Ontario Community Newspapers

Durham Review (1897), 1 Jul 1897, p. 8

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in There are several Large rivers which the train runs along mic ofa. hund- redsot'miles crossing them here and there from one side tounother. Ledges cut in the solid rock where the train travels probably 3w teet peiTendieular above the river. Along here is the most attractive scenery on the eontin. ent for those who never saw it before such as your humble servant.) Noth. ng can be heard with the noise of the train on the rock bottom and the roar- ingot the rivers dashing over the rocks thetrein track rises hundreds at feet .bnve the level ot the river. I feel l unable to give an account ot the great views ot the country, wnsequently I only give a short synopsis of my travels m oaperienee. Arriving at Victoria I was compelled to stop there tor a ”at which greatly retarded my pro m in getting to the end of my The tunnels, built to protect the line from snow slides that come otf the mountains for miles long are found here and there. Along the Wt"otetm was: of the mountains there are sew r- al valleys apparently adapted in fruit. It seems to bea healthy coun- trythrough the mountains from Cal. gary to Vancouver. In limlden Itll) miles west of Winnipeg there is a nar- row valley a Couple ot miles lung were a low families live t on it there are a tew acres of crop and some fruit trees planted and they seem to make a comlortable living. Along this river the C. P. It. runs for miles. It has some wonderful bridges of course now and again where we can view the beantitul rivulets that run almost perpendiet1larly off the Rockies. There are some lead and other minerals tnuml along the track. It is 100) miles from Winnipeg to this part ofthe mountains. Another ex- perience which is most interesting is the tunnels where the train passing through them causes great darkness. 400 miles east of Vancouver the en- gineer was rmuested to stop the train in order to afford the passengers a view of the scenery, the most horn ible gully with its walls over a thousand feet deep. The two walls are about 3 rods apart, smooth and perpendicular. Along the Rocky Mountains is most beantitnl scenery. They are nearly all covered with snow. At the toot of these mountains it is so warm that it is almost unbearable to wear a coat. These mountains are beyond realiza- tion in height. Some of them are thousands ot feet pettpdiealarly along the Kicking Horse River, which is worthy ot its name for its rapid cur rent, etc. Winnipeg. chief town of Manitoba, situated on one side of a vast level country is ream-ml at last on May 1tlth. Weather tine and warm. Leaving Winnipeg the country is extremely lore! with soft hogs as much as two or three hundred acres in places. Large prairie liresare seen hrreaml there, which travel lbrinileslike the roiling Waves of the sea. Passing through Qua” elle the land surrounding is low and marshy with very little crop grow- ing. Along the C'. P. R. line is a beautiful valley extending 30 01-40 miles. Along this valley are a num- 'her of ranches of cattle and horses. Many Indians are seen camping there. There are many fine towns which seem promising, while in other places villages are built of tamarac logs and portions of the globe or earth to roof them. In the good old County of Grey every thing had a green aspect when I left, while at the Sault there was no visible trace ot greenage to be seen. Some tine scenery to be seen while passing through the channel between Michigan and Algoma which in places is only half a mile wide and 50 miles long. The Sault is a very large town about 2 miles in length and not quite so much in width. Numbers of boats may be seen here. At times there are as many as 12 or 15 of them seen on the line travelling back and forward. The soil in the vicinity ot the Sault is ofa reddish nature, apparently clay and a mixture ol sand, etc Arriving at Port Arthur. which is a beautiful town though situated in a low place sur rounded tor miles chiefly by swampy land. From there to Wabigoon lies a large area ol waste land good for noth. ing on account of its rocks and low marshy ground covered with scrubbv white birch and tamarac. Such is also found at Rat, Portage. Along this Tough tract of land are seen many huts and wigwams. The inhabitants ot these huts generally belong to the feather wig tribes, (Indians) while in some other cabins a few bachelors live together. Meditating on their manner ot living a few of our fair maids in the east Would he highly acceptable to the occupants of these miseiahle hats, who bv all ttI'p6'ar'anc6s, would be struck with amazement had they seen man's chief worldly happiness, fair woman. .. Left home, South Gleoelg, on the morning of the 13th of May, boarded the train at Fleeherton to Owen Sound --havinq an intermission ot about 30 minutes, [boarded the steamer Man. itoba bound for Fort William. Pleas. ant vovage with the exception of a little rain and fog daring Part of the night. Arrived at the San t the next day about 1 o'clock. Our Priceville correspont has t1nish. ed us with the following letter, which will be read with interest by his many friends. Our correspondent uys: We receiyed the following jotting: from Mr. Angus McDonald who left for Alaska on May 13th last Be writes " follows: In. Axons :10th Batman ran Gun Wm TRIP. ON THE WAY To ALASKA. --- -.._. . mum. "noel.” W'll'l [lam "Hull nrd writing Ii: hum-a dailv. for 'xix an): n week, and will be contort with teu (lunar: Weekly. Ad- ' Oreo, NEW IDIAS CO,, Bradford on Icannot sayunuch about this place as I only arrived here last night. There are lots looking " work here as well as in other places. My broth. er Arehie is hard at Work In the gold mines and is getting along well. ' I Remain Yours, Axaus McDuNALn. I arrived at my destination on May "Nth on Duuglnss Island teeling thank. ful that I was permitted to get to the end of my journey. Leaving Victoria on the 26th of May on the Mcxico boat making for Alaska up through Queen Charlotte Sound. The sea got a little heavy and a nun: her of the passengers on board had taken sick, causing trouble with their a ppetites. , Vegetables in Viet ria were in use on the Ytjth of May and everything else accordingly. Alon 39d ‘0an who e ttl I was pleased to meet with my friend M r, Angus Mclmns and his brother John and their t'iutiilies--Old Durham Rnnd lbw, Glenelg. They Were [up 3V to inn-ct a friend from the East. I 5.114% with them during my stay in Vietovia feeling very grateful for their kindness towards me. Victoria is a city with about 22,000 or a population and is situated ina very open space where bouts constant- ly coma: and go. In it there are 20 churches; one of those in the history ot the past was under the pastoral charge ot the late Rev: Donald Fraser, who was so well and favombly known in l’riceville and surrounding country, and by the way it was he who sprink. led your humble servant with water in Baptism. I had the pleasure of hearing a sermon preached in that! same church, also of meeting Mrs.’ Fraser and some ot her tamily. I Special Shoe Sale. New Ih'aek Cashmere, special prices fhrr.yaitt day. Pack your Butler in our Tin Pails cost refunded if Butler is sold here. FRENCH ORGAN/)1 M tle- lins, very swell 1:2;0 pd. SPRING HINGES 250 pr. up WIRE SCREENING. SCYTHES d! SNA THS-NI make‘t. Prices low. WHET STONES, 5cts each. had,'" l?atont Fit (3aefords, 85cts and $1 00 Tuesday. Reg. $1.25 and $1.50 pr. This Poke has 3" Rte... no ((11: d in the cs9i'iifl',?,!l,?-l!ttttr It will prevent the worgtof unruly _ Mules or Horses from pushing or jumping fences or being injured by barbed wire, "2? I is made extra smug. The head or Ct ms piece is hinged at one end and closes with aspringlock at the other end. The essenCcof strength and Convenience. Pateuwd In wr I 4w ' U. B., Nov. 9, 1886; artglrF! Fer, =" -, in Canada, July r 'M,', " 'f,'l5, _" 2. 1887. .. -tes'i Tc"' 7' Remember we positively will not be nudersold in Binder war}: bard may. J. A. HUNTERS Men's Heavy Cotton Socks, 10 I colors. Also Sheeting White and Gray Specml snap for Tuesday next Our own make, celebrated all Wool Yarns, all Reg. 600 each, while they last at 250 each Everything in S, H. No. 13’s annual rig-hie was held Commismfonersi. in the "Mm! place 1'i' will!” 'tl, _A Money to lend. Money invested for A ‘i 1'tirt'iuttttte u spur s an 1;ch all gill-Ir}? Wily: and men front 6 to oo was Parties. Farms bought and 8016. succesUull.v yJiC/eyshr,l “"henl all rot: c )2: VEY ANCERS. . I.. . th ta ms. All " mm ttttceo . . T . Earhllllgs iid.','. was as Usual pvovi.uyd, I Astetueraltinaneia, Dunne-s3 transacted Fine Insll'uzm-ntnl music Wit% pnnydod Ollie-e next, door to Standard Bank bv the Haw Bros. and Messrs. Mt'l.iry:ir l) l lilo, Rancixnan and C'ushnieo" violin, ur lam There is a snwmiller and hardwaro man coming from Neustadt to Dmmore. His name Is Mr. Dunn. A number of the Dvomove people at- tended Hun raising at 1icradden'.ii, 2nd Imin Proton on \Vednesday. Dugald McPhail was one of the captains. he ' ing the winnm. Part of the. Dominik band mm there in the evening, We all had " tine tune. I While someof mu‘ towspeople went. in) Durham and Mr Forest ml the 2?.nd the greater panjuhiluIc-tl at lmnw. We had fin-Works and unmseumnts that were wot'tltyoratuotvpteientiow,. place. All are hmking with eager_exlu't'1ation to the C. E. Couvemtion to he lull here an Friday. Everything in rmtdinnss except a few finishing touches that re- quire to he (lure. Mrs. John Merchant, of Hupworth‘. has Int-en visiting her parents recently. Mr. and Mrs. Alex. Iieiuhustrn, and ls recovering from her “‘ch imlispusn ion. Misses Helen and Lizzie ls; home rucvnlly arcmnpzmivd h) the two latter rc-turning the bil ing. The former had born v', Mnrkdulv for three Weeks. John Wilson, Durhanps popuhn but, tee maker was also home on a visit and took in the picnic. . Mr. Albert, Leslie wheeled up l, utxlay from Mt. Forest an n visr, pundits and returned on Mnndm Fancy Carpet Slippers, Sewed Soles Bargain Day, 25c. Pr. V DROMORE. DEPARTMENTAL STORE summer and winter underclothes--Very Cheap up last Sut- visit to Ins "lay, we came Mr. Bell mu cvvn- suing in NTARIO ARCHIVES TORONTO Medium weight Shirts and Drawexs David Jackson, Jr,, Clerk m, U Land Valuators, Insurance Agents, Commissioners. Eeesa.ver "or. ... ... Chickens. [er pan Ducks .. Tnrlrc.vs, per ll, ... Potatoes, per bag Batter per tb, Tub _ wh itoll Quinn-a prr sack ... .. Bran per owl: ... ... Shorts per owl: ... Full When: my I’llahel Bariey, 6t Peas, " Otts, 66 Flour per bbl DURHA M MA RKE'T. Cul'rri-tul each It. c/c by Geo. Spnrly My. at ard o2 A . _ - . -..._ nun-v, alvll‘llll‘ Amos Church Last, Sabbath H IW, p91" ewt ,. . I “W" Wang)”; . [HT li, ... J ACKSON S. per it, ------i.- , Reg. Soc. JUBILEE COLORED Shirts, very knew, 81.15 each. wine. Get our prices. LEMONS. 7 Fine juicy ones. usually 25c once again ' doa. for Me. Hay F'orktr-- an enormous store-suse be sold, see them, HALTERS PG. Home Fakes, from Me up All Wool shirtings. Wooden Hay rakes. " pr. , 8 of) to AM CO “N to 025 to O 0 10to 10 tn 0 7 to 2.5 to l 60 to (30 to T G.) to 0 7o tu 0 25 u 0 37 to ll I” to 4 5(t to (‘8 to " to M to fit, Cf? 30 37 in tht In Con it Kr, REWARD l WILSON, Brock! _ b" V. '"""r v..." u '""3 wt 'l Euro vure tor (hm-ununinn. A-lhmn tun-h. "ro"chut.os.uu all thruuland In; g tadteses He Itoprs all "'atrerers will cry thiam “It: mvnlvmbla. '11eoyry,itiitduiiefpTii,"/i.i “-11". will 'ottt them n nhiugumd may pp in. "it, 1', will please addrens _ _ - "n.0," .,....uu.5nu'h(‘w ,' nu use "rr?ituuraltuction,uuu ', butdm Con-unlpllou.iu mxious m nmkt km. “allow summers the means of cure. To t desireit, no will cheerlully mum (free of m pyot the pr‘osuniptun used, Mun-h tum The undersigned having beau rest by simple mu us, utter June-ring tor .1”. .. TNW. .....-....._ AW", . . ter The only Inn-clan “on he In [mu-.1]. Furniture ofllze Best Hake ALWAYS UN HAND. PICTURE FRAMING A SFEOEALIY Would intimate that she wiilconlinue the Furnimre and Undertaking “minus emu“- lished by hut father m Durham In 1858 and will emu-m or to give all om and nuw custom are tho same entire mun: Icllon. FURNITURE HI) L'i'i'lfrl'l:rt,t MISS SHEWELL Fire Insurance Remember the DRILLSj FLOWS STOVES SPRING_GOODS! I have heavy Stocks of ttll kinds of t prime Goods, consisting If A ear-load of Massey Harris Drills. A (fan-1mm of' the Adam's Wayyous. A var-lam! oy' lingyirs and Carts. These are going Jast, Cotrte and pet your claim. DRILLSI' Every Farmc? Show: haven Massey Harris Drill this Durham Lower f; co NS umpn was MISS SHE WE LL r the 'tr'arur-opposite the Market. Durham. vms We have a number left, and would-like to clan them ‘4 out at cost price. If you want a bargain here Is your chance. All kinds of Barrows. Chums. Ike.. kept in Stock. “a" d Spring. It is the best riruriri'he- Market. W S Don't forget our Celebrated Percival Plow. Ask your neighbor about it who has one, and he will tell you it is the best. Come and see it for yourself. Butter and Eggs We intend making this, one of the best, if not The best months for Ch ildreu’s suits We hare erer had. WE Wm 0MMI A DRIVE IN SOME tmo PAIRS 0F OXFORDS. Bargains in Children’s Suits For the month of July. g Dept: restored to beat :l‘lug for sew-uni yeirl and {butllrvud dueaw ) lo make known to bin " ...._ "‘ _ Marriage Licenses issued. Town Implement Warerocms. RANT'S AID frue ot churn-)w "1] uh they will tinul by .A-umm. C‘s-I mi utnudllu g "mt-l, A. , >A-» -' . {yn " York .L.GRANT, ' _t.1istv.me.dv, npreu-ripuou may prove g To t Gu who Promptly "Mm: ded fo (a loan a! o" per one! taEen in Exchange. we make thom He. Ai; these prices they should not last long; We have a. few pieces of light prints, regular price 1250, they are large pat- terns. Now to clear out, ?By the I :which N, Bc-ro ensure a Hides must. be well suite ken off. f R0139 Tanning! Th e yyier.sirned Horse HUGS, de Hides, Dog Skins, Tanned suitable for Robes t Coats LOWER TOWN Satisfaction Guaranteed IS PARK Ltii Fer Sale or to Rent. IT.---"" ensure a. good job the must. be well salted as Boon n u Robe Tanning! JO, New Process, l for Finish and Soft. ness oan't be beat. 0: mm- or rent apply to JOHN MclNNlS. fo Largo amount of mum at m U per cent interest. Thos. Smith. offers for n-rs for undo or Inn-k lot, in the forum-Hy owned It".'!?. Lot. run- cult in" inn Priceville rm inn. On and Inn-n, m mask Tire Mk? thu iliihg past pix, ccnvmzs wdi Inc: "Large Devi Maxwell Binde Pea ffa Fresh" One Gar .3: CAN; A trw G001) LARGE ST Durham, J unc 15 [nod oduvuhun In fut-um tot. the ti, "dttretttettt w, m. THE MAN. tit. West" Tum"! ])urh:| WANTED. - I m Goderh V0 er: ttr, Sy its Bl

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