Ontario Community Newspapers

Grey Review, 14 May 1896, p. 3

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lc es. ;ure s Lrranr 'e HEME F MATS,' ralht a ices. for 25c a .MITH. cess, :d Soft- n. and no want, and :nty. rues Wyn: W 't a m: . SALE u; a. H. ram-or. is I and on In 'ow..-- tly NT. Ice h" LITTER. teed. mg! TS as lb other ot' I. and " '3 the they 1 ll " - J. A; HUNTE " - Wool Wanted 'STORE CLOSED every night at 7, (salt- it? day excepted.) T _':"' "t 'it migi?AItTMBNTA) BUTTER in One Pound Rolls at this Season same price as for PAJLS and TUBS, weather too warm to ship, 'in ROMS. _ . DON'T forg it us this year, as we tale your wool right at our Store Door, you don't require to go to the Factory with it. My. Geo. )[cKechnie mill give you guaranteed satisfaction in the weigh'ng, and then you have your choice of our entire or the Cash. for your pay. The Roll Carding Maehine nicer (was in better simpa. We guarantee good work or no pay. , = -Rb-NbNbRsfbHNb “$Q”““Q“““ Glace. Brushes May 19 ll atem BARGAIN DAY ATTRACTIONS AT l)lrii8hllf'S Departmental STORE EYERYBODY COME. $13000, STOCK . on“ :3 Tic, Shoes worth 81.:25 Ttuysrhty at 990. gob. Tus, Reg. $22.00, Tuesday at $1.38. 3d 12m): worth s1.50, Tuesday at $1.15. This is of a pluugh boot. See it. ." 4:. Black Oxford Ties, should sell for $1.10 apair, go at 7.3c, a pr. Only 30 pairs. t a. complete sorting order last week. All new 1ti lower than ever. _ FAIR DAY ~QO“ IN Rar re,tie't,-dt'tal,Rtir7'.'a; Hustle any gntw b or gent . p. m. J,',' the Saturday following their departure. I'hie Mow travelling was cruised hy the trust coming out of the bed. They exgact to start, for Fort Frances about t P middle of the month, and have made favorable art-an menu for the final immlmpnr. of their gummy. The TiLlee,tl'"s', to have stood the trip well. t ery We no mm to learn from a. card received from Mr. Walaou' that. he has had some scrim Install: his stock. Ho mites “I hanflmvtho young lmll ml! bought from. Patten. and the heifer call from WWW. The latter from a defective malnou- lmtzgn tnoyay. I have clslandvplne from the c. P. a. tor oNttittr1q.ittet", the bull In wit!!! 'ttue-lot-ttye',", PRESERVKXG THE fhatr.Asm.-The variom fishitrgwlulm in this diatrict talk of rmnbining in an nlliunce offensive and defensive tor the ettieient, pryteetion of t.'seir tisheries from the hands of out side nmrnuders. This looks Dough on the small boy and random fisher,' how aver as Ilium: clubs have been stocking the tant. depleting rivers with trunk. fry lhére is another Side to the question. Moreo, er there have been imtanoes of tin-‘pnrlauuun like conduct at campers and others which goes to, gustify this notion. But the "lumber: " this com- bine are on the whole again] follows, :mdnduy‘s iUhintt 0am he had almost any time bv making application. u'uentinn has been ealled living that of Mr. Dar Knprhlrl. of Hanover. one of the largest unplovers of lnhnr in South Grey. yet notwithstanding: his large stake in the country this pat:tizsm "r- rsmgt-un'nt willprevent him from rec- urding his vole, nu doubt there are others who will h'rul Mature?) o'clock on the 23rd of J une what a. put-than voters' list means. THE V(n‘ER'R LIST.--) uiries are yometirnes made as to ",-,.'iil'.ll'l,1,,". certain pun-sons arr on the voters list. We haven cotuplrte list of this ruling in our office for reterenr.e. This pvt-him“ Drown-t of Ihr. Franchise Act was Inn/Te in ISM. an that hundreds of young mat, 21 yerrsof am: Inst yvar are disfmm-his- ml. Not only this. Hanna.» are frequem- ly fmmd lvft oft, one cmeto which our H Mr. Ben-mm! Hartford MM family have taken up thvm x-e-sldom-e in upper town. in the ttoust. owned hy Mrs. Alu- lnwah. of Ucnlinck. We cungrntulutc Dr. D. C. McKenzie on his success at, the tNteub (‘Xillllllul- tions. lhyu bears his honors mildly. Fun RENT on SALE.~L0L an. ortt.3, w. G. it. luwnslnp of BoutimR. Apply to The nun-st Mun-rial fur suxunwr “his” 01' Dresses is "thlvtustulks." We have 15mm in different colors, Rummy k Mm‘iuck. Next Tuesday is Faurdxly. Bailz‘ Hovse Fail-at the Central will be ugum in full hunt. on Fair Day. Fine Dress Comm and Millinory our spm-uditius. Ramsay k. Muxlmk. NEW B.trtHFir..--1le. Rollfvrn. of O. Sunml, is "hunt, to “Skullihh " hurlwr shop in the t'ttcant, titoty, in Mr. Aljoe's Block. Sm- adveiqimeweait. And still (110)11anmmther lot of the very latest Novelties in llats, Laces, itilmons and mem, just m 10-day at Wooulaud's. um, “'2'” --T""rr'" w: med. F". F" l L, LOCAL AND GENERAL. A. ll. JACKSON. Durham PL iii, 'ti _ 'ttjiivfikjt.dkteiy. 1 THE Wrr.srmm.--The lrlxlporatnae in Ontario for the month of April was tshove the. average. consequently we ta. tion was {untied forward two or 5:199 weeks ear ier than in thenvomge 39min. In our town county the temperature wats.1Tnll.v, 10 degrees above the average. the rainfall however being below the average. In Manitoba the temperature was below the average but with an inrreuued rainfall. The killing frost of May bust year made its appearance on the morning of the 13th when the ther- mometer fell seven degrees below freea. ing. Foliage of all kinda. even that of- tboforest was destroyed. much garden and orchard and! injured. and tender plants' killed right out. This work of devastation was completed, on the 16th when the thermometer fell IO degrees below freezing and again on the 25th 1 when it, showed nine dogma. . 'tnit, so far therein no {Educating thol comingn co - to tum-Much (0-day. (Tuesday) a. 'd'l't'Jl'll has taken 1 place'and apPvut'ttttcet' indium that min has fallen not tar on. The cry F _ minis beaming/general. - . _ . 4th (Jim-Jenn imawick. Etuma Jorsos.MasrJoittrt. , . T ' . 3rd chtmrl-ar.or'f Shem, Mary Ts Pr, Rom. Tailor. . f 'tr. . _Sr. A _tmasi-rAtiru'e Willi; Mk 3mm: qteryggms-'atemtteectia 'ee, Wyn": :cr:'c/yrie' " . Ropnrt Dmmore School. No. 18 Egre- montof April. -. . " se ', . . Br. Pt." ihtowsiio.-We regret, to 1mm that Mr. Rum. Thompson, S'ltoemaker. Yeo- vil. was found drown in Hentiu'mun'u (Tor-k. ~an 3 mile" ms! of Holstein, on Sunday last. Ou Wmudny n troy fish. iug diseovered a, with! clothes on the hunknnd nawthe body in the water. He won! home and "marred. but. was imagined out of it. Onh'utttlnyhowevtt he and others went back and found the body. Coroner Jones. of Mt. Forertt, was summoned. but an inqm-st was not considered nocemry. Indications point. to suicide hut it, seems strange that he would divest him-w” of all his clothing except his undergarments. His bodv bud lain in the water for some days. Deceased was M years of age, unmarried, and highly ry'spected. N Of those nnhnppy trtsople who are tmf. faring with weak m-xvvu. starting; at "very slight, sound. 1min}; unnhh- m endureany Imusuu! slisturGuve, f'tt;diitsr it impossihm to sic-0p? Avoid opiate and nerve compounds. Feed the norvvx upon blond Inmlewm- and nourishing hv the grant, puritiet. and nerve tonic, Hood's Smwtpm mu. Hood‘s Pills are the lwst after-dinner pills. ussist digestion, prevent. constipa- tion. 'dau Mr. Jun. Benton. Glcmtlt l News in mud stock uml pu tine Shurrtnrn Bull from Mt. or this week. Rev. ll. MvNuir has prmnisv Court Durham. ou Mundm Mr. Wm. John Atkinson sun-10d for Manitoulin via. Owen Sound, on Tues. day but, His bruthcx- Jaunus ausistml m the moving. Make it. n {mint tosee that blood is puvitied, mu irhvd and vitnlizvd at this season with Hoods t4ittsapiwilla. Fon tihr.ti.-Two fine thotrnogh Irv-ml Hort-ford Bulls, about (m.- yvnr old. AWplyto - - Mr. Arvin. Ml-Ihmguli. of the Flash-v- mn AdrrtreestuiT. {mid [mum-and friends a visit last week end. Don't think of buying anything in Lace Curtains until you have seen Woodland'., Bargains in lhislimn 3112.]. 1). Morgan and wife of Dundnlk. were in town lust week. The former on business, fur Toronto, . Ben Nevis Camp meets on the End Inst. Mrs. E. Efvidge. of (Inn. is a guest at Mr. L. Eh .dgu ty' this week. le,. T. lv. Turnhull left last, Thursday HONOR ROLL. D. Jactttuuy, 'entrw Ire ""nasvd a ll. Park- "tr. H. MnKinnouhm coir-pieced hi mntmct of "can; a punch tap m 'iisiit,'lS'it','t ti,'k,i,it {an has!” my a an: m e w. n ,5 'teor" 'Md tte, ppm“! "fitfi'tl'Jf/i4lllk? - my Cassie Smith. m Aherdeett, at- teadrd service here last Sunday. " Miss A. O'Neil has returned how. after visiting Menuhin Hapover.' HHS-1nd McDonald droro, over td Lamina]: Md,' they“! My treeaeher" tt . A ‘Mr. J. Men-non m :vbtiUmt at hi. uncle's. Mr N. McCadlnm. Mair. _ Mr. H. gtrKhineyttrt chit-w his Most of the farmers in an! vicinity are done seeding. , The weather con- tinued so fawn-ulna that there has been no druwlnwx in the work since starting. Mr. 2'r,,'?,ei': gnitflhed herewme (if; an u now um y any on m: on the 12th. ' VIEWS OF A ROMAN CATHOLIC PRIEST. Rev. R. C. Lihmann. ot St. PW, R. C. Church, Hamllpon. Ont.. ens of the Good Semces ot Dr. Agnew's Camrrhal Powder. lt is nut the mun: that cold in the head or cumin-Ind dWiruiry, is unknown in the hllllllllul'. 'Muuy an sum-ring to- day and in some cases-the disease lakes lhrahupe-of a? Fever. ’ Dr. Agaew'ts (mum-hm Pow or is a "mat. etreetive tvtuedy in all such cm Readers of mi. paper know of the many pmmim-m. clergyman of all denominations. who have felt it, their duty to recommend this remedy. Added to the munition- dnLiun of the Rev. Futlwr ht,tit of i Hamilton, come tlust of the Rev. C'. Lilummn, 0' Su‘Mnry's R. c. Church. a! the Mnu- city. Ever devoted to the in- ter-ts of has parinhinno-nt. this faithful priest feels that he is acting them I kind- ness m telling how this randy hone- fitted him in the use of wan-lid trouble. It never Gite to hem-lit any- one. Sold by Manrbwea Co. Mrs. McRae is again appointed Lib- rariau. Tun-n nwmln-m as wvll as country tnemlrets may nuw receive two books at. once d desired. (H LA (than)? -iv, Cannibal. Thai Allan, W. 'hir. S. Todd, B. Chadwick. , AT LAST IT YIELDS TO THE ADVANCE OF MEDICAL SCIENCE. PARALYSIS MN QUERED. 3W6! CENTRE. Jr. &d-oeo. M Arthur hm. Bell. Fez-gm _ an! C1na.--cttnK" Reid. Angus Nel- aon. Willie, HeNUea. - - A - - Pot-thus “that lively intern: “50ml! pt<er#igm. Ant-Eon ite-thte 'a'h"dlllf Pull-men: can. tttttretest-tent Ewan-c Jr. Pt. Syd-?",' 1%ttemoet. Jr. Pt. 1A-auths Marlon, Damn! - seq" Bade Acheson. Jr. m. lat-tum Brown. Gladys hw- mce. Annie Nelson T V ttc ”In”; Teacher. woe FOB. HEN AM.) WORN. We pay cl w can put u.“ lot ttatt' 'UI’I g'gd “like. P.. Salute-r. $0.: - I‘m te. and Manny In- um [animal-n " one». THE to; HAGUE SEP- PLY CAN. Ila-lam trample. Mal-u. NJ. Any pet-nun found tresspming. fult- ing and shooting on bmds owned by the 1utderritpwd will be proceeded against. W. L. Fulkinghnm Lots 1 & 2 Con. 7 IV. Gmnwoou " " - J. Greenwmd ) f ' Cr. Timmom not: 4 Con. 7 & 8 The, Imdomigned is prepared to supply a limited nutulterof patrons with milk IIIUTIllU‘iI and evening. Right in quan- tity an quality. A trial solicited. of them all try it. Our Fad. der Corn is all selected _ No. 1 Seed and at rery low prircs, rail and see testimonials. LO IVER TO "uf. All the leading varieties. We introduce fbr the Jirst time Ahrans New thttario Swede, wkirk is said to be the HONOR ROLL. 'lt'"' S. S. au 12 Fireman! '10! in. aaa.--Wiss McFadden. Wm. B. [when ter, &d Cin-Bose, [Am Bobbie ir. Pt. 2mb-.S.Het Mews. John HEAYIEST (hii)??in HARDIEST II IL. "A If v 'F-.MSBA I43. MacFARLANE do), TURNIP _'"' SEEN “Hun: mums a: NOTICE TO TRESPASSEBS. Lower Town is not finished and will not be for two weeks yet. In the mean-' time the Bargain-giving continues and judging from the crowds who throng the Store, the bargains offered are genuine. More New Goods coming to hand this Week. we can’t afford to let our Stock run down. A few of the many bargains of- fered are as follows: ,tnt'tttgtiattBrtmr. Have you seen the new Dress material 't SIIJ‘VER SIIJIIS " ? Just the thing tor a nice Summer waist or dress and the price is reasonable. CASH Mil) ME PRICE. - " N "UL? m' _ V mm - " I H! t: P trl w .0 m',', Cd kW7it. q I. I _ 31'". P n 'ram 'WAV, -N 'rrei i5a 3%, Yk'ii, _ ".M:tTrTa' 'tii-F-sg-Nam 2- .u . - e I .eaik"rr'iii r“... . tr2rr,n ' . sp .u . ,u _ . _i8iil': TLm ', V '" . _ T.trr “23». a: a: Contrary to our expectations our New Store in kt 'it BEE SEE s',ii,ll, if MILK. AND Extra Vnhu- in Parasnls at m, 75. 90, l.2.5 up to $3.00. 50c Valencienncs Istres and Insertions from 3c yd. up. 2 pair Fast Black Cotton "one for 2.5c. _3 pair Iiertusdorf quinkm "use for 10 Qualities oi Navy Serge from 2% yd. to 800. 45 inch Victoria Lawn 12k for 10c. Aprvn Lawn with Tmked Border, IS, 18 and ak.. Fancy Light. Tweed Effect Dress Goods, worth 50c for We. All “'uul Sergi- H int-hos wide. worth 50e for Fc. Fancy Cropon Dress Goods, the latest, Oe. q Ladies' Vests, sum t sleeves, 3 for Reprint ordn- of Curtains from 250 up, In. Amssox. RAMSAY dk MORLOGK, DURHAM. READ EVERY ITEM WE SELL A GOOD ARTl0LE.---NO TRASH. Just Arrived To the Public. --- WAREHOUSE, Upper Town, Durham. _ --NilAIdiat m-- . All kinds of Farm Machinery, Vehicles, Organs & Pianos, Sewing Machines, Etc.., Bean: a Go. Chas; McKinnon Best Table oil cloth. white and colored, 45 in. wide, 25c. 1 yd. Best Gama. tWhite M19809. 'ikty . an or.4 1tpur Pf, Ie" 9Lyeeri.nef8tss, 3 " 42 " 75c. " IN " trt' " zoo .. Get one otour new Carpet Stmtehetw We have tho beat and. tot-90 can! OurNew Prints arejustin. We havethev beatvaltteat PRINTS 6e. 9e. 10:. and 12he.asd. 'su'uirUlWt,tr"dlr'. seeour5c.andkCRALLIES. 1Hi2NTDPsmRTStYmtt25etcttp. Cone at once and we will surprise you with low prices l We have a large shipment. ofSwves, Carters and other Fall and Wats., [Goods on the way and must have room. "5c; Tiorir 3 an; Scrub bi-usha an up. Heavy Gamma It" ' t. pail, :.Ge. See oer woo lotol Thwart. Gallanyuy, Wampum Bt,lpi.Jfiju,i,l!2.,U,, 2} yds. Money is going to be scarce this winter, we have arranged colon: any amount ot it on Ga' fa rm security at 5; and 6 per cent. straighx 1mm. All kinds of Ploughs, Cttltivatom, Straw Cutters, Turnip Cum”. " in stock at our Show Rroms in Lower Town. i Marriage Licenses issued and Fire a Life Insurance promptly attended t qrtm'.lfty,Tr,ga?t-rhIe1r,f.e.tae, cm (a (at-junta. this and 'iBargaintrpryrmplesale?. We have the famous Raymond Sewing Machines. We have in shock Bell. Katand therty Organ? at prices \flyicbfvill suit the times. One on BroekviPLBtqrter 9° kaiRiiGiikes k gum” thte uranium I'm W160". .1308” Wll Watpats , New aut' of the am My Wham when. m & Altbod'ss arm Agetm 0- The Implement Season is nearly over but we have a few Buggies and Democrats in Stock which we will scll at Cast in order to clear out our Stock any [lemon in need Ora. J us: read the following prices: The Fall is a good time tp buy a. _. nut-g, P,.fJ,,"tAa_ ON " t " q v; I BUGGY, CART OR DEMOCRAT CALDER & LIVINGSTON, Agents, long, :33 in. Itides wt. alwa . k fal . . Jfidiuili,(lgei, Mawmmmei'fim Sewing Machine, Organ or Piano. "isiiiiLetjifut" Iam. air: iii 2135 ‘YOU WILL NEED - New Lace Curtains So is House-cleaning time, and SPRING IS HERE NovonHand - 3; yds long, 42 in. wide, $1.00. pr. " In ft'. . 6. L25 u Hawaii's swam up Mind‘s-‘08s! with - Mittmett. . , [Wilkinson Plough at! ”I. Omsk Plan: at the In: Ink... A four Stoves " job {pricey UPPER TOWN- Full Stock opupaite New Willi-m: Bowing Mb. . Ain as. _ ' . F;:'\“ '. Pe"'"". \ F . ', .te9ruer , LOWE: TOWN , DEREK 11'an on hand; pd", Ag'

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