Ontario Community Newspapers

Grey Review, 19 Dec 1895, p. 2

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E Special Fur Sale "Large Sales & Small Profits." We take this opportunity of thanking our customers for past patronage, and we are eonvinced that the new system wrill moeris a continuarce of the samse. Readyâ€"Made Clothing, a Overcoats, Underwear < The Greatest Bargains! Before you purchase elsewhere. By so doing you will SAVE MONEY. Our Stock of EeCmm EoEmo is ALWAYS FRE! Chas. McHKinnon All kinds of Farm Machinery, Organs & Pianos, Sewing N‘ act WAREHOUSE, Upper Just Avrived To Sell For The Next 10 Days. One Car Brockville Buggies, also Gananogue, and Campbell, Lonâ€" don Carriages & Buggies. One Car Chatham Famous Wagons, also Snow Bail Wagons. Kew Stock of the famous Ramsay Cartsâ€"at fabulous prices. Frost & Wood‘s Singe Apron Binâ€" ders, Buckey Mowers and Tiger Durham. And Sold at Lowest Possible Prices. tall and inspoct and bo Convinced. EYERYTHING BOUGET FOR CASH ders, Buckey Sowers aAnd Rakes. (me Car Maxwells‘s Light Bindersâ€"cheaper than ever 19 Great Success Hischest Price paid for Poultry, Buiter .&flEfâ€"i‘i: . C. ALLAN & CO., ETEOTL_STTERIELELN. We beg to inform our UUStORLâ€" ers and the: Public generally that we have adopted the Cash System, which means Cash or its equivalent, and that our mMotto will be Our Immense Stock of OvVERCOCATS, CLOTHING anrd MANTLESâ€"....â€"â€"â€"â€" . & J. McKechnie. oN ACCoOUNT OF THE THE CASHâ€" EVER OFFERED IN DURHAM, CHAS. McKINNON. Aug. 9th,*O813. ADOPTED BY GIVE US A CALL HAVE DECIDED .. G. & J. McKECHNIE. DEALEER INâ€" Steel oF OUR Now on Han: Organs & i2 z0s of A few Stoves New Williams Full Stock of Repairs e always on had Ha At Cost chines Town, Durham rry, Vehicies, ®« wn « | SOL Rachines, Etc.) m cotts ~ee 108 of the best makes c GCustomâ€" ind Seufflers © jooD prices Sewing Ma Boots & Bhoes. i D) McARTHUOEHE. and | O Eh 6brp #Anain:. {J craZy ._Rgports ax ana thrt Great or the purchas the possession ( DU ONSVTIC mm edonlsdoces . the pecullar position in which the Patrons and the Liberals find themâ€" selves will compel the electors to think. Very good, should it have that effect, and if they do think, the Patrons can only come to one conclusions, that they are pulling down the house of their friends for the mere sake of a name and that they are throwing away the golden apyle, the immediate adâ€" vantages of that enlightened public opinion which has been secured by the labors and sacrifices of the Liberal Party. 1 ‘ T 7 $ 0 sn 2 €UL00% On the other hand all sorts of shifts and expedients were resorted to, to keep the conservatiye party in line. Those in favor of Separate Schools had Mr. Costigan there to advise them to vote for Mr. McGillivray, and those opposed to remedial legislation were encouraged by Mr. Wallace and Mr. Wood to support the Government Candi date. But it is satisfactory to learn that these expedients did not entirely succeed for we learn that in the Roman Catholic townships where Mr. Costigan put forth his best efforts the Liberal candidate, Mr. Gillespie, received enâ€" ormous ma jorities. Hoop‘s is WoxDERFUTLâ€"No less than wouderfal re the cures wecoinpiished by Hood‘s Sarsaparilia, even after other preparations and chysicians‘ prescripâ€" tions have failed. 'Ehc reason, however, is simple. _ When the blood is enriched and purified, disease dinplgom and good health returns, and ood‘s Sarâ€" saparilla is the one true blood purifier. Hoop‘s PiLZLS are prompt and efficient and do not purge, pain or gripe. oc InJ ) Spain As pATV } 1 set the Yankee AM, DECEM IN ESH and Comple spmonnemnmecensmâ€"vmreemremene reulation iltar will be 1 payment. _‘ e "tail twist ndblandirimiane S o sn Magatas n on r which n to H ] This LV Re ENN ETT ME V oModen en de o en dsn privted, und tha; the report of the Nortu® Grey Ploughing Association be Aled. The Road, Dridge naud Harbor Comumitteo reâ€" comuended payiment of 55 per cent 0f Aunaccount of $50.83 spent repairing Phornbury bridge.Baine Committoe recommended to action to by isken in closing a certam street in Duzhmn, ED COTUCY On motion the reports of Finauce, Road and Bridgo and Harbor committies were received and ergcossed in the minutes, When Wadren Binnie askod the plessure of the Council re report of County Property cominittoe, Mr. Paimer un oved that Council go into comunittee of fhs whole, nud Mr. Corbett, Meeve of Protou, was called to the throne. . Clauses 1,2, 3, 4 and 5, passed without any interruption, but Whes cluuse 6 was read, Mr. Palmer asked if toere was u dotail ed bill on the sccount, when Mr. Corbott said that doubtiess chairmnan McDonald bad it, In answer o Mr. Pulmer‘s jugniry Mr, MeDonuld suid thut the space in the repurt was not quite large ecough to puc in details, but the work was done ne stated e . the fence in frout of the gaol busides repuires wo the windows in the gy 1 oailding. Mr, Palmerâ€"Something may be too steep in tue cbarges, and I would tike to hear the detailed vill read. Someoneâ€"Let the chairman read the bill. Mz McDouald read the bill, when Mr. Polmer usked soveral questions roguading so: arnte itoms, ub it was quite evicout that tio prices cuarged Wwore u9t too exorbitaot. . ‘The cluuse pussed, as did also the Justone. Comnittce arose and Council resumed, Warden in the chair, when the weport as passed in committoo of imo whole was received and mdopted. James Cochrane I of the Fiurnce C e e o o s e County Property Commiitos ro emmended vay ment of the following accounts: Jolhn Waters, repairing lawn mower, 85 cts. . Parker & Co., oil and patut for gaol, .15 ; Goorger McDounid relayiug uu.x;}ml. in Judge‘s com, «2: Robt. Cus, repuiring floor in Judge‘s coon}, $2,07: Priest & Spragge, tunblers, pitchors, brooms, «c , #8.50; E. P. Sinus, repairing gate, Sbhaz: R.Leith bridge, repuiring stoue wall in guol yard $44.13. At this Junocure Mr. Jobhn Davis, First Deputy Reove of Euphrasic, asked it it was not the proper time to inquire wboal x -Eu:xm' committee, which was to report mgnrding yâ€"laws, anliog if it wus theintention o1 the Couucil to ropert at this sewsion. In reply, Mr. John Clark stated that if the comâ€" mittee got through with iss worka report woiu id be imude. They bud Leen engiged in looking iuto the byâ€"laws and would report if possible. MrA'Dm'hâ€"- Is it at wll firobsbla that you will got through with the work ? Mr.Clarkâ€"I would trankly augwor that question if I could, but I caunot ao so. _ I cannot say when we can report, _ We are clever fellows yo:x know, © O RESIERSNITOEERT EM afihesnccatua 1JO ... n Aebbniniandyrenen nb conyy 1 and you know we will report it possible, (Lan, On motion by Mr, Gilray Council went iuto Cou mitteo of tae whole un the byâ€"laws futroCas. ed ut the W odnesduy evening session, Mr, Howe iwkiug the chair. . All the byâ€"laws passed: comâ€" mitte wrowe, council resumed, Waruen Binaie in the cbair. ‘Tney were then reada third time, Buwlly pussed, sugned by the Warden and Clork, sorled with the county seal and engrossed in the uy law book. NEw MANAGEMENT.â€"I beg to an nousce that I have secured the manageâ€" ment of the Upi)er Town Photograph (Gallery and would ask with confidence the patronage of the public, being preâ€" pared to turn out an{ kind ot photoâ€" graphic work in first class style at living prices.â€"J. FRASER. 40 Mr. Davisâ€"I hope you will put your cloverness e ie Trish Frieze Overcoats, A Special Sal In Exchanrge â€"of presented mnd road. report No. oumnittes, wuich recotonended counts amonating to #152:05; the Children‘s Aid Seciomy be WISHING Isn‘t it better in We Have Pleaty of Everything. s"ery RHerxE[yvV 357 pya eA ©unter. m ANBD y>opre @6 I®E:peouUu s ght ‘or Merchandise We T ako wWOOr, FoWsL, R water pilchers, a pruios the most spirited sort. steads, was the result 0 Bard expected a later c himself accordingly to ; ception, but they failec conclusions “’it{‘l the Lucky they did for h Samson in an escapade described. _ The ll.mys escape. Mr. William Carson, w working down in the coun home on Tuesday. â€" He int the winter mouths at hom The young man who visits the back line had bet lest he finds bimself a year Mrs. Carsoo S] with Mrs. A. Ma wre pleased to ki to be out again. At the meetin Union of the O. was represented He enjoyed the a making, but fs We are glad to have Miss back in our neighborhood .i looks well after putting in a 8. Orchard‘s, of Egremont. Mrs. Carsoa spent Mond: with Mrs. A. Marshall, of D sva mlanged to know the old Clocks z{nd *Watches Ara not Amcient but Our Chains MODERN. aits, Extra flannel lined, for $6.00 w Sale of Brussels Carpets now on, 50¢ shawls, Blankets, many useful ar ALIV E. ALIVE! . GORDON. Are not dead but & CHAKRS " hard times " to give useful Xmas a YOU AND YOURS 11 n fun, deple! v tournament . and upset | £ their visit. T N SYRUP v W andspeech ciate that h brought M 1t 29 H M Tanges, 118M Park lot No. 2. at present occupied by the Rev. Chas, Cameron is tor sale, or will rent on reasonable terms. This is a vory desirable location for a retived farmer. Apply to _ Peterboro; _ *"For four months / endured rhenmatisim in every part of my body, during which time I was blistered by doctors ten different times in many different places, and am now covered with deep white scars, the result of action of fly blisters. _ My hands were drawn o it of shape and fingers almost destroyed, and all tne time the pain was most excruciating. â€" My left leg had to be encased in a plaster of Paris cast for four months in order that it might not be drawn out of shape, and now hear the statement that can be vouchâ€" ed for by physicians and citizens of Peterboro‘. _ In_ twentyâ€"four _ hours after beginning the use of South Ameriâ€" can Rheumatic Cure I was a new man, and in one week from the first dose was able to go to work,. This remedy is a blessing to mankind. D. DesaANEâ€" TELS. â€" Sold by MacFarlane &. Co. wh his Left Leg Enclosed in Plaster of Paris Cast Four Monthsâ€"Hands Drawn Out of Shape and Body One Mass of Deep, White Scars. M N 11 des 11 , for $6.00 were $8.00. _ Only 6 left. s now on, 50c yd. were $1.00. any usefual articles. WBE HAVE THEM ALL. s, Lemons, Apples, Nuts, Figs Raisins, Dates, &c ; "For four months / enmatisimn in every part of during which time I was doctors ten different times ferent places, and am now h deep white scars, the result f‘v blisters. _ My hands were Ah qA me s 4 NA t« PAILS REDUCED TO $1.00 PAIL. | J. P. TELFORD ; and other Produce. months D It : Bargains at Wholesale I W In Dried Fruit, California Rais‘ns and Aprico‘s, Valencia ERausins, Currants, Prunes and4 Evsporated Apples, Pure Spices. Have sold very well and we have only a few left. We have never had as clean a stock at this time of the year as we have at present and the only thing we can attribute our success to was the Extra Good4 Value we had in them. If you want one don‘t delay long as we cannot repeat them. LV S Ar 17 feca y ie [ge T e e n ar us ciat ercaee, eenne ds io festamataieees .-;.-.(.;fc:.:“r':‘ es oo e epne en sn ctonae anFrave Gedconts ons he PR i Ancienaenien ies praae n t naet in es iea W on enine onl k n s Snd asioynee es 5es sexni A I" Bt k /y /N W M Ne Have Extra Value w60 BUGGY, CART OR DEMOCCRAT ho N i2 Hirurmegh CALDER & LIVINGSTON, Afets, Roll Carding Sewing Machi The Mild Weather LOW PRICES AND PROXUPT 4TTENTION. Us We D MRA Cns 1 t1 Our selection of Fancy Goods for the Xmas Shaving Cups, Razors, &c., Confectionery. Houmpay NoVE Ladiecs‘ Jackets XMAS! XMAS! H. PARKER, DRUGGIST. 0%@ n C cive AT PRICE RRRTRRTCCCC000C trade inciuaes varik ed have made the sale of OQvercoats er to move them as the money is more reduction of10% off our very low prices. Presents ? °&&& . H CG. L. GRANT. Ing, K Organ or Piano. LOW EATIES e( 10 $ M t » %. . old *3 PB3 uow I

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