Mrs, Horse BEARING hips, rpa sued 6111883 HES the TY. ads, " are ll Highest ,Jr We take this opportunity of thanking our customers for past patronage, and we are convinced that the new system vnll merit, a, continuance of the some. . Motto will be _ “Large Sales 8g, Small Profits." Upper Town Implement Warerooms A few GOOD COOKING STOVES left, LARGE STOCK ON HAND AT " UPPER TOWN, " Durham, Jane 15th l807. aElKEeitr, aElKlElel8. Allll, SPECIALS Allll, 35 only Imitation Cut Glass Berry or Fruit Bowls. regular IP. dozen only Nappies to match, regular 850, for 60e a dozen. -___. _ - - - “Mn. at m Lsr m m a, I; “VLF" nun: __.. _ ___ -e' __ . we 6 only Large W155; C,ottuterpanes, worth 8 only All-Linen Table Covers, worth $1. yPPER TOWN DURHAM I)|u'h:2 In. "' 'iiiiiibSrssiisNlls Subscribe for the Review. os? Only $1.00 till January list, 1899. . VOL. X11U-N0 48. We beg to inform our Custpm- ers and. the Public generally that we have adopted the dash System, which means Cash} or its equivalent, and that p11r CANADA CARRlAGE tltys. UARRIAGES, mmuncs. Ne CiiATIlA11 ANILESNOW BALL BELL and. 33331. PLAN 03. Goderich DRINK SALADA CEYLON TEA HUGHES, he W AGGONS. The GASH---- CHAS. MCKINNON’S. r-rhrtr'r9 "WW V ‘o DURHAM. " and Woodstock Organs. Sewing Machines. ADOPTED BY m ' Em: "2;". "t h. 'OO. . McKechnie. G. ti; J. MGKEGHNIE. a2n as, '1'vCit1rii.iii" Li. $1.00 each. worth $1.75, fur $1.40 each. or Fruit Bowls, regular 5 2Ge, 30e, 406 pound, in pound and half pound PACKAGES aeo at and below cost. New Williams 500, for 200 TWO WEEKS IN PARRY SOUND. On Monday, we were up, breakfastl over and off for the same ground with the same packs and same guns, not empty. Frank felt somewhat better as he felt in his bones we were going to get a deer, and Frank’s bones were about right for we had not gone over a mile in the bush when Gip and Capl left us and in no time oat pushed a fine doe the dogs and she so mixed up that‘ I thought there were two deer, we [ were taken so by surprise that neither 3 of us got a shot. Says Frank, "thats i a good one, " and sure enough before night we had a fine buck hung up abouta mile from camp. We came in to camp tired, bat in good shape, we had a capital supper of heart and liver, Frank said I was no tendertootl and a splendid cook. From that on we lived sumptuously. Tuesday I went alone over to where we had left our deer, the dogs Were put out, I thought they they would bring one that way, and sure enough I had only reached the spot when up they came with a small doe, I fired and the deer stopped dead still, but only for a moment when she was off with Gip and Cap close upon her, I had missed, but must have got pretty dose to have brought her to a standstill. We went back to camp a little disappointed, but with a good appetite, and had a grand supper of Deer Mart and liver. Wednesday we had a very exciting chase and killed a fine doc, Gip brought her past us going like the wind, we gave her a broadside which she never heeded, soon Gip came past giving no tongue but in less than live minutes We heard hcrgive tongue. says Frank, "she has her coir. on.". AN'e, rushed on following the sound in abouti a garter of a mile we came up to them fighting bat dog and deer so mixed up together we could not use our guns. Soon the deer saw us and away with Gip close upon her, Grip soon brought; 1her to bay and we came up and soon had her down, but whata tight. They Iare great tiglters but with these dogs once you draw blood and they never give the deer up. They would go through tim and water. Frank was Imore than satislied, we had two fine ',deer and there was bat two coupons attached to my license. The Weather was rather against this kind of hunt. ,ing by this time. In the meantime we (had got the fitst one in. We now had AFTER THE FLEET-FOOTED DEER. viii tm nari,gic.p,' near our camp and 1 can assure you it's a grand sight for a tenderl‘uot especially when they are for him and no one else. And now comes the work, to get our deer out to the station some 8 miles, but this was overcome by Tom and I leaving home l about tl a. m. on Friday morning with a one-horse wooden sleigh, we got to the campabout 8 tt.m. and after loading lup we started rcaehing home about 11 Ia.m., had dinner and then off for the station after saying good-bye: to my kind friends, I lett that night or lrather the next morning Pt 1 a.m. reaching Durham on the 2 pm. train {Saturday having got all the law allows and having had a most enjovable time so much so that if all is well I will go up again next fall. Mr. W. E. McAlllster as a. Hunter. POULTRY FOR THE BRITISH MARKET A very timely and practical bulletin i, has just been issued by the Dominion l Department of Agriculture on the) dressing, packing, and shipping oil poultry for British markets. There is? no doubt, but that a large trade in dressed poultry for the British markets can be developed it only proper methods are adopted in dressing and shipping. The 11.1tar,1g of the poultry must also be goo , and when the trade has developed somewhat, a regular supply mubt be kept up during the season. When a customer is obtained, he should get his supply regularly. If this is done, he will learn to depend upon this one source for his supply. and if the quality is the best he will have no excuse for seeking a supply from any other source. The bulletin deals more particularly with the shipment of turkeys. Re- garding the prospects tor developing this particular line of trade, the bul etin says t Continued from last week. -ijiiiiiiiii, ifirihis%rf,iiuawssiayr, 1:531 Wie W. E. MCALISTER. ham The exportat ion of Turke"s trom Cate adn to Great. Britain is hardly yet past the exresiluentul stage. Most of the shipments have been sent more as an occasional venturethan as a part. of a regular business. One. importer of poultry in Great Britain any : tb Every body thinks he is qtutr.fied to pack and ship poultry; whereas. us much as any other article of food, it requires the skilful handling which can be given only as a result of experience.†It; will he prudent only for u beginner to send only small trial shipments early in the season. and thus open up a trade which can be enlarged as it is found profitable. If turkeys he prepared. packed. and! shipped m-eording to the requirements ofthe British markets, they will,'un- doubtedly. meet a good demand. and secure prieesequnl to those, of turkeys imported from France and other eon-l tiuental countries. The price, vane-m from year to year. and also at different1 tunes of the yetr. Wholesale, the range of l".1tr', may he from five pence per poum ' up to nine pence and over per pound, for the finest quality of birds in the best condition. Further on it states', The demand is usually good from nhout the the lst of December to the Ist, of March. The reception of poultry in the British mzuket is aireeted by the condition of the weather much less now than formerly. Cold storage facilities l in the several cities of G rent Britain en- lable the handlers to guard ngninstdeter- iiorutiou from mild or soft weather on {the arrival of the hirds. For the ()lnistmus trade, birds of large size command a relatively higher pt we per pound than small ones. Cock turkeys of the largest. size should be Il-nrku-tml Lefore Christina. The de- umud for' lien tmlreyss continues until March. Like billonsneu, â€womb. mum... on“. pation, mt atom-ch. Indigestion no plump!!! cured by Hood's PIN. They do their work may 1nd thoroughly. I Best after dinner pills. I tt â€cents. All dmggtsta. Prepared by C. 1. Mood l W., Lowell. Mun. It then goes on tc give specific tie-3 tails as to the manner of killing the' birds: how they should he matedl immediately hefove killing: the methods“ of packing and preparing for shipment.’ Cleanliness must he observed in ever)" pmtirulm, and special attention given; to grading the birds and m haying tlttrse, put, in n, Lox as near one weight. as possible. Instructions are also given as‘ to shipping turkeys in feather. l Filloodis New mix to mm with Hood's mums. Liver Ills In reference to the trade in geese and! ducks, the bulletin Buys: ) Geese are demanded in Great Britain) for a longer' time after ('hricmlas than t is usually rhe (use in markets on this', side of the Atlantic. It, is not probable i that, a pro.Hialrlcs [made of large volume ' can he developed in them in the nearY future. The supply of ducks, chickens, ( and fowls in Canada is hardly yet sttf'fi- l cient for the demand for the Canadian _ home Wade. I The same methods: of preparation are advised in regard to chickens and fowls as with drosm-d turkeys. and altogether the bulletin is a very valuahhsione in- deed, and should he in the hands of every poultry breeder and dealer in the country. \Vrlle the Department. of Agriculture at, Ottawa for a copy. I have not written you iur some time as l -'rTitF', we have had a very tine fall and your cur- l _ii'iJi' respondent Torn was kept verv busy new l icr,l'i' mg up the turnips as my old people keyt TE me to work. ";i,1i'ii,, Our sick people are mostly better in the all; Dean family, there were three of them 1,3}: down atone time and it was very trying _,'-,'?),?", as this is the family whose mother was!" i; accidently shot last. summer. l $3.3 Quite a little improvement in our virl if]; huge this fall. POI Meliechme hm new ‘1 iiits. moving Ais house and ham. David Allan l all improving tho house and workshop know i/.ilirli,i. as the McLeach church, H. Allen somelgr; improvements and G. McArthur a new i tit,)', ' roof on his house, Wm, McDonald nudii‘j 4 Dan MoArthur are going to improve some l 7' 'iii'. if the weather keeps open muc‘: longer. it. s I Business has been brisk in our villagelgiE lthe wagon shop, the three blacksmith l, Eli lehopshaVe all been very busy. Lasthntu- f, mot least, our shoe-maker McDonald has l m , :hia brother working for him and tney have i . . l more than they can do. Tuey keep at it 'PE' l on late in the night. Some of our people tstent down to) Cedarville to McKechnie's shooting match _ List Friday 19m. l Church matters are not improving inn-eI since the service was taken from iii) Orange Hall to Allen's shop, it is dwindl- ing down small and the Chrisuian Furl deavor we hear has ceaned to meet. The people are supplied with students. Mrs. Mills daughter of Mrs McDonald came back from North Michigan. She prefers to I‘ve hrre, her husband is intend- ing to return in the spring. J as. McMurdo has rented a farm at “entry and will move there this winter. l Isaac W. McArdle was home on Sunday at his parents. There is some talk of reviving up the Patron; again. Will the coming electieu have anything to do with this move , ONTARIO ARCHIVES TORONTO Intended for last "eck. HOPEVILLE. Ton. WA MW's THE W'HITING . . . Universal SAW SET ' ' 'i/itil/i', 'r'ifi'i. yr: 'i,i"i'i'_-, HOLIDAY GOODS all; Miss Agness Hunter spent last meek visiting her many friends in H nupdeu. Messrs Oliver Brown and John Watt. ol Normanby, visited the luau": uncle, Mr Peter Rel-l. a. week last Saturday nu? Suudny. Miss Nancy Tory, of Orchardville, is, spending a few weeks u present with the Daily family. kr. Jam'McKouzie has rented any hollow farm from Mr. Wut. Brown ior a term of three yous. Miss Bella Wilson. of Dromore, mm the welcome guest of Miss A. Hunt†one day last Wet k. im, Hattie Watt, who has been very poorly for the put month with iufhumm" THE RIGHT PLACE FOR CHRISTMAS NE 'rl YEAR’S NOVELTIES XMAS GltirCElllliS, NE ll' Fltl'l'l'h', m. 'iiiij,, 22 lbs beet Granulated Sugar, ttrt. s.'li.i-'i', Druggict and Scedcmum - - - - - -- Inn-mun. Intended for last meek. fittrittt). _i, Bark , are 2)rag Store. MERRITT. a9.9ie,".e'"r:re.iF66' H. PARKER. i,jiii AT tion in V we am glad to report improving nicely. Mr. and Urs. Wat. Hunter were guest; " Mr. D. Hatuiltou's one lo la~t week. Mr. Audiew Lindsay. of Glenrlg, w" t guest. ll Mr. Ins. Allan h receutly. A'".c.y.f.s-ieeot business is better thw to: you! put; Ilia tsave homer and Haber tIN boob. Agents clearing from new to .40. “roomy Atew lenders are: “Queen 2"gti' “Lilo ot Ir, -oue," "My Mother; In . Stories" "Progreuiv? Speaker." "Kloudlko Gold Funds. "Woman," “Gliuunol of the (Jam'- “Breukful, Dinner and Suppel," “de52 " nueratopesdit.2' B(mkl,0n “we. outBt. [no to “unto“! THE BuADLEY GABRETHON 00.. iGiiiLt. Toronto We7ae,',-g2 an 01:11-qu thirty m.- all women upon “Jury or continuum: u a†to â€From-m us around home. THE BOOK Ali BIB at HOUSE. Bunuord. We, "D-ive minim! W ' Brad-7rd. WHOLE N0. 1029. El-_-ig-tNate-ill/Bates-.]--- "ah GREAT i, i (il VARIETY'r' cPa2ttnht"gir1ailr-i': 3-; NrED--tHvev order than - croo- minim: to 'uetru persons. In.“ I. IN Eh“; Durham. a": b