Ontario Community Newspapers

Grey Review, 11 Jun 1896, p. 4

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' B . T - ----. ""'""""""NV IIUUW' mittal. They have carefully avoided all diacnuion d the important" rincip- lee involved in the questions beam the ttteg: and that?" It inferenogela nite estimate t tin oing not y geilly acknowlede that they" have no Mable cannula in opposing Dr. Landerkin, and that in opposing himi ttIe, apply trading upon the has n n- ---‘ -‘“‘*” - _ However, it may be otherwise, now these gentlemen have come to the light, and they may now be ready to reform the abuses which they have so long condemned and supported. But it so, they should say so. In their own interest they should not lose a moment in giving the electors of South Grey a clear and detailed statement mf their views on the questions before the peo- ple and the grounds upon which meg seek the support ot the electors. Th is the least they can do. Bo for they they y'rt2teityrxemiiinirs" homun- _ v "“ “Tr-J "W?! I Fa'3tt1tpp1i,'ifei'ii,ii,'t' hope to chain. -Two miGiiraTari"i'i, agony will occur. And it mum. be here observed that with the exception of the last question which is a new one, the Conservative candidates, by word and vote, have uniiormiv supported the interests of monopolist: as against the interests of the people, the extravagance which has reigned at Ottawa and the cor- ruption which has Bret'.",'.',',.',',', every department of the pa lie service. As to Dr. Landerkin this has already been done. His parliamentary record for the last twenty five years is before the country. The political principles he held on his entrance into public life he holds now. From these c has not deviated one ioto in the past and to these he professes his adherence in the present e ectiou, believing as he does that they are in the public interest and that, if put in practice in the govern- ment of the country, Canada would be rescued irom the unfortunate condition in which she finds h rself placed at the present time. He has unflinehingly opposed the extravagance of the Goverranent--a Government which by a the way both the Conservative and Patron candidates have supported, he has tried to stem he tide of corruption which has prevailed for years and helped to bring the wrong doers to justice, he has persistently advocated tariff in the interest ot the people and not of siipnppolists and combines and on the Manitoba question he has always been the warm rieud by word an! vote ot Provincial atuonomy, equal rights for all, majorities and minorities as the ynl y safeguard of confederation. The two great political parties being represented by Dr. Landerkin and Dr. Jainietson, while the Patron Society has Mr. William Allan for its standard bearer. Beyond all question the situa- tion ilsturimportant one, perhaKs the most important in the political istory of the Dominion, because of the import- ant questions involved, and, that the virdiet of the country in this election will tell for good or for evil for all time to come. It is important then above all things that the several can- didates should give no uncertain sound astothe reasons why they seek the the support of the eleetorat -, what political principles these support and what course they would ta e in the great qusticns of the day-s oeially the Tariff question and the Manitoba School questions to say nothing ot the I extravagance and corruption of the Ottawa Government if elected to a seat in the House of Commons. In this Riding of South Grey the political contest has assumed a tri- angular character. ulll0ERfo FOR S. GREY :77 l fir-fill, .LAURIER'I FOR PREMIER 'id"?,?),,,? s V“: THE SITUATION. km. & both, Zappa“ they A pair of Ignatius horse. drawn bad f, ,iiitom to t. Fox-est hot Week from are. a fPee Ethyl; hnAa, successful Inact- mitten foi tn; 1.153%: Tir; Cie 'iLilli Wilson. who w one of their numbers. Mr. and Mrs. JoseKh Love have a number of their frieu 3 Visiting them. Among them are Dr. and Mrs. Grant, missionaries from China. The were away hom the county of Welfington for 7 years. The Dr. is on a three month e leave to recruit. his health and visit. hie friends. Mrs. Grant in a either of Mrs. Love. The eteem saw and shims mill of Mr. Hugh Wilson tt miles no of thee wee burnt down on Friday 'gigih,,t, or Batur. day morning. Ceuee un nown. ‘We beer there is e small Insurance. Owing to an accident the Yoovil crowd were kept waiting till 3 o'clock, not verv patiently, but the explanation satisfied all. Mr. McCallum and the Dr. went to Mt. Forest, to the train Tues. morning, the latter going to li'iesherton where Mr. Hardy was to speak for him. Dr. Lankerkin held meetings at these places on Monday. Dr. Jariiietson was not represented. Mr. T. Brown and Mr. Mil. Sinclair spoke for Mr. Allan. l Mr. A. B. McCallum. for Dr. Landerkin, _ siioke at length on the public questions " the day, and madeagood impression. Mr. Allah v ill have a number of suport- ers at the places, and Landerkin receiv- ed many assurances of suprort from his old friends. Mr. McCall um spoke of the unscrupulous attempt to defeat Dr. Landerkih at the last election by ballot fef,l'gy and roused the ire of Mr. Brown, whic was quite unnecessary. unless Mr. B. is still more tory than tron. No one accuses the patrons of Ballot stamntr, q hum your signature, and if this method of des soiling the Treasury has your up. pmva'. An answer is respectfully re- quested. _ The candidates and agents of the Top- per Government are hawking about the country an order in council gloating over twelve million of dollars to 50 or so railway projects. Is this a genuine document? Have you signed this order in Council ? Parliament is dissolv- ed, and the country has a right to ask you that the Treasury shall not he loot- ed to lprovide campaign funds for a )litica party. Are you protecting the llk'l'llcii"ty, or are you allowing the. public [ credit to be pledged to the service of a. l league of desperate. political gaunesters? You are, under existing circumstances. the natural guardian ofriglits and in- terests of the Canadian people, and they want to know if this order in Council L___,N___N . . _ -- - The Globe this week Prints the follow- ing prominently on its that page. The appeal is unusual but so is the iniquity it is intended to prevent. TO LORD ABERDEEN. Governor-General of Canada t May it please Your Exeellencr-- --The Patron candidate, Mr. Allan, occupies a unique position. Tariti' for 'evenue and so adf'usted as to relieve the necessaries of ife holds a conspic- ions place in the Patron platform, the 1 Elatiorm to which Mr. Allin is pledged ( at at all his meetings he claims that the tariff talk of both parties is all humbug. Let us ask the Patrons whether in these circumstances he can still be their candidate. He cannot be if the Patron Society is worthy of the name. The Grand Secy. Welsh has in a very similar way played fast and loose with the principles of Patronism but the other Grind officers have quickly taken the matter up and de. nounced Mr. Welsh as a traitor to the Society. It will be interesting to know what the Patrons of Industry in 1 South Grev now think of Mr. Allan in his new construction of the Patron‘ Plattorm. on Sunnis! with? F.GiTiii"h"riii," ten for the an rot the 1:3me ---These class antipathies and appeals are most unhealthy. Mr. Allan sneers at doctors and lawyers. Is it not an every day occurence that farmers' ssrs enter these ranks, and if the compli- ment sits paid them of making them representatives occasionally should farmers grumble? There were far- mers in the last parliament, bat it was left toMr. Mulock, a lawyer, to expose the carelessness of the govern- ment which led to the scheduling of our cattle. It was left to Geo. Lander. kin, a doctor, to secure forlmmers and stockmen a favor granted previously only to distillers, viz., a rebate of the duty on corn when imported for feeding purposes. Could a farmer have done more? .. - ViVfi. --- .v-' “w "AUDI! Ill“ VI thecampaign Tuesday. he "Mail and Ernnpire " on April 5th represented Alex. cKenzie guarding the national “tong box. Bengough reproduces this and along side shows the box opened by burglar Tapper, and Haggart, Fos- ter, McGreevy, Rykert and a host of others are off with nrmfuls of Boodle. Yes! McKenzie did guard it, and so will Laurier. Voters, believe this. ---Do liberal patrons agree mth Mr. Allan's statement that most oftlre tariff talk on both sides is humbng? We assert that the iniquity of the tariff was one chief reason for the establish- of the patron order. --Tapper could not get a. hearing at Ottawa until the libel al Candidate was brought to the platform. Tapper isa dead weight " all who have to parry him. Pity Dr. Jamieson. YEOVIL & DRURY‘S Sh. House --Bengough made the hagpiest hit of tempyip Tuesday. 'he " Mail 1iaatm0tiTiiiiijiiiiirr HOPEVILLE. ----v . O - AN APPEAL. no. Terms of sale; Fifteen per cent. of the purchase money shall he paid within 3 days after uccegtance of tender. and within one mont thereafter the balance without interest, or if the purchaser prefers twenty per cent. (in addition to such fifteen per cent.) and the balance to be secured by. a Mortgage on the pre- mises payable in five years with inter- eat at seven per cent. G'i, annum. The other terms and con mom of sale will he the same as at Auction Sale of this roperty held in Durham on 10th March Kat. which 'IT he ascertained upon ap- plication to J. . Telford, Esquire. Ven- dor’s Solicitor. Durham; Messrs. Front and Bataan, Owen Sound, on the under- signed. Wed.) DUNCAN MORRISON, local Mnatarr at Owen Sound. Dated 28th May 1896. CONVEYAN GEES. Ageneeaiilnaneiat Menstrual-med “233 next door to Shula-d Bunk. Commissioners. lousy to lend. lousy Invested for Parties. Pam: bought and sold. David Jackson, Jr,, m. m, em mm E Jackson. Nona pm. Land Valuators, Insurance Agents, McKeclmie v Hutton H. C. J. Chy. Div. pursuant to the Judgment, and final order for sale in mi- action. Tenders will be recenod by the undersigned Local Masha at Owen Sound up to the 17th (in of June, 1896, for the{1urchase of Ll No. 48, Concession 3, Vest Gnmfraxa Road in the Township of Bentitick in the County of Grey containinF 100 ucrel be the same more or less: a rout 60 acres of said lands are cleared and in a good state of cultivation, 8 acres partly cleared 20 acres of culled bush and 12 acres of good hardwood timber. These thing it was not, in hit. Mac- Kenzie’s power to repudiate and when m the case of some of them, e. ' the construction of the Canadian fiAt,' Railway. heusked tor more time, the people of British Cnlmnhia. backed by the Conservative Party, raised the most unrettsronnhle (:imnnm- and appealed cm:- tinually to the Imperial Government to comva Canada to fulfil her bargain. 2nd. For an addition to our debt esti- mated by Mr. Tilley as at least $60,0(X).~ 000 and involving a further annual charge of aver 83,300.0t0--in all a furth- er charge of 87,300,000 a year. lst. For addition charge of four mil- lions (and mor e)bs year over the charge of1873. and, ,Vfi _ V.._v .-.- ""’"'l"‘;““"" wining“, I t will be seen therefore that Mr. Mac- kenzie had to provide: " Foe sinking fund at, one per cent. we require $000.00) and commission $27,- 400. making a total annual charge when these works are complqted of 88,'367,400," "On that item alone wehave there- fore an annual charge of mw million and forty thousand tlolhtrs on the $34.- 0004,00 remtining‘. The annual ('l'lill'gd at five per cent. will be 81,700,000. " We. have a total tunountiruaranteed of 85,400,0JO, which we can obtain at fum- per cent. Those are serious mntlnrs as they add sixty millions to our existing debt.' "We have 830,000,000 for the Canad- ian Prueific Railway and the canal sys- tem that has hem not epted by the Gov- ernment will involve an expenditure of at least twenty millions. " We have $10,000,000 to expend on the I ntereolonial Railway. " We are entering upon worktr-toe have already done ao-which will require a large Increase of out debt. "Ave are, however entering upon new nnc increased engagements involving a very large amount of money. The best answer to this is to quote M r. Tillev’s budget speech of lst April, 1873, in “ Rich he states: This second false charge is to accuse Mr. Mnekenzie of being responsible for a. huge addition to the public debt be. tween 1874 and 1878. N. B.--pgir. John Had ao, no provi- sion hi increased taxes for any part of this a ditionul outlay. Totals by Mr. Tilley, 8N,286,009 Of this sum Mr. MacKenzie only spent 823,316,000, thus Kee ing nearly a mib lion below Sir John K. Mac-Donald's ete timates “pd statutory expenditures. 10. Other expenses incurred under Order in Council as detailed in schedule A., $000,000. ti. 36 Vita. chap, 30 and 41, increase subsidies. 8819.349. 9. Balances carried on by Order in Council, 480,282. 7. so Vic., chap. 40, admission Prince Edward Island, 8418,000. 8. " Vic., chap. 35, Mounted Police $200.0)0. $57,000. 8100.000. of $Sa,200,000. The items are as follows t-- I. Mr. Tilley’s original estimate $20.- 911,183. The actual fact ttt that, Sir John Mac- Donald went out of Mice in N ovemher. 1873, having incurred an annual outlay $23,300,000. One is the attain t to hold Mr. Mac- Kenzie responsible 'l',', the great, increases of egonditure which occured from 1878 to l 4 (Mr. Mackenzie's Beat year of ofBce) when our annual expenditure was raised from nineteen millions to Among the many mistatements by which Government writers and speakers attempt to divert attention from their own misdeeds and to insinuate that, at any rate, they are no worse that their predecessors there are two which de. serves to be more especially exposed. 6. 36 Vic., chap. 81, increase salaries, 4. Mr. 2. Mr. 3. Mr. SALE BY TENDER. J AGKSON E A DOUBLE MIbSTATEMENT. Tilley' first sup. estimate $368.- Tilley’s third sup. estimate Tilley’s second sup. estimate STATUTORY. g "itt “Tynan" in?! " T at the DURHAM CHEMICALS DRUGS INSECT Clocks and Watches A. GORDON. ALIVE. tllll CHAINS All] BEAMS MODERN Audi-'0 Saraupun AYERS src")')', Began Takiaag Ayer's Pills Ji.'isrs, 1w , {17532me 5?" bt.h'f1tutp"6t $3591!" l "E. 7331 w a L:, and Awarded Mocks! pt ”It: a Seasonable SEEDS and 'it?; $ rs'! i'f'?.2t.ri;ff 'eee:'it'iCf.r,'ii:)/?r5e t'ffs7,isr?yr'.' 'r/iff/iii/rl').,?)' in“ my; " iri,fituijsf y.(':fli,, 'Hg-i’f _ 533:)" v" 'évl//1( Q ,‘J'b‘t‘ 'rpsr f" 1.64.?“ h 'i5i'iif'ftfti',i4i . an!" .11, .':,S.?fi)N .e 'ff/lit.' A' ’23 .-e .f /iit1) ”/31: if? , 423:“ 1,33%“ _ , 41:» $21.4 ai'ilii,'i'?-'" c f I my?! . 3: "‘IARKIF'WI; _:4.,i"i' r I“? f'i:i'itilii',?' J?ft'i1ir',?iif1i'/ik ,3 ’ v , r.. .',h', ' M: "“'k T 1?" -s%je"sCti", t. J'f'spj5s'v"r.'ittsfsr ’5 £361} Headache CURED "ifs'i9.A,N!r'rct)TLY POWDERS tut, I ref':17ud tun-Mm- lim- pnrvw, mm? t. ":l'nl" A an"; . h.“ m 'Ais'u'tr. ttrt s".-. , work f, 2' r ', and i -'.'.; I' ", " from Ito"."-"-,,, WM " . " ltr 9'. '_, C. H. Him anus. hm. Mit...ui .'~.'. ALIVE ! ‘I was tumbled :- Iona time with v' hh-ulauhm t:wvs t:.oal'y --cm:n:::“- WM) qt'vr'rt' ;‘uwm Gut Hump-I'M.“ "t'l', of tut; -'-.~,.. and tom? new» in mm cw bvi ttttite in my yuan", “HIE-u" ("‘11: hands and hue an; .. "an: §L.-iincss " tl, Human}, l. Tim: . "et. " I: . m Farm-tit run "tPre"'."-. I was uni mun 1 Are not Ancient but PHARMACY, Are not dead but Charla: B. msissbitsga, CALDEn’s BLOCK B td i‘AKLNG Emu: Hm. imzaplv'~.u "t'l'.' -- t mm? man "n can C‘t ' bs.vrtisto'1t. {021mm r"'.' 45'; Li‘ui .. 'ttid sickness m. t? z !---: . Wu I: . M r.-vv;--d-,~'. re mm f.ouciriiUuci a»; it 'rp.';?., 3:144: ".tico Ls is . {977% “a? ul 37/ _ . _ Gnu. McAnnmn, or to the J'g'gltig, omr C Linux. Durham, 10th, mo. Veuiently situated on the front “not. Items no a few good Fruit Tree- on the Tho under signed one" for Sale or to Bent, the house and grounds adjoining McKenzie'a Tailor shop. Upper Town. The house contains 7 rooms. Kitchen and Woodshed, Good cellar. and in con- g,trt1ertrtir signaled qn_th_e Lront “neat. FOR SALE OR TO RENT BOULDEN & 30., mm»: Haters, April 3rd. '95. Durham Also RUFUS, sigmonth} bid. a get from Prince and Prince“ Lyons, and a tine animal. FOR Service. This splendid animal was imported froin the United States and was a winner of four Prize at the Wnrld'a Pair, Chicago. Thoroughbred Chester White Boar [35331333. ,evllll2'aft".f, Job 't.' ' . Ptt o " too. " . -.--- 1/%yshintrton,' ie-tl-e-e-a-ca-s-a-,, .---Ail Business Confidential-- Lock Box 28. H. H. MILLER, Hanover P. O. The Hanover "To1ephone." Couvevnucer Deeds, Mortgages. Leases and orhii. writings neatly and quickly prepared at reasonable cost. Collects Notes and Aecounts--mt, charge if no ecliectiom Cheap Farm;- for Sale May he you think it is urn. but II. H. MILLER. the Hanowr Cotiveyancor, is lending lutsnf it at. .55 Per cent, and on extra good loans at ass-Costs low--- Tarms as any museum le person may desire. Hay is Scarce ----1'Mrah---- Money is Plenty. The E. HAVE 7 __,__.._-. ' .,“‘.., .nl TD Ul' ' ""'UPS, V *V*""""““""""' Millet, Red Top, Hungarian Grows. in lungs of 100. at $1.100. bag. It pay. to fend OIL CAKE Oil (Puke to your (-mvu. M it hen-um the Row ' ' . of milk and keeps the animal in good comliliun. LAND SALT, LAND PLASTER, W'indaor Barrel fJall, at IF YOU NEED CURSETS COME TO " ' Ch L. GRANT! f t _ A Fodderund Ensilugo. ONE CAR Atnerie,0Gi,ii,Tt Corn in HORN: bags. np.leeted eupvciallv for Fieed. We have tented this been! and found it. titutwlt+ t every seed sprouted. MAMMOTH SOUTH- ERN SWEET. fbtsi.htsre. (Mm. 7 anmnth RED COB, Ensiluge C m. LEAMING’S Improved YELLOW FLIN l for Silo or Fodder'.' GRASSES Clover and Timothv Seed, Tums or Von-hes. Millet, Red Top, Hungarian Grams. -----t- OIL c a K3 in lungs Iof 100. at $1.100. bag. It pay. to fend nu an. .. ., ...--._ - “A .. . - and best Turnip grown. Curlers is t Hem“; 'aiit,u.a"i"di'.-Citi" 113335153: went (With proper culture) when you sow Carter’s Elephant Swede. Carter's 1m raved Purple Top Swede. BANG HOLI "at To; Swede. ' ham ion Par le To Swede. K " 0 SWEDE. SIPTTON " 'l'a'lla 19mm}: TOP SWEDE. I To . Aberdeen Green To . 1m raved GREY STONE. ABERDEEN Purp t, lt uncut? RED 'a'at at RAPE, Carter's Dwarf Essex Broad Leaved Sowing Rape. u tae" TURNIP SWEDE. True to Name. CAEEEEE:%..£E§£EA¥£.efie:a!sn$92.i§zzeég, thslargest Seeds? “"2352 Field Seeds Made especially for persons requiring along waisted Corset. If you have not got a. pair call and get them, as they are sure to please you, SUM- MER CORSETS are the dilireable art isles this hot . weather. Come and V see ours at 50c a pair, We have them at 50p. 2 lines at 75 and 3 different kinds at $1.00, all good re- liable goods. 36th Aimiii Itiiurirrt of Seeds per trtoauiuG' "Damara" Apply to II. H. MILLER bat-. Red, the largest Mange! grown. a aurWyT,-rInrge Rgd Altrmgham. Long Orange, James' Intermediate, . Carter's White Vosges, (grows to an Immense trims,) Yellow Belgian. GRANTS AD. AMER}qu Am? CANADIAN sums. UGRSETS? TRIED . long-waisted 6 hook YOU J. CAMERON t Crockery & ouliL., Dinner. Yo. a; Toilet let. At Popular Prir as. Druggist t: Stedsman, Durham {Tea of Teas KURMA TEA s PAgglllitgtgt A delicious Sold for ttthr. Th. Sold to:- Mes th. Bold for 500- th. Try it. and you willhoportoctly Also I full “out“ gRob'e Taiming I By the tl which for Horse Hides Skins, Tar Satisfaction Guaranteed MANGEL WURTZEL, '?W, llitt,llt,tL'),,,l1tr1rirrtgt. . " New Process, I for Finish and Soft- ness can't be beat. Robes t Coats ttl d In: in lb. and 'lu'YSn2ttV THE SEEDS Offers ..1.yunrnot;hum Tides, Cow Hides, Dog ' Tanned suitable for THOMAS SMITH "grown £1 A'ts n I, FIRE. Ou Fridu] of the Human-r I'd thr.. The new " tion is Ms” we lu toad oursymput by hope and hd'wve In din-star to man In “or than and. hum E-q.. “PM ta'rlTi In Mr. Chad“ w ttev. I. Ivan. tue lmi-py an the noun (rain in Pt. Credit. _ Wnnmm mam Miss Irwin. sink-r #ideUtwh Alluflh‘c. In. Gun, chief cl The con-umny il) Dr. MclbrlrUie, of Eve the ynung cm EVIKW cxta.nds " Towx Con-ML. " tntt on Manda y Hi conclusion. The? to lay I bylaw, o before the Cuuncih time to consider. 1 hope the oonsidei me well mature! ”way u won loading: " one' IOTICE. The Gem-ml A [win-rim: ' 'Ium-h Church. Tm mu take up ttae NW“ Ind and the till; chain of the Old and Apotoawtics, l have think I hr . transfer My I Mot-(h for th, wood. from one Dating of the " mic-inner- for Sn on Sunnis). the p. In. at Kllchne M1019: " Kale J. M ct awt.1t Must coughs In Imam or at anv the use " Aye: a l one}: I pram!!! nu at hand. there is 1 the many fur Wm this remuly in y" We tho been m mmh-d lust wet Was not an (mm-1‘ " dbenne may a" ham. At BequttGnul " facto: in: mm tit. Thu! Gov. t bulging liken n an Rev. M r. Jan». and Armmhly unwell Hus ttt will occult his In the aim-um dim k l.i.l‘('h hr, R. P"rket. Mash-l Punhylcz'iuu cl; Hut ii.“ Mas Mary In rum" 'Normal bu Whe'us" in ti. s. Int- huhdaya. Cured. aluminum uiyru Mumf- Sm bales in ttte wall} 'tttlotta nudiciIu-s. Spnn‘nwh «In Jack-an“ On-lnu-I and oak-tr. The largest 'ttq, Alph- millmmy in it wooduof,.. Mr. and Mrs. G Ion-at. Wow “an "' er tummy. Mr. A. it. Md'nl who war Mounting {'guzxmigu mu m Blur-k. [in Annie " Rttiitr inn guest Limo haul Ju Hun“ at.ul Hung Mm Variant-”u " Liberal ('ummi opened in the Ca Hits Jane Cair, the guest " Mr. T Court Day. Nomination I Dentist Holt, I announcing his Mr. Don. Gr " firm for Mk Mio, Mollie C [out of Miss “a Strictly mm Finish at Jud“: tittusrt Girl ww Ion Mills. App) Mm. Hullvu Catherine. are VI In. McNeil. la in visitivg friend: On Wed cosd" M " " bus C (the In Next Tue-day Fair Day. Durham, ("J "ct" LOCAL “sash-d d nu Win

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