. CAMERON ; all Nature‘s orious * Array ockery & Glassware Dinner. Tea & Toilet Sets it Popular Prices. anever n 5J â€" H. 9. MILLER 32â€" ed *Telephone ea of T eas KURMA TEA ayv is Scarce AINS S AD, OR HATS All Busizness Confidentialâ€" lox 28. H. 4. MILLER, . CRANT . ney is Plenty. or 30c 1bâ€" »1d for 40¢â€" 1b ction Guaranteed. [ROMAS SMITH. (Â¥ i anning ! Sold for 50c 1bâ€" | you ‘\7\':I>l b‘pfl'fecuy rahl! BUT d Accountsâ€"no c Cheap Farms foffl: es. Lenses and other vide for 25¢ a 2. 50 ianning ! rickly prepared at "r0cess, is not, but H. H'- s Conveyancer, 1% per cent and on lessâ€"Costs lowâ€" alle person may ax ve HEMP, GS, MATS, ng.. . xaut, and Couveyancer es worn 5 :t a‘int eq 18 is the ITTER 4 lbs Mmer O1 6. please being * busiâ€" n as ta b the R JUNE * ¢ _ one year, worth $75. Black Fence Wire $2.75 per 100 lbs. Buy now as the price is sure to be higher. Wire Carpet Tacks, a new idea 6 Packages for 25c. Urroy L WILILOG D AGL LV â€" «ULEC LOL ELE enge o ue tm T uce ic Leat w adtie Wt waie sn irnitnd iot all week at 27e yd. j ; All wool checked Factory Flannel, Reg. 35¢, Tuesday and all week at 24¢ yd. ? Our own yarus all pure es s will go Tuesday, and all week at 25c yd. Men s Sammer Shirts and Drawers. worth 35¢. Tues. 25¢ each. Pure White Wool Blankests sold all over at 65¢ Ib, Tues. and all week at 42%c ib. This is a snap. We receiv ed two cases last week at 4 big redustion in price. Single Yarn in Grease at 33¢ lo. f 40c Ib, 6 los for $2 10 ol i SPLENDIY TWEEDS,â€"which really ought to bring 45c Nail Hammers Reg. price 25¢. Tues. price 13c each. Butter Pails as advertised last week with covers, to hold 20 lbs butter, 10c each money refunded if returned to us with butter. Screen Wire 28 in. up to 36 inches. Bicycles at $55..‘G}1Ha}anteed for :““““‘Q“'«?"bv'vv vâ€"':v--- Pm w ,. ’ * Roll Carding, Dying, Spinâ€" g * ing and weaving promptly # £. ; * ati;ended to at our Woollen + Mills. 2. deaseseseseseeeseee02e2lr0e WQ“â€W We Buy wool fl for Cash â€" sssasseses.418 12 BARGAIN DAY experiment OUR has proved a Success; WE are satisfied. YOU are satisfied, THEY are satisfiecd. What we advertise to do we carry out to the letter, and by this means we are gaining new customers from far and near. _ ‘"Good Goods at Honest Prices" is the maxim we adopted years ago and We intend to keep to it. Cash Is King. Gall and get 3 or 4 Tin Butter _ Pails from US. mm J; 4 argain Day Twillad Factory Sheeting, Reg, 40¢ 2 yd., Tues. and Wool NO SHODY Our Tuesday %%%%% s23e8°e8see.0esriee00e8?p A 3 Mr Jno. Williams came bome last week from the busriu‘l at 0. S. where he has been carefully attended_ to durâ€" ug his recovery from the accident by which he lost his arm. It is gratifying to down that much neighborly kindness has been shown in the assistance given during seeding time. ory Pualmonary consumpton, in its early stages, may be checked by the use of Aver‘s Cherry Pectoral. 1t stops the distressing cough, soothes irritation of the throat and lungs, and induces much needed repose. | Hundreds have testified to the remarkable virtues of this preparâ€" ation. Engerraic LiGHt.â€"Mr. McGowan set the new dynamo in motion for the first time on Saturdey night last, _ Some hitch occurred, and they had to be cut off. While going they were satisfactâ€" Dr. Arthur Gun, of Innerkip, came homs Saturday last to spend a day or two round town, _ He looks as if Innerâ€" kip agreed with him, and in return has much good to say of it, â€" He is having a large practice, For that tickling sensation in your throat try a 10c box. of "Mist" Cough Lozengers, They will «llay the irrit«â€" tion at once. _ For sate by all druggists and the Key Medicine Co., 395 Yonge Street, Toronto. TK BIG fire to the southwest of the town last Friday night was the burning of the swamp on the farms of Messis Bowers aud Picken. â€" It was a royal blaze, but has made a good riddance. Goop Prices.â€"Mr. David Jackson sold two Hereford bulis to Mr. Alfred Sione of Guelph last Friday for $100 each. â€" The Fime thorough breds are called respectively Lord Watson and Lord Knisiey are to be shipped to bredâ€" AcciIpext.â€"On Monday last as three couples from Hanover were on theit way to spend the day at Haywurd‘s Falls, they began racing and one of them got ditched in front of ‘Mr. T. TLauder‘s farm. â€" Result, a broken buggy and one young lidy‘s bead cut. Did the pies and cakes get ruixed? Visrrors.â€"Messrs John and James Ross, of Foronto were on a visit to their Aunt Mrs. McLean, and Uncle, Rev. Chas. Cameron from Saturday to Monâ€" day last. The Western News, N. Y. recently contained a full account of a tercher‘s meeting in which we see figuring the name of Miss J. Fitzgibbon, late of Normanby. We omitted to mention last week that we were shown a wellâ€"developed hend of clover, plucked on the 15th of May by Mi. C. C. McFayden. Phenomâ€" enal to be sure. That eligible residential lot, at pree ent occupied by Rev. Chas. Cameron is for «ale, or will rent on reasonable terms. Apply on the premises or to J. P. TELFORD. Miss Russell, of Aberdeen, Scotland who has been spending the winter with her uncle Mr. Geo. Russell, left on Saturâ€" day morning for the fair old land, DROMORE Foresters toâ€"morrow night. Kussell Hall will be crowded, _ Mr. Jno. McBeth was in town Tuesday securing scenery for the Mt. Forest troup. It is a fortunate day for a man when he tirst discovers the yalue of Ayer‘s Sarsaparilla as a bloodâ€"purifier. _ With this medicine, he knows he bas found a remedy upon which he may rely, and that his lifeâ€"long malady is at. last conâ€" quered. Has cured others, will cure you. If you would always be healthy, keep your blood pure with Hood‘s Sarsapâ€" arilia, the one True Blood Purifier, For RENT or SALE.â€"Lot 20, con. 3, W. G. R., townrship of Bentinck, Apply to Now, Just now. Is the time to subâ€" scribe for the Review. 50cts, to Jan. 1807. $1.50 to Jan. 1898, Send in your name now. 4 Ruxaway.â€"Mr. B. Crittenden left his team untied Puesday last if front of A. Hunter‘s warehouse. _ They made off with x wild rush narrowly escaping doing buman injury. As it was they came in contact with Mr. R. Monce‘s waggon breaking the reach They went down town "full tear" and smashâ€" ed into another waggon and were then secured. Miss Gertie McLeod ,of Priceville, was the guest of friends in town the end of last and the beginuing of this week. Mirs. Win. Johnston was under the doctor‘s cue last week and this, but is now recovering. Mr. R. McGowan left early last Sunâ€" drxy morning for Toronto on his 16 wheel. â€" Heis a scorcher. A SNAP! Hoxor To A DURRAMITE. We are pleased to notice that Mr. J. B. McLean. of the McLean Pub," Uo?l has received a majorship in the 6th Fusiliers, of Montreal. The Mail and Empire refâ€" erring to this siys "Captain McLern deserves his promotion. He should be an acquisition to the 6th for he takes an nctive interest in ‘all regimental affairs. _ A.. wn-pa.nL while in his charge won, the Cumberland Cup for drill and attendunce as well as the comâ€" pany â€" teain Xrizu in the regimenml provincial, and Lominion matches all in the same year." _ The Herald referring to the chinge says : "Toronto‘s loss: is Montreal‘s gain. Mr. McLean has made a host of friends in this city who recognize in him one of.â€"the smartest so.diers in the Cacada Militia." # Mx®. D. McIntyre, Bailsam Valley, left for Duluth this week. The Review goes with him. Mr. Arthur Jackson was in Toronto last Friday and took in the Woodbine races while there. The Time for Buiding. _ Up the system is at this sexson. The co?d weather has ~made unusual: drains upon the vital forces. The blood has necome impoverished und impure, and all the functions of the body suffer io ZXnIfl&Iï¬Ã©Ã©Z"io&&'-i&rï¬mn' illn is the gflu. milder, becuuse it is the One True lood Purifier and nerve tonic. Hood‘s Pills hecome the favorite caâ€" thartic with all:who ase them. â€" All drug Wanted Mr. Will Lawson, of 0. Sound, visited friends in town this week. Mr. J. P. Telford and family spent the 25th at Owen Sound. Mrs. Curry, of town went to Hamilton Suturday last on a yisit. Mr. F. Grant spent the holidays at home. Bailiff Carson was at Guelph last Saturday,. Mt. Tom Storey of Chatsworth spent the 24th at home. Ar. H. H. Miller and family were in town Friday last. Miss Alla Patterson of Hanover spent the 24th and 25th at home. rs of Herefords in the state of Ilinois seed potatces, potatces, 1/ LOCAL AND GENERAL. JME . con mm s a‘l bit se AN To sell Carndian ana | bit «o A. H. Jacksox, Durham | The crection of new steps at the cnâ€" | trance of Amos Church would be a move ~{‘in the right direction, Stepy are being ‘| tiiken to make this inproveinent t§, the 1 okt ones areâ€"quite unsafe: especially Aur those who are becoming unable to hop | about as they used to do. ho mt | â€"A coutract to buildâ€"a ‘culvert in the f ‘m'l? betweeu wemmggou'g | was let on ay evening: lust by our ~| worthy r:oum'n AMr. D. Leith, to Mr. Bobt. Sumul for $4.25. \~â€"_0â€" _ ~ _ _~C [ / Weelgin ye ‘tin‘ room fora‘ this, â€"nae We are sorry To hear of Miss Susanna McKinuon‘s iliness. but bope under good treatment (as she is under Dr. Mutton‘s care) that she soon will be around again. Mr. Rodger McKechnie is under the doctor‘s cure also for the last week, with a disease of an inflummatory natâ€" Mr. Rodger MceKechnie is under doctor‘s cure also for the last w with a disease of an inflummatory | ure. Me is beginning to get better, Miss Maggie and Flora McLean S. E. Glenelg, left for Toronto on M day last where they intend to stay some time. We had a fine shower ow Monday which revived everything, Crops were beginuing to suffer. _ We dou‘t bear much complaints of the cut worm in the inmedinte vicinity, but towards the | west at Bunessan we see that much | damage has been done for fields are as | bare looking as when sown. _ Some are | sowing over again but the chances are | slim for the sime pest may devour the | second growth as well as they did the | first, _ We hope not. | The 24th and 25th passed | away quietâ€" ly without much celebration in honor to | Her Royal Majesty. Howeyer we did l not dishonor ‘ber in any way. The| National Authem was sung to her honor | in the Presbyterian Church on Sunday. | 1Wa are sorry To hear of Miss Susanna | I have received an application for a transferof License granted to Wendel Beitz, of the town of Darham, from John Watters. _A meeting of the Board of Commissioners will be held at the Central Hotel, on the 4th day of June next, at 1 p. m, to consider such applicaâ€" tion. THOS. A. HARRIS. We are sorry to say that Mr. Cameron is getting no better, contrary if anything. Mrs. Dr. Hutton presided at th in the Presbyteriar Church on last in the absence of Miss ] organist. Kxox CnurcH, Normaxny.â€"The social at this place on Monday lnst was very successful, $22 was realized. Some food spenking was done by Messrs Jodds, Snell and Wm. Allan, The Amos Church choir discoursed good music and the provisions were abundant and good. _ Some of the young men played so yigorously at football, that their hunger compelied them to forget gn]«:d manners in their treatment of the cak > NOTICE Durham, May 26th, The weather here rewmains anchanced. A slight frost, a light shower, a wind on Sunday which created grave fears for the stabiiltty of our burgh, and lighter though bigh wind»s ever sinte with eavugh heut is the record oi the past week. ____ It is rumored that a couple of cur backâ€" clor friends ure soon toâ€"take unto thei selves a wile, that is, one apiece. _ In one onse we have been expe ting as much though in the other we a«e somen bat aur» prisod. | Fuirther particulars luter on. The concert under the a«uspices of L. 0. F, Court Dromere No. 1189, to be held on Friday May 29ib, prowises io Le the event ol the season und vids fair to aur pase even the grand councert of last year, _ A good peogramae has been sceured and a large uttendauce is #nticipatedâ€" _ Admission, udults 20 ceuts, children 10 coute, reserve seaus 80 ceuts, The electrical storm of Bast Monday night was afine exhibition of nature‘s power. Better, it brought us ajfine rain, which has been renewed several times since. This will give hope to this counâ€" try, which was beginning to look for a repetition of last year, Miss McLean, daughter of Mr. Arch, McLean S. L. Artemesia, is dangerously ill for the last couple of weeks. but we hope to hear of her recovery soon, Misses Mury Scott and E.iz Wilson und Mr. Geo. Cusuuie adtended the ‘Tenchers Couveution in Duiham ‘on Taursday aud Eriday tnst. Mr. Wi, Coleridge, we believe, has purshased a new bikeâ€"aua wil uo doubt patromize our ronds on the pleweaut sutu, wmyr evenivg while taking his outrogs. Mlias Jeaunie Litile, of Hampden, and Mr, Young, uf Owes Sound, speu Suuday with Miss Mary Scott nere. DisturnEp EnexrxTs.â€"On the hoels of a destructive cylone in Texas comes the story of another in Michigan and further west, by which hundreds have been killed or drowned. _ Marrowing scenes are reported from districts «fflictâ€" ed. Our storm of Monday last was the tail end of it, and was centralized over Wellington county, one being reported l:illcd by lightningâ€" and much damage done. Alr. and Miss Netson, of Glenely were the gueete of their unole. Mr. Jno, Ncisou, of this place en Sunday inst. Dr. Montague failed to connect last Tuesday, or perbaps he was disconnectâ€" ed. Anyway the great orator‘s meetâ€" ing is postponed indefinitely. This is the third time he has disappointed his friends. _ But then, they are used to disappointments, and will get further training. Mr. Alt Iok«ter, who has Leon apprentic mg as a bl«acksmith with Mr. Jobu kenton nad Towt the bamimer‘on Satcrasy uighy and Wiil Jeave tor bie bhome 14 Osprey on Monday, Juue 1st. ~Dutiug the turee yeurs hy hbas spent here be Las made uany friends by whom be will be much misoed. * If you love me darling tell me with your eyes " be whispered. Justâ€" then her pa‘s dog came up. She cast uge knowiug ylauce ut the dog. The long steps tolt how fust bad been the fligh: und tue deep ones wifter the dog weut uome) told Low heayy his beart was. * Misucs Mary A.sni Holen Isaac paid a fying viâ€"it to thetr purents here on Sanâ€" day. Their many iriuds wore giad to welcoums themm back again. f Mr. Walt Lothian has been cungaged with Mr. Renion ioz a year, The Orange Grand Lodge of British N. America met in Collingwood, Tues. and Wed. Grand Master Clark Wallace is the bero, though at time of writing we have not learned whether he is res elected. _ The government were doing their best by wirepulling to defeat him. Mr. James Hastie is visiting friends at Galt this week. % . Mr, Wio. Boil und * cuarge " hayem oyâ€" ed imto the new nouse, â€" We believe that Thomas bas resolved w bateu no louger. We would be much pleased to umout our new neighbor, t B Dalton McCarthy has been honored in Winnipeg as | warmly, if at less cost, than the 8‘7..“!' in Moscow, â€" Entbusiastic admirers attended his meetings, and it is very clear Cocrcion will neyer be submitied to. THx Czar Crowxnkp.~ With immense pomp, partly with barbaric splendor, with millions of money spent, in the presence of representatives from all nations, Emperor Nicholas and his wife haye been crowned. PRICEVILLE DEOMORE ided at the organ murch on Sunday f Miss McLeod, on Monâ€" stay for but the bush, Mr. Allan was seizel with what appearea to him _ to be rheam=«tic pains in back and shoulders. At first be regarded it as but a passing attack, and thought that it would disappesr in a day or two. On the contrary, however, be daily continued to grow worse, and it was not long before be had to give up work altogether. _ From the back the prmins shifted to his right‘leg and hip where they finally settled and so comâ€" pletely helpless did hbe become, that he was unable to do mor. than walk mcross the room and then only with the aid of erutches. _ Of course he consulted the doctors but, none of them seemed able to do him any good. People in sperkâ€" inT' of his case, always slmkc pityingly, it being generally thought that he had passed from the world of activity, and that he was doomed to live and die a a cripple, _ We are free to confess that this was our own view of the matter, and our surprise, therefore, can readiâ€" ly be imagined when some few weeks ago, we saw this self same John Alien driving through the town on the top of a large load of grain. Great however, as was our surprise at first, it became still greater when on arriving at the grist mill, he proceeded to jamp nimbly from the load, and then with the greatâ€" est apparent case began to unload the heary bags of grain, Curious to know what it was that had brought this wonâ€" derful change, we took the first conveniâ€" ent opportunity to ask him. _ "Well," said he in reply, "I un as well a man as We are pleased to report that our Choir is fast gaining its pleasint looks as of old, »nd with one or two exceptions are forgetting Asa‘s departure,. â€" These two or three however, seem to prove, that absence makes the heart, grow fonder. t Look out girls, one of our yeomen brought home a driver the other day,. Why does thot young man prefer tramping â€" through the bush several times a week? And why does he not bring the fair one to dwell among us? It would saye him a couple ot pairs of fine shoes, which would be quite an item when the Xmas bill comes in. We are sorry to say that the grubs are making bad â€" work around here. Especially tn eats that, are sown on fall ploughed sod. ¢ Mr, Ediior Quite a numberof visitors at the Fall» these days. ; The wind storm on the 17th came so uick that it was a surprise to everyone. %he result was that the whole district seemed to be on fire, and persous who thought their fires bad been extinct a week or morewere snrzrised to see their fences journeying to the clouds in the guise of smoke, _ The wind made bavoc on trees, fences and everything in its wayâ€"would have miyle many a heard minus a straw bat had ‘not the owner held on like tï¬m denrth, and as though he thought that straw might be a scarce article next wiuter. > The Rev. Mr. Magwood, Mr. Pomâ€" eroy‘s sonâ€"inâ€"law, g:encqun. most eloâ€" quent sermon on nday last to a full Church. Every one was pleased aud predict & fine future for the young preacher. The Tories would like to rule this It a‘;zBexh-u that a meeting wis held on the 1 inst. at the Bachelors‘ Hall when deleg-zfl were chosen to wait on neighbor Falkingbam at the Falls, with the result a:t a proimise was ::nmim-d to: allow oung peorlo enjoy themscivea at Iiut wrost pleasant oé:e- sorta on the 25th. â€" There is searce any nned to state thatâ€" they kept ‘the fiddle screeching and ‘the shoes the wee bours. _ .â€" [3 Suffered So Severely That He Became Almost A Helpless Criwlcâ€"«ls Again Able to be About His Work as Well &s Ever. From the Walkerton Telescope. During the past few years the Telesâ€" cope has published many statements giving the particulars of cures from the use of Dr. k\'illiums' Pink Pills, _ They were all so well authenticated as to leave no doubt as to their complete truthfulness, but had any doubt remainâ€" ed its last vestige would have been reâ€" moved by a cure which has recently come under our personal observation. It is the case of )L. John Allen, a proâ€" minent young farmer of the township of Greenock. Mr. Allan is so well known in Walkerton and the vicinity adjoining it, that a brief account of his really reâ€" markable recovery from. what seemed an incurable disease will be of interest to our readers.. During the earily part of the summer of 1805, while working in country, But they can‘t do it you know, And coerce Manitoha . with Separate Schools, But they can‘t do it you know, With Bowell. and Tupper, and Hugh John‘s nos», ee Th;awiuh to fashion Dommion laws, But Reformers: with Laurier dare tc .._ oppose. ¢ ‘Aud not let them do it you know. THE EXPERIENUE OF A BRUCE CO « FARMER. ~CURED OF SCIATICA. â€" surprise, there mmgined when s saw this selfs through the to, oad of grain. G1 surprise at first when on arriv proceeded to ju d. and then \ â€"<+ 6 + ZION. of them all try it. Gur Fodâ€" der Corn is all selected No. 1 Seed and at tery low prices, call and see testimonials We hare a full line of Tweeds, Flannels, â€"Yarns, Blankets, etc., (1anner‘s make) now on hand and are preâ€" pared to gire in exâ€" change CASH OR TRADE. The â€"undersigned has rented the vacant store in the Aljoe block and is prepared by close attention to business and first class work to give satisfaction to all comers. A trial solicited. LOWER TOWM, STAND, OPPOSITE THE MOALLISTER House. & 20 cents PER POUND FOR WOOL WOOL Eggs taken u; ‘;E:xciye or Cazsh Thanking You one and all for your ‘,.m‘eh;pnyemnndwudu yw'mh\'a'me with a fair share of the same this year.â€" ; {U the leading varieties. J iutroduce for the first time EransNew Ontario Swede, awhich is said to be the HEAVIEST CAQPPER HARDIES C. E. STEVENSON‘$ TURNIP SFED € ~FIELD QORN MacFARLANE & Go. W. E. STEVENSON, NEW BARBER SHOP. ~WANTED «4@ AND D. R. REDFERX DURH AM. We * PRINTS C . s# a C Te fem CCC en n t tne io is| ~_ Ladies‘ and Men‘s Low Shoes before buy‘ng. _ (Note this fact.) * / nest Table oil cloth, white and colored, 45 in. wide, 25¢. a yd. _ Best Oatmez. or White Castile Soap, Tets a bar, or 4 bars fer 25 cents. _ (Glycerine Soap, . be. a box of 3 cakes. Serub brushes Sets ur. Heayy Galvanized 14 ‘‘s. pail, 2%¢. Sce oor $1.00 lot of Tinware. Call any way, We want yoer rade The Implement Season is nearly over but we have a few Buggi Demoerats in Stock which we will sell at Cost in order to clear out our any person in need of a BUGGY, CART OR DEMCCRAT Corre at once and we will surprise you with low price We have a large shipment of Stoves, Catters a Goods on the way and must have room. M amour We have the famous Raymond Sewing Karn and Doherty Organs at prices w1 Our New Prints are just in. We have the very best value at PR[NTS te. %. 10c. and 12%¢. a yd. »Sce them before buying. See our 5e. and 6c. CHALLIFS. MEXNS TOP SHIRTS from 25cts. up. 2; yds. long, 28 in. wide, m ies 32 :0 %* Bargains at WWholesale ! sEssEREss®e»2 SPRING IS HERLE BOOTS & SHOES WAREHOUSE, Upper Town, Just Avrived | (ne Car Maxwells‘s Light 'o meumwtbmever. Chas. McXKinnon > â€"_ â€"DEALER INâ€" All kinds of Farm Machinery, Vehicles, Organs & Pianos, Sewing Machines, Etc. 1 SLOCK EVERYTHING BOUGHT FOR CASH .~~.. . And Sold at Lowest Possible Prices. Gall and inspect and be Convinced. Get one of our new Carpet One Car Brockville Buggies, also Gananogue, and _ Campbell, Lonâ€" don Carriages & Buggics. One Car Chatham Famous Wagons, also Snow Bail Wagons. New Stock of the famous Ramsay Cartsâ€"at fabulous prices Frost & Wood‘s Singe Apron Binâ€" ders, Buckey Mowers and Tiger The Fall is a good time to buy a Just read the following prices NMoney is fomg to be scarce i unt of it on good farm security at All kinds of Ploughs, Cultivat ck at our Show Râ€"oms in Lower Marriage Licenses issued and Fi THE BIG CALDEXR & LVMIGSTOR, Agets, Sewing Machine, Organ or Pisno. Â¥% iiidee Nn n ol i7 uks L « C PRpemet o. 0000 05 ooR ie : ' BEBKâ€"IJRE|â€" Will be for service for the vcason stâ€"_ + abmics ol en Pvi conts + ty b cofes »p .# lfl through the ‘Pownshigs : <f Jigrâ€"â€" ay 2 4). >. * / â€" Aamntand Proton. mu-flmi’? mous Raymond Sewing Machines. W rty Organs at prices which will suit the going to be scarce this winter, we ba good farm security at 54 and 6 per cent of Plooughs, Cultivators, Straw Cutte: Show Rooms in Lower Town. Licenses issued and Fire & Life Insuran CHAS.McKINNON. YOU WILL NEED n aervige a1] 7 â€" . That old favorice Stallion, & Gkens | < _ ~CLIMAX NO 78. _ â€"_â€" BK IJRE: |â€" Will be for service for the vessonstâ€"~_ 40c. a pr. | 34 yds. long, 42 in. wide, $1.00 a pr. G:"c' «4 3& +« 42 «4 1-::5 *« Teel valay.s=«..~beo °C 200 ** Stretchers. â€" We have the best made for 90 cents New Lace Curtains So is Houseâ€"cleaning time, and YWe always keep full lines at lowest prices. You should see our SPRING LINES of ‘Now on Hand Maxwell‘s Stcel Rakes, ete. Coulthard & Scott‘s Seed Drifts and HMarrows. Wilkinson Ploughs and Scoffiers. Organs & Piz..os of the best makes. A few Stoves at job prices. New Williams Sewing Maâ€" B CO. chines. Full Stock of Repaire < always on hand, we have a few Boggies and ; order to clear out our Stock BACK AGAIK. LOWEt TOWX, DURHM nt. &traight loans. e ers, Turnip Cutters, &e :c times. ave arranged to loan ary nce promptly attended t ave in stock Sell er Fall and W