Ontario Community Newspapers

Grey Review, 17 Sep 1896, p. 4

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9 0 Mrs. Deitz, of Detroit, Mich., visited ber sister, Mrs. G. W. Tryon, last week. Messrs N. McKinnon, J. D. Brown, N. Cameron and Miss G. McLeod took in the foronto Exhibition last week. The Priceyville Exhibition to be held ‘ f on Oct. 6th 7th, promises to break all| Deeds, Mortg: past records. writings neatly B::!l:o fie;lbt M{Lnuchbm returned to reasonable cost. a t wee +)q * â€"â€" I Miss Minnie Simpson returned tol All Bust Chicago last week. $ Wcc Te ac Hoovie returned to Toronto Monday, after a month‘s yvisit with frineds here. An entertainment will be held in Knox Church on Thursday the 24th inst. The coceeds will go towardsbuying presents fur the Sunday School children. We wonder if William, of the front line does not feel very happy these days ? Normanby farmers are proof against fmhuppers and a scarcity of hay, in their immense cornfields, 'lyhe Marshall families take the cake in this respect, growing from 10 to 14 acres each. : Mr. and Mrs. Ramage and famity. of Durham, were visiting friends in this vicinity for a few days lately. Mr, Ramage brought his wheel along and we see he has become quite an expert ou it, Misses Gracie and Jessie Mcllvride, who have been in Guelph for this last while, returned home last Saturday night. ‘ Will Mitchall, of Holstein, spent a few days lately with his mother and friends in this part. A kitchen is being erected to the house of Mi. T. Gadd. _ Tom is doing the carâ€" ntering and is making quite a fine !:h of it. Misses Leeson, Fee and Potvt{ were gneskta of Miss Lizzie Gadd one day last week. OaThursday of last week some lads and lassies of this neighborhood picnicâ€" ed out at Hamilton‘s Lake in Egremont. They had a fine day for it and ail report {ms-mg a good time. _A welcome addiâ€" ion to the picnic was Miss Robena Watson, who returned from Guelph just the evening before. ; ed socral, commercrtal and agricultura conditions,â€"Canada Presby. ‘1, will be obtained or not, it is certainly much to be Wsbed that every legitimate eause of grievance against Britrin w»ich -{:ilhmeu are really Inbouring under si.ould redrossed, and that peace and contentâ€" ment should everywhere prevail amonyg the Irish at home and sbroad. It must be said that the irrepres:ible divisions and Strife among Irishmen themseiyes, which it may welil be feared, in spite of all re~â€" vlutions, will still coutinue to divide them have aliecated the sympathy of wany who wouid otherwise be friends, and led &zem to abandon all hope and mterest in disgust. _ Besides, the prosperous and sontented state etisting in the North of Ireland gemeraily, despite what are callecd Irish grievances, have lod many to the eonclusion that the troubles are largely of w social ard religions kind goverrments eannot directly do much to removye, and for which a remedy must bo sough largely amongst the people theroselves in improvyâ€" The Conference of the ropresentatives of the Irish race in Great Britain and the Colonies, uow meeting in Daillin, and its results, will be watched with mach interâ€" est by patriotic Iriskmeu in every part oi the Empire. Whetuer ever Home Rule Jjust as those who are agitating for it desire but it is not all, and it does not of itself matke a home. _ Would not the word Ed.-;iug house and houseâ€"keeper fit betâ€" r in such case than home and home maker ? What is that indefinable some thi: g that makes a bhomeâ€"ithat reveals itsel?in the books and the pictures in the arrangement of the rooms, in the preparation for the guest, in the tones of the children, in the expression of busband and wife? We cannot describe jt, but we recognize it at once when it 3 present, and no house can be truly a fome. without some measure of it. And t is homes we want if the n2tion is to be “"".7 and righteous, and able to take its place in fighting God‘s battles in the world. We do not need just ep‘use where we can eat and slleep eathfully, but we want homes fuill of rest and peace and beauty and refreshâ€" ment. â€" Full of power, therefore, to send out n.en and women insrired with the: ‘spirit and devotion to all that is true ud ‘beautiful to serve their day :md‘ generation. We shall all agree that to be a homeâ€" maker in the real sense of the word should be the noblest ambition of every woman. â€" But what do we mean by that? What is our idea of a home? Do we find it a carefuily kept house, where all is dainty and neat, where every comâ€" fort is remembered, and where the children are well kept and dressed ? All this is good, most excellent and needful, though slow is certain.â€"Later deâ€" spatches show that he is connected with a plot, just discovered to assassi. nate the Czar while at Balmoral. _ Not easy getting past the Scotland Yard Authorities. Tur IoEar Hox®E.â€"Lady Aberdeen js an educated lady, sympathetic in her tastes and has a constant aim to better the social conditions of the people. Among her recent utterances, tK:: folâ€" lowing is good. It was part of an adâ€" dress to the Toronto Women‘s Council : bhe 6tep Arvinw. with the manufacture of d'ynamite bombs for use in England, and he will likely now find that punishment â€"Tynan, the **No. 1 " among thei eonspirators who murdered Sir Fredâ€"‘ erick Cavindish and T. H. Burke in Phoenix Park, Dublin some 14 or 15\ years ago was arrested in France on Saturday last. _ He is charged aiso | Durham, Thur. Sept. 17, ‘96 Tena Mcintyre and Emelia N. EAST NORMANBY. PRICEVILLE. "xhibition to be held | § 1 oK _‘ . promises to break all! Deeds, Mortgages, Leases and ther writings neatly and quickly prepared at + 4t s »2 Ma\g be you think it is not, but H. H. MILLER, the Hanover Conveyancer, is lending lots of it at 5§ ror cent and on extra good loans at lessâ€"Costs lowâ€" Terms as any reasonalle person may desire. * Collects Notes and Accountsâ€"nco charqo if no ecliection. Cheap Farms for Sale Lock Box 28. H. H. MILLER, Hanover P. 0. The Hanover **Telephone." Conveyancer { On Tuesday last Mr. Jno, Baird Sr. , was in his usual health and on Wednesâ€" | day he took suddenly ill, the Dr. was !iunnedmtely called in attendance but ?sai«l there was no hope. Previous ill health and his declining years going !against himmn, and on that same evening | death claimed him for her own. Mr. , Baird was of a quiet retiring disposition | but a kind and obliging neighbor. He leaves a widow and four sons and three daughters to mourn his loss. His age | was 74 years, Hay is Scarce â€"â€"BUTâ€"â€" Money is Plenty. A little son came also to brighten the home of Mr. George Pollock, Postmaster Kewss wesalts ioi two weeks On Saturday Sept 5th, to Mr. R. J. Eden, a son. Misses 8. M. and Mr. J. Sharpe attencâ€" ed the wedding of their cousin Miss, Etta Sharpe of South Bend on Wednesâ€" day last, Mr. Geo. Pollock Sr. was seriously ill of asthma for a couple of weeks and grave fdoubts were entertained of his recovery but at present he is improving rapidly. Mrs. J. E. Burrows of Hepworth atâ€" tended the funeral of her father Mr. John Baird on Friday, Miss Martha Queen of Orchardville has returned home after a few weeks visit at her nunt‘s Mrs. Wim. Sitr and other friends. Miss Lizzie Johnston spent a few days of last week yisiting ber sister Miss Lucretia of Orchardville. Miss Aggie Sirrs went to Durham last week to take up Primary work at the school there. l cart, and as a half dozen people ba;' they can swear to the hat, he had betâ€" ter call and settle up or the constable will be on his tracks, A week ago Thursday night Mr, and Mrs. Jarvis Haggait having put their two children to bed, locked the door and went to a neighboring lime kiln. A man on evil bent came to the gate, opened it, came to the door and broke it in and searched the house till bhe came to the bed with the little girl in it. He swore at her to get up and get him a match,. She saitF there wasn‘t a match in the house. In further ramsacing he lost his hat and was unable to find it in the dark aud had to go without it. The parents on their arrival, finding the gate, door and window opened, asked what it all meant. The girl said the man drove a white horse and squeaky â€"â€"All Business Confidentialâ€"â€" Mrs, Haggard had an apple tree in blossom last week. Mr. Allan McDougall, of Fort William is renewing acquaintance among his many friends here. Miss Lizzie Ccckburn and Lizzie Simpâ€" son attended the Toronto Exhibition last week. _ What might have been a very serious accident nappened last Saturday mornâ€" ang as John burm-c was driving to Durâ€" bham to meet the early train, with Mrs. Lavigne and PDuncan McAulley, who were going to Detroit and Miss Jennie ()’Mvfiiu. who was going to Cleveland. while crossing the bridge on Livingston‘s creek during the thunder stoom about bhalf past four in the morning, a flash of lightning and a loud peal of thunder frightened the horses and the box was thrown of the waggon and the inmates and baggage were scattered, some of them faliling into the water, _ As it was ver{ dark Mr. McAulley had to go to Jackson‘s for a light and assistance. They escaped with a few slight injuries and reached Durham drenching wet, just in time for the train,. It was all done so suddenly that they scarcely knew what happened. «» H. H. MILLER »â€"«â€"â€" Vr. Francis McLeod, of Stayner was the guest of his brotherâ€"inâ€"law, N. Mcâ€" Cannel, this week. Mrs. Lavigne, accomFanied by her brother Duncan McAulley, returned to Detroit last Saturday. Misses Hooie and McIntyre and Mr. John McIntyre were the guests of Miss Maggie MceDonald, D. f{ Artemesia, one evening last week, Wm. Reid‘s team ran away with C,. MceLean‘s thrashing machine last week. Happily no one was hurt, and the machâ€" ine crossed a couple of fences and ditches without being much the worse. Miss Hannah Marshall is home from the city. One of those pleasing events which are quite prevalent, especially on leap K;ur, took place at the manse, where r. Wm. Stewart and Miss Kate Knox, of Swinton Park, were united in hol bonds of matrimony by Rev, D. McLood‘. Rev. J. L. Gardiner preached in tl.e Baptist Church a week ago Sunday. Mr. and Mre.*Paine, of Toronto, paid the latter‘s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Simpâ€" son a visit recently. Mrs. Thos, Shortreid, of Galt, is the guest of her motberâ€"inâ€"law, for the last couple of weeks. MURDOCH. +<@ ++ . and Mrs. NP $smce 12000 "AT0 PUC are a good house, frame barn, good well ans orchard. The lot is all under cultivation. For terms of rent or sale apply to JOHN McINNIS, Th undersigned offered for sale rent that desirable park lot, No, 3 the vnllugg of Priceville. On the Wanted for S. 8. No. 8, Normnnhr a 2nd class teacher, experienced. Apply to the undersigned, statin{z qualificaâ€" tions, &c., before Oct. 17th, 1806. THos. ByrREsS, WarTtEr GrEoppEs, Lupwig Brusso. "y . C o3 o ole o sc mne PVb Hampden, Sep. 16th, 1896. CaxMrRONâ€"In Durham on Sabbath, Sept. 13th 1806, Margaret Tolmie Camâ€" eroun. Guxâ€"WrEIm.â€"At Old St. Andrew‘s Church on Wednesday 9th of Septâ€" ember 1896, by Rev. Mr. Milligan, James R. Gun, of Durham to Nellie, second daughter of Mrs. Weir 180 Carleton 8t. Toronto. LEDINGHAMâ€"KING.â€"At the residence of the bride‘s mother, Dobbinton on September 14th, by the Rev, 8. Nichâ€" vison, Win. Ledingham, Druggist of Russell, Man., to Maggic, {\nungust daughter of the late Geo. ting, of Doabbinton. STEwWARDâ€"KNox.â€"In â€" Priceville on Tuesday the 8th of September, by the Revy. D. McLeod B. A., Wm. Steward to Catherine Knox, both of Proton,. Another Clerk has been added to the store to assist Mr, Findlay in attending customers,. We have not yet learneu his name. Dr. Sneath, who has been taking in the Toronto Exlubition, for a number of days last week is again back among his friends. We extend our congratulations to Miss Annie Legate of Flesherton our old schoolmate, over her matrimonial venture, Mr. Jolko Wilson our furniture dealer here has increased his supply by a large load last week, he can supply all new house keepers, and old ones too with anything in the furniture line aud that cheaply loo, Mr. R. Smail of the North line has we nere, gone to Niagara with tue yolâ€" unteets this week. Job is enthusiasiic and a good shot. $DGEâ€"In Glenelg, on Sept. 4th, the wife of Diniel Edge of a daughter Mr. Richard Near, of Listowel, wheelâ€" ed over on Friday last to visit the isaac family to whom he is related, What is one‘s loss, is another‘s gain. Miss, Mary Isaac arrived home last week and intends staying a short while before taking a trip to visit friends in Woestern Gut. Mr,. Hugh Baird, her brothnerâ€"in law accompanied het. Miss Maggie Hay and the Misses Calder intenu leaving tftor FToronto this week. Mr. McVicar attended a meeting of Presbytery at Mt, Forest on Tuesday last. Threshing operations around here are short, decisive, and dirty, Many comâ€" plainis are made about the dust and rust. The turn out is moderateiy fair but late erops light. Geo. Grant says that he and Cosmo Cameron are the only two brave men to face camp out of Normanby this year. Whiruptmm ts : Afgerervcomemmenoen I wonder what the young man thought when he found his whiskey chauged to cold tea at his first drink ? A couple of young ladies ware some what surprised when they camehome the other night to find the door closed and grandn a in bed, We are sorry to announce the death of Mr. John Baird one of our oldest setâ€" tlers. ~He died on Wednesday, Sep. 9th His funeral on Friday to Maplewood cemetery was largely at.t.ended.“ t Born, on the 8th instant, to Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Eden, a son,. Jimmie Saunders says it is as good as a cirens to see Bill McCalmon riding a bicycle. . * Mr. Cosmo Cameron‘s youngest child was buried Thursday last. Mr. Robt. Pettigrew moved into his new house the other day. 1t looks snug and nice. . While Mr. Kil Grierson was setting the steaimmn engine at Mr. John Gray‘s one of the wheels slipped off a plank and bruised his foot badly. The Eden Bros. are finishing Mr. Q. Pettigrew‘s new kitchen this week. Mr. James Dowling. of Holland, was visiting friends in and around here for a day or two. Mr. Wim. Fee is one of the most obligâ€" ing thrashers that ever struck the Gravel Road. When hands are scarce Billy stops the imnachine and goes into hhe (Ilmru and tramps straw to beat the and. Mr. and Mrs. Edward Wellwood, of Dund«lk, passed through our vill;tqe on their way to Durham on Saturday last, Mr. S{)arling, of Thornbury, wWAS the guest; of Mr. A. Little last Sunday. Miss Sarah Little, of Thornbury, and Miss Lizzie Hoy, of Orchard, are visiting at Mr. A. Little‘s for a few days. Miss L. Dixon, _of Mt. Forest, spent jast Sabbath at Mr. D. Allan‘s. _ Mr. Wim. Wellwood, of Dundalk, was K;sifiing friends around here last Sabâ€" th. TEACHER WANTED. PARK LOT _ For Sale or to Rent. MNARRIED. DEATHS. BIRTHS. DROMORE. VARNEY. Priceville. or in lot Peas, £* Barley, &* Potatoes, _ per bag Apples Nt Sneepskings, each.... MIiGeS, 51:ssesririen14 Butter per Ib........... Eggs, per doz ........ Flour per 10018 ........ Oatmesl per sack ..... Fall Wheat per bushel Hay per ton .............. 17â€" Wanted We are prepared to take building con tracts and furnish all kinds of Material at living prices. For any information concerning this Exhibition see Prize Lists, or apply to ARCH. MeKENZIE, Sec. TVES}AT a1 WESNESDAT The Annual Exhibition of the South Grey Agricultural Society will be held on the Show Grounds, Durham on PLANING AND MATCHING«â€"â€"~ This is a Rare Bargain,. _ Stock or Grain. Business meaut. If not sold will lease for a term of years. Apâ€" ply to Buildings cost over half the Money FALL EXHIBITION. W ATSCON BROS aiving.testing archards in (';\:):uh{. We give you the benefit of our ex râ€" ience, so your success is guur:mtecd‘.)elf you are not earning $50 per month and expenses, write us at once for particulars, Liberal commissions paid art time men. Fatrmers‘ sons should Emk into this! It pays better than working on the farm, and offers a chance of promotion. Apply now and get chaice of territory. STONE & WELZINGTON. â€"3 m Toronto, Canada grand stite of cultivation free from noxâ€" i0ous weeds,. Spring Creek, Stone Hous: & Kitchen. Wood Shed attached. Bank Barn 50x70, Stone Basement Stables. Drive & Implement House 30x60, Stone Stables underneath. Root House I0Ox50 Hard and Soft Water. Churches anc .:vhuol convenient. 44 miles from Dur aim On ths 2»d Con,. Normanby, containâ€" ing i74 aeres. 140 cleared. A 1 soil in Sa DNE AND SATI8SFACTION GUARANTEED. SIHINGLES ON HAND FAZX A t 1t FOE AT RIGHT PRICES, Dromore, June 6th, ‘96. 50 A &"i‘éfif\i'n’_svil Can: IMPROVED MACHINERY. e beg to announce to the public that we have the mull rebuilt and relitted with Nervous 11 the One True Blood Purifier. All druggists. §1. Frepared only by C. L. Hood & Co., Lowell, Masa I C act easily, maptl Hood‘s Pins ol "SHf 4* Hood‘s Pills with Hood‘s Sarssperilla, and they have done me ruch good. I will not be without them. I have taken 12 bottles of Hood‘s Barsaparilla, and through the blessing of God, it has cured me. I worked as hard as ever the past sum« msr, and I am thankiul to say I am well. Hood‘s Pills when taken with Hocd‘s Barsaparilia belip very much." Mnrs. M. M. Messsna®s, Frechold, Pene. This and many othor eures prove that 7000 $ Peop!: find jnst the help they so much need, in Hood‘s Sarsaparilla. It furâ€" nishes the desired strength by puriâ€" fying, vitalizing and enriching the blood, and thus builds up the nerves, tones the stomach and regulates the whole system. Read this: my own werk. Our physician gave m3 some help, but did not cure. I decided to try Hood‘s Sarsaparilla, | Boon I could do all my own housework. * I have taken "I want to praise Hood‘s Sarsaparilla. My health run down, and I had the grip. Aifter that, my heart and nervous system were badly affected, so that I could not do 49 U NQnTIE EGREMOQNT. N€ {P_- % d VL\\< A SNAP! seesessesnees se s a0 see + SEPTSMSER 29th and 30th DURHAM MARKET. ROBERT WATSON, Jr., Isherwood P. 0., Ont Sarsaparillia asked, oneâ€"third downr, own trees sesane es see o++ se #*0 #a+ sas #00 aes see #++ t8o ses ces see i> C soUTH CBEY es, berry plan‘s, rose ornamenrtal trees, aq or the oulÂ¥) purgm ~ SALE. 81 £0 to 92 00 1 60 to 1 60 0 60 to 0 65 9 00 to 10 00 0 16 to 0 16 0 38 to O 00 0 25 to 0 30 0 25 to 0 40 0. 25 to 0 80 0 25 to 0 50 8 50 to 0 C0 0 10 to 18 0 10 to 0 18 :ad‘an and ves, and liill"\'(‘l'y Canada, : _ Other Papers also at reduced rates REVIE W and GLOBE, $1.2%. REVIEW and SUN, #1.25 REVIEW and Daily World _ $2.50 RE‘V.IEI'{’ and Witness, _ â€"#1. 60 Lots 19 & 20 Conu. 8. Tp. of Egremont. a farm cousistug of 150 acres, 130 workâ€" able land, 8 miles from Holstein on the G. T. R., 1 mile from School and Cbhurch. Well watered by two spring creeks. Good frame barn with stone stabling, and frame bouse, _ Will be rented on reasouable terms, _ Imwediate possession can be giyen. Apply to C,. McKixxox, Durham, Sâ€"pt., 10th, 1896. In BOOTS & SHOES, BARGAINS ! Big Bargains In DRY GCODS. *k HAVE YOU ? IT COSTS YoU NOTEING. Fancy, TAE VERY FINET Of Land in the Banner county of South Dakot2 at $5.00 per aoe 3 miles from ‘Town, 1 mile froy School. â€"te MIL:LIO N C â€"sa A. GORDON. ~‘ . ‘KAKAND GCOOD VALUE _ in ALL other GOCDS To be had for CASEL or its Equivalent BARGAINS BIGGER AND BETTER THAN EVER » FOR YOU COME AND SHARE IN TH"I Clocks a_nd _Watchesl’ OF ACRES OF LAND 0F THE NORTHERN PACIFIC RAILWAY ALIV 2. ; OUR CEAINS AXD CRakks | MODERN. FARM TO RENT. in North Dakota. KEeasy Terms. Apply to Another grand year. The Farmer‘s hate made y on ALIVE ! CLUBBING. Are not Ancient but Aronot dsad but CGRANT‘S 4AbD. * @++ EXKQ@!| _ FOR THE DAKOTaAg Bargaing ‘ YoOU HAVE NOT, COMER y AND HAVE A TALK WiITg j C e N un Will be in Priceville the tirst w day in each month. Office at the . A. HUNTER. AZ the Durham Pharmacy plock. Residence first door W post Office, Durham. |__|, . ol sn _ 4%.a Mn LOWER TOWM,. PURE SPICSS Machinzs TIMOTHY Dr. T. G. KHOLT L D. S: :A 2 608. .. ns .c catre foo im FFICER FIRST DOOR East 0f _T Unes l‘n”“r DENTISTRY SPECIAL PRICES TO THRESHER AT MacFARLANS & 0 N V VINECARS GRANT @Gils. BB ‘a, y Calder® west of th wr Wedn® p('RH“_ Fhads Mar FEast Grey, Bouth q ,.y.H R"*mom., ‘fl'llui-. P w.e.t. oc inter eg nigf,, Interes ED °* TOmnimitt Ponsisting of M «. Ca BPL, Mips, Allan and Wwait on the Counci}] 4 inuum- the Curfew mm oit . .. The directors of th $7,000 ahead of Inst thaunk J ; BHung Chany and. _ Op Saturday â€" staff paid out abont money, Toronto i; Annua Exhibition â€" and the Directops are it a Dominion Exhib; the nccasion of the British Bceientists the; Bentineck sympathy is felt Box 303 Owen 8. DRWXED.â€"Last : tained the saq inte Alex, Wherry, of 1, time of Durham, was boating with a compy wif o and sevep ('billll' J. A, Hunter has j â€"bran new "(‘I.~\-'-I41 'Oil"\'('llfl. He offeps it is the eighth » heel make which he has Anvy one wanting h world, should see thi Two Horses Wanted The undersigned w two corner lots fence the dower town he drivers, not more tha q NmCk, Hanover Se ilene] £, Murkdale Sey M'““‘Y- Flesherton outh Grey, Durham i Mt- Holstein 0 ‘Rtâ€"mesia, Priceyille Fd.) I Mrs. Mike Hens Torouto who has be ther Mr, Arch Mc Glenelg, left for ho item was inadvert« Beatehtown corres» Lord and Lady A ent touring GOnari as possitle of the suorry to find that 8, im their list of .'tppul Hoaseso vixc.â€"] Forest, was in town 5 horses through h and Odwhite. Hei for the first time 8!1 to 8116 per animal. breal and thence the That ehgible r ent cccupied by R for sale, or will lerims. Apply on the pre A BARGAIX! Mr. and Mrs, | Hugh Mcelean an ron, all of Toronio l4ean, of Montreal, of their relative, t lhi* woek, £ Apply to Mr. 3. “::‘m@: D. Thoma Yorr Langer. â€"» who have lately J tion right. We have not done +0, malier, as we n#e week please, Mr. Jas, Gun, « joined the ranks « wish bis fair Toroi Durham, and both ness, East Grey Fall Filesherton on ‘I 2th and 25th inst deayvoring lo im: breakes. Mr. Jno. Firth in his garden of it has made (he“J of 6 ft in the last | Remember the Bhow, and get yo »wwon and 3Dun. S a big success, Mr. Wiw,. MceF. Tororto on Mon days with is bro on the way. â€" Mr, and Mrs. are guests at Ins '«fi:. |The hflh! Campbell‘s. We regret h death of fir Jose day at the Mic Mr. and Mr Avenue have be ter Mrs Jno. Mo ©C, MceArthur eggs. Mis ad. J says 10cis. We regret to liams bas been hear of hber m Farmers nee! asd other makes and be suited. Mrs, Dickson, ter Miss Mary I OQollier‘s last we | _ The Autlyl this week in O Mr. and Mrs vilie, were in V Cold wenther ‘o"" On hflld # Guns, powd: outfit at low pr Owen Sound weekjand is get It is beginning | A special Cab at the Lower To Photo Artist, i« £. U.â€"The l"'.’-'”finz 4 on Sabbat AY give s 8 Camero ‘‘s death W comumittec FALL F U

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