Ontario Community Newspapers

Grey Review, 14 Nov 1895, p. 3

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INN ON. F OR CASH d or Stolen. ndles THUR. lesale I Shoes. rm inced. Forest. e Astray ay Steer. ggs. SBORNE, chines,Etc. Ins I OCRAT Clerk In“: Seces- tie1ter. for Sale hicies Ill' ham - Inhocrib- a or about ”nested to 1 and “he o numb at. 1 your]- moor. Tho . prom . m 'l'r,,',T, THOXAB. L. ' G lends. the 4k; bee scribe: ' I (on mutton Incl; edto " nub ter be Are the modern PERFUMES & TOILET WATERS. Our Perfumes are such and comprise all the STANDARD as Well as (he LATEST ODORS Thole are As you can Judge from their delicnte and rich fragrance whieh is not ob- (Anal-lo in Perfumes made from Chemi- cals. Toilet Articles and requ‘siiu. Sponges, Cigars. Tobaccoen. Groceries, Patent Medina” and all Household Remedies. Coll and examine our "ock and sec for yourself. Th l) h ' e ll? am Pnarmacy. The Ge Humilb market A Combination Plug of As Sweet ls The Breath To Smokers Tm tho lo tell you we so: CHEAP: Come in ; w o STERLING SILVER. KNXVES. FORKS. TEA, COFFEE, DESERT and TABLE SPOONS. CUFF and COLLAR BUTTONS. RINGS, ae. REPAIRING A SPECIALT‘H}; Robe Tanning l. Horse Hides, Cow Hides, Dog Skins, Tanned suitable for Bythe New Process, which for Finish and Soft- ness can't be beat. - W. B.-'"o ensure a good job the Hides must be well gained as soon as tar ken otr. -- ---_ OUR German Flower Odors ANNUAL We cordially invite and others to come and salve; IMPORTATION In PHOTO ALBUMS we are shorting some wry artistic books at hard times prim. A full line ofthe POETS in Fancy Cloth, Padded Morroeeo, OUR WINDOWS are & true indication of the variety and maquificenete ot our tau-ck. We change the display - two weeks. iriiia them! " DLAN" 81 GO gatlW2 l . "'T&E" Satisfaction Guaranteed. mung; m _ "v, " Tits-" ‘5 _'.r'sc.Fitic,' w“Yew 'eh; J AS OF A CHILD Robe Tanning ! Robes & Goats DEBS The Leading Jeweler " . GORDON, YOL'RSEL‘ M Very Well th ws. S. library, Prize and Presentation Books is now about complete and ttt' can safely say we are better prepared than ever to supply your wants. o, u GUN. Manager. THOMAS SMITH. Come in and see for wishes of their customers ruckett A: Son Co., Ltd., 1... have placed upon the TH! SMOKING ,11 GOODS S. S. Tear,v'r:eto see for them- 'rn IE A080. {an ii"s'ja"ii"it i"ii"iitAi%t't, 'ikgii, M esreito know that they may IU, render; iug themsrhes liable to a change for iufritegeuteur of a certain patent. w. have seen this patent in possession of Mr. Thumns Milligan. who with others have secured it front the patent naive at Ottawa. through Lawyer McCaul, at some expense. and would advise parties interested to we this M Mr. Milligau's before recognizing any claim. estefu, know that they iug themselves liable t iniriugeuteut. of a cermi have seen thitpatettt i1 A mun ticuiooLTicxcarErt Ramon.” i, Mr. J. A. Snell. head mush-rd the Eloea high school. has tendered his resignat- ion. It was surprise to all.-juving the four Siarh' and a half which he held the position he wax respected by both old and yunng. His gehcletuattly manner. as well as his ability as a Leach”. wort him many friends. Not only will he he missed in the school but in Chtsluuus' church also his place will be hard to till. He has secured the principalship of the VVianon high scuodl.-NAex-Reeord. HUME AciArs.--We were much pleas- ed to hm e a call from and an evening”: chm “uh Mr. It, " autumn Jr. last week, Mr. NS anion is asplundid cottvetnsatioital- in and his trip and summer's outing m Rainy ulnar has furnished him_wi:h experiences iuterescing enough in his hand for a' public learn-e. We cannot sty which was the most interesting feature of his talk. The gurgeuuu scenery of the Lake of the Wocda, the mnanic river. the fertile belt wibll its extruaordustwycvop and must. fertile soil, the specimens of Gold war- ing quartz from the minim: districts, means of communication Mid transport.- ation, relics of~uld Indian life found in thelnmmds. and his estinmle of what the future has in More for the 'districn. &c.. &c., really we cannot begin to condense} but hope some means will| be found of putting the innervating talk we listened LO bttove the public. . human (Lantwiur. Jas. A. Hunter is achieving a reputation as A Human About, " vcm'ugn in Mint, a. bear almusl, wiLhin tho corporation limits. and on Tuesday Mat. in: “the out in couipuuv with Mr. Jas. P. Hunter on the tram of a deer wiiome tracks had been seen for a, day previously. Before mug fresh trucks were uiscuvend. and after some cramping between the town and the Honky Saugecn he was at, last; tighten behind the Vessie farm and a shot, or two from the sure hand of Jim. A. brought. him down. He WMJR flue _ - ' I . an» AA....A. ”u...“ ...___ W“... --- .F"N _ _ buck, 4 or in wears old. in good Conm- I Ea]; the bottle I found the greatest. tiou and wergus Ah) lbs. Jun had him F velief. but kept on taking it, using in all hugged tutu _the phumgmph gallery, fourbottles. I used that quantity to Where Mus Fsaoer gut. lb Hue “mauve ive the medwineafair trial, although ofttsetwo. Hume u. number called to " had no sign of ”pain after tale have u. look at the beauty. Wtwt't, the l ing the second bottle. I can utrnnxly “a? of gumg M, Proton and the Peniu- recommEDd thie remedy to all tyfNr.er.? sul L when such royal game is found at I from rheumat-ism.' I feel eottmUnt it our doors. It in rumored that two more will do tor them what it did Io: Inc, have been shot. near Abeuleen. lllll) by menu-Mug a Co, ,1,- 'ttR zany .90.”. Mr. Keclmie Bvots.--Frame black unit!) and wuggnn shop. $300 Jas. Wel 'her addition to house. mason, wore H. McDonald, woodwork Juv, Byvrs'. $350. l DCIIAUuJ . "aw": _ , Doctors Bad Failed. Mr. J. E. Smith of Amosa Wood Hospital St. Thomas. Ont,: "For a ' long time I was amicted with very It; I [rheumatic pains. and they became so i intense that life to me was a. misery. I i saw the South American Cure ndvoitis- t ed and determined, to give it a triad. and procured a Immi- from R. J. Old. drug- _ gist of Sn Thomas Before taking one [half the bottle I fopnd the greatest ' relief. hut kept. on taking it, using in all four bottles. I used that. quantity to give the niediqineafair trial, although l had no sign ot :pain. after th..: fr Byvrs'. $350. Miss nuttcrrtshyt.tsru the old house owned bv D. Hopkins, and has retit.ted it, Joseph Payne has A1180 renown“ [ha house. H. Put Kerr has made his Nttrpe oue of the hrightcst spots in town, with a hundwme new from. and elegant. in- terior decorations, and m-night (Tues- day) has hoisted into position an elalrors ate signhnard. Mr. John Darling is the artist and the work does him credit. Among other minor improvement: we note that Lynn Roberts-um has built a now cistern for. himself and put, up a. mun, vcrrvndsh. T. G. Holt has improv- rd his pt-crnisos and delighted the eye of visitors newly " the train by an attrac- tiva fence. G. tiisarrmgtu.lded a ,,it1Ftcy . W H... " now cistern for t mutt. verandsh. I ed hid premises m visitors newly oil hive tence. U. S; his rendence. am Arrowsuiith's hm place of beauty. Mr. McNallV h; lnrn with stuns and Reeyo Cure stone foundation Findlay TIDXNGS FROM AMOSA WOOD HOSPIT- AL. on,srruavmsrv-GeH,.tlrrdn Kingston on tire4tli inmt., Adjumm John Mc- Gillivmy of Gienelp. to Captain Abbie Graham (If Pavkhill, hath oftteevs in Salvatinn Army, and at premeutin St. Johns N. ll. MCEWES~In Glenelg, or 4th inst. the l'vvlnw‘d wit McEwen, aged 70 years m. J. Smith Cured of Chronic Rhe- umatism by South American Rheum. mic CurfrTh? Great Rheumatic Remedy. Agam Conquers Where Doctors Had Failed. Mr. J. E. Smith of Amosa Wood Hospital St. Thnmns. Gnu: “For a lung Lune I was amicted with very ha I rheumatic pains. and they became so intense that “few we le a. yer,',',?,. I - ' . - +4“-.. ...... n. ,r/areisa. Jnu. McFarlane has “.1110 structure made i u himself and largely FINDLAY the ith [ii,?,], Farina: has. out of an old nature made a neat residence fund largely by himself. Payne hay also X‘s-umintd his An (villenelg, on Monday the the bvltyutd wife of Lawrence -.--Ab Dromm-e. Egremonh mst., the wife of Mr. Jun MARRIAGES‘ has built a, small frame ne staluliug underneath, n'sl'me has also placed a m under his house. n "um... u...” __ h mi a new lawn under H. mud: and trout tenee by have made his front, a BIRTHS. MM " fitWhi tin-y "either fut-get, "or furgivr." The Moutreal I‘Vilucss mid of the same persun, “Ht- should Irave beeu driven from public and sorta] life had he waived his iiet,erts." As for the Min- later of Finance. ls4 he a credit: to the ladies? Uhe wpre to meet with John the Baptist. Inhn would tell him it is not lawful for you to have yaur nresent wife as your wife. What (1m l any of constituencies that send such men to Parliament." Is it because they are "vyreuovwhat? It ladies had " vote such would have to may at hnnie. If A number of the ladies of London and its neighlmrhood were present. at that " trrnuon reception. might. it not he that the nmtheri came chaperrmirur their daughters, that the daughters might have a fitting chance of seeing and “waking to these young: men of the unnat-rvntivc Club of London rather than to see the men flout Ul tuwa? In the speeches given bythe Ministers trout Ottawa theme was no nil-nth)" “indent veal issue, r0 ”million ttuule of the millions of dollars of debt :wrumul- Med by them year at'tet. year. lt was instead of this an abuse of Laurier. Tum and Lutigley. of Nova Sugtia: their remarks almut, them: Iilreruls." re~ minded ute strongly of the words of the selirighteplts plmrisce lo the publican "3‘0th this puhlican" they were also down on free trade, hut, oh! when I (-mnpan- free trade England to their Natinnal Policy what acnntmst..\ Your hand maid often moves from the lakes down to the sen. Not so often though as Foster-changes the tariff. and when I tun Jown theiedou'l l are the hoodlum sailing across to England when Ire. trudenmkes people rich, to borrow of these riches to pay the debts which the National p 'licy and handlers incuired in Canada, mid yet, they are down on free trade. I have given you my name above. Consumption Conquered. ist almost certain to be healthy. A" comp Lint. at this time is caturrh in shunt of its various forms. A slight cold develops the disease in the head. Droppings of corruptinn passing into the lungs brings on consumption. The only way to cut'e this disease “ In puri- fy the blood. The most obs in the CUBett ofcaulrrb yield to the medical powers of Hood's tiuuturparilla as if by magic, simpxy because It reaches the sent. of the disease, and by purifying and vimlizing the blood, removes the cause. Not only does Hood's sursaparma do mishutit gives renewed vigor' to the whole syrtum. making it passable for good 1:29,th to relgn supreme. crsmuma.---The wonderfully cheap Lemm- we have been offering are still voutiuuedfov hush. though we have no guarantee how long we may be able to do so. Remember Globe and REVIEW to Jan. Ist, 1897 tol $1.25. The Globe is ottot surpeused for its general excellence in up to date news, home and foreign. Political questions treated fully and fairly Market reports, Sporting neWs, etaetc. If you wish the Mail and Empire with the REVIEW come along and bring your neighbor with you. As hmon'ux'r 9rTtcr.---'I't! 'properly fill its oirrce and its functions. it i's important, that the blood be 5mm. ly hen it is in ssu.eh tyeoryliri.on,,tte mdy followed clo, In the Univ stands first v Simone and In the thiru-en years xvi-mm- urcy stands tivst wit in 47,5CO acres with Brucr. Situcoe and Hui-on following in the ovcicr. named. In yield per' yin-e Grey is well lathe front. In 1394 the product ofthe Pea crop was 19.8 bushels per am'v. Six counties liming a higher yield, l-ut only a trifle higut-r, the rich virgin lands of Algoma being first with 21.3 bushels per arte. The next highest were Duiterin, Prinve Edward and Lannrk. In the thirteen years manage Alguum is again first with 27.7 bushels Ear acre, birissing second with 25.4 ushels. In L .959 districts the Average is small and the soil rich, so that they are quite a bit above the avern e. Btuce stands next highest having 3% bushels (il' acre. foilowed by Huron, Perth. 1'ellington and Sinicuc. Grey is eighth on tlus.list with 21.2 liushels per acre. a very satisfactory pusiLinn. yet one that should be bet tered. With proper care and cultivation this counly should sc.aveely stund second to any county in the Province in the production of Peas. Get Hood', Even when all other prepar- atlons and prescriptions fail. “The face of my little girl from the time she was three months old, broke oat and wu covered with scabs. We gave her two bottles ot Hood's sarsapari1la and it com- pletely cured her. m, no glad to recom- mend Booth Barnum-ills.” Time. M. We, Clinton, cum-lo. Be nut. to The Gniy Blood Purifier E1706? 1?lits HOOD’S Sarsaparilla Hood's Cures Before the people today, and which stands pree.rpi.nently above all other medicines, is It has won its hold upon the hearts of the peopie by its own absolute intrinsic merit. It is not what we say, but what Hood's Sarsaiaarilla does, that tells the story' - Great aryl.. thoroughly re. liable build.ing-u.p .medicine., nerve tome, vitalizer and g'ii C': "Mn... Tgtiitif'r! 'l/ii,?', "ariitVrukrtouam I 9991990“- Arte. i 'rdta'viikt ' 5 pieces Amazon Twins usually sold for Heavy 'rwillud Serge, black & man for 48e. Heavy Coating Serge, black Js. navy, 4: I worth 75e, for ae gAmounting to about nonsense. We are not l Heady-mm": _p"P'"""Ft. 1 Men's All Wool Freize Ulsters worm .88.f 0 for 86.al l Better Ones, Wool Lined, worth $10.0010r $8.00. o Job lot of Overcoats worth $7.00 and it8A0tor $4.00. Park lot No. 2. at present occupied by the Rev. Chas. Cameron in tor rule, or will rent on run-mull]! terms. This isn vwrydesirable location for a retired tanner. Apply to,, i,, ' - MI)“ Late Resident Prtoun, Royal Vic- toria uct.)':!, Muuu-eul. MentbevCollege Physician it Sm gums Onmriu. OFFICE :--DURHAM PHARMACY, Calder‘s Block. l3 NIGHT BELL AT RESIDENCE. '4 And Notice is berehy given that. after the said last mentioned date the laid ouituinitstvator will procmed to distribute the assetsof the said deeeatwd among the rues entitled phi-rem. havingrp arrlmouly to the (lawns of which notice Ii'e,'ldl'; riven as above rrquired, and the said uhministm Mar will not be liabl- for amid assets. or any part thereof, no distributml. of any pu'mn whuse claim, notice shall nut have been received as "t'ovestOl at Ilut time (he said diulri- bution is so made. u to deliver or send h st. pre- id to John P. Tetrord.of Ll); '12:)wn of 'illt.'l'alfl in the County of Grey, Solicitor for Thomas hlchca the adtuittistrtttor of the Estate of the mid Daniel MeNieee, deceased, a statement of their memes and addresses, and full r,Cri'2'i'; of their claims. uwether wit a statement of the security (if any) held by them. l Bring along your Batter and E ggs for which we wi In the Estate of Daniel 3frNietre, late of tin-Township of Normanby in the County of Grey. geo- ma a. deceased. otiee is hereby given pununncm the N;',I',"v'u'i'Cs' of tho Revised Statues of Ontario, chapter 110. Section 36. that all creditors. and OLhurs havin V claims against the estate of Daniel Schiece, late of the Township of Normaahy, in the County of Grey, Yeoumn. Deceased who died on or about, the 9th day of December A. D. 18N, at the said Town. ship of Normanhy. an: on or before the - -- . I n apo- Dated at. Durham the 25rd day of Oct. ober A. D. 1355. . J. P. TELPORD, Sumiwr for tiw Admiviltmgor. iiiiiin'i “dumber, A. D. 1895 Notice To Creditors. A. ClllIlPallllCei8allElENiiP l ', Hard Times Versus Low Prices'; Regular 100 Skirt Lining for Se. HERE} i:ridgicrrt mm}: for Itk. Heavy Twilled Waist Lining worth 15e for lie 25-inch Flannelette for 4e. Heavy Wide Fhuonelette for Ce. Extra Wide Flannelette worth 10c it Heaviest Twilled yltmnelettc worth Large Assortment or Ge in the world at R Ready-Made Clgphipg._ .iif.in Cotton for 40. Extra Heavy Cotton for Ge. 72-inch Unbleached Twilled Sheeting worth 2 5 pieces Canadian Tweed 50c for35e 5 pieces Halifax Tweed worth 601: fo 5 pieces All Wool Unbearable Tweed The Largest Assortment of Suitings i: from. UPPER TOWN, DURHAM. t m.-----" _ ..‘”““““‘.‘.W _-.------------- Ladies' Heavy Woollen Hose Itk'e pair. t Inn-mm. "tttk .utu y ' ...........,_ Extra Heavy Woollen llosc 25e pair. Jim‘s 1icnvy Shins or Drawers i'd Fine 2 & l liiblwl Woollen IIrxae worth 4(k for 3ay. Mans llmvv All Wool Shin: or Indies Shaped Vests, l, mg Sleuves, 2%. hr 4'.te. IO dozen Corsets, Extra Heavy, worth 75c ir r 400. Extra Hcary C'nderwear worth 7 2 duzvn Good Corsets worth 3.5e for 20c. Fine Sun-h Underwear worth " Good Heavy Cashmere Gloves 15c pair. lbw” l'xzrlvrwcnr in all size. Extra Heavy Cashmere Gloves worth 2550 for 25e, Mcis Wocrllert Sckr. 2 pair M 2. liuys' Heavy Ribbed Woollcn Hose. all sizes, 25c. pair. Flt-11K l-Ixzm Heavy To Slain. pl; Ladies' Fine Black Woollen Mitts 20c pair. Jul) lot ot Ties worth 25e to 52x: at ILLINERY l MILLIN' T.', . hi PHYSICIAN, SURGEON, ACCoUCHEU1l, &c. RAE/{SAY d; a,-i)EOR'i'i","uOCrK 'ith the odds very much in favor of the latter and no wonder when we get the prices: down as low as we now have them. With the I st of November we inaugurate t Saligigo: . ARTHUR GUN, . Granulated Sugar for $1.00. . Exlm Light Sugar for $1.00. . Yellow Sugar for $1.00. New Raisins for 25c. Good Raisins. 200d fruit, 250 Currants. Rood fruit. 2..K New Figs 25c. 4 lh. lh m “Sold Out." , Fine Tip kd Buttuned Bums worm w-w kr" " Shanda“! Screw Bah. worth 81.15 for SLO". I' Skating Bals. felt lined. worth $1.50 for $1.: 'dies' Ihmgola Gaiters. ('UIHIIMHI sense Toe. 81 Fine Dongola. Gaiters worth $2.00 for $2.11). 60 DAYS' GLEARilNt't SALE M “WW _wir.___ -i'"" Cool Unteterable Tweed worth 75c for 55e. Assortment of Suitings in Durham tochoose MOOILL‘ - OF OUR STOCK OF HIGH CLASS - Goods, Millinery, Clothing, Boots and Shoes and Groceries to about SI 2,000.00. Now we are not going to tell you a lo! Ol We are not gomg to quote an article at a price and when you come for it be Out." The Public know us better than that. They know thatzwhen we ad- isle at a price, just so surely will thoyget it here. A careful inspection of prices below will convince the closest buyers that we mean business. Gf Butt At Closest Prices ot German Mantles--the best fitters l at Rock Bottom Prices. J. P. Truman. Iweeds and 3 i 1h. lh lines “uni sold for 25e, now 2te. Heavy Coating Serge blue " & navy, worth 60c, for tAhe. DRESS I il (Envy, 48 inches wide oth $1.00 for Six ',ootm worth $1.7 DRESS GOODS- NOW IS THE TIME TO SUBSCHBE. . . . . BEL! tl fvzm nuw to JB. 1, 1897 liools and A good man in your district to 'SPY sent. the f‘FonLhill Nurseries ot Lan- ada." Over 700 xix-res. The largest, in the Dominion. Position Ti,"rff" Salary or Couuuistsiou to rig tt man. The best and hrighest Weekly Paper _ published in my of the claws t f Canada. Sixteen Pages Every Week with the increasiugdemaud for fruit, a position with us as Salnanmn will pay IGtteethan engaging in farming. Send us your application Mid we will show you how to earn good mom-y. School Teachers!) its just. the thing for you during the summer. Writc for particulars. A - ---_. .“mmnv iiiiiih ADVERTISER - 33mm Ad.dreq all communications w, ALLEN NURSERY co., ROCHESTER. N. Y. Pushing, trustworthy men to repre- sent us in the sale ofour t'hoice Nursery Stock. Specialties controlled by us. Highest Salary or Conuuissiort paid weekly. Steady employment the year round. Oatth free: exclusive unitary; experience not neeetusavy; big pay as- sured workers; special induct-menus to beginners. Write at once for. particular- Pushing. trustwm sent us in the sue of Stock. Specialties Higpgst Salary or SALESMEN WANTED. WANTED I axrh.aai1.Trt"rsc.'2e,'-:.%. Special Rates to Clubs. Good lndueemems to Can a .SCsPS, Deformc b%sue & WELLINGTON. ”Imam; Ost :baaarst1.eTsa Groverif‘s- Staples. for $1.25. WW ADVERTISER. Lon-ion, 0.1.2230. $1.40. M. Lantle But as Young as Ever . . . Heavy Black Beaver Manning l Heavy Black Loop Cloth worth Double Fold Mantle Cloths from Good Extr: 5Atltt Heav MI Wor. All Wot N Re Ch PP. Bars Elect! uckramc during this Sale. “I. 1h. f “I m Heavy American Cottouade AD' Wool Blankets for $1.98 pa psring Yarn, l ply, black or o “Sid- 5511008. I Henrietta, t .1 Henrietta, l irey Ere v ill pay the Highest Market Price. t Oa (Y, Japan Tea to ‘n Japan Tea drr: bref anm-l tilled D: Tea of “Teas KURMA TEA. Crockery ds Glassware- Dinner. Tea & Toilet Sets Lde wot J. CAIVIERON Tai urxietW, well fem-ed. About tl acres clvared and undvr cult Ration Good fracte lmrn and rumfnrmhlr dwel ling house. Rent pnyahh- in ads amt For further particulars apply bt MRS. S. CRCHARD. Denna: I OT 33.0011. 3. in the Tuwu-‘hip of J Emmom within one mile. of Holstein. cousGtirq of 100mm?» of land, . .. - ' .., --= m EtiiUi0..Mir ! 543-92 z..'._‘.ro- You W Tea I ll " I"! WORLD "on T"! m PM TO TN: TEA “W" Taaurotrrtrsrtytudi.e ra. 'i7riuaratutrktitotiititof1,tdie E‘s. 'iiUiuiriTsilkdtsrittt-vrte, ;iiGuriFiiG1ticG4is.A1uttVitu7, '7ii't"iGifeay%eer,1te,1reae " . 'iiiiiiif,tjeh',rgMit'yJtt2"drlrltf,t "ti. iriCiWic.itb'itcr"h-""tidg A srrmr-rdt-sth"r%"'"ti"'t' mourn...“ swan-awn“ mum TEA " At Popular Prices. Also a full assortment of worth Try it; and F Sold for Me. lh. Sold for 40c- ltr. Sold for Sthr lb delicious Hominy", up ir 1 lbs. Le Packag tek, wot In as aunt roam. "FARM TC; RENT. monument: -irsertrEqT TEA -THE- , Mix: ll DC {gnawed advan mm Has 1 " Tire tar w: in “bind P tly ' i . ' f- o Tri'.'- . t " fio

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