Ontario Community Newspapers

Durham Review (1897), 9 Sep 1897, p. 5

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ND ing Y â€"(First Mortgage)â€" mterest and easy terms ArAa TI ce Agency LOAN 22â€" Y â€"(First Mortgage)â€" lment plan, ut though with disâ€" . possible expense. RANCE RANCcpE®&ss®e of London England, we â€" Insurance in foree adian ¢Company, and m best Plans, and at . BATSON OO8, L X) W Barrister uT & Batsox, by tieo, Sparitng. n MARKE3 nsed Auctioneer. TS and Newing Mauachines. ftarm property at CHARD. ses, Wills Mert on short notice. sold. e€2 v be : for sale at wate a~ licited. & 7° ‘ Sons or other in« fair education to ould be an induce use a few ladies T. H. LINSCOTT, ho can work hard x bhours dail 7, for i will be content ly., Address, dical Bnilding, _ ed 4* Insurance Comeâ€" : Laveastre Fire ‘ * London, Kugâ€" Mowers, mi“! est in the mar} to.. for all kinds & Toronto, Ont, left at THE U8 to 04 to 10 to 10 to D0 0 to 25 to 50 to 40 to> MACHINâ€" Du rham to t> to t Lo 0 10 12 5 60 10 UB 175 PUBLIC and High School Books In Cloth and other Bindings with or,without Music By such Standard Authors as W. CLARK RUSSEL, MARIE CORELLLI, HALL CAINE, A. CONAN DOYLE, EDNA LY/ LL, Presbyterian . . Book of Praise . A SUPPLY OF THE Newest Novels . BOOKS I. E. Luca®, + *++* w.H. WarouTt, + â€" + €. BAPsoN®, â€" + * C DURMAM OFFICE, Ca 3 2 7 Y)mmga specialty UR AM. DEALBR IN WATCHES, CLOCKS, Jewelry and Spectacles, â€" Silver and Flat Ware of all deseriptions, Reâ€" s e TTDIDNL‘» 'P‘\\\’N, 10 WER TOWN BARRISTERS- soLICITORS. s CONVEYANCERS- &c. OfMices :â€"Opposite TOWN HALL, Lower Town, Durham xa~ 5.000 to loan at lowest rates ot ()FFICE FIRST DOOR EAST CF the Durham Pharmacy Calder® Block. â€" Residence first door west of th Post Office, Durham. Will be in Priceville the tirst Wednes day in each month. â€" Office at the Comâ€" mercial Hotel, MONEY TO LOANâ€"1ow mates Robe Tanning‘ Horse Hidles, Cow Hides, Dog Skins, Tanned suitable for _ Robes & Coats By the New Process, which for Finish and Softâ€" nesg can‘t be beat. N. B,.â€"To ensure a good job the Hides must be well salted as soon as ta ken off. â€"___ able distince, if desired, Holste:n, January 14th. 1897 PDr. T. G. HOLT L. D.S. Child can do it., Ne Neb diimg This 11 boua fide. I nd psrticulars at once. f rfv .. d ..aais ‘Fample. C CINRT CTI MV NT PHPCC CCE 1 *‘; This 1s boua fide. Send -t.mn for work nd parriculars at once. THE SEYMOURSUP LÂ¥ Co sf s1a aic Temple, Caw don yNJ McFARLANE & Go. DENTISTRY. Satisfaction Guaranteed. interest yorx ror MEN AND WOMEN, to 410 per week for easy I Parties waited upon within a reasonâ€"~ Elliott & Elliott, sSUER OF MARRLAGE LICENSES3, Holâ€" Exercise and Scribbling Books, Pencils, &c. is, WRIGHT, & BaTSON. BAaRRISTERS, soLIcITORsS, NOTARIES, CconvEranceRrs, ac. A. CORDON. Robe Tanning ! HELE WANT Dâ€"FE WAaLE. . 8. HORSBURGH. Large Supply . Thos. Smith. .â€"UPPER TOWN, Caroer‘s BLocKk, Lower Towu. OF Maikdale. Owen Sound. Durhkam. EASY TERMS DURI AM )MEN. Wepay $ easy bome work PWPAE iC o sitic C CF Ohe Burham Review. Mr. A, Galbraith, teacher in Aberdeen School, has been engaged for 1808 at an advance in salary, â€" Thus is merit reâ€" warded. Going fast. The new Presbyterian Book of Praise. From 8 cents up, Mcâ€" Farlane & Co. Kevr, Mr. McGregor and Rev, Mr. Jansen will exchange pulpits on Sunday morning. This generons spirit is always pleasing. STACKS.â€"A drive through the country shows stacks of grain, waiting for the thresher, something that has been seen but seldom in two years. J. A. Hunter carries the largest stock of Readymade clothing in South Grey, Call and get his prices. No. I. NormaxBy.â€"Mr. Jno. Kerr and his pupils intend giving an enterâ€" trinment on Friday evening first, A fine program is arranged. Grortous _ Wreata®ErR®.â€"We _ must take space to congratulate farmers on the splendid weather of the past week: It has been well used no doubt, and empty space in barns is now at a premâ€" fam. Mr. Allan has been appointed captain of the Boys‘ Brigade, an institution calâ€" culated to do good work for the youth of the town, Mr. A, Galbraith is Drill Instructor, and under chese offlicers and the direction of the W. C. T. U. good results are sure to follow. Buy a quart of Alligator Harness Oil for 20¢ at J. A. Hunter‘s. Itis a good thing. F.owErg.â€"We â€" give â€" considerable space this week to the first Morticultural Exhibition belieying that a great dea can be done by this means to cultivate a tefined taste m the community, The orgamzation and seed distribution of the society has been justified. Pores Movixa.â€"Mt. E. Hartford on Fuiday last shipped his 41st carload of poles this season frorm Durham staticn, and will have as many more. He bas also an extensive pole & d lumber busiâ€" ness at Waterloo, and between the two places turns over a lot of money. Mr. A, MeFarlane last Thursday had oo sawant wrave stone erected to the Mr. A, MeFarlane last ‘Lhursday hnad an elegant grave stone erected to the memory of his two sons, It is of the kind known as dark Pearl Swede Gran ite, from Aberdeen, It was" secured from the firm of Cochrane & Johnston, Beussels, through their Agent here Mr. R, Forry. Parties wishing to see designs and samples of material should . call on Mr. Torry. nurham, Thur. Sept. 9, ‘97. Tuspector Thomas Harris, of Daurhaw paid the institutions, over which be has supervision, an official visit on Monday â€"not to chide them for any infraction of the License Act, however, but to whisâ€" per to them a probibitory warning note and now a poor thirsty soul must go dry or slake that thirst with nothing more more exhilerating than Adam‘s ale.â€"Ayton Advance. Ix Mexoriary.â€"Our obituary column toâ€"day records the death of Mrs. Thos. Caldwell, of Orchardyille, This highly esteemed lnady was the daughter of Mi. and Mrs. ihos, Smuth of this town and her removal in the prime of life is a serious affliction to the surviving relatâ€" ives. â€" For several months, lately stayâ€" ing at her father‘s where she had devotâ€" ed nursing, she strngs 1 «] with the disâ€" ease, but dea.h brought a happy release on Monday last, _ CShe wias interred in Maplewood Cemetery on Tuesday many touching evidences of respect and esteem being shown at the house and the grave by Dinbam and Ovchardville friends, Rev. Mr. Isaae, Holstein, conducted apâ€" propriate services. Her busband and a son 7 years old remain to mourn the loss of an affectionate wife and mother, ; Maxr® Tur Most OF YoursEL®.â€"It is the duty of every man to make the most of himself. Whbatever his capacity may be, he is sure to find some place where he can be useful to himself and to others. But he cannot reach his highest usefulâ€" ness without good health and he cannot | have good health without pure blood. The blood circulates to every Organ and tissue and when it is pure, rich and healthy it carries health to the entire system, but if it is impure it scalters disease wherever it fows. Hood‘s Sarâ€" saparilia is the one true blood purifier. It cures salt heum, scrofula, catarrh, dyspepsia and rheumatism because these diseases bave their origin in the blood. See J. A. Hunter‘s nobby satock of fan‘‘s sniting in suit ends. They are Gent‘s suiting in suit ends. 2252 "*~ | the latest shades, E Cause or BaupxEss.â€"Dr. Black, of | . Paisley, well known here, has contribut»| . ed an article to a Detroit Journal on |â€" this topic, and an exchange referring to | it says:â€"**MHis idea seems reasonable enough. â€" It is to the effect that the tight hat band, pressing agninst the blood of the head, checks the flow of blood to the scalp and impoyerishes it, causing the hair to fall out, The idea was suggested by an experience which Mr. J. B. Campbell, of Pinkerton, had fitting vup a horse for show purposes. He had braided up the tail, and in order to keep it in place, had put on a rubber band. This remained some time, and after its remoyaul the hair on the tail beâ€" low where it had been placed fell out," > LOCAL AND GENERAL sw 3 ScriBhl,gn for 5¢ at J. A. Hunter‘s. Neck Ties worth 15¢ for Scat J. A. Hunteor‘s © LOST. â€"Between â€" Mrs. . Turnbull‘s Rocky Saugeen and Mtr. Robt. Edge‘s, Edge Hil!, a black curly cloth cape. The finder will oblige by leaving the same at this office. Take a look at J, A, Hunter‘s ¥¥¢ Tweeds. A Secure a copy of the New Presbyterâ€" ian Book of Praise at McFarlane & Co‘s. seribe now, PERSONAL MENTION. Mr. R. Parker paid a business visit to Toronto, Tuesday, Mr. and Mrs, C, McArthur visited Owen Souud last Sunday. Mrs. and Miss Fox are in Toronto, the guests of the former‘s sister. Miss Malcolm,, Hamilton, is a guest of Mrs. N. W. Camphell this week. Mr. G. W. Jones spent from Saturday to Monday in Arthur. Mrs, A. Patterson is home after a long visit to relatiyes in the States. Dr. R. B. Culbertson is in charge of Dr. Sneaith‘s practice at Dromore. Miss Ethel May, of Walkerton is visitâ€" ing at Mr. L. Elvidge‘s this and last week. Mi. Marshall, of Ottawa, sonâ€"inâ€"law of Mr. J. Robertson, is on a visit here at present, Miss Cuibertson has been attending the Millinery Openings in Toronto durâ€" ing the past week. Mr. W. K. Reid, Gleneden, was town last weekend and gave a few his many friends a call. Rev. Mr. Connor and family left for Adelaide near London, last Friday. Our best wishes follow him. Mr. T. Farr occupied the pulpit of Trinity Church last Sunday, and preachâ€" ed two excellent discourses. Mrs. A. L, McKenze and son, of Wingham are at present. guests of Mrs, John Cameron, Upper Town. Mrs. Dr. Jamieson and son Brad. reâ€" turned on Saturday from a two month‘s stay on the Island at Toronto, Rey, Mr. Jansen went to Toronto Monday, where bhe will attent several conventions of Church bodies, Miss Annie McKenzie is supplying Miss McRae‘s place in School, she hayâ€" ing to resign owing to ill health. Rev. Janmes Binuie, M. A., was home on a visit to his mother and other friends from Friday last to Wednesday, Ar Kester, who assisted in the Revâ€" sw 3 weeks last fall passed through town to Walkerton, last Tuesday, Mr. John McBeth has our thanks for a basket of fine apples, a fruit, whose promising appearance a few months ago h:.s not been maintained. Dr. Gun came home Tuesday from a two week‘s visit to Montreal friends where he took in the meeting of the Bmitish Medical Association. Barrister Uampbell, L. L. B. from Harâ€" riston, Mrs. Campbell and two children were guests of Mrs. N. W, Caumpbell a few days last week and this, Rev. Mr, Little passed through Durâ€" hiaum last Thursday, on his way to Garaâ€" fraxa whoere he was to preach on Sunâ€" day. In an appropriate cycling suit he was getting over the ground quite niceâ€" ly, the regulation * cloth " being in a valise strapped to the wheel. Among those who have taken in Torâ€" onto‘s big fair this week and last are Messrs C. McKinnon, Postmaster Mcâ€" Kenzie, M. Sutherland, C. L. Grant, John Grahim, Mr. Gordon and Eilah, Mr. and Mrs, Sparling, Jas. Carson, Archie Robertson, Mr. and Mrs, H. The ReviEw till January 18398, for cts. Till Jany 1899, $1.25. Subâ€" The glory of a nation is, in all cases characterized by her music, sports and pastimes, and these elaments are conâ€" ducivye. to her sons, of heroic inspiration and personal prowess which is simply a devolopment of sublime patriotism, Scotland stands prominent among all nations of the earth in that respect. These facts will be indorsed in earnest when the notable concourse of Scottish champions, namely : Gideon Perrie, champion heavyweight athlete of the world ; Walter F, Scott, champlan «all round athlete of America and other great men in their line will appear as contestants in the large number of events to be competed for at the Caleâ€" donian Games at Darham Agriculitural Paik on Wednesday, Sept. 15th. Other features worthy of large patronâ€" age will be the highland dancing conâ€" tests and amongst the most renowned competitors in these events will be Wilâ€" liam Johnston the champion dancer of America. Amongst the competitors in the Bagâ€" giep: contests, will be included Farquhar ton, winner of ‘the World‘s Fair champion gold medal in Chicago in ‘03. Eve'ryhoay should come on the 15th and witness some of. the greatest Caleâ€" donian féatures that will ever beseen in arker, who will be absent two wecks. this country, _ See Bills and programs. WANTED.â€"Men and women who can work bard talking and writing six hours daily, for six daysâ€" a week, and will be content with ten dollars weeklg. Adâ€" c1ess, New Io®as Co., Medical Building Toronto, Ont, sCOTTISH GAMES AT DURHAM. in of SCHOOL 0 0 K S SLATES PENCILS PENS, &c A FULL LINE OF . . SCHOOL SUPPLIES THE For the Jmst week a mild exciteéement has pervaded the town springing from the contests with the Hanover team, promised and performed, The Durham club has bhad unvarying success this year, and last Friday were prepared to do battle once more, and for the first time this season invited the public at a small charge to witness the contest. ‘A contest that never came off, Why ? â€" While our boys will face anyâ€" thing that stands in leather, from Hanâ€" uver they draw the line at imported " vingers. " The yisitors were met near the cemeterg' hy two dvoung men from Owen Sound, who had strangely missed this good town. They exchanged places with two from Hanover rig and all came to town, ready, thus remforced, to face the foe. On the accidental discovery of this little game our boys promptly,and vyory 81'0pexly demanded the exclusion of the wen Sounders,. This being refused, after some wrangling the crowd left disgusted, and the ball was never faced. On Monday however a request was sent over by Hanover to allow a match, . they ;l»?rmuisimf to bave no cutsider but a Fergus player, The request was granted and at 4 p imn,. a game was enâ€" tered upon, witnessed by a respectable sized crowd, which gave the victory to Hanover by 3 to 2. This was the legal decision of course, but it was Durhaw‘s game througbout, the chief atiack bemg at Durhaim‘s goal. Hanover got the first goal after 95 min. play, Durham the 2nd in 27 min. and also 3rd in 4 min. more. _A long delay then took place, and when only 9 min, of the 2 hours remained Havover evened up. It was now gray dark, and the chances of war, it would hardly be callâ€" ;d;gm;é ";;l.\llv“i'n'é‘gfivé the visitors the 3“31 Pfioal in 1} min. and the game was ended. W. Harris, of Durham team got a knockâ€"down blow on the forehead, not a knock out, howeyer, as his playing in a few minutes showed. The boys threw the gates open the second match owing to the first failure. CEECCCE * P Em Ees s C ap ts "°“"R’§§§ S&mn_ Carcowerr.â€"In Durh t her fach )A T,Y,, â€"â€"In urham, at her A«Meâ€" C ir to y maugeen, er‘s resicence, on Monday, Sept, 6th, I If you want to go to heaven, don‘t let Grorax H. TuokER, Isaellrs beloved wife of Thos. Cald.! your live stook drink swamp water, 4 Box 257, Portage La Prairie, Man l‘;;::; l?sfl'hltd\-ille. aged 33 years and 4! Eepecialiv keep milk cows from it ww The undersigned will receive applicaâ€" tions up to Sept. 15th next for the posiâ€" tion of teacher. in 8. 8, No. 1, Glenelg. Must have a Normal School certificate. Duties to begin Jan. 3, 1808. State exâ€" perieuce, August 3rd, 1897. Durham Pharmacy. WANTED TEACHERS aud other bright men for vacation or permanentlg.to solicit for * Canada : An Encyclopedia of the Country, in five royal quarto volumes, No delivering. Commussion weekly. THE LINSCOTT COMPANY, Torono, Ont. Lot 49, concession 2, Glenelg, Withâ€" in two miles of the town of Durham. This is a good farm. â€" Good stone house, frame barn, good orchard, well watered convenient to market, Will be sold cheap. For particulars anplz to Vavrar m BMINTEP ols t Bcribbling Books MALE TEACHER WANTED. FARM FOR SALE. LACROSSE. And Stationery AT AuEx. BInXNIE. Durham P. O. TORONTO uie dn en 20 M in BIG THE Harvesting Fire Insurance Binder Twine WES‘]‘ ERKN FAIR.onoon CANADAԤ FAVORITE LIVE STOCK AND AGRICULTURAL EXHIBLTION The most complete Live Stuck Building in America. â€" More improveâ€" ments and extensive additions this year. â€" Every Stockman, Agricalturâ€" ist, Manufacturer, Dairyman, Artist, Investor, etc., ete. specially invited. Entries close Sent 9th, in all departments. Buceess assured, n THE ARIB PRINCE, has been a oured to furnish and SIE HLSSBN BEN ALI superinteud the 8 ago AUtractions. Anction Sele of Booths and Privileges, Avg 15th. on the groands at 2 p m, m Lfi T o P 20009 .. oc ism ena Nluns.anply bn [T .006 P, D. LEYS, Prosident, _ THOS A. BROWNE, Sectetary J VY L1RX WERP CR CCC I k # A Pair of Heads. Coneglate Instl.tute |\ _ Clark‘s Horse Review, from which S ‘Wker. Wr, v6%> | we reproduce the illustration, prints Re.â€"OPE i f _‘ the following pair of heads, ‘They are A full Staff o‘farstllfgfi‘sis“ in All PS ) tmo heads of the two beautiful trotting + | * " Students prepared for all grades * Certiicates, for Entrance to the var sities and Colloges, and aro piven A ¢ education valvable in wll industrie mercial pursuits. _ u2 mm h y owEX soUNxND Collegiate Institute Awt Scuoon " Foxat IL ** (Third C1 and Part Matriculation) TBIXRD FORM (Necond Cluss} ; FountH Form (First Class)....~> Hoxon MATRMCULATION For Aumual Aunouncements or other information, apply to For I. Exam!}mtiou p. R. Dobie, Secretary. FARM FOR SALE. & Hard and Soft W School convenient. ham Buildings cost over half the Money asked, oneâ€"third down. This is a Rare Bargain. K Grain,. â€" Business meant. If 1 will lease for a term of yea ply to M m hn Lc hae 4 arein P rr c 3 AT«Inxngoxâ€"â€"In Gle: elg, on Saturday, Sept, 2nd, to Mr. and Mrs, Joseph Atkinson, a daughter. â€" _ â€"â€" Marriage Licenses issued. Durham Lower Town Implement Warerooms. CHICAGO, h18 110000402 045. 20ck itc ie fniadatt An cpoortunity to representa well.estab ishâ€" ed Louse. Ability mere iwportuut than ¢X~ perieuce FLCHCE. LUKE BBROTHERS CO ! PANY, TOWK ROBERT WATSON Jr., 5hn DLX ALL superinteud the m Sele of Booths and Privileges, Avug riza Lists, Prograwme and Map«. ap} WANTED. International Nurser‘e: 1 o0 0. 10 30..4.,0â€"diniats tainat64 Moxruran Que RocuksTNMR K 9â€"0 MACHINERY, Of All KINDS (Third Class BORN. REPECOIOTY TE AO0 term of years. AP : all grades "of Peachers‘ e to the various Univer aro piven a goud taralish ull industrial and com:â€" i ot on the a@ In every .d.l:'.lf LE aÂ¥iars DIED. . H. Jenkins, Principal Every thing at BIG 4 Pricesâ€"Which are the lowestâ€" And ONE PRICE TO ALL 0o o FALL GOODS are coming in _ 0o _ 0 _ ome To the Big 4 jor Bargains in SEPT. 9""! TCO 18"", 1897. Dry Goods, f Groceries, Boots & Shoes Tinware, Whips, &c., Boarding 32 Certificates 92 G2 Promp!ly attended to _ Large amount of to loun at 5 per cent 10 6 per cent interes Stock or If not sold Bean & Co. Lists At RIGHT PRICES za1leGeLr, Culling Out the Fowls. Where ordinary success has followed the rearing of poultry, antumn will nsuâ€" ally find the stock in hand largely in excess of the accommodations there are i for winter keeping, and with a number of birds that oven in their pin feathers show they aro not up to the standard. | But one looks long and lovingly at a chicken which, with age, might so far | improve as to be exchanged ‘for a golden | half cagle, and it is hard to begin cullâ€" \ ing while hope remains. Bome points, however, such as feathered logs on a | smooth legged broced and scant leg and i toe feathering on an Asiatic, there is no | getting round, and it is with these the | beginuing should be made. Get suach i out of the way first of all and remove the temptation to add new varieties to ; the standard or to modify clauses in it. j Next, look for crooked breast bones and | other deformities, but wait to cut for | color until after the first molt. KIGHTINGALE AXD ALIX, mares Nightingale and Alix. Nightinâ€" gale, the milder looking of the two, has trotted her mile in 2:104g. Alix, the one with the bright, snapping eye and the whito star in ber forehead, has made her mile in 2:05 14. _ A firm that makes duck raising pay writes to The Rural New Yorker in an>â€" ewer to a set of questions: 1. Four and oneâ€"half to five cents per ‘ pound. 2. The Poeking. 8. Old ducks do | well in flocks of 150, if they have an | unlimited range. We would suggest 75 «ucks and 15 drakes for best results One hundred and fifty young ducks is about right after they leave the brooder, | but in the brooder only 100. 4 Clover, and rape cut fine and g1ven in PM s oneâ€"third green to twoâ€"thirds grain. 5. The demand is always groater than the supply. 6. We have a good trade on celâ€" ery ducks, We use no other flavoring and given in bulk, maney * we\

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