2 P $ O #t Join the crowds, deal at this modgrn Deparlgmentq-l now on Bargain Days, Bring it along, we pay the hig â€"we give no credit. Fencing Wire, Building Paper, Window Glass P eto. you get them all here and sayve mon. + _ Prices right, Just received a full line of hunter‘s requirments, inc ©" _ Single and Double Barrelled Breach Loading ( Our Double Barelled Breach Loader at $7 are wo Last year the same make of guns were $12 :each them . Jlnpto:hed Lanterns complete1, worth 75 cents, Tuesday 49¢ An m Jn § Ib, Lead Packages @ 14c. each. It‘s sold the world *__ overat 30 cents a lb. _A cup of this tea reminds one of the delicions teas of 20 years ago. â€" Your neighbor *‘ uses it exclusively, so would you if you once used a package, KOLONA TEA The Standard of the world, P (Br;i_’: for Tuesday) A dozen Knives and Forks for & Dollar tOon Hooks, Regular 35 cents at 25 cents each, Bugar Cured Hams, very delicious, a “‘:elect stock, a few left. 15 cts. a 1b. Leather Horse Halter new and cheap, LCurry Combs from 8 cents up, Apple Peelers and Corers 15 cents each, Be sure and rat one of these inexâ€" pensiye articles, The‘re f’mt as good as the dear kind. You‘ll need one They‘re scoured and twisted. The SINGLE YARNS are 31c. Tuesday: If you want yarn don‘t put it off until too late â€"B Yarns 34 cents a Ib. The astounding sale of our own make, all wool yarns will be repeated Tuesday agaim. Fancy there 40c. best high class The remainder of those Fine Lndies Gossamers, advertised New Gingham Shirtings, Reg. 12} cents, Tuesday 9¢. a yard. New Selicia Linings, Reg. 12} cents, always 8c, “l‘fll:' New English Prints, Recular 1%} cte., Tuesday 10c. Ladies new Hibbed Cashmere Stockings, a‘l sizes, faet black, 3liud heels, yery high class goods, Reg, 50c,, Tuesday nawmbt wals P NO@P NO Cl Cmm ranaie t traes cb d d c 1100 American and Canadian filled All sizes of shot Cartridges and guns. Please note the Bhrewd Housekeepers Pss rote,the ,, Rememberâ€"â€"Butter‘s the same as Cash. Try a day‘s shopping at Durham‘s Greatest Store. _ If you‘ve a linnet of Butter, see how far it goes here. _ You‘ll ii;xndde été a money and time saving affair: a pleasure Kolona Ceylon Tea mmommmeaft 1 C OOL BARCAINS@ _ _ Hiest _ Bargain Day, September 22nd yop* panirinn?"â€"darkehathian® uit bristiescsncads Th csld 4x d Li d‘ Last week, they go Tuesday : the $1.50 ones at 99c, each and the $3.00 ones at $1.89 each. :’::2::‘, l;?:: .s..l“.)f.' }:?:(‘led‘ and' empty shot shalls and Horse bShoes Nails, all sizes always in stock ohyt . ® l Aan J. A. HUNTER‘S DEPARTMENTAL STORE UPPER TOWN. dow (Glass, Barrel Saltr‘ saye money on them as nents, including I:c_mding GUNs, Departmental Store. Butter is the same as cash we pay the highest price for it. We give Bargains wounders, + Rifles;‘ . Large arrivals of Whitham‘s cel Absolutely the best standard Women‘s Oiled Tanned, pebbled leather, hand made boots An excellent Fall boot for wet weather. They are yery substantial and in every way A. 1 worth $1.75, They go Tuesday at $1.40, a pair. New boys‘ oi LAST BUT NOT LEAST THEâ€" â€"B0O0T & SHOE DEPARTME NT New Ladies Buttoned Kid Boots Toes from $1 a pair up, Gentlemen, Have you tried a pound of Try a 5 cent package of our celebrated New York Pickling Spices, worth a dime. Sch ,â€"l B;;(;\l.‘u (‘?E“‘E" pl!l’l)leuhIERI(nx;‘r, dor Schoo s (Whitham‘s) worth $2.00 a alr, $1.69 next Tuesday,. ) P 14 Bars best Electric Soap for 25 cents. They‘vre Whitham‘s, Best Patias Currants (cleaned) 5 lbs, for 25 cents We offer the very best quality Machine Oil it‘s obtain. Single gallon 38 ots â€" In & sallan 1 e Finest New Selected Valencia Raisins 4 lbs. for 25¢ Gallon Tin Coal Oil Cans, Regular 25 cents, at 19 cents. New Dress Goods, See ours before purchasing. â€" They‘re what you waut and at prices you‘re prepared to pay. itiemen, you should look i and Winter Suitings, W designs in Scotch and Eny Reugv made suit, it‘s 16 t« and style. We keen onl bargairr’xs'.‘ a gallon, ; 3 "U $nould look in and examine ounr New Fall Winter Suitings, We have a full range of Nobby ns in Scotch and English goods, or if you want a y made suit, it‘s 16 to 1 we can please you in price tyle. We keep only the Best. Thev‘re nrikincas ino l?ilfd tanned, pebbled leather, double soles ialea PWEX 0 3 NP SndA SUITINGS _., 9 "Cosqnailly Machine Oil it‘s possible to Single gallon 38 cts. In 5 gallon lots 35 cents The cold weathre‘s coming. we‘re preparâ€" ed for it. Why not keep warm{? We have an enormous shipment of They will be placed on the Bal}min Table Tuesday, prices ranging from 20 cents up,. Men‘s Shirts and ODrawers. celebrated Baots and Shoes, ird shoes made in Canada, in wat Nroinkd They‘re original and Medium Lo. 4) "_"C carcer. Berlioz bore with her in patience until she finally left and very dignified. In spite of his im mense musical abilities as a composer, he could play no Mtrumentexoopc& the tar, and that v Ml’.- lfl.ll S;lebo-Dmmng y self. mmmmmflhofj"] and il1 temper, ruined him by her theâ€" Atrical mtnm.ndnnl.n’ fell from a her artistic career. Berlioz bore with h." h““tm until sha finallw 1.44 k“" was MV"â€"-â€" mare qi l"0_ 7OA# younger than him. tho p.,4,â€"_3) _ b°f** were Ieft, several of the hostess‘ own near relatives being ruled out. The consequence was the ball was a failure, for the fow guests inâ€" vited could hardly find each other in m vnut rooms of Dudley House.â€"Lon. don Correspondent. Not So Easy to Entertain Royalty, Apparently the entertaining of royalâ€" ty has its little disadvantages. When the Princess of Wales accepted Lady Dudley‘s invitation to her dance last week, she stipulated that only 150 peoâ€" ple were to be asked. When the list of the chosen was sent to Marlborough House, so many were struck off that only 80 unmarried girls were left, several of the hostess‘ own near relatives being ruled out. The conseanemma «wa.s i.6 _ None of the bereinbefore mentioned animals or birds shall be trapped or takâ€" en by means of traps, nets, snares, gins, baited lines, or other similar contrivâ€" ances; nor shall such traps, nets, snares, rins, baited lines or contrivances be set or them orany of them at nny‘ut‘ime; and such traps, nets, snares, gins, baited lines or contrivances may be destroyed by any person withoui such persons thereby incurring any liability therefor, if he shall find them so set. Women Rule In New Zealand, Woman continues to pursuo her conâ€" quering way in New Zealand. All the ladies of that colony who havo attained the ago of 21 are legally qualified to voto at parliamentary elections. A lady, Miss Yates, is the duly clocted imayor of an important borough. Another lady, Miss Lillian Edgar, has recently been elected a member of tho governing body of the University of Auckland, and by the last mail woe hcar of the ladies seâ€" curing three out of the seven seats on a school board. Furthermore, one of the three ladics has been chosen as presiâ€" dent of the board for the ensuing year, . «==London Star. ‘ No person shall by himself, his servant, clerk or agent, expose or keep for sale or directly or indirectly, upon any preâ€" tence, or device, sell or barter, or in conâ€" sideration of the purchase of any other property, give to any other person any ‘snipe, woodcock or partridge, no ma{lâ€" ter where killed or provure(ï¬ before the fifteenth du{ of September, 1807, or nnz uail or wild turkey before the fifteent :’aw of October, 1897." It shall not be lawful for any person to kill or take any animal protected by this Act by the use of poison, or poisonous substances, nor to expose poison, poisonâ€" ed bait or other poisoned substaunces in auy place or lucurity where dogs or cat. tle may usually have access to the same, No person shall kill or shoot at any bird or wild fowl protected by this act, between half an hour after sunset and ha‘lf an hour before sunrise. No eggs of any of the birds above mentioned shall be taken, destroyed or ::_:ul in possession by any person at any ime, No Ferson shall have in his possession any of the said hereinbefore mentioned animals or birds, no matter where proâ€" cured, or any part or portion of any such anim als or birds, during the periods in which they are so protected; provided that they may be exposed for gale for five days, and no longer, after such perâ€" iods, and may be had in possession for . the private use of the owner and his family at any time, but in all cases the proof of the time of killing, taking or purchasing shall be on the person so in possession The possession of gun, decoys or other implements of shooting or hunting at a time and in places where the game birds or animals above named are usually found shall be rprima facie eyidence of pursuit thereof with intent to catch, kill or destroy the same. Notwithstanding anything in this secâ€" tion contained, any one may at any time hunt, takefor, kill that species of hares commonly\mown in this 'f-"mvince as the cottonâ€"tail rabbit, or any species of rabâ€" bits. Or ducks of all kinds at any time beâ€" tween the fifteenth day of December and the first day of the g:)llowmg month of September, It shall be unlawful for any person to catch, kill or destroy, or pursue with such intent, muse, pheasants, prairie fowl or partrigze. woodcock, snipe, rail, plover, or any other water fowl or other gameâ€"bird or animal silncluding black & grey squirrels, and hares) not herein otherwise })rovided for, at any time beâ€" tween the fifteenth day of December and the fifteenth day of gept.ember in the following year. For the information of the many ‘who find time and inclination to go a huntâ€" ing, we publish a portion of the laws reâ€" lating to the subjeet. There was a church meeting in the Church last week to see about getting a stationary Minister for this place and Cedarville. Miss Scarlett is on a visit to friends in Bruce County. j Mr. McLeash‘s nightly meetings were carried on all last week and on Thursâ€" gaï¬ night a Testimony meeting was eld. David Allen, while in Toronto, made careful examination of the mnchinerg. We hear he is to erect some new machâ€" igery here he arranged for while in ere. A large number of our people took in the Toronto Exhibition, and some b:fl stories are told now of the wonderf sights that were seen. Our young student spent a week there, THE GAME LAWS. Tom. : &Â¥ Thee aly Arstâ€"cgesMsarse in town. Ti Would intimate that he will continue the Furniture and Undertaking Business estabâ€" lished by his father in Durham in 1858 and will endeavor to give all old ard new custom ers the same entire satiefaction. Furniture of the Best Make As I am leaving Durham, all parties indebted to me are requested to call and sertle accounts before Ist October Aas after that date they will be put in other bands for collection. No further notice will be given, E. KILMER. FURMITURE AND UMpERTAENCG Durham, Aug. 25th, 1826 ober, LL PARTIES INDEBTECD TO ME will please take notice thata full settlement wust be 1 ade Lcfore the 1st of Oct. ober. On that date I iitend plamirg my books in uther hands for collection and ns a more satis» factory settlement cun be made \ ith myself persorally I would aovise ull those haying acâ€" ecunts to call on me befora that date,. All persors huvix.iuny cluims or accounts agcainst me will also indly hand in at once as I oa:ect to yo auway sbout the boginuing .of Oct 6y we . BARRISTERS. soL:ICiTORS. | CONVEYANCERS. &o. | Offices :â€"Upstairs, CALDER BLOCK, . Lower\Town, Durham | 78° $25,000 to luvan at lowest rates o' interest. | BINDER TWINE,. SEWINXG MACHINES, ORGAXs, stovEs And all other goods in our line kept in STOCK If you wish to bave your buildings insured in a good reliable Co. _ Cal) on ma get lowest rates. Auy amount of money to loan on good Furm or Town properiy. M arringe Licenm ssued. PICTURE FRAMING A sPEciAL TY Buggies & Carts \;!~ REPAIRS. WAGGONS. CALDFR & LIVINGSTON. Lower Town, Durhan, â€" and buy the Massey Harris Binder. It will handleal kinds of crops successfully and giye you no trouble. Py the balance of the season we will give you prices mi terms to suit the har times IF * k YOU WANT to get the best Binder in the world goy Highest Price given For Produce. HARVESING MACHINERY Next Tuesday, September 22nd McArthur‘s Stor to be seen at AND SPECIAL sOoOMETHING NEW | Ellictt & Elliott, ALWAYS ON HaNXNp. CALDER & LIVINGSTON, Agets «â€"FULL LINE orâ€" NOTICEH. . SHEWELL KNCOTICE. E. J, SUEWELL 1. JANIESON. A Large Stock of the Celebrated Adnims‘ Waggor der to clear out the Btock we will muke a hbera! . in Prices tor the balance of the season. We have the largest stock of Repaire for all kink« machines sold by us. Come and buy our machines ay you are sure of getting repairs. Butter, 12cts per in â€" Eggs, 10cts per dy _ We have in stock four or five Buggres and some Cay These Rigs will be rold at prices tha:t vill »0 prin you. _ Come and get a Bargcain at your ows uim Proprietor or to fhe JouX McFaRLA®E Durham, 10th, 1896. veniently situated on the front ®*",, There are a few good Fruit Trees 00 the The under signed offors for Sale or t0 Rent, the house and grounds adjoining McKenzie‘s Tailor shop, Upper T9®* The house contains 7 rooms, Kitch® and Woodshed, Good cellar, and is con mianitly situated on the front sireth ken off. FOR SALE OR TO REN! N. B.â€"To ensure a good job th* Hides must be well salted as soon 895 By.the New Process, which for Finish and Sof ness can‘t be beat. Horse Hides, Cow Hides, D Skins, Tanned suitable for Robe Tanning‘! There will be rented for a term years, or as may be convenien, 1LO0T 4, CON, 2, Normanby. 3 miles from Durham, one wile frm Varney, and convenient to Church anl School. â€" Possession for ploughing anl fall work granted at once, full pose sion A|§il Ist 1897. Apply on the prea ises to Mr. Geo, Young, or to W, E. MeAuiieres or to Lot 2 Con. 3, Satisfaction Guarantecd. Woux FOR MEN AND WOMEX. Wepartt io $10 per week for ~usy bome wor Child can do it, Ne Aeheme, Books or #rd «liâ€"nmg This is bovur fic. Bend stump forvoft and particalars «ut once. â€" THE SEÂ¥Ya0UKSU® P .Â¥CsonicTempie, Cawden N.J. Robe Tanning! Jxo, Moxknores, Prop., Altona P. 0. Oat, HELP WANT Dâ€"FEKALE Robes & Coats FARM TO REXT Apply to Thos. Smith. Cuas McA RrTBUE i Ino Deduglq Call and ins Co NP RAL A LA A c3 Money to lond. Noney 'S“' Farms bovg1 David fiï¬o‘ijrt : Aithur H. Jackson, , Land Valuato: Ns take t] hunking C ast palrol onvinced t nll meris EVERYTEH And So ust Avrived â€" One Car Brockville Gananogue, and C don Carriages & Bu One Car Chatham Fai also Snow Ball Wag New Stock of the 1: Cartsâ€"at fabulous Frost & Wood‘s Sing ders, Buckey Mow Rakes., S ï¬ {me Car Naxw(-lls‘s‘ Bindersâ€"cheaper t\ Durham.,. . Insurance II kinds of rgans & Pi £BRERKOU arge : es u_ XVIH.';E JACKSO annancial busin next door to " t We b ers & that v syste its CC