Ontario Community Newspapers

Grey Review, 24 Dec 1896, p. 5

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12-7273! "mitten Into-t prin- mNo at". loom In - -i5i/'" YEAR J. Sill-I WELL them as yo x:- , 9&1 .iliiiiii I; --.~. 'err, A cupcake tho ICE LII, “NH!“ "Min Smith. recess, “PM Soiv. r - airs LiAu-nuv ( A _ A . " . Met Cases. - MEN = . =_r. .' 3» . ' L' ' {a ‘Ikb- _ ‘TTIP‘ uni-no oh C tor io the I an 8.- Dee "nt, tt h an- {AKIN} AND MATCHING/- I'0 \‘uv WANT A DAILY PAPtatt- Tmmm- Morning World, a morning lmind you. will be supplied wit REVIEW tann 1. 18% for $2.65 Tube now and get the benefit of , your free. It has popular cartoons " daily, nrurmoty ekee0ent spec- Patures. 6 to 8 Pages and algae ay edition. For 6 months 0 Mrs for $1 5. GUARANTEED ‘HINGLES ON "AND AT RIGHT BPROVEU “mum n at a I: it an; we have on they “in he sure to rk so choose early. First Come First Chci Western Advertiser. FOR 1896-7. rrket Reports, Stories, etc. KURT Ll Lies' and Centlemen's swelling Case}: " (e offer good inducements to agents. terms, etc.. mddresa-- 0 erdlent Reading.. .. Var every member of the family. rb lim 1:13:51) "iil Jf3, ie, o s tour. Page: Each. Wu]: -WITH-. C:")-"',]:"," TI‘STRY. THE NEWS (lil THE WM. Ill ALL Sims na, Bisque, LY ONEDOLLAR Rubber, Felt dKid DON Then esigneh Balance of 1896 Free it kss:r'z'si'iL?,, ...-ghSliltr-- Ioslil BOWLS. rand Elegant lVi To Jamuuy fat, 1898, l BALADand ,BBIDGS @ch Dom! I) Music " a D 1llTltrflllllll MrrllIl1 tlt,. etc If In t tlt h. o'r, nothing like it we have a few "I as MACHINERY. Irn'nR EAST _O_F tTIs'PAC"i'toN take huihling con lkilnh of Material In] w b tho tirst Wedttes ttttice nt the Cotn- "i/i/cds Calder' J dour west of th oods must go so have only a Holders the c- Pfi‘! Tlice t LONDON. ONT H rt HT PRH‘ES to 8 IN XUA t the public built and 1)('RHA M )1 ice. 139% Ill USN. El \V a l' like The joyous season is again upon us when gifts and good wishes are imp- posed to be more than usually appro- priate. We hope all our readers have at this season the spirit and the means to make others happy, especially the young, and that they will realize the truth ofthe old proverb “It is more blessed to give than to receive. In this spirit we cordially wish all o 11 readers, young and old r“ "f. "I" "i-tTi-ic/nk""] £1:.§15é1§.£1 At the request of many of the electors of nivis'on No. 3, under the new County Councils Act, I have consen- ted to be a Candidate at the forth. cmning election. It elected, I will use what experience and ability I have in the interest of the division. Your Vote and influence is respectfully requested. n n ---- ' O . O -------. To the ratepayers of Division No. 3 G re County. At tre request of a largeuumher‘nf the Ituttsrta.vvrsof thrahovvdivisio" I have computed to be a Candidate at the Coming lilo-Nit)“. I hereby ask for your support. I have considerable experienee in munieipal Inntt°rs and, if eleeted will do my but! to use it in the interest of the Division. -----i_-------- Ladies and Gentlemen J At the roquost of a large numherot the mtopnyvrs of the "hove Division, I have cittvwntcd to he n Candidate at tlw furlht-nming election. As I will nut h- arolts to sun-all of you persoualrv. I [mushy ask for ynm‘ vote and influ- mm- in the coming 01901 ion. Having had snnn- eq‘m'ivnre in County Imm- m-ss. I will, should you elect mo. 1rse it in th" ittierrst of the whole division. Very truly ynmw, HENRY Bmuxun, Allan Park. Dec. 4 ’96. G'ettfletttcttt Having tseen renursted by a number of rah-payers to olht myself as R candid- att' for the position or County l'on. Inls<iunnr fur Divisinn No. 3, (hwy Couiv. Ihave ducxdol to :u‘copt the nomination and earnestly I-vquist. vnur vnto and influence. Hanover. I): Atthss urgent Hours-Lo." :ilnrgvnumhcr of m.m"roxmof the Township of Gletwlg, l har" driidcd to hut-omt- a Candidate for Muniripul honors at the coming Election. Having acquired consider- qu experieuve in Municipal matters while in the coum‘il for four years, I am enabled tnlnm'v fully voruviwheud thv wants of the Puhlie. Should you deem it sensible to elect me. my main object, will be economy with a due vegavd to efflcetwy in the public interests. Thanking you for past, favors, I once more solicit your vote and influence. Yours Respectfully. THOMAS SULL'VAN. T: The 1W1ee:texs cf Egremcnt and. CtcTaxza.acuseTr Ladies and (Fen/lemma solieitation of many (I the Townshipl have C my name tn be plan-d troi"willor " 1897. . 'st tltenseustiug in Urrlmnlvilh- on Mon- day last, I allowed my mum- to he plan-d in nominatiml for the pnaitiun MCo. Cotttwillor fur District, No, 4. My exywric-m'v in township and county work leiuls, tru' to Mk with iconfidiuscta your support. and should you elect me. it will he my aim to weml what (-nn-gv and experience I have in the interest of the Division. A (‘Ullllt'lluu nu “mu. Although I have been a renidvnt of the Township tor the past fully years. there may he smnmuunng you, nut. Pet": Innully acquainted with mo. To those I would say that my vttot'ts toadtnirtister' the affairs of the Tuwnship in an woun- mimd'yct, efficient manner will he our best intrmlavtinu to each other. To my acquaintance l merely state that. should I he elected they will tind um in the future as in the past an advoc- ate of economy cmnhined with "le- mency. [respectfully solicit, your votes and interest in my behalf in the coming con- taut um] trust that. my devotion to duty Irish fake, Doc. 11th 1800. "'a'"-'"" GEO. Bums. Bunessan, Dee. P., 1896. TO THE ELECTORS 0F BENTINCK DURHAM & GLENELG. [respectfully solicit, your votes and interest in my behalf In the coming con- tent and trust that my devotion to Jury in Township matters will prove my gntitude for your kindness. TO THE ELECTORS OF THE TOWN SHIP or GLENELG. At the request of many of the rate- payers of this township [have con- sa-uted to allow my name to he placed in nomination for the "ttice Mcouncil- lor. My experience of " years lends me to ask with coofldenco for Your vote and inttuence, and. if elected. my aim shall be to exercise all due econo- my in the affairs of the township. Yours thjtbfully. Pomona, Dec. Uth, BAGrifEVis/sp1,9T9f.e, CONVEYANCERS. an. ottietts o.-Mppotite TOWN BA. . Lower Town. Durham F 5,000 to loan at lowest rates of [mums AS!) GENTLEMEN .. Al I Ladies and Geuilertunt Ladies and Gentlemen t Emmy ttlitiumitr,t. intt felt. itiiiiJii at, i gt Lion, CHRISTMAS TIDE. Rospm-tntly Yours. CHAS. MCKIXNUN 5t h, 1856. fiajWHGEa GEsrr.rssEs:-At the 1113' of the Elm-tors of law consented tn allow dun-d in nomination as Ycms respect fully. Rum; Mmucxa tll " (“MUN (“HP 1 Dr. C. J. Patutrson, who has been at- risiut No. 3. (hwy ' tending to Dr, Lunieson's practipehrre .ulel to WWW the 1 for the past two 1nourhs,bdtort Monday t-su-m-slly n-quist 1 fov'1'orouto. Hvcatwier, with him warm llé‘lu‘l'. I opininns of the kimhwsmuul lmspility of Faithfullv Yours. 111w people of Durham and neighbor- J. M'nsstzxuma 1‘ hood. . J our: VVILLIAMS. J-SdivA. MCMILIIAN. )5' THE TOWN- I Mrs. Jno, Carneron, Botlitwau, N. pa. ENELG. km". ram!- home last saturday to ‘speml n part of the winter. with her .illnlht'l' sun! MIN-r Bn-mimrk friends. .. i Flu, H a skier of the well known Dun oi'pytrsFyymly't' 1 and Neil McDougall. Leaving on “ted: ., ' ,» ,1...“ '_" 'Wear, (init irrttt gum". Hortt--Ehtglish Holly, at the Dur- hum Phnmnau'y. Mr. Neil McKechnio has been laid up for the past two weeks ly am accident to his arm. We have in stock a very fine pastry flour. (mien-d expi'essly for that purpusv. Geo. Slmrling. At the Coeinth St-html Fmtovtainntent on ch, isthmus Eve, the Latnlash String Band is expu-tod to Ire present. Get ynur Htrlly for Xmas Decorations at the Durham Pharmacy. Fresh broken sodas at, John Carrier- nn's. also prime new cheese. To Ltrt---A cm: furtulniv two-storey brick house in anm' Town, Durunm. Apply to J. M. Hunter. When you require flour. ask us for Prices. We have several makes on mud. Geo.1s'parlinq. Miss Mary (Wider. Calderwood, was a guest. at, her lumlwrs for a few days this week. Sheluft Tuesday morning. 'I‘u:“(i1ms'r BcTIooL."--Tlut enter- tainment on Monday night was verv surwessful. Mess” Binnie. Avrowsruith amt! McKinnon wan- present. Rev. Mr. Magwood occupied M". _Pomomy’s pulpit an Sunday evening FirovEs.---Ttw cold weather makes YOU think of stnvva. When ynudo think in this wall at Kale Cochrune'u and Nee the line of famous D. Mun” stun-s she has. Mr. Wvlliuglo Banks, of Tolwrmnry,‘ :un'lfaniily. intend ramming,r to Norm Buy at an early date, father and sisters are thewnuw. THE ONTAmn McrvAL.--Mrs. J. A, Young, general agent of this society, was in town a few days this week. We have to thauk him furone of theit. bright, office calendars. Christmas and New Year Souvenirs. --A very nice thing fora pin-sent Is our of the excerent viewtrof the Pres. Church taken by Miss Frazer, of the Upper Town Photo Gullvry. Have you Been them. I,icr,'TIHtE IN Piot.vmLE.---Rev. Mr. Jansen will deliver his lecture on Hol- land in the Pteshytevitw Church, I’rii-e- ville, ott the i-vmnng of Der. 29th. The choir of the church will render several svlvctictrs. ast. . T'rtrrr:vII,1,r: LEerrmrr..--iNext Tucs- duy l‘lw-ning all who wi,m to hear a. good lewtuua, highly spoken of by all who lmvv b.eard ir, will go to hear Mr. Jansen in the Pros. Church Price- ville, A small admission fee. Ill. F.-The last nwutingnf the yen: will he lu-ltl nu Dec. 3lut. As the "lvction of oftlcers and other in! pnl'lnlll. business is to take place tV full unondnnw of the membership is requested. _ Ringing noises m the vars, snapping. ! hymn“. "luring. caused by cumrrh. all l disumu-m with the use of Hand's Sat-s- law" illa. l Emu: mrn..--3Iv. Jun. Graham had i his annual enttwtamutt'ttt, on Tuesday I last and “Tm-ls of It, show it to hare 1 been smut-l ling estvaovdinnt'y. Nearly Him whole seminal were crowded into ’tlu- school, and the exercises were of the moat innervating mum-o. It, has Durham, Thur. Dee. 24, 'oc. Nobody but a Scotchmwn. excepting it he a Ncotchwoman. can do justice tn the Scutvh chrwattov. Miss Belle Ruse Emsliv. of Edinburgh. gives svlm'linus hum tho works of Inn Mac- lau-en, Crovkett,nnd Haul-i9. At Town Hull, ('hr!stnms live. lwmlnv night, at, lu-ro Sutunlty n features all its own. and cannot be tlvalt with this week. (‘uvncn AND Smmm. ENTERTAIN- MrrsTs.-The mums of Miss Clath's school at Coviutlt, will tmtevtain Christ- mas Eve.--Varttey Methodists, under the inspirntiun of Me, John 1ldredand other wul-me, have their ayytutl Xmas Ul llt'l‘ " ul hr: " um.- _ u.” .. ........... --.._..‘_ Two un Friday eveniut-Monday I've- ning the aim, Mr. It. Pavket and nlher friends of tl " Methinhst S. School, will, in the Town Hall. give “Cantata entit- led "Santa. (ll-um" Trouble and its ha " Yy "rhli,y/,r:,','rT//'yatcvc)ief, the 20th )r. Hutton, and t P friends of the Presbyterian S. S. in Priceville have. a gala night. with .Mr. Jansen’s lecture as the chief attraetion.--O" Wednesday evening. the English Church will give one of their elalmmte enterttainuusnts in the Town iHall.--The Presbyterian: in town are preparing for one also, night not fhied. NEWS FROM DsrroTa.-Fiom an iuter- l esting letter received front Mr. John 1 Cameron, t,uegy,e.l?1d%f/tt week, _ We cull the following. heir winter} hogan on 2nd Nov. but. the weather was [ moderate in Dec. so far. His I'ipi" averaged 26 hos. per acre, and yieldef him ahin of 5327 bus. of No. 1 hard. They have advanced machinery out there ', one costing $3600, is 0. self feeder nnd self stacker. 26 horse power, 47inch. . cvlinder, 64 inch. shoe, has 0 horse com-l pound power to blow the st raw through a large pipe, this pipe is moved at will i lo shape the stack. In our dusty ltartts' what " godsend this would he to the men " behind the manhine. " He writes exubernntly of the good tunes under ‘McKinley and sound money, the coun- l try is booming, wheat is no to 65e. alittle lower than irwna, hut a paying price still. Glad to hear. of the pros rity of former South Greyites. and Il'i'ill the ream“ one! will echo the “the song atom Ionngithin B. Grey'- hounds. Mr. Cameron's Review dolhu never LOCAL AND GENERAL it 11 p. m. slié reached 2 p, In. Merit ’2: Mr. -. Cochrane, of St. Thomas, is at present a guest " Mr. David Jackson's. Mr. T. Moffat and family left for Gleneig, yesterday, en route for Owen Sound. We are sorry to lose them and wish them success in their new home. " Merit talks” the intrinsic value of I al ks Hood's Sersaperills. Merit in medicine means the power to cure. Hood’s Sampuills posses“ nettle! end unequalled curative power and there- tore it has true merit. When you buy Hood's Sarsaparilla,end take it according to directions, to purify your blood, or cure any of the many blood diseases, you Ire morally certain to receive benedit. The power to cure is there. You ere not trying an experiment. It will make your blood pure, rich and nourishing, and thus drive out the germs of disease, atrengthen the nerves and build up the whole ”new. Finest oranges and lemons, regular 26 cents, this week special at J. A. Hun- tet 's.-Ir, cents a doz.-2 doz. for. 25 etc. Mr. Edgar Elvidge and wife of Galt were home last week. He had had a couple of weeks gieknee.-- La-grippe with a. much of Typhoid, but remrned to duty Monday. Mr. Walter Elvidge comes home to- night for the Christmas holidays. He has a large advanced school and re- ceives agood salary. Not what every teacher can say these low priced tunes. TOWN FINANCES. We have instsoen u copy of the town's tinancial state. munts, and have glanced at. the footings Assets are 3562131) while Lialnilitic-n only $517.83. A tine showin . hut sure- ly we have more liabilities (iid before the taxes are ull collected? Flllood's Hood's Pills 'AtoM%igltl'.UJ. We are in rem-pt. of a copy of Btovel's Pocket Directory. issued at Winnipeg, Mau. It contains a vat amount of valuable infounatiou, especially for guinea visiting tho Prairie Province. he publisher is well-known here as the former editor of the Mount Forest Con- federate. In an boot In mot - mica. m. Blood man. Promo! only by C. L Hood 0 Co., bowoll, In“. Ix TROUBLE Aosrsv--Mrs. Shea, daughter of Mrs. Overtield was want- ed last week by some Owen Sound constables for the alleged theft of a watch which she had sold in town, and was found at jewellcr McFar- lanc's. She went to Owen Sound, but we have not heard the result. NEARLY FATAL.--AS Willie Banks and Alez.iMcGillivmyy, sonlof Neil McGil- livray near the Rocky were in the bush shooting Lately, some "foohn " had been going cm and the contents aroma of the guns were lodged in Alex's.t.high. Dr. Smith hupes to pull 1ttl',g"tt' though 52 shots were removed rum his body. HoBrittrL'rUnAt, Fegocnrrv.---'rhtut this Society is progressing is on indisputable fact. On the 11th inst., the notice. essential in the {urination}. was will to the Department of A ricultnre. The Minister has 2'lu',VJf2/i the rec-air: of this document, and appointed b r. Wm. Gorsline to hold the iivst, Annual nmetingnn January 13rh next. Belle Hose Emslio, the Edinburgh tsltscutiimist, gave sevm'ul readings in which she showed her ronmrkukle vor- salility. "C'udslhs Donn" was given with rare synipntlwlic power: her other selections ware rendered with equal intensity of drunmtic power' and soul. Titcat'tist Home of the heat elo- cmionists Glas ow has ever heard.-- Glasgow Hol'allf. In the Town Hall on t'luaiittnas Eve. SCHOOL ENTERTAINMENT.“RIP. Joe Burnet nu Friday night last had a fine entevtaiument, in the Svhonl north of Dm-um-h. which he has conducted an successfully for the past two years. Mr. Blyth, of the Clmtnwm'th News. oc- cupied the (hair. and " progrmnme reaching past midnight. was carried out, Mr. Bun-net received a fhtrtering mldu‘ss and a ',wntletnan's contpattiott set, and replied appropriately in respuusc. HOME mm Tm: 1lor,rrrAvs. Among the many arriwils fur the (‘hristnms sonsun Wt' not" Nina Jessie Hinrkhurn. Miss Bhuwlw Hutllm‘, Miss I‘hlith Leo- Sun, Yummy. ANN: Maggie Alith- tqDtt came hunw {mm the Novth West Tuetsuiay.--Missvs (Em-tic and Amy Mo-rmlith are home from Itwett Sunmi. - er. Jun. Wlwla" mum hnmn Inst week.. Adjutunt thed Htttttet mum- to the .. Hedges" last, night - Missos M. Wlwlnn uml M. 1'vawrovd mm CV pected home, Mira Marv Hull in hottto from Orangevillo. Mr. Harry Turner came with her toypeud his hnlitlnyu. iv n painful and unlonlu-d for manner. He and his only sun Bennet were in the bush, and were sawing down a tree. on which was lodged an old dead maple. As the tree they syerttytw.itttr guy! may. FATAL AccmKNT.--on Friday In! Mr. Henry Wru. Jtykittyot.t lye-E. his death eaclt run in opposite mvvcttous/httt the father, who was not active on his feet, stumbled and fell andihis son’s last look of him showed him in the act, of rising. and just too late, for the tree wan “You him. He. was killed outright, pain ess) to him almost, throtuzh tinrroivin to hisfriends. The deceased and his gun- ily came. to this countr ' from Stafford shire, Eng.. i111882. Gl', buried two of their children in less than 3 weeks ‘llflPl‘ landing. the remning son had a L long sickness but, was mercifullv spared. They came to Durham the following lspring. rented a. farm and were hurnt . m'A»-- -...-sasA On nu‘nlunl‘ I!!!" .t'r"'t5' '* "vu- - ..-.... "we V -- - out. They returned to England and cametn Canada in 1889 settling where they are now nt Christmas in 1891. He was a. member of the (more!) of England. and in his 05th year. The funeral took place on Saturday to the Rocky graveyard. Helm“- . widow one son and one Master and thee. have the sincere uymplmthy of “be com- munity. Sarsaparilla Jutcgtitg ttttttit R?.! 9090 m XMAS CANDIES l DAISY MIXTURES 7 cts a lb CHOCOLATES (These are all Fresh and N ire. Fancy Perfumes da, dx., dx., tx., 850. CALL AND SEE FOR YOURSELF The Durham Pharmacy. All new duo us Inna! lw Settled before March lat "on. 1totttm left un- settled will he plural in Comt for Collection. Dec. 18le 1806. Whon in new-purl- circles any plttutt omenal luccess is scored in any part of the world, the whole nvwspnpvr puma is an the qui viva to learn how it Wm. dun». The success of the Family tlets nld and Weekly Star of Montreal in an cunt-mun: that. commissoners have ur- rlvod In (kinda. to learn the plans upon which the Family Herald is published. Thin ls complimentary to Canada. Thursday evening, Dee. 24.--Keu.v--' Elnslie Concert. --Corinth School En. tertainment. l Fridav, Fee. 25. ~-Christmas Day.- Varney Entertainment. Monday. Dee. 28.-Nomination in town and townshiPs. ~Methodist Cantata i it, Town Hal . Tuesday, Dec, 29. --Oid Boys' Party in Town Htul.---Jansen'is Lecture in Prieeville. Wednesday, Dee. 30.--Entt. Church Entertainment in Town Hall. _-Sons ot Scotland meet. Thursday. Dec. 8i.---i. O. Fore-tern moet.-2Good Bye to 1896. . 1397,1-‘RIDAY. JANUARY I. lionday. Jun. a'-aiiectiott ofan and township omen ~8¢hook new. CALENDAR FOR NEXT TWO WEEKS, BON BONS, CREAMS &c. ARRIVED IN (‘ANA DA. 'ti-digg-ie (TEN Batter IN TOWN, This week We have started the iiewing proce;s and the Chips are falling in all directions. Hitting Pretty Hard. llhlew to the Line ADVANCE SALE " XMAS Goons, PRICES HEWED BELOW THE LINE, 1illll HIGHS Ill All. DEPARTMENTS. Below we enumerate a few lines, Hoping to give a full text next week. VIOLIlN S. Albums in Leather & Plush ACCORDIANS, Jewel Cases, Work-boxes CONCER‘I ENAS, Collar & Cuff Sets, MOUTH ORGANS, Glove Boxes, CIGAR. HOLDERS, Htlkg. Cases PEBFUMERY, Fauce' Lamps, GENTS Toilet Cases, lrtrd Case", - GAMES, Crockinuie, Dominoes, Chess, CARDS, checkers, &c., &c., &c. ALSO A FllfE.'UlilE tIF XMAS GROCERIES FRESH FRIJlTS& tJtyllFElyrl0lllS, NOTICE. N. G. an. chechnle. Mil AT LR HOLDERS“ 1'lll'd? Cases MERCHAM & BRIA PIPES, tit, t1l'ii--t).sltat,ttlal,itglglt T bilet Articles, Let the Chips fall wure they may. Druggist d; Seedsman, Dirham, A snorted Fla vo r8. L' (, Fruits & Confections .1. of all kinds. FARM FOR SALE. This is a Rave Bargain. Stock or Grain. Bmists meant. If not sold will lease for a term of yours. Ap- ply to McLachlan The old Stock bought from Mr. T. Moffat will be rushed off at low prices to make room for New Goods arrived and arriving. With New Groceries, New Canned Goods, New Crorkerp, and Glassware. 71f you want Bargains, come this month to. A SNAP!, 49 -- ROBERT WATSON Jr.. Isherwood P. o., Out lied. (mo-third down. OPENING I I I MCLA CHLA NS, (Maid: Old Stated.) Success T5 E: ttt air,

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