J .B near also to Groveites, He possesses a magnetic appearance, tact, push 1nd priaâ€" miple and enjoys success and populamiy as the result. He is a selt m:de gentleâ€" man whose armabition and chararcter it would be well for more of our yonung men to emulate, We are pleased to learn that his brother Archie who left our midst kmore recently is also doing !so well across the border. He in the employ ot a dealer in fancy stock, whose farin adjorns Janes ville, dis., acity of about 25,000 and but a short distance from Chicago, He is enâ€" joying the best of health as his weight 180 lbe, will show, rides a bicycle, and has be: come an all round sathlete. Here are two young men of whom there mother and gister are justly proud whoâ€"e continued | auecess with good health seems certain. One of those pleasant events of which we bave not the pleasure of chronicling every wéek occurred last Wednesday, whenp Miss Auuie Sinclair, Flesherton Mr. James Uenrty, of paint brush fame will take adyantage of the C. P. R. excurâ€" sion to Guelph next week. He may book with Buffalo Bili‘s show for the balance of the season. Medico Juo. A Conkey, of Chicago, .«of whom the RevirEew last week made the @rroneous statement that he was a Prive. villeite, also a Durhnmite as we claim him wholly as ours is at presont a most welâ€" eome two week‘s visitor at the Kennedy Brothers‘ his old bhomestead, The Dr. is well and favorsably known far and The Misses Campbell, Mary and Bella. «of Rochester, N. Y, and Katie, of Toronto, mow brighten the domicile of their parents. Mrs. P. McAllan is spending a week with Wm. Smith and family. Word of a garden party in the near future. Our farmers are rejoicing over the reâ€" «cent rains and the prospects of good crops. Ed Suallivan is learning the blacksmithâ€" ving with T. Duggan. Miss Minnie McCracken is home from the city looking pleasant as of yore. The mink who has the reputation of generaily knowing what he is talking about informs us that he narrowly escapâ€" ed a serious accident the other day,. Parâ€" ticnlars Iater. Mr. Dan Kenuedy is all smiles since the arrival of his city friends. Bicyclhst McArthur wheeled over to Durham last week and while in town callâ€" ed on the Chronicle. Mr. and Mrs. Augus Kennedy who have resided bhore for a year past left Thuarsday for Winnipeg. The Stewart Bros, contemplate bail1â€" ing a lean to the old barn. It is ramored that Dan contemplates something more serions ere the cold months set in. Dr. Mc‘®ennan and James Beagan, of "Williamsford passed through our town on Sunday eyening last, times are looking up «with Jim. Mr. Joe MecDonald left for the west last week. Mr. Dunean Baxter was unfortunate enough to lo:e one of his fine mares last week, Charlie‘s smiling countenance may be â€"seen four nights in the week at his old :stand, the gate post. Mr. MeMuarry, of Toronto, spent last «week in our burg, the guest of his brotherâ€" .inâ€"law, Mr. Thos. MceKnight. Mr, and Miss Johnston from Quebec Provinece are the guests of Mr. Ales. Mcâ€" Cracken this week, Dr. Hagh MceNeil of Chicago visited at Kennedy Bros. last week. Little by little Mr, Hunt is getting the material on the ground for his new store, Slow but sure is Harry‘s motto, Dr, R. Culbertson. of Darham is attendâ€" ing to Dr, Smith‘s prictice while the latter is taking his holidays. John Little Jr, sprent last week with friends in Luther, Dr. and Mrs. Smith left on Friday to visit friends in Arthur an1 vicinity. The mosthly fair held here last week «was & failure, onuly about a dozen cattle offered for sale. There are so many buyâ€" ers going around that we have no need of a fair. We hope the hoia hunting for the â€"sulphur spring will have better success inext time. Mr. Wm. Duncao arrived home last week from the Rainy River District. He says times are very duil up there at preâ€" sent. We frequently see the driver of the milk waggon gazing intently at the store house, Wonder what the attracâ€" tion is ? Miss Hattie Cain, who returned from ‘Guelph a couple of weeks ago has been visitin{ her sister Mrs. A. Thomsoo and «other friends in this part. Mr. Wm. O‘Mara sold his two fat cows to Jas. Dowd, of Chatsworth for $70. Miss Grace Mclivride returned home Jdast Saturday from Gueiph for a months vacation. Miss Hannah MceKinnon is improving «under Dr. Hutton‘s care but the wound is still very painfal. Mrs. G,. Moore and ch.ldren, of Teesâ€" water bas been visiting at her father‘s Mr. Morice. Dr. and Mrs. Hatton visited at Mr. D. McKinnons last Sunday, Mr. W, H. Hergrave has come home for the summer looking well. News is very scarce just now, everyâ€" ‘br,d{ very busi trving to make hay while the sun shines. Mr. L. Gadd and Miss Mary were guests of Miss L. Byers on Sunday last. Mr. D, Graham, of Bunesean, visited at Mr. Neil McDonalds last Wednesday. Miss Alice Grant is visiting at Mr. H. Intended for last week. NORTH EAST NORMANBY. Intinded for last week,. FAIRWELL CORNERsS. MAPLE GROVE. DORNOCH Era published. _ The only Canadian work accepted by Her Majesty. _ Sales unprecedentedâ€"knock the bottom out of all records. _ Canyassers seaoping in money. _ Eyen boys and girls sell it fast. Big commission ~ or straight weekly salary after trial trip. THE BRADpcEYâ€"GARRETSoXN Co. Lnntâ€" ED, Toroxto, Oxt. Second edition "Queen Victoria " hausted. Jubilee edition on p Best history of the Onean and Tiai WANTED ! ture age, refi her time in a Durham, by HUGII MacKAY, AvorroxEER, the following valuable farm property in the Township of Bentinck in the County of (Grey, containing by adâ€" measurement 150 acres (more or less,) of splendid farm land, composed of lot number 23 in the 12th Concession of the Township of Bentinck and als> that part of lot 22 on the said 12th concession of the said township of Bentinck, conveyed by one Elizabeth Wilson to one Peter Knechtel by deed already registered in the Registry Oftice for the South Riding of the County of Grey, and in said deed more particularly described. _ For terms and particulars apply to MRS. J. H. HUNTER, Or to J. A, HUNTER.| Dated at Durham August 2nd ‘97 ‘ A5â€"26. NDER AND BY VIRTUE OF A Upnwm' of Sale contained in a certain Incenture of Mortgage made by one Edward James Cross, which will be produced at time of sale. there will be «ffered for Sale by Public Auction, on at the hour of two o‘clock p. m. at the SATURDAY, the 4th of Sopt. 97. Mortgage Sale. OF FARM PROPERTY IN THE Township of Bentinek in Co, of Grey Mr. J. Billings lost one of his little boys He has been ailing for some time and pasâ€" sed away Friday last. They have the sympathy of the neighborhood. Mr. P. Fernanne had a great logging bee last Wednesday and a big dance at vight. Mr. J. Egan and Miss Stacia were the guests of Miss Ethel Marshall Sabbath last. Mrs, A. Bryce took & trip to Egremont last week to see her little granddaughter, Mi s Jenny who is living at Mr. B. Conâ€" naly‘s. A few from around here took in the picnic at Hopeville and returned home thinking it would have been more enjoyâ€" able to have stayed at home and picked berries. Mre. J. Campbell and Mrs. J, Munroe, of Hoperville, were the guests of Mrs. C. MclLean last week. And also Miss Jenny Campbell parid her grandpa, Mr, A* Bryce a visit. Mrs. Vaunce, of Arthur, was visiting at Mr. A. Bryce‘s Monday last. Mr. Blake Hopkinson and J. Carr left on a trip to Hamilton on their wheels last Week. A few from this part attended the L, D. 8. Convention held in Masonville and report having a good time none regretting haviung gone although the heat was almost un‘enrable. Mr. S. Batchelor has sold his horse to Mr. J. Dogle and purchased a wheel from Mr. Briggs, of Ventry. Mrs. G. Woollsey, who has been ailing for some timeo is improying very slowly. Mr. C. MecLean happened with what might have been a very serious accident last week while he and his brother were shinglinog trie barn Ire fell from the roof a distance of 27 feet. but landing on his feet he did cot get very badly hurt. _ His feet being all that seems to be injured, Mr. A. Dunn, of 0. Souns, formerly of Proton, was visiting friends aud neighbors around here last week. Mrs, S. McLean lelt a couple of weeks ago for her parental home in Belleville where she rmmtends remaining for a month. Mr, G. Dean is very ill with Malaria feyer,. Dr. Mitchell is in attendance. The people hbave all commenced their baying. The statute labor is nearly done arouud these parits. One of our men who recently made apâ€" plication on the Paris Police force and still awaiting the result of the same sought othert employ ment 0 tz â€"rususly that le seriou«ly effected hbhis eyes which necesâ€" sitated his return to home and mother. We are pieased to learo that he is now improying nicely. Well, Mr. Editor this is my first writing to your yariable paper since it has nbangâ€" ed its title, bat aithough news is scarce I will seod in a few items. The whale bas recently showed Ins skill and ingenaity in a mechanical direction by producing & home made up to date mower. His better bhalf we understand assisted in a mental capacity. Station, and Mr. John McRae, of Owen Sound, were united in marriage at Markâ€" dale, â€"After the ceremony they returned to the residence of the brides sister in the grove where Priceville, Markdale, Flesher: ton and surrounding community was foand to be well represented. Music and dancing were induilged in as well as refreshments. We join in wishing the young couple & happy life voyage. The feature of the evevning was the music by Peter McArthur, of Priceville. BRITISH HOT EL TED I can pay ten dollars weekly to a lady of maâ€" » reflnemept and tact to spend Intended for lasl aweek. NOE quTHOn . on _ press, of the Queen and Victoria d. _ The only Canadian % & PE 2. . © PROTON CENTRE. AGENTS. T. H. LINSCOTT, Toronto, Ont. * + G> 64â€" cause. To MaBLE, exâ€" asked, oneâ€"tnird down. This is'Aa ï¬:‘;’re Bargain. _ Stock or Grain. Busipess meant. If not sold will lease fok;a term of years. Ap ply to ta ROBFBET WATSOr Jr.. 1 Buildings cost over half the Money grand state of cultivation free from noxâ€" lous weeds. Spring Creek. Stone House & Kitchen. Wood Shed attached. Bank Barn 50x70, Stone Basement Stables, Drive & Implement House 30x60, Stone Stables underneath. Root House I0Ox50. Hard and Soft Water. Churches and ?chnol convenient. 4}$ miles from Durâ€" ranm . On the 2nd Con. Normanby, contain ing 174 acres. 140 cleared. A 1 soil in FARM FOR SALE. Men and Women who can work hard talking and writing six hours dail7, for six days a week, and will be content with ten dollars weekly. Address, NEW IDEA CO., Medical Building, ® Toronto, Ont, OFP THE SEASON READYâ€"MADE CLOTHING DRY GOODS, GROCERIES, AN BO0TS & SHOES THE BOOM m 2 prong fork. | t* 14 quarts &t White and Brown Sugar yery cheap. Harvest mits, long and strong, Reg. y Pss 39 cents 40 eents pair, Tuesday 29 cts. Others sw s â€"GRCHâ€"â€" for less money. A (hieel There‘s sattsfaction in dealing out a To 0 . s tinnet of butter as this store. ‘Ve Everything in Granite ware, proserving keep almost everything aud at lowest Kettlss at little prices. possible prices. J. A. HUNT ER‘S a &# The be BINQE R, TW JN E_ i in Prices this worke See ours belore The most delicious tea in the worldâ€"sold in pound and ; pound packetsâ€"two prices 25 cts. and 28 cts. pound worth 60 cents. Take no ctherâ€"insist upon getting Kolonaâ€"its the best. Call and investigats our goods and Prices and wao are sure you will go away entirely sarisfied. a Full blast at _[)Tc T rthur‘s JH 36 It means the highest price for EGGS and BUTTER in exchange for the chsapest GOODS of best QGUALITY. OUR COMPLETE DEPARTMENTS 4RE Wanted C&. M°ARTHUFR. Isherwood P. 0., Un ALL WOQL, Selected yarnsâ€"all shadesâ€"our own KWYE EWE makeâ€"last colorsâ€"buy no other. Great Bargains in Cheapâ€" â€"and better qualities Tnesday next All Sizesâ€"â€"Splendid choiceâ€" BOYS‘ AND MEN*‘S READYâ€"MADE CLOTHING. ONTARIO ARCHIVES TORONTO KETTLES TEA DEPARTMENTAL STORE, 8§ lbs, for 25 cents Tuesday. 85 cents buys a 4 dollar Welland Vale, Our 12 cent Salmon is a star. Fine selected layerâ€"Valimcia raisine #§$19%40000 Insurance effected on all kinds of proâ€" rel'ty at_ lowest curreut rates, Dwel] ings and their contents insured on the most favorable terms. Losses promptly and Liberally settled Call or communicate with RSV. EDWARD A WILSOX, Brocklyn Yew York The indersigned kaving boon restored to healta } by simple means, aftor suilering for several years | with »se rerelung aifection, and thut dread disease | Cousumption, is anxions to make known to his | tellow sufferers the means of ecure, To those who ; dosireit, ho will cheertuily send ({ree of charge) a | «c py of the prescripton used, which they will find | a sure cure for Consmepifon, Asthren, CUmâ€"| mrrk, Bronchitia,and all throut and lung Hal ndies. He hopes all sufferers will iry thisromedy,| a8 1t‘ invaluable, Those desiringthe prexeription | wh‘ < awillsost them nothing, aud may prove a| ble ssing, will please address | WESTERN ASSUA ANCE COMPANYT TQO â€" CONSUMPTIVES3 Would intimate that she will continue the Furniture and Undert.ald’ngh Business_esiabâ€" lished by her father in Durham in 1858 and will endeavor to gi‘ve all old and new custom ers the same entire satisfaction. 42 ‘The only firstâ€"class Mcarse in town, ®& ‘URKITURE AXD UADERTARKING MISS SHEWELL Furniture of the Best Make ALWAYS ON HAND. PICTVRE FRAMINC A SPECIALTY Un Yertsking and Emba‘ming on ~atest rinâ€" cipies at reasonuble rates. ©ffice Remember the standâ€"â€"opposite the Market, Durham. 1 E* FIRE AND MARINE. MISS SHE WE LL â€"FULL LINKE OFâ€" Butter and E Bargains in Children‘s Suits For the month of July. We iniend making this, One & the best, if not T he best months for Children‘s suits We have ever had. wE sHARQ GIViNG A DRIVE IN soOME ODD PAIRS OF OXFORDS. 1ew, evp rham R Tz of %fle RANTS AD C, RAMAGE, . L. CRANT, Agent,. taken in Exchange. CONVEYANCERS. . Money to land. Money invested for : Parties. Farms bought ana sola. A general financial business transacted Ofice next door to Standard Bank Durham David J&Cksan, Jr.. Clerk Div. v Land Valuators, Insurance Agents, Commissioners. The undersigned offers for sale or rent that desirable park lot, in the village of â€" Priceville, formerly owned by the late James Cameron, Lot conâ€" tains 13 acres all under cultivation. On the lot is a good house, and barn, also a good bearing Orchard For terms of sale or rent apply to JOHN MeINNIS, WANTED.â€"Intelligent mer_ with good education to whom §$600 and exâ€" penses for the first year would be an inducement. _ Write with full particul~ ars, THE MANAGER, 49 Richmond St, West., Toronto, Ont., They are absolutely puré &And healthful, _ Guaranteed to cure Rheumatism, Sciatica, Neuralgia, TLmmbiago, and all forms of Kidney And Liver troubles, _ BEWARE OF SPURIOUS imiftaTiOns. PHRENOLINE REMEDIES Try our ho Rhounatic Specific or Kidnsy and Liver Pills. Only by H. PARKER, Durham. Take the lead everywhere, We are working day and night to stpply the demand. Our correspondence shows that hundreds upon hundreds of poor sufferers are being restored to healith and happiness daily, PARK LOT For Sale or to Rent. JACKSONS. Priceville %4% UPP «_ Durham, June 15t} past * donvi Teeri A few GOOD LARGE STC One Car i CANL § BU th: "Lar D urh Harvces ues