Ontario Community Newspapers

Durham Review (1897), 1 Jul 1897, p. 5

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some elties .OUSES NK S, AND ES for EGGS ;e for the lUALITY. rthur's and we are anning I ning! w Hides, Dog suitable for ‘ h and Soft- be beat. Procee a, marantced. A‘RE . Smith. ted as won as a a good jab tho Coats We have Decided to Continue the WALL Until our Stock is entirely dis- posed of. We hare still a great variety of Pattern: to afar which will' assm'cdly please you. Have you seen our 3 by 6 Window Shade at 40cts., or, our Lace Inserting Shade at $1.00? Both Extra Values. MOTH Preventive Bags MOTH PAPER MOTH Campbor and other insecticides ALABASTINE ll r. 0 W'ER TO WN ( The mas! Exquisite.) To Be Haul Unly At ‘ubilee Violet. We Lend In Fine AND LUCAS. WRIGHT. a BATSON. BARRISTERS. SOLICITORS. NOTARIES. couvznncsns. ac. .. TOILET SOAPS AND PERFUMES' .. DURHAM OFFICE. TIIE [lljRljlhhll PHARMAGY OFFK‘E FIRST DOOR EAST OF the Durham Pharnmcy Humor” Block. Residence first door west of th Peat Office, Durham. Will be in Pricevilie the first Wednes A..- an mph month. Utrtce at the Com- c."' \Innn , , - w. __,,, - Will be in Priceville the first day in each month. Office at Inertial Hotel. MONEY TO LOAN" gtnllulill ta. EALER IN WATCHES, CLOCKS, D Jewelry and Spectacles, Silver and Flat Ware of all descriptions, Re. . -- ‘vnnuu m4‘\“1u """ I In. WW .__ - - - airing a s cialt '.~UPPER tlf RUABLPe l BARRISTERS-SOLICITORS. CONVEYANCERS. am. one“ :-0pposite TOWN BALL, Lower Town, Durham pl- 5.0(I) to loan at lowest rates at A. utein, Ont. Parties waited upon within a able distance, it desired. Holstein, January 14th. new Dr. T. ll. HOLT L. D. S. DENTISTRY. BBC!“ or )(ARRIAOI LICENSES. in different colors- I. B, Luna. - W. M. Wntowr, C. Bums. - . PAPER interest Elliott at, Elliott, A. GORDON. 'ubilee Violet. ‘. S. HORSBURGH. 3? “m ( The Fi nest) The Beat of Perfumes) Lou lATlI ubilce . . Mandala. . ' owettftound. . barium. CALDER'I BLOCK. Lower Town. -EAav TERMS D‘URHA M R TOWN, ‘iolet. A t1ne budget from Hopevme un- avoidably left over. Mr. Unseen is visiting his friends in Harrington this Dominion Day. (lilt.. ggrham 2?nitiii. Mr. R. Watson, Sn, Nomanhy visit- ed his grandson, Mr. R. Gray, Hamilton, Jubilee Day. Misses Kate and Belle Cameron have gone tu Lucknowto vistb their aunt, ull's. Home“. FOUND.--A pocket oil can, owner can have it by paymg M) cu for this notice. thwkatrs, Thur. July. f, 'ar. Mr. Rom. Cochmne yisited Owen Sound and Uhntswurm friends last. Fri- day and Saturday. Mr. and M.s. Morlock Spent Jubilee Day in Hamlin“: visiting Mus Morlock’s sister. Mrs. Gray. Mrs. Marshall and children and her sister Miss Robertson visited Mrs, Gre- gory, Mt. Forest Hun week. Mas. J ulmson, of Strntfm'd. is at pres- em. visiting at Mr. John L. Clark's and other friends muund Almdeeu. Miss Jessie Beaton attended the mar- riage of her cousin M. K. Heatou to Miss Wilson, of near Mavkdale, on Tuesday. We are sorry to learn of the severe illness of Mrs. Dan McKelvie Egremom and hope to hear of her recovery soon. Mr. and Mrs. Grierson (net Miss Park) left Tuesday morning fur fer Dakota, We wish them much prosperity in their new lite. Hol- Mr. A. Galbraith left Monday morn- ing to spend a 5 weeks' term In the "nl- itary school. Mr. Sharpe, of Holstein, and Mr. Rowe of Markdale, will iresida at the Psi may and Commercial C'.;',',',',,' here on Friday and buturdny. _ Mr. It. Watt, Dornoch, received flat. tering mention in the o. Sound Adver- tiser as having; shown some. good foot ball work in Uhatsworth on Jubilee Day. lemxo Tan Poon,--Our good Prin- cess of Wales celebrated the Jubilee in this kindly way, see pnge 3 of this issue fur an account of it, and other Jubilee events. i Varney Sunday School picnic will be held on Tuesday, July (M1. in Mr. Jun. wtldred's orchard. This annual event is always successful, and thus yoar is to he no exception. Rev. Mr. Jansen has received a. warm and pressing invitation (expenses all [rhino he one of the speakm‘s at, the 2th of July Demunslanion in Mt. Forest. Durham Lodge and distrieraee going and Mt. Forest will likely diipiile the honors with Markdale where " great celebration is to he held, Bxxmms --Katl; Com-brine Fegsg‘tp Jn- 1):.‘11n1vn- ll‘l‘v _-wt-ti-'--- ___ . . fotan the Public, she has an exhibition at her wareroum in Durham, mm of the celvhvved Peter llmnihon light steel Binders with Roller hem-ingsnnd nil the latest irnpvovements. This Binder has a. steel deck, runs light. is warranted to give perfect satisinvt,ion in eyerv re- spect and Jo tivtu, class work. Please rail and inspect before. being persuaded to buy elsewhere. No truuhle to show 1 goods. 2 POPULAR HOTEL M AN.--" I was' trou- bled with pimples on my face and head which caused me mum) mmuyzmce. After trying many rum-dies without benefit l was advised to take Hood's h'avsauarilla. The fhst lmttlehelpc-d me and l took fulu' bottles. I am now com- pletely cured." JAM“ Rummy. Pro- prietur Chapman House, Sau'uia. Ont. Hood's Pills not easily and promptlz on the liner and bowels, Cure sic headache. ls MesrortrAsr.--On 's%trivtlav inst. Jas. Mrl"ui-l:llie, sun of Allan Mt-l"nrlmwol' this town passed over to the greater number at. the earlynge of 20 years. For months past, an iusiiluous disercu" had marked him for its prey. yet. he i bore up under it with a pertinuvity and patience whsc'tt showsz the spit-H of the hero withir, itutt. lie was tnlmn to the “round on Jubilee Day, mm was up every day to the ' of his death. lie wns an odd Fellow, and his funeral on Sunday was under their auspices, over 30 brethren from outside lodges being present. Twenty came from Mt. Forest alone, and Hm'riston. Hanover, Walker- ton and Chesley all sent a few. The ‘services were. conducted by Rev. Mr. Jansen, and a very huge concourse fol- lowed the renmina to the New CHUN- ery. The band. of which he was for some lime". member nlatyetl uppropui- ate music. and under the solemn ritual of the order be Was laid to rest. The sympnth of the community goes out, to the family thus deprived Fematurely of a member who (’XlllllllGS nmny ex- cellent qualities of mind and heart. Pnonmrrxox coNvmerrorr-Ap im- portant. meeting of the Prohibition forces will he held at Toronto in the Horticultural Pavilion. beginning on Tuesdn , July 13th, at fra, m. to close probably; about noon of the following day. The three important npprmu-hing events demanding innnedmte attention "rec-d. The Dominion Plebiscite on Prohibition. a The tinol session of the present Ontario Legislature. 3. The upprom-hin election of a new Leg- islative 11','lf,'ll'/f', for the Province. The approaching Convention will he the seventeenth annual meeting of tAt Ont- LOCAL AND GENERAL seVGlllrruul run-nun ..., _ v"... ario Branch of the Lominion Alliance. l It will be comprehensive In its character ‘ and more fruitful in pm-tical results it l is “EH-ted than mw pmhihition gather: ing t at, has preceded it. The plan of ham esentat ion is as follows: Every church and society is entitled to two re- preymttyrivts and each church and society having more than fifty members is entitled to an additional delegate for each additional fifty. Reduced rates will he given on all railwn shy securing the usual certificate before starting. Nair es and addresses of delegates should be sent as soon {is tsivo.in.ilefae, F. S. Spence. Secv. Toronto. and Mrs. Cameron Jett "ti iii"e rfiGGion htuance, 'tttint. g '_-."...-...,.-.- tly, f, 'er. "iill "ttmg-gt-r-. NERAL 5%- "-'t"..et"e.eeeee-"" o .iopevme un- ')i'iii,' his friends in ad Day. N . an, owner can s yr this notice. , muhy visit- . I my, Hamilton, , p, a h Cameron have ,-. , git, their aunt, Al visited Owen rg, s., fiends last Fri- 'C' " J l 1 'ilk', spent It "' ee Mrs. Morlock's a? Idren and her _,':?,,)?:),'.'. iled Mrs. Gre- 'iriii -l. With this number, we enter into our fourth year as proprietor of the Re- view. We, in common with this whole district, town and country have felt the stringency arising from crop failures and low prices, and now, we believe, with a better day dawning, we have to thank subscribers and ad- vertisers, for the support they have given our venture, The experience we have gained we intend to utilize in the interest of our patrons and the Durham Review will in the future be a better exponent o the life of this town and district than ever before. Our friends can assist us in this by keeping short accounts and saying a. good Word or doing a. kind deed for us whenever they can. The arrangements are comglete for a. good day‘s sport. TLursday. A large number of fine horses from a. distance have been booked for the Races and a good game of Ltcroase i, assured. The bicycle events will also be good. Tuesday‘s rain has effetstutdly laid the dust, and there IS promise as we write of good wcaLhu'. The decorations have in most cases been left. up. the flagir are yet flying. has us put on alnollday appearance once more and duly celebrate the 30th anniversary of our Dominion. Long Life to the Dominion, Mrs. J. S. Willi guest of hm- sister, Mes, J. H. Hunter from Toronto last 'rrt' ('mnpunierl by her d: (ileum wrrrzeosrr..-The Garden Party nt Mr. R. Parker's spoilt by the rain Tuesday last. will he hsld on Fridav eveninguext as a. welcome to the new minister. Rev. Mr. Pomeroy preached. his fare- well sermon last Sunday. Rev. Mr. Fargusnn, the new Minister will arrive here, to-day, Wednesday. Rev. Mr. Smith late of Wiarton. pas- sed through Durham Tuesday on route fur Niagara where he is "stitoned for the ensuing your. Many of Durham ' ' j. . . I and Vinnie) “Ill remember' him heing tV, or-tninister with Mr. Lake here. l 1 A Russ 0F CANDIDATES --vRome 86 1 candidates wrote on the Entrance Ex- amination this week, and " on the leav- ing, This is about, 3011mm than usual, and hespenks inte1teetua1 activity in the Inspectorate. But is the Leaving get- ting unpopular? - ML ce, Mr, N. J. McArthur, who, with his wife. was visiting his parents north of town, and attending his brother‘s wed. ding, leftlasc week for Boston. when: he has secured a high position as Pro. fessor of Physiml Culture in the State Normal Schonl. Enos HILL mcmc.--This famous . """‘“' ‘" -.wM..qh-i__e_-' Annual Picnic Will be held on Friday,‘mgfigislcs(:§'sr IN July 9th. The commiltoe have got to- emu. Lizzie kiiirG. gether a host of attractions which will Prom III to Jr.IV.--/ make this year eclipse any previous yr.ilreDytT,ty,th,uhrf.ti] ones, Popula- prices. Bee bills. Leitch, Christie Stewux Go TO Ihtotroste.---Ihe Christian En-' 3.53312; 'LU/dir denote“ of South Grey no widely‘May Cameron, Charlie planning tn attend the Annual Con.. From Jr. 11 to Br. Il.- vention on Friday. Dont missit. The May Smith, Robe” l roads are now good, the 'p'r1l'Grriiiiii'ltte,T, mllbo excellent, out! the 'l;')';;';;.;,'?,,,:',"',',',,','.,'),?',,',',):',,',.' and Bow of soul of than meetings will "m It"";."', treprofitatsu. I . . DOMINION DAY. 93119 Durham Review Willison, of Toronto, ism sister, Mrs, T, Harris. . . Humor returned home ft lust week. She was af'" r 'iiei.' Iiruuer, Mrs. ONTARIO We have adopted the name " Dar- ham Review" in justice to the town from which our chief support is deriv- ed. There is a certain amount of ad. vertising in the name of the paper, and we have frequently seen quotations from the “Grey Review " in our ew- changes, which, to a stranger gave no idea ot the precise locality of this big county from which they emanated. Wham and District is our chief field, and We intend to assist every movement, every cause which is car-; culated to foster and improve its mat. erial interests. While doing this it willbe our aim to make our pages refieet the beat intellectual and moral effort of the community, and hope we shall succeed in making more popular than ever the columns of The town was startled to learn on the arrival ot the train last Thursday that a young life had been crushed out It the train about " miles below , olstein. A special had backed in to (Holstein for cattle and on returning, [right side front of course, the driver saw the mangled remains which had lain there since they came up some hours before. Part of the head was on one side of the track and the body on the other, with both rails between. Smith was the young lad's name, he is 15 years of age, an never knew the love of father and mother in a home. (The Sharp'is, with whom he has been for some years, were at once notified, as was Coroner Jones, and as no in- quest wns considered necessary an undertaker eoffined the remains and {they were buried that day. The lad often boasted how near he could " to passing trains, and it is thought he has tried this once too often. No blame can attach to the authorities, as their track is forbidden at all times to trav- ellers. "Only nervous" is a sure indication that the blood " not pure. Hood's Sm» suparilla purifies the blood and cures nervousness. The committee 'giigt.eb, at the meet- I ing called hy the nynr, to carry ttut, a fitting celebration of her Majesty‘s lh- nmund Jubilee would, heforedis1ninding, ‘ return thanks for the loyal suppmt they received. They beg to recognize the efforts of the citizens in decorating ', the various sociehes for their turn out in the procession l the Band, the bicycle menand the tire brigade for their tine turnout, the staff and rank and tile of the Boys' Brigade, and last hut not least the grand army of ohi.ldrtT.,whiclt grac- ed 'tIli, patvrintic march, To thosevwho helped timsneially sgecial thanks are due, particularly the 1trmers' Institute. The generous notices of the local papers were also appreciated by the Committee. Signed on behalf of the Committee. Wu CALDER. Chairman. Canadian Order of Foresters. _ Gentiemen,---Allow me to express my sincere thanks for thexrompt. payment of 81000 which you r] me on the death of mi son, Edwar J. Shewell. I also than the ofNers and members of Court Durham, No, 446 for the syn) thy and respect shown at the '/',TQ't'7 emony. Wishing all success and pros- perity tonour noble order, I remain, ours sincerely, MR8. Exxon; SHEWELL. Durham, June 25th 1897, Result of the Promotion Examination in Latona School. -u.1,n, Jr. IV to Br. IV.-Mary G. Cam- eron. Lizzie A. Smith. Prom 111 to Jr. Iv.--araggie Simfsou.‘ Willie Dargavel, Archie Cameron, mic Leitch, Christie Stewart. From Sr. II to l r. Irr.--Artie Dor- gavel. Mary Little, Mamie McKnight, May Cameron, Charlie McKechnie. From Jr. 11 to Br. IL-Hazel Darxavel. May Smith, Robett rwamley, lbert Twamley. From Br. PEN to Jr. II.-Willie Cof- To the Meera and Members of the nuzd'ian Order of Foresters. TORONTO DEATH ON THE RAIL, CARD 0F THANKS. THE DURHAM REVIEW. CARD OF THANKS. Honor Roll. B: C. Sum. Teacher. _ 'eiki. “we... “- New Prints from 5 cts. up. New Dress Goods from 8 cts. up New Lace Curtains from 25 cts. a pr up. GOOD BTrr.--Owinpt to the weather a farewell 300ml. inttead of the murky} party as announced hast. tseek, was held In the Methodist church an Tumdny evening. Mr, Laidlaw was in the (‘hmr and among the speakers was Rov. M r. Glazier. formvr pastor of the Vatmey Circuit, whom many were glad to u out. Mr. Pmnemy. Mr. Irwin and others made brief addresses. and a very pleas- ant evening was spent. Mr. Pomerny leaves many friends who will remember his three years‘ pastorate with pleasure. for Juno. Sr. 4th Class ..--willie Currie. Jr. 4tht---Mary McCallum. Dan Mc Donald, Many A, Twatuley. 7 s/ ai, ..-iddie Currie, Allan McDon- ttall, Lizzie McDougall. " si. 3rd ..-macuei McKinnon, Emma Mightnn. Sr. 2nd ..-Lizgie Nubn, Lizzie Foster, J no. Crozier, Pt. 2ndr-Dan McDougall, C. C. Mc, Dougal!, M'tggie McKechnie. Katy Mc- Dottirall. Sr. Ist '.--Lizzie NcDougttl1. Mary Mc- See our Lines of bi/lst '.--Lizzie McDougall. Mary MC- Keuzw, Jno. Clark. Jr. 1st:-Violet Foster, Cyril Burns. A0011: ll, CLARK, Teacher. “THE EARTH GIRDLED." by Dr. Tnlmmze We noel] intelligent men and women an an! ageing for this great work. It sells in rapidly that we can Infant good [my to workers. The greatest book of travel ever published. Tho moth. customs, huhiu, teligion and emerumont of t e countriel and tribes of tho world as - and describml by the keenest abacus: and great- est. 'rtrrd painter of the century. Prospectus tl. Books on time. THE iiiiiriiiihiruiETsoN co. L'td. Torouto , Ont. Big Line of WHIPS from 10 cts. up to 80 cts. for a GOOD RAWHIDE. WESTERN" ASSURANCE COMPANY. Honor Roll of S. S. No. B, Bentinck, Capital subscribed $2,000.!!!» Capital pmd up 1,000.000 Assets, over 2,te0,000 Annual income. over 2,to0,000 Losses paid since organization. over 22,o00,00 Insurance effected on all kinds of pro- ‘wrty at lowest current rules. Diveli ings and their tsontenUs' insured on the most, favorable terms. Losses promptly and Liberally settled gdLadlllan Fruit d; Confectionery of all kinds. With New Groceries, New Canned Goods, New Crockery, and Glassware. The old Stock bought from Mr. T. Moffat will be rushed off at low prices to make room for. New Goods armed and arnvmg. 7f you want Bargains, come his month to. l A. McLA CHLAN S, A Cull i,, con-unlimicato with C. ll A sh FIRE AND MA JUNE. “you and" a an? and my: wily uncertain. it“. . cum a: hm Ml] ”unable. 'eaimttnioutto.ut gangland. Old.» .59ch tor-rt" ----a- w- h-vn . “(Minimum 5355" vacuums. cpm""""'"'""'."",' '_"'"-"'- mid-mm. Olden - fur-001mm patent. in menu. We hive o Wuhmmun mam. Pam“ axon thrush Manta t Co. "on!” w tMttMm In an SGIEITIFIO “EMS“. an 'ggllrp8ltlhtt, "in t j,itrittt',',,1', Egg! songs. Goodman :09..- 'Gia in} on Purim um. tree. “a. - A - u .-_ - -- New Table Oil Cloth, 45 inches wide, white or col- ored, 25 cts. a. yd. New Spring Shoes ---B delight-call and see them. HONOR ROLL. HUN?! a MI awash White Granite & Tin Ware. OPENING I I! Ill,, UPPER i',iil, _'i'i'i,,i_lc"J"(irNiiii_ia, TIM)! IAIK‘. omen. comm" ao. tatt t,tit41tt?t4'k'i7, BEAN a GO. MACE. Agent. $300000 1 mum 2.320.000 2,to0,000 '22,0oo,00 The main attract'on in . Durham last Saturday evenmg was the HARDWARE in fall poeration. in the Bard ware Store window. We have a full line of everything that is requir- ed-such as Farm and Garden tools of every de. scription, Building Mater- ial. etc. h fresh assortment of ready mixed and dry paints varnishes and oils. Our paints and top dressing for carriages are the best. A new stock of brushes, for different purposes. I Don't forget our Silver ware and Tin ware. Our granite is superior to any other kept in this part of the country. Blue Flame 011 Stove Coming tnsurtiiiie Agency MONEY T0 LOAN-- Fun: Pnorw.Rrv-HFi Lowest rates of interest of repayment. u. “r“, ...N'""'" TOWN Pnovrmrv--(Fittf Mortgage)- On monthly instalment plan. Applications put, through with dis- patch and at least, possible expense. FIRE INSURANC ', The Merrhantile Fire Insurance Com- Eii-ige,"ite,ri;i;.i, be the humus-{re Fire nsumme (human y. of London. Eng- Und, security $15,010,000. LIFE INSURANCE% The Stu Life, of Landon England. has $1.(ll}.000 more imatratwe:utfott than largest (‘mmdinn Company, and offers Insurance on best Plans. and " lowest rates. Lame. Wman'r a Bunion, Calder’s Poek, - BORN. tgcrrrssmrr-r.n Priceville. on Saturday June 26th. to Mr. and Mrs Neil Mc- Kinnon a daughter. Dvorrur---To Mr. and Mrs. Thou. Dan- iell. on the md of June, a daughter. Mcoracre--tirnx,y1tTcht, the mid- ence of Mr, D. Sluwnv-t. North Ben- tinck, on Zird msL by new. Mr, Jansen Mr. Donald McAthur to Miss annie Stewart. mvrs--srrpos?,rayro/', Monday, J une 7, by the We". F. H, Cleland, lmstnr of the first Preshyu-riun I Itut ch. Duluth, Minnesota, Mernes lloss of West Superior. “Wu-(main. to Miss Annie McDonald. of Duluth, Minnesota. The bride is a. sister of Miss McDonald (of Abendeen P. o. Mr. Ron in o nephew of Mr. J. w. Crawford. and " (new: live neat Yeovil in Wont. 1 Ve wish the happy couple, att good things in their wedded life. Rd. Rn, I VIEW.] tectrstersAItuez-rn Durham. on Mutiny June 26th. James T. lean-lane. and $6 yams. 4 months. W. BLAGK. GIVE US A CALL. W. E. Buchan, Clerk. Lovive'r Town. .A.BAI§9N AND MARRIED. DIED. minister Mu “I

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