Ontario Community Newspapers

Durham Review (1897), 16 Dec 1897, p. 8

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»| # dih ; w w * ' x +# ze * # t * h. . 46. *Â¥ *Z~a Pres. (Girant no doubt has considered his course and counted the cost and will be prepared to contest with all comers the rectitude of his position. We believe many ministers aad other men by tactless advocacy of temperâ€" ance and prohibition have worked a transient hirm to the cause they woere advocating, but their lives and sincerâ€" ty atoned ftor the slips they haye made. It will be hard to convince thousands that the principal‘s sincerity atones for tne stab he has given the temperance movement, Mr. Alfred Corbet of near Toronto is visiting friends in this locality, A law is being agitated to give majorâ€" «ies in polling divisions the right to supâ€" wress licences for the sale of intoxicating }iquurs within their respective divisions, this sounds only just and reasonable and should be supported by all right thinking persons. ;( is strange that in a Christian land like this fair Ontatrio of ours a measure of this description bas not been in force long ago. Jt is cerâ€" tainly a step in the right direction. Let us help on the ground work, Tonight the Endeavour Soctety holds its semiâ€"annual election of officers, _ A gond mgeting is expected. The good roads have made things more lively lately. It is a pleasure to hear the merry gingle of the sleigh bells, We have considerable sickness in our locality especially among the childrer who are kept in by colds and soreâ€"throats The desease resembles quinsy, _ Most of theatfilicted ones are recovering quick, Meanwhile Pres. Grant will move from place to place with a gratifying assurance of safety springing from a knowledge that transportation comâ€" panies are almost a unit in entorcing prohibition among their employees. make this statement because the experience of twentyâ€"five years has proven it in tens of thousands cof It will arrest loss of flesh and gestore to a normal condition the infant, the child and the sdult,. It will enrich the blood af the anemic; will stop the cough, heal the irritaâ€" tion of the throat and lungs, and cure incipient consumption, We What is Scott‘s Emuision? Liver Oil emulsified or partially digested, combined with the wellâ€" known and highly prized Hypoâ€" phosphites of Lime and Soda, so that their potency is materially It is a strengthening food and tonic, remarkable in its fleshâ€"formâ€" ing propertics, It contains Codâ€" Prin. Grant wiil have on his side the whole force of the liquor traffic and he will be hailed as a hero by many who hbave rung bitter tears and heartburnâ€" ings from those dependent on them by their sacrifices to the drinkâ€"god. Bet to the mother anxious for "her" boy, to the wife worse than widowed, and the child worse than fatherless, his course will bring an added pang. ‘To bands of devoted workers in all churches, of mission circles ard temâ€" perance socicties without number, it will seem as if hindrance is being reâ€" ecivyed where help might have been expected. Snss W mtc m aaite Wisat VWill t Do? O course the learned Principal be lieves in restriction and regulation of the traffic, but has had an apparition of calamities to follow the adoption of proâ€" hiltition otf that same traffic by this country, so strong, as to lead him to declare, at a time when no necessity urges, that he will go to the polls and mark his ballot against prohibition. This ho has a perfect right to do, and little or nothing could have been said # he had contented himself with this. As the question now stands, howâ€" ever, prohibition is linked with every moral cause and to oppose it is to weaken the hands of many who are. strengthening the state in their enâ€" deavors to sapplant vice and crime by the forees which make for righteous ness. Principal Grant is a distinguished Canuadian who has done a great deal for his country both in moral and material issues. He is a prominent member of the Presbyterian body and has done a great work in endowing end strengthening Queen‘s University of which he is Principal. And for all this he is entitled to the commenGation of his countrymen and his coreligionâ€" ists. That he should now lena his name, his ability and his influence to oppose a cause espoused by his own church, and by almost all the moral forces of the time seems incomprehen S“l!\'. Not Archrishop Cleary this time but the very Rev. and Protestant Principal tGrant of Queen‘s Univereity. 'K. blast consists in vigorous leters azai~st prohibition, which the Globe is puablishing unaer scare head lines and in prominent positions. The learned principal is nothing if not courageous, but, whether his discretion or his jadgeâ€" ment is on a par with his courage is certainly open to question. J ANOTHER BLAST FROM KINGSTON. CSe _ Be sure you get SCOTT S Emulsion, 5oc. and $1.00, all druggists. SCOTT & BOWNE, Chemists, Toronto. Editorial Note and Comment. HAMPDEN etotti en A¢t. miniiiotzie Srndfitarliivncirtreindit returned howe ou ’I‘uesdayrlast. Mr. Neddigar, the popular cattle and hog buyer, was in the neighborhood the forepast of the week and bought most of the hogs on the line at 4.12} per eowt. Mr. James Watsou, one of our foremost farmers had quite a little barn full of grain, he haying 4} days steady threshing with Mr. Robi Morice‘s Steam Thresher. Mr. Thomas Gadd Jr. went down to Guelph on Tuesday last on business, he Mr. Hector MeDona‘ld was the guest of his uncle A. G. Swith over the week end, Mr, J. McLarty of Owea Sound was the guest of the Ludiughams for a fow days last week, . Mr. D. MeCallam of Aberdeen was aâ€" Slu!llkl[{ D. A. Smith for a few days last week. Miss Mary Morice who has been in Teeswater for the last couple of month:, returned lhowe on Tuesday last. Mr. Neddigar, the popular cattle and The sieighing which was excellent for a few days, has vanished, and the farmers will have a chance to get some more ploughing done. About two solid week‘s threshing in our neigbborhood yet. Mr. W, AJams of Annan was the guest of the Ledisgham family at the beginning of the week. We hear that our tailor is going to give up the busivess baving received the offer of a partnershtp in the undertakiug busiâ€" ness, Mr. Smuth of Mt. Fore:t is doing the carpenter work on H, Hunt‘s new store while Mr, Voliet of Darbam, is building the brick. QOur winter has again left us and some of our farmers have started to plow again others are getting their turuips safely bouâ€" sed. Mr. Neil MeCannel has received the opâ€" poiniment of justice of the peace, an office which he is capable of fillng weil. Mr. Neil McKionon P. M. we anderstand has secured the mail frem Flesherton to Priceville. We are informed that Mr. R. McGowan rented his mills to some pariies whose vuames we did not yet leara. Rey. Mr, Matheson of Caledon preachâ€" ed in Gaelic in the Presbyterian charch !lst Sunday a. m, in English in the eyenâ€" ing. Miss Maggio MceDonald left far the city of Toronto last week. Mr. Jolin MeArthur receives a warm reception in all parts of the Municipality of Arteimesia and his elec:ion promises to be sure for Reeve for 1898. We feel proud{ that we have in ourtown a young man, who has taken first prize out of four thonsand competitors on a puzzlein the **Weekly Star and Herald" entitled, "It fell Irem the nest" in the person of Mr, Duncan McAaliay, Mr. McAullay is a young man who nosesses all the qualification necessary to introduce hun to auy society of fame aud honor. as well as a deep thinker, Dan McKinnon is always on the look out for lambs, steers, beifers &¢, for which he pays good prices. Oar blacksmiths are all kept busy, One day last week Mr. Dan M>Lean put shcoes on "ten span of horses ", Mr, Genrge Tryan is to move in a short time to the house recently occupied by Mrs, Joseph MeDo:zald of this town, Mr. Cunniogham Moore rented the late James Cameron‘s place and moved thkere last week. We welcome Mr. Moore into our town. The home of Mr. and Mrs. Allan McInâ€" nis wus brightened on Saturday moraing last whon their son Maleclm arrived after an absence of fiye years in British Columâ€" bia. We understand be is only to remain a part of the winter ond intends to return again. The snow has disappeared again and the rouds are in a bad state for trayseling now. The sleighing was first class for a week or so, some were ploughing on Satâ€" urday last. The entertaarnment in conâ€" nectlon with the Sons of Temperance on Thursday of last week was not largely atâ€" tended on account of untavourable weather a good programme was given and an enâ€" joyable evening was spent by tho:e presâ€" ent. Quite a tew were disappointed in getting to tho Ebenezer entertainment (-l:x Friday past on acoount of the wet weaâ€" ther. i Mr. and. Mrs. J. A. Grant of Forest, Municipal matters is freely talked just now but we cannot give anything definite yet. we expect to see quiet a few new canâ€" didates in the feld this year. ~ e A large eagle was seen last week in the neighborhood of Wood!land, this is a chance for some sportsman. Mr. Ronald ‘I. McEachern is laid op with a sore foot caused by a nail running into it. James Crawford is moying his family to Mt, Forest this week. A man named Taylor in the employment of Stewart Bros, Mt. Forest. while doing some repair ou W. H. Wallace‘s windâ€"mill lost his footing and fell of the roof to the ground a distance of over 20(t. Althongh not seriously hurt be received a ba l shikâ€" ing up. Last account he is doing nicely under the Dr‘s. care. The Woodland Y. P.Y. C. E. held their semiâ€"annaal meeting on Wednesiay last and elected the following officers for the on_mi% term; Pres. Joo. Ross, vioe~5r:t. Miss K. McEachern, secy. Evan McDouâ€" ald, treas. Wiillie Wallace. Ig?ow do John and Bert like their new ) Whentis Ozias coming back? Lad sOUTH EGREMOANT ORCHARD. DORNOCH. PRICEVYIIXLE. * + «t » *« <@â€" + +â€" Miss May Hopkins onr np toâ€"date teacher intends to have her public echool examination ou Friday the 17th after which a programime consisting of sougs, recitations, dialognes apd varous other things too uumerous to mention will be dispensed. â€"Parents of pupils and as many others as may feel inclined, reapectâ€" fully inyited to attend. WANTEDâ€"Wo can employ thurty men and women upon lnlnr{lor commission as agreed torormunt us around home. THE BOOK AND BIBLE HOUSE, Brantford. also intended to take in the fat :tock show while there. Mr. Wm. Allan, Egremmont, took adâ€" vantage of the fine sleighing on Wednesâ€" day night last and brought a load of 17 of the youth of his neighborbhood to the prayerâ€"meeting in Koox Chnrchâ€"Come again. AGENTS- ‘"‘The test Life of Her Majesty I haye geen." writes Lord Lorne ab ut "Queen Vicâ€" toria." Agents make five dollars daily. Outfit free. Mikea THD A NT TNA Pe e n dn n e 20 0 TLE O P hA eP phear e e es au i CCE OR Z Y AC N Th:OBBADLEY-GABRETSON CO., Limited onto, IOO Qood Qroperties For Sale. Among which are the following ; | 1st & 2xp Div. Lot 19 Con. 1 W. G, R. Bentinck, 100 acres, lately owned by Henry Hall and formerly known as the " Parker"farm. This is a good farm and will be sold on very reasonable terms. THE SCaNLAN FaRM, lot 30, con. 5, Bentinckâ€"100 acres. _ Will sell or rent. | BExTINox: The Teasdale Farm Lot 30, _ Con. 2, W.G.R. Bentinck 100 acres, I have just bought this from Mr. Teasdale and will sell at a great| bargain. ’ HorLaxo TowxsuiPp, Lewis Eydf farm 100 acres in good German settiement | â€"will sell or exchange. A good| place. f THe RomBover Prorerty, Durham. | What I cant sell I will rent. ’ 1 have $1,000,000 to lend at 5| per cent. Uhoose your time to pay it back. Business private, charges modâ€" erate. e * H. .. MILLE®, The Jfanover Gonveyancer, ARas handkerchiefs galore . . . CALDERS BLOCK, cine. Its great cures recorded in truthful, convincing language of grateful men and women, constitute its most effective adâ€" vertising. Many of these cures are marâ€" velous. They have won the confidence of the people; have given Hood‘s Sarsapaâ€" rills the largest sales in the world, and have made nesessary for its manufacture the greatest laboratory on earth. Hood‘s Barsaparilla is known by the cures it has amadeâ€"cures of scrofula, salt ‘rheum and Is the bestâ€"in fact the One True Blood Purifier. and weak nerves, eures of dyspepsia, liver troubles, catarrh â€"cures which prove H ‘s Pil eure liver ills : ; 1BR ood Is hh.mnoopor:ayt‘: .‘/‘3‘2?l Hood‘s "Cures talk " in favor of Hood‘s Sarsaparilla, as for mo other mediâ€" Cures: Children‘s Handkerchiefs, Fancy Border 1c cach Children‘s £ Hemsstitch Border. 5¢ eacn, 6 for 25¢ Ladies‘ White Hemstitch Handkerchicfs 5¢ each Ladies‘ Fine Hemstittch Handkerchiefs 10c each, 3 for 25¢ Ladies Fancy White Handk‘fs inlaid corners 2 for 25¢ Fine White Fancy Handk‘fs, Lace linsertion Borders 25¢ White Silk Hemstitch Handkerchief‘s 25, 40, 50, CO & 75¢ Colored Silk Handkerchiefs 35, 40, 60, 75 & 85¢ Gentlemen‘s Neck Scarfs, special value at 25, 30, 25 & 40e Ramsay & Morlock. We neyer had such a stock of them. The quality never was so high, + The prices never were so low, Sarsaparilla XMAS CANDIES CF 40 The Hanover Conveyaucer If you wish to send that distant friend of yours a Xmas reminder, this is one of the things that will be appreciated. . fJfiller 5 Ibs. Choice Mixed Candies for 25¢ Fine Chocolates 15¢ per 1b. Fine French Creams Mixed 15¢ per 1b. Talk tiam C ashand one Price , Tor TORONTO Barrister, Upper Town Durham. ’ Durham, Sept. 23rd ‘97. 3im ] COMPANY and PRIVATE Funds to Loan in sums and on termsâ€" to suit borrowers, _ (On first Mortgage on Town or Farm Property.) Lowest rates of Interest. _ Quick despatch, and lowest possible charges: w i." ~ _ Apply to _ â€" PHRENOLINE PILL$ Manufactu‘d on Honor & Sold on Merit ‘l THE ONLY ABSOLUTELY RELIABLE PREPARATIONS ON THE MARKET PLEASANT, PURE AND HEALTHFEUL PHBBN”[ INP | Guaranteed to cure : J ‘ R.heunlljltimn. 4 1 Sciatica, Lumbago Bh}uma‘l‘w i Gout and C Sppmfi,‘ | Nenralgia, 9 3 | ramemg The Anyone sending a sketch and duaizfion may qulckl{ ascertain our opinion free whether an invention is probably &.muble. Communicaâ€" tions ltrlct(lfi confidential. Handbook on Patents sent free. Oldest ngeney for securing wu. Patents taken through Munn & receive special notice, gupout‘::'hme. in the A handsomely illustrated weekly. Largest cirâ€" culation of scientific rnal. ‘Terms, $3 Tok / four mohnthe, L old ty all newpdealors fiu: four months, $1 Sold byall newsdealers. 36 1Broadway, m énocogk P et..wmu"cgog.r!g.rk Onrly by H. PARKER, Durkam. EEOC PAGRRTZ PM WMIVC \gflvtu \Jl‘.' TNE MCECRA Mr. Dopald Mceluuis is to bave an auctâ€" ioa sale of farm stock aud iinplewents in the uear Iature, Msses Alla and Elnora Paterson fum Durham enjoyed themselves immensely with friends bere, on Saturday and Sunâ€" day lust, They report a pleasant voyage and ar A 1 time during their eastward trip. ‘What we are anxious to know: â€"If Pealâ€" er drove over a post since? Ti Friday tell since BRrat tripped him? T( Tom returned the coat yet? _ If the girls will briug brown sugar next time and share the taffy? If Jotinston got the pig home tha night of Hector‘s wood bee? If we will have sleighâ€" ing for Xmaâ€"?2 IiJack dug the post cut _ Mr. John Livingston from Priceville is in the employment of Mr. D. Graham at present. Donnie says the wood flies in eleven directions. Miss Maggie Stone is in our vicinity at present, _ _ _ & x m o t o o+ Mr. John Brown frem Rob Roy corners is at present on a fortâ€"night visit wi:h the McLelian family of this burg. Miss May Schoffeld who has spent the past few weeks pessantly with ber oumâ€" erous friends in this localicy returned to her home in the Queen City last week, Scientific American. . Lefroy McCaul Mongy To PHRENOLINE LILOWER TOW N. SCOTCH TOWN. Medicines _ Brights Disease, Diabetes, Paralysis Convulsions, Heart Discase, etc., etc. A sure cure for Headache, Dizziness Constipation, Indiâ€" gestion, Biliousness i0anD. _ Market, Durham. °* 4T The only l_l”-.e.lia_g‘n Bearse in tcva Would intimate that she will continue the Furniture and Undortakinyb Business esiaoâ€" lished by her father in Durbam in 1858 and will endcavor to give all oid ard new curtom ers the same entire satisfaction. Furniture. of the Best Make ALWAYS oN HAND. PICTURE FRAMINCG A SPECIALTY In stock and you can get these at cost price in order to clean out stock. Money to loan at five percent. on good sec. promptly attended to. _ Marriage Licenses issued. FUBMITURE AXD UXBERTAKINS MISS SHEVWELL A FEW BUGGIES and WAGGONS Of all kinds, White, Black and Grey, at ‘nriues that will surprise you. Come early and get your choice. Are arriving daily and we promise you the best and cheapest assortment ever shown in Durhain. ROBES CUTTERS OUR FALL AND WINTER GOODS MISS SHEWELL Remember the standâ€"â€"opposite the ] a ul1 blast at TcZrthur‘s OF THE SEASON THE. BOCM READYâ€"MADE CLOTHING DRY GOODS, GROCERIES, AND BOOTS & SHOES. na~ Still » Hand | â€" CALDER, Call and investigate our goods and Prices and we are sure you will go away entirely satisfied. ie d It means the highest price for EGGS and BUTTER in exchange for the cheapest GOODS of best QUALITY. OUR COMPLETE DEPARTMENTS ARE â€"FULL LINE OFâ€" C M°ARTHUFR Mn n on Are m-riving in large stocks at sisting of a@ carload of the best Fancy Parlor Stoves. Box Stavas ; reent, on good § r!i):fle Lim-.?m i.,....".fluc arnity, Insurance bu ines wioad of the best kind of (5(&{6&"‘: toves, Box Stoves, CGoal Stoves, Ete. } To SUIT vyou. 1VVorknum:slnlp Unsurpassed Fize Choice in Valises, Grips, Horse Blankets, &e., &c, We do the trade in Raw Furs. Highest Heavy & Light Harness CALL & SEE OUR Collars, e l Bites, W All kinds of Plows, Gang P1 Etc. from $10 upwards. Come see them and get a bargain for balance of the season, SEE OUR ROLLER BEAR TURNIP PULPER Harness !! We Handle everything in the Harnes line, at right prices. Rooms fully stocked of the best makes and styles, Will sell at reduced prices and giye you a good assortment to p.ck from. PLOWS SEWING MACHINES and ORGANS LOWER ToOwn , LEAYENS, ur, Calder‘s Warerooms, conâ€" +3 * yÂ¥ w 3# thank past â€" convit vnill n "Lar pe€eQ€ %48%% TD ur $ fi es o ie * With And Ceylon Pu Do

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