System, which means Cash or its equivalent, and that our Motto will be _ "Large Sales & Small Vrotits/ - - d? 9 3):: 1-211: ml, gkug'. Oth, '96. y t fjii.',tfit1tttti,. , Our Piano and Omen trade is 'firmly established. Best makes. , Purest tones. p$$§9$~ :AT it------" otsrte?rBStihtytt7 Do you want a Sewing Machine? Try the New Williams.----- Highest pace paid for Wood in exchange for goods. C. MCKINNON. gutters 7he Big 4- Upper 9501.027. Durham VOL. XX,-m0 5, At prices that will surprise. UPPER TOWN IMPLEMENT WAREROOMS. for If you wont a good cup of Tea. try Salada (%glort er" black or mixed in pound and Gif-pound lead packets at 25c, 300 and 40c a pound.......0ur Uncolored Japan Tea at Me, cannot be. beat. hue - The GASlrllu--, 37 s t e JlllrellL G jlddKINN0N'f! - ADOPTED BY Il., G. & J. MCKECHNIE. of all kinds, COOKING STOYES, HEATING STOVES, L'ON STOVES Cutters and Sl ghs of the best quality and at prices away down. fpa8sa9?ui9"NN fe l l T Mr. Richardson, in an exceedingly aide inaugural address thanked the members of the Council tor the honor which they had conferred upon him and the district which he represented in electing him to preside over the deli!:erations oi the bighesttnuni- oipul body of this large County of Grey. Ot'late years the township of which he was a resident ll.l(l not been the recipient of this distinction. for in the past thirty- tiye years only one ol its representatives had been electol to occupy the Warden', chair, and in its whole history it had only twice rot-owed the coveted honor. The action (f the Council would, theretore, not only be appreciated by himself but I also by his constituency. The Warden congratulated the members on the im- ,proved conditions under which they met. l, During the past year there had been a l marked improvement in the manufactur- t ing, industrial and agricultural industries lot' the county. A more hopetul teeling iperyaded allchusess of society. Not only had there been an improyement in the i crops but also a marked advancement in the prices of produce, which had given ti I general impetus to trade. Mr. Richardson Textirehsed the limo that this was but the turning point into it new era of prosperity. and trusted that it'tho past years oi de- 'lll'cbbillll had not added to our wealth they _ that] at least turied to our wisdom, so that, the Counctl would administer the affairs) ot the county with prudence, forethought, i and frugal-ty. The. Warden referred to I the question of erecting: a House of Ref-j uge. Although it had been stared over trout last year it Was not dead yet, and l I would not die so long as the rcteottttnettatt- t ‘tionsot each and every Gr uid Jury Cattst fi iii to (unite ttire. h hetero the public "tten-! ‘tiou. in this connection he referred tel the m.-rorotvdud condition of the jail---} (not, math crin.inr:i.‘ happily, but with! it my“; wh....,1-. l with tin-re for no; it: hrr,irot tn :-;:wunt r,," “overly and disc-; icarie third the:- llzt ir. only home and _r,t:1 Huge A question which might be brought‘ i before the attention of the Council was the, permanency of the County Council het as; it now stands. lie himselt thought it had: not as yet remixed it fair trial. and that: tony aterdnns in con lennution of it were _ i premature. The Warden also directed 3 i the attention of the Couueal to the amour-1 'ngmg reports of the analysis ot the sugar 1 1 beets, which had been so yttyiuetoryyys,; to warrant starting the industry. lie trusted that it would he estahiished in the near future, thereby giving a new source of income to the farmers and adding to the wmlth of the County and Province. Mr. Richardson concluded his remarks by adding that. he trurted that the Council would transact with care and despatch the business which would be brought before them, and by so doing benefit the country. The Council resumed business sharp at 10 o'cloek with Walden 1'dehardson in the chair. After the minutes of last meeting had been read and confirmed Mr. Binnie presented the report of the special cun- mittee appointed to strike the standing coumictees. The report was adopted and the different committees retired and elect- ed their couveuers. The following is the way in which the committees are con- stizuted: Rom AND 1httDaE-Mesiars Scbenk. hie. Coleman, McKinnon, Brown, Quance, Watann and Gordon (chairman). Cons“ PeoPEnrr--Meo,rs Watson, Sin g, Anderson, McColeman. McKlunon. Gor- don, Brown, and McDonald (chairman) EDcCArroNAL- Messrs Totton, Brown, Preston, Binnie. Quanee. Watson, Allan, and Bishop (chairman). The Warden then took the oath of of1iee, and called upon tho Clerk to read the minutes of the last meeting. After ap- poimiug a committee eomnstiust of Messrs. Binnie, Anderson, Gordon, McDonald and Allen to strike the standing committees for the current year the Council adjourned until 10 o'clock Wednesday morning. Ps-isa-Merton, Totton, Gordon, Watson. Quance, McKinnon, Schenk ttttd Sing (chairman) The Warden elect was introduced by his sponsor, Mr. McDonald in a. few In Irto- priate words. John l Mr. lr, Mr. M Mr. J Division No.1, Messrs Chas. Gordon, W. A. Bishop. Diviuon No. 2, Mesns Anderson and Tolton. Division Kinnon. Division vaision Walsun. At the first regular session of the County Council. the following members answered to their names: iiiiitiii,; J THE Wmmzx's ADDRESS. DURHAM THURSDAY, FEBRUARY. 3 1898. WEDNESDAY M onxma. COUNTY COUNCIL. No. 4, Mossrs Shank and Allen. No. 6, Messrs Richardson and No. 3, Messrs Binnie and Me- ttttt (2) We are very ignorant of the his- tory of the Church and have not much time. What would you suggest ".3 a good outline of History? These are many compendiums. Wharey's Church History is one that has been in use many years. If you want a recent one, we commend to you as exceedingly good, one entitled "The rise and spread of Christianity in Europe" by W. H. ISummers. It is in the series of Present I Day Primers, being issued by Revell & Co. This little book is full of interest and will awaken desire to know more of the history of the. church. Read it re- ' peatedly till the events stand out clear j to you. (3) When should we drop names from _ the Roll ? Be not hasty in doing that. ' Young life is volatile, and springs rend- ':, 8y from one oosition to another. Be 1 therefore patient. Little good and great l harm is often done by a hurried removal lot names from the toll. Deal kindly 1 with the erring and seek to retain them. PROVINCIAL C. E. EDITOR'S BUDGET. What is the best form of a Conseerw. tion Service ? The simplest and the t: nest. That which will help the mem- hers most in realizing that they are the Lord's, and are giving themselves anew to Him. Think of how that can he done best. A special committee of Mes-151's Anderson, Totton and Binnie was appointed to in- quire ium the securities furnished bv the County Treasurer and report at the next meeting of the Council. judicial accounts Sli.247.05; communica- tion from the Board of Education inform- ing the Council that a committee com- posed of Messrs H. E, Smith, J. W. lted- tern and Judge Creasor had been appoint- ed to confer with the representatives of the Council to fix the additional amount to be paid for the maintenance of County pupils; applieauon from Reeve Whittun of Keppel on behalf of David Williamson for a free pedler's license; communica- tions from the counties ot Lanark and Wellington uniting the Council to unite in metnorializing the Legislature to lime the the Municipal and High School Acts amended so that the towns shall he obliged to pay their share in support of the main- tenance ol County pupils at the High schools; copy of memorial to the Legisla- ture to change the present County Council Act so 111 it the different municipalities shall be represented by their reeves. who sh ill have u plurality of votes; from the Clerk of the Dilution Court at Meatord axking the Council to provide books not forms as his fees had fallen below the tixerl limit (500) ; communication from the Amen icon Security Co., of Belleville enum- erating the advantages of the County 'lhcasurer's security betnrt through a comp- any lltsteml of through private indivxduuls; and application for free pellet-'3 license from A. Cranston and Robt. Henry. A number of minor "mounts were also pre- SthCtl and referred to the proper com- iulttces. The Council then adjourned until2 o'clock Tlmrsdu.y afternoon. (i) Vtht;is the bed time for C. B. Meetings? A time in which the Society can meet by itself and In freedom develop its own life, without any fear of outsiders. l Cowetnacarross. , The Warden then read the following communications, which were referred to the proper committees r-Lett" from J. Wainwright. Manager of Molson’e Bank, l notifying the Council that there was i 98.48566 lying to the credit of the county in the Bank l and from Mr. S. Hodder of i the Merc.lvuatn Bank with a L-itnilar notiti- I cation of $9,484.20 letter from pubhshers I oi the Municipal World,tuking the county , to subscribe for that journal ', presentmeuts ifrom the Grand Juries at the General Ses- I sions of the Pence and Fall Assizes l strongly advocating a House of Refuge for l County indigeuts; applications for the l position at County Auditors from C. A, "'leming, H. W. Jenkins and C, Graham, ( Dundulu ; communication from George ,Edson. Esq , of Aylesworth, Sec. of the i Trustee Aseu'n, asking Council to oppomt [delegates to the trustee convention to he held April 12: communication from M-. l Mills of the Guelph Agricultural College, l informing the Council that there was I _ vacancy which the county was entitled to Hill ; applicntions from Messrs Robertson ‘und McGorman to be appointed county pupils at the Agricultural College; com- munication from the Owen Sound Beet Sugar Company stating that the expenses in connection nith the tests were 3133.10, l and asktng the Council in accordance w th with their resolution to assist to defray the same; petition from George Lamhier for aid in supporting Samuel Cube-tn, an in.. digent; applications from Thorubury, Dundalk and Mandala School Boards it: assistance in maintaining continuation caases ; the report of the Judicial Board of Audit, stating that the net criminal Justice accounts to 88,577 13. and the net (5) Can you suggest a good missionary programme that would deepen interest COMMUNICATIONS & Mmrotuars-Merusrr. Bishop, McDonald, Brown. McColeman, Allen, Binnie. Anderson, and Preston (chairman). OUR QUESTION DRAWER. ONTARIO ARCHN TORONTO .4-» (6) What recent book would lemm- mend to a. young man as helpful in the building of character? Never were so many issued as there are to-day. Among the beat maybe named 'The Investment of Influence" by Newell Dwight Hillis. This handsome volume is inspiring, interesting as a story, and stimulating as the morning breeze. ' No young man can read it not be helped and broadened. It tis a splendid book. Revel] & Co., publishers. in missions? Have papers of three minutes on the country, the customs. thethe worship, the people of some heathen nation. And let those. who have no paper read passages from the \Vord of God, or get, a good speaker' to give a well prepared address on the mission you wish toknow more about. Have plenty singing. Aihuv-Snetl--Th" Mr. Renwick Le chairman. Curried. Snell-Dickson-That the municipality be divided in the followup; manner for each member of the Board to superv%c--. To Mr. Allan all that portion of the old survey from Glenelg towullne, south to Mr. Swansbon's sideroad: To Mr. Dick-on all tbat portion of the old survey from Mr. Swnmton‘s sidorond south to {boundary lute, including Sligo Road 1nd Bus line: To Mr, Cattltield, eon'ts 4, 6, 6, T, 8, 9 um 10: To Mr. Benwick. cou‘s II. Mt, 18. 14, 16 and 16: to Mr. Snell coa'n w, 18, 19. 20, 21 and 28. Curried. In stock and you can get theso at cost price in order to clean out stock. Members met Jan. Mth according to Statute. All the members present. turtltietd-Diektson--'rut the Secy. dreh: the new“! sections of Puthe Hum: Act, relating to canlegioue dine-tea end get " Iee~t JO copies printed and for- ward I copy to each school teacher end School Board in the Township, acid copy to teacher to be posted up permanently in the school for the mutual benefit and guidance of both teacher and lunpile. in order to prevent us much u possible the spreed of my centurion and to forwerd I copy foe, the epprovel of the School Ir:- Ter9te wore being printed; end ello to Are nrrivingdaily and we promise you the best and cheapest, assortment, ever shown in Durham. Of all kinds, White, Black and Grey. at prices that will surprise you. Come em ly and get. your choice. Money to loan at five percent. on good security. pmmptly attended to. Marriage Licenses issued. OUR FALL. AND WINTER GOODS A FEW BUGGIES and WAGGONS CUTTERS ROBES W. CALDER. Bgremont Board of Health. - -----_------ Are arriving in large stocks at Calder‘s \Varorooms. con listing of a. curload of the best kind of Cooking Stow-s Fancy" Parlor Shaves. Box Stoves, Gaul Blows. Em. tibttittt). recommenJ all school wells m be cleaned " 18:th once a year. Carried. tJsutfie1d-Dieksou-.Tltat we uljomn until called to meet by the chum“. Currie1. I bare neglected wriung you but week but send you now u small budget of nova. Mr. Editor can you tell me if I Luv. tvote. Editors should know overvthing Ind would it not befair for curreupondentl to vote even If they cannot murk 21 that their Dunes. suell--CaultieH--Th" Beet, 13 of .- mendmeut m: P. H. Act be ulnpted and the Socy. get a sutrieieut number of placards printed to distribute among the physicians practising in this municipality. Carried. The Meshelsol and Hnycack meeting was well attended. Mr. Ihycock spoke well and was liulened to well, the hull WM well tulmd, the result. we cannot tell. Who is coming next. The Dr. Mcinloah that we mentioned in our last about hi: coming here, In. not arrived yet If he were here now there is plenty for him to do, n nmon our sick list. In em mention. D. MeDonuig who went to Mount Forest for tmtmont. J sures Denna. who we thought. was than: well is down min. Juno- Diogwnll. In. Glennstor. Wm. Burnett and John le- Arthur all complaining. SEWING MACHINES and ORGAN S All kinds of Flows. Gang Pluwa Etc. from $10 upwards. Came and so? them and get u Inn-gain for the balance of the season. Rooms fully stocked of the beat makes and styles. Will sell " reduced prices and give. you a good tMetgort,tuettt, to pick from. Wm. Burnett [an employed Alf. Nelson of Egremoht in the Blacksmith shop. until his hum: returns. FLOWS On the 27th n number of our young mm. and I for old Brick. won: out to Dundnlk to attend the concert of the U.P.BA, Young Briuinc. The snow storm that was aging " the time did not prevent these onnl boy. hom turning out. They reportngood tune and ovozvthmu went well. Ton. "cumu- of E '63?th PM: book. Stoop- tho “an "" of Mad unblock Embody ordm. lumb- m . Flo-poems 01.00. BRADLEY-GARREI'SOX COKEQSL um LOWER TO WN WHOLE N0. 1038 SEE OUR ROLLER .EARING TURNIP PULPER HOPEVILLE. AGENTS .0--- D. ALLAN Secy. Insurance Imim‘qs it. If '9,

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