Ontario Community Newspapers

Grey Review, 9 Jul 1896, p. 5

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nip Seed. LE TOP. n C monade" pCE. 39 ate 00 Ibs. e Grubs. Pads. Paper. t of Cool »dawater, 6 Aarors. atos, just ALT. an, Durhsm. nie‘ st as good ‘RIED 6 hook 4 RMAOY. cooling SU M â€" ER lavors ¢g wa‘isted ans cet | U anoher Tsl Miss Parker, Zion; Miss Hughes, Chatsâ€" worth ; Miss Anderson, Crawford ; Miss Whelan, Lauriston; Miss MceKenz:e, Elimwood ; Miss Aggie Bull, Priceville. Brucs CoUNTy has been mapped out for the County Council plan. Judges Jones, of Brant, and Creasor, of Owen Sourd, did the work and lh:{ have made 9 divisions, _ This will make their council number 18 members, the largest poss«ible. Hoxg® ror TtH® Houinpays,â€"Among the many home for the holidays in Durâ€" bam and neighborhood are the followâ€" ing tcachers and others:â€"Mr. Walter Elvidge, fr« m Belmont ; Miss Ball, from Orangevilie; Miss McCreary, Yeovil; Nr. P. Watson, Jr. returned to Fort Frances, last Monday. â€" Before returnâ€" ing he west to Toronto to interview Minister Hardy, about certain necded improvements in his district, being commiâ€"sioned by the council of which American t ism and Ne to 3 days. is remarkal movyes at 0 ease immed dose greatl by MeFaria Ox® K:x» Oz Vow.â€"Mr. D. F. Mc Donald of Parry Sound made a vow in 1878, that he would never shave his beard till the Liberals came to power. On the morvring of the 24th of June off it came, and as bhe walked the streets of his own town, few knew humn. £ NoRrTH W\fl.l.:;:ofi'o;.â€"'}‘g OMc‘i;l ures give} Mr, MceMullen ma y. Tie country has been greatly |n£'l;'ud to Mr .\lclilullen f:;d vflcienlw the last parliament, they will that his constituents have again renderâ€" ed his seryices ayailable. Frox N. Dakota.â€"We were much rleased a few weeks aig to have a letter rom a valued subscriber in N. Dakota M1. John Cameron, of Bottineau. _ The letter was lost in the thick of the fight and it turned up last week. He hopes there will be enough good comâ€" mon sense voters in 8. Grey to elect * that grand old man Dr, Landerkin." and Miss McDovwald, are guests of M.s Campbeil, this w.ek. he is a member, so to do. There was, Mr. C. knows now, Mr. Cameron is now a full fiedged American citizen and while feeling a pride in his adopted country has a warm side toâ€" wards Canada, They are hawinge & glorious time out west this year. ie sonable rains making splendid wheat fields. A government reportshows that I 50,678,140 bushels of wheat were shipped | within the year, the largest quantity ; shipped from any state of the Union, _ Miss Mitchell of Veniry, is the [of Miss Agunes Bull. "SMES: Miss Harriet Anderson is at present ;visiting friends in Markdale. P Miss McWharter, Toronto, is visiting at Mrs. Ed. Burnets‘ this week, Mrs. E. Davidson, of Detroit is yisiting ing friends in town at present, Mr. Joe Lamb of Markdale is the gues of Master Fred Anderson this week, & Miss A. Shier, of Sunderland, is a guest of Mrs. (i. Sparling this week,. Mrs. Dimick and family of Hami sxe ulatrime zt Mtr. . .\lucl"arlane';mt:; Mrs. Dimick and Tamily _ Of Ed are visiting at Mr. It. Mu{l"arlane?:lm week. Miss Maggic McCaul returned h last Saturday from Guelph w C ons has been visiting. C here‘ she To â€"FARMER®.â€"Farmers or hag\'i‘ng young cattle which th:thm willing to trade for farm cln{: can have a splendid choice at CEY+ U, McKINxOX‘s, Agricultural Emporium Mr. Johnson, Misses McRae & ;nd].\h\. Elliot of (flnats“'ortl?‘:gz Sunday in town, the tw« latte i uk. » latter remainâ€" Mrs, J. M. Hunter gave a little social party in honor of Miss Minnie Glazier and a few other friends on Monday afternoon last. _A very enjoyable time Mr. Irwin, Flesherton and Mr. Sharp, Holstein, have this week and part of next a party of over 40 students in charge wriiing on the Primary examinâ€" ution, or some of its parts. EDGE HILL â€" PICHIC,â€"Tomorrow, Friday July 10. A varied and excelâ€" lent programme has been pro vided. Kothing like it in the picnic line, and all for idcts. See posters. Prexios Ganor®. odists had their an Aldred‘s orchard on and what with swir lemonade, good tea vod fellowship it 1 gr. and Mrs. Jno. in themselves as et A Litru® SixavLarâ€"It is worth notâ€" ing that the winners of the Green Run and Green Trot at the races on July 1st in Durham were both sired by the Pacâ€" ing Staliion "Uhicago King," owned by Caldwell Bros., Orchardville. "Lad 8," is owned by MNr. Jno. Sumpton, ang Chicago Belle" by Mr, R,. Scott. They take nobody‘s dust. Mrs. Jamiesor, sister of the Mayor crine home on a visit Monday night last. Her fither, who had been visiting her, reiurned with her, also Mr. Robt. Laidâ€" law‘s child. Mr. and Mrs. Rogers, 14{t. Forest, M1. and Mrs. Toecher, (the latter a sister of Insp, Campbell) Livi gton, Monta a, Ma{nr mebeal, Last Jernrday o iTOSt trated (ilobe contains an excellent porâ€" trait of Major J. B. McLean, son of £tr,s Melean Upper Town. NoricE. â€"All accounts for expenses incurred in the late election on Ehalf of Dr. Landerkin M. P. must be sent in to his financial agent, Mr. J. J. Smith, im Wabs M Rheumatism Cured in a Day.â€"South LOCAL AND GENERAL. PAnNl nt MeLean; Last Saturday‘s illusâ€" RE.â€"The Varney Mcethâ€" annual outing in Mr. d on Tucsday last, and swings, tball, ice cream, i tea, good weather and it was a decided suceess Jno. Aldrel were hosts s entertainers. of Ventry, is the guest mitic Cure, for Rheamaâ€" ia, radically cured in 1 clion upon the system It reâ€" Tnus Laitx Mrs. Horkixs.â€"All that was mortal of this esteemed lady was laid to rest on Sunday last in Mutton‘s Hill graveyard. _A very large following testified to the respect in which she was held. Mrs.‘I. Moffat, Mrs. E, Hutton Mrs. David Hopkins, all in town are daughters of the deceased, Messrs Geo. and Alex. Hopkins® Hutton Hil, are sons, kev. Mr. Connor conducieu the seryices in Trinity Churceh, Hoxr rrRox OLrpo QuUurB®c.â€"Mr. S, Morlock came bome Monday night and Mr, A. Jackson Tuesday morning, the latter wheeled from Toronto to Proton Station against rain and wind on Monday, â€" Mr. Jackson speaks in enâ€" thusiastic terms of the qreut Wheelâ€" men‘s meet in historic Quebec. Ontario men cartied off some of the highest Hay Fover and Catarrh Relieved in 10 to 60 Minutes.â€"One short puff of the breath through the Blower, supplied with each bottle of Dr. Agnew‘s Catarâ€" rhal Powder, diffuses this Powder over the surface of the nasal passages. Painâ€" less and delightful to use. It relieves inâ€" stintiy and permanently cures Catarrh, May Fever, Colds, Headache, Sore Throat, Tonsilitis and Deafness. Sold by MceFarlane & Co. Toroxto IXDUSTRIAL.â€"The prize list and posters for the big institution are now out, The date is %rom August 31st to September 12th. An effort is being made to secure Mr. Laurier to open the exhibition, and it is announced that their Excellencies Lord and Lady Aberâ€" deen will be present. Hoxor Staxbpitxga.â€"Mr. Mal. Clarke, Aberdeen, gassed lus 3rd year examinaâ€" tion with Hying colors. "As the Curricâ€" ulum has lately been much broadened. to take honor standing is no light task, We congratulate Mr. g‘lark. For that tickling sensation in your throat try a 10c box of "Mist" Cough Lozengers, They will allay the irritaâ€" tion at once. For sale hy all dm{gist.s and the Key Medicine Co, 305 Yonge Street Toronto. ProxmotEDp.â€"Among the list of Milâ€" itia General orders we find the followâ€" ing: "3lst Grey Battalian, to be ud%numt. with the rank of Lieutenant, Second Lieutenant Frederick Fraser Hunter; _ vice Campbell, promoted." Congratulations. * Farat Acctvext.â€"While Mr. Frank Twamley was engaged in drawing in hay about 19 days ago he fell to the ground from the waggon owing to the breaking of a board. Although the distance was only a few feet, he reâ€" ccived an injury to the spine, which resulted fataily and he died last Friâ€" day. _ Much sympathy is felt for his onrly child 12 years cld who has lost both parents within 2 months. Rev. H. Caldwell before entering on his new circuittis spending a day or two round the old home ia Normanby. SÂ¥yxrpatHy.â€"We sincerely synln:path- ize with Bro. Ricknheg of the Mt. Forest ('(_);fledemw in the sudden death of his wife. Mrs, Harriet Beecher Stowe, the famâ€" ous authoress, who immortalized herâ€" self by her famous work, **Uncie Tom‘s Cabin," died last week at an adâ€" vanced age, CHCerRIY * Peenmp s PE on ons seem almost to welcome it, perhnpa for two reasons, to kill Tupperism and to place the m‘ronsihilit& of disposing of the Remedial Bill on the Reform party, Below we give some press comments on the 1esult. Dundalk Herald. STILL Axotner ProxEEr Gox®.â€"On Monday eyening last another of the men to whose labor the country owes a deep moasure of gratitude passed over to the greater number. ‘This was Mr. Allan MecKechnie. for many years well known in Bentinck,. â€" Deceased was stricken with paralysis about 4 weeks ago, and died at the residence in Upper Town lie was born 77 years ago in Argyleshire Scotland, and over 50 years ago came to this country settling m Vaughan. Here ke was married and the young couple shortly afterwnards moved to the 2nd con. Bentinck, to begin life with the usual battle of the forest. To them were born 6 sous and 1 daughter, The latter is Mrs. Heary Firth, one son died 10 years ago, three are in the States, Jolin, at the Rocky Saugeon, fZand George, our councillor townsman, are both well known. _ In religion Mr. Mcâ€" Kechnie was a staunch Presbyterian, and in politics was eyer found advocatâ€" ing liberal privnciples,. _ He was buried at the Rocky Saugeen Cemetery. Rey. Mr. Little conducting the services,. We add our tribute of syimpathy and respect to the widow and family. Te delont . Prrnvatives chserfully? . _ronngty_riat-ivgo Laurier get rid of the Manitoha Schooil Suatlen Iz.hflkbluw&hool'o u,r.um- Why not if Quebec is willing ?. WUnne *» Was there ever an election at which the defented party accepted defeat so since the election, The moiurlty of us will have a better opinion our French Canadian brothers. It seems to be no less a victory for Public Schools as against Separate Schools. If the Habitant doeen‘t want Separate Schools who dnoes? _ Will Laurier get rid of the Manitoha _ School Questicn hy abolishing Separate School‘s Of Siz Charles® imt defent and the frait Of the leraedial Bill whose mora)} taste Brought dircord into the party with ali its woo Sing Heavenly Muse that d_id’lt.jusglro“ 3 Patronism crushed and humbled as it is, may yet under different leaders and with a different policy make its power and inflnence felt. Like the Conseryaâ€" tive party they seem to have been stIM(‘mwttfi too mbuch ‘l:ouis;‘n. 1The ay is y gone when the electâ€" orsy will E:Pari theil'{u\llnts blindly at the dictation of any machine politician, The Hierarchy too has been taught a lesson. The habitant has spoken as Stirred up» with nmbition and last 6i gold R isâ€"d imyious war at Ottawna and battle proud. POLITICAL NOTES, Tuapperism is dead. From its ashes, Sphynx like, will arise a new Conserâ€" vative party with the boliers of last Parliament as its leaders. PARADISE LOST. DoMINtON ALLIANCE.â€"A call for a Provincial Convention of the above hbody has been issued, to take place in Toronto on July 16th and 17th 1896. Every Church and Societv is entitled to send two delegates, with an additional delegate for every 50 members over the first 50. Every vyoung People‘s Society comnected with church or philanthropic life is entitled to send delegates. Reâ€" duced rates will be given on all railways. F. 8. Spence, Toronto is the Secretary The re count in North Grey resulted in increasing Clark‘s majority. of Leeds, Marshall of Middlesex, Fairâ€" bairn, of Victoria, Carpenter of Wentâ€" worth, McLeod of St, John, Patterson of Uolchester, and two or three others of the Maritime Provinces, not to menâ€" tion Ross of Manitoha, Corhould of British Columbia and Dayis of the Terri tories. _ There is nothing quite so disâ€" reputable in the history of memhers of parliament in C‘anada as the conduct of these men during the last session, They all knew that Remedial Legisiation was a political crime, was against their own PLAIX TALKk.â€"W. T. McLean in his paper, the Toronio World, last week writes a double column scorching letter to the Conservative party (to which he belongs) demanding a reconstruction, and giving rteasons therefor,. _ Two of his paragraphs will give an idea of the letter, which might well be qonsidered the work of some rabid grit, u‘.“ld not an exConservative M. P. : LAST VISIT THTS YEA *What more? _ There were scandals going. Clarke Wallace made distinct charges against a colleague that the colâ€" league should have proved false or reâ€" signed. The Curran bridge, the Mcâ€" Greeyys, the Fay Canal, a dozen of other things were talked of, and the Ministers implicated never thought that it was incumdent on them to resign and relieve their party. They insisted on their party carrying them,. _ How different it is in England ! _A man who does someâ€" thing wroug, or is charged with wrong doing, or with making even a mistake dosen‘t wait to be asked to get out and relieve his party ; he goes out, even if he is most uu;nirl‘y treated, and saves his party the trouble of mrÂ¥ing him. â€" The evilâ€"doers, the makers of mistakes, the men of bad policy in the Conservative party for five years back have insisted on the party carrying them. ‘They hadâ€" n‘t that poorest of all virtues, the virtue of resigning when found out," CNE * Of the men who against their conâ€" science and against their political views, and against the wishes of their constitâ€" uents swallowed Remedial Legislation, conscience, yet for some reason they were aiders and abettors thereof." THr Prrsgs.â€"Seven newspaper men were elected to Ylnrliument in the late election, two of them being from Toronâ€" to. Prof,. CHAMBERLAIN â€" Will be at MeFARLANE‘S Drug Store DURHAM, on WEDNESDAY, July 15th ‘96. 4& Terrible Cough. No Rest Night nor Day. Given up by Doctors. **Beveral years ago, I caught a severe cold, attended with a terrible cough that allowed AYER‘Spectonit me no rest, either day or night. ‘The doeâ€" tors, after working over me to the best of their ability, pronounced my case hopeless, and said they could do no more for me. A friend, learning of my trouble, sent me & bottle of Ayer‘s Cherry Pectoral, which I began to take, and very soon I was greatly relicved. By the time Ihad used the wholo * bottle, I was completelycured, 1havenever had much of a cough since that time, and I fArmly believe that Ayer‘s Cherry Pectoral saved my life."â€"W, H. Warv, $ Quimby Ave., Lowell, Mass. ‘s Cherry Pestoral Ayer‘s Cherry Pestora Almost a dyor‘s Pills the Bost Hamily PhysiGe «HIGHEST AWARDS AT WORLO‘S FAIR. Hopeless Case. A LIFE SAVED °® BY TAKING PAY ONLY. ONTARIO ARCHIVES TORONTO red round her neck, with u‘pright horns, she is about 6 years old. A reward will be given to anyone furnâ€" ishing information as to her whereâ€" abouts to . July 8 ‘96. A SNAP! That eLigihle residential lot , at pres ent occupied by Rev. Chas. Cameron is for sale, or will rent on reasonable begnn.l « h ply on the premises or to PP‘Y J. P. TELFORD. Tea of T eas ~â€"â€"KURMA TEA From the premises, of J. M. Hunter, Durham, a small red milch cow with a white spot on forehead and a white spot on the backbone above the tail. This fine animal will be kept on the premiues of JNO. CLARK, Jzx., LOT 32, CON. 3. W. G. R., BENTINCK, Any person bringing her to the under signed will be paid for their trouble or giving information where she is. For Service during Season of 1895â€"96. Registered in the ‘"Canada Berkshire Swine Record " as No, 29056. Farrowed Nov. 21st, 1893, and bred by John Meyer, Kossuth, Ont. sanid to Duncan McKinnon and that he rerenled the _ same, that _ Malâ€" calm McBachern took a whip from the British Hotel on the eve of .Puly Ist. I am obliged to say that the statement is a falsehood. and I now ask Mr. Mcâ€" Enachern to forgiye me for such states ment and anyone hearing same is asked to not believe such as it is a falsehood. +$1.00. To be paid for at time of Serviece. Aberdeen, Oct. 15th, 1896. s m J. M. HuxTER. Durham, July 2nd, 1896. A delicious blend put up in }1bs. and ] lbs. I‘IPIOL‘U‘ Thoroughbred Berkshire Boar Sold for 800. 1bâ€" Sold for 40c Ibâ€" Sold for 5Oo. 1b. Try u.ndyo-wml be perfectiy Also a full assortment of Crockery & Glassware. J. CAMERON From Durham, a gray Cow, turning . Dinuner. Tea & Tollet Sets At Popular Prices. do hereby confess that I publicly _ THET®S> ‘FERDINAND. ESTRAYED STRAYED. NOTICE. Axaous McixxEs. 4@# ere nscz zol Last week we bought another large lot of BOOTS & SHOES and the values are so interesting we can‘t keep from tellm[f you «bout them. They are from the best makers, and good shoes, even if they do cost 2 little more at first, always give the best satisfaction in the end. Ladies‘ Fine Kid Button Boot specâ€" Misses‘ Black Oxfords, best make 85 ial at $3 00| Children‘s Black and Tan Boots Ladies‘ Fine Dongola Boot special % 2 and Slippers from 50c up. Ladies‘ Good Button Boot special 1 25| Men‘s stron }guff Gaiters 1 25 Finest Kid Oxtord Ties, white Men‘s Tan lgout,s special 2 25 stitching with Patent tip Men‘s Tan Oxfords special 1 2 and facing 2 25| Boy‘s Tan Oxford sizes 1 to 5 ) Good Ti'P Oxfords 2 makes 95. Men‘s and Boy‘s Running Shoes in all Ladies‘ Tan Oxfords 95 | sizes. Fine Tan Oxfords 1 35| some shoe snaps F NesteEer Upper Town. RAMSAY & MORLOCK CALDER‘S BLOCK. Light Stripe and Spot Prints ()regon Crinkles ligfht and dark Zephyrs and Ginghams Spot Cream and white Muslins This is the season of the year for light Waists and Blouses. We have a nice assortment of Is Too Hot t> bake these aays. Save your time and your tems:ar by buying some of those fresh sweet Biscuits 8 different varieties just to hand, including GARIBALDI, PINE APPLE WAFERS. FRUIT GINGERBREAD. JAM JAM. | JELLY WAFERS. MOLASSES SNAPS. : VARSITY. WINE. Special Reductions in Millinary for the next two weeks. Highest market price paid for Butter and Eggs. Chas. McKinnon This Space And Sold at Lowest Possibple Prices. Call and inspect and be Convinced. DURKHAM MARKET. Flour per 1001b ............ 81 65 to $2 10 Fall Wheat per bushel ... a.’ ’.' m see oae cee 26e aeÂ¥eee Spring Wheat * se* â€"DEALER INâ€" All kinds of Farm Machinery, YVehicles, Organs & Pianos, Sewing Machines, Etc. WAREHOUSE, Upper Town, Durham. Just Avrived B“" p.r do’ gee on Wool por M .saes Batter per D Hides, One Car Brockville Buggies, also Gananoque, and Campbell, Lonâ€" don Carriages & Buggies. One Car Chatham Famous Wagons, also Snow Ball Wagons. New Stock of the famous Ramsay Cartsâ€"at fabulous prices. Frost & Wood‘s Singe Apron Binâ€" ders, Buckey Mowers and Tiger Rakes. (COne Car Maxwells‘s Light Steel Bindersâ€"cheaper than ever. EVERYTHING BOUGHT FOR CASH Daiglish‘s Old Standâ€" Casrx axp Oxr Paricr. . McARTHUR, scccsseesoos ce 000 The Busy Store. g«e ons see se e e8 0 46 CHAS. McKINNON ecsses one cee â€"â€" BELONGS TO â€"â€" and Slipé)ers from 50c up. Men‘s strong Buff Gaiters Men‘s Tan lgouts special Men‘s Tan Oxfords special Boy‘s Tan Oxford sizes 1 to 5 | Plain Pongor or Sinah Silks in all colors. eee Silver Silks, 1 85 to % 00 0 80 to 0O 82 9 00 to 10 00 0 80 to _ 82 0 22 to 0 28 0 50 to O 50 0 26 to 0 85 0 85 to O 85 i H 0 50 to 0 8 to 0 10 0 16 to 0 18 14 LILOWER TOW N. Now on Hand â€"â€" _ day June 26th 1896, Mary Ann Leary, relict of the late Poter Trayâ€" nor, aged 86 years. Bxurrtaâ€"In , on Friday, J 26th, mm.maua’mngf aged 84 years. Trarxorâ€"In Egremont, on WaLLsâ€" McKronxtEâ€"In Durham on Monday, July 6th, Mr. Allan McKechnie, aged 77 yre. Maxwell‘s Steel Rakes, ete. Coulthard & Scott‘s Seed Drifts and Harnrows. Wilkinson Ploughs and Seuffiers. Organs & Pignos of the best makes. A few Stoves at job prices. New Williams Sewing Maâ€" 72 years. â€"In on Wednesday , ’3;'1[; 18t, 1& Joseph Walls, aged optzsâ€"In Darbam on Priday, July chines. e Full Stock of Repaire always on hand. DEATHS. ~€C J] Pss

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