Ontario Community Newspapers

Grey Review, 7 May 1896, p. 1

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. _ Lnmber, Shingles Having Completed our New Factory we are now prefiarefi ::m to FILL ALL ORDERS PROMPTEY _ â€" _ _ |"~ We keep in Stf)ck & la.rge:. quantity of Saalt % Doors, Mouldings, Flooring and the differâ€" |s%=>: Sash and Door Factory. Brick Dwelling, and many eligible building lots, will be sold in one or more lots. Also lot No. 60, con. 2, W. G. R., Township of Bentinck, 100 acres adjoinâ€" Ing Town plot Durhara. ~â€" ent Kinds of Dressed Lumber for outside sheeting. QOat Stock of DRÂ¥ LUMRE is very Large so that all ord Â¥iâ€"k <. â€" > d ~â€" can be filled. i 3: In the Town of Durham, County of Grey, including valeable Water Power. FOR SALE The EDGE PROPERTL LICENSED AUCTIONEER for Co. of Grey. All communications adâ€" dressed to Laxcasx P. 0. will be promptly mitended to. Residence Lot 19, Con. 8, Township of Bentinek. _ __ _ _ _ DAN. Mortgage taken for part purchase Liconsed Auctioncer, for the County of Grey. harges modersto und satisfuction gusranteed. rrungements for soles can be made at the wviaw Ofice, Duiham, or «t his residence riceville. D. MoCORMICK, "â€"‘Couuty of Grey. Sulew attended to promp wud «t rexsoumble rutes. THECOOKSBEST FRIEND BUNNS BAKING POWDER sence nex Iructed w â€" tioueer for Counties of Bruce and Grey Resideoceâ€"King St., Hanover. EYE NFIESFER Y FOR TWENTYâ€"SIXâ€" YEARS Loan and Insurance Agent, Conâ€" veyancer, Commissioner &c. Loune arranged without delay. _ Collections promptly made, Insurance effected. MENKY TO LOAN stiowost ratesof Interest 0 "IN® Oke duor uorth of N. deoi‘s Store Durharu JAMES LOCKIE, . BSUZER of Marriage Licenses. Auc NOTaRY PUBLIC, Commissioner MONEY TO LOAN. APV _ * _ " onl W TLE 5 3a8mST8® SoLICITOR .IN SUFREME alll‘f LARGEST SALE 1M CANADA. BUSINESS DIRECTORY. ICENSED AUCTIONRER, for th Firstâ€"Class Hearse. Fire knsurance secured. OFFIOE, over Grant‘s Stom«. Lower Town, UNDERTAKI!NG Promptly attended to JAKE KRESSY, Of the Best Quality Cheaper THAN EVEKR. ONOR Graduate of the Royal College HUCH McKAY. J. P. TELFORD T. . GRHROLTYt, Is. D. S. 8. If asubscriber orders his paper to b« stopped at a certaintime, and the publishe« continues to send, the subscriber is boun« to pay for it if he takes it out@( the pos office. This proceeds upon ke groun bat a mena mast pay for what he uses. MISCELLANEOUS. 1. If any person orders hie paper discor tinaed, he must pay all arreages, or the pablisher may contimus to send it until pay mentis .nade, and collect the whole ax cun whethur it be taken from the office or not There cun be no loga} discontinuance unti paymentismade. 2. Aay person who takes a paper fron the post office, whether directed to hi nawe or another, or whether he has su} scribed or not is rewponsille for the pay. Apply to JAMES EDGE, REdge Hill, Ont» Wecal! the speciel attention of Pos masters and subseriberato the following sy popsis of the nowcpaperlaws‘: S still to be found in his Old Stand opposite the Durham Bakery. AUCTIUNSER. . L. McKENZIE, JAKE KRESS Furniture DURKHAM. MEDICAL. r Went DURHAM Newspaper Laws. McLEAN. Residence Durbam Ont LEGAL ous of Ontmrio. Teeth exâ€" by the use of nitrous oxide rarticular uttention paid to wal teeth. Ofice and Resiâ€" t of Post Office, y.dl4 ~â€" ~N. 0. #6J. DAN. MeLEAM, In Stocks ,€4€., afoma‘. z. m. to 4 p. m. s Lauder, Registrar. _ Johu A. Manro Deputyâ€"Registrar. Office hours from 1( Furniture of the Best Make | ALWAYS ON HAND. LÂ¥ The only Arstâ€"class Hearse in town. CA Office next door to Standard Bank, Durham A generalfinancial business transacted Undertaking and Emba‘ming on latest prin ciples at reasonable rates. DaVid Ja.CkSflH, I]Pn Clerk Div. Court AithUP H. JACKSOH) Norary pubtic. Land Valuators, Insurance Agents, Commissioners. Money to lend. Money invested for Parties. Farms bought and sold. | FURMITURE AND UNDERTAKINE B J. SHEWELL 5 Would intimate th Furniture and Und lished by his father will endenvor to giv ers the same entire s %Ackage- thereby se ut up in 34 1b., 1 lb sold in bulk. If y CONVEYANCERS. Remember the stand â€"opposite . the Market, Durham. 6 N Tak WoRLS ORSUON Moxs0! PICTURE FRAMING A SPECIALTY G. REGISTRY OFFICE. â€" Thoma ‘‘Beveral years ago, I caught a sev altended with a terrible couch that w2 uo rest, either day or night. T tors, after working over me to the thâ€"ir ability, pronounced my case hc and sald they could do no more f A {riend, learningâ€"of my trouble, s u bottle of Ayer‘s Cherry Pectorsl, \ began to take, and very soon I was rclieved. â€" By the time I had used 1h: t u_(lc. I was completely cared. Ihaw wer‘s Chemy Pactoral AYER Sreets:. HICHE &A Terrible Cough. No X nor Day. Givon up by L Â¥ and 13 Front Street E Almost a M IN ITS NATIVE PURITY FROM THE TEA PLANT TO THE TEA CUP JACKSONS. STEE!, NAYTER & CO. ~ sale ALL GOOD GROCERS KECP T ol oragh e ies se enb wan Hopeless Sase. A LIFE SAVED A PERFECT TEA ST AWAROS AT WORLS‘S FZ Hl. it t 2oo af t VOL. XVIII,â€"NO. 19 BY TAKINGC W. H. Mo â€"W. H. Ware E. J, sHEWELL W. H. Ward. won up by Doct c Onapdie o4 tWete B The â€" Oren ; Physic 1358 and v customâ€" KiGT $ nue the 36e w0R t ‘Dear Scrope.â€" Mn stt n ol -‘.‘..-,_'. |..°°fl° ‘up" to me at once, if possible. _A**I don‘t think I am," says Scrope; and time justifies his doubt of Dorian‘s sleward. 3 _ **It is her own fault if she is. I know few people so lovable as Dorian, And now to think he has another trouble makes me wretched. I do hope you are wrcug about Sawyer." . Gus _*"I have no patience with Georgie," says Clarissa, _ indignantly. _ "She â€" is positively> breaking bis beart." <~ _ ‘She is unhappy, poor little thinfi.." <ays Serope, who cannot find it in his neart to condemn the woman who has just. condemned Horace Branscombe. ‘‘They don‘t seem to hit it off very well, certainly," says Sir James, moodiâ€" ly. "But ( believe there is something more on Branscombe‘s mind‘than his domestic worries : L am afraid. he is getting into trouble over the farm, and that, and nothing hits a manâ€"Jike want of mum?'. That Sawyer is a very slipâ€" fi;x fellow, in mf opinion: and_ of late. ian has neglected everything and Dorian has neglected everything and taken no interest in his land, and, in fact, tion. Sir James pitches his cigar over the balcony, and frowns. Always Horace! Can she not forget him for even one moment ? "What brought you?" asks she, presâ€" ently. "What a gracious speech !"â€"with a rather short jlaugh. To see you, I fancy. By the bye, I met Mrs. Bransâ€" combe on my way here. _ She didn‘t look particularly nappy." "No."â€" Clarissa‘s eyes grow . sad. "After all, that marmage was a_ terâ€" rible mistake, and it seemed such a satisfactory one. Do you know," in a halfâ€"frightened tone, "I begin to think they hate each other?"* ______ \ Scrope, caliu you." 7 Miss _ Pej praise. She ing little J: "A compl No wonder lovely, Jim, I should hat She lifts her .. tT‘mâ€" rathe e E Endncd somoreners==t "Wily Tor e e Looo o fully put on, goes cautiously down the stone steps to greet him. °. Having been patted, and made much of, and having shown a scornful disâ€" regard for all such Leioedi.â€"â€"a0â€"â€"+ he trots i funeral pm Clarissa is â€"forgive 16 ing you are you here," high good miles.away Better t lets everything go without ques THE VICAR‘S GOVERNESS, Sartoris, Tuesday, four .o‘clock Actp **Consent !"* . says ~Dorian, « bitterly. ‘‘Tkat is not the word. . She will. be. glad, indeed, at this chance that hasâ€" arisen to put space between us. ~ I beâ€" "I think not.â€" Why should she be troubled " before her time? It will come fast enough. She made a â€" bad match, after all, poor child! . But there is one thing I~must. tell you, and it is the small drop of comfort in my cup. About & month ago, Lord Sarâ€" toris settled uJ)on her twenty thousâ€" and pounds, and that will keep her at least free from carc. â€" When I am goue, I want you to see her, and let me know, from time to time, that she is happy and well cared for." o se :*‘‘*But will she consent to this separa~ tion from you, that may last for years?"‘ **What of your wife?" asks Sir James, l\:’lth ?wnm » hesitation. * Does she cnow #*" s r ‘Don‘t be unkind in your own turn,‘ says Scrope, with tears in his eyes. *Thank you," says Dorian," simply His heart seems quite broken. > "IT"%Â¥en thousand pounds would be of. any use to. you," s2ys Seropeé, gently. delicately,. "I have it â€"lying. idie. â€" It will, indeed, be a great convenience: if you will take it at a reasonableâ€"â€"" "That is rathervunkind of you," says Dorian, _ interrupting\_ him > bastily. "Don‘« say another word on t"& suls _ljecl. I shall sinkâ€"or"swim swithout aid rom my friendsâ€"gid, I mean, of that sort. ~An other ways you can help me. Harden wili, of course, see to the estate ; but there are other, more private matâ€" ters, that 1 would intrust to you alone. Am I asking too much ?" M "I wish you would expl fully," says Sir James ; where ian enters into an elaborat« tion that leaves all things cl DURHAM, CO. GREY, THURSDAY, MA Y7, 1896 in . mor ipon: Dor explana have to puu.a cheok ort hincscin | for alfeged violatibns of Cuxtoms reguâ€" has heard the word cheok. Tosbing 4P) | 1Stiong. and. taken to Cludad Bolivar. â€"«I‘ll ‘be obliged if you‘ll let â€"m0B2Â¥8} where she has been Leld 6ver since. the check right away, sir."~:~ / .>">*] theâ€"warehip spoken of is noâ€"doubt the office up with miserable pootry. W have to gu‘u a cheok on him." l?ipt {w Hotel Clerkâ€""Ob, no. Just wait until the fire has made progress enough and you can fill your balloon with hot air." FEditorâ€""This fellow is littering the >â€" U Do e snn o ic ol arear "I shall nppli for a divorce. . He is treating me like a dog and he makes me work like a borse." *‘Well, then, you should make" your complaint to the Society for the Protection of Animals and not to the courts." _Frudd{;"l‘msher has the reputaâ€" tion of »being a great wit, but for my part, I can‘t see anything very bright in ~his _ writings." Duddyâ€"*"That‘s queer. Wh{‘.-!hu jokes ‘have been used by the greatest wits that ever lived." ~Victimâ€"‘"You say you supply balloons Victimâ€"" i ou say fou supply balloons to guests on the top floomin case of fire. Are <they _ already filled?" . Chicage "I wonder i( Johnson tells the truth when he says his wife has such a sunny disposition f* _ "Of _ course he . does. Every time he does not do exactly what she wishes she makes it hot for him." *"Why, ‘Tommy, <you. are not at the lj]um again and only whipped for it an our ago?".. ‘"Yes, mamma; 1 beard you tell auntie you thought you‘d whipâ€" ped. me too hard, and 1 thought. I‘d make it even." Kittyâ€""I won‘t let them repair my wheel ‘again. They charged me a dolâ€" lar for simply sticking my tire on." Tomâ€"‘*"*For simply sucking it on ?" Kittyâ€"*"Yes." _ Tomâ€""By Jove! that was simply sticking it on!" stale _ messenger _boy . joke? It seems to have disappeared." _ Sribbinsâ€""Some one musl. have given 4t to 4. messenger boy to deliver to the papers." W1 mismanagement of the estate corocsnut "OC CCORT joke? It seems Sribbinsâ€"‘Some Mn imas wlee iA is to rescus the â€" schooner~New Day, which last January, after landing men The undoubted abject of the British in sending a warsii tha Orinoco is to ‘rescue the Mr’“_@w Day, A despatch from Kingston, Jamaica, says*â€"Trinidad â€"advices have it that the British intend to force (he passage of the Orinoco, and that Venezuelans areâ€" déetermined to resist the attempt to their utmost, having reinforced the garrison at the river‘s estuary. "It is said that if the British are repulsed an attack is planned on La Guarya, the seaport of Caracas. The British Intend to Force the Passage of the Orinoceo, from 20,000 to 50,000 bees, half of which prepare the honey, the other half atâ€" tending to the wants of the hive and the family. On _ a fine day, 16,000 to 20,000 individuals will, in six or. ten trips, be able to explore from 30,000 to 1,000,000 flowers, say several bundred thousand plants. Again, the locality must be favorable for the preparation of the honey, and the plants that proâ€" duce the most neciar must {lourish near the hive, A hive inhabited by â€" 30,000 bees may, therefore, under favorable conditions, receive about two pounds of honey a day. â€"oe uty mrkeIt SeVErdl years to manâ€" ufacture a pound of. honey, which will fill about 3,000 cells. A hive contains from 20,000 to 50,000 bees, half of which prepare the honey, the other half atâ€" tending to the wants of the hive and the family. On _ a fine day, 16,000 to 20,000 individuals will, in six or _ ten trips, be able to explore from 30,000 to 1,000,000 flowers, say several hundred has but you Maurgi A Mysterious Orime Unearthed by the Deâ€" tectivesâ€"A Father Kilted His Own Son. SiARILING NEWS. uiser Cordelia, which recentâ€"] tional administrations, & part only of ported. mporm sail, and| the sum collected madle"‘:{: rightful m‘ believed she orders to| destination. f C ad~Bolivar ‘to rescue the New | Bank scandals, involving the highest "'minthl‘nd._pnl&mw C\ enpremminmegnmide ) 0.... % d‘b,%d a nw»dado!bqkln-‘lad solution has : W al of caution to make a â€"great | ities to the: radical and listic agitâ€" arance papers, was seized violatibns of Customs reguâ€" SENSATIONAL MURDER annual deficits. To raise _ the: needed revenue, taxation has become more and more excessive, both because the amâ€" ount needed was great, and because, owâ€" ing to corruption in municipal and naâ€" _ To escape isolation, to hold her ewn against France and still further to asâ€" sert herself in the eyes of the world, she joined Germany and Austria in the famâ€" ous *Triple Alliance. This brought new burdens in its wake. The army was gradually strengthened, and war ship was added after waryship, until Italy now» maintains the navy of _ a firstâ€"class power. _ tAs! The effort to build nF a ""united Itâ€" aly* duoxfinned the finances of the e&untry. th,umt mru-ad. T ant ine nation hes had to mest largs, woomemsopm006ss _ of diâ€" gestion is too hurried, that cider is a valuable remedy. For the gouty it is especially recommended as a corrective of Lheum;:;ddmbum Go;: l:thellld responsi so large s mumber of ailâ€" mema nowadays that cider should be own much favor. The Triple Allhi«' Mas Been a Curse Lastead of a Blessinz to That Country. Theâ€"condition of Italy attracts wide» spread attention and sympathy. _ The country is still suffering from the necessities of the position which she has assumed among the nations. Her "uniâ€" fication," consummated nearly forty years ago, entaiied on her enormous exâ€" penditures She needed lines oi raiiâ€" way to bind her territories together, and a military display to make her inâ€". fluence effective. ; WHOLE NO 927. POOR ITALY. HEALTH. & | rrion tired, h for d get this | that Prof very it ie AMoSiO a0t uoo of _ mbmpemis Old c%'e been duck shooting, don‘t you 2 f M Dwi shooting? Why, you don‘t know a tame duck from a wild one. Oh, yes, L doâ€"the wild ones got away. icine chest. Wattsâ€"How Aid you ever get the motion that Briggs was thinking of * Pottsâ€"Got it from his talk. He has the alphabet. sleeve Whatever drove you to marrying fourteen wives? asked the judge, reâ€" garding the prisoner with more than ordinary interest. Thirteen was such an unlucky numâ€" ber, your Honor! answered the gemment prisoner, wiping his eyes with his cont The Clyde trade shows a wonderful expansion. Orders for 40,000 tons of new shipping were placed there in April.. Steel vessels are especially in demand. The greatest of the Japanese shippi companies, the Niprgon Yusen Kl-l.ll,:l‘. intends to start a line of steamers to Europe. It bas ordered six vessels that are to be built at Belfast and on the Clyde. The contracts call for their completion by the end of the year. ‘ In their proneness to anger, and the ease with which they commuit crimes of violence, the line of descent can be tracedâ€"for southern portions of Italy, at any rateâ€"from the earliest period of Roman history down through the Midâ€" dle Ages to our own day. The mob that might have been barangued by Cicero in the time of Caesar, or could have understood an oration from the lips of Dante during the struggles between the Guelphs and Ghibelines, is still, in its baser passions, the same mob as that which the other day, on receipt of the news from _ Abyssinia, nfl'noeedad to "sinash things up generally." % The return to power of the Marquis di Rudini puts an already tried man into a position of sacute responsibility, but promises no important change in the filkim of the nation. The ferment of the past menth, while it revealed the excitability of the Jaopuhcz showed. also the unshaken loyalty of the Italian people to their king. Ardent Loverâ€"If you could.sse my art, Belinds, you would knowâ€" how tors. In 1ans with they Jobbing of all kinds prom attended to. gousy Papa, said little Johnny, they‘re not Arad:"t What are not in it, miy boy ? Why the other twentyâ€"four jetters of Handâ€"made Waggons In the old stand. made shoes. HIS NEVERâ€"FAILING TEST. Horse Shoeing Shop, ADVERTISING. LN LONDON,. REVIVAL IN SHIPBUILDING ALLAN McFARLANE Has opened out a firstâ€"class HE WAS SUPERSTITIOUS pterest allowed on aavings bank «dopos.ts of $1.00 tyd apwards. Promptattentionund everyfacil~ anafforded curtomers liying «t a distance., BOULDIN & CO‘s A genersl Banking bustness iransccted Drafte wued and coliections made on all points. Doposâ€" ta received mand interest allowed at current ratae possess qualities that connect them _an interesting and glorious past, have also inberited some of the praiseworthy traits of their ancese 4X. Ontario, Qneb;:: u.'n'tillfl;"émfi"&; and England. _ DURHAM AGENCY. PRIME ALLAN MoFARLANE, W. F. Cowan, A* Paid up 1,000,008 RESERVE FUND €00.000 CAPITAT:, Authorized _ $2,000,000 StandardBank of Canada TERMS; $1 per year, IN ADVANCR CHAS. RAMAGE Editor & Proprietom the Prohibitionists MARCH OF SCIENCE SEE QOUR HARNESS. UPPER TOWXNX. igt ie ol hee mens WOODWORK G'J\Z_NES ,j_n. _all principal points is Thursday; Morning. Head Office. Torontoâ€" SAVINGS BaANK. in connection. A firstâ€"class lot of ONE SYMPTOM. for sale cheap. NOT. IN IT HARNESS MAKERS. President. I8 PUBLISHED EVERT HARNESS OIL OFFICER, GREY J‘ KELLY, Agent. All handâ€" Also at currens Manager Aâ€" 7 «l AJ $ o UA

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