Ontario Community Newspapers

Durham Review (1897), 1 Jul 1897, p. 1

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of i pring ts in will .50, kn, with ittons to keeping. a signed it that it PPIS inning ! out 1ing ! DS! L8 88 ® a a o more ) W L0 th at xz aft .’Ocess, and Softâ€" Rent. rant $6, mith. 4 | 17 Drill this If As an them is vour eed. ®) <@) @) @) @) @) t as ta @) b the FOnâ€" On irn, t} uP °C Goderich and Woodstock Organs. N '_] Sewing Machines. & A fow (GOO0D COOKING STOYES left, at WANXTED.â€"Intelligent merâ€" with good education to whom $600 and exâ€" penses for the first year would be an inducement _ Wrice wih fuall particulâ€" ars. THE MANAGER, 49 Richmond St, West., Toronto, Ont, %®e â€" UPPER ‘POWN, Durham, June 15th 1897. LALGE STOCK ON HAND AT Pea â€" Hrcesters One Car Binder Twine, Maxwell Binders AJeering Binders and |])fowers We take this opportunity of thunking our customers for past patronage, aund we are convinced that the new system will meris a continuance of the same. "Large Saies & Small Profits." Durham. Aug. 29th.°0G6. CANADA CARR!IAGE CO‘S. CARRIAGES, CHAS. McKINNCN‘S. We beg to inform our Customâ€" ers and the Public generélly that we have adopted the C&sh System, which means Cashfi .or its equivalent, and that our Motto will be -, BUGGIES, &c CHATHAM AND SNOW BALL WAGGONS. VOL. XIX.â€"NO 26. rs, Turnip Sowers, Scuffters, Plows, and etery other Implement for Farm Work. mvi essm . & J. McKechnie. T he CASHV“ Mowers and Horseâ€"Rakes. mt Vilaltes H., G & J. McKECHNILE, ADOPTED BY kCisann a e. ae~ © zoree.. 5s C & Of from $10,00 to $30.00 according to ability, for | enmvassers on "Queeu Victoria: Her Life and | Reign," atter a trial mouth on our big commisâ€" gion. The Diamond Jubilee is booming this | wonderfnl volumse, keeping all hands working | early and4ate. ‘The only Canadien work accept»« ed by Her Mujestvy and endorsed by the Royal \Family. A beantifal big book at a small price, | Hurry your #pplication. The BRADLEYâ€"GALâ€" | RNETSON Co,, I+td. Toronto, Ont. We Will Pay Straight Weekly Salaries ost Brands. A% DURHAM. New Willia and below cost. , Cel a | : ‘)Ondex‘a& Fadrte ership Wine * ,.jgt__L{"g.,l}!,fi.‘!%Tm * Tuinec â€"of | | been a rema Jmcnt, for. it lerrgeg . } P xh t L own voice and whose double attitude of sympathizer and bitter critic of the measure, will be the sole cause of its failure to pass, if so it should transpire. Govrernmental ownership and control of 'this line of railway has been urged by many who are the members from the tar wost. The fear that vast monopolistie ,curpurmiou, the Canadian Pacéfic Railway, lhas prowpted muany to advocate this ’c-nurs‘u. But ownership by government and by it operated has been demonstrated in the case of the Intercolonial as an in: advisable alternatiye, and so it is regard: . ed by Sir Charles Tupper as well as by | the government of the day. Such man: | agement cannot bring the same measure ; of .success aud profit i0 railway c-nter-‘ prise as when operated under the manageâ€" | ment of private corporations, Such a proposition is particularly applicable to' the ownership and mansgement of the Crow‘s nest Pass road by the C, P. R' Company which has been so pre emiuently'l successful in its yast trans continental ,mkvn not by government but by | private enterprise, made the terms | with which we are now all familiar, Jwirh the C. P. R. for the purpose of lohr.uinin,«_:' the desired eud. ‘The interâ€" ests of the Dominion have been careâ€" |fully guarded by the bill brought down by the Minister of Railways, yet in order to pose before the country as opponenms of the government‘s proposâ€" als, Mr. Foster, who leads the oppositâ€" ion in the absence of Sir Chas. Tupper, has seen fit to put up a very strong kick which, Mr. Blair said today, may result in defeating the bill. The govâ€" e‘mment is not disposed to allow the specious ceriticisms of Foster and his colleagues to go before the country unâ€". challenged and unanswered and as the life of the present session of parâ€"| liament is expected to finally ebb out | on Monday next, no time will be | afforded for that purpose. To haye, the bill dropped just on the eve of its‘ passage through the House would be a severe setâ€"back for Mr. Foster, whose fondness for hearing the sound of his own voice and whose double attitude mnremanerative honor of opposition lle:ulvr, did he possess the necessary qualifications of that post. However all speculation of this character, in the @|event of tne retirement, is mere idle report while George Eulas Foster sits and talks in parliament. Then there A is Sir Chas. the younger, who also aspires to fill his sire‘s shoes. _ His aspirations in this direction, too, are 1 backed up by the aforesaid sire. Here is the real sticking point. ‘The insatâ€" iable ambition of the Tupper family: , | blinds cach member of it to the rcul‘ | situation of affairs. The country has plainly rejected the Tupperian dynasty | and will have none of it, while many ‘ of the tory rank and file, in and out of Parliament, sectetly rejoice thereâ€"| at. It was the towering and unscru-l pulous ambition of G. Eulas, on the one hand, and Sir Hibbert on the{ ‘other, which led to the Weyler like â€" treachery perpetrated against their | erst while leader, Bowell; and it is | ;thc same dominating spirit of these | ‘two, which now keeps the tory camp |aflame with its internecine warfare. I Hh:l\‘c often wondered why the irrepresâ€" Davinâ€"he who represents a prairic |returning offieer of tory predilectionsâ€" i[ms not also been spoken of as a posâ€" gible, leader of ~the opposition. _ He ‘cen akes the coin for that m‘e-’ ‘xdndex‘a tory qua ification for leadâ€" ership Wind.. It is said tlm&‘th&!tafii']. he undertgok this session to nxulke a| Thine of Hansark Tair hime®fr® Yz op the rogiun'iziu'mngh which it passes, and that the project should be under: The Crow‘s Nest Pass Bill. At this hour of writing the bill providing for the construction of the Crow‘s Nest Pass Railway has not passed the House. It wil be the fault of the opposition if it is dropped this session. Sir Chas. Tupper, while he took oceasion to criticise the government‘s proposals in relation to the railway was heartily in favor of its constructâ€" on at the earliest possible moment. The government have, on their part, not been oyer anxious about the matâ€" ter, but recognizing the necessity of the road being built in order to develâ€" "Yvoluime of Hansard for hilnsfé'T?,ngs been a remarkably suceessful achieve. ment, for, it has been remarkea, that that the pages of Hansard which he has filled, would if placed side by side carpet the broad territories and leave several pages to spare. But that is a Tuapperian story. Ottawa, June 26th. â€"Immediately after Sir Chas. Tupper had left the city, last week, en route to England, ‘ the vague, but doubtless well founded rumor again became current in the lobbies‘of the Hoase, that the vencr-l able leader of the opposition had issued, prior to his departure, to his followers the probability of his early retirenrent from actiye political life. | In the same breath it was was whisper. | ed that Sir J. A. Cnapleau, whose| term of office as Lieut. Governor, of| Quebec will terminate with the close| of the present year, was likely to be( called to lead the opposition forces. Hon. J. C« Paterson, the Manitoba | governor, has also been spoken of, but | as the latter gentleman has SC\'(‘.l‘illi years more before him of gabernator| ial sweets of office, it is not probable | he would leave them to accept the | oUR OTTAWA LETTER. DURHAM, THURsDAY, JULY 1, 1897. ONTARIO ARCHIVEsS TORONTO McKEiuvyIEâ€"In Egremont on Monday June 21st to MMr. and Mrs. Dan Mcâ€" Kelvie a daughter, W e regret to hear that a chlld of Mr. Jos, Patterson‘s died last week. It was about two years old. Mr. Peter Brown, of Holsrein, is spending a few days around the Lake at present. Mrs. Andrew Henry and her mother, Mrs. Brown, was visiting at Mr. D. Hamilton‘s last Monday. Mr. and Mrs. C, Renwick, of Dromore, was visiting the latter‘s mother Mrs. Jis,. Henry last Sunday, Mres, Thomas Brown, of Holstein, is visiting her many friends in this part for a week or so. Mrs, Wim. Hunter who has been yvery poorly for the past week is, we are glad to report, getting around again, Mr, Will Reid left about a week ago for Waterloo where he has secured a situation with his brother Alex. there, Mrs. Philip Lawrence and Miss Mary A,. Whitmore were the guests of Mrs, T. Brown one day recently. I have tried several remedies for rheuâ€" matism, so.me of which did me a certain amount of good, but nothing that I have taken has done so much for me as your Phrenoline, and I have much pleaâ€" sure in recommendiog it to other sufâ€" It also cured me of dyspepsia, from which 1 was suffering at the time, so that I feel now like a new man. GENTLEMEN,.â€"On the advice of a friend tried one bottle of your famous rheumatic remedy, Phrenoline, and to my surprise it cured me of rheumatism, from which 1 haye suffered for many vears. Rhounatism & Dyspapsia Carsd. < CC 1nc{n0us 10P PropogitLIng. bue purpose of working upon the creduâ€" ;u '‘lcu.'alll':-l':lllll\'l p:l("ke(ll Tnulef', our }lous, aund timid portion of the electorate, per&mal supervision, and all new vaieâ€" throughout the country, by giving them | q; stod at our trial farms before be the . faise impression that â€"there mnsh'i @ catalogued. _ These are the only ’ be some trath in the suspicion, set on foot | tesling orchads connected with any by G, Eulas and the 1est of his ilk, ti Nufsery in the Dominion. 4 ;ghe-re was something corrupt, in . lim| _ Agents Wanted to Represent Ls of tl;'f{ Mlm.\! to m'& 1 #d mcial attention given to ]'.-wk.. Cemâ€" County railway in the manner and under | etery and Boulevard oiders. _ Estimates the terms proposed. _ By the aid of the| furnished for supplying entire orchards, seryile tory machine in the Upper House,| Why buy of foreign concerns or of the weight of the semiâ€"somnolent Senagte| middlemen when you can purchase as has been lent to aid the opposition leaders| cheaply of us and get better valve, in endeavor to make political capital, in} _ Our stock is Canadian grown and acâ€" the shape of a scandal they eagerly hope, | climateo. out of the governmeut‘s scheme in lhe_’ Catalogue (English or French) free on public interest to change the aunual Inâ€"} application, tercolonial railway deficit into a substanâ€" 1 Eladl tial surplus. The Senate now proposes Sb[me & Welhngbfln' Tflrflutu to investigate the Drummond county railâ€" orvaf IMHDPERRIRE s way affairs, Mr. Blair on the floor of the PONTHILL NURSERIES House toâ€"day threw out his defiance and The Leading Canadian Iree Men, inyited a most thorough inquiry. ‘The result will explode another tory fullucy} n o m rnomaenaraemarcmâ€"encrâ€"nrmevyereâ€"mereus and reveal the sham of the opposition! _ _ t < n es s charge To the Phrenoline Medicine Oftaiwa, Ont. Intercolonial extension, With a partizan Sevate at their backs the tories in the Commons are very cockey of late. They know right well that their overâ€" whelming host of political sympathizers m the Upper House can atways be dependâ€". ed upon to make a sensational coup when an opporturity presents itself. ‘The reâ€" cent display of subservient partizonship in that irrespon ible body, in respect to. the killing of the bill relating to the exâ€" tension of the Intercolonial railway from Leyis into Montreal, bears out the uscer-} tiou fully, It seems to me that this exâ€" pected coup was undertaken more ‘for| Yours very truly system. This company too, having conâ€" wol of the lines east and west of the Pass, must therefore influence. to a greater or less degree, the trafic expected to flow over the proposed new road, and aro best mmterests of the whole region which they have done so much to develop. Only by H. PARKER, Durham. (Signed) JAMES CARROLL, Foreman of Works, Rideau canal, & D . pat HOOd’S Pills gr?pcnoklmrrg::gr};::hq.' Is the best, in fact â€" the'()ne True Blood Purificr, Prepared only by C. I. Hood & Co., Lowell, Mass, Hood‘s « Merit talks‘" the [ intrinsic value of I a' ks * Hood‘s Sarsaparilla, | Merit in medicine means the power to 'f cure. Hood‘s Sarsaparilia possesses actual and unequalled curative power and thereâ€" ’ fore it has true merit. When you buy ) Hood‘s Sarsaparilla, and take it according | to directions, to purifty your blood, or | cure any of the many blood diseases, you |! are morally certain to receive benefit. ; C The power to cure is there. You are not | trying an experiment. It will make your | }‘ blood pure, rich and nourishing, and thus | drive out the germs nf disease, strengthen . iC the nerves and build up the wholesystem. | MVlerit? Sarsaparilia 571 St. ParrRtcK StrEEet, OTrawa, July 31st, 1896 MERRITT. BORN. RUIGCW . A. YÂ¥, W. 0 Ltd. i Noxon‘s â€" Bimders, Mowers, Prills Spring Tooth Harrows, best in the mar ket. â€" Guards, Sections, etc., forall kinds of machines, Pianos, Organs and Sewing Machines, Money to loan on farm property at lowest rates. Conveyancing, Leases, Wills, Mort gages, etc., drawn up on short notice. Horses bought and sold, Waterloo Threshers for sale at wareâ€" rooms. â€" Patronage solicited, Orders for Sales may be left at Turs: REviEw OFFICE, ; | We do the trade in Raw Furs. Highest ‘ Price Paid. #. ‘P. Tt EaAELLE Upper Towom, _ .. ¢_ :o. Cusr) Agentfor .. *â€".. .. FARM IMI’I.EMIENTS and MACHINâ€" w ERY, mm« Worikmanship Unsurpassed Fire Choice in Valises, Grips, Horse Blankets, &e., &c. e . ~ 9 Heayy & Light Harness TO SUIT YOU. CALL & SEE OUR We Handle everything in the Harnes line, at right prices. climateo,. oo Catalogue (English or French) free « application. 1. o L Btoneg & Wellington, Toroato FPONTHILL NURSERIES '.!‘:g‘%‘ents Wanted to Represent Us. ial attention given to Park, Cem etery and Boulevard oiders. _ Estimate furnished for supplying entivre orchards Why buy of foreign concerns or o muiddlemen when you can purchase a cheaply of us and get better valve, \/ E have the la1 mploy the 1 impMioyed methods s _ ecarefully permal supervisi ti stod at our t ings eatalogued. Shrgg;s. R m o uen faks e 1 d ® hoce How us NesP / ! ?ROTS.â€"Carter‘s Giant Vosges white earrot, * Large Yellow | Be carrot, Altringham and long 0 e carrot. ’. NGEL . WURTZEL.â€"Carter‘s | 1 mammoth. and saw log mangeél. , ySAWEDE TURNIPS.â€" ’ica r‘s elephant purple top swede, improved purple top swede, Bangholm purple top swede, N purple top swede, King of swedeâ€"purple top,â€" Sutt@n‘s champion purple top swede. LOW and GREY TURNIPS,.â€" ~ _A Aberdeen purple top do green top Devonshire grey stone incoln red globe. PE SEED.â€"Carter‘s broad leay ed ing rape. fM RICAN ano CANADIAN serps f ARDEN & FLOWER SEEDS , CLOVER & GRaASS sCEps. ® ; e {#. lgport of T Dt_‘?y-ra.. L‘e; Tlf Main COr4 ig _CgRR()T,\‘.~Caj Harness ! C. LEAYVENS, Jr. . T. ORCHARD. nbbage, @auliflower and Geler: Sharp‘s Old Stand, §_ 7 ~ t ra and uarden Seeds, for 1897, per Steamer ara. Leading Field and Garden eeds. Garden Seeds. Main Crop Seeds. ort of Field and Garden Seeds FURS. Licensed Auciioncer, 700 ACRES Bites, Whips, Collars, Pads, gest assortment and ery latest and most for propogating. All packed â€" under _ our n, and all new varieâ€" rial farms before be FIELD SEEDS H. PARKER, kjeeds! Sooeds . (L2 LCurham., Seed A8§8Aesa2sea8e880 e Druggist and Seedsman, Durham. )i (t WOKK FOR MEN AMD WOMEN, Wepay & to @10 per week for easy home work Child can do it. _ No Scheme. Books or Pod dling This is boua fide. bead stamp for work and particulars at once. _ THE SEYMOURSUP PLY Co Musonic Temple, Caun den 1NJ 20,000 feet Rock Elm Logs wanted. Must be of good quality and 8 feet long. Will pay $8.00 per M. cash at Mill. ROBT. REXNWICK, Full pedigree may be learned on application. TERMSâ€"£1,00 payable 1st January. Usual conditions. WHOLE NQ. 1007. The undersigned will keepffor serâ€" vice at LOT 9, 2. 0O0N. W, 1. R. Benâ€" tinck for the season of 1897 the fine 3 year old well bred bull, ‘Conqueror" a descendant of the famous Farmbam Duke. pay it bacl moderate. place. Tns Romsoven Prorerty, Durham. What J cant sell 1 will rent. 1 have 8$1,000,000 to lena at 5} and 54 per cent. Choose your time to pay it back. Business private, charges for its bound to go np, IMUST GET RID OF : Tur Scaxrrax Faram, lot 30, con. 5, Bentinckâ€"100 acres. _ Will sell or rent. Tu® Sumrrox 50 Aores, Ict 55, con. 1, 8. D. R., Bentinck The best 50 acres in Bentinck : splendid scil, fine new bank barn. Noramaxsy : Jlot 7, con. 3, 96 acresâ€" good tarm, tip top bank barn, log dwelling houseâ€"Durham about 5 miles. Hommraxp TowxsuIr, Lewis Eyde farm 100 aceres in good German settiement â€"Will sell or exchange. A good LOT 49 CON. 2, 8. D. R. GLE] that fine Thorough Bred Buil "THRESTON®" BUY LAND w purchased from the hberd of Mr. H. Parker, Durham,. TERMS : 75ots. Payable Feb. 1. 1898. & ALFRED HJINKS. Pron. Grasshoppers and Dry Weather Pricevi‘le Mar Dromore Saw Mill. Dromore, June 5. lrExry Arrxaxorr Dornoch, May 25 ‘97. Ki (Ground Oil ( meal, and Bri Npice, H/ Land laster ~Lond Sallâ€"Larrel8elt â€"and Rook Salt, Land Plaster is a direct food for Corn and nearly doubles the Crop, Now on planted rows or hills, and a srrond dusting awwhen tWe cora is abori si. inches hagh, Paris Green, Pavis Purple, Carbonâ€" ate of. Copper, sSelphaie of Copury, CORN, C One Car Mammoth Southern Sweet Enâ€" i h » sclage, and Lecamings improved Â¥e o « Corn. TAR] HKELP WANT â€" PDâ€"FE N ALE 1\ n( Wont always trouble vs FIELD CORXN THOROEBRED DURKHAM BULL. 1/ THOROUCGH ERED DUTHAM Cle w n of 1 LOGS WANTED. H. . MILLER, bOre , Comptons Eorlyâ€" Anget of Mi» nightâ€"Giant Cubanâ€"Large awhice Flint and Hwron Dent, Nâ€"Beansâ€"Onion Sets and Potâ€" alo Onions. Wiq The Hanover Conveyancer. (4 stand 1 i at the BULL. ake, Flax Seed, Linceed tish HMorse ana Casle hile it is cheap ownder aper, )r service for the tarm of the underâ€" GLENELG ason. of h rop C Mi~ Bug

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