Ontario Community Newspapers

Grey Review, 9 Jul 1896, p. 4

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This is the name given to the pracâ€" tice in the United States when a change of administration takes place, of turnâ€" ing out all office holders down to the pottiest _ postmaster and replacing them by men of their own stripe of .polltics. The practice is a detestable the k"~"‘~»MCâ€"Aurcu government. ‘The Dafferâ€" in Post, Con , admits that Tupper‘s govâ€" ment will make a mistake if they are lavish in appointments. â€"The retiâ€"ing Govern doing ss much shamefrc to office, that the though on one that they have fighting conservative tat Aime in the future. â€" Bi Ontario Organizer, Moir of his, W. CGordon wh sisted Hugh John in Wir provided for. _ The spoi exists in the States is not d but nothing in Canadian occured likelier to cause tion than the shamefaced discredited government, in Post, Con , admits that The human voting machine occasionâ€" ally shows some curious aberrations. One would think the purpose of the dise would be sutfciently obyious for the most illiterate yoser. Yet hundreds and hundreds placed the cross beside the name and left the diseiblank. This, however, is intelligence itself to the man who would carefally look through the ballot and make his cross on the back and opposite the dise! The man who marks for both or all candidates is the smart man who can say to cither one I voted for you, and the wise man who returns his ballot blank, can truth fally say I did not vote agcainst von Such is â€"â€"The Tupper organs in Quebec are trying to poison the French mind_ by asserting that a clique of Ontario Libâ€" erals are endeavoring to oust Laurier from the leadership. The "Globe" referring to this intrigue says:â€"" But let (‘;uebec understand this onee for all: Mr. Laurier is the trusted, honored and wellâ€"beloved chicf of the Liberals of Ontario. Half of their rejoicing over the recent victory is because the noble Frenc‘hâ€"Canadian is to be Prime Minisâ€" ter of Canada. _ There is no rival to the throiiec. _ The Liberals of Ontario would rather go into outer darkness #or another generation than have any asurper reign in his stead, one wreath otftriumph torn from his brow, one touch of frost fall on his heart or one symptom of intrigue threaten his supâ€" remacy. â€"If the ballots with a cross beside the name are counted in North Middleâ€" sex, Mr. Ratz, Liberal, is elected by over 60 Majority. Judge Masson has 0t given his decision yet. â€"The everlasting Eastern question hasits storm centre at present in the island of Crete. _ The Cflristians of the island elected a provisional governâ€" ment on Sunday last, and proclaimed the island united with Greece. _ If by this moye Turkey could be turned on Greece, the great powers might be roused from their apathy to stop the mardering Taurk in Armenia, Crets and elsewkere. â€"The "Globe " distances easily any other daily journal published in Canâ€" ada. Its fullness and fairness in the late election are freely granted, while its cartoons by Bengough were never surpassed, for their versatility and efâ€" fectiyeness in any country. â€"Seme Conservative Papers are trumpeting to the skies all sorts of evil to folr(fw the advent of the Liberals to Ewer, owing to the tariff changes to made. We venture to point out that not a session of parliament has passed, except the last, in which tariff echanges haye not been made both in adding to and in cutting off * moulderâ€" ing branches" why should it be a dis loyal thing to make changes now. Che Orep Review. â€"Henry M. Stanley is reported to b: dying. Durham, Thur. July, 9 96. THE SPOILS SYSTEM Un cu_in0?g overnme auch shamefrzced hat the thought â€" at they have nc onservative tattl ie fature. _ Birm rganizer, Moir, | . Cordon whose zh John in Winni for. _ The spoils ie States is not des g in Canadian |] Kelier to canse i lan nature ; Covernment has been hamefrced appointing e thought is foreed up. y have no intâ€"ntion of ative tattles for a long re. _ Birmingham the er, Moir, a henchman don whose friends asâ€" n in Winnipeg are all The spoils system as it is is not desirable here, anadian History has to cause its introducâ€" imefaced worlk"of this inss vou. With free coinage of silver, the silver dollar would be worth just the metal in it, and and a man owing $1000 could. pay it with say 8500 worth of silver. The workman, however, who would take his pay in silyer, would find that the so called dollar would purchase, about 50 cts. worth. A financial panic would ensue, but in the meantime, the ailver kings by whose selfish influence, the question is kept to the front, would bave made immense fortunes. } The ‘*Silver men" it would seem ‘ by advance reports aro in the majority and if they succeed in nominating a candidate of their own stripe, will sufâ€" fer almost certain defeat next Novemâ€" ber. If, however this free coinage uf Silyer idea should succeed, it will, on the testimony of the highest authOrit‘es bring a calamity on the United States, anrd Canada owing to proximity and other causes, will also be affected. The free coinage idea is explained thus : the gold dollar, gecording to the coinage laws of the United States, contains 23. 1 grains of pure go‘ld, while the silver dollar contains 374 4 grains of pure silver, that is the silver dollar contains about 16 times as much fine metal as the gold dollar. This is called the bimetallie ratio of 16 tu 1. It has been kept at this ratio by the U. 8. Government limiting the outpat, and borrowing gold to keey the spurâ€" ious silyer dollar at gmr. The:â€"evil ilJ that an ounce of gold is worth in actual value, not 16 but 31 times as much as an ounce of silvar and with free coinâ€" e with free coinage this disparity :rgonld be intensgified. * party Much the greatest event this week on this continent is the great deâ€" mocratic conyention in Cheago. The Republicans in their Convention have declared for a gold Standard and Proâ€" tection, and the delegates were pracâ€" tically unanimous in the choice of a candidate, finding in MeKinley a man who is "sound " on both issues. Not so with the Demoerats. Cleyeland is easily their strongest man with a second a long way off, but as Cleveland is a sound money man, and has had his two terms, he is objectionable to a large section of the party, who seem dominated with the hobby of the free coinage of silver. That a government in power for 18 years, making partizan appointments all that time, should attempt whulesals appointment after its defeat, is seandaâ€" lous, but not surprising when their reâ€" cord is considered. The friends of the dead Conservative Government point out that McKenzie‘s government on retiring from office, made appointments. If so, so much the worse for their reputation. The pracâ€" tice is wholly indefensible, and we are prepared to condemn the: practice wherever it is indulged in. tm This is the root from which the spoils system springs, for no good Governâ€" ment, having self respect can be exâ€" pecrved tolook with equanimity on such doings, but will, when acquiring powâ€" er apply the knife and eut off those who* have sprouted into official importance because their friends have been defeatâ€" ed! The danger is that the provocaâ€" tion may carry the pruning ton far,. and thus bring about by degrees the banetul system we fird in use aâ€" cross the line. What do we find? A ministry disâ€" credited by the people, not only re:â€" maining in office but actually pushing through scores of appointments to office of their friends and supporters, not beâ€" canse they are fit and proper persons, which they may be, but because they have rendered party support. In Canada we have had no glaring abuses of this sort to record, and it is sincerely to be hoped never will, but the course of events for the past two weeks has been such as to furnish a fear that we in Canada, may be forced to adopt some such principle, in self defence. one because itignoers to a great extent the question of fitness which should be the guiding principle in the filling of office. â€" Cleveland was the first presiâ€" dent for many years who dared to resist the practice, and he did so at the cost of losing many of his friends, and even he had to bend before the popular taste. it trom $1.50 to $2.00 In the Banner county of South Dakota, positions for the harvest assured to good men. Wages per day with board. ilillions of acres of finest agricultural lands for sale very cheap, in the Dakotas, Minnesota, Montana, and the American North West. Are you dissatisfied where you are? Are you making money ? Come in and have a talk with me, it costs you nothing. I and Ient to Railwh ‘The Lands of the Northern Pacific Railway are good lands. They are level and convenien *3 They cost little money. _ Any information regarding these lands and anything pertaining to the American North West cheerfully given. s s Labor is going to be scarce in the Dakotas this year, there will be no trouble in finding work from now, until freczes up in the fall, at from $30 per month up. Call for rates, etc. TT :A Thrmowme Phecch o w. wowâ€"~~â€"GP # M mazmmes TEE SILVER QUESTION. FARMS TO RENT ON HALF SHARES. °HOUSES FREE, ALL TAXES PAID, SEED ALSO SUPPLIED. ‘ CLUBBING. REVIEW and GLOBER, While hunting c«ttle in the bush one day last week. Mr. John A. McMillan met with a painfol accident. He was huorry» jug through a thicket of second growth when a spliuter of a lodged cedar Stopped him, cyiting a deep gash between the eye and uose. Dr. Hutton, of Pricevilie, stitched the wound. Mr. McMillan is very unfortunate as he met with a simil. J ar accident & short time ago, Misa Ena‘ MclIntyre, from URw. spent Sunday with ber grandpa McIutyre and other friends here. home froil;b;h:u? Edge Hill Picuie is the t«ik of the day all goring, Nr. McPhce in company with Miss M Grath were guests in our town on Sun. day. T wo Papas were the cause of and Poter having the footâ€"ruce so : other evening at 11.80,. NMr, Dan F. from Balsam Vailley visited loved ones in this burg on Sunday 28th. A grand party on Mouday evening the 20:h ut Mr. Jas White‘s, there were twenâ€" ty couple« present and rewsiaed until tho third hour. Auother large hoedown toâ€" night, (Mouday) at Mr, Will Conmmor‘s. We predici it wiil be as expected, good, Mr, and Mrs. John McQilliyrsy from Corinth and Mr. aud Mrs, Henry Pater sou from Waulsh‘s Grove, were guests at Mr, Jubu G. Beatoun‘s on Sunday. ~Miss lu?\ A. McCo}m;'hw nWeb Arumcces uho Miss Maggie Black from Pomona spont list week with Miss Saddie Binck of Niagara Falls, Mr. Hngh MeArthar is away to Dumâ€" fries for the Haying and Huryest Season. Mr. Donald McDonald formerly of 10th con, Glenelg, but now of Woodstuck, was up on a vVisit to his family and friends here. Mr. McDonald speahs highly of the said town, he returned lust week acâ€" companied by three of his childreon and wili take up his residence thore. Miss Mary MclInnis from Flesherton Station visited here last week. A party from this burg gave bachelor Black a surprise party on Friday evenâ€" ing, enjoyment ran high, Messrs Dan McDonald, guard in Torâ€" onto Asylum, Archie and Malcolm Black of f(:uwsvilh, were all up for the election and spent a few days pleasantly renewing old acquaintances, Mr. and Mrs, Palister ftrom Dandalk are visiting Mr. Arch. MceMillan and other friends this week,. The farmers are all through Haying. Their "Opponent friends" lfie Hoppers captured the largest share, and are busy harvesting the spring wheat and barley, They store as they cut, thrashâ€" ers need not apply. Mtrs, B.‘Evans and her little girll Margie from Rochestert are on a visit to| her parents, Mtr. and Mrs, Hagh Mcâ€" Lellan. t C t oi i o ioi C o t EOOE thaukfully received and much apprecâ€" lated. We wonder if those two girls who put their hats in a sife place and went for a drive in their baretheads the other Sunâ€" day night did not catch cold. What we hear : That Maggie got home safe on the night of the Ist. That. Sim was yery sorry that he had to go away so soon,. Mr. Will Carson, who has been spendâ€" ing a week or so with friends in these Rm-ts left last Thuisday morning for Iarquette. Mr. 8. Lindsay, of Paisley. came down on his bike last week to yisit friends in this neighborhood, Mr. T. Gadd returned from Guel};h last Thursday. _ We hear he intends to remain during the summer months. Mr, John Mitchell spent the other Sunday with his brother Will in Holâ€" stein. Master Leanord Beading, of Guelph, is atvprcsent spending a few weeks at his Uncle‘s, Mr. Henry Petty. Miss Lizzie Ferguson was visiting friends in Orangeville for a week lately. Mrs, R. Watson, Sr., has been yery {ll of late but we are glad to hear she is )etter Miss Lizzie Gadd has returned home from |Guelph to spend the summer months. â€"â€"It is reported in Winnipeg that the (Greenway goyernment is willing to setile the Sshool question without reâ€" ference to the Dominion pariiament, by giving the Roman Catmhcs the same privileges as are enjoyed by their coâ€" religionists in Nova Scotia. There can be no doubt Greenway will do more for Laurier than for Tupper, whose coercive methods provoked a natura opposition. Mr, William Johnston, of Durham, was visiting friends in this neighborâ€" hood last Sunday, â€"The Shareholder and Insurance Gazette, a strictly nonâ€"partizan pubâ€" lication strongly condemns the Tupper administration for its delay in handing over the reins to the Liberals. The rain on Friday and Suturday was Iome i cd om ts 3 & & N. EAST NORMANBY. sCOTCH TOWN. *4 «t s + ause of Archio race so soon the TERMS ; _ Ten per cent cash at the time of sale, and bafince within thirty days. Terms in other respects may be made known at sale, and meantinme may be ngoe;:lainod on application to the underâ€" sign _ Our Boss is very still at present what ‘is the matter Graham ? k\'c are sorry | that the two parties were disappointed in us. They should not count their chickens before they are hatched. | First love is sweetest. _ _ Our worthy council are again repa‘râ€" ing the bridge that has long been conâ€" demned as unsafe. We think a new | one would be cheapest in the long run, | evtes meinitonse Cl M ic ces censcarens NDER and by virtue of a Kmver of U Sale cootained in a lorigage which will be produced at the time of sale. There will be offered for sale by Public Auction, at the Central Hotel in Town of Durham in the County of Grey on Friday the 3ist.day of J uly_1896. «t one o‘clock in the afternoon. The folâ€" lowing, viz.:; Lot number Fifteen . in the Second concession west of the Garâ€" afraxa _ Road and, containing â€" one hundred acres of land more or less, : six hours by the "SoUTH AMERICAN Kroxey Cur®." This new remedy is a great surprise and delight on account of its exceedin{.{ promptness in relievin pain in the bladder, kiduneys, back unfi every part of the urinary passages in male or female, â€"It relieyes retention of water and pain in passing it almost imâ€" mediately, If you want quick relief and cure this is your remedy. â€" Sold by MeFarlane & Co. Some of our farmers are hustling in the hay crop, while cthers are sowing corn and peas, on the grass hopper eaten turnip and barley ground. . Relief in Six Hours.â€"Distressing Kidâ€" ney and Bladder Diseases relieved in IEven our most hardened tory admits we were in need of a change. Snrpememmengens ; 5 & a ; mr. Neville Falkingham is enjoying a drive inio Norfolk Co. to old friends, we hope he will have a good time. Sports and Pastimes were indulged in till the shades of night when all ajourned to the church} where a long program was giyen to the spell bounga audience. Among those taking part were found, Mr. Asa Robson,. Miss A. Jordon, Miss Parker, Miss Robson, The Choir rende;â€" ed selections at intervals. The nice litâ€" tle suin of twelve Dollats was realized. A change of Goverment together with the late rains has inspired our farmers with new hope. In spite of haad times, grass hoppers, and grubs, the Zion Sunday School Picnic u)a.g ne said to be a succes. Not only residents, but people from the neighboring Townships took it in, and also sevemfi)ld ZLionites from a distance, As usual there was an abundance of the needful. Every thing round bere is very quict, so quiect that it reminds us of some monâ€" st,el'tmusing to take breath after the battle. bnatihiteh rvthdubncints. â€"idfridedh Sriainicatedâ€" € Even Tories and Patrons are pleased with the elections, except a few of the hard boeads, but eyen they talk as if pleas ed with the change of governnient. Hay is a light crop generally, Mr. Geo, Ewers, Medical student, Toâ€" ronto, came up to mark his ballot for good goyerument and spent a brief Lholiâ€" day among cld friends. 10 cts. Cures Con stipation and Liver Ills.â€"Dr. Agnew‘s Liver Pills are the most g:.-rfe(-t made, and cure like magic, Bick Headache, constipation, Biliousâ€" ness. 10 cents a vialâ€"40â€"doses,. Sold by McFarlane & Co. Mrs. Long, of Toronto, is visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Watson. Miss Annie Chislet, of Toronto, 1s home on a yisit to her parents on the South Line, Glenelg, at presout. & Miss Annie Watsou, of Toronto, is home for a mounth‘s vacation, Miss Jauet Calder arrived home from Toronto lately, also to spend her holidays. Mr. A. McArthur, of the Glen, and Mr. A. McLean, of Priceville, are engaged with Watson Bros. working at two buildirg contracts, Mr. Augus McDonald left for the town ship of Vaughan on Wednesday the first, to work for the harvest. Angus will be missed in this place: das, Carsox, Of farm land in the Township of Bentinck. AUCTION SALE. EAIRWELL CORNERS. H. A. HuxTER, Durham. ZION. +444 D. Jacksox, Vendor, FOR Service. This splendid animal was imported from the United States and was a winner of four P rize at the World‘s Fair, Chicago, Also RUFUS, six months‘ old, a get from Prince and Princess Lyons, and a fine animal. Thoroughbred Choster White Boat __ *Washington,‘ â€"â€"All Business Confidentialâ€" Lock Box 28. i H. H. MILLER, HManover P. O, The Hanov "Telephone," Converyar Collects Notes and Accountsâ€"nc if no ecliection. Cheap Farims 4 Deeds, Mortgages, Leasos an writings neatly and quickly prep reasonable cost, lending lots of it at 34 per extra good loans at ,e.-'s Terms as any reasonal it desire. May be you think it is not, but H. H. MILLER, the Hanover Convevancer is Hay is Money is Plenty. The E. HAVE May be you think Chloride Lime. Machine Oils. _ Land Plaster. BARREL SALL. FEED CORN. M. S. CORN. Millet. Hungarian Grass. Turnip Seed. ABERDEEN PURPLE TOP IMPROVED GREY STONE. LINCOLN RED GLOBE. Potato Bug Killer $1.00 for 100 lbs. BLUG SHOT for Cabbage Grubs, Moth Camphor Balls. Fly Paper Pads. Moth Camphor Paper. Sticky Fly Paper. Chloride Lime. Machine Oils. Land Plaster. BARREL SALT IF YQU NEED CORSETS CO E To us x H. 3. Made especially for persons requiring a long waisted Corset. If you have not got a pair call and get them, as they are sure t:; please you. SUMâ€" MER CORSETS ars tho dsgivcable art ._ . icles this hot weather Come and see ours at 5oc a pair, Y s have thera at 500. @lines at 75 ard 3 different kinds at $1.00, all good reâ€" liable goods. Buckwheat & Rape. i\ PARIERN GRANTS AD. â€"â€"BU‘LPâ€"â€" asonal le person PARIS CREE] Scarce NEW SUMME: ountsâ€"nc charge p Facins for Sale weases and other ickly prepared at T. longâ€"waisted 6 hook ::fi:& 6 0 RS ETS ? # The Hanover Conveyancer onveyancer, is ‘ cent and on $â€"Costs lowâ€" YOTU LhA y N ied DURHAM PHARMACY ‘Red Messina 0OP@nj6 nnoher : "FIOPid@ FPWiL just us good ; "Mint NeQQQr" very cooling f "Egg Phosphate" é "Rag Lemonade" _ the name suggests. Not of Medicine but of Cool Delicious Sodawater, with the new &Q@ flavors. Haue you tried. "Chetry RiPE ‘Tastos, nst n ALL OTHER Flavors AT THE Atmmmâ€" mrmmmencer on comsoer e uen uyc w lent pro%i;am’mle has bi ng like it in the pi TRIED lugr i0cts. See poster mY â€" the Jlast parliament, and t s his constituents hav seryices ayailable. N. Dawora.â€"V a few weeks nf: l a valued subscriber of Miss Agunes Bull. § Miss Harriet Anderson i visiting friends in Markdal l- 'C“ harter, Toront at Mrs, Ed. Burnets‘ this w Mrs. E. Davidson, of Det: ing friends in town at pres Mr. Joe Lamb of Markda of Master Fred Anderson t Miss A. Shior, of Sun« guest of Mrs. G. Sparling t Mrs. Dimick and family are visiting at Mr. R. Mac has bheen visiting. 1 To â€"FARMER®.â€"Farmer w iuung cattle wh '“ ) trade for farm can have a splendid choice ©C, McK in Agricultura Mr, Johnson, Missos MeJ and Mrs. Elliot of Chat Bunday in town, the two 1 Mrsa, J. M. Hunter gave party in honor of Miss M and a few other friends afternoon last. _ A very e was spent. uflr McLean; Last Sa Globe contains an « NoricE. â€"All accounts incurred in the late elecJ of Dr. Landerkin M. P. mi to his financial agent, Mr, Mrs, Jamiesor, sister . came home on a visit Mone Mer father, who had been veturned with her, also M: law‘s child. trait of Major J. B. Mclwea Mcelean Upper Town. ’f. Irwin, Flesherton an Mulstein, hamve this week nekt a party of over 4 charge wriiing on the Prig ation, orsome of its parts. Mr.C.©C,. MceFayd« day for a trip among MHedjntcasis to call at sonally congratulat “l‘. and Mrs. Rugn-ru. Mrs. locher, (the la Campbell) Livi g Miss McDonald, are Campobeil, this w« ok. Minister Handiy, about « improvements in his < commiâ€"sioned by the cor he is a member, so to do. wrkin. From thei igin, Tara and o Mr. and Mrs. John N. are visiting at Reeve from Olean. N. Y., ave als latter being on their hon The Messis Newton aro bt Mparling. «Ose j)ie. by MeJD: Rheumsatism Cured in American RboumatieCa ism and Neuralgia, radi t BU@rys. Iis acuon i4 is remarkable and myst moyes at once 1| mesuue ease immediatcly dsn Prexsos G ano: odists had the.r Aldred‘s orcha:« A Lrtrus six« zthu the win Green Tro ‘;*D&.‘liuln WiOln mllion **C 4 Caldwell Bros., B," is owned ; and what witl lemonade, goo good fellows); week,. lir W.C. N 1878, that he would nev beard till the liberals car On the morvring of the 240 it came, and as bhe walked his own town, few knew h take nobod ; ‘-llld .\11". J 110. in themselves as ont Hox® rom tus Ho the nn?- home for the ham and neighborhoo ing tcachers and oth« Elvidge, {: m Belmont Baves Couxtry has be for the County Council zw of Bravnt, and Or d, did the work : amade 9 dwisions, . This eouncil nuale: 18 mem! hfi‘\'lliv; Miss MeUCre Miss Parkor, Zion ; Miss H worth ; Miss Anderson, Or Whelan, Lauriston ; Mi Elmwood ; Miss Aggie Bul EDGE HILL PICHIC, riday July 10. A varie O8®E Kix>» Oz anald of Paies Mr. D. WV Nortn® Wrsrum®crox. F‘{ivelhtllr. MeMulle coun as been gre Mro mull«n for ef â€" was lost in th and it turned up | there will be eno: sense voters in 5 t grand old man 1 > was, Mr. C. kn« ron is now a full A n and while feeling ed country has a s Canada, â€" They Maggie McCaul re urday from Guelp ; time out west 1 A!'lino making vernment r I0 &ulu of wh the year, the from any state W atson last Mo venut to AND GE W L104 11 t Jr m x y n t frien liai ont D 11 U€ ewi OW al l W ho Ni

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