Ontario Community Newspapers

Grey Review, 23 Jul 1896, p. 8

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go 9 ----sgt-tetqtqr--tetetq+gllt-t--- A DEPARTMENTAL STORE. _ UPPER TOWN. Aisles of' ‘em, Shelves crammed with 'em, Counters clogs ged with 'em, These dress goods and men’s ready made clothing, all charmingly new, nothing lacking but space to show them. A brilliant beginning of another season, with new clothing and new values. For many years this store has been the favorite outfitting headquarters. The present opportunities are remar1catne---unequa11ed---ror the follows Ing: Look In on Tuesd ay next, July M--- "Gem" extra soap, 15 has for 2tie. Bicycle sureaters worth $1.50 for 900 and $1.20. Canned Peaches, Reg. me for Iiic. Dixon's Stove Polish, Reg. 10c for 80. ed at $5.25.. .. New Black worsted coats and vests '11.00 for $8.75. (Bound.) New dark gray stripe Pants, worth 81.75 for $1.30. Child's Tan Buttoned Boots at 43c pr. Men's Plough Boots,) (Ontario made) Reg. $1.25 at. we pr. I Our stock of women's, men's and hors' new Ame: - lean Razor toes shoes is the most comglete in Dur- ham for nob y footwear. Sooour stock. Our Clothing department is filled to overflowing ' 1000.00 worth of new Suits have ji1st been added. Child Tan Low Shoes (American made) Reg. 85c, 74c pr. Re0path's No l, Gmnu- latod Sugar, 20 lbs. for 81. Marmot Ceylon Tea in lead Packets Mc. Fearless Lobster, 2 cans} for 25c. I J., Forfrpt Cityjikg. Powder} French Sardines, 5e can. Aetyeyy Blue Serge Suits well lin- Bicycle suits worth $5.00 for $2.90. Silver gloss starch, 7c lb. BUTTER AND EGGS bought at highest prices and are taken some as cash on Bargain Days We-Bur-Wool-for-tsash. Hair Curlers t')glt, jBARGAIN DAY Lii' Attractions, {ORIGINATORS Oli' LOW PRICES; moo-o.” ”W New Goods always arriv- ing. Double fold Selecin link} ings, Reg. 10 and 1250 for) Se yd. I Women's cotton stock ings from 7c pr, up. Full Line of Ladies' un- ‘dervests from 5c each up} Crumbs Prints, 10c yd. ( Sateen Prints, 12.he rd. , Dimity Blouse effects very new at 14c yd. Dress Duthing, m navy blue with white stripe, reg. 124c at 9c yd. Dry Goods J et Trimming. Ladies' new shirt waists. Blouse effects, (14c yd.) Fialisburys in Black Velvet, 23c yd. New Cretones 10e yd. Sing]? Han_dTe mmtuly/8s tor 30, Men's Stylish white open from: shirts, $1.20 each. Mom’s Stylish Linen collars, 150 each. New light underwear from 25c up. New pantings from 350 yd. up. Cheap Valises, just the thing for North West Tourists, good size, see them. Others at 90e pr. won th $1.25. Pinks and " Po1ona Ceylon Tea, 28c Carolina Pine Tar for cattle. etc., Reg 15c at 12kc a bottle. Men's cotton socks, 4 pr. for 25c. Binding gloves cheap. Granite Preserving Ket- tles §pnceasked elsewhere. Milk Cans, Reg. me for (19t: each. Fine Furniture Varnish 15 and Mc a can. Scythes Ca) IN Cradles, cradle fingers, Hoes, (Hay Rakes, me each.) 3551mm Pokes were 650 Ci, - 'iii. B, whet stones ik were 100. Suaths tii) itbi, Itedpath's Best yellow Sugar 25 lbs. for $1.00. Straw hats, reg. 10e for 7c. " " Ith: '. 9c. " GI 18C " lee. Hay Forks, 800 at 5 price. Lemons 15c Dozen. " 100 for 70. July 28 were 70e Mii‘IEHHaRTgJiB'{Eféfigaf'éd with Mr. N. McIntyre of Durham or timbering ope.t!ytiont and. hoeded, tle., POOP gait: Misseq Efflo and Annie Morrison are home for their vacation from the Queen City their many friends are glad to see then:l look so well and in so happy tb moo . Miss Jessie A. Benton from Durham has returned home and will remain for a. time. Mr. Jas. Benton is holidaying at the parental home. _ . The Bunelsan Picnic On Friday was largly attended, the best eyer seen in Bunessan. A good lengthy programme was disposed of in' good taste, after which t e breaking of bread and the drinking of tea was satisfactory. The Children enjoyed their sports and prizes in the hast of humor. There was several other amusements, heaps of fun and everybody happy. i',,';" ifiii7iiitiF%rGruiiitidrie.1 of Waterloo. These young men will be much missed. Saddle and Flora thinks Glen, Jack and Archie are about Plight" we think it was Tom that bought t e livery and is worthy of all the praise and thanks. Mr. Alex. McDonald from 6th in com- rany with his sister Miss Flora paid. a Mef visit to friends here on Sunday evening last. . The young folks of this Burg attended a pleasant, event at the home of Mr. Alex. Carson's of the Grove on Wed- nesday evening. Miss Maggie McQuarrie, Messrs Key- land, McDougall and MoLulichlan we are sun-y to report, are all on the sick list at present. Messrs Tom Neil and Jack Benton. of Pomona. visited Mr, John McLauchlan last SundaY. T. N..on his next visit will do wel have aquleter horse as such speedy animals as cause a autticient draft to “I? away hats are rather too fast for the rove. The girls object, to chasing bats along the road. Mrs. and Mr. Neil, from Cleveland. U. S. visited friends m the town last Friday. Miss H. Sullivan, from Amherstburg is visiting her parents in this vicinity at A young man by the name of Joseph from Ttaversto'n was in this vicinity on Sunday. His story is that he was out on a cow hunt. Geo. Deans and M. McTaggart have ulchased the thrashing machiuu from W. J. McLean and intend to push work along. Since my last writing the hay crop has got nearly all taken down in and order. We have been favored (,','id ex- ceptionally gland weather this season. and hay in t is vicinity is generallyn fair crop, Last week a c mous of pseudo veterinary experts were called in to see a sick new at Henry Bros. After various opinions had been expressed the cow suddenly took a. hand in the business by breaking the rope with which she was tied an the agility of one of the part was to the surmise of the others called into play in such a surprising Tanner, that they one and all f,"gt,tiit"), their opinion that, there was no oubt on the subject of his having spent part of hislife in the rigging of a ship as none but a. sailor could have made such an easy exit over all obstacles without much practice. The Orangemen's day, the 12th, Was very quiet here. Not a flag was seen in our village to temind us of the lorious victory at the Boyne, but on th',',',")',?;" morning a few went to other places to celebrate the day. F ifcr Alfred Haw and H, Allen went to Durham for the Holstein mule: others to Dundalk for the bhelbourne route. The scarcity of money Was a drawback to some. A jolly party of the boys and " from Scotch Town waited Mr. and h"i'l Alex. Carson last Wednesday night and enjoyed themselves tripki‘ing the light fantastic till daylight. hey were one of the most amiab e crowds that ever visited this section and will always be welcome. Mr. and Mrs. Carson were greatly pleased and entertained their visitors royally. However we had another event that morning that made quite " stir in our village and drew out quite a. bit of the needt'ul so that enabéed some of our people to purchase their little extras. A farmer here. was seen driving some cat- tle along the road and it was soon noised abroad that the village cattle were "lac- ed in the pound for destroying this man’s fan-den. The pound keeper was aroum telling the people that owned them that there were ten head of cattle in his pound and $10 damages against them, 00 cents each. There was~ another gathering up of money. Just at the finishing u part one. man that was told that he but? two head in and was paying his 81 for damages for them and 40 cents poundage. The pound keeper told him there were two more head in, four in all although the same pound keeper told him and others some little time before that, there was only two of his in, ten head altogether and these two head had jumped in his pasture field or commons off the road where the fence, was down low. ()ur Pound Keeper then collected $6 damages form our farmerand we hear he. only paid $5. Our people here. are very iiurignent over' the matter and are advising this man who had the extra money to pay to enter roeeedings in the court against. this Found Keeper and others. We hope forthe good name of our village that peace will be made, hut things appear to he veto unsatisfact ory We had a fine min on Monday the 13th. The win and looking after pound ed cattle prevented one old veteran from going to Shelburne with the brethren. lis wife said it was the hhst time ever she knew him to miss a 12th of July for nearly 40 years. J. ML-Ardle and J. McDonald lmda business trip to Mount, Forest. James Fettis raised a Tpe barn lust, week. Alex Kennedy did the framing. The Latter Day Saints held two even- ing meetings in the Hall lwre. Good preaching by Elder Brown of the coun- ty of Kent. There was not large crowds to hear him. Messrs Malcolm, Archie and Aly ge- SCOTCH TOWN. MAPLE GROVE. HOPEVILLE. ,-.- 1 McLauchlan his next visit 'horse as such so a aufBcient TOM. ,,_,--... .., a". wuss. unmet-on for sale, or will rent on tenant mg“: th I _ to on e rem-ea or p” p J. P.1'ELFORD. That, eli 'hle mi tlt trii'ilp'i'llf'l'h'i'Jli, A BARGAIN! Comparatively little of our cheese. is consumed in Canada. Our people only used it as a kind of relish, and not at a I as a staple article of food. We are in no sense of the term a ch.etse-eatinsr people. True, we have. not the great centres of population that the mother country has. comprised of the working and middle classes, who have to use wholesome, substantial. and economical foods in order to sustain them when at work, and which can be had at the low- est possible cost; but we have in Canada, a. la e agricultural class. whose outdoor 1ltl1t,tfl'fl 11','g."it, them to take nu- tritious foods, an ' besides, in our cities and towns a large class of workingman who are compelled to live as economical- ly as possible. There appears. therefore. to be considerable room for developing our home market for cheese. and for in- ducing our people to become greater consumers of that nutrition. article of food than they _a.re. present. She has become an expert cyclist since leaving this section and seems to enjoy the wheel immensely. The residents of the Grove are gassed to learn that their neighbor, rs. J. Henry, who has been very sick in Guelph for some weeks past is now in a fair way of recovery. Mr. Dan Campbell keeps the road well broken to the east of the Grove. Some of our Priceville friends visited McKlllop’s Creek a. few days ago. We have not the names of the party. opular Landlady of the' thdihCVaiiid ff.'d'lllt in the Groye last week. We hear an echo of wedding bells west of the Grove. We expect ere long to hear the reality. Haymuking is nearly wound up for another year, and mosbof the farmers have mote hay then they were expect- mg. Mrs. Morehead hm, returned from an extended visit to her daughter In Cleve- land, Ohio. There has been considerable talk during the past year or two In reference to the developement of our home market for cheese. The agitation alongtbis line has been more noticeable since cheese has taken the drop in grieve. Before that time the prices for c eesc for export, had been good for a number of yams. and the local market was largely looked upon only as " dumping ground for all cheese that was not consi ered of fine enough quality to send to the English consumer. since the depression in prices, however, leading dairylnen have been looking to to the home' market as an outlet for some of our tine cheddar cheese. Fair day passed off very quietly this week. Quitea. number of cattle were on the ground but, no purchasers. Miss McLaucblan, of Durham, visited her friends around here last week. Mr. Peter McLeod and his sister, of 'lt/ttggi, were the guests of Mr. Wm. Me od last week: Miss Grace Johnston is renewing her acquaintance among“ her Prifeviile friends. Miss Charlotte McLeod returned to Toronto after a month’s recreation at her parental abode. Miss Bella Mchugnll, of Durham, is spendinf a. couple of weeks with her sister, , rs. J. McLean. Dr. Mary Brander leaves this week to take “pa new H here in life. We are sorry to lose smut-E an efficient Dr. but, hope that, Dr. Boil, of Toronto, who has come in her place may prove as skilful as. she. We Welcome him to our com- munity. Mr. Neil Cameron, of Grand Rapids, is the guest. of his sister this week. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Don tld, of Kilsyth, were the guests of the latter’s sister, Musk J. McKechuie, a. few days this wee , Mr, Allan McKinnon, of Durham, visited his sister Mrs. Manuchhm Mon. day last. Robert Reily took his departure to Parry Bound last week. Mt. and Mrs. S. Henderson attended a double wedding at inisuige last Tues- day when their niece, Miss Emma Moove and ilt'. Robert Atchesun were united also Miss Atcheson and Mr. Hutcheson. Miss Jmnimn Smdhnrt, of Rochester, is home for a few week's vacation. A few of tho young people attended the S'. S. picnic at Bunessau last Friday. Angus MvRechnie, Jr. took a bicycle tour to o. Sound last week. A contemporary says the following couples were 'proclaiuied in matrimony" one year in Seollan t f Thomas Black and Mary White, Peter Day and Helen knight. Solomon Bank and Catherine Vale, James Hill and Susan Dale, 1mm- b’later and Jane Thatcher, John Barker and Mary Butcher, Stephen Head and Nancy Heart, \Villiam Suitelv and Jessie tjlxzart. Joseph Reed and Julia Hay. Thomas Spring and Mary May, lo>eph Brown and Kitty" Green, John" Robins and Jenny Wren. William Castle and Nancy Hall, Peter Chatter and Fanny Call, Joseph Mann and Eliza Child, James Merry and Lucy Wild, Thomas Bruin and Mary Bear, James Fox and Catherine Hare, Andrew ('lay and Lucy Stone, Michael Blood and Lizzie Bone, John Cloak and Julia Hood, Edward Cole and Nancy Wood, James Broom and Ellen Birch, Charles Chapel and Susan Church. Miss Jennie Conkey, of Dundalk. is visiting her many Pcicevillc friends this week. Miss Agnes Bull, of Durham, wusa visitor in Priceville on Monday. THE HOME MARKETS FOR CHEESE. Me. Jy. MY1omrld,, of Priceville. the MARRIAGE E CWtAORDINAItY --Utotk Fume for July. bl . . l'legttidt,ntiy let, at prey PRICEVILLE. --.-. - -. ..- P... v. Chas. Unmeton II rent on Womb]. 0 WER Other Insecticides. 20 on the 2nd and lots 22.1113 Zt on the 3111 can. N. D. It., Glenelg. 125 "t't's r-lnam-d. balanvo good lmvdwmul hush. Well fenced and Witter-tl by two wells and two springs. Good Imanng otwhnrd, Buildings all gum]. Farm is situated ll nCe from school, ll mile from Post Ofnce, ll mile hom Township Hall. while a chiueh is located upon Int. Will he sold on easy terms. Fur furtlwr pur- ticulars apply to _> fe/TY. ".f "f? arm-s Aeinw (‘mnlxwpd of lot. June 6th, 1896. OFFICE FIRST noon EAST OF the Durham Pharmacy Caldop's, Black. "emdenee first door west of the P 086 Off1ce, Durham. Will be in Pricevip,e the first Wednes- day in each month. Office at the Com- mercial Hotel. ""r?""""e- "Tree-rr.--.--, Seed: RAPEC V FiiiiirGien gndMillet Grass EUQEWEEAT. The ..eyytsiirntd _offets for, safe bi lube One True Blood Puritier. All druggllu. " Pnpuedonly try C. I. Hood & Co., Lowe". Mass an» back; the norm commenced to tteat. My limb. stnighunod out and I threw ""r, my crutch“: I gm no! stout All“! The Iron grasp of scram]: has no mercy upon its victims. This demon of the blood is often not "tistied with pausing dreadful cpl-es, but racks: the body with the pains of rheumsdlm until Hood’s Samparilla cures. "Nearly tour yam ago I beam at- ftieted with metal: and rheumcbm. Running sore- broko out on my thighs. Place- of bone mum, out and In operation was oontomptatod. I had rheunuthm In my legs, drawn up out of shun. l loot ap- petite, could not deep. I was n perfect wreck. I continued to grow worn sud Emu, an up thy doctor's tmtmont to “to Bood'l Sarawak. Boon appetite ”ml, In? - Th",,',','?,,', 'i"X'i"l It!" n o wu I or 0. rec- ommea Hood’l (lRll'lllah.'f/ Jun! mlxon, TAN. Grow, 11tinoU. euro liver Ills. easy to Hood's Pills taett,etrsytoopertrta. 25c. Pure -- Paris Green. Church’s Bug Finish. Slugshot and Filood's Cripple Dr. T. G. HOLT L. D, tr Strictly DENTISTRY. Clocks Made liIttllhllulig d Co. ALEVE. cw cams Mil cams FARM FOR SALE. Well MODERN. " GORDON. Sarsaparilla ALIVE ! AT Are not Ancient but Arc me: dead but --Suit-.- DONALD GRAHAM. Bunesmm P. ( d washes DURHAM. " to tif iToTUi,Wnr ar; Mann-'50" Child an 2 “NS. NT. lull- or PM “I: m;- bon- me. send cum» “I" and maul-u " coco. THE SEYMOUR wr- PLT 0 Ionic Temp“. Guade- ti, d, m. Inn I. man, awn. In! m. Wm: II. rm land caution, nod that dread duet-o f,iat,t,iediiii,i, anxious to make kn: u u to " “"0. I are" the mum ot euro. To those - dosing". he till abouttu and (he. of wanna 'rcrrof tho Mpton and. nun-1. they an a" s In" on. tor 'itttgtt/ttt: 4...... ffi. norm-mount...“ up...“ “a g.“ a“ ' Ho ttttt gut calm" will try tin- rt": _ r, ultlsinvdn tte. Thou 1t','yy,?,l":,T:T,1Q", chh will mu than: naming. and may WU" bin-lug, will None mare“. We are Til,',')',,', to take hailding I?" tracts and urnish all kinds of Mater-ml at living prices. Ive, hog to announce to the public that we have the null wbuilt and retitled with Opposite the Mai (Hater House; Thanking You one and all for your patronage in past years and trusting you will favor me with a fair sham of the same this year. PLAN“ ANO MATCHING/ 't2TUiu"i't"r1or'i' of Tweeds, Flatttteh, Y urns, Blankets, eta, ( Immer’s make) now on hand audave pre- pared to wyire in ex- e/ (Inge WonSUgt S1rA.N1pPio_F1T., $911!! Eggs taken in exchange or Cash Thes “Monica“ having been mm“: to new: Tg!'yeetirii, simian.- for 1eeorfl we! CASH OR TRADE. WATSON BROS STAND, OPPOSITE THE gage-- McALLISTER House: HIGHEST CASH PRICE PAID FOR- "Monsoon" Tea is put up by the Indium T. we“ as a sample of the best quahsics of India. on._ Therefore they Inc the “(at can in the "uctioet of the Tel mud its blend. that is why they put it up men-che- and sell it only in the originnl ttgit thereby securing in purity and ascent-um. . '.stttit.ittJ6 Ib., l lb. and sits push” “I "over Ioldii bulk: ALL GOOD GROCERI KEEP IT. “manure!” not keep it...“ him mud. n. r" ."IL, HAYTII a oo. a u and 13 Front Street tut. Toronto. win entil.GGr idirGViiiGii, :ud new (HA-low erg the name cum-u ”inhaler: DONE AND unemcrmx GUARANTEED. SHINGLES ON HAND AT RIGHT Pllit 1'28. Dromore. June 6th, m. JO EiN e "ttIt I, l r l ' r a: I, 1 a! . ‘ _ " A J" Tu! FINEST Tu INTNL' WORLD Would intimate, that he wilt ermtitt"r Ibo Furniture and Uttdeetakitvd "undue-u eq My [Emmi ts his f~\lh_cr indumlump intMg at Furniture of the Best 1.Yit TOCONSUMPTIVES‘ m“! only Int-r13.» nu..- in an... 11 linden;- L h WOOL We hare a full line IMPROVED MACHINERY. 'tii), "ret-sth-ic.," '.'?t?,t.ps-,! .--. 'ur/air ..'. _ _ .24- Ir.'.', .e Ve'it/tl ."s' ' r "f ‘3 [ Jilr'f, 1iTt?:.(W.t,t: (d 'i.i1,trtrti4, C. ll. mMll6i)li't ',-', Remember the ntand opposito the “when Durham. unu- Wll'l'? "---FetNaqaF. NORTH EG It EMONT. ALWAYS ON HAND. PICTURE HIM!!!“ A SPEMAUY IN ITS NATIVE PURITY‘ FROM THE TEA PLANT To THE TEA CUP l?, a SHEWELL fl ' ll, STEVENSON yitaif', H3 Li!.%lfiyil.til M22 and Embu'm‘m on lat u.nu at Mammal)” ruin. A PERFECT TEA - FULL LXI! or- .u-.. WOOL 5 Y Q.-.“- WANTED E, J. HIHZI'i " q... __',., .. 3:35.: JIV.’ " aat." fit" _ u. .. ‘A an VY' AW» I w: pmmqu La . " 1- 33 , “one dour new I on. 1rvrrr.----?r1 thanking ( past .patro sonvmced i a tals. 'Large S “our 5c. and 03v. tr'.) Btl,tl.r,,fi d fy: ms and Mvns l Bttttt Table oil doth, will or White Castile San” tre. I box of 3 eaket at. pt“. 25e. Sec ultr " " SPIUCE LODGE H? Britt h. kepf for Svn‘ I ‘mnlnl'c'J'nn. Durluun. Jetrt read the folluwl BOULDER a a mad. vs. Tamworth; Poll Bet-vice. JAN _ wee an m and um wil ith World's Pair, l Abe RUFUS. it I at tiiUUiiiinat. long. 'ttf] a Washi Web rake ers at that w System its etl men n 1110mm”!!! 28 in. wi, 32 ' '

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