E" RANTYT. OTHY â€" nard Grass, gains! WMH. @ Gils. \L PRICES TO . HOLT L. D. S KOTag ‘s hate made am â€" Pharmacy LO 6 JCDS GER HAN Y OU ncee first urham. iceville nth. â€" ERN RAILWAY SPICBES NTER. NOT, COME ig TALK WITH yp iner COunty 1 mile from TTISTRY. ®E. F% and INECGARKS hing RESHERS RLANG & .0 A ])];Iy to FINESp alnmns q a % nt' TH"Ll. thrse Wedne -y UENCC west uf the DURKAX 1 iw*, 3 __,, _ owing to her ;::rl;i':;, law‘s death was not present to leng. *this CC U,&â€" Tery interesti "i'XL & ‘cen tonsisting of M 8t Mrs. Allan ®8t on the Con l‘st“u[p the Cn en (lixtri],mi"g. Mrs, Campbeft w f 6,"* 4Ppointed the ¢ braminitiiinatidh diads 2c a ce th 1 4. 8 is 4 % ©4,008) .llltï¬l(l f l;[_.' year. Thpy m»y thank Li Hung Chang for several thonâ€"â€" and. On Saturday the treasurer and Staf naid out abont $20,000 in prize fiener. | Toronto is ROW the largest Anmuual Exhibition on this continent and the Directors are striving to make i a Dominion Exhibition next yvear, on the occasion of the great meeting of British Scientists there, B’h'inck Clene} â€" ~ SW she thank Li J and. On Staff paid _ _ «ud seven sympathy is fo Apply to M Thomas D. Tj Box 30 Ow Drowyro,. ~I tained the sad Alex, Wherry, time of Durh:im h.s‘uinx with a c J. A. Hunter has just received another bran new "Cleveland" (swell special bievele. He offers it at a bargain. Thi Ix the eighth w heel of this celebri.t make which he has sold this summer. Anv one wanting the best wheel in th world, should see this wheel, 1 5t Grey. pr Ed,] Toronto who has be ther Mr. Arch Mc Glenelg, left for hot ‘nronio who has been visiting her broâ€" ther Mr. Arch McMullen, of Centre Glenelg, left for home last week. }Tbis item . was inadvertently omitted from ?‘;""'hu,s\'n correspondence last week, ta i Honsescvi®a.â€"Mr. Madigan Mt. Forest, was in town fairâ€"day and bought 5 horses through his agents Noonan and Odwhite. _ He is testing this county for the first time and is paying from $30 to $110 per animal. He ships to Monâ€" treal and thence they go to E:urln.ml. Lord and Lady Aberdeen, are at presâ€" ent touring Onuario attending as many AS lmsxi"!c of the l“!ll f.'lirs. \Ve Are sorry to find that 8, Grey is not included im their list of appointments. W ent cccupmed by Rev. Chas. !} for sale, or will rent on r terms. Apply on the premises or to Mr. and Mis. Hugh Mchean an ron, all of Toronmic lean, of Moutreal of their relative, t this week. t A BARGAIN! The und MUrs Your Lanet.â€"We thank those friends who have lately placed, their subscripâ€" tion right. We beg to ask yor if you have not done s0, to attend to this liitle matter, as we need the money. Next week please, Mr. Jas, Gun, of the Pharmaecy, has joined the ranks of the benedicts, We wish is fair Toronto bride a welcome to Durham, and both of them mueh bhappiâ€" ness, East Grey Fall Show will be held at Flesherton on Thursday and Friday 2th and 25th inst.. Secy. Sproule is enâ€" deayoring to matke bouth days record breakeis. Mr. Jno. Firth of town has a tree in his garden 1|nf which he is justly proud it has made the extroardinat of 6 it in the last year, Â¥ growth Remember the date of South G g'l:ow, .-n‘nd get yourentries plucedr.ey;‘:;;“ n and uh. Secy, McKenzi ‘ts a big success. s erEe SSEtCes Mr. Wiwm. McFarlane came h :}'o"uulu on M;mduy haying spt")llll:,enï¬;:w ays with hmis brother Davi f on the way. aout «t Unledor nc Sé _ Mr. and Mrs. Hendersor Tok Eu“.i,‘hm l‘“-“l"‘l‘l"l‘ Ua:ï¬p?:‘lï¬ï¬?; week. ; e latte F Campbell‘s. r is a sister of Mr, We regret bhaving to chronicle the death of Mr Joseph Irwin who died toâ€" day at the Miadaugh House, aged 77 ved Mr. and Mrs. Robt Ector, of thg‘ Avenue have been visiting their daughâ€" ter Mrs Juo., Moffatt of Greeuoch. C. McArthur is now giving l2cts for eggs. His ad. printed befurg the n‘:z says 10cis. ' H ‘thy is felt, di_rectom of Gold weallier COImiUk, & Jaigo SLOCK stoves 00 houd at C. MeKinuon‘s. im Guns, powder, shot : all a hunter‘ qutlit at low prices at J. A. Hunter‘s, S Qwen Sound Fair is in full blast this weekiand is getting good weather so far, Jt is beginning to "draw," § A special Cabinet photo at $2.00 at the Lower Town Studio, J. E.Br:v:l:: yht,w-\rllst. * * \@ Mrs, Dickson, Euphrasia, and her .-‘ ter Miss Mary Hill visited at M in Collier‘s last week, r. Jobu We ;'egrel.t to bear that Mrs Jno. Wil lims bas been very ill, We h y hear of her recoyery, opet to Farmers needing ploughs, Wilki amd other makes: â€" Cali at C. MecKinnon‘ and be suited. 1 A ceet APS. , Hanover $ Markdale S. SCS + Flesherton Sept. 24 an 7. Durham Sept. 29 and +« Holstein Oct 7. + Priceyille Oct. 6 and 7. of Montreal, attended the funeral r relative, the late Miss Cameron Lp. _ O 1CC #eguaree ExusmRHAIE i N dindna ons tinh P esnt 0s ts cattnts lc ns yb Cb c niitnein e onl s 8 white. H» is testing this county , :ull_ous are in Niagara this week numâ€" lirst time and is paying from g50 | beving nearly 1800 men. her animal. HMe ships to Monâ€" , No cavalry or artillery meet with thein d thence they go to i‘Ingland. this year, and their absence will make Mike Henvrich and children of , thf uumig t.“,"w u,) ,u,“ tumers. tss $ Autumn Assizes are bei thgb:eek in Owen Sound. au held . and Mrs. N. McKinnon, of Priceâ€" ,,ï¬: were in town on Tuesday. jq wenther coming, a large stoc * _ C04 *2 ud at C. MeKinbon‘s, k ;f . J.â€"The FALL FAIRS. s Wanted, rsigned wishes to exchan . Thomas U\\‘t‘l] S‘)‘] Mar,. J iist week‘s papers conâ€" d intelligence that Insp. of Peterborough, at one . was drowned while out companion. â€" He leaves a <~hihlx-en for whom much fenced and cultivated ij vn here for two g re than 8 vears old. LOCAL AND GENERAL. Mis, Ross, and sons, Mr. in and Mr. John H. Cameâ€" wonio, and Mr. J. B. Meâ€" ° Sept. 17 and 18. Sept. 2 and 23. Sound the Toronto Fair are t year. They may ing for several thonâ€"â€" . P. TEuFoRD, or, Sept. 24 and 25. J. P. TELFORD. are well. 314 olb 14 100 00 1 ht coantisie ie es nds ogt. in which case we are determined to make him turn over a new leaf and return. Rev. Mr. Hartley, late of Priceville, was on the train to day off to Manitoba where his son is stationed, to engage in Mission work. _ Mrs. H. is in poor health, but the girls, Flossic and Edith I will write you more fully on our arrival unless the enemy should turn up and we have to turn in to turn him C e ie sn arse L pcmen : Apmemmmentrrmal Some of the "boys " are reheaarsing old times {in camp, while others are on the train for the first time and full of expectancy and importance. From Fergus I send you a few lines written on the way down. All goes smoothly, humorous Jack Saunders proving the life of the company, and selling copies of the "Globe" before it is printed to the people of Palmerston The band played a edtple of t‘imes there. â€" Capt. McGirr says this is the best company he ever went with, A number of citizens saw them off in the morning, they are having good but cool, weather and those of them who come in contact with cook Saunders are not likely to be lonesome. Tais work oftraining a class of men ‘ in ability to kill and wound another and | similar class of men of another country | is a great institution. â€"It has two sides ; | the romantiic and the real. . Our boys see the former, and give scant thought to the laster,. Glitter and sound, brigh® coat, and shining buiton, a free trip, romantic surroundings, what use of thinking of dei.th or glory, perhaps both probably neither whea we all hope they may never have the experience. . May we bope that the expenditure of over $1000 a day is recouped in the formation | of better physical habits, a healthy self | control, and an increased patriotism in the young men who may, one day be, our country‘s defenders, Capt. McGirr, of No. 4 Company, 31st Battalion, has been busy for a week or two in putting his company into shape, and for the brief time he has had some of she recruits under him he has made astonishing progress. Swrepr Ti List,â€"Principal J. W; Brown, Hanover Public School, has a record which cant be beaten, and perâ€" haps is not equalled in Ontario, He passâ€" ed all his Entrance, P. Sch. Leaving, and apparently 5 out of 6 in his Primary class, ‘The offical list, received lately, shows that Alex. Stepben has passed, thus in allt hree classes no failures occurâ€" red. Mr. Brown, go up higher. AT THE AssizEs.â€"The burglars who a few weeks ago sampled Mayor Laidâ€" law‘s goods, "on the quiet" have been each given 8 years in the Penitentiary to think oyer it. The unfortdnatée girl Bella Park, has, we are informed, been given 18 mos. we presume in the Merâ€" cer Reformatorg. Mr. Jno. Pieken leaves for Montreal today whence he will sail for Livorpool or Glasgow with a cargo of lambs in charge, He has promised Review readâ€" ers a letter dealing with his experiences or observations, and we promise someâ€" thing good. _ Air, Picken left Scotland 21 years fgo. y 5 ‘peepn Pbirth, Jr. Has matured cobs on .Fn({dm- corn, hard to beat. We were shown a cob which was over 12 inâ€" ches, and soime are believed to be over this. â€" The yariety is the Ohio Hog Fodâ€" der, THE NIACARA CAMP. The 12th, 31st, :;')t,h. 3ith and 30th Batâ€" ue 12 37 1, y o INCGâ€"A "District ‘Meetâ€" mg is to be held in Durham on or about the 13th of October., _ As this is the first meeting since the election much interest will be taken in it. Mr. Josegh Firth, Jr. Has matnncA PGn CS Â¥. I PaTrox Merrimo mg is to be held in 1 se waels s From our own Correspondent. Tmnorrnw, l“ridfly, the members of the Dominion Parliament will be in sesâ€" sion 80 days, Good bye to all chance of a reduced indemnity, Friday â€" $300, Monday $1000, Subscribe at once either Globe, Weeki Eimpire, Daily Worl your fancy. ‘Sse our If you would cut our corn w fort call quickly at Jy A. Hunter Town, and get a con hook, Chas. MeKinuon has a few ( Fanniug Mills on bind which he cheap, y L 290 esE o ce , _ _ ._ _ Uwen sound, Monday on Jury business, A meeting of S. Grey 8. 8. Convention was held in Holstein yesterdy. A num. ber went from Durham, Messrs Jas, Gedd« left for Owen Sound business, Miss Ranisay more and will‘+ 2 0C "F j 44, o_ _ ~~ enreâ€"wo days. Mr. H, Hunter, "Harry" is off with No. 4 ()ompuuy as lst Lieutenant. Regular meeting of Ben Nevis Cam on Friday night in the new hall, £ Mr. Arch. McDougall, of the Flesher. ton Advance is‘at present visiting friends in town, * During Mr. Peel‘s absence at camp in Niagara. Mrs, Peel is visiting hep parâ€" ents in Deseronto, Hampden Trustees ask for & Teacher with a gnd Class Certificate, in this issue, | They want experience too. Seed Rye for Sale at Arch, 8. Hunter‘s, Apply soon, s Mr. G, Spatling is a judge at the Ha:â€" over Show toâ€"day,. Mr. G. Meikle was on the jury at the assizes in Owen Sound this week, Mayor Laidlaw and C. McKinnonu\ke in London Show this week. Mr, W, H. Bean was also tHEFC LWoy AawL. WITiH THE BATTALION. To vwr _ _r‘g qb Mail and ly World, Witness as suits See our figures, + Friday, the meéimbers at Geddes and onece for REVIEW and on c Bacs Cay‘ i EL Nki f+ «A. Hunter‘s U our corn with comâ€" A PE I . T i members of Jas. Eecles, Obatham e will sell¢ This is‘generally the largest Fair in the sear, but this year there wa» marked ecrease as com}mred with last year, the quantity of feed growing and stored, being this year abundant. A large number of bnrem were present, antf prices ruled better than usual though still low, The buying was nearâ€" ly nh done by the head and might average 2% vcents live weight. Five 2 year (ï¬ds sold for $81 cash and from $15 to $20 was the range of price. â€" Cows in milk were very scarce the increased prices in dairy products especially in cheese, givimï¬eno doubt, encourageâ€" ment to keeg them for what looks to ; a profitable fall season in prospect, dishes and vase; Miss 8. A. Coleridge, china dinner and tea sett ; Fnrenu of the bride, %iano @nd sett of hbedroom furniture ; the bridegroom, a gold watch and chain ; Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Legate, book, Clark‘s Journey Round The W orld. pper Jury Mr. and Mrs. W, Carter. half dozen table Nu&)kins ; Miss M. Chislett, China Glass Water Set; Miss A. Cushnie, | China Glass Tea Sett ; Miss J. Cairns, | decorated Parlor Vase Lam ; Messrs Wm. and W. L. Wright, Erocalelle Lounge ; Mr. James _ Coleridge. Set Filver Forks and Knives ; Misses Emma and Lina Wright, Carving Knife and Fork ; Mr. R. McGill, Ruby Glass, Silvyer Pickle CUruet; Mrs. D. Coleridge, Sr.,. Â¥mir Woollen Blankets and Quilt ; Mr. 1). Coleridge Sr., Tableâ€" cloth ; Mr. R. Legate Sr., Delph Tea Sett ; Mr. Thos, Coleridge, Two lg)ulla.rs; Miss Maggie \Vri{{ht. one half dozen Table Napkins; Miss Mary Wright, Tablecloth; Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Ramage, china berry sett; Mr. and Mrs. Sherwood, china parlor lamp ; Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Ramage, two pairs of lace curtains; W. (‘.nlerigge, five dollars; Mtr. and Mrs. John Legate, preserve dish and flowe basket ; id_iss )g Legate, 4 dozen preserve The happy couple left next morning for Toronto and other places on their honeymoon trip. , The principals in this case were Miss Annie E. Legate, the fair daughter of Mr. and Mrs. R. P. Legate, and Mr. Robert H. Wright, one of Artemesia‘s stalwart sons. The knot was tied by the Rey. Mr. Mahav, Flesheirton, and was witnessed by a large number of friends and relations, who showed their regard for the young couple l)r the beautiful ind valuable gifts givyen below The bride was tastefully dressed in white and looked eyery inch a bride. She was assisted by Miss Mary E. Wright, sister of the groom, while K‘[r. Win. Coleridge assisted the groom. The bride is a granddaughter of Mr. R. Legate, Sr. and Mr», and Mrs., D. Coleridge. Sr., of North Egremont. A pleasant evening was spent in song and music. On Tuesday evening of last week, one of those little events in which two prinâ€" cipals are highly concerned, and a varyâ€" ing nuurber of friends and relations more or less interested took place at Flesherâ€" ton Station, Mrs. Wm. Seaman was at Flesherton Stition a couple of days the later part of last week yisiting her sister Mrs. . Tucker, Miss M. Camoron has gone to the Queen City where she expocts to get emâ€" pleyment, Mrs, A. Vance, of Waterloo ieft for home on Wednesday last after spending a conpâ€" le woeks with hor daughter Mrs. Wim. Main, Mrs. J. Sharp of Hanover was ronewâ€" ing old aequaintances here last Thursday after attending the wedding of her neice Miss Etta Sharp, of Soath Bend, Miss L. Kawn of South Bend, was visitâ€" ng her sixter Mrs. W, S, Horsburgh part of last week, __ Jasper Swith is in London with No. 5 Company of Mt. Forest, attending annual Drill, R Mr. and Mrs Ben Schell, of Red Bay are visiting the former‘s sister Mrs, A. Horsburgh for a couple days this week , Miss Lena Orobard, is spending a fow days with hor cousin Miss Janet McKenzie. Mrs, Combs, of Cleveland Ohio visited at R, Mains and other friends.fGÂ¥ a few : days last week. I on business, Thos. Orchard is in TLov taking in the Fair and visit J. W. Orchara, her Wlmfthey I up her home | had been left a mained with h. TY .0 C2CCCCSERe op, mp,, _3 _ Wried in Saugeen Cemetery ' on Tuesday, a large number of friends, some from outside points, attending. Miss Cameron came to Canada from Inverness in 1855 in company with her two brothers who preceded the rest of the family. After ber father and mother arrived in Canada she devoted herself to them and remained by their side till the death of the wife of her brother, the Rev. James Cameron in 1885, when she took charge of his house. Upon his second marriage in 1871 she returned to live with her aged p.-u‘enbsl ;lvhn had meantime removed to Durâ€" am. CCC |VClu outside points Miss Cameron came to Inverness in 1855 in comy t\‘vo _brothers who prec 00200 ~CBrCCCCd , 7 _ j !de circle whose intimacy with herself and bher family has> been of an enduring kind, She is a sister of Mr, Jno. Cameron, of town, the lite well known Rev, Jas. Cameron was also a brother, Mrs, Ross and Mrs, Rey, Chas, Cameron are also sisters, She had a lurge â€" acqausint«nes‘""fl" ;t ' E7 mafladic Bill uttpt‘ alfection and unfailing c Geeawin n e ooo SEPTEMBER FAIR. LIST OF PRESENTS, .« McKenzie, is in WEDDING BELLS. she havwi,,, 1/ _W4s somewhat she having been ill only a few Her removal is much +5»," °* # 8 ts a 4 ._.â€" HOLSTEIN. Ee lons for her noble and ich was completely deâ€" piness of oihers, IÂ¥uro- iny one who so entirety own interests to those in London this week oo Py . ReceiK of her sister, Mrs, s 0 0. Torouto this week m, the lite well eron was also a d Mrso Rev. (’hus, ers, She had a in â€" Chatsworth, _neighborhoods, ing his brthero much regretted e iBp nc uh heerfu‘ness,. 84 * # woeet tampty of ts bist qustinen af Indeen ‘-n. Thercfore they use the greatest care in the Prfice Ware‘m ud h onl m feormighen .E"z&' To: 115. ned J To packigen and naver ALL QOOD GROCERS KEEP T. l If your grocer does not keep it, tell him to write to * STEEL, HAYTHER & 00. a W eand 18 Front Street East, Torontg, * Music at [The Lowest Lates." DURHAM PHARMACY OKSOON M TEA Mceâ€" IN ITS NATIVE PuriTy. FROM THE TIZA PLANT TO THE TtA eup We are handling W. R. J ohnston‘s goods again this season and the name alone is a sure guarantee of honest goods, while the price can‘t be beaten. KEEP YOUR EYE on this corner. Watch our advertisements, read them carefully and we will saye you money. _ N. B. 10 Different varisties of fresh sweet Biscuits opened out this woek. wool hose at 250. ‘The proof ag 12 L . 1Cl You that we have that "Old Reliable, heavy wool hose at 25c. ‘The proof of its wear has made it a great seller and already our customers who had it last year are coming in and asking for it again. TIO ARCHIVES TORONTO © 28 NNE sls Styles the Newest, Bz And Prices the Lowest. Our New Store ( Big and all as it is) will be hustled for room by the time all the Fall Goods are in. This cool weather gives us a gentle reminder of what we can expoct later on, and already Heavy Dress Goods and Winter Goods of all kinds are beginning to move quite greely. We have every confidence in a Good Fall Trade, consequently we have not serimped ourselves in buying and, of course, the larger quantity of an article you buy the cheaper you get it. Thore are Attractions tor you here every day, The prices can‘t help but make them s0o. Among the things we might mention ‘this" week is Underwear for Men, Women and Chiidren, At the following prices it is moving out quickly :â€" Men‘s Heavy Union Un ‘erwear | â€" _ 70c. a Suit. , Ladies‘ Vests, open front, Fancy stitthed and laced, Men_’s Fine 6« s on ut ow C A PERFECT TEA Men‘s Heavy Union Unjerwear _ . _ 7( Men‘s Fine 6* « 9( Men‘s all wool 16 oz. *4 â€" 8 Men‘s Fine Seotcii Wool * â€"~‘~ $ML.2! Extra Value in Men‘s Top Shirts at 45, 50, 65, Boys‘ Underwear in all sizes. Ladies‘ Vests, Long Sleeves, 20c. each or AT THE September & Fall Wants! %"*"G " C125 Yests Long ibleeves, 20c. each or 35c. pair. I Infants‘ Vests, ] In Hosiery we only take time this week to tell you that iÂ¥y wonl hnaa sL OR ~ mMmL ..s. c x &1 C _\Q‘s Qualities are Reï¬g.b_le: CASH AND ONE PRICE <aS &QQ OVERCOATS and CLOTHING &4 ew Goods are nilino. ;) .. ; 3, "°Cf Phan ever prepared to cater to your New Goods are piling in rapidly and we have only to say of them that the RAMAY « MORLOGcK CALDER‘S BLOCK. S ALT In Barrels and Bags. ROCK SALT. Oils Alabastine, Paris White, Whiting, Whiting, Alums, Glue, W. W. Brushes, Paints mixed and dry. Paint Brushes, Artists Colors and Brushes. Timothy Seed, Orchard Grass and Lucerne Clover. PR l NTS Our New Prints are just in We have the very best value at 6e. 9c. 10c. and 12;c. a yd. See them before buying. See our 5¢. and Cc. CHALLIES. MEN‘S TOP SHIRTS from 25cts. up. BO Ts S 0 S We always keep full lines at lowest prices. 0 & H E You should see our SPRING LINES of Ladies‘ and Men‘s Low Shoes before buy‘ng. (Note this fact.) Best Table oil cloth, white and colored, 45 in. wide, 25¢. a yd. Best Oatmea. or White Castile Soap, Tets a bar, or 4 bars for 25 cents. _ GI1 yeerine Soap, d¢c. a box of 3 cakes. Scrub brushes 5cts ur. Heayy Galvanized 14 et. pail, 25¢. See our $1.00 lotof Tinware. Cal any way, We want your trade RBearn 4 Cao. A large supply of School Books. _ See our Practice Books 400 pages 5c. Pens, Pencils, Rubbers, Compasses, etc. Note Paper and Envelopes by the quire, box or ream. i ure UGround B&ces. Vinegars : English Malt, Cana dian Malt and White Wine. Vinegars from 30c. gallon 7 lbs. Tapioca for 250. Mixed whole Spices 17c. 1b. P.nre Grguud ‘Sgi'qo.g. __ Vinegars: English Malt, Canaâ€" TEAS from 15cts a lb. SUCARâ€"Light Brown, 26 lbs. for one dollar. No. 1 Granulated Sugar, 20 lbs for $1. FALL FOR FALL SOWING 3: Machine Oils, Coal Oil, Best Canadian and £ merican. Superior SEWING OIL, 4 o0z. Bottle 10cts. Fall Rye. ~nuaren‘s vests, all wool, 20 to 25c. according tosiz.e. Infants‘ Vests, Natural Wool, all sizes _ 35¢. a pair. 8, PABEERRER YOU WILL NEED New Lace Curains Druggist & Seed:man, Purham, So is Houseâ€"cleaning time, and SPRING IS HERE 34 3§ 34 yds. 1 in. wi 32 yds. long, g in. y‘lde. $‘l..g=) a pr We have the best made for 90 cents a by the time all the Fall f what we can expect later inds are beginning to move , consequently we have not LOWER TOW N. 42 7 64 ¢¥o