Ontario Community Newspapers

Grey Review, 26 Dec 1895, p. 1

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“""HI'SIMN. 'i-NP-at,- $'ord't"Wgt. Ju- . Brick Dwelling. and many eligible building Iota, will be sold in one or more Iota. Also lot No. 60, con. A w. G. n.. Township of Bentlnck. la) acres adjom- lug Town plot Durham. FOR SALE The EDGE PROPERTY. Inthe Town of Durham. County or any. includiqg valenble Wster Power w. ".'" w... ., --". a ._. ,, Melancrhon-0) :u-N-s good bush. Lot 29, con. 5, site-ahora-AR' was well timbered. last 16, con. 5. Buntinck, 100mm known as the Jam. Bamford farm-well im- proved close to [gunman Int t. Durham Street. North Priceville. 11:03. Kinross Street. North Pxiceville. With other splendid Farms in Ontario And the, North-Wat. Toronto and Hanover properties for sale or ex- change. HONEY TO LOAN . * item-o taken for part purchm money. - - ___‘ - - IN THB-- 30110ng Properties " Prices Asked Lou 241.212. 243. con. s, S.W.T. and B.Road, Township Miiaaethon-174 acre- timbered. Toto MI 232 con. 4, S.W.T. and S. ttea Mauscthon---IN ms bash ot. [at 2l8. con. I. S.W.T. gm! tpo". viii. La and Accident Insurance. Chin” of all kinds eotieeted-Old new There's Big Money l Sold by B. PARKER. Draught, Durham. sud-Client} For Im Blood. I Laboratory - Goderich,0nt J. M. McLEOD, TESTED REMEDIES SPECIFIC and ANTIDOTL LICENSED AUCTION?“ to! Co. of Grey. All tsormaurtitmtiort. aib, dmmud to Luann P. o. will be promptly “tended to. Resident» Lot 19.00.. a. Township of Benlinck._ -- - - - sud DAN. Sou DENTISTRY. " very lowest rates on securicv. _' _ _ A " H bougnn. MOLE OD' S System Renovator Luann“ a H OFFICF:--DU RHAM PHARMACY Calder’s Block. M NIGHT BELL AT RESIDENCE. "rt "(a DR. ARTHUR GUN ' Nott Hi I’l lll.ll'. l'c-I-luiolrl.elt.. leaving BUSINESS DIRECTORY. NEXT Door TO PARKER'S MISS GUNS. W. L. MCKENZIE, on and Insurance Agent. Con- voyaucer, Commissioner kc. MON BY TO LOAN, Fire Insurance secured. Gilles. ovum court's smal- Lawn: Toe Fancy Goods, TOYS and Stationary, WOOLS, EMBROIDERIES and SILKS, in all COLORS and It 2m Mu, nrruuyul Without Jour. Collection- pmmp: ', ' madn- Immune. ducted. FINE" To to , S It Iowan “mallow!“ T"r' ou dour mm: at B. Icon ston Dub-m tl, P- _ TELFQBP: HUGH McKAY. T. G. HOLT, L. D. S MISCELLANEOUS. at sreatlv reduced rates Wall Papers Apply to JAMES EDGE. Edge Hill. Ont, AUCTIUNE'ER. Auctionnn. m tho Comst, of any. radar-[d and “tin-cum: gnu-sum an. for sola- .oan b0 mud. " an mm. Maxim. or " his muons. M m. Weak and Impovctiahv spepsh, Siooplosxsnesa. Flip-LA _ Heart, Liver Complaint. Non m of Memory, Broucbitiu. Con Gall Stones. Jaundlco. Eidnt rrDiseases, St. Vitus' than is IrrrRtalaritissts nod Golan! nebxlity. H. H. MILLER. In” We Genny“. DURHAM. IIIEDICAL D DURHAM SDLIUITOR I SHEER“ attt, LEGAL Prop. and Maul-eta": MCLEANJ n Ph Pt are of the Boyd College -ur-- ‘lidnn. Royal View TIONEER. for th DAN. New. an D. loco“ {CL has & Surgeon: on at Durham on a! to promp 5M do "M my invarlabie nmwr-r is, Mar" Pills Tat-Eu m Netb'UHt they will irtvat up I I“. W Wg .amt , __ "We t'retttet'tt'mtgt hymn: any to take, and " A th b ' t re e _ es A Boon to Horstsmen.--0tte bottle ot English Spavin Liniment. completely rammed a curb from my horse. I take plegsnre in yosommendyng the needy. laughs“! bpavul a,au3"9Ca&hr L'va-vIv-n; - - removed a curb from my horse. I take , Why dos Stimson can" ”“183 Data-Psi! pleasure in recommending the remedy. book with him no 'g'itpit/titt%', WM 9.3 it, acts with mysterious promptness To jot down the brilliant t has! he! "I in tho removal trom horses of hnrdpoft might have an“. and didn't Wm be had her or callused lumps. blood spavjn,sptiyta, the opportumty. tun curbs. sweeny. Btifles and sprang. -----_---- twl George Robb, Farmer, Markham. Outs Poetr I. in»: . thing ot God. mt ".' Sold by McF-rlsmtem ”and. a, when pttetK-mWr. I..", we WANT A MAN AT one: to this oommunit to son speculum in our lino. Trees that {an new” Pm Apple TreeshardyasoaU "Exealitor" Crabaslargoasan Apple. Cherry can proofsgajust black-knot. Human! affected by Cureulio. TE" fteEt . -mw... -, "firm h“ - Space Gooeet-rhidt will do not mildew. not Blackberry Bushes allow without than“. ustofurthertrnurttemte, Tree Roses. ttte. BUTour stock talks for itself. Prices right. Handsome book of plates and g,',ri2"t outfit furnish“) of charge Write in: Gms and particulars. - CHAS! BROTHER? COMPANY, Domenic. Ont. Money to lend. Money invested for Parties. Farms bought and sold. A general tinancGl busing)» tensacted Office next door to Standard Bank, Durham David Jackson, Jr,, (W m. Court. I, tMr fl. Jadrut Notary Public. Land Valuators, Insurance Agents, Commissioners. trrThr ally nun-lust le-r-r In town. tt H mm “an”... "w-.. W..- n“. Wont-I man thromrts Mann 3 an. motive Iran! notion" tho tNeiettt"te A-arleun. And t up 3?. much: Intel! before the public with- out can to the mvmwr. Thug nlendid favor. mum woolly. elegantly i,,"p,tge,',g,'il,'ttlT Ann; largest mml‘uon of my ”lemme ta tha world. " aye-r. sample on I!!! ”mm Bump; lempmgonmly. 31% . we. $33310 FOR T WENTY-FIVE YEARS CAN I OBTAIN A PATENT , For u “may ”In" and an tttttttmt opinion. "no to [135' a; c".. who have had 1',','.% my your cmnenoa In the patent. bun-mesa. mum. noun tummy ©ottmtrmttal. A Hundhook or m. !ormumn mm: Palem- nnd - m 00- mn mm ment tree. Also a nuance!” leg-I um ”magma try!" sgntulm - a an"... mm"... _,..,...,. -- .-- ,7 _,V 00 -p.a mu. may number mum. bun. mg] [pl-1mm colon. um Downwa- ot new noun. wllb plant. ",'fari',M'lrldiNhu'M1'll teertt.9prttt9ndetrSyrtfr?yr.e.te. 3.9%..- F urnitur» of the lkssl Make Won F[I{Xl1'l'lifl MI) “HENRI“ E J. SHEWELL CONVEYANCERS. 'hWii.7"iriCCViiriofiiirt'aii' Kia-ii, Why. THECDOK'S BESIFRIEND DUNIN'S BAKING POWDER New?! 53255153: Liver, or Bowels, For Stomach Aypr’s Pill, "er's Mrmtl'“ PICTURE FRAMING A SPECIALTY i.Diiakihbaiim CANAISA. up” tul-n my friends remedy to: d bisi AYERS P3 LLS JACKSON fl ALWAYS ON HAN! VOL. M In. May Johan». ttr Gt, Dim tttut-m. MI E. J. SIIEWELL. kt: ll ll my team have used I have mk- alwarn urn Worid's Fair. [or um blood. am w',--HT0. 52. ncm mettste tt I”! and ew cannot“- rntihuo the the w my to , mo valuable And Nutritious-lake tb quart of assorted wheat, wash and thoroughly dry out at doors, put it in s dripping pan and set in the oven until crisp but not scorched. grind in the coffee mill. and cock like oatmeal. It makes a. sweeter and more palatable dish gara- any prepued foods that we have French Pound Cake.-Two and one- half captula ot sugar. 1 heaping cup- tul of butter. 5 eggs, whim And ire."",' fasten separately, 1 cuptul of mi k, 1 tea-spoonful qreyy.tattar, 1-2 teaspoon- ful soda, put both In the milk and when it foams add to the other ingredients, 3 cuptula of flour. Meat Li.--A nice meat loaf is made by saving all scraps of meat, beet. mut- tom, veal. and chicken combined, und 3. bit of wet; chop all together: season I with pe r. salt. use. tsrsiet-turd onions, wilted; Add 1h,d'trr'lg'2'ii', or bread crumbs and I well-beaten egg. Make into a. loaf; pour water enough into the pen to keep it from burning; bake slowly and haste frequently. This mixture an be made into balls and tried for breakfast. Economical Recipes. Buttermilk Bimsuita.-0ne quart nour. one tabieapoontal lard. one teaspoontul soda. and one of salt. Thick milk tor a soft dough. Roll half an inch thick. out out, and bake in a quick oven. Cheap Fruit Cake.-lwo cupfuls of mom. one cuptul sugar. one table- spooutul butter or lard. Two cupfuls boiling water. one Urge. spoonful soda, cinnamon, cloves, and ginger, and tloar to make a. batter Like Pl, oak“. Add tee, figs. dates, my room: to suit the 'il and one In dripping PM. When co d, Ice the top and mark of into mum. A and! mount ot. this cake should be baked first to see if there is non; auffieinrtt. It must not be very Rift. mean by that t" "Oh," laughed the gay little matron. "such queer notions about her duty to her husband and home. Why, she de- clined alt invitations unless he is includ- ed, and never. under any circumstances. is away trom home when he returns at night. Then she always gets up to breakfast with him. and even goes so tar In! to prepare herself certain favor- ite dishes tor him. instead of leaving such tussinesu to the cook. . She dos-art. go away in the snmmar until he is able to go, too. and, ID tact. she tmes over him in the most absurd fashion." After the pretty cmtqre had van- ished to ft,? a party of friends at diu- nor a ret chive mood stole over us.and in the twilight we thought how much happier many a household would be it there were more olr.t.Uhion.ed wives in- stead ot the type which we had just had a chance to study. Old-Fashioned Wives. A pretty young married woman said in our hearing the other day: "lax-nine ia such an old-fashioned wife." "And what." we queried. "do you ot'nevir ttits biovided the fourth ot..ii pint or that is kept 111 good Condi- tion for each day's mixing. f A few points about baking. When filling the griddle. dip the batter from [the side of the vessel farthest from the {griddle otherwise there .syiU be atmil (ot the batter over the aide of the ves- ‘sel onto the stove and griddle. A greaser should be used, .nateadpl put- ting the tat on the giddle in bits with a knife. This may a piece of bec- on or salt pork on a fork, or a swab of muslin tied to a small stick or fork. Heady gronaers ma? be had very cheap y at the house urnishing shops. Only enough f,rlia"'i should be used to make the as ea turn nicely. The griddle should be wiped free-trom spat- ters of batter and grease after each baking. This may be done neatly with a piece of manilla. not newspaper, which should be burned when the cakes for the meal are all baked. ll these di- rectiovna are followed the disagreeable and unhealthful amnke and flavor from burned grease may be avoided. These cakes we; be continued from day_to dey inde initely, without thy addition One pint buckwheat flour, b.4 pint corn meal, graham or whole wheat flour. as preferred: 1 pint warm water, 1-4 pint liquid yeast or 1-2 oz compressed or other solid yeast. absolved in 2 table- spoonl’uls warm water; 1 tottqmunful _ ”It? nrix2Yt'i'me' ingredients thoroughly at noon the day before the cakes are wanted, using an earthen vevstrel,--never a metal one unless granite or porcelain lined. Clean the smears of batter from the sides of the vessel, cover and set Iawayjn a moderately warm place. Next /,'..'r,',.rnhe when ready to bake the cakes star the batter down gently and take Wt,'., it. , generous quarter of a. pint to be used in place ot other yeast to start icakas next day. Cover sud put in a 10001 place when it will not freeze. To the rest of the batter add 1 table- lspoontul New Orleans molasses arid Ir.e. tesspoonful soda. dissolved in a lit- ‘tle_ water. As some like these cakes, ithmner than do others, water may be stirred in with the soda. and molasses. remembering that a. little wetting thins a good deal. sad that the quality of the cakes is injured it flour has to be added at this stage. All the bat- ter should be used; it is the leftovers that ferment too much and common- ly cause the indigestibility ot these cakes. The measures given are enough for a family of tour or tive, and one can soon learn to YE the qluantity to It tsmily so that t ore wil be no “'83 . I cannot tell. Enough tor me That. taking no thought or care. And Bll forgetting the tiight ot time. She rests in her my ehair-. Conteut to rock to the tick ot the clock. Making 3: picture fair. Thinking auhappy though” V To the golden days of her tar off youth. Counting the treasures they brought t Or onoe_more a child. is her fancy be- gmled By muooent mischief wrought? Hygienic Buckwheat Cakes. ilis Hindsight. idii%ti DURHAM, CO. GREY, THURSDAY, DEC. 26, 1895. “Wop, then. Hester. yes: a. little-a very little-hot water. Just for once," says Clarissa, unable to resist the wo- men's plowing. and her own tear of the "bitter chill" that units her on the other side ot the blankets. "My com- age has flown: indeed. I don't see how I can get up at Mi." Tieh%",tni1i, ign down even more closely into t a warm sheets. "0h, now fit.,,'",',', miss. do." implores hermaid. 'atrairittimrtaihu,and tt,hagtheia1,y"'"'u""i""'o" "In pm 1gt'tLt.hta"i fus hour ago. no vs. Mac "I ean't see anzthing but the wafer over there. Is t at ice in my baht"; . "Yea. min. Will you lot In. throw . little hot water into it to melt it for you? Do, Tiss. I'm sure them miserable cold oblations is bitter bad for you." Per.. haps she means ablutiona. Nobody knows_. And Clarissa, though consum- ed with a. desire to know, dues not ask. Hester is standing a few ttr.rds from her, looking the very ”nonmet- tion ot all pathos. and is plamly all-an- med 9! the frozen Aath. t.--. "'ciie"iiirstiir: ir up this hour, min." says the maid, reprovingly; "anti see hey, beagtifully ygp; fir? {s Irurninp1' l' Is it a. cold morning t" aka Clarissa. with a little shiver. he ashes back the; soft waving muses 029 her brown hair from her forehead. and can.” Hester en,trtsuiptr.ir., as though to 1m- plore hertossrft%aawtsrriiaasdsr In June. But gesta- is adamant. .,' " Terrible cold, miss," aha up. with a sort of gusto. "That frosti- it would petrify you where you sun " . " Then I won't stand." deals!“ Clar- mm. 2:012:55.” sinkini back and; more into r way couc . " dgclme to be petrified, Heater,"-- tus%i the clothes well round her. " me Mani!) next we?” mm. . . .. h; "rrr-draiaCrii' u isiiiit%siFCiiL1 'ltlltr,dh the dear shades 'tht has beep conjuring to her aide back into their tttrataist, home. A -- This iGifiaG, the fire ',','g,rigierd2: andnrmnw something upont dwe- " Thank foil, miss. The same to you. my?! mm of more!" . -... . Upon her Bum: Ta; a. faint soft smile is lingering. as though loath to 516- part. Her face ia lightly tinged with color. as it were a " ripenegl rose." Up- on one arm he: check ia p.illowydy the other ia thrown. with “absent. grace. above her head. "Half-past eight. Miss Peyton. ts.ad, 2,',Ifitti 'toil,",',',"; toe." 'rg'lcUltrr'. . Se..h more no mum .reproachfal. It___ruahm jtlit marinara ing-table with much tMtnetNMBBrr, vigor, Clarissa. slowly bringing: herself back from the world in whic Heater. however admirable. in every respept. Marja no part. sighs drowsily. and at: “my Ittsr.tysd, --, A --- .. "L EGiFr GTE hour!" she says. 19.ute too fiaer,ttfpl1r but A happy Christ- mas, utter!" Rut far above. in the clear sky. Sol shines trium hunt. Nor ice, nor now. nor chilling glut has power to deaden him to-day. No "veil at cloud involves his radiant head." He smiles 'dl"'), the earth, and ushers in the blasts morn with unexpected brilliane g. lunumer- able sounds swell throng the frosty air; sweet bells ring joyously. All the world ia astir. Except Clarissa. She lieu, still sleep.- [n/ia-getty; it may be, that but glad dream o youth in which all seems perfect. t?harttrtrltttm.. p.t.tasiort-mytttl u Theyroods are all bereft. ot green; the wiada sigh wearily through them: " No grass the fields. no leaves the for- eats wear;" a. shivering shroud envo- Iopg all the, land.. - _ _ - _ ." The inaudible and noiseless (not of Time " creeps on ammo. and Christmas at [apt man-hes Pullinfhem. Such tb Chrystal”, too t--a glorious sunny Qhrwtmas morning, tuit ot light and M9. snow-crowned on every nude. The gglnting auntmma lie ago the frozen hills, kissing them with nder rapture. as though eager to vi'ghrrt, some heat and comfort to their c 'lly hearts. " Now trees their leafy hats do bare To, reverence Winter's silver hair." " Will Mm. Redmond wait tor u mohth. or perhaps two t" She entreats Clara». to do what she can tor her; and Cur- imux duos it; and the worried wife of the vicar. softened by Miss Peyton's ear- net. explanation. consents to expoupd Pinnm-k and " Little Arthur " to the small Redmouds until an?!) time as Miss Broughton's aunt shall be conval- ascent. And so on. When Miss Broughton waives this letter in her djsta.a.t. home. she bl again sole mistress of u sxck-rqom. Her aunt-the hard Water Manga- ed to her by tat-lies on her bed stuck- en to the earth by fever. To com!! to P2119331“ glow “in te . impossibly. l .. Accept her offer by return of. post." "the _adViscs. earnestly. ., Even Lynne: a trial. you do not like hematill this will he an arming tor you; and I tun glad in the t ought that I shall always have you. near mo,-at least until that 'fdit Lemma plan of yours meets the lig b. Mrs. Redmond is not. ot course. every- thing of the most desirable. but Sing 13 passable. and very kind at heart. She 13 tall and angular. and talks all day lung-and all night. I am sure. if one would liaten-arbout her ailmentd aqd tho servants' delinquencies. She is never without a cold in her head. and a half darned aux-king! She calls Ae g-liililren's pinafore 'prubetores/--whilth in mm» correct, but very unplclugantb and she always calls terrible ' tumble}1 hug. beyond these small failings she is qullc_ Ixssrable.'1, --. - . . "Poor darling." says Clarissa, "what. ' wtegched litt 6 letter l" Sue sighs and lows I: up, and wonders vgguely what; was other plan of Georgie's can be. t'lren she writes to her again, an}! des- srains Mrs. Redmond as well as m poF a e. for iu.ws any change trom this must of "ecmoity be pleasaut, And. besides. 1 may not be a governess forever. l have J'!') another plan in my itead,-tsosue- lhmg papa and I agreed upon before ho 1.t./t..ut.cruac may pat an end to u.U, tdifficulties sooner than I think. 1 will Leuyou ot. hymn.) time. when we {gait-1' "The sndCirau" tii:_niountnin. The frost is on the vale. . The ice hangs o'er the fountain. The storm rides on the gnle." _Ousloy. Clarissa's letter to Georgie Brough- ton receive»: a. most tender respowr’ tender as it is Encarta. The girtwritet thankfully. heartily. an”, expresses tsi- moat passionate delight " Curisss's in- slantaneous and ready ammuni- The letter is short. but full of teetirt it convey: to Clarissa. the and iml‘ms' sion that the poor child's heart is dry and barren for lack of that gracious dew called love, without which not one of utr can taste the blessednoss ot lite. "Nothing is true but love, nor aught of, worth; 1 Love is the incense which doth aweeten, earth." l So sings Trench. To Clarissa. justl now, his words convey nothing less than the very embodiment of truth. “mt-l (Georgie should be unhappy tor want of i this vital east-nee cuts her to the hetsre,-- the more so that Georgie perosiateutly refuses to come to Gowran. "Dearest Clar'cNaa,--Do not. think me cold or ungrateful."--' she, writes,-- " but. were 1 to go tu you and feel awsia the warmth and tenderm-M of tk home. it might unfit we tor thin life of trouble and uork that mint lie before me. 'Suimnt-r is when we love and are be- loved.' and, of course. such summer is; over tor we. 1 know my task will be tto' THE VICAR’S fi0llEliflfiSS, m or 1 mum CHAPTER XII 'iii'jljiari'a" "I wonder if I have brought 1{on whnt You like." he earn, u ing in at little palm a large go d Insist, oval-tsheet, and with t?rtret-rms-no.ta. in upghuu and diamonds, on one aide. Touqmng 3 Spring it opens. and there. trta.r.ing. Y' at her, is his-own (age. wearing Balm: - REEF}; rCi;riiiirGiiriririksiG GinTrl."..iir" hau. to Ll'dlg forth love and with. For 5 little minute she is silent; then thr am My; mama“ em and - J'ik1j"yrri1'%"'ti'f'at'iristum taken for 'n'ltt. 1i'Lattt-,ntutost u m e tar Ln: to her than tho locket " Far " an Harm. to! u. ti. ah Wynn it wan *llltt uiiGii%siFGr." JC,,, -T (11 Harm. some u r, as m u y bound, gulf” his gun round her. and 'lffltll? lips lightly, gently to her "W knew what was in my heart," “was she. sweetly, pleased that he has amped the omission. _ _ _ _ . " ypu mver wished me a. happy '?hristmas," he says, in the tow soft tone he l"er, adopts whcn speaking_to wo- qu. " on gave all your best wishes to nan." at pa's speech t" - - tltlhi believe it was halt a. bad speech." says Mr. Peyton, stoutly. . 'jBed! It we: the most enchanting thmg I ever hetened tol-in not. fault- Ieoia.it one omits the hot that you lqokod as it you were in torment all the tune. and seemed utterly hopeless as to what you were Mc,' do next." "Jemee. in t My?" says Mr: Peyton. turning away to hide 3 mile. and making . strenuous Wort to 'l'd,'rTl'l' fe tit :2? 11/.e Coma-”6° wor .ol gays. " memo the dummoom, Doriais," he says, when the man “and him that breaktmgt will be randy in two minutes; "it Y' ever so much more comIortable m Emma. “The servants have just been here to receive their panama. Now, why were yo}: not a. tow minutes earlier. aqd you might have beer? ggrickan dumb with joy They are still standing in the hall. At this moment a. servant throws open the hull door, and Dorian and Horace anacombe. coming in, walk up .to when they are. near the huge pine fire that u roaring and making merry on the hetirtlvstmtist no grate detilee the beauty ot the Gowns): hall. They are t1uahid from the rapidity of their walk. and am looking rather more like each other than usual. " W_e1l, we inve had a. run for it]: says Dorian. "Not been to breakfast. I hope? It you any you have finished that meat desirable meal. Itrhall drop and: 'tt?,trrrak...ireamfuur. 111an a may}! '_appet_nt4_a. tha. , rule, but Just " We haven’t thought of breakfast m." my: Clarissa. " 'm so glad I was y Hug morning! A happy Christ- mu. Donna I" . "The nine to you l" any: .Dorian. rais- her hand. and pressing it to his lips. %')'lhdl't' luck do wu find you m the "And how sorry I am l" says Chris”. making a slight. grimwe. "It as the one chance I ff, of listening to elo- Stir."' that feel sum in unsurpass- e." mwnad‘ appetite. as a rule. but iuat pow} tool as if I could eat you, Clu- The housekeeper advances. in around- ed stately fashion, and. with an empor- 'Ita courtesy and. a smile full of beans!)- ity. accepts her gift and retires with it to the 2tg"tlii,d,i The others have all performed t 0 same ceremony. and 3,180 retired. Mr. Peyton draws a fin sigh of rchef, and turns to Clarissa. w 0, all th‘guglg. has stood_b_eeide him. . . "I think you might have put in a word or two." he says. "But you pm a traitor; you enjoyed my diaeomfltqm. Bios: me, how glad I m that 'Christ- mug-19mm but one? a. ttart" -. . “Well--eh t-UdthUk you - you know," says Mr. Peyton. at his wita' endaa to what he shall say next. "You an: all very kind. very kind iudeed--- Pere--. Mrs. .ffgtio-itTr,t,t2a- rouge hem and take your hristmas- Here he is interrupted by a low mur- guur from the servants. who plainly {091 i.t their duty to let him know, at tins Junctum. that they do hope his Christ- me, ‘xru'l'l be 't “smog?!“ one. mugt'éE-Ee‘ 3137131131; Jaiiifih habpy Christmas! I'm sure you all wish me tttsame. Eh t---aod--" A "Well, at least." he goes on. "111.0%! we shall not part from each other wit - put good cause,-sueh as a wedding, for magma." 7 - _ - Here he looks at the under-housemuid. who looks at tho under-gardener. w_bo looks at. his boots, and betrays, a. wild doggy to get into lttPPyt_lyitPa, ' TEES ULrGuaaT tiF as'.' '1' "think. to make i,','? ml). I-the fast My, T---roul nt 6109.“ mpeec.ly 'e wp, "I hope we shall always have the same story to tell." . This is fearfully absurd, and he knows It. audibluqhes again. ,,-. "iGiia%'aiGir, -t'iter,iidrij,' unsupport- 942.1)". perforcq. rptums to theyth,erFt He glanow. in his deaPuiring fashion. at (Jinx-115a: but she is p ainly delighted is.t his diseotrtritam. and refuses to give hLm_nny assistance. unless a small Kit- prgvu‘ig tl can tt 10.0011an such“ L2i,','iis"iiir,e,iSt,'ifidiite G r6510 Maw that no changes ave taken place during the past year. “I topo"-.0orur,,paus')-r Her father. when he has cast upon her one reproachful glance. turns to the servants, and, with a heightened color and somewhat lame delivery. says as follows: . "I am very glad to see you all aglm --" hem he checks himself. and grows a degree redder and more emharnwwd. It occurs to him after all, he saw them gtegitr and tho day before. and that u: is on t e cards he will see them again tomorrow. Therefore why express exu- berant jog at the fact that be can we ttttyt a; his mug-pt JnomH.ttt - , . My: goes with Nm, suing um... w -. my. He bromine a little sigh of rtliet. at he was Clarissa approaching. and given how his customs: morning kiss m a rather warmer fashion than usual. which hm! only the effeet of raising mirth in (“Miami's mind. She smiles in an un- filial fashion. and, slipping her hand through his arm. awaits what tate may have in tstore. _ _ EXQquence is not Mr. Peyton's forte. To tind himself standing before an ex- pt'vtnnt audience, and to know they my? prepared to bang upon his Nuts. IN m.st sweet. to tsim,-iu fact ML: him with terrors fast and deep. Yet here they an: awaiting his speech. in 530031- ly row, with all their eye-1 Crzed. on his, an}! their minds prepared to twelve my- thiryr.he In.“ we. .. . . - ,., - That George Peyton should refuse ty address them on thbdmrticulu dny Is oat of all hearing. is lather. grand: father. and iub-grsadhsther had done it before fra",', to the than :5ng- ants; therefore (according to the prun- mve notions of the county) he must do the same. Yet it is undeniable thqt to. the; present prpprietur .this Pt? lf I tiipori Giri," tliii"GGi, ssc/gt/tmai, agony prism, could escape am it he s wn. - A -- _ _ - . ing gaze." A calm. clear light illames the ball, born of the "wide and tittxrrinRcloak of snow" which last 1uill flung upon the land. At its other end stand all the twrvsnta.-ailent. expsstantr-to hear what the master shall say to them onghia Christmga morning.. . . A on the door-steps, feeding the sparrows and robin. when [came up." "Dear '"'ttf says Clarissa. tenderly. benpath r breath; and then she Brings out of bed and gets into her comm by degrees. and presently runs dovrn-etanrs to the great. old hall. where she and» her the: awmung ‘He Is standing, at the upper egd. with his back to t huge central wm- dow, through which . "Gleam the red nun nthwart the misty but! 7 Which veils the cold oarth tram its low tind The Mortgage. A mortage makes a man rustle sad it keeps him poor. It isostrong incentive to action. and a. wholesale reminder ot the nesting months and yours. It in fully as gig-boned in its meaning as the hour- Ir and scythe that mean death. A Imortage fepxments industry, because it lisnever idle. night or day. it is like a bosom friend. because the Tttf, the advexsity the close: it sticks a tollow.‘ It is like a brave soldier, tor it never} hesitates at charges. nor fears to 1aloso in on the enemy. it is like the send-1 bag of the tlutir-tsilerpt in iwi7.ieiGGii.l bu deadly in etteet. It is like the hand at Piovidemxr-it amends all over ovation. and its intluanois is everywhere visible. It in like the fmtgep‘ the davit-nah-tby Wafer it ho ds . fg,ht, tQ,tittdtieitaf)aidt,T,.'trt tlt,' an " y s bail: ; but no matter how Jlllt'dNf,'rt! is 1 mg ve in n "giiiE-rtrrtyide. :1qu it is in some- body else'l family. - - ’cryinz' T "(bi 7551'? no“. 2tMa tho idiom “Farm Girl Wanted. Why is my with like one in the wil- dgrneul and Bag:- of his friend In the midst. of the dietary sounds of the vegetarians on the one aide and the rvy-bisqtra.mi-.ls?t-wa.t.er theorists on the other, it P. .i.z.1t.erest.iutr. to contem- plate the ptxy.ib.i1itiea of the outing of the future. At In probable that eatin in the twentUth century will be reduceg to the minimum, {and = centuri or so thereafter be efiPg,gettfEt er. if the present tend of sclent dietetic discover? oqnttnues. The wfrom! old feasts o_ Christmas are deer . u ebu- y.trous mgulgenue ot the lam! appe- tity, tad it " only necessary to attend an?) tea of atocial new wanna or a de name luncheqn ot. a cooking- eehool Ermine“ to tiad evxdenee of the can. _ mm. .of 1.sy.tt?r-tur “tins-w to am no table d'hote pas LivisFtisisit its dinners by the metno system. and no restaurant has Its.rvo.d menu by the solid ounce. But this ta. a country of dyspeptics. and the and IS not yet. Twelve cunt" at Food in - .VIc-ul fur a Bru- Worker, Ind Tue-“y nun-cu for I In. " Munch. The present mode of eating now prac- tised by the unscientific public at divers table d'hotasa, beanerim and boarding- house boards three times a day, 805 days in the year. is evidently all wrong. The unscientific public eats too much. In an article in the Food Reform Magazine. a. Dr. Nichols deem that the average quantity ot water-tree Aliment required. say by business and literary men, is twelve ounces._snd that men at great museum netivny no well led on six- teen to. twenty ounces. Dr. Nichols'a advice is to find the minimum quantity which enables amen to do his daily work without loss of weight. by expen- lnent. end tnen Aal.situM..it keep to it.. Not for gl',', do Christmas bells ring out their ppy greeting] Not fur such " you does sweet. pence reign triumph- ant. Slowly. reluctantly. she descends the 1tyPagth; and with a visible .et- fort, presses er lips in gentle greeting to her {ather's cereworu check. The bells still ring on joyously, merrily; the sun shines; the world is white with snow. more pm than even our purest thoughts; but no sense of rest or com- fort comes to Ruth. Oh, dull and heavy heart. that holds n. guilty secret... Oh. aa.d (even though yet innocent;l 15 the mind that hides a. hurtful t ought! Not for you do Christmas bells rum dad'Bthiée; urd -tdruLUnd" lqcking the door, carefully puts the key m her ptker.. _... -- . .. "Do not touch it," she says. almost. roughly for her. Then. seeing the ef- tect her words have caused, and how the girl shrinks back from henshc goes on. hurriedly and kindly. "You have been in the dairy. Margerxv. and IC',',; Imps your hands no not scan. un away and wash them, and come to tite tend table. Afterward you shall come up here and see my handkerchief and um are“! eartis.". _ -- . She Milésfla'ysr for hand on Murray's shpuhger. and gently, but with deter- mmatwn. draws her toward the Iiqor. Skid Aretches out her mm. as though {shout by raise the dainty faitrie from its resting-plums; but. Ruth " before er, - "Miss Ruth," mysa tall. mucky opun- try-girl, opening the door,"the maister he he waitin' breakfast for you. Do 00 come down now." T hen. (mulling might of the handkerchief, "Lal now," all? rmys. "how fine that. bola beauty. Mure- ty, and real lace tool La! Miss Ruth, and who sent you that; nuw? May I see it t" 7 . A at?) .upon the stairs outside! Hut- ily, an m a. somewhat guilty fashion. she replaces the ring upon the table. ted drops tho lace tuuldkerehiet over 1 . ‘ At this moment-perhaps for the first time--she wakes to the mnsciuuxueiu that the air is full of mimic, borne trout the helfries far and near. She slingi- ders slightly, and draws her breath in a quick unequal sigh. . "Another lung year," she says. wear- ily. "Oh that] could tell my father!" She lifts her head impatiently, and once more her eyes taut upon the table on which her arm is resting. There are before her a few opened letters. some Christmas cards, a very beautiful Honiton lace handkerchief. on which her initials "R. A." are delicately work.. ed. anfrapart trom all the rash-a ring "e.tc. y.ith may and mamas“. . .. Taking this last up. she examines it slowly, lovingly, slipping it. on and oft he.r slender tinqer. without * smile. and wit.h growing miller. . . .. . - . The hells are ringing out still the blamed Christmas morn; yet. sue, with downczut eyes, und chin resting in her hand, tseeds nothing. Ming: wrapped in thought. and unmindful of auxin. but. throne Itreat idea um fills berto over- flowing. Her face is 'trave-mar, al- most "ormwtur-and full of Jaeseu yet uuderlyiurr -" . _. not, bt yaw-mu. _ _ -. -. . In "the little ea%oentGi windaw of the tiny chamber that calm her mistress. sits: Rt!Ut.Anneraltty, None. _ ...» ..' . HQ is spared a reply. Dorian, oom- mg into the hall again. summons them gayly to breakfast. l shall always love. you," says the Aut very earnestly. laying her lmnd on his nrm.und looking at him with eyes that should have mused all muderneaa {and devotion in his breast; "For At. gt? glance of those sweet eyes = sou Looked forth as from the azure gates ot heaven." She blushes vividly, ay admiaaiou. Horace. um MW it warmly. "I am fortunate," he t tone. "Will you love Clarissa, as you love this Lure? After long years. bet" There 'ss touch o doubt-nd something um be-ttttr-ir? his tyne. tul 'IM', to his. " tease mel" she repeats. softly. mus growing btsueu.stlt.lter lids: "it. pleases me so much that it seems to me impotsaihie to express my pleasure. You hare given me the thing that, of all others. I have most wished for." I had the negative doutmyod. I thought only ot you. Was not tint natunl? There war one happy moment. in which I assured myself that it would please F'll to hue my image always near you. as I “from: nbl"te',',"l2te t" Into his tone e has managed to. in- fuse a. certain amount of uncertmnty and anxious longing that cannut. tail to flutter And do Home damage to a. wo- man’s heart. Clarissa raises her twat; tal eyes to his. - - Crib HEEL"!!! F: WE EAT TOO MUCH (To Be Continued.) " he says. in a low love the original, "' this senselcu {rio- ywrs. how wil it mob of concern and ing more, that my ay she makes this lining her hand. one hour wu but in each thousand miles ot pm writes e traveler. and when we Ruched the halt-way 'eithtgttr', a? warm has (gnaw- WIC a will m midooem. E: Myrna: N3. 2 to Nov. k. or tron Sattfrdtrr to Monday. was quite . newexperionce. An onion: on sttAtfCtyuey1ts1tMtht.ettro Christmas Int you while comm: 'av ' to tV the uh . W no ex- My! 909m m him-dy- stub Mow to Have Two Blrthda): In On Year. Aa we nailed due went over the Picnic scene took ten; One of the girls shook her at in his face and culled him: bu, Severn! other witneqsea were gunned who swam that. the girls had diarurbtsdrpubiU worship by chew- ing gum md.hughing and unsung. The magisrt.ryto 1mg.“ fines and. cash! 'ue,eurtt_i,'1F to W.'. . yhich was INyid. _ The girls are extremely pretty. and have always bun considered lady-like heretofore. their names are Sallie Lem and Cum Tran. charging them with 33mm; public worn 1p. The Rev. Mr. Gillum was I1trf, on the stand and stated that he been .oondnetin n revivah and that the .tti.ria hld a in)“. of takmg a trontjeet In the church and chewiryr gum ip,futshfnoiyy maneras to dis- nub has Winn. He also stated that. he had . brother of one of the gir.iy than: it hat Manny night, when hia mater eune daneing up the made and made n mouth at him. The minister mmmtateatad with the young woman, when the other girl interfered and he shad his hand on her shoulder and toi he: to go out had never come back min. . The girls then went oat and and him become oat on the out- aide. Ire, went out, whey q.osgu.la.r A very mutating one was tried in the police court at Cumberland. Pa., the other day. in which two young and pretty girls figured as prisoners before the bar of justice. The Rev. Mr. Gil, iam. pastor of . church at Crauptowu. a. village six miles trom Cumberland. ttEt,_oytt1tarra..et again-.9 the si,r,iy, Two Gtru It.“ {or Sol-y Mull-union In In l‘rn-l few: or . I'll-uh. .111 the other case wen: two striped l.cit.te.us-Ats? most miserable. unhappy looking kittens I ever saw. They hud- died mum:- in Qua hattpm of pm cage and their £19m plunly. 55nd, .. Did you up: see anytlnnz so ridieuloayyc, two kittens that up in canary bird New! " .Yrhatetr the maaon-d wo9- dar what.it waat--ttr putting Usyn In The Unhappy Kittens. The man we: carrying I. cage ineach hand. They were handsome canary bird cages. Ia one were two Canaries..- golden. happy maria. They chirped u sail] going along bbe street. as. if they 1.1118 in a. nanny window with plan. __ e . . _ a CNN. tApr water - the. most" unhappy lookmg 1mm]. ever saw. They were too unhappy "on to cry. Owing to the special efforts which have been made to educate her. the mind of Helen Keller is Lsr more fine- l y developed than that of ordinary girls. The development at her new ot taste end smell are remarkable. So acute Is her sense of smell that she is able to detect the presence in a. room of an- other person. no matter how noiseless his entrance my hue been. But more wonderful than all is her aenae oftouoh. sotinottasthiabeeoenethat hyphens her hand on the (ace ot a vuuutr she is able to detect: shades of emotion which the norm; human cf: absolutely fell: to “Walla other words, her new ot touch rs .do- veloped to such an exquisite sensltne- nee: that it forms . better eye for her than yours or mine tor an. And what is more. she toms {Manchu ot char- acter by the "was night." 'New Accomplishments ot Helen I Keller. Helen Keller. the marvelous deaf and blind girl of whom everyone has heard so much. is now completing her eduw tion in a private school tor the deaf in New York City. Her latest mm- plishment is learning to sing. Placing her fingers on m than of I. singer. she is able to follow notes covering two octaves. with her own voice. The only dilierenoe between her wipe and that of a. normal pemn is in It: resonant quality. tio acutely developed has her sense of touch become. that, by playing her hand upon the (rune of n piano. she can distinctly distinguish between two notes not more than half 3 bone apart: _ - The boys are nit handsome pad strong- ly resemble each other, while the lit.- ts.i.e baby princess is and to lock very like her royal mother. Prince Eiml Fritz is considered the .favorite with everyone. He is more an- unated than his brothers, " daring and full of fun. Like true all musical. taken in one of the palm helm is seal, Like true German, the chum ere all musical. 1n the picture. which was taken in one of the amulet music-rooms of the palace. the Crown Prince Wil- helm is sealed at the Jane; the second 39:1. Prince E.ital Fritz, stands beside his mother; the third son. Prince Ad.. albert. holds I violin. while young Ru.. peg‘t. is eri'nghig Quad st a. drum. WV- _..“_.,-,. All Prussian princes enter tho First regiment ot foot guards on completing their tenth year. The emperor. there. fore, has time ms in the umy, and a {99111: one nearly old enough to enter. The royal “new is a. small lurmgk- room. when mum“: in done wall: iron 'uis"c'i'l,i'il',fa1if? regularity. and the when eldest by. an tutder Ute. care . x All“ 1eitt,t rate%etd milibry actor. Whaler -.V " be obeyed mica nul- ilary uhcrit{; Windham would he locrkeut "pun ay the emperor as mutiny "r"),pty.ioe.d outoo.rtruurlr.. - ___ Whether tho mic brine”. will be subject to the lame Spartan-like me- thods in which the young princes an: helm; trained tannins to be seen. At 6 o'clock. lummcr and winter. they are u? nod into their cold baths. .'ihtus they lie intovbmskrut with that fa- ther. auntix-‘hhu in military {union milky agar; is the title of the latest photograph of the little Germ Princess Augusta Vic- toria Honda“. now 3 years old. The little girl in 53mm. pet with her royal pup; and IrtNrt$8tt' and her six brothers. and one my readily believe she is in sad ducal- or being spoiled. WHOLE NO. 902, While they ttsaated. the queen and king Said ugh to the other. "You greedy an?! " T But Tom-' on“ heart wu glyd and my For he'd led the poor on Christmas Day. Urn DISORDERLY GUM CHEWING Her Hrs: Dance. "The Little Prinoeas’ First Dance YOUNG FOLKS. othvlnztwobinhdi dar. ""600th tutl"lfttg'k1ihtuttiididlghLt'ttt. may um are 5);) um I” cum I’D d . Emilia): 2ttetuttllf,tat,h.t I u- o are ways ' mo- gg- = a?!” ligament m 2fgl and un- I Curing Diphtheria. _ I In Gummy 6.626 cases of diphther- is have been treated by serum inocu- lation. 2.460 of them in Mink. no. cording to , reign at the Gonna- ment's Medical parttnep_t, Ot than 8.1L5, per cent. recovered. 129 cent. died. and the mat were still “55m meat. In the hospital! alone ttte cum “may” aad. nag death '" Jobbing of all kinds prumptly attandad to. Hand-made Waggon: In the old stand. All hand. made shoes. Also Horse Shoeing Shop, ALLAN MCFARLANE " Of tl BOULDIH a. CD’S; D R, PRIME UNDERTAKING Promr Bus opened out a first-class 250 ACRES lwlungin: to the Esta“ of tho law Jami-s Burnett. IN urea nndn-r maximum“, rwl hardwood bush, Mug Lot.» 'S;, 24. 25,'26, 27, Old D. B. in to'", Township of Will. County of Grey, two miles It!!! Plum ata. bun. chm: miteretseie .tivaf6i--at- We: particulariamlly to (unabrdod cm tau I“ more-tulle- AGENTS in all prineipul poinh i! ontru0.tturtbee.Met2itorus Danna BMW “a Eula-d. DURHAM AGENCY. A gen-n! Emma and“! called. CAPITAL. Authorized $2,000,000 " PiH up 1,000,000 In“: . Wis”. 11 mum aus RAIAGZ Editor&Pmpriatoab RESERVE FUN D W. F. Cowan. StandardBank of Canada THE GREY RENE! ALLAN Maugham, irst-C!ass Hearse. SEE OUR HARNESS UPPER TOWN. . hence: for coantiis of Bruce aid (in). Beisdorttse-Eing St., Hanover. JAMES LOCKIE, 'BSUER of Marriage Lia-moo. An.- Thursday: Morning. JAKE KRESS Grand Trunk Railway. Furniture WOODWORK A Farm for Sale. Head Office. Toronto. ' . A. H. ”licks ET, Hopenllo, I33. BURNET. Durham. Nw. SAVINGS BAN]! in connection. A first-class lot of for sale cheap. HARNESS MAKERS. oe.s President TIME TABI. an Im.- OFFICE. 61 IM AfiNESS OIL. C) AT J . KELLY, Agent. nuptly amended to. JAKE KBESS. MI Linn-mow Dr“. eorr a.“ puma. De-. , allowed a can." 3.". ink depends ot .1” mm sud "outnu- “lust-nee. Geo. P. Reid, Mange! Bakery Cheaper Old Stand evening animator 15:.an 8.10 600.000 4017.1: ao " M go

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