Ontario Community Newspapers

Grey Review, 26 Dec 1895, p. 3

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you: IQ)! um 3M WEW '9‘! 8lthtt 8 $10“ as $45518 1w!” 4Mrtt2 400% MI) 268 moo an mt.3 " 1175 tit) WM!) 10mm 14000 300155 48275 M 100 188 MW 75000 174 43 " " 31 moo a, 26 08 00 ao 80 oo (I) " ar oo go no o I) A Combination Plug of the By_the New Process, which for Finish and Soft- ness can't be beat. " ides t ken otr, To meet the wishes of their customers The Goo. E. Il uckeu & Son Co., Ltd., Humilton. Ont., have placed upon the m~~W Put it of, then, but come and sex our immeacee stock of rue/u] and attractire 1100413. I MacFARuANE tl Ci), Robe Tanning! ary PRESENTS m town , Of course you do/ but we want Ay impress thefuct. To Smokers (My PRESENTS Know that my carry the largest and best selected STOCK Qf Christmas and Holi- Do You -.- iorse The strength and pure blood neon- eary to resist the effects of cold seasons are given by Hood's Sarsnpnrilla. " I have for the last 2S Fen." ot my life been oomphlning of n weekneee ot the lung! and cold: in the head, -eu11r in the winter. last all I was [gun attacked. Ending o! Hood's Susana“).- I we: led to try it. I an: now taking Hie tnth bot- tle with good results. I can poeMvely lay that I have not spent. a winter no free from coughs or pain: md dittieult breathing 3:1}: for the he: 25 your! um mat win- t . I can no down Bad sleep m night without my annoyance from cough or gin in the lung! or asthmatic flJEoulzy." M. faunas, J. P., Comm“, N. B. Clocks and Watches ts the Only True Blood Purifier Satisfaction Guaranteed. THOMAS SMITH. w---------------- . euro ”hm W“ Hood's Pills mm. 'g'StUrl"llt Hood’s Sarsaparilla {mmmém in the punk - my; "T&B" In “Adéanced Years arse Hides, Cow Hides Skins, Tanned suitable QUE CHAINS AND CHARMS Don't You MODERN. A. GORDON. . Bc-To ensure a. good job the '3 must. be well salted as soon as tw Robe Tanning! Robes lil Goats ALIVE. ALIVE'! Are not Ameie Druggists E: Booksellers. -_ Arcr consider how] much, better we can ser‘re you hy selecting your presents at tie earliest possible date Of course you dare, Did You SMBKING TUBABGB. Cow Hides, Dog tot' prices. Also a largo quantity of hay in utm-k.~G. Smauxu. Mr. J no. H. Cameron, Professor of French in the Universituf Toronto. and a nephew of Rev. Chou. Cameron ot this town, is on a. visit to friends here this week. ' ' As iixvn‘rxu [NFIT‘IIX’R Last Sun. day night, the Pr-shylurizm 01mm ngu- tion horn. whilc listeuirrg inlcnflv to a. leettrre from Mr. Hall. A. Brit. Columbia student, were startled nanr itxglnae by the {all and destruction of the iid lights The hook, to which is fastened the rope, for lowering And raising the light. had worked loose and gave way in a moment. and of course down dropped the light. Providentially no one was seriously injured. Mrs. Wehher "lpttttcAiving a small face wound, and an iiiidrypp her side. Had tho iron hangings struck anyone on the head death {ouldl'al- monk surely have been the result. A mild panic of course existed for a moment. and afew of the more sensi‘ tive had their nerves shakenup. Ita real panicthould ever occur and church crowded. the narrow stairwaysrwould prove a veritable death trap. SonnoL EsTRBtst.sstrr:.st--Ttte pupils and friends of Hitchie's school house, Gienelg,tauqht hv Mr. Jno. Grnhnm. had a. most tuteeessful reunion on Friday last. The ladies of the section wided dinner for an at, the srhonl “in long pmgrnmme was gone through with in the afternoon. The prngramme was an agreeable mixture of lessons and entertainment, and the way that both teacher and pupil; acqnijJA-d themselves gawo the best of satisfaction to the seventy nine visitors present, It. is very pleasing to find such relations existing between butcher. pupils and )arems and we congratulate Mr. Gm- l','l'ie, and his section on the mutually ptsofititrle relations existing-between them. Instrumental music was furn- ished by the Miss Greenwood. and Mrs. Firkovham on the organ. while Miss E. Manydou on the Concertinagnve some nice selections. Messrs. D. C. McKenzie and ROM. Cal, bertson. of Toronto Meant! College, an home for holiday-i. Fresh broken and“ 6 lbs. for 25c at John Cameron'., slro new Standard ou. meal. Ertremout Cottncil minutes lam-Id ovar- this week. hut Egrs-mont readers will have mans-thing else to study. H. w. Burgess. violin instructor. &e. Terms moderate. Also agent for nursery stock of every variety at right prices. Durham. Dee. Nth, w,. Do not. take any substitute when vou ask for the one true Mood purihor, Hood's Snrsaparilla. Insist. upon Hood's and only Hood's. MUM-ax holiday Mina Allie McRae returned home from Toronto on Saturday. 'b Miss Hattie Firth.nf Rob Roy, is visit- ing at Pviceville this week. Don't forget. theTriroituv Sunday School Cantata in tho Town Hull Fl icky next. Airmkm. Firth. of town. WM visio- ing at Mr. "mes' of Priceville. this and but week. IrrsrrrsEar..--A wry g1tt',"nttlnipi; renm- took Flare on Monday t, e 10th inst. at S ol. (wk. p. m.. at. the residence of Mr. P. Mrlntnsh. the esteemed ost- nmster of l)ornoch. in the event nip the marriage of his eldest daughter. Maggie Russ. uqu. R. J. Mt10earn, ot Owen Sound. The m-remnny was performed by the Rev. J. Little in the preneuee ot numerous friends. The bride who Tva8 hmzdsmnvly attieed was asnisted by het mister', Miss Emily. as bridesmaid while Mr. J. V. MacAer-v. of Chesley. acted as grumnsnmn. The ceremony being over all sat down to a sumptuous ernntr Mrer which all retired to the parlor where a very pleasant evening was she-uh. As the evening wore on towards the .. wee sum.‘ hours " the guest: took their I departure homeward after tender- ing their best. wishes for the future wel.. fare and prosper-13y of the newly wedded couple. The bride was made the re- cipient of many costly and beautiful presents from friends in Toronto, Owen some], Qheglgy and chgvyhere. ' yr, ML} o. S. C H ulls, LOCAL AND GENERAL. At this wasnn of the year good wish. “s abound. We wished all our readers a. Merry Christmas last, week on the lumutiful Supplement We issued. Ive have been much srrntifted to learn from not afew of mu- readers how pleased they wm-e to receive it, and have bad our good wishes returned in more ways than one. Before we again greet our renders, 1895 will have sunk into the past. For 1:06 we wish all our readers Happiness: and Health. artd'sttett a. sup- ply of this world'. \Venlth' at: will give peace and comfort in savory heart and home, 'ii,'ii"iiis1iii/eiGririerure, this 'week for their new home followed by the best wishesof the comtmmity.-Coe. V _ Mr. Jam. (hurls. spent Xmas at his .ome in Fergus. Hay Mr 'Nn Straw. Com gum“. Shelled Corn Bran. \Vhent. Bran, Out. and all kinds nfrhop for tale at Hunter's Warehottsre, Upper John Cameron. Axon: tor n Buy. arrived home for rs on Xmas eve. (fund at’ishrs. Chadwick returned home from I. or Friday. " 'wo rnrln f, yr f red quantity _ as Santa an angel much-rs. um: MM.- ve taken wed two ' grrstiffed nt straw If hay in the the We have no lunatic: of the produc- tion of butter in the Province, not evm of tint made in the ereaunerimu It would be extremely dimcult. to ohtsin figures of the amount. made in prim“. dairies. hut it in certainly I very large summit, and much of it, ofa. superior 1,1tlilp, although there is. a great. cal of very inferior stuff put upon the market. The merchants who my the butter Bre chiefly to blame for this. They [my the same price for everything called butter. no Hunter what its qual- ity. and thus there is no induconmnt to make a stood article, nor hints given as to where iuipruvement might e made and after it; Ps'"id through the buyer's hands. where it, is too often mixed and muddled lill qualily is generally much worst! than before. IL is ditticult IA) wean-w Lire qualilv. even of the best. ior a lunglll of lime. and theodore ditti. cult. to g1-Lil m a distant market; unless more- furlhvix tuiik than Hwy m the 33-51;; In the mum}; of Lundus_tit ('(‘IILH "pair-mai/ded pounds of milk is Paid. and is the highest “mount. paid. the next highesL is Cuvhtou, paying 3.3.1 wr 100 libsnf milk, with Hutstings, Lem} and Grenville, nearly .quatl amounts. Tho county of Grey paidiri cents per 100 lbr. and in the smallest amount paid by any county except XVeHund. Silucoe and Durham.".- iz‘npcr facilities are provided. But the imulc market. for a superior article can be greatly extended. The article can be pruduced by itirellUeuce, experience and carefulm-ss and the market obtain- ed and maintained by energy and ri vhf, cons dealing. G. ff. Mr. and Mrs. Byru.tet have had a visit, from Mr. Burner'. tester, Mrs. Covlett of near Hamilton. ttar. hulirluy» “I town ..-Miss oramreville:.Miys Aggie Bull. P Min, Frank Hughes, Chatswm Who will be the next Coursed of Pro:- on? Is the question asked often here. There is not much talk about; new can. didaten yen. Home for the holidays. Me Loam Wolfe, Me. Fergumm Grant: and w, Huvlvtn. who have been at Wnlkerton. and Misses L. Laidlaw and H. Muffin. C. Molntyw and A. Lilidlaw who have bern making their mark at Harri-emu High School ave amongst us one: more. The following harbor! I"' apt-riding The last Council meeting held at; Proton wasquite noisy. The Dundalk Herald states that Reeve Corbett will likely he opposed by er-Reeve Rodgers and that Mr. Mitche 1 will likely oppose Wm McArdle. but states that Mr. Mitchell has not, allowed his name to be bronglit forward. Your Correspondent Tom has heard the name of Mr. Mitchell mentioned, but not in oposition to Mr. McArdle. To the mod. With their poor nppdite. fevhlo cirettition, and itupoveritdsrrd blond Ayer'n Snrsnpnrllln in a boon beyond prim. Its effect in to check the ravages- of time, by invirr,errxtitte every organ. new», and tiunno of the body. Soc Ayers Almanac for the mow yen. Miss Edith and Millio Lesson, Varney, Intend taking a. course at the Owen Sound Coll. hast. for the next 6 mos. We wish our old pupils succus in thuir effom to advance. Ther were boch cxcmplzry. Cums-nus Est..-." more unnum- ahle night lrould mot well be imagined. Mud covered hauls. a chilly rain falling and a boisterous wind. Happy the hearts am! tho homes which have a sun-him» within, proof against nutmdo influences. Irs, Misses Scarletts are having a. Vlsit from their cousin, Miss Watson, of Bruce. Pe sure and see it M van p.19: by'. What? The "Up to date Butcher Shnp' Just see the Christmas dvcm-Mions. all kind-of Beef, Pork, Sausage kc. &c.. always in stock. Neighbor Russell is having a. nephew visiting them. J. MEAmne had a. trip to Mt. Forest last Saturday. ”A" Boosrtso.-Are tho Drt-moro Forest- " a. At their next meeting night, on the 3tth mst., no chur Linn 19 new mom- hers are to be initiated. Mr. Jan. Cameron. who has been at Lucknow for the {mat two weeks came home Tuesday. Ve beg to cnngmtu- late him on the successful treatment he has! undergone. Novto.rartlts.--The scarcity of toddee has lnnught, lo th front some novelties in thwuy of subunmtcn. mey Mr. A. S. Hunter having n unpply corn- ymikx hmught in, and vorn bran too? Pt snro and See it ar, van p.19: by'. Mr. Ed. Imulnr of Mt'Gill Med. Far. is spending his holidays attheold home. stand. Boothvillc and Brownsville will ape-M ttext. week. Alla Fleshvvtou Station and other matter. never [eta cough run from day to day. It xndicutes mthuntmstion or irritation, ‘wbich if allowed to continua. may result in serious injury to the lungs. A dose of Aye?» Cherry Pectoral cures any pulmou. My eoutplaiata not onlirely beyond the such of modicine. Mr. Jas. Park came home from the North West, but Wcduesdav. Miss G. Runway. spout Xmas m her home in (,‘l.e.~lry. Mr. W. Jouvsptwtook olenM turkey in Harx‘isme. E 'i0PEVILLE, " TOM, 1Vell Mr. Editor your Chrintmu Ed. itiou is much apprwiatcd in Lhislucnhty and is Well worthy of mention. We re- turn thanks and wit-him: you and vour able Staff a Merry Xmas ind a Happy New Your. Mr. R. J. Black. a guard of Toronto Asylum. spent» a pleasant week at the {v.1 rental human Mr. Blur]; likes to visit nsold "vqurriuta_rwes at. "very appur- mnity that affords hint, he also appreci- ates the volunms of the GREY REVIEW and says he “nuld not, be without it for twice its value, Mr. Arrhiu Blm'k. farmer of near Bmmfuld. is in our midst at present and will remain a while. We have an idea that wedding halls will jinglebe- fun: he goes back to the South main. Musnrn Dun Mclntvre and A. Paterson npcuLn week in Owen Sound on busi- news. Mr. Mac Benton. one of Ben Sharps worthy anployres in tho framing liar, I mm home for the winter. He is - what routine our detoctivp says and dlemm of Edge Hill. nnd in than look- ing cowards t e west... .; ,1 Farmer. are again ploughing mul are happy to get and) 1m early spring. Mrs._Archio McIntyre. of Bad. Axe, Michigan. in st pro-out. raising her numerou. friends in our vicimty it present. Mr. Monty-reds also enacted this week. ', Mr. M. K. Benton is back from the Queen (my, but he again return this week to remain. Mack will be much missed from our midst. We wish him success. - _ d.. The Mesners Saunders, trom Var-nay, are still in our Burgh, and are continuv ally digging. . An extra wink. and a broader smile, and a happier' pa tt is hard to find than Mr. Mull-um Mchfillnn since his return hume. (Future another little girl. All are well. ' Mr. Hugh McLellan is still poorly withrheutisatism. We with a speedy recovery. A M r. Max. McMillan in home this week and can tell some good yarns on timber. ing operations. . and almost consular. severe pains in her chest which Were unly caged by a 9:001)- mg position. Added to this the was troubled thh a backing cough, aomvtimos so revere at night that Ure did not obtain more than n fuw hours bleep. About the end cf 1894 we Lad met: up all hope of her recovery. and the neighbor: won at the same opinion. She was reduced to almost a skeleton, and could ysetsreelr take The Waterloo timber boys, from our Burg, are all expecwd home for Christ. mas. Angus will he glad to know that his chair was not; vacant while absent. We would like to know. . Who get the Toronto letters now. TVho the young man was whose pamaltmns were found in Jonny's sleigh. any nourishment. She had grown so weak that she could not walk Across the bedmun floor without help. We had often [Wind and rand of the great cum effect. [I by Dr. Willinms' Pink Pills, and at. 21m Mtge. when all also had failed, I nrzaxl that may be given a trial, and prw outed a half dozen boxes. After axing than for three manic: she could wslk across l)cri,cvlrssetn floor without aid, and from thallium on t,he continued improv. iup, in health from any to day. She con- tmued taking the i'mk Pills,tor about {our mnmhn, wtth tlr.ereriult that she in now B hv-althy woman. and It in now no trouble for hevto walk to church, a di-tauce of two miles, um! the grateful prim-es of her- selratsd friends will always be given Dr. Each Year Heart Diseasa Claims as victims Tens of Thousands of Our Best Citizens. It is nlmun Impossible to pick up a paper wiv'uottt seeing a. notice of the and. den dth from heart failure of a. promin. ent eitizea, who, prior to the attack. was in the very best of health. Bat the con. dition was only apparent ; tbs disease bud been at work for months. pumps years, and its wearing: had been nnbeeded Such a courno Is suicidal. When any of the svmptoms of bears dlsease are noticed treatment of 591m: Akiud is imperative. seized with a {mating spell, which would leave bar so Wonk um who wouliibo r.otsthtmt to her bed for several dun in n "mi-uaeomseiot" unto. Moro than once we thought Ibo wan dying. Thar. In I cominmd feeling ofnnmbuoss in he: limbs. Dr. Agnew'n Care for 'the Heart is adapted only to cure of diseuscs of thin organ. It not only gives relief within 80 minuten to all 'sufferers, from orwmic or sympathetic heart dmense'. no matter of how long standing. but efreetan radical cure by It: direct action on the nerves and nerve tsietsir, which control this mo“ Important on“. and supplv n with the neceamry power to non-form its great work. A single dose of this remedy will 00min“. the moat incredulous. an it new" hill; to Colin: at once, Sold Jr.r Haifa-1.... t Mr. Dominick P. Chuuson, who live. on the Harper Road, about two mil“ “on: the town oC1"umish. P. E. 1., peruortihy tank the troul Is to bung before the node. of the editor of the L'lunpunnl. tho pur- ticulnru " the cure ot his tlantthttrritrlaw, MrrcA.D.CMasurnt, through the "no of Dr. \Villilunl' Pink Pills The can. in cerlamly a mnnrrkul-le on». and We enn- tttot do Lemur than Rim it m Mr (Thmusuu'a own wvrde. "My Hun'n wife ' mid he. “hun lwen hlck for nun-o MW“: yonr~ past. hut pruvihux to that Lime was a htrnllL: hunkhy person. Just about seven years 21mph» took a. unvorv cold. which attach-d her lungs, and bum that time up to blue imglnning of tho past sum- mer ha hruILh has been (value. and at timo we impair-d of saving her lite. It was not. her disposition to give up canily. and on mme ocean-nuns while, (mung. ed m Imam-hold work she wont-lube FRIENDS HAD GIVEN UP HOPE OF 35 COVERY. The Trouble Began With a Cough Which Settled on the Lungs-Nur ject to Fainting Spells. and " Last Forced to Take b, Bed - Restored by Dr. Williams' Pink Pins When All Other Medicines Rad Failed. From "L'imtrttrtial," 'i'iguislt, P. E. I. It Burt, will be -ma Tor for 96. T00 WEAK io WALK, Can not" Walk that, l have secured the manage- F the Vpper Town Phntugrnph and would ask with coufideuce 10ml}!!! nthc public. being pre- D turn 0le anv kind of photo- ‘wurk in first class style at living -1. FRASER. 49 SCOTCH TOWN, 'ti?ir'(6'?, to Ch arch. WT 17, 'tvi' 'l I W to 1m Loose or in Bundles for Sale ---AT---- ISU, = _r Mt. Forest. APPLY 1'0“ After which date the maid Executor' will prom-ed to distrilmu the ands of the mid Estate among Um persum entitled thereto. having regard only to the claims of which he shall then have notices and he will not. he linlllc for any claims of which he shall not then have notice an afar-mid. Came tat the premises of the subscriber about 4 weeks ago. two Sheep. Owner is "quashed to prove property, pay “you“ and Lake the animals twmy. H. M'. Loo-on. Varnes', Dec. 17, liT6. 51 Soft Elm. 19tued 14 feet: Rock Elm. 7. 8,14 and 18 feet; lengths: Birch, any length over 10 feet. It manner MARKET Pmcn Pun Fort Loos. Dromore, Dee. 6th, Th5. m CALL AND SEE OUR\ l Collars, Pads, tlt H Bites, Whips, &c., dx. Heavy & Light Harness ctllar. will be kept fur S'evvive for Season of 1895-6 ab Lot 7, Con. l, Normauhy. Prim-ville P.ty Dated this 2nd day Dec. 1805. WATSON BROS We Ire prepared to thk., building con- tracts and furnish all kinds of Material at living prices. We Handle everything in the Harness line, at right prices. That old estaMishrd hlacksruith shop in cunm-minn with wand shop. Inquire of R. McFarlane, Innumnvo Agent. Also house tn rent, with 6 rooms. good Varney, Dec. 17 Cams to the premises of the subscrib- er. 1 Slump. Ownr-r is requested to p.rovepeot'evty_expeus"* mud take the anluml unit}: ing Acts, that all put-suns navmg “an”! against [he Estate of the above named dKeused who died on m almm. the 22nd day of October A. I). 1891. at the Ville of Pritwvillc, in thr. County of Grey, are required In delivor ovsend by post pra- paid to the, undersigned. his Executor, n “Menu-m in writing. containing their names. uddrr-ssrs and full pm ticOus of their claims mud the nature of the securiticm (ifauy) held by them duly verified by StMuLory Declaration on or before We beg to annoume to the public that we have the mill rebuilt and retitted with ‘To sun YOU. Workmauship Unsurpassed. Fine Turkeys per Ib...... Geese " ...... Dun-kn. " ... Chit-Rum. per pair App]!!! per bbl. ... In the mailer of the Esfatn of Fergttatott Wright, Info of the Village of Prire- ville, in the Co. of Grey, School Tracker. Deceased. VOTICE is hereby given pursuant to l R. S. o. t Chap. 110, and amend- ing Acts, that all persona having chimp} We do the trade in Raw Furs. Highest Price Paid. The 27th Day of Dec., A. D., e Donald Benton Lot 14 Con. 4 N D. R. Glenelg. ty Flour per mm ............ bl 75 to Oatmeal ., ......... ... 1 as to Shorts bb ............ 0 80 to Bran " I........... 0 an to Full Wheat per buahol ... 0 68 to Sun-mg Wheat .. ... 0 68 to Outs. " ... 0 " to Pen. " ... 0 " to Barur, " m 0 M to Potato“. per bug ... 0 M to Haynerton............15 60 to Surw. per ton ............... B 00 to Beat. fore quarto". per 100 8 00 to Bud. hind " " 8 50 to Pm. rt .................. a no to Hider, " .‘.\-.:~.:. “...-... B (.‘0 to Slmcxnkinn. tish............ 0 85 to Batter per m.. Emu, per do: Vo?l per lb. “EYE SPECIALIST." of th" King St. East. Toronto. Ont. Mr 20 years experience. Will be It MncFarlnnes' Drugstore, Durham. Ont. noon. “Such fur date. See my spectmOs for Xman presents. Mr. Perry. Dun-cg at nt Fri-gum Ont, Wrou- u, Im- a few an}; hack. um I Jewish Pmllrr ertlled tit his mister', rosi- detwe and rl-pru-m-nh-d Mum-if to he Prof. ('hmnheriuiu. .. Eye Specialist." This suing mun wan set-n m-nr Kite wu-dinn and (‘urietuu lately miaropre. Milling Mum-if. I "er $10 reward for his arrest. He .ells minds on my reput- ation JUN" docs mm'h harm with his poisonous Rlatisetr-thrt hit. like " shah-and slim: like an adder. Read my large book just puhiished on the rye. All free by midwssing Yours truly, IMPROVED MACHINERY. .4zzso FURS. oezzzF. Exetrator's Notice. ‘SPRUCE LODGE HERO." NO CAME ESTRAY. CAME ESTRAY. Tamworth Boar LOGS WANTED.' HARNESS I PROF. CHAMBERLAIN, NORTH EGREMONT. Choice in Vanses, Grips, Horse Blankets. ae., a. . LEAVENS, Jr. J. OSBORNE, DURHAM MARKET“ THORO UG ll BRED TO LET. TERMS 81. J. G. HUTTON, M. D, Executor, H. W. LEESON, Prop Clerk Market Scales. 1895, 5 Only three weeks till XMAS and you will be needing fruits for Xmas wants. IT t do these prices catch you : . 5 the prices we S enough. Out they must go and here are a very 30m Clearing Sale! ' Heavy All-wool Freize Overcoat. worth 'd) 00. for $6.00. I Fine Beaver Overcoat, all colors, worth $10.00. tor $700. CASH AND ONE PRICE. Lpper Luuu, m-------.-,-)':?.-'-,'.:'.?,:,',,.',:.?..?,,,,,'.." . ___-.------------ The Big 4, Adlv't. Silk Finish Henrietta. regular 506. sale pri .. . Heavy Coating Serge, regular foe, sale - V . fl Cream Whipeord, regularly sold at 60c, sale-price Me Ladies' Heavy Split Bah, worth $1.00. for iBe. Fine Rivewd Bait. worth 81.25, tor 51.00. Fine Dongola Boots, buttoned or law, worth $1.60, for Our reputation for Fine Dress Goods makes it almost unnecessary to say mach regard- ing them and we only take time toquote a. few prices. How about that Overcoat or Suit of Clothes you want ? Of course times are hard and you think you will have to do without them this winter but whether you want to buy or not drop in and take a. look at them. We may any right here that the Mantles are the newest in the trade, having only at; rived from the old country on the 1.5th of November. We have them either with or with- out gored sleeves in beaver or loop cloth and the proper length. - 'w..... - -------f ltr, lb. lb, WATCH THIS SPACE A few ends of these heavy Amazgn Twins, usually sold for 2,5,s & 30c, sale price 210. Raisins for 25e. Cumnm for 25e khtts for 25c. W e have on hand We have also l Bring along your RAMSAY dk MORLOCK, will offer them. These last include --Nerr Silk Haudlwrrhiefs. -.New Linen and Lawn Irandkerekiefs. ---New Silk and Cashmere Squares. .--New Infants Booties in Kid with/bury trimming. --The largest and nobbivst stock of' Ties in ewry shape and at roUbrttomprieee. lone vour Butter, Eggs and Poultry for which we will pay you the highest market mai-- BEAN & CO. bought a lot of novelties for Xmas trade and they are bound to sell at ---P0B---- a very large stock of Boots & Shoes and they are not moving fast st go and here are a very few of the prices that will take them : rrth ~28 a), for $6.00. I Ali-wool Suit worth $6.00, for $4.50. _ an $10.00. tor $700. Double Breasted t3ait,sysarxscuteornem,warth 8ttrroret GERMAN MANTLES, MANTLE CLOTHS: DRESS GOODS, FLANNELETTES, BOOTS & SHOES, _ CLOTHING, GROCERIES. Cream Bengaline. regularly sold " 75e, sale price 5. , Haney Tartan Fluids. regulnrly sold " Att ale price 38?: Crep m Serge, the latest; regularly sold 85e, sale itriee7ihs. Best English Lemon Peel, 20c lb. Best English Gauge Peet. 22e lb. 5 lb. Mixed Candies for P.6G F"me Donzola Oxford, worth 81.25. for Fine Toe Slipper. two straps. worth 81, Men's Fine But? Bals., worth 'ttal for Boys‘ Heavy Boots, worth 90c, for 75e. signed. one and vow. um I id “1me WM!- GTat=t ___ -ee t" . . . n. : I _ I ---__ Cry , I p" tpettieaasinuLs 'san. P. 3"" x F Durham. Dee. M I“. . ‘j "' w Cage to the premise oLtho my si about two - a:- ram: Ram bulb. Ona- ili,lhlili Prove pmporty, pay up“... - it sway. - y t The undersigned has for mic! " i Lot.23.n.nd 24. 'on. lk S. D. R. G“ ‘3 A THOROUGHBRED BERKSHIRE Pf, BOAR. s'.'.':] Dec. 10th. 1a6 'l.00. To be paid for at time of Saint. AM, Oct link. 1895. For Service during Salon ott89Sq& Maura! in the “Ct-nu!- Berk-hire Sui-c W"u by, 2?sf. _P‘W'2d Not. 'iso This tim, mimd will be kept on the premise- of JSO. CLARK. Jn... LOT 82, CON. 8. W. G. R.. amen. ism, and bred by Just, Meyer, Also RUFUS. six mondu' old. . ('0 from Prince and Prince. Lyons. and a fue animal. April 3rd. ME Thoroughbred Berkshire Bar. srzatiri"iuaro.r Fe Service. This splendid nah i! was imported from the Unit“ states and was a. winner of four Prin- At the world's Fair. Chicago. Thumughhred Chester White hat 'Washirurton,' TERMS $1.“) C tothtprmi-Mth+ c9.r 3; 33.1%... Bt1rfhtr, Mien-9 an a =x2ma,a= - SL00- BOULDEN & Co.. Harness Makers, BERKSHIRE BOAR. Upper Town, Durham. SEASON 1895-96. CAKE MAY. Strayed. ( . int: Aux. TAMI. 0M _ -s"g.ta% Roland}, ok. Durham {ow

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