Ontario Community Newspapers

Grey Review, 2 Jan 1896, p. 3

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bhme ced. HUB. has, Vehicles, lines, Etc. R CASH non N ON. Durham. eu' an tom- $335! and M and ”paring saying. LOCAL AND GENERAL Delinéav DWI W easily t coagruettutl pawn tur sl dermrtmvn amnion. a live telrt Urge in" of 'spec club it “nth THE N M an Mus McDmmld is spending the tum. ”a at inspeccor Carimeit's. THE “'EEKLY GLPBE of wily holding Puff as theme: "rrrupolitrrt weekly noan (can; in freshness and sdsror .) M r. Sherbino, brother-sn-law of Miss oody is visiting friends in Town. Mr. Angus McKelvey Mme home last mmlnv. and will likely be here for Agricultural Society meetings at. w public. See notice in another ‘lumn. g with part it ”11!,“qu .... ..,, ._. "__"'" , parunrnt. a variety ot good live ’t-ngmphic nervice and a if ufsywcmi coutaiitutois. 'VVe " Tm: REVXEW for$l 51mm ' was and; tly in ad"suuurl/. nttueuce " tacc-reaching. Jr GLOBE has a fiinrtmer] tsl gag». an up w date mgr}! guarzment. a variety. of g4 an -s to any I gonurou new taking Hood's Sar- uan thousands are otahle in Walker- II for taking money rrtrceodittrpirsgairt" 5000 [mm puny by 1 takes a. all ques- and as a 113.,THE fin-stuns fut-U at Mr. Chartmnneau, the Liberal Can- didate in the bye election In Jaeques Cartier, was on Monday last elected by a majority ot 574, reversing 3 Con- servative majority of 286 in the last election. This and Montreal Centre show what can be done when the forces opposed to the Government are not divided. Now for West Huron, divided or not, M r. and Mrs. Curran. of Cult. are tho guests of Mrs. Jar. Burnet at present. " will um Apply to3.f It was generally conceded that Mr. Sparling's brief. temperate speech did more to help him than the lengthier inform of some of the others. . Cum? such man as Mr. Phi-km- tohnu nicipal iife. We believe he intenos to retire. in which case there will be up t'oulusi in the North Ward. , For the Hush W'ard Messrs. Madden Jas Brown, Rose, Moore 3. Id Robertson are running. The two runner make» valuable acquisition to our available ur-vial and would be elected. tu.nuicutesior the North Ward are Man's.» H. Parker, U. McKinnon, A. Humer and L. Ely-[‘gge._3_un_d we -wel- IV .1896. Leap Year. _ Next Leap Year 1901. B, st Wishes to all our readersfoe 180t Mr THE li()'llllli'jm()lifl, in. Mciuo, arcmnpnnied Ighi-n Misses Aggio and -nLChriuhnas with Mrs. Elliot rth. ANOTHER LIBERAL VICTORY. ASTED.-An experienced general mt to go to Torouto. Apply at to Mrs. Grunt at Mrs. J. H. Hum.- H. V. Cultural. of Carleton. was 3 friends iu town this and Inst M M " cLroosc Tr at present occupxe Cameron Is tor LFORD, M mpnnied~ by he! run is tdr pink? ummhle terms M Itutieipal Allie, Chat! df tl ll EHRIEMONT. Never In tho history of Holstein did such a crowd assemble at a. notuinution. At. the ex wiratiun of the hour the Tem- Wil.',','); Klan was crowded besurnd com- anumllurge numbers waving to act in. Every old Lime municipal fighter was on hand, and a large nnmlwruf the younger men. lt herame almnlulely mammary to we]: lulququarwrs and an adjournment wad much to the mtfinish- "d mill, in which was ample room but want ('umfnrt for a rhrte [mum-wait. Two of our neighboring Municipalities have this your mud? a record by allow- IJg their old mumuils to n-nmm at the helm fur 1896. whivh indicates satis- faction with their work in the "min, and is cotunoendalrle on the score of wounmy in a pinching year. Mr. T. G. Holt is rewlected trustee for the w. \and and Mr. Wut. Juhusum for the E. WatU. In the north ward Dr. Gun and Mr. Andersun an- in the iield. The latter would hotutp the posiriou, yet, we think Dr. Gum's t-lnilmnl aux-vices in [no cause of mlncnliun in thistown unlit]: him to be plan-d on the school bum-u. The West is the lurnner Ward for mph-ants: here "tN' the seven: Messivs. Flinn-e. Mclmchlun. Geo. Mckechnir, J. Kiss, R. Bull. Geo. Mviklu. ll. Parker. All gnod men and true. “a... - Me'""""" We hear the yuuug ~folks spent an eveningnt Mr. N. Campbvll's last week _ M , -V .-> Llnklgiu caninon .u ' “an. Mr. Editor may you, your paper and correspondents have a happy and proie perous Neww Year _ Mum. (vein-.5 n... .... . -.. v __ . eating taffy. but, as Mable is getting 8. little tpo okd fd1 such sport shii um: not invited. We will turn/si/Us, REVIEW and Weekly Globe from date w’Jany. lat. 1arr. for $1.25. . . MI IN THE COUNTRY. unfurt for a. rhvei, hours wait.} HoNtein heath-ea itself and pro-| larger Hall. the Luwnship ivdl pix-u for Mr. Wut. Sumii's sug- r that large tmvnship Ins-clings in Rinse” Hull. Dromm'u. ( LEVEL of Dundalk, was " Mrs. Ch McLean, M an?!) >118 D, Mina S. A. Cuk'r' 1 ro-lenves this week ta. a place near ly htcr‘s Falls, where she has been engaged at. a good salary to teach for this year. All her many friends will miss her bright presence around home. Mina Annie TTutaon left. for the Queen City to spend the winter. We hope sh. may have n pleusaut visit. Miss Annie Me".m-hnie was visiting friends at Rob Rc {Camera Ina-bf. . The t-nnrvrt and (Jhrisunaa Tree held in N. s. No. lo, Holland. on Christmas night was in all respects azhrxlliant sne- r-ess. The crowd was vary large and orderly. and the proveedn amounted to $21. Dr. Smith. of Dmnoch very ably filled the position of I'ltairaaati. _ At the close of the Fmtertaiturtent Mr. Watt. who has (alight so successfully' in that section for the the past, threo years was nmde the re-ripiL-m, of several vnhmhle pu-sonm and the following ad- dresv to trUirh he verplied in appropriate tertng. To MR. RUFF. M. WATT, - A A.” the s/vs (not quite all) word ouf hunting on Xmas. Sowing was caught uuless drum .. Mr. and Mrs. John McKinnon were visiting ar Mr. Adar. McKinnon'. hat. week. Mr. aryi.3rrs. Sam Mchnh. of Bun- z-ssun, visited their nephew and niece McKuumuu at the Corners recondy. Mr.diora J ackson. of Durham, wus‘nt Mr. Bothwoll‘a on Xmas day. Christmas passed by quietly in our burg with lots ot grass and water but that did not seem to sawiy the Goat and the whale, who for some reason better known to themselves would rather had sleighing. , Miss Minnie McLaugblan of Flasher- ton Station paid her parents a visit on Sunday last. l V , Miss Bella MzLuughlan who is un- der the treatment of Dr. Hutton for Erysipelas in the face is improving rapidly. Mr. 'Archie Conk'ey isin the employ of Dan. Kennedy taking out telegraph poles. __ - A _ - .. _ Mr. Jas. McDonald had a wood;bee may be the boys did not work hard in day time and tipped the fantastic we till the an)». wee hours in the morning. What wewould like to know. flow A. M. got home with his girl from the dagger; _ _ _ -ii'lGi A. Meh. is going to mend the stub,,. . . . ' n ., Wm, - n: L.svmm--On Sunday Dee mm to Mr, and Mrs. Thos. Lauder. Jr.. a mu. _ H ovvuss--vrcxrms--on Mommae Dee. magma. at uy'. retyieneeaok NV. E. Mrs. widow Harv Mus Nellie t'wott is homo at present. ins Maggie Also returned from her "mum visit at, Hamilton. Miss Mamba Daley returned to Lake iew lust. Wednesday after over I. man's visit to her sister. Mrs. Goenge 3.?K'E "1.62?le Rev. _ E. L. l? _ E Egj‘yarg Jro.pkiyy, le t_/tgt/tee. Jack}; aiti Bifexxiinck Tp, I have unwound All ouw thin with wax-Id. I hlvo \vuu'unre-l wrench awry Inn». with my pipe null mv pouch In m y pocket. I m land"! In) bacon own. I have smoked exrri'hiutloftolrtute., lint the brand that In 'lorrotrt to we, Tho one I prefer to all who", " the plug mat is lumped " T. a: B." I have nmnkml in my own native Inland. Every kind that Brut-has burns, Wu: crscrurcurrh' ‘Goldon luwut' 'Rtmg,' ' Virginia: ' Birdseye ' and ' Returns: Yul: I've nmmuul "et'ry Enulmll tobacco. Hut noun-thing I yal, lawn to nee In A ln'nud mm will tIll every lo M, Lin unplug titat innlmupnd " T. k ." I hnvn smok 3d the Wert mam annulus. The Human Cllf'l‘rmt and Burma». T I blue numb-(l ' HuMrlsbutrtrlotettd 'Hoohhll Lung turihod on divnnu at my one. Inn I um'cr )m. toutod n mlnm'ao. In myjnurnuyu try land or by "a. To cmnpnru with tho hunt ot All lumen, The pure gold“: lent bw T.& B." They my tummy" will shorten (mm. life, nml I know that ix mm. Foranco than I run nlmn ot Dummy Each awful Jay luugmenad tn two: But I menu to lulu hot-ll tor tho tuturu, ’I‘lmt no snle mixlmp buInlIn we, Aunl lnruml to iysyst tny up to (mum. "I'?" Rio] is going to Priccville now; ADDRESS AND PRESENTATION. " addy ot qu, FAIRWELL CORNERS " MAPLE GROVE. her and Friend ..-In view nzuiun of our intercourse d pupils We desire to mlrk hy " few farewell words HOPEVKLLE MARRIAGES. BIRTHS. 113' OF B. S. No. 10, Holland dgn, of Don, Toronto, [1 earned vacation. ierm, Edilnr and Stat! r and many returns l B, ”rid on Mon- unhm‘ of hisfrionds hues: the marriage H-r, Miss Edith. to . Proton. The knot ‘f Pvictsvilte. our No, H. will board XII fur this year. this in .. welcome ilk tlvcss or sweet Wl10 has their el returned from :u Mia-r sumo Lwo ‘HI (mation comes mdidatcs after Inst Utt “is! on ciort left, gpopt at: .the JI at me airbag! . Mr. Archie axis yam on tl " " burg last 'tt ACCOUD ett, the ; list tM. Suki Sr. Pt. II to Jr. Il-Duncan McKenzie, Maud Connnr, Rena Fa an. Lottie Wil- canon, Willie MvAuu'ity. Hu h Mrs Donnld. Andy Wtllitutrm, James \'x'ui'.ll,t 1er,',"t wi1lieCouvvrt. Bertie McDonald Jo in Gray. Britain Paterson, George livid. Dora. Burnet. " Pt, ll to Sr. Pt. If-Susie Me. Clnckliu. Clam Aljoe. Nora Knapp. Wantoelte Firth, Herbie Reed. Maggie McFarlane. Minnie Cameron. Ewan Wolfe. Mamie Dough“. Murray Smith, Sadie Noble, Etta Fox, Eddie Milligan. Sr. I M Jr. Pt. H-Frank Dccker, Thomas Darby. Jnlm McKinnon. Emma Harvey. Lottie Harimllh'. Willis Laid- ' law, Hugh MvLumr. Alum-r Mi-Ihmnld, Lama Milligan. Arthur Nnhlr, Thomas _0vevticld, Victoria Park. Alice Running Jo-i, Swinhurn. ltobert, Stimuli]. None higher than the third claw wrote on the Exarttiuation, and the Auiiitt's of tho successful who: are arr-nug- ed in m'drr of merit. From 8.. IH to Jr. Iv-Fraser Pater- um. Edwin Allan. Willie Hunter, Ella Lnidlmv. Georgie Malina. Lottie Iswelle. Jr. Ill 1031'. lil-Pit Rumago. Hrs- sie Brown. Cora Mum”. Mnuc'e “mm-r. Hinds. 0.4m: lie Johnstm McDonald, Lloyd, Mary Joscpels 75\Vil Jessie Summer: Grant. South American Kidney Cure Not Only Relieves Kidneys Dlsease Immedi- 'tf,tf; but it also Heals and Removes the rouble. sie Brawn. Cot Kathleen Gm Frank Hawk Crawford. EV" Flam Metivvrr Pan-mm. Mm- RESULTOF PROMOTION EXAMINATION IN DURHAN SCHOOL. PRICEVXLLE LODGE, A. o. U. w.- The following ofticers wore elected for 1890, viz. Past Master. Michael Baily: Master Worluwut, Neil McKiunoer Foreman, C. C. James: (Hera-or. John McArrhttramxutmier, John McDonald. "cc. ', Fiuaueier, Wm. Watson I Hecetver, Joseph Auwum. am: Guide, John Ne. ‘Kinm-n: Inside \anrhman, Don. Me Co"mi(-k: Outside “'utchmau. A. Os- tmuder. Repreentatiy.e to"G. Lodge, N. Rtileyt 'Alternntive Rab... Jun. "ii'ntLa'Nusteeis. Arch. Ba minim McDom4d, Jay: Vause l Augimm, Arch. " EYE SPECIALIST." 87 King St. E.. Toronto, Ont., Will he at McFarlancs' Drug-slurp. Dur hull. Ont. sum). Wntcls fur date. A pair ofmy npech-lcs make a nice present, for your sister, Cousin nr auur. I own the best equipped optical place of business In Canada. In which Co grind glasses. Omnipotent, workmen always them to repair' your glrwses. I am at my place of business, all day every Mon- day in the year. It costs but, four com- to mail your glasses to me to be repairs ed. 1 pay my own car tare to your town and Isell you slwrturlm or arti- ficialeres fur the sauna price in your town tut put ram buy at my place of business. 87 King St. E., Tammi). Out. I have sponL Itil years oxelnsiw-ly ox- tuuirung10,000e.sis. I ask you to ullnw me to tent your eyesight and learn of the superiority of my wot k (Wt-r “duck BL all Inuit-s FV wutrllmakrrx. write for my 50 page hook on the Eye. All free. Is the Only “True Blood Purifier f flood’s. Pills 10enever the body has been weak. cued by disease, it should be built up by Hood's tiavsaparillty. Read this: .“Abont two yea-I ego I Inner-ed with ' wary level-e muck ot iistummatiort ot the bowels. When I began to recover I was in I very weak and nervous condition. end new intensely with near-1?: pains in my head, which caused loan 0 alumna having no appetite, I Became Very Thin Ind week. Fortunntelf' a. friend who had need Hood’e Straps“ a with great bone- " kindlx roeoyyiief.tfde.e,e. a)". it“! luaxnuuy 'v%.NF9_""'""" _- .V - - di no and tsperteSt cure has been “hemeI Stun now as well no I ever woe. Ind would no: be without -tnf?,sptiyeri'/t - _ __-e. -- an - won“: no. no wauuvuu MW! .. .._V_,, r - in my house for ,','g,?."atir,i' M35. a. Km, MS Manning Aves, cronto, Ont. Hood’s tgarsapar0it.i Prominently in the public eye fads! Weak and Nervous Strong Points. PROF. CHAMBERLAIN, IT DOES BOTH . Wd "ptgh. Bra "trat. Mamie Hunter. IVm. \Vnrmivglnn. "ad Jumivuou. Petet “Her. Mable Swallow. David Todd, Minnie Baywmmuytom mum 59. _ lehmnhi. Maay ', Lvnn Nmter. bum-rm Mckonzie, Fawn]. Lottie Wil. 1ruilty. HH§h Mrs mlu. James Vanu- n. Bertie MCDmmld Vim Kn sis, Wil. Burhnn. Arthur “(1)0{1idth Mary Will 's's'i""ir's'ari'rr, WATCH THIS SPACE _ The f3ig 4 Adv t. .éiaéagfii Loose or in Bundles for Sale ---AT---- Mr. and Miss Cushnie me spending their Well (Mined holidays at their homo at the Station., Miss Ci1shnie will Lake charge 'of this school in 1&6 and we have no doubt but she will give good satisfaction to the section. The annual Eutortusinmenr of the 'L'riun Sabbath School, came " on Friday evquing last and not withstanding the inrlemency of the weather the ichobl was fllled. After all had partaken of the elegant, spread that was yin-pared hv the uditithe meeting was called to order by Mr. Moore of Flesheru‘m. who occupied the chair. The pryqreTm,.e consumed of solos. recimcions and dialogues, ill-0a very impressive and instructive speech the sietkodirtrAru.sis9"' of fle.r..tCe,"i, t 1.. -..-. " Mt. Forest. APPLY Ttreel', I ntended for last week. Some of the farmers were ploughing here burt week. Mr. Wm. Barnetbtua been c1uuitsg a new plough last week. On Doc. 14th, another of our 501mg mun made himself hum? luv taking G himwlf . bonny bride. he contracting armies arc Mr. Duncan Muir and Min xggie McPherson both of Artemesia. Their many friends wirh them joy tad a. long and prosperc us life. . Mr. John Falkingham. of Edge Bill, il visiting his old frivudu around Flush- erlon Station. Jar-k is A jolly fellow, gm d out: quite p, shine with the semis. Messrs. Archie Ferguson and Dart Crokcr have taken a vonlmct of cutting 21X) cords of wood for John Muir. The Iadts have erected a cumforunhle dwelling in the woods and are \mtclxingnit. but what‘s the matter with Minnie, am. Mr.. Dan Muir of South Line is pre- paring to build a fine brick house on bis farm at the six corners. mink" Kick. Muir Muster Dan McNau J. OSBORNE, unnam- v. - __-_-' - - Iuir is ahly mined by Nanny of Proton. ' Clerk lake! Scale; BEAN & CO. --FOR-- T,.') day PRESENTS tu town , Qf course you do! but we want to impress thefact. 'rR5ette."t1, Min-Ling of the South Grey Electoral District African“ uml Society will be held in the Town Evil. Durham, on Wednesday. the lah day ofJanuuy mm. " one o'clock, p. m.. for the macho!) of Others Ind Gena-Al Businm JAB. Enos. ARCH. MAchxsz. day PRESENTS Do Yo u ms.mwz Know that we carry the [digest and bust salaried STOCK If Christmas and Unli- MacFARLANE 81 GO. o" Don’tYou Pmidenn 3:5t‘3f, Merc, but come t see our immense stock gag/u] and attractite Druggists & Booksellers., Did You Ever mmidcr how much, better we can serte you by selecting your presents at tie earliest possible date , Of course you hate! Anal. Mack was. Secretary I Thom: Ire Service. This splendid uni! a! was imported from the oitod States and was a winner of four Paws " the World's Fair. Chicago. Also RUFUS. " months' old. 1 9.1. {mm Prince and Princess Lyons. and a 15ne animal. This5 Tlmnglhriil Berhhire Bar. ‘raRBEE'AND: Came to the premises of the subscriber about 4 ssurek. "F,". two Sheep: Mr is requmu-d to prove pmpeny. my expenses. and take the animals away. Came to the premises of the ,eourrite er. 1 Shmp. me-r in mm to Te",fiJ,',i'h'ef,tJi?..'"e"'e"" and nth ihe mum away. A good man in .votttrdirrtrirt to sent the "Fontlsill Nurseries aim min." Over 70) aCtt'S. The In“ h be Dominion. Position perm-next. ‘Wixh the inctvvsingdetnaad for fruit. " position with us as Salesman mu put Irena-than engaging‘in fuming. . Sela In: your application and we will - you how to earn good money. . That old ennui“ in connection with w "t R. 3tckUHatsa,' Jatrs Also bonus " 7313!. v“ Dnmdd Beach. Lot " Con. 4 N. D. R, Glouclg. 51 A Snap I t'i-,rtri'iiG/ir. SITE“! Creek. Stone House & kitchen. “nod tiy.od Ill-M11111. Baok Man) 50:70. Slum: P,aremertt Sabin Drive & Iii-pleuwnt “mm Jorak Sum. Sumo» undrrnmuh. Hoot Home Ioxtih Hard um Son. “1m. t"nurchesaod Piijsowl eouveuieitt. 45 mile. from Dur- ham. Bulldmgs cast aver Mf% Money n-kcd. Ono-third down. This is 1. Ram Bargiin. Stock or Grain. Eminent meant. If not add will lane for a term of years. Att- ply on the property to ROBERT “'ATSON. Jr.. 49 . A “unwr- o.. Out. Ti," Doin Shim). Position ' Salary or Cvmtuission to riggt mu ' School Teaehets.'.' its just. the thiytr for you during the summer. “kit: (w wuticulugg -- ___ . FARE FOR SALE. 0n the 2.2:! (fun. Surmnnby. contain- ing 174 acris. HO cleared. A l voilin grand trtgtte of cultivation free from no:- - - __.,._.4- u....:.... g'...-', Rum- “mu. we: BOULDEN & 30.. litmus Mikes. CAME tine 1yygyheil Chester White hat, 'washiruston,' STONE & WELLINGTON. .. Toma-m. (by; wind up of JNO, TO LET,, .N'I‘ED tss, ll be kept on tho remit CLARK Jeu, 183-5. ESTRAY. H. M' Durban SI 433 ./a0

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