Ontario Community Newspapers

Durham Review (1897), 2 Dec 1897, p. 8

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2 mote Wl * uie se t dg tm iT C O iniagic ~> + N.W. engineer and conductor jamped off at Central station. ‘The conductor called "All aboard" and the passengers thought the mselves too good for the North Westâ€" +r0. so the engineer palled ont and the coundactor had io hustle to catch the rear end, But aiter awhile along came the Pig Town Central and the passeugers eame down town. Mr. Joe Philips has the contract of aswampiuz out the ship timber out otf Mr. Hector Lamont‘s swamp, Joe is a bastler. _ Mr. Joe Campbell is still turning ovyer ihe sod. _ _I worder where 0. and D. will put up at now ? Stay down town for a wihile 1 suppose. Mr. D. Melotgre was home last week but returned back down the 20th con., early on account of the attractior there. ‘As the Balsam Valley and North Westâ€" eru train was tarning at the Y they made a slight mistake and backed down on the Pig Town Central Road. The B. V. and _ Miss Eflie McDongall was viâ€"iiing in the Valley last week, Mr Dan McKechnie was working in the bush and eut his foot. Dan has to stay in We expected a party lost woek but as J. F. lost coursge it dropped through. Mr. Dan MeKechnie has returned from Lhe old settlement looking bale and hearty. Dan has changed jobs now, he is engineer on a N.W. HWy. s Tor a while now, and it is against the grain for him. As I bave not noticed any news from our hyely little viliage for some time past ‘I thougiit I would write some of the d>â€" ings. 1 noticed we had two correspondâ€" ents but they both seemed to have did ‘off rather suddeniy. Perhaps the snow scared tnem and they lLave been kept Lusy Auking in their turrips. I had all my turnips in before the suow came and they were a good crop. ‘ Misses Flora and Minnic Melntyre le‘t for the Queen City last week, where they iutend to stay some time. Mr. Angas McLavghlan spent Sanday at Mr. James McDonald‘s, Come again Angus the roads were muddy then but they are all right now. < Miss Tena lobertson after a sojonu of over two years in Loudon is expected home for Thanksgiying. ‘_Whe Rev. Donald MeGiivary, : missionary of Honan, China, de. address to a large congregation the 8rd. _ The Rev. Mr. Anderso: Hiamkford, was prosent. The Sa fore the congregzation had an un pleasure in bearing tho Rev. Jan of Hillsdlate, who was paying a 1 father. ‘_Master John Litds spent a g-unt weeks wish friends at A uelph recently. We are sorry to hear that Mr. D. Fergason got his fngeis cut in the turaoip pualper. Mr. Wm. Lawrence, Tax coliector, inâ€" forms us that be has received more money ‘this year on his first (rip, than in any of ‘the past eight years, yet the Township fathers have unnecessarily exiended the time for payment two weeks, Mr. Editor, to show you the wealth and r\ugnuitenou of ons Township although boring under a $60,¢00 bonus, we are imformed upon good aushority that every third hoose in the Towuship is sopplied *with either an organ or a piano, and in one instance so eager were the parties to have a musical instroment, that finding the doors were not large enouch to admit ‘the box, the owner very kindly consented to baye the side of the house eut out. Say Mr. Editor, I nearly forgot to menâ€" tion that we were faxored on last Monday to baye the side of the house eut out. Say Mr. Editor, I nearly forget to menâ€" tion that we were favored on last Monday with a party of eight sports from your town accompranied by a like number of dogs. Reeult of toe days onting 86 spoiled cartâ€" rides, 1 hbare and the foundation for a High Court Action for anlimited damages for unlawfully underbrusbing the differâ€" ent woods. A wedding is talked of in the near future. We are informed that a large amount of the root crop in the north part of the Township is still to be housed, although it 16 pretty well in, in the sontlh part. Miss Collier is still enjoying herself rround the Lake. ut y S to load the gua, and it takes time to get ready for those exâ€" plosionscalled diseases. Coughs, colds, any "attack," whatever the subject be, often means preâ€" ceding weakness and ;oor blaod,. Are you getting thin? Is m apmtitz poor? Are you g that snap, cncrgy and vigor that make "clearâ€"headedâ€" ness?" Do h:lm thing: builg up whole system wit SC(;TT’S EMULSION of Codâ€"liver Oil. It is the essence of nourishment. It does not nauseate, does not trouble the instantly when you cull the trigger,. Socsickness may come on suddeniy,. Butittakes time stomach,. And it replaces all that disease robs you of, A book telling more about it sent free. Ask for it. y 'Tth4 Gun Goes Of SCOTT & BOWNE, Toronto, Ont. Intended for last week,. AROUND THE LAKE. BALSAM VALLEY. t large congregation here on re Rev. Mr. Anderson, of Wi‘â€" as present. The Sabbath beâ€" gregation had an unexpected rearing the Rev. James Skeue , who was payiug a visit to his * DORNOCH. sout 4 «n dn â€"â€"â€"=â€"ame t a ecuple of it Arthur and returned vered an here on During the last two weeks there has been a remarkable change from fine ploughing weather to the reverse aad some of our farmers who were engaged in takâ€" ing up their turnips, were interupted by the snow and gave up the operation until finer weather but we are rominded by the sheets of 1ce on the ponds and the frozen ground that winter is not far distaut. Mr. Dan McDouald in company with Mr. Thos. McDougall of Balsam Valley, are engaged in cutting cord wood ftor Mr. Joln Eckhardt. They are sturdy fellows and learned to eut wood long ago. We beartily welcome the stige again after its three weeks‘ holidays. We were quite sure the goyernment would do what was richt. That pork was low one day last week was plainlvy evident when Chas. MeKinâ€" non went to an old well and found a young porker imprisoned therein. Mr. Arch‘d McCuaig is busy digging out a foundation for a new barn which he intends to erect some time next summer,. The site is well chosen and a good bank is the result, Mr. A. Ledingham, of Williamstord, spent Sunday at home. Again we hear the sound of the school bell which wes rendered useless some time ago but having undergone some reâ€" pairs it again rings its warning to the scholars and seems to have a stirring cffect upon the ueighborhood. Divine Service one Sabhath lately and robbed his peacock of its tailâ€"feathers. A very pretty ornament it will make indeed. A number of friends from down the line spent an enjoyable evening at Mrs. Mcâ€" lntyre‘s this week. Mics Maggie McCaunel, our former teacher is reâ€"engaged for 1898. What we would like to know,â€" Whether Abe‘s cart was hidden purâ€" posely or nuot. We believe it was the latter. What great aitraction Jack has out North. If Tom would not like io get another job aronud the corner as we think ho inâ€" texds etc., ete. "flig BRADLEYâ€"GARRETSON CO., Limited,\Torâ€" onto, 4 We hear that a young couple who iatend taking up hbhouse soon, went into our pastor‘s | yar_d. while _the family were at We are pleased to state that Miss Chrisâ€" tena MceDonald who has been ill for some time is fast recoyering. A gang of timberimon from Glenelg have been eu§;1ged for the past couple of weeks north of here making timber, Glad to say the sick are recoyering. Miss Lymke suffered seyerely with inâ€" flammation of the bone in her arms, and Mir, Robt, Twamnley was two weeks oif duty. Mr. Duncan Livingston was down to Bruce township last week atâ€" tending the funcral of his uncle Donald McKinuon. Mrs. Hopkirk has been visiting friends at Louise for the past week. On Saturday night last a conflagration took place at Lounise, when the sawmill of 8, B. Wilson & Son was burned to ashes. The origin of the fire is unknown. HMowever nothing but the mill was desâ€" royed owing to the favourable direction of the wind. This was one of the best c-qnirpe.l mills in this part of the country We believe it is their intention to 1eâ€" build, and the country will rejoice, MNirs, N. McDougallieft last week fer Hamilton to spend the winter months with her daughters of that city, Mrs, McDougal though nearing her fourscore years is yet as active as most of our fair ones. Mr. D. McLean of Shallow Lake paid a visit to Bentinck friends lately. \ GENTSâ€""The test Hlj‘e of Her Majosty I have 44 seon.‘ writes Lord Lorne about "Queen Vicâ€" toria." Agents make Avedollars daily. Outfit free, Rawor has it that our genial merchant, Mr. Hont is to leave us in February and the store is to be occupied by a gentleâ€" man frou Markdale, We will be sorry to part with Mr. Hunt. Mr. Duncan McLean of Aberdeen, passed through our town one day lately wending his way north, but as to his destination we will not say. As the winteris approaching changes are frequently made, Mr, W. J, Dunsâ€" more moved last week from our vicinity to the Charletton farm at Mulock which he has leased for the coming year, also Mr.J. Teasdale of Mull cornes, who has traded his farm for the Redford farm has been busy moving his stuff lately, We welcome Mr. Teasdale to our villa. A. Ellison with his eteamer threshed out large barns for Messrs M. Cameron and T. Beil last week. There is to be service in the Presbyâ€" terian Church here on Thanksgiving Day,. We have every reason to giye thanks this year for the bountifal harvest and many other blessings we are not always thankfnl for. While the McIntosh brothers were threshing out George MeIntosh‘s barn last Frday their horseâ€"power broke. Oving to the lateness in the season they concludâ€" ed to move their machine and so George had to louk for another machine to finish bis threshing. We notice that our pastor has bis _pony "The Squaw" again after its year‘s visit to to the Penuineula. Miss Jessie McDougall is at present somewbat under the weather but we hope soon to see hber able to be out again. Mr, and Mrs. Jolbn MeCallum, of Corâ€" inth, paid a visit to their daughter, Mrs. A. D. Smith, one day lgst week. About three weeks ago the Mennonite congregation bade farewell to Miss Poole, who bas labored faithfully among them for some tiume past but is now on her way to Central China as a mussionary, The Kev. Mr. Borus, of Corinth, beld a prayer meetinpg at Mre. MeDongall‘s last Thursday eyeniog, We hear there was a fall house, : Ne welcome Master James Hay to our widst after spending the sammer with some masons near St. Marys. (Crowded out last week. TOP CLIFF. CRAWFORD. SutprpEery Axavs. Rumor has it that an interesting breach of promise case is about to be launched upon the docket of a neighborâ€" ing court, â€" Hope it will not make even a bubble more than a rumor, Monday the 28th Dec. is nomination day and no dcoubt Artemesia will have its share of good inen and true, offering themselves for inunicipal â€" positions. The only one we would venture to gaimnâ€" ble on is Mr. Jno. MceArthur, Priceyille, who, we belieye will get and deserves a seat ai the board as long as he desires., Your scribe here has enjoyed a someâ€" what extended vacation from his corresâ€" ponding duties and would haye enjoyed a longer period, but was afraid o f gettng the sack, and as he is desirous of staying with the ReEviEw knowing that a man is often judged by the company he keops he will endeavour to keep on deck in the future.â€"[A good resolution.â€"ED.] Snow storms remind us of winter, and farmers are busy getting their cattle stalled. Mr. Donald Kennedy had the misfortune to have his eye badly hwut while tying in a cow. The cry of hard times must surely be wbating when we see the improvements taking place in this vicinity, The most recent is that of Henry bros, who are at present putting in a new cistern, it will hold a large quantity of water being 11 x 0 and 10 feet deep, it is all underground the walls are to be lined with cement,. Mr. Henry will find it a great convience in connection with the feeding and raisâ€" ing of stock. Refreshments were served in the basement of the church and a warm welcome and every comfort proviped for the delegates. The meeting was very successful and enjoyed in »yery way. The annual meeting next year will be held in Clifford. Mr, Malcom Baxter leaves for Hamilâ€" ton, he has secured a position at the Royal Hotel and as Malcom is an up to date bartender he will take well with the boys no doubt. Suitable music was furnished by the choir and _ appropriate solos were given by Miss MeNichol, Mt. Forest ; Mrs. Mcâ€" Cullough, Mrs, Glenney and Miss Wadâ€" dell, of Harriston, John McLachlan jr, and his ne‘ghbor Tom took the contract of moving the jam the bridge on 50 sideromd, no doubt it was a difficult job at this time or the Noxon‘s Binders, Mowers, Dril‘s Sprin%Tnolh Harrows, best in the mar ket. uards, Sections, etc., forall kinds of machines. Pianos, Organs and Sewing Machines, Money to loan on farm property at lowest rates. Conveyancing, Leases, Wills, M _ gages, etc., drawn up on short unc Horses bought and sold. Waterloo Threshers for sal ‘ rooms. â€" Patronage solicited Report of Annuual Meeting of the Sanâ€" geen Presbyterial W.F.M.S. Mr. Russell thinks the work in India, although having many obstacles is enâ€" couraging, doors are open in every diâ€" rection but alas for lack of funds they are compelled to close their out stations in many places. â€" The people are clawmorâ€" ing for missionaries, they claim that we give them enough to unsettle their own religions but nothing to take their place, The Grove is badly in need of a detectâ€" ive as Mr, Pearson informs us while on a business trip to Priceyille a few days ago he gota valuable blanket stolen while sianding a few mimutes in the shed,. Mr. Russell gave the ladies of the W.F.M.8. great credit for what they are doing. f{l‘he people of India depend almost wholly on the churches of Canâ€" ada and look to us to give them the word of God and although the women of Canada are doing nobly in this respect he would strongly urge that they brin before their husbands, brothers :mg sons, the necessity of helping towards the financial support of the missionaries, the need is very great and the funds are not enough to carry on the work successfully. ye A great deal of sickness in this burg at present, Mis. Duncan McArthur who for the past three months has been unâ€" der the Drs‘. care is iinproving but very slowly. Orders for Sales may be ReEvigrw OFFICE. as the missonaries cannot stay long enough with them and we must rememâ€" ber that wherever we withdraw our stations other religious bodies are rapâ€" idly taking advantage of these opporâ€" tunities and the Mohaimmedans are makâ€" ing great inroads, FARM IMPLBME,\’TS and MACHINâ€" «./ RRY, * smae Mrs. T. Long has a slight attack of the Grip. Miss, Aggie Sullivan is also on the sick list at present. Mr. John O‘Hern of the Irish Lake was visiting friends in the Grove, John has the Klondike fever and intends to start next spring. Mr. J. Henry and his sister Mrs, Joseph MeDonald aneccompanied by Miss Mtnnie and Bella MceLachlan will visit their many friends on Thanksgivingday in Tuelph and Galt, Upper Town, Dear Fditor.â€"Please inform your readers, that if written to confidentially, 1 will mail, in & sealed letâ€" ter, particulars of a genuine, honest, home cure, bx which 1 was gcrmanently restored to health an manl( vigor, after years of suffering from nervous debility, sexual weakness n?ht. losses and weak shrunken parts, Iwas robbed and swindled b{ the gnlcks until I nearly Jost faith in mankind, but thank caven I am now we‘l, vigorous and strong, and wish to make this certain means of cure known to all sufâ€" ferers. I hiove nothing to gell and want no money, but belnfa firm believer in the universa| brotherhood of man, I am desirous of helping the unforturate to regain their health and happiness. _I promise you perâ€" regain their health and happiness. _ I promise you perâ€" fect secrocy. Address with stamp, W M. T. M‘CEFOE Agents‘ Supplies, P.O. Box 59, St. Henri, Qne. Agent for id . T. ORCHARD. Continued from last week, ONE HONEST MAN. Intended for last week. MAPLE GROVE. REPORT. Licensed Auctioneer. TORONTO They are absolutely pure and healthfal., â€" Guaranteed to cure Rhoumatism, Sciatica, Neqaralgia, Lumbago, and all forms of Kidney and Liver troubles, BENARE oF SPURMIOUS IMITATICNS. Try our Rhcsumatic Spscifis or Kidney sand Liver Pill Wanted 4t THE PHRENOLINE REMEDIES BUTHI MEN AND WOMEN. â€"If you are willing to work, we can give you emâ€" ployment with GOOD PAY, and you can work all or part time. and at home or travelling,. _The work is LIGHT AND EASY. â€" WRITE AT ONCE for terms etc. to THE HAWKS NURSERY COMPANY, Rochsstecr. N. Y Made and Merit Maintains theconfidence of the people in Hood‘s Sarsaparilia. Ifa medicine cures you when sick; if it makes wonderful cures everywhere, then beyond all question that medicine possesses merit. A general financial business transacted Office next door to EStandard Bauk Durham David Ja6K30R, JF.» crer piv. c Land Valuators, Insurance Agents, Commissioners. Money to lend. Money invested for Partios. Farms bought and sold. On the s id premises are said to bcf erected a liough Cast or Grogat lquse’ and Kitchen, and frame sta btes. I The property will be offered for saleil su} ject to a reserve bid. j TERMS of SALE:â€"20 per cent at: the time of sale, and balance within 30| days thereafter without interest. t For farther particulars apply to Groror MrGHKTOXN, Vendor, ’ or to ArthHor H Jacksox, Durham. } Dated at Durham, 6th Nov., 1897, T L L & * "l1" PRIGAL, UR iUud G2Y C1 bEC. d1. At onE G‘CLOCK in the af.ernoon, that residence property, being composed of Park lot number "A" in Jackson‘s surâ€" vey in the Town of Durhkham and conâ€" taining one half an acre, more or less being a subdivision of the second divi: sion of lot number twenty seven in the First concession West of the Garafraxa Road in the County of Grev. NDER AND BY VIRTURE OF U the power of Sale contained in a certain Indenture of Mortgage, which will be produced at the time of Sale, there will be offered for Sale by Publc Auction at the JAMES CARSON, AvcrtronrErr, ._OX-._ FRIBAY, the 10th day of Beo. ‘87. ge:unse it cures, ‘not once or twice or & hundred times, but in thousands and thousands of cases. We know it cures, absolutely, permanently, w hen all others fail to do any good whatever. We repeat hundred times, but in thousands and 5 =af thousands of cases. We know it cures, ye* absolutely, permanently, when all others t fail to do any good whatever. We repeat A 000 S : 5> £ __s ':... 1n the Town of Durham in the County of Grev by Ts the best â€"in fact the One True Blood Purifier, Hood‘s Pills vitousuess." » scau. Merit CONVEYANECERS. w Only by H. PARKER, Dourkam., Take the lead every where, We are working day and night to supply the demand. Our correspoundence shows that hundreds upon hundreds of poor sufferers are being restored to health and happiness daily, Sarsaparilla HMortgags in« â€"OFâ€"â€" RESIDENCE PROPERTY ~~IX THEâ€" TOWN of BDURHAM, JACKSONB. Central H. cure nausea, indigestion, FEOlCi, Would intimate that she wiil continue the Furniture and Undortakiny Business esiabâ€" lished by her father in Duirham in 1358 aod wi:l endeavor to give all oid and new custom ers the same entire satisfaction. Furniterse of the Best Â¥ake ALWAYS ON HAaXD. PIGTURE FRAMINC &A SPECIAL1Y OFP THE SEASON F’FA ! u [W*As C mx'.!, 14 * _fi Es Ohaaa) Snd M s fatagls THE. BOOM Money to loan at five percent. on good security promptly attended to. Marriage Licenses issued. OJR ERALL AND WINT ER GOODS Ave arriving daily and we promise you the best and cheanpest assortment ever shown in Durham. Of all kinds. White, Jilack and Grey, at prices that will surprise you. Come early and get your choice, In stock and you can get these at cost price in order to clean out stock,. CUTTERS A FEW BUGCIES and WAGGONS W. CALDEFR, ROBESYS READYâ€"MADE CLOTHING DRY GO0CDS, GROCERIES, AND BUOOTS & SHOES. J&RIIURR MB UVE RTARNG MISS SHMEVWELL o i e oR e 4 io ;! . i i w W WE EVWEA T WE $VA Web 4 2C Call and investigats our goods and Prices and we are sura you will go away entirely savisfied. it means the highest price for EGGS anrd BUTTEZR in exchange for the cheapest GOOPS of best QUALITY. Fiull blast at _])Tcf[rthur‘s We have a few Clouds which we will sell at ecua.ly low price, we start them at 20c. .. . This is your opportunity don‘t loose the chance of getting one of the Shawels. We have : CLOUDS UR COMPLETE DBEPARTMENTS ALNB â€"FULL LINE oFâ€" C M°AFR T HUFP ~S SHEWELL tâ€"class Kearse in tow: chave a {ew Woven Square shawls, neat in pattorn and geod Coloring, at low prices. _ As this is the season of the year when these goods aro worn they must go fast. Areâ€" arriving in large stocks at Calder‘s WVarerooms, conâ€" sisting of a carload of the best kind of Cooking Stoves, Fancy Parlor Stoves, Box Mtoves, Coarl Stoves, Ete. TRY GOGUVUBB TEAS standâ€"â€"opposite the et, Durham, Fire Uhoice in Valises, Grips, Horse Blankets, &e., &e. We do the trade in Raw Furs. Highest Fize Choice in CALL & SEE OUR < | Collars, Pads, %:;V‘% ‘l Bites, Whips, Heavy & Light Harness TO SUIT vou. Workmanghip Unsurpassed H[arness ! BRooms fully stocked of the best makes and styles. Will sell at reduced prices and give you a good assortment to plck from. All kinds of Plows, Gang Plows, Etc., from $10 upwards. Come and soe them and get a bargain for the balauce of the season. We Handie everything in the Harnes line, at right prices. SEWING MACHINES and CRGANS PLOWS LOWER TOWN . LEAVENS, "F! Z43 Nota SEE OUR ROLLER BEARING TURNIP PULPER KS «42 &c., &c. Insurance bu iness Y 3 3 2 w s thuan past conyv vrill Upp LARG Durham J B un "NV

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