c ra w .Â¥ P . h * .S:é * l | s t\ t . Cige. > ¢ ( * uies § p 6 1e J. A. HUNTER‘S DEPARTMENTAL STORE UPP. R TOWN. bee onr Navy Blue and Black Melton Overcoats, Sanford‘s. â€" There better. Worth $22 each, Tuesday we say $16,25. The finisl hign grade oyercoats is superb. Our Pazrons tell us that they seem to befable to realige more for t duce at this Store than elsewhere. Have you ever tried to prove this 9 500 Men‘s 18 oz. all wool Shirts and Diawers, the very best, ugually 75c. each, Tuesday £9c¢. each. Special Drive nest uesday in Woollen Blankets. They will be placed on the front Bargain Table at Dollar A large assortment ofBest Axes, axe handles, cut saws, files, thing in Ha dware. Blue Duck, heavy. Regular 20 cents a yard, Tuesday 12} cents a yard. All Wool Grey Flannel, Regular 25 0. nt:, Tuésday 20 cents a yn'd.' Handsome New Figured Wrapper effects Regular 25 cents, Tuesday 150. a yard *%#$@ GENTLEMEN, we ask as a favor that you call and examine our new stock of 80 pieces of imported Scotch Suitings. They‘re in suit lengths and all new and differant designs, Such suitings both for style and low prices bave not oaften been shown in Durham. We are making a specialty of Gentlemen‘s Outfittings ar d ask your inspection. It‘s a pleasure to show these goods, and there‘s no pressure to buy on our part. New Apron and Dress Ginghams, Regalar 12} cont, Tuesday 9 cents a yard. The Great Distributers Striped Flannelette Shirting, very wile, Regular 15 cents 20 Preces new Tar‘a» Plaids just arrived. ‘They‘re ch ap, aee our 84 cent ones. Men‘s Plain Black Hose, Regular 25 cents, to clear Tuesday we say 17 cents. Just received large assortment Ladies new Tam o‘ Shanters, very stylish and We have 50 Pieces of the cheapest wide and heavy Flannelette in Durham. This gives our patrons a good chuice of colors. cheap from 28 cents up. w1 t mt a~ ul A few Ladies‘ Gossamers left the $38.50 and $2.09 kind: they go at $1.89 and Men‘s Russet Leather lined Mitts, Regular 50 cents, Tuesday we say 29c. Misses new Plain Black Cashmere Rose, Regular 25 cents, Tuesday 19 cts, From head to foot we clothe the man : clothe him rightly, clothe him cheaplyâ€"Dress for comfort. get comfortable and stylish clothes, Know that you are proj erly dressed and up to date and you can stand even the cold weather, An over dressed man is ridiculous, a well dressed man is admired. It all aeperds on using good taste and care in the selection of mater:al and in making your purchases where reliability of goods is certain to be obtained _ ‘Fhe store in all itsdepartments is fuller than ever of new and attractive bargains. Come in next Tuesday, Bring your butter and produce here. Originators of Low Baving Prices. 99 cents each, ~â€"â€"â€"aNRBRB I Pss â€"â€"â€" A@ 6@ As balf your life is spent in a pair of Boots why not let it be in a good ‘Pair? We sell nothing else. For the Nobtiest, Best Fitting, Styli+h Boot the men should see our Razor toe, $5 laced boot at $3.90. Save Dealing at Durham‘s Greatest , Tuesday 12%c. yards. 8. _ There are‘ none The finish of these â€"Storeâ€" !heir proâ€" and every Dollars _ Mr M, Murphy had a shooti on Oct, Ist we c{nt give partic i oL e C040 CERD> & PECESROL evening chasing the glowing hours with flying feet till the wee small hours of the morning, Messers A. Crabb and A. Bryce took a trip to Arthur last week on business, Mr. and Mrs. J. Goodfellow were the mta of Mr. 8, McLean on Sabbath Mr.V P-gb:!-v -;n.u; : "lu-ge"“ ty last week, we hear they snent .p:rh!..nm We have a new settler here from the Township of Peel. A son of David Kells,. He has moved into the house where the misil man, A. McEachnie lived, Isriah W, McArdle passed a yery creditable Exam. at Toronto last week, as a law student. 21100000 TY, MICARMLEG@ lm d a Vel‘y creditable Exam. at Toronto last week, as a law student. Burnett, MceArthur and cthers from here took in the Durham Sbow last we k. A bailiff sale here last week had to be Fos(tiponded on account of shortness of unds to buy, Dan McKechnie is going to move to Durham to work in a livery, and Win, Billing is moving onto a farm he parâ€" chnseg north of Durham, ineGuare n ulinitrie AWS w e ied A were all away at the time of the five which was about 10 o‘clock at night, when the fire was seen by Mr. Jas Willâ€" shire and Mr. Wim Henty two close neighbors it was past getting it out they ran to the house and broke in the front door and made for the room where they kuew the old man Willshire slept, bu: found it empy as he had not returnâ€" ed frem the meeting, all the things sayâ€" ed were a sewing machine and two chaire, and for an ordinary old house it was well furnished as they were old setâ€" tler . It is oyer 40 years s.nce the main body of the house was built, some two years before the land sale of Proton and by the way it was boarded up inside and outside which was the means of it stayâ€" ing up so long, A bad fire. while Mr. George Willâ€" shire Sr. and George Jr. were attending the _ McLeish mecting at Hopeville on Friday night 25th ult., their house was burnt to ashes with all the contents, they live on the Dundalk road They heviegew seÂ¥ setucicel Tor LIP s & 12 W Mr. Avgeus McCannel has we here rent ed the McKechnie farm for a term of years we expect A. will bo taking a trip to Bufâ€" falo shortly tm answer to the leap year letter lately received, Mr. R. Smail of the South line and Mr, Wm. Ramaze to the West of us both enâ€" thasirstic volunteers, give g‘oving acâ€" counis of their resent tmp to Niagara Camp the sights seeu and the good time they hbad, Mr. Angns McDovald, »r ived home from the old Seitiement last week, with his pockets lined with sheckies. A warning to wouldâ€"be sport«men, while a~e of our nimrods was rcouring the woods in quest of game he saw whit he t « k t> be a bear, and fired but after shoot: ing B uin tarned out to be a small dog with his owner at bis heels, who saluted l;im with the query avre you shooting my dog. Messrs D, MeCormick and Juo, Harâ€" grave were co tn on businese at Mr, Frod Hargrave‘s a week ago. Mr. Editor, though late in the day it may not yet be out of place to congratu late you on your removal to your comâ€" modious quarters, and at the same time apologizing for my dilatoriness in not reâ€" p.esenting t i roted corn:r, so fr.quently mm whe past owing to business and other pressure. Wm, Frazer, Esq., o( the South of Egreâ€" ont was srouud last week, coilecting from the farmers in this locality, who have built upon their farms, a rail and wire fenc‘, known as the Frazer patent, some refuse payment uutil the neceessary papâ€" ers are shown. Mr. Peter Muir of Caledon was visiting his brothers, Duncan aud Jus., lust weehk and returned on Thar»day. _____ _ _ Bâ€"‘s family residence, but not being able te locate thâ€" tree they were obliged to leave hbis counshbip until some more Conâ€" venient time, Mr, and Mrs Jas, Main were visiting at Mr. Geo. Watson‘s on Sunday list. One night last week three of onr young men went out on a coon hunting exped.tâ€" ion bnt we are sorry to gay, met with rathâ€" er bad luck. However they managed with the aid of three guns and a hound to tree one coon somewhere in the vicinity of Mrs Caldwell Brcs, are piling up Diplomas and Prizes ans m .king sales at the several fairs being beld around us. A youug man recently took & walk with his lady and was so buppyfied that be unâ€" consciously carried her parasol home with him. The old folks went to church on Sunday evening and in some mysterious way tLe parasol was placed in their busgy during service, it came six or seven miles aud no person was seen to bring it. _ Bachelor Jim has a horse which he says can kick the stars of the firmament. We hear it said that G. is getting quite a Main. Miss Boyle, who has teen visiting hber howne for a couple of months, bas returnâ€"« ed to Uncle Saw‘s domains. Mrs. Adam Traynor and Master Jobhn bave gone te the North West to assist during threshiug. Miss ihfy Dodds has return from Parry Sound where she weut to visit a sick niece. FAIRWELL CORNERS. PROTON CENTRE. ORCHARDVILLE. HOPEVILLE. th particuiare thig Tox,. Resolyed thit the following nmects, be paid. J. R. Smith com. tax §2; R. Mickleborough. gravel, $8.56; F. Dillon do. $8.96 ; J. Keir, do. $1.986 ; R. Shields, do 68 84 ; J. Irwin, do, $1.88 ; T. Hincks, do, $1.62; H. Donald, do. $1.74, Mrs. Cumpbel!. do, $2,00 ; J. Hornsby. du, 79e ; Rowsell & Hutchigon, stiationery, $1.90; H. Ham, expreoss charges, 80c ; 8, Robb, ;3:' scraper, 250 Jas, Allan, telephoning, Hunterâ€"Byeâ€"That we now adjourr to meet on Thursday, Oct. ©0th.â€"Oarriod« Leithâ€"Hanterâ€"That R. Bye be ap. pointed to meet a com, from Proton ep. site the 8th of Egremont, on townline, E‘;zremont and Proton at the request of Proton council.â€"Carried. Allanâ€"Hunterâ€"That Joun Kholes re. ceive $4 as charity for the month of Sept. â€" Corrind â€" Council resamed. Dep. Allan repor ted that he was nâ€"tificd of & broken Lridge on Egt. und Glenelg town‘ine. He exaumined it and found a broken striuger and let the job of putting in a new ono and cover. ing the same to John Russell for $3.50 payment recommended. Glenelg paying paying one half, Byeâ€"Hunterâ€"That foregoing report be adopted, and Dep, Alian receive $1.00 as com.â€"Carried, The reeve roported that he let the job of rep. Geddes‘ bridge to Hugsh Reid for the uin of $8.(0, also r1ep. Keith‘s bridve to W. J. Eeeles for the sum of $2.50 and recommeud. d payment. Alianâ€"Huuterâ€"That the reeve‘s report be adoptcd and orders granted.â€"Carried, Allanâ€"Leithâ€"That John Smith bo paid $5 0O for cedar.â€"Carried. Uouncil went into Com. of the w hole, with the reeve in the chair to discuss By.law 82 on levjing the rutes and apâ€" pointing collectors. _ Blanks in Byâ€"law were filled in. Rates are slightly in »ad. vance from last year and the crames of Wm. Lawrence and Mal. Sinclair inserted as collectors. By law passed the nsual readings, was signed etc. and ordercd4 to be eugrosâ€"ed in Byâ€"law Book, Allinâ€"Ilunterâ€"That foregoing be aâ€" depted and orders pgrauted and Mr. Leith receiye $1.00 for his servicesâ€"Carried Allanâ€"Le1thâ€"That no action be taken re. Dr, Jones claim for damages to his buggy in crossing the railway track ucar Holstein.â€"Carmed. Com. Leith reported thiat he met Com from GJenelg Aug. 27ih opposite Lots 22 Egt, and Gienely townline and let the job of a eulvert 6 ft, wide by 2J ft} deep & id opniny 8 yds of ditch to Jas, Muir for $4.99, Eut‘s, shore being $2.45. Also rep. Suells‘ brid,e 15th suleroud between cons,. 18 and 19. Aiso job of rep. culvert boetween cons, 17â€"18 to \Win. Hay for $#8 65. Work is done satisfactorily, pryâ€" weut recomimened. That the reeve and clerk be instructed to t«ke chnrge of sending him out.â€"Cir ried. Lcithâ€"Hunterâ€"This council receiyed a communication from A. Crandell, of Duâ€" luth, jasking this Conncil to send his brothe:â€"‘nâ€"law, \Wm. Williams, to him. Byeâ€"Lcithâ€"That the reeye of Nor manby relatiye to a diich made by Jos, Moyer ou the D. 8. R.aiso a culvert at at the same plaee.â€" Carried. B saâ€"Allaunâ€"‘That following persons be creuited the ntot, of Statute lubor opposite their name it being certified to by the pathmaster :â€"D. Liyvingston, 1 day ; Jas. O‘Counetl 44 days ; M. O‘Conuell 1} days ; D. O‘Coumneil 6 days;J. B. Hind 4 day, â€"Carried, Council met Sept. 22nd. Minutes of previous meeting coofirmed. Huuterâ€"Leithâ€"That H. Lamont be credited w th one day‘s work performed in 1895 cpening road ; the pathma ter lhnying certified that it was porf o rmed.â€"Carried. If those two persons with the white horses got home all right, When the garden party is to come off, Who stole the apples off those trees at the corner. If the Proton watch Warden thinks the people of Glenelg are foolish. Mr. Asiy Wright, late of Zion, met with a severe accident at Mr. Baird‘s mill on Saturday _ A board in the table give way his hand came in contact with the saw and slit and lacerated his arm It is feared amputation will be necesâ€" sary. The boys would like to know : Where the fiddler has disappeared to and if he took the bike along. What those two young men found in Egremont. Mr. Colin C. MceFayden is also among the visitors to our locality, â€" Colin is one of those Scotchmen. who, if they were to live in China till donmsdag would, still smell of heather. To kear him sing and recite in Gaelic is quite a treat, Mr. W. Cook‘s youngest daughter has been very ill the past few days. but we are pleased to say that under Dr. Jrimieâ€" son‘s treatment she will soon be herself again. Miss Mary Falkingham was home for a few days in the midst of thrashing, so came in gm- a share of the work,. Mary is a favorite with every one. The restless, undaunted spirit of the English race is easily seen in Mr. Jos. Firth, of Edge Hili, who, although he has passed his 85th birthday, and seen 63 winters this side the herring pond, is still able to get around to his large and scattered family. _ This week he took a trip to his son William‘s at Zion, While there the old gentleman saw the necesâ€" sity of a clothes linc, so went to work and soon had one in place. , In return his granddaughter miule him a shirt, which he says fits to a T. Mrs. Frazeau, of Owen Sound, has been staying a few days wi h Mis, Colâ€" Mrs. Fr been stayi ert. Mr. John Greenwood took in the Fair at Toronto and he has great stories to tell of Canad\‘s big show. Mr: C(:I:-.uf Flesherton, s\fentu few dayi visiting friends around here last week. EGREMONT COUNCIL. ZION NEWS. will be kept for Service for Season o 1895â€"6 at Lot 7, Con. 1, Normanby, 47 YTheo nly Arstâ€"class Scarac in town, TAÂ¥ Undoruklng and Embaming on lat«st i|r ciples at roasonabie r=teos, _ Momsoon â€" Teais put up by the Indian Tea P-mulhnphofthohotthï¬uofl_ndin eas. Thercfore they use the greatost care in the -u&-amr..maau-a.mti.-hqu ’nï¬tnp&.unlv.nndullitoalyi-thooï¬â€˜ind Pever in t hos t io. aad t th menfrend ocms in , s lb. 14 9P ; l 5 ib. packages, ALL @000 arocers «kEer iTt. If your grocer does not keep it, tell him to write to STEEL, HAYTER & 00. a © and 18 Front Street East, Toronto. Wonld intimate that be will continue the Furniture and Undertnkin*‘ Business estab lished by his father in Durbam in 1858 and will endeavor to give all oid avd new custom ers the same entire aâ€"ti<f@ction THhe Finter Tea In Trc Worulo FROM THE TEA PLaANT To THE TtA uP Wmm 22222 0 C e P P P FURMITURE AND UTXRERTAKINq § s f ‘g on o OeX ‘ ¢ j wa a l" | " f «> a 4 P : ’,‘ d n _.‘ THc FinteT Tea in Tr«& Wonrlo And all other goods in our limme kept in STOCK. % If you wish to bhave your buildings insured in a good reliable Co, _ Calonw get lowest rater,. . _ ut hÂ¥ .‘ o CALDFR & LIVINGSTON., Lower Town, Durhan, and buy the Massey Harris Binder. It will handk kinds of crops successfully aad giye you no trouble. | the balance of the season we will givye you prices : tsrms to suit the har times REP e I RS We have the largest stock of Depairs for al} kink + machines sold by us. Cowe and bsy our m cha you are sure of getting repairs. WAGGONS A Large Stock of the Celebrated Adnos‘ Wageon, hr + _ der to clear out the Stock we will make a likers| redate in Prices tor the balance of the season. 4 i r We have in stock four or five Bugpres and « pel@ Buggles & (Jarts These Rigs will be eold at prices that vil up» you. _ Come and get a Barguin at your ownn; “‘l IF YOU WANT to get the best Binder in the world g C An_lv amount of money to loan on good F«rm or Town property. Masriage Lin ssued, CALDER & LIVINGSTON, Afet, HARVESTING MACHINE ** SPRUCE LODGZE HERO," NO. 402 IT COSTS Â¥oU NOTHING. Of Land in the Banner coum of South Dakot2 at $5.00 per ay HAVE YOU ? creiiure of the Best Nake Lu Remember the «standâ€"â€"opposite the Murket, Durham, Tamworth Boar OF ACRES OF LAND ‘ 0F THE NORTHERN PACIFIC RAILWAt . m FOR SALE ..â€" f ALWAYs oX HAaxn, PIGTYRE FRAMiNC A SPECIALTY IN ITS NATIVE Purity E J. SHEWELL 3 miles from ‘Town, 1 mile School. «& MILLIO NC â€" in North Dakota. Eeasy Terms. Apply to Another grand year. A PERFECT TEA THOROUGHBRED BINDER TWINE, SEWING MACHINES, ORGAXS, sTOVEs " Tea is , Se , Con. is Normanby." ° CLUBBING. _ * nevau eioues ; 1 2MS s1. REVIRW and Daily World $3 REVIEW and Witness, , ; Mn H. W. LERSON Prop‘ Other Papers also at red uced r4®. _ FHHKOo ~ FOR THE DAKOTAg E. J, SS WSLL The Farmer‘s hate made Mony ‘ YOU HAVE NOT, corg It AND HAVE A TALK witg Xt; H. A. HUNTER. The house contains 7 100W® and Woodshed, Good cellar, veniently sitnated on the fr There are a few good Fruit Tr jetor or to the }:')';;2':0‘7‘"“, Durham, 10th, 1896. "I on to The under signed offers for S1¢ 0 Rent, the hdu:! and grounds ndyrl"': McKenzie‘s Tailor shop, UPP® iche Te hnomisn contains 7 sooms, LHAN ken off. _". B,.â€"To ensure a g008 J"" _ Hides must be well salted as so02 as 1 FOR SALE OR TO REN! By the New Proce which for Finish a»d Sof negss can‘t be beat. Horse Hiles, Cow Hides Skins, Tanned suitable There will be rented for a tem years, or as may be convenient, LOT 4, CON, 2, Normanbe, 8 m‘Jles from Durkam, one mil« Varney, and convenient to Chareh School. Possession for ploughing fall work granted at once, full 1 sion April Ist 18#7. Apply on thep ises to Mr, Geo, Young, or to W, E. Mc Amusts or to Lo 2 Con, 3, Robe Tanning! Satisfaction Guaranteét or to J L1» 2 COR, 9, Jxo. Moxxknorves, Prop, Altouna P. 0. Onl, Robe Tanninf FARKM TO REXKT Robes & Coats Apply to Thos. Smitlh Onas. McArTHU® FOOmtTY 3 cellar, and is 68 the front streth Pruit 'l'nefl“! good job 1# table for 418) ?â€"IABEHOUSE â€"*CeeEVERYTHIN xE st patrona avinced the l1 merit a th he Car Brockville Bug Gananogue, and Camp hï¬fï¬:"u & Bmile ne Car Chatham P‘alt\;m also Snow Ball Wagons. ew Stock of the tamou Cartsâ€"at tabulous price 0st & Wood‘s Singe :‘_'&My Mowers No Car Maxwelis‘s Li -‘.'-Mper than « kinds of F: ans & Pian Avrived rham. A 1 ake thi We beg that we Systerm its equ And Sold e Sai > ‘TH NO. Zfl e