Ontario Community Newspapers

Grey Review, 28 May 1896, p. 4

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Almost a Mig'$lk'iia"ii. A Terrible Couch not D37. - kitii's trmrtri.'il,r,tl LEFT-HANDED ANIMALS. It is well-known that lett-handedness has often been observu in animnlu. Ae.. cording to Vierordtasarrotaaeiae objects with the [on claw by preference or ex-. uluively. The lion strike: with the tut paw. Ind Lift-“tone outed " his op- inion that A" Enimats ere 1ett-handM. Sid. Jermain: mug verified If; tenant. w rapid parrot: found that this hm! nub: ' roadie; use " the left claw for climbing than the right. I ttl Zu-r. These two stewulups will have v'rtpiuu'vy of annut 3,MY) packages of but- lr r Hurt]. They "ill he cooled hyu the _ ml lee in kalvanized iron cylinders m- tumor must (be thoroughly chill- wl idem it a put in them. For that carnage the extra freight charge is not to he more than five shillings per Inn in addition to the usual current charge tor freight on butter and cheese. Ma": of the Creamery men in the n-glon of Queue city. and the ship- per? there. have urged that accommo- dation be provided tor receiving butter into cold storage on the steamship; at the port ot Quebec. It has been tbr- mnged that the three atmhips tit- ted with mechanical refrigerators are to all " the port of Qnehec to take GrGiiukudn8atpaaa-ot.but- ter per trip. The um expenses incur- red by the steam-hip owners for that iiGiairio4paigfforArutsnyryie- ion Government. The shipper: of but- ter tron - will receive rues the - an that chewed from the port at W. _ ..'. .. M, it" s'iiirGG7GDiriidna, is being gone into. and will. be announced early in Jane, which U.tht time at which that '"ririiiiaG. of providing cold storage .wrvice "rug'ti,t",'f/if, can on ran- wayghpic mg up 3951119",°.t butter mag {mm-m mun-nun far RUDD“! matter Hogeiess Case. SREST N A LIFESAVED° rust. cube! day or mgnz. “w m 'ter working over me to me best silky. pronounced my use hopelc: Lia they could do no more tor tt A lcuuing at my trouble. sen: I . M Aret"s Cherry Peetoral.w1uel to (atm, and. very soon I was grew 1. p. y the time Ituut used the an I was completely cured. l have net wh of th cough since that time. am Indium that Ayer's Cherry P3510: ml years ago. 1 " with a terriblt rust. either day COLD STORAGE BY TAKING M " ago. I caught . severe cold. a terrible cough that allowed ther day or tsigltt. The doc- rklng over me to the best of lmwunced my use hopeless, y could do no more tor me. hing cd my trouble. sent me era Cherry Pectoml. which t . and very soon t was greatly the time I had used the when: om pleh'ly cured. l have never a cough since that time, and I that Ayer's Cherry Pectonl .-."-W. M. WARD, 8 Gummy was nfjmw's ma ionzh. No Rant Rich: Given up by Doctors. I? n. Ward. q - i,TirCiiriiri-rdilidi, ‘; Now a trip for the baby to Niddysnod- land. Where the ninja on_roirkers and e'en the smooth sand [at made of white tlannel a: tott As the summery cloud: that if, -atott. - Hi. ho! for our journey In a billowy cradle to _ Ive, are off; we nod-land. We are blown 1 so bland That they warm lift. a curl Iron _ voyaget's head, Yet our craft far away on the W8 has sped. Trp, down. with a motion l'". grade' o, how pug jy tlre journey Up, down. “HUI a mm: In a billowy cradle tor feel the shock Slow, slow, we have tcnwhed m strand. . _ And our Forage is ended in Nidt nod-land? Not so long while the zephym oar white sails expand, We are nearing it now; we will land on a roek- Hush. hush. it's ot feathers; we won't Benson. you are Just too mam, and l can" stand it another minute." "Girls." ralled Mrs. Benson from her room, and the two little girls came in. They were twins. and looked so murh alike that even their father had some- times to look twice before he knew whivh was Margery and which was Mar. m and always In 'do unto otbemf and all "tfi, ever since we were little children?" 'd “very was astoniahei, Marion look- ed interested. "Bring me my Bible. dear." was the only reply. "Oh.' let me get mine too. I always tememhcr so much better when I read out ot my own." And Margery was off Mrs. Benson was silent for n moment. These little quarrels between the sisters were becoming too frequent. and she had roan wondering how she could put a stop to them. "Then, Margery." she stir) ost, “gym. in the house so much." "But you shouldn't. take tht asking her," mid mother gram teasing habit of 'ours in; very and makes a great. deal of to The mischief died out. of Mari and she leaked ashamed. T "But Margery." mother won thing abould make you speak signer as you did just now." _"tihe does provoke m' sm" n ""iiiir"ii"erF2aid Mhrion. as her moth- er stooped for a good-night kiss; "aMr- gery_proytkrd P." "tdar'.' . .L,_ "Ye. she provoked me to a good work," went on Marion. "She was read- ing. and I wanted her to go down to the big burn to see the new little calf, and ahtrraid she would it I'd dust our room. It was my day, and 1 had for. gotten it; so she helped me to do it, and then went Wuhan}: .. _ -- 5‘";- "And have you provoked Margery that way. little daughter?" _ "No, not yet." said Marion. sleepily: "but rm going to to-morrow; Pee. got it all planned." _. . Did she? ' mid n wu more to come No boy with any knack at carpenter- ing need be without a. desk in his room. The material for making one. it pur- chased. cost. about a dollar and a. halt, but omen [than are hoxu and lumber in the house sufficient to make it with- out expense. There are many rainy days through the summer vacation when it would be a. plenum. pastime for a. boy to have the making at such a Mk on head. _ _ ... Two stout shoe or packing cases will he needed. They should be of unitary: size. mensurmg about two but and aux inches one way, for the Might ot the desk. two feet another. to_form the desk. and one foot and six incite. for the other digemion. _ J, WA A Any hay fifteen years old ought to be tible to handle a saw. hammer and plum. suitieiersuy well to pat this desk together. First Pet the boxes. and make them smoot_ with sandpaper. One side at each box is to be left 090nm into phi: two shelves should be fitted to Man boob, papal). pen boxes. etc. _ ... .. . , A VOYAGE 1:0 suornurioD-LANu nule's iGrieriGii1saTa Gus) kissed Mur- Mol her, Marion doe A NEW WAY land, WHAT A BOY CAN MAKE tvoked.t to make angry, to " Then. a little farther down. ir up. to induce.' it kind of to permwrde,-doesnt it?" she pear .- c." ___ “1' . maid mo: her. knowing there e'er the ocean have Harte Y TO PROVOKE. Marion. Now, Marion Just. too mean. and I -," she said at last, ry provoking her?" Benson! Haven't you I never to fight lack. , unto others.' and 3H ney an grand. to NiiiiiLnod-land oird, Markers. $51.12} sCiGir-iaud as downy and url trom :l for Sum)" are float ing the waters Niddy-nod by breezes anal her t works." murmure a -moth. find the N 'ul, iy- Jr {PM saw ft FgW"'F%"br's,v-i,m,P, TC“ 'i . "id>h', If !slwop looked so mm and worn and irhin. We were told she had been taught to churn ymlrs Isefore, and was uried to it. ll. moment very cruel. The place where she was working was near the farm-house. and at the top of a hill; the road was directly in front of lhv house, Acms the road was Cl roll- ing field. unzl in thrs \n-n- tho sheep arrl lambs playing about or nibhling the grass. doing all the things it, run-nu natural for shee I and lamb! to do. Thu- working mheep hem looking through tho- lmrd of tlv.. tn-mlmill so surrmx'fully xauzl wistfttlly. sp Alt concerned will be cross; and even the dog and cat are snappish on such occasions. The woman of the house rises early In the morning when she commences hotme clvaning. and tucks her hair un- der a. red handkvrehiet, and bobs up tho skirt of her mum in a wad behind, rolls up how sleeves, and informs Fr husband that aha is going to do some- th'yyr.torday.. .Iil' Is hurrml out of lied before sun- fisv, b.ecause the carpet in may room is coming up. and the lulscead Is cqm- mg down, and the cui'tains aye 301113 to bu washed. 13nd "Cain 13 30mg to be exertion or scrumnng. .um |vu struggling locks of dust-sprint out of her eyes. with hands with dirty suds. it swans to _\'L ly ilnlmsihlo that this is the. you courted five years ago. ar, nth-d. and sent bouquets to, and "too pure and good for human daily food." t t I ‘- .. ., ...h.,.. .. u“. a nun; AM- Eireryihing is upset about the house. If you want to find anything. you had helm-r it to the store and buy it than spend ' time ir. hunting for ir. And your wife, who generally acts as search- cr-in-chit-f for missing articles, "uint attend to anything of the kind now. She is house cleaning._ I I 15 Home. twinning; Who all the bedsteads am- down, and the beds airing in the wood-shed. and ther quilts soaking in the. washtulr. com- pany will arrive, and look astounded win-n they find that house cleaning is when they find that house l‘ll'ilnlug is going on. They have come to stay u. few days with you, and they do not relish hav- ing their antieipated comfort. tit-strayed by soapsuds and scrubbing-l-Pts. If Four wife is a woman ot spirit. she will find oat a dry spot tor 1.th to ML ory and go right on with livr house cleaning. She will tell the hired girl. eormdetitially, 'thut "she is going to clean that hotly. even it the governor corms!" How she ever gets order restored to the chaos ot confusion is a puzzle to the uninitiated. The contents of cupboards, drawers. closets, bags and boxes, are all piled together-- the furniture oc- e1NV/ng the centre of the floor, the Chlidrrn climb the tables and bureaus unmolested, for "ma is cleaning house," -and it none of them happen tr break their limbs. she does not concern her- self about them. _ All the doors and windows are open. Strange eats prowl through the. rooms: strange boys play marbles on the back door-steps; the next door neighbor goes . . l . “A. L“; Chn “auxin-n ”mummy“. WFWN __-__ - by in ber new Ircst suit, but tio' woman who is housv cleaning docs not, notice. SM is putting things u, rights! AIL-T about :1 week of dierrss, quiet svls in. The house is cleaned. All the rooms are dump, and smell of soap and whitewash. Everything is so eleatt 111th everybody new to walk tiptoe, and on a crack at that. for (ear of sailing something. Everything you want is packed away. Books an ixapert.make too much clutter. Old, tary slippers. true. tried. and valued friends as you look urea them, have been burned; .no.roorn or rubbish. . The house is in apple-pie order, and it you. want anything you have to ask the mistress for it; and it she wants you to have it. she'll get it for you; and it she does not, she'll tell you she eaa't find it, and you have to believe her. It will be nearly six months before thine: net easy and mtprmlile in mug Uru‘l). He is tuu'ried out of bed before sun- ise, because the carpet in that room a coming up, and the bedstead is com- ng down, and the curtains are going o bu washed. and "Cain is going to be mixed” [mm-rally. Break a,qt is tsirried-nolrry)y can stop " bother over tea and coffee, and to iisruss the nmvs, when house clum- ttW has fairly amt in. By ten u'vinck srhaos and confusion mign. Dust fills the air; broom»; and urmhrs rule the hour. basin» M “in” A worm: at luncheOn with Bis- marck about three weeks ago remark- ed that the Prim special knowledge of mediaeval hosth-y and geognphy was amazing. . "Oh, yes." Was the old Chancellor's Pspir; "it I had not. lasted so much ttt my youth and had only learned to sit. more induatriousty in achair 1 might hue amounted to something.)' Bismarck spoke of the Germah lick at ARMVW and 'sottetem. 533:3 ot tNi'gip'l'ir and self-esteem m up days tara' the commute ot Amine. 1:151 France. He dun had felt. be said. that I German never would Mable to feel the page: amount of fN?r.stidHset "I himself. e had changed in: mind however. after meeting Eis.8e1' Te; It will bu: nearly six months hen things get easy and comfortable you; how-w. and then it will be time begin houso cleaning again. "dd am " Humor and Izvmlnhrrm'u- from the l;\lle of l‘rlrilrlflurnh. Bismarck receives compxratively few strangers now, and consequently the vast number of speeches and luferviews which in former years came from Fried- richsruh has dwindled to only an oc- casionat remark or story. The Geriimn nurveyor of Bismarckiana hm found his occubation almost gone. although but a. year or two ago he was able to till columns with the latest information from the Saxon toreat. Here are about all. the odds and ends of anecdote that he has been able to gather since the waver. tum um"... -.r-" 77., net. the compact. Wagner had enough Belt.qauem fog a. whole nation; be was the meal: conceited German it egg: had been his pleasure to an: m . Tttt old Chancellor has told mother drinking story. only, , liltle.one. to be sure. If, u "i,2tfedtiht"f'm Mary per a we mptati . f and swung: at his only manhood. had tried a whole.efternoou to drink we oute.rvy2es2?t table._ Four 'ride" 'iG'ara7ijig - as batman t'l2itStt'fifu1't"ih"W'lhli'C)llll'iha' iaTiuTiioiktkihuritotMdoor, my! and-Judy to can tor home. H}! i'iii2ii,iiiigiifai,i2Lediitguit In the saddle. Bum-rot. sr. leaned. use MJ’WLW; u. :2.“ trritii'iturdt'r'4i17is "tiid' Gu.' "Wm itts Itat Am At?,' 'iieieriieyatrdt, Prinee's eitrhty-tirat birthday, by u~u BrT-B_'Nr- _ee__-' ign. Dust. fills the air; broom»; and uwhrs rule the hour. basin» ot water krs of soap, and wet, rugs, confront u at vwry turn; and it 'yrya tum ith- to avoid theus, you'll he likely to Pp into a mun-r at "urios iust out " ,- carpet. or on a buttln of] ammonia. Your wit" is transformed from n rum-hold angel into a very draggh-d- okiug soulliun. with smut. on hrar mm. M smudge-s of dirt on her arms. and she m-rulu away on that hall oil- ol h. and svrryws up hn-r face with the :a-rlion ot wruhmng. and pushes the ruggling locks of /fust-sprinlclef hair " "r I.” eyes. with hands dripping BISMARCK AT Si, :"u'Tot and an in bi sit. n An, -a-a "rs- of the house rises early {1 when she commences and tucks her hair un- Jkvrehief, and bobs up r are!“ in a wad behind, FA 'an al (1i ter, thought nature's on April “Vinny to in a muzuum. But in ‘ soil should be deep and soil capalrle of rolainin nut in vxcom. It the and tenacious, it shoul- drained and trenvlied, a (lopm of 16 or 18 incl IA rvsormir of moisture [Mann flurim: our {ml icurrytiling Lu um, love m this vbunxry that tl unrfam- sod ime good romlililm n P all that m non-wry. A deep soil H our ot the essentials for u. good lawu. By a good lawn is menu! mm that will n-uuun green during the vuliru hum- mot and autumn. A mot and autumn. - Too much attention cannot In: given to the preparation of the. soil before the seed '1" sown. It should In plowed and tvplowed, cultivated. narrowed and ru:t- cduunlu the whole is thoroughly pul- ye-nzed and mixed to a depth at H inches This work should he dopeyn the. fail, and then left Lo settle all 'tun- (or before me seed is sown. This gtpy! " solid foundation on which lo buxlxl and will pn-vent little knulls and hol- 1owr,.wtuep interfere with the props"' wyrlciug of the lawn mower.‘ ihiei2iijiiiiti kk/E." ' Jr,";,',,'.", tttrd,") _ u a: . - ed m.t¢d1n¢ an f,fdhig'tfg wet, an: dttte..1md to, 1106‘ load wet why: any _A 11qtsh "t m. let.? The third essential is early and tre, quonl mowing. It the grass is allow- ed to get too large before bein rut. the stuhllle will be too stiff. 'illlf that soft, velvety appearance. which is so at- tractive. will not be obtained. As won as the grass is tall enough for the mower to catch it, is the time to lxigin. A few annual weerht which may appear during the summer will do no harm, as frequent mowings will prevent, their going to seed; bur such pumnninls as dorka, dandelions, plan- tains, elm, should he dug up us soon as they appear. It there is plenty ot water always at command. less attest- tion need be given to fertilization; but early every spring it. will be well to top-arms the lawn with unleached ashes and bone meal or "errre"re',t,t; Forty or fifty bushels o the former and three or four hundred t',uprii', of the latter per acre will keep t e - in B. healthy, thriving condition. Bags yard manure is too unsightly, and should not he used except in localities when snow covers the ground all win- mm and_then it ghoul be {liked off as early in the spring as possible. By following the above suggestions. as good, lawns can be bad in this country as those in England; lawns which will last . lifetime. ma“ be a. eontinaal scum ob pleasure to all who come in coth with them. - ' in: been brought from Pekin. China. at first. .They are the most prolific by“: ct all the breeds of ducks. pro- ducing tram one hundred and fifty tm vtwo hundmd eggs each in a _ reBr. They bagin to hy,urly it may have. been wall kept through the winter. and the eggs no Inge an?! pm white in tation, _ . It isbutto use ttanroraarintnet,tit DUCKS. . We have tAnd ducks very profit- able. gully as much so as hens. and we have 5 liking for them. Bar" the editor ot Farm and Fixesidg. They are hardy and easily raised; and no not subject to mp, cholera. nor: do lice trouble them. T There is abundant room for choice in varieties. bat for profit. there is not tb better breed thin the Peking. tho. ugh the Renews are I good second. Pains In a pure white with B creamy undercolor. ' and the' breed Ms been in this country only a (a! sertep.av- wmwhduommm no! trrais- ed "brtnnd" vary can; if “In" a warm 1t't,itdet, it Jl'l"E fet,t I w , "It” - ".'r"'l'.'Y,all'lrJ"s's"ll'r'eu'l unmat- jult'go it in wet All! Jolt. ud_they Wham mama-AM Mun“! m ”but. We 'fest. com-mil THE FARM. will possess a c harm is among pleasure ground" ttdined and graceful manner is tJ'--a universal plLssporL to ml- 2." In fact, new and gm.“ um Sunny Hui th, Many people tls we think (pal good romluiu wry. A deep ! feathers start, J.heyys iy no danger from iirry"riirikrdr. .3114; kind, mun"... 'AF w“ .we..'e_ A flock of laying ducks should have one drake lo about. five ducks and shouid he fed corn and rrucked wheat, and kept shut up in the. morning un- til they have. laid their eggs. or they will wander off sud drop them any- where, 3mm. the place. Haw a dry hum» for them In sleep infant! have it well Imided with straw, which tre- quently renew. inn-null": mryrte ‘rn- I'm-n At ortttr “arm. 'rlyv'ha.rilies of Paris receive {Is their share of the n-wnl e.vcle mg. rare- ofrilrlrmdt 82-25 Inch per year: the tax yu-lds about 8400.000 per annum. "Pedaleurs" ,'uuL"py,laleus"s" are le terms which to designate, During Lin porn-d from [urn of the Cyclv-s are u: Johunmshurg. [ thvre are 4,000 that. place. A paper puhl builders invites m‘mnmxudau ion light. a will not It is an ordinary sight. in London to sea bice'cles chained to the railing out- side o the fashionable and exclusive clubs along Pull Mall and Piccadilly. The house committees of the various clubs having deeliwed to allow a wheel to be when inside the rluhhousw. some ot the clubs have rented small places near by where livericd attendants look after and clean the wheels of members. A curious story is told of a Frvnvh cyclist. who wheeled up to a gvruiatmie and asked him for his sword, saying that a mad dog was running alwad and be wanted to kill it. Thu Mticer gave the, wheelmun his sword and the latter disappeared. He presently returned and handed back the» sword dripping with blood. He had overtaken the in- furiated animal and dispatched him without dismounting trom the wheel. “m a.“ um. .._. -__"e---_""e __ tlll%t'/as"Ciri he planed down. In this manner the track. will offer as link- reaiatNyle. as possible, says the Ameri- cart Wtieelman. . In driving out ts.re.t.racery crank key or other part. of similar dimensions. where Were is danger of "barring" the edges or destroying the ihrcad. if only a hammer or wrench is employed. it is a. good glam to use in copper 'l,egl,'lr to protect t 2 park. In case at a qtrtul key to be rcnwved. for instance; put a. piece of shingle. or Mamet My kind of Wm chip, on. the under Side of the crank boas, against the in?~ and hold the owner penny on top P. the key or comer Uh You may strike ihe penny with a lutasdNedom t.rom.tear ot in- juring the pin. and drive it out, no matter how tight. Bolitene‘ss is a kind of .a.ntsmst.htsvit which envelope the -upentias,o( our character. :10 that one; people be not wounded by them. We should never be without it, even when we contend with warmer-3011b“; The grunt .oommonplnce people be- gomo highly when“ when they are In I. passion. hole dramas of malt. injury and wrong page lactate their Mom. ot creatwe some; tor more is%iiUtimea-tt6t a. tut to go up ort.-Betts _ _- In London the way of the transitress- ing cyclist is hard. A member of the nobility, who hut. mmol of his machine going down " steep hill, was fined for Curious riding. A German baron was fined for riding on the wrong side of the street. , r, Arthur Balfour mum to grief while riding on his bicycle in W 1fireehapel, He got. jammed in a crowd ot vehicles and had to take the rigors of his bicycle to Downing Street tt a hansom ml). He has had two other accidents within a short time. through the penter upon a. circle cor- responding with the course of the track. Tha_pwoe will trey be reversed, the straight sides bung; placed together. thus forming a ".t?uo.e of the track. The end Joriiirilt, altfrAxmw and”?! in”: 2'31” way: car attaining an Llama -togm an per-avenues. Form an: to use lot only ot the priv- dojod low. but austere V.d,ayseritu,s.tf gunman 'turea', by the wt WE“P-‘- AR I???“ W.'.Y A wooden bicycle path is to Us erect- ed in Kalamazoo. Mich. It will be con- strucwd of heavy plank: the grain of the lumber will run with the counts of the track, tbs boards being ‘mwed """f2GTi,iiumsaun maul-tad br. 1'it, g ntritr, Bnd Ptrttttg tratd a a , so are m m tutfltttd'tt.. and 3.4.22? In France. "ir.sTlcq are tax"! HERE AND THERE A GEM mm?" wTth lists.-', CYCLING NOTES the .rat'TiiirFGF, employ cyclists of the, two sexes. your 1895 there were ex- England ryclt-s and cycle value tut 86.939.050. used in large numhers in. t. Suulh Africa. I. is my! Jt Paris W'vol "tvidr, th “I I'nrh m tttil 83,000 mee t, in ulu‘ u. rm ..bF%rrw.Br.Wrr.. B. ..._ ,, V This ir the Hindoo barber. He does not, like his Chinmie comma, ring a hell or utter any cry. Quietly he goes along more like a philosopher than I shaver of men. But, despite the fact that be has no shop and lacks pomp. hf. however, hthu a distinguished pom- tion among his countrymen. . The Hinaoo harbor visit.., vermin tami.. has regularly every morning early. The scrmnt announces his premem'e and he games in with n Salaam and a "morn- J5 habit." You sit. down eorntort- ably out on the veranda. The harbor unrolls his little bundle. displnylng two (r (bra: ruzors. a pair of mtity.1 Kr. W. M. Mlle". "I. for liun humor. Trim a! nu mum: liner“ or Dr Agnew: Churn-n! -r--tt Kenn“ Inna-ll] .an Per-Anon!” than. “'th in ancndanm at the, Hou.w of Commons during the hut mxsiun " Parliament. Mr. W. H. Bennett. who mprwenm East Simona with so ustwh smixtm‘! ion and ability, awoke um: morning to find himself an intense mf- ltm from cold ipfur, head aryl rayarrb. '" nude“- Watched um Run!“ or South Allen“- urn-Inc c-re with ll.lllI.l gtt--gtt+ tier-In Alnul “you; III-I- EldIPI|2¢ -Iclnn¢d . In Two not" III. (and In Three Darn. , In adding my testimonial to the many words of guise spokon ever where, in {not of South American 'i?Lt'lhll'., Cum, I am at “can: words to express my ftrNings of sinus ' atitudo and “annulment for what tgirs remedy has done tpr me. _ - _ _ " 1utHrg,B_ttrymisittAtiWte." 4.. Fatal. FArr, 'ey1erasPCt.t.'iiey 'ai, BufNmm frqm this amputat- With lad; m‘g the continuqd was at South Rheumtu: Cum. I an. tlt,tt"iL',h'T. (@9362 F. 131411. ‘_ - you”: 31' V91 EAST smcori'S CLEVER MEMBER h12hht',t of the mllmu cum attached y Song!) Ame-n hummus Cure. Idothrmnpocl to give it astrial, namely expect“. however, that 'it would. do mp y22rl'l'ti Judge ot my ful sunrise delight when, after it1'i'llr'.'ftglT.'t'Gl' doses ot the remedy the pun "stireV m me. In three this I yrs-gills Qluvqmy ttedu L " thud-lei, (and " In. Lynn'- Cure for the "mtrt-ytte Great ”(r-mum; Remedy Gun Hem! I. Tull-u MI;- no. Thomas Fairy. Esq.. Ayluut Que.: "l have been meblul m five yuan. with seven heart umpluint. At.. tinter, tho pun was an haven: that l was un- able to attend to bum“. The uligblw at. exertion proved very fatiguing. and Mun-ad taking my. I tried Dr. Aggew's Cure tor the Heart. and “blun- ed unmodiato relief. I have now taken '.nsr. bottles of the remedy, sud am eu- timly ttot' from every :9me of heart disease. I hope this statement maximum others. Lmubbd as I mm. to give this most valuable remedy a An thq rank, of ewe. l was tum}: with Insure stuck of rheu- mtxc fever. which “tented my knee tab. The pan: I suffered was lumen toey,1 human undurance. Poctorif per- mnpnqns and other Maegan me no mint. and lupidly contmued to grow worse. and; it band as if every munch and bone In my body was Affect- by tho advice or Q dchor, who had ntclgedjho was . this gemody wit): imminent. J continued. Ma use until l but khan In: hauls. Eva-y than of In: .r.ttyu.r.nNite Pe 137w, a... - -. ,_-,.__,__ --'ee' now dunno-Jud. and I mu that I an themiiftrhl and parliament] eumd. Only than. ywby bum .11!!on tro_m HEART DISEASE OF FIVE YEARS STANDING. trial Miss ftpi'"g' paid Phe a compliment lawst nix t, said Willie Witshinqton. one.of we sort of which she makes a specialty. She told "te.she thought 1 had a pleasant disposhwn. Aiow did she know? F That's what 1 uked her. She said any one could see yum I was my to please by the way an which I laughed at some at my own remarks. a”; iiitl"i2iiFii,iii,i,if, Ljfdigif2dsh . trialMwNyh lyqul roeisrtytysnd to ".iiiGsusscentrt, will pay me two n 2IR2tiirii,'tti', gm wrong t cm rrikk ,mietio1x,ta1tPtvPt. danger A MAN EASILY PLEASED, ' A mm» mm. ammo BARBERS. TILL ONE DANG ER 31w .wo'lmlmhdm' "r-'.""" C.-.. 'hgPgaTfll1iall'Ure'i'fJf, and whim!» mu Is now amino mintywunu autumn-lune.de ItmhIMM f a. "an”; Lutmaw WALHJB'J kit to m gun Ir. Luv-on by .ttty [ 'iiffhtrdl.1"rHrsrt may mdbythochntm at in: " w"rew 'iikGriiiutifsetyiHytCtttttee,, l W5 Itrtt Irtiite bina- ninth. my.“ tIS rm.1u¢nn.wh l,,' PN?tgu'ltl, i"fifi't?ti1tliifi 'tl? wu Cl 'i.irttlrtt1','P4il “it. -- In 1L! - ..._ Letera.e lbullr- Ike-inh- "ttttw thr Wan . Vary u ttr lu- III. In Stu-1w: pockets Ind: I!» Port-If. l meretm The stupendous growth of bicycling .. ir,ttr, since the "safety" and um pneumatic ; payout. tire were invented is illustrated by .11!“an statement which comes from London.[: v9”; when an international exhibition of 1 1 ltr; homely-I carriages. motoN and motor 5 say tlt! industries is to be held. beginning and ', ttr,t'li',', continuing during May. June. fiisil'du't and “and. The Queen tutd the buts: Prince at Wales we the patrons of the diminu "ttitsitiyst, lad the chairman is R. J. _ {4va Wymwooridn- c. ltd. the“ which b you in dv 11301 “an "éw. um», ttttttel if/f:'? W and by this due! an. ot “W only M at country, pt. I has of 't'tltat 'NC. ' tmttrrtintiA Worth: .7 Ji'iiiitrc.ree.t?faieikuia' pr Sale by McFABLANE & CO., Wholesale Agents for Durham ti “Enos or THE SAFETY WHEEL. ij"iii"ji"i,ji' Tl..- Great {iv-rim Cvntzzry. Shim-rs (“usual Cu; 1r.e, Cum! Hm War chi. Ccree nt the Nun-p I (fun-m I'rrtsusruratly. A. Woudcrful Sperm TtMipestion, llyslwwin ervuu‘nru and lh m- lhnn No Bum] an n There is a LTI'RI dr in the nulhcds zulupu on»; [human no m Had cf thin: th, mnnvlv that has to put up wt esprr'austiAw. The di asurrhcrt :G.rdrnc tal view If lite to play pr He dues not think th What of our» 'thumid t has recorroicwd thut th duel”. but. by :K‘it'nl ha loam": that 5m: t be Pest in perfoot mu “waxy h H9? in With tut individual. h feet heath colt when ur- kept hmhhml and What tiara-=0 is may in kept What, What discus' 1: man- kdigoni. a or drtmepeia Mmh' may ho :iwn tc the mama-m N-rriue i, nurenfn! T ct-dy for tt iiuiueestircs, " wcattrar. it a a! all gonad. mama f". Il Fy/rl 93:5: iiii'riri'i.':il'i' i"j. WCURES GUARANTEED on NO PAY! 94min American Norwim'. Thu-Great Health Hanover of the Ennoan an I dospf ndont; and: or dobuimnd; tirod at " nonm- ‘HE ttll ? t",7ir,'fe/lr'l.'ltf'; r11)1-m0ry loom: may 'ei,ytieiJa'tp',r=riilili..t2ii. u b 2gtneegill,; twain? bknrbxgd: ss,','t,e.."tu'f, hoe; dunn- Ind Inch!- m: rm to; n : ' .. loom: 6106!: - watch: r,,td"s't"t"n"r2',t,idt dz)!"- 1"fti,i'e'h'k'l'lli't'st'lf, iattoersart-s (ma my: and “new; - wE CAN CURE YOU I [iiiij,Tiiijrjjihijil%y emu! special VARICOCELE. EMISSIONS 1!.12 IMPOTENCY CUREO. New Mrtrood l mm H... eonsuunucn H! C - urNo VATE. __N o no READER! C,1ilfil THE WAY TO PER RESTORED ro MANHOOD BY DRS. K. JOHN A. mums. JOHN A, mums“ mus. POWERS. CHAS. Luau G-ss. M1“ “nun-r. Bum I'm-nut. nus Tl no was tut YESI’IMGHXALS USID WITHOUT names consent 'VVQVVV II ----u ...-.'--- - STARTLING FACTS FOR DISEASED VICTIMS. ii!!! [If " YEARS IN ' liquzl Ctrl u Spring hiwlivinn. s a 't,".'.t deal of uncertainty whorls :ulumvd to remove dis- ‘:(~.orn no not “no from this 1m: tits mxvlrm. The poor pu- to put up Mu: axood deal of Jinx. The diset,vorte of South Nwrtitsv :ukos too Borioa. n Je to play pranks of thin kind. not think that these humln um Khulna be fooled with. He v..3.;.~.l max thr.r are white! to rut. by ...rirt:titie methods, he "d (hat gnu! an the wettelt ll to porfnot repair only when the " h lip? in running order. no Individual. he rennin: in per- It ml»; when the nerve centres hmhhml and strong. Hun-w is more distremimt than a Jr'd.orvepeut'. Some simple my bo the: to can» relief for an. N-rviue h m indisputably l 1. may for the worst cues or n. 'n-czmm it Mel theme curch walla-the new. our CURES GUARANTEED OR NO PAY.- j1il)iilf (ll,','),]!,,),,?,), ie1ilElirii) ,','at"i'e in. country,_3:m ot mun iron in very mm atr,t',1tt, rittit,'gt'tltl ”byway. and gum. which comes to m. te=u'l'lrlu'Gri'e M Mus m an; “most and iaraly.rtsieyr. oolpetim- alone Ind st3e8teh- uiingulr. - '?t,iiltttati,t', nth ugh or new. In sll K . 'thuhlb‘ tiiotirtisra-.e.utaey,',e'.- fins-mum” In I m ot m" sutidiri- --“‘ t,ttt,1rtI'tr.tl"dgti: r Mi u - ' " Ff " '-- _ , z. . El5ilt" “u? --. T Ir, gin-saw can. - Nerve Centres and Thus 5 'W,"' 525* figfigx ot Cope With It. u Worst Cam on Ree. E55: Li. eitie in All Caaes of sia. Sirk Headacbe, "on! Debtlitr., _ 'th J a "'. , Nam-s SHELBVST. I ea '1i":ll.flldl, DETROIT,MICH. D "OFF. 200.000 CURED. NO RISK in?“ IIBON FALLING FROM STARS. u up Wins?» . wen-known astronom- 'g,Ny, .mywthnmicmdlheunh - i',fl'i?,j'i7et',i? by the wanton its sur- trr.pt'itbts of “but iron in very fine 'l',i"ltb'j1rttf: ad minim which come: to Ft,llhyiie,iLt..ttt shooting “it an. duos! "iuila'.er.tttief.1tr. unstim- Mum m . a mat-now m abet "e'.". In I" 'iait"i'f'"o PITTEN CONSENT. pm- o. U No mama-s on boxes or nnvel- ui. Gurut'.ott not and cost. of Treat- rubber works ’and the leather trades. Mr. Lawson wu and how he (mine to pa.teyt the splay. and he laughingly panned .lo himself and said: "I am :vyry batsman Aidgwaotedtoride tttnt, a well a the rest. and so 1 aecutdomstoaatitme. Imay say an: my short legs have made my ttitxute." So the popula- "safety" u iiraiiiteoqtyte.eimeitt1leH1foeyc mt. my"; blade built tor two." by} 'y.aehistt lo irotanmoate his ovm digttigttttHe martian. justly claimcql with 1:150 Jtt'it'"i nib PM some . m t te pockets of 1% manufacturers. (as! meeettantn, grog Wen: wie dial?” In the.eteee of the y. tl ed Sutter from run Ll ,', blood. through nrgth 1w: punished. Ind um “'10:.- -out of order. Wu wg-u' y. apeinx medicine. Ncrve A equated vital fortres tirut tttin tired. don'H-un. IC..w' able condition. ho our 'ce? do or Nervino at this ». year without disease wield. to shown: health. Mhe momi is plain. Kl"t"',‘ um. " sou “an,“ a disease. then you will rake 1m~xervin¢ which will " "rt. vital tion. w, pietebt How many spri- ttrough cwrvuus::-»~~ rm- mvw. but it m trauma. Nervine h: pento mam ot Itrt other medicine- am":- so for the lame rims digestion. The mt ranged, or. there Wu: nervousness. erx Men- the no” It? marvellou- pow-.1- bud. 'tern! ri'iii2iii,iTitditdo,r has sutrdi,ri- dd: CONFIDENTAL IE Syghiéis, Emissions Earicucem. Cured. "airiadd -- G-ir. unu-hm ' -i' I '1 I“ Tm“. le. Law. tes and y icinit f tart-1 vie: mu- go (A A2

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