Ontario Community Newspapers

Grey Review, 17 Sep 1896, p. 2

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‘2'! go , T AP H: , ' il [h " Ti, lama“? ttt'ftipidfti2i5 e T 'tht M) tMto tt hlilli)j),ttf 'IIS that is under- mod a Potent hadtxsia, 313198;] proceedings eminent. would con to be taken. bagg‘with Re “a the P'hnunnnm w on men. Mp‘with regard to-iS; a; {with 333mm tyrttiit wond- TBE FAST LINE SERVICE. Bir Adolph" Caron asked:-." it the intuition cube Government to change the policy of establishing t twang- hot-tem service between' Great Brit- Mn and Canada and substituto there- to:- . atrrenteen-lmot trei ht service! Sir Richard 'hTtdlligluT' whole AN ADVERTISING SCHEME. Mr. Poullot aaked-Are the Govern- ment aware that..the election literature of the C9nserratiG party during the Into election was distributed through- t the country gratuitously? Are th', Governmenhaware that a certain leaflet. introducing a political review I'd which three hundred and fifty houeand comm were struck off) sing- ing the prance of the Conservative mty and the gutum of the Kootenay cure, was distributed all over Canada through the channel of the poet-office of the. Home of Commons, banked with the initials S. R. M.P.t Is it the Intention of the Government to en- quire into the said 'itnpt and and? the guilty parties. they be we Mr. Mulock replied that the Gov- .th'lpClly.ih'ijf?iisi,?ieiiil'il, '.ne 'di Pt, t . ye mun . w tectimwanldhe about]: the Inner. (Laughter) NORTH ONTARIO WON. Mr. Laurier, lying to a nation tr. Au.. "G'l'lliAl" man. .15. " A MINING BUREAU. Mr. Fisher, ”flying to Mr. Mae.. lean, said he ha apt promised that a bureau of mining Information would tie opened in Montreal. The Govern- ment had not Jet had the matter un- der omsaideratron. sir C. Hibhert Tupper moved for a return regarding the Inter-colonial rail.. way and its oraneh lines. In speak- ign to the motion, he raised the ques- tion of probable wisdom of the Gofern- ment acquiring branch lines of the In- ttroolaniil, which were not giving sat- isfaction as operated at present. Mr. Laurier' declared that it would be expedient to pronounce an opinion upon the policy off-hand without" look-1 in. into the question. me L'anaumn Pacific railway was 25,- 0tl0,000 acres, which was reduced in 1896' to 18,206,986 norm, of which 13,- 84-t.871 acres had been selected. 11.338.- 187 acres [wing in the North-\Vest. Ter- ritories. Only a small portion of this land had been deeded to the company. The remainder was under mortgage, according to the statute of 1889, and was only obtainable by a form of m. t.__, ., .. - “tones. Only a small portion of this land had Men deeded to the company. The remainder was under mortgage, according to the statute of 1889, and was only obtainable by a form of re- leases from the Government. _ _ ,iv- -v-.. ”can: well wueuul- ed. leuVing a remainder of 298.159 acres. Regina. Qu'Ap lie, and Long Lake railway, the (gsvernment an railway have not yet come to an agree- ment as to the lands to he scheduled. Manitoba and Nurth-WeauGi rail- way, 234,293 acres have been patented. leaving 1,267,082 to be cpatented; Al- berta Railway and on] Comping were entitled to 700,000 acres. of whic 691,872 have been scheduled. On their boundary extension they were entitled to 413,56'8 acres. of which they have selected 409,756 acres. Ten cents per acre is charged for cost of survey. C. P. It. LANDS. Mr. Lautier, answering Mr. Oliver, stated that the original land grant of inlenginadian Pacific railwav was Ari, Mr. Davies replied that the Govern- ment was not aware of the fact! as stated. The usual permission was Iranted. subject to the duties of the vessel not being interfered With. and the party supp ring their own prov:- uons and supplies. THE PROMISED PLEBISCITE. Mr. Craig asked-hs it the intention of. the Government to ascertain the mind of the people on the question of prohibition b means of a Dominion; plebiscite? JU when? . . Mr. Laarier-ha my hon. friend In aware, that is a part at the_ pro- gramme of the Liberal party. It is our intention to take a lebiscite, but the date cannot be LV at this moment. (Laughter and applause.) NOT AWARE OF IT. Mr. Laurier, answering Mr. McInnes, said that the Government was not aware that Mr. Theodore Davis, Chief Justice of British Columbia, was en- guged in canvassing during the late election. THE SHORTIS CASE. Mr. Laurer, answering Mr. Berger- an, said that the question of the com- mutation ot the yAks?tinsr.'.Bhor.tiViia tence was now engaging the HQeation of the Government. . "f., NORTH-WEST LAND GRANTS. Mr. Laurier. answering Mr. Oliver, gave the following facts regarding I railway land grants in the North- l rlyutst.i-.-caIriLi, and Edmonton rail- 4 way. the lamb are not all yet select- , ed, but the work of selection is going l only 11.5915588 acres have been, schedul- , N 0 SUBSIDIES. Mr. Davies,repiyintr totwo questions by Mr. Prior relating to British Colum- bia railway subsidies, 'raid-at is not the intention of the Government mask ‘rliament to vote any railway sub- sidies during the present session. . THE ABERDEENS TRIP. Mr Casgrain asked regarding the recent trip of the cruiser Aberdeen to the Magdalen Islands with Mr. Mary chand, leader at the Quebec Omani-i Bia report is now being printed, and will be distributed: The whole tmbdeot will receive that consideration from the Government which its importance do- MILITIA CAMPS. Mr. Borden, replying to Mr. Foster, " that arrangements had been con- cluded for the holding ot miliita camp- in September. 'rVCB. INTERCOLONIAL jiufLsuz. Mr. Davies-tns. The Government Ippolnted m. J. L. P. Shanly, civil “cheer. to report on the effects of Each drainage upon the great lakes. lows of Proceedings Mt the Cm- dian House of Commons. PROTECTING THE LAKE. Mr. Modem aaked--B" the “ten- tion of the Government been drawn to the prospective injury to Canadian Chipping and other interests by the emtatruetion of the Chicago drainage and! What steps does the Govern- ment intend taking for the protection at Canadian interests in this matter' DEMON nmam," J.l t nn in t lection of #fiU0! 'lllll “minis under- mount had been entered. When I proceedings had closed the tet 'rey wider the steps question fl, "'"eeb- Conservative ' the Kootenay I over fhuyytis the pott-ofruse , "r'. '.,,'m.'., ':,:: ii,itiitri, Pf', iisritims'i'iiitjii' Quebec Opposi- was, M,- FIRESWEPT TIGNISH. Mr. Hackett drew anemia: to the fire which had almost complewa de- stroyed the village of Tignish, at the mantel-n terminus of the Prince Ed- ward Inland railway. Pl Saturday. and asked if it was the intuition of the Government to grant aid to the luf- fererl from the e?.nflNtratipn. " Mr. Laurier rephed that it was im- COMMONS BAR CLOSED. Mr. Speaker made the announcement in these wards-l wish to report to the House that a meeting of the In- ternal Economy Cognmittee was held, consisting of _Sir Rgchzu'd Cartwright,' Messrs. Danes. li'.ieldimr, and Tarte, with myself as ohairmari,' at which a resolution was passed that the har in the basement be absolutely abolished, and that directions have been given to that effect. (Some applaum). SED0CITON AND ABDUCTION. Mr. Charlton jntroduded a. blil..to amend the Criminal Code by - making than effectual mom tie" the pun- iahmont of seduction and abduction. It was read a first time. cussion. for promotion, the positions held, the salaries paid, the promotion and posi- tion recommended, as well as the in.. Greased salary. and the dates of such recommendations. He spoke to his motion, saying that the Conservative party, gyms the; last days__og_thei:r - - --s. ....w;uu Au rreuuu. .Mr. Laurier said that an investiga- tion had been made, and a report would be brought down. The motion carried. GOVERNMENT APPOINTMENTS. Mr. Gibson moved for copies of all orders-in-Council appointing persons to the several de rtments of the Gov- ernment service from May Int. 1896. to 10th July, 1596, giving their names, the nature of their tqopoirttrnenttt, and the salary attached or recommended there- to. Also the mums of all persons in tle Government - service A recommended me'r' tried "to in] iGFTv'iiiurbii"ii ice, with their friends. The motion was carried without dis Mr. Laurier suggested that the date at July llth mentioned in the motion should be changed to June 23rd. With amendment the motion passed. ST. LAWRENCE FLOODS. Mr. Beausoleil moved for copies of ‘all memorials, reports of engineers. documents and letters, in relation to the great inundation on the St. Late- rence, between Quebec and Montreal. in the months of April and May last, its causes, and the best means of gre- venting the reoccurrenoe or mititga mg the disastrous results thereo . He spake to his mot.'uys in Jrrentrh. l DISMISSED EMPLOYES. Mr. Haggart moved for a return showing the names of all persons who have been dismissed or removed from office, or who have been stWerannuated, and the causes of such dismissal, re- moval, or ',')ti1'",'.eeety, or who have resigned or en r6?u€§ied to resign sin cethe 11th day o July. 1896, show.. ing the office or position such persons fgilWid ar whether on the permanent stat or in the temporary employ of the Government or otherwise in the public service, and when such dismissal, re- moval, superannuation, or resignation. took place; also the names of all per- Ions appointed to positions in the pub- lie servme, temporarily or permanently, and the office to which they were so ap- l pointed. Mr. Fisher reclaimed his sympathy with the deve opment of the. dairy ul- dustry. He recognized the importance of mixed farming rather than the cult:- vation of cereals simply in Manitoba and the North-West. It was by the maintenance of stock on the Western plains that the fertility of the ' aoil could be maintained. Vhile daemons of .doing everything possible to and. in dairy development, he did not think the period hid yet been reached when such a roposition as that submitted to the Hanna could be adopt.ed.by the Government. Where population was Sparse, and herds of cattle were few, datrsing, as carried on in the E.ast, could only be practised under serious ldimlsilitieis. By encouraging people to adopt sound business rinciples m the North-West more coufd he hoped for at present than by the adoption of such aacheme as Mr. Davin proposed. He trusted that the motion would be with- drawn, and the Government left to .do what it could for the dairy industry inthe North-West by the ordinary method. surervision of the Department of Agri- cu tune. The cost of making putter was estimated at four cents. and It was proposed to set apart one and three quanta cents from each pound aa. a staking fund tor the purpose of paymg 9ft the loan. It was dashed that no Interest should be charged. Mr. Davgn extolled the scheme as likely to and greatly in the settlement and develop- mttst qt, the North-West. W. Davin movedt-"That in the opinion of this House it would be expe- dient to apply 829,000 to aid in estab- 1llshlng_ creameries and cheese fre- ‘tomes in the North-West: Territories. and that this sum should be corysidtspsd as an addition to the immigration giant." He pointed out that the eatatr. lshment of cmameries and cheese tao. tonies at Moose Jaw, Indian Head, and Prince Albert brought about very successful results, and it was now Rro‘ posed to extend the scheme by who-l Ing the Government to lend, any thirty farmers in a district, the sum of 82,000. The farmers themselves would have to ““38 8500, and the buildings to be put up by Mem wouldbe erected under the l, The tstuhitr4uiGrGiit; It iihand ports had been $3,829,053, making the total 63901“ of home products tu'51l)'lsa7'. The total value of foreign Qroducts ex- Pol'ted had been 811,098,200. THE PASSING OF MONEY. Mr. Paterson. in answer to Mr. Foy- ter, and that the total value of mm and bullion imported during the last rvauU {ear had been 85,077,487. The to. tal " no exported had been 84,699,809. BUTTER AND CHEESE MAKING. The amount "ot-dirt-f" 6,6113:ch 'was 820,182,393.14. Tho value of home pro- ggcts e.xported had been '106,p86,"2'7.4. an“!!! of the chasm service between mat Britain and Canada is new on- gaging tho attention at the Govern- ment. t , ' THE SPENDING OF WARRANTS. Mr. Fieldin . In reply to Mr. Fatal“. can! that of the warrant for 81,066c. 62t58, issued by the "iidiurndr-Geissrtsl on July 16th. $848,394.68 had been ex- Pended up to September Ist. Of the amounts still tobe id there were cre- dita outstanding /lt about 8218.000. must of which would be required, Of the warrant for $977,894.87 issued on Angst 18th, there had been paid, up to Ptember lat, '255,863.40. A TEMPORARY LOAN. ?fr. Fielding, answering Mr. Foster, BBid there is a temporary loan current for f400,000, and extending from July lat, 1896, to January lst, 1897. TRADE FIGURES. Nr. Paterson, replying to Mr. Foster sand the total value of dutiable goods entered for home consumption for the {ear ended June 80th, 1896, was F.,- 234A30. The entries of tree goods In 9!“ same time amounted to_84iV48,822. Fin, said t1ttlsrfGeatisrtv. Pye, and a report ttbd . " "P" -_ - was 1'it'otd,1r ia' thus. second e: tor t t he was taken prisons: A deapatch to the London Times from Cape Town says that Major Watts, who had Makoni. a Matabele chief, sum- marily executed, has been arrested, pending an enquiry into the circum- stance: of the affair. l . The British troops on Monday cap- tured Makoni, an important Manhole chief. who had tahen a prominent part it the native revolt. He wantried by court-martini, and nuanced to he shot, which fantetqtsgtpvaa carried into effect Ightptg; Makoni. was one of the chiefs of t e Matabele. whose men 'a short while ago looted i n store at Mara..nd.etttii." Hir had mvimnl- AhB%, A lambda Chief (noun-ed, Court-Martial- ed, and "ot--Ttte Ill-lush Oettrer Placed "der Arrest. increased 01:13:31)}; Tiii. Advices from the Soudan show that the Iefxn't of the death of the Khalifa Abdul ah, the leader of the Mahdiats, was untrue. The Government has decided that those of pr. Jameson's officers who were acquitted on their trial for par- fi.cipatioti in the raid, shall return to their regiments, while those who were sentenced must retire with the ordin- ary privileges. , Telephone by Cable-Report on the 3mm , Crone-Dr. Jumeson'n otBeetw-rhe Br. ' Ismael-3' Release -6'gutadttut Trade In- ', creasing. ; A despatch from London tsaya.s-itohn [ Redmond, in addressing the National ', League at Dublin on Tuesday. denouno- ed the recent Irish convention held in that city u a sham; Not a single Par- nellite, he said, was there, while Healy'tr, followers were present; Nobody would pretend to guess the exact number who would support Mr. Ilealy, but he be- lieved that it was fair to say that nearly half of the anti-Parnellite mem- bers of the House of Commons might be regarded as Healyites. . The Daily News publishes a. despatch from Odessa stating that M. Kildes- ed an improvement in the telephone, by the use of which distance has no effect upon the hearing., In a recent experiment between Moscow and Ros- toff, an the Don, a distance of 890 miles, talking, music and singing were heard (with perfect distinetnems, For the purpose of this experiment an‘ordin- ary telegraph wire was used., The de- spatches say that M. Kildeechewsky will go to London to experiment with his Improvement on the Atlantic cable tt9reH1.,.Undontnd New York. The Times piibiighegvigs iiiiiii report on the condition of the British crops. It shows scarcely any change since the list (report, issued on August 7._ When t .. m-.-.. -_--- A . _ T THE RECENT IRISH CONVENTION DENOUNCED AS A SHAM "Sir,-1 am directed by the Miniattsr of Trade and Commerce to request you to call the attention of {our board to the subject of the silo e extension of the trade of the dominion in various direotions. The Minister will be pleas ed to receive and consider any sug- gestions which you or your colleagues may see fit to offer as to the met ode whereby in your opinion existing trade can be increased or new traffic devel- oped in any direction. In particular. he would bis glad to be advised whe- ther you have to report any material alterations within the past year in .the quantities and values of the principal articles now exported from your a.ee- tion of the Dominion to other countries. Secondly, whether in your g21iog the traffic in any of these articles could readily be increased. and if so in which classes and to what countries. Third- ly, .w.hether there are orig other articles which you consider mig t be exported to advantage, and if so which. ind to what market." Sir Richard Cartwright is taking tsteps to inform himself as to the wags In which trade may be developed. 9 has, through his Deputy Minister, ad- dressed the following letter to the van- ous, Boards of Trader-r .. --. . L -- Mble far the Government to give on answer to the demand on the mnr of the moment, and all that he could ny was_that the matter would be duly considered. m asked Mr. Hacks“ to g,',r,','tnge,,r supply him with all the in- oranation he poaessed. MILITIA DRILL. On a motion for concurrence in the To.ttot 8446000 for the purposes of drilling the militia, .Mr. Borden gave a. number pf. par- ticulars. which showed that it was tgtrig,', to drill 10,624 men 111 the on; ttallons at head uarters, at an estl- mated cost of 885,300. while to enable $1,411 men in the cavalry, field batter- tea, and rural Infantry to drill '226,000 had been set apart. The vote was concurred in. EXTENSION OF TRADE, rt - LATEST BY CABLE. A REBEL CHIEF. takt circum- men of taking The English papers J'il,.r,yi,d, the Irish conVention aaaeomplete ailure, looking upon it as a Tel'tuyWoly wake over the corpse of Irish parliamentary agitatioh. The Select Committee of the House of Lords, in considering what amend- meats should be made to the Lord's Day Act, reaches the conclusion that any material changes in existing legis- lation would be harmful. Following the close of the third day's mansion of the Irish convention in Dub- lin on Thursday. Mr. John Dillon and a number of his friends were mobbed on Sackville street, and were rescued with difficulty by the police and con-, ducted to the' Imperial hotel. l ‘ Sir Phili Currie, British Ambula- dor to hugely, is reported tobe takin back ttith an initruetioG to dens more firmly with the Sultan end to not b','f'ttidaet2 of the other power. it need . He is also given tree com- mand at and tsid to enforce hie de- mands. ' l UNITED STATES. . The State of Vermont went Republi- can on Tueede by 88,000 majority. Thin y 1iill4t1'h'tllhl' the Republican mn- -- "__.. “van-v but: Mpuolmn my jot-its! pt four year: ago. Ot ion! Emmi-y figure. show re- mit"- of fit. ch-a-lil _ . ' The Clyde and Belting]; shipbuilders have settled their dlffgrences with their employees by conceding the ad- vance in wages demanded by the H, _.__, -- -__ -__- “on" luau Lcll, ISLr"i- in his neck on the performing pedes- M. He sustained a dephu3enierit of the spinal column). which caused paralysis of the enurg body, and may result ‘11: Permanent diaabieinent ot the '--. l... _ lower limbs. Ben Laydell, a tyappze performer at the Industrial Exhibition, Toronto, met with a serious accident on Thursday evenin . In doing the double. somer- sault ft, miscalcul?ited the jump, on gloomy}: of Elle bad light, and fell, strik. tain the intentions of the Government as to the taking of a p.lebitcite on pro- hibition. Mr. Laurier. In reply. said it was the intention of theGui/eirnment to introduce next scs_sion the necessary leg- islation authorizing an? taking of a glebiscite on the quesuon of prohibi- {ion . A damnation liom the pGs.inidn Alli- ance waited upon mg. Premier at Ob. paymdon . Thugday, In. Prdttr to ascer- Mayor Fleming. on behalf of the To- ronto City Council, on Tuesday pre- sented Premier Hardy with an address of congratulation and welcome [won tho occasion pf his.acce.t.ssior? to the I re- miershig, and to signatize his first visit to the ity Hall in that capacity. At aspccial meeting of the City Council of Guelph, Ont.. it was decided to take proceedings against Edmund Harvey. the late City Treasurer. to re- cover the indebtedness due from him to the city. The criminal ptoceedintps will be referred to the Crown. Sir Richard Cgu‘twright is taking steps to inform himself as to the TE in which trade may be developed. 6 has addnessed a letter to the various" Boards of Trade, asking for informa- tion on the subject. Prof. Craig, horticulturist of the Gen- tral Experimental Farm, has returned to Ottawa from a. tour of inspection through the N iagara fruit-growing dis- tricthand looks upon the yield as the beg! Injwra. _ A A _ -- Mr. Wm. Parkhouae has taken ero- 8tflgr against the London l "est Counci for the repaf'ment of 31,061. which was levied 'm 895 for the sink- ing fund, and afterwards used for cur- rent expenses. It! of tG-ii-Gi North Grimsby Township Council has passed a by-law granting right of way to the Cataract Power Company througn the township, thus completing the, right of way from Decew Falls to Hamilton. Sir William Van Horne of the CA. R. writes that the story which IS going the rounds of the press that. the road from Woodstock to Brantford would soon be built is not at all well founded. Fourteen miles of the Lake Dauphin Railroad has been completed, and tracklayers are pushing the work with great. rapidity. The first shipment of g,lleat over the new line has been ma e. Itisatated that some prospectors have gone so far inland in British Columbia that unless help is organized they are like_ly to be overtaken by winter, and perish of cold and starvation. tp hen-v: Mr. Marshall Stevens, Manager of the Manchester Ship Canal, " in Montreal tor the purpose of making the advantages of the undertaking known to the shippers. Hamilton City Council decided to lay the water pipe for the Dominion Cold Storage f2tig,',"7,.e,f refused to grant any exemption tom taxation. At a srecial meeting of the Canadian Cat Nai Association at Montreal it was decided to reduce the cost of eat nails five cents per keg. The lumbering interests of the Ottqwa district are very Iguiet at present. being affected by the ieaidential contest in the United States. :Luml ”annual, making Hie JC for the year to date 0%;498,000. Mr. William Stock. 3 West Flamboro' farmer, was fined $10 and costs for having punished a pedlar for leaving the gate open. The Winnipeg Counpi} is going to inquire into the municipal sygtem of Toronto with a. view of adopting ser- tain reforms. lance, wmcu on.» us» AM "an.-.” The by-law to expend '200,000 in per- {gating the sewerage system was car- ried in London by over 600 majority. Walkerville is improving tug water service by putting in a yew pump, two new steel boilers and uring anam- her of mains. l, Gairii,w Pg House at St. Thomas has been sol to H. Rothwell, of De- troit for 816,000. Mr. Laurier has been invited to go- oept a banquet from Canadian: reild- ing in Worcester, Mam. Rev. Canon Clark of Ancasber {all out of a plum tree on a. barb wm fence, which out his tyely1l.y All the Ontario harvest buds who went to Manitoba found employment. The Internal Economy Committee of its lgouge of Commons have abolished e r. Interesting lulu About Our Own Country. 0m: Britain. the United sum. and All M o! the Globe. Condo-nod and Armtetrd lot Buy Ito-alum ma VERY mailman ALL ma WORLD OVER. Jiilillllllllllllillllillll, CANADA. t, will}. Aug- with E;M Only dang not; are rammed to de- (tt . perfect mosquito tron! the egg. l --- Hay Fever and Cunt-h Believed in 10 to 60 Mimi-thid abort. putt of thy; breath through the Blower. sup- titil with each bottle of Dr. A new'a uarrhai Powder. diffuses thin 'RTit " over the qttrfnU of thn nun] nan, " our the was of itiirRiaiaiL cage-a Painless and delight/tn! to use. It Jitle,.'e.t i.tst'y,tln.,ytf, parquqqntly It Wolievei "Sign ITf, FirrariiLoiferrtrr' cum Catarrh, Hay Fever, Colthr,HeatC who. Sore Throat, Tommi: “(I Duf- Riheumtiam Cured in s Dar.-9ouits Amisrieah Rheumatic Cure, for Rheu- matism 'and Neuratgtn; radically cures in l to 8 days. Ita action upon the system is remukable end mysterious. It removes st one. the “use end the disease immediately disappears. The first dose greedy benefits. 75 cents. mestica. The common house fly, in the mouth of the scientist, become. the Mum do. . q, _-_- -n... -. on "I'""'"'."" Lu 3 magma Bengt. One dose convmves - ,7 - -'---'ee.'.V -vv-nvvvu “I W unuutveu. -Dr. Agney's Cum for the Heart. gives r,r,,rgl, relief in all cases " Organic ympnthetic Heart Disease in 80 min- utes, and speedily effects a cure. It is a peerless remedy for Palpitatinn. Sh9rtness of Breath, Smothering Spells. Fag} in 1319!; Sign allay 'ul symptoms of ,W.-- _._v..... w uu |lllu||lc In reaching the very. topmost limbs of the tallest trees. Those who make a specialty of fine fruit know so well the value of that which is hand-picked, but they will mmiute any conven- move for securing apples that other- wme wont! go to waste. -. a“. -.u-.,. ;uw Milt-H aum' down through the cloth tube and are not bruised or injured. If there are ex- tremeli' 11?]: branches. one may mount a step- ad er in the won. train whigh min:- Pele 'rhouhttiii no trouble In ventenoe and economy. and as it is one that can be put tqgether by on! no- vice. it is worth while to make l and have it at hand-in one at need. There are almost; always hayrakea without teeth, and the handles of three of these makes the pole to which the Picker is attached. The handles are astened together either by screws or by wmding with wire, so that they are perfectly solid and firm. Thin is necessary to the sum at the. ap- Trrtattots, Then to one end is fastened a. wire bent into the shape of the let- ter. U, but with the wires only about 1 inch apart. This should be made of ordinary telegraph wire. the end to be wound around the pole. From these wires B long. narrow tubing of cloth runs to a basket carried on the arm of the fruit gather“. With this little invention one ma pick the fruit l ' very: taJl_tre_es. h,', aooies slider There are apple-pickers in market, but they are too expensive for many persons, and others are too far re- moved from matelrstt. to be able to se- cure them when wanted. A home- made picker is, therefore. a. great con- Venienoe and economy, and as it is one that can be out. te-ttl- M - ML Such apples will not keep for any length of time, and never bring good prices in any market. All fine fruit should be picked by hand, and caw fully placed in proper receptacles. . As there are many branchos to which no one can reach with ordinary lad.. ders, and as extra Imtg ones are not owned by all fruit-growiim, many apples must be either wasted by being bruised when they fall to the ground or they remain upon the tree until they are tog_ripe to be of any use. Qytpi1eyeyuriirveu, Lav!) Minutes the ground they are bruised and al- most worthJea. " Inge-lou- Co-Irlvn-re for Hem-gilt l‘tult Fro. Ila Tron. The great value of autumn and win- ter apples lies in the care with which they are gathered. When shaken from the trees and allowed to fall upon It is announced that the Czar and Emperor Franz Josef and the states- men who attended the recent political conference in Vienna arrived at an agreement which will probably settle the Armenian trouble without the dis- tity""' of the existing Turkish boun- ary. # High Government officials in St.Pet- ersburg express the opinion that the death, of Prince Loban6ff, the Russian Minister ot Foreign Affairs, will not in- vplve u change in the policy of Rus- am. It is rumoured in Rome that King Humbert will announce his abdication after the marriage of the Prince of Naples, the heir-Upparemt, to Princess Helen of Montenegro. which in to take place. early in November. . A despatch from Buluwayo says it is reported that a serious distqtmeieen..t has taken place between Mr. Cecil, Rhodes, and General Martin, the lat- ter insisting u n the unconditional surrender of almhe Matabelel. . ,,,, 77* -_'__ -"'"w'- - 'V-J low. Some mills and other works have closed during the Week; others do not ghow Any glacial increase; the demand " dull, an prices generally low. Un an other hand. there had been con- alderable 'speculative Jl,tgtat,i,'g, of wool, and prices will pr My improve. Cotton goods are stronger, with some lines quotably higher. GENERAL. Dr. Nansen, the Norwegian explorer. has mturned to Drontheim. Quiet now prevails in Constantinople, and it u hoped that all danger of tar- ther rioting' has passed. gutter-“2y a. slight stiffening of price: or man wtur goods. During the Week corn at Chicago has rumba the lgweat point on record. Iron is a trifle ftp" JIl prioq.nbut tpelqutput is yery Dr. Thomas Gallngher. the Irish- Asmsrenrr_drmuttiter' who wu recently liberated from Portland prison, gin-1v- (od in New York yesterday. _It is re- rted that his mental faculties are 3 CCI] wreck. Our commercial summary reports gractically no change in the general mines lituntion throughout the Unit- tsd States. But, owing to the heavy imports of gold, anxiety as to immedi- ate trouble rom the momma?! situation is allayetl. and a. better fee ing exists in financial circles, which must react beneficially on trade, which is al- ready alleged to _he Mint in some The only trrey.1dtuyrtttar ot Philip Armour. the minimum meat Packer, in being nursed In an incubator. She nu born jab-May. and the phy- sicians decided this was the only way toyroang her lifts, _ - - It In area-ad that Ocpt. Albert Drey- ful. conv had of betraying French mil- tgr plant. haa output from .the H- l where he wu outtid. Ha wife I: reported to have gunned the escape. The Seattle backs. ave determined, " c matter of rumination, to charge two per cent. on pnncdian bills. while fifty- ccnt Pieced will be taken for forty centa, and wonty-five-cent piece. for twenty GATHERING AN LES. Pile. Cured in , to 6 G: Mtr2, Olizque'nt I'M” Sun ttts I08 m rom 3tic Oar, app tcation brings m1; Blind and Bleeding Pales it L AUo can! Tenet b'olg hheuu According to the Mosaic cunt wag "elean" and wig brthe Jews. 10 eta. Cum Constipminn nun . nh-Dr- “new". Liver nu; are gytyt perfect nude. and rare like P. Back Hepdnrhe, Constipniuu, Bah m' tttdi.tryr'tty and all Liver Ills an“ n viisi--40 doses. The largest American over half an inch in long .Wier in Six mrurs.--Hitrl Kidney and Bladder lllwasei 1 in an: hour. by th" "Suullu A: ‘Kidnoy Cure." This mm mm" any. surprise and do in; up I of It! excee'ling promp:tl"t" In in! will in the bladder. RUIN.“ Ind our, part of the. ur nary p ie mic or female; lt Mines hon ot water and pain in P" almost immediately. If yot1 'tl? relief 3nd cure this is you great deal brisk-r. ll mported for 1cm, m was rangin:,r from I: tend to Hana»; Fi. Vgleocia [Wallis a!“ Liverpool, :Hmul th. gurrants by Cust din mg Palms on the 2‘ due here the Legiuning Inner: of iron and h orally are luying u: needs, but will)» fr“ no reported in dotn.s uh. plan-s aw quite s' lined. and decidtsdly leather and hides 1 with stocks in the [:11 considerable accumulut ment- last week wow the seam, but the mar ot the late advunvc‘. at are also off 1 little. I continue heavy, and [I at the ndvanre. Money l, or ran-a; it is mm.» hulkl have agreed an wt to make can loan cent" but funds are s some quarters at 41-2.. . The trade tiitaatior, improved alighxly m are asun-d and up are hopeful. The-n- (fhunge in the prices I Supplies. generally. pmspeqls we not ta, mg prwea. There i, grooerles. with good " which rule firm. it 1. little firmer. Tlv, gm null as yet, bu: mom the paym. II' improve with the iuv. of money. Money I g to 51-2 per cent. it to 7‘per cent. for ' New Cork drafts h n.- pmmium in cons-q u. n ed confidence at pr. s I United States. Cirt, [ London on foreign C' ll. are higher, then a. s', noted during the w... is" C. P. R. and \Vrp'rl'l mum Railway sub-k. blower. on realm“: The visible suppl, United States and 45.574.000 lmahela, b can bushels for tlu :30 the total was Ind two years ago {he amount. of w} ‘urope in Iti,8i.tl,00it (new of 1,010,000 f I. year ago my total 27.040“ Lattsuedss. I Great activity esi, 1Kilauea]. Over hum ttour done have Ire: Wat this seamxl at, d ttrain barked hll been largely ia last you. The Itock of wheat tnt bushels. as com; bullish! last week, an amending date of lits; Ihipmenu last week ' m1]. an incww (I Tb bulk clearings the mouth d August l u compared with 830,4 and ”325,343 for Aug: Ihe foreign slut-Am Shh: trade for July ti My. the exports of I max 811,178,iai, an musing .21.09H,080, as the nine month last y. Honey in New York is all loan- rulingai " to laden the Open marlul In firmer at 11-: m but the Bank of Ifngmnj unchanged at 2prr mm The domain; of Nun l week Mased ow-r 8il.i, plus nerve of Ihv .'_, there in now only 827% HINDI!” a Fear up”, two years ago. ___ -..- """"ul are “I; bushels. u mmd with Itutt Oh a you Mo. [may I: eturier in New Nt thte treasury resum- of gold in , tneun-e in conwmwuoe of tltt Ian Ptieta (1 gold from Eur-m. Tu “W of wheat and Fort William m Wit ll mmumd .. TD conversion l con-on into 31-2 The Bunk of In”. 0600.000 in gold trua Ion. Items or In! FIELD HEM} mm 'eysiiii"iil' “I ply " o, and Interns“. "" In. 'tttr n 1i Per In print“... , eases Mit .1111 dttl ml " on "ikmrst m in nu!" kidneym " nary Fee. Wd em; YUM. 'e.'.' - . ' like ite. on, Bill" iver tir" law “an ' " r, t Wen n Gustaf“ them, It? ' FIRM md “ml It com“ year. an; , in“ I u. r “it. i L infill 6 piling " you “If, you! - and Ie'. III of A m a: and tht ham the was d m " " Ll"lhlt] at New lyt, (colon... tfoil We]. 'tus, Ppt I. l: but“. ma" n 'ttelt use!“ " :1 at: 100E but“ n. " SWIM ll per n diatmat " 'et, rate on: mam" mom i n, [ed at “and "ie* W " W mi will I nor. Ct mir?, WW pawl MS I, Metr :53 " Iii LI) a! -e. ttt 'h9i Mi “Th. “new W att alla M tdt mid . In Ir,tf 54 e. H." LT. a. . - “Ml one " th. ill'i'lrffr, NE cm that " win h. m r. and. T.hi.a, 'it.orisiiii “Emu,- tAlt,,', d Sue ' t i1'iiil'i-,,ii:i, wit? tt Wind ti It.“ M.iiiddir, of a: who ... u h hid Plum tt into Glenn! 'd tne inea We ”no: “in lastly I ttiill'hf Ilium “pat "In; -- - - In I at,“ off fort Ieaii 1Umtiij Paitr. MCI-[om “d. tight Lille tttt 1Prti.cre - u thir taiCi2'r'C,'u, 'egtesd an um "(uttered n4 “Non which L on FWry 17 ",.tifff-ria, n TiGi7"inli'iiv,'f,t " pe Py.ttl , will! " 13655; ili “and Pen-in tgiiieit,'. Cur '60 o hut 'liffld"ic ti lt we who: Mus ut an .Agrlmive. in N A.ruadG, il. M hack M, 1881. and”; " Wk "tt we“ Iltanked Prince ream. Maiid de mon Pom-w in m Tite other Camry have iguana are W was an fe, l, and t “bani?“ Ti m m I Ptiitiad . 1967. au- y' ikaii', new," toria has we 'll'2Pitit IN an , L}; [Hum aogriiir?i fir Volvo: " Cu HT, 17, that)“ m u m. FE gum I New TIE (pron misc-ed _ minor 19, Jet mouse-IN I Jun- 25. 1836. gougin- “131 s pawl. tired " the 'll bura.t and cri m. Song: Opt! Bellnmou can number} you to mod the min' moat the murdered in Liam. who Pmmideitt G: new“ of two AMI datttrerourc, 1'mrtoqroU wan; - " um; I It "Ritalin; hm. Wu [my the I caped the d: Sunken nu Gum's dag; eqrh of All.” a was King uved by Mi (m Pam Th (has: but one an - Clement. Franco to d, had hip I out]: the in time Famine: by the man Duke of '-. tAn vel, and the his {but in which VII In in; a penknL manner, and mind of u . Other pol fortunate, L ot Dumas. not: of t ataatt- in (aunties or uncle: t Seame at . however. by [ha assai - of difference. 3ny the on puma. no dmamn at than "U l soverei Mic Md a . dim: us t “PM u in“ wait gonna, More than chm. PM about sun Hen-I , political in the who“ merely trout ed Premier out Fume. murderous]. which play can! THE my: meal autumn l recouped Why do If]; - ' I'D. II" -‘n (‘n lauded riot' 8 'ytyied

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