Ontario Community Newspapers

Grey Review, 20 Jun 1895, p. 6

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- ".-.. tvie-e --'" - Mr. Montague sud the Queen's Printer. who won an pruned man, in: command tlyst he w." pursuing the most teconomical COEFEG. The mom Wu corned. mummy BETTIE. Mr. McMillan, on the item ot$3,000 to - the expone- for lending (Jun-din: cmmory baton to the Bun-n market, and he had appalled s resolution in committee luv. union to ' eiUet, but was not mute mot. We Govammem mun-led to pun-hm butter and dupe-o of " on turn- on Account. Mr Mona-goo and the Government bod no Apology to make for their com" with regard!» she but!" industry. (Hour. but.) Tho! industry had bean developed from; '6,i5o0,000 I low you! Ago to $15,000,000 hot you. Netwim-mdmg the koen com. drum in the British market-Int you. and“ butter tmd hold iu own. Th. wbou 10- on tho introduction of the - into Gran Britain only mounted no him. not. than 1.2 con: tttte,; Fur. Liwn. tho court. of tho . vmnunt in. adorned by HM PM Immune- of 0.” Bo ua remind “one: from - Clot-Int, otMnast9trqter, to the “at." tho Candi-l bnth in the Ind-h out“ 1m now More}! bum ' than the Ann-lion. nod could, as . you an... doubt-ht- do“ Donal! boom but Kb. _ I.” now bong am “mun-r ”an“ Brian. And a. - - upon-Mo tho Goe"ylrttet “a ho " cold m, n no attire - p, tho mm. Thaw-Inga - only I“ no on ...-t, b no [or on u “I “at. W 'ma-""". o! Au unondmonr. to nuke out Intern. documntn. my sndrerport. wu curried, and tho motion no tmended wu ndopud. ”new DUTY. Mr. Wood (Brockville), inmwor to Mr. Jenni-iota, aid the Government in "ill considering what com-Io would be pound in tho mute: of oncoming Canadian whncco manutnctun. The Condinn pro- ducer no now protected to the atom. of 400 per 1oont., u again”. tho manufacture l of imported loll. Ind though pemnnlly in town: of promotion, be u:- not disposed to “common! my further dogs. of pro- toction to thin inantry. -e _ nus'nzw run vo'ruu' 2.131. Mr. Somerville. on the itom of $40,000, further Amount to pny tho upon-u of the rovioion of the votor’u lint, mid . not amount would be and the country by having the .pripting f" the original tiual rGr"laa; idem“ through a; country, uni Aw: from the ttpry, D . not mud with s" tirm hand. When the Noble. .peaudosot again" the conviction, brat for “other 1'ti,el'tt, ho did no: belittle to con-our. tot inUing mud, no order to give them any opportunity of clearing munch“. . . Urn-rice) we. handed . letter from the fuhary otfic- in the Georgian bay district Informlnghim that the Noble 3:}: were our. tiehmg without e has". U or All the cxrcumeuneee. he could not. "aid coming to Lhn conclusion that the Noble. were preacher: and no: futserasert, and that they bed been erntmged for yen-In letting it daience the futsery lei-end reguhuone. [Adar every circumeteuce. he would have been untit for the poem“ he height] be rm some can. Mr. underhin moved for copies of al1 ordqrVtniounoil, letters. aocumente, pa. pets. petitions. "poru, commie-ions. nod evidence in reference to the withdrawal of tho hUttery license end the seizure of the fibrtmtt iueond plant of the Noble Bros. on the Georgina hay. He said he under- stood that during the long term of'.% or 40 years the Noble Bron. had been eng-ged Mt the tuury business, there had - been ' In charge ear-inst them that had been eus- tuned. lo March lest, " wns their custom. they sent in the" npplioetion to the proper onthority for nlioenee. swamp-nix! by the fee of 82MY. When the time arrived the hoete of the Noble Bron, who had no ice: n license would not he grnnted. were sent out for nehing operntions on the Georgia: _ bar. The l:oense hed not been received‘ when they commenced to do thin, butl the Nobles were in the some poution _ as other ttutr-n who were at work at the some time. From the fact that the l tissue, orerseer sent back the cheque in l order to get the book exohnnge, the Noble, _ Bros. had no doubt the lieenee would be forthcoming. The tuUry other come nlong. however. and seized four tugs and severnl skif- belonging tothe firrnoritlteur, however, interfering with my other venet- on Georgian hey. nlthough there were some 30 or 40 in the same position " the Noble cult. The boats were cerried " without I even allowing the nets to he lifted. A tine of 8270 and cute wee impoud, and n lianse refined, end the result wee that the Maine. of the Brrn, in which they had invested 8ti0.000 capitol. smkred n seriLns loo. and severnl heads were thrown out of employment. This-prim, he understood, ”up were returned. end the fUUng tine-e wns renewed. '1he tugs had been donned while they were in the Govern. ment’s who. end 5 number of uticlee were running. Some of tho boots wrre so badly damaged that the Noble: refused to into then beck. Sir Charla R. Topper and the hon. gen- tleman had tote-Hy uni-apprehended the ones. The iuury ottioer had exercised no function - that of a coutahie in seiz- t inc 'hoouuit. The Sable brothers Gd been tried before the Police Magistrate of the dietrict. The time wee not opportune for reducing the papers before the House. With respect to the sentence inpaeed, be had to soy that ho, when Minister of sur. ine and Filbert». in common with his pre- deeeeeore. but had to contend with the rnpecity of fuumtms. ti the department dealt leniently with violationa, the ahueu become enormously iugrantoutd wide-prod, end the D-urso" wuaceneed of being lax in its admin-union. The Deput- ment in the Noble case had had to oontsnd with nll nort- of obstnclee, and with 6min! booking of Montreal. To. ronto. and Hamilton merchants. among others. Sir Charles H. Topper made the further statement tint on one oc. [ casino. when interviewed by one of the Meson. Noble and Mr. [Aug of Collinszwood. the former stated that he l tirat become - thet the Depart- I hunt we. vigorously administering the I 'Uhesry lnws. and that the that could not in l the future fieh without a lioenee as in the l previous fall. At that very interview, in i the presence of they gentlemen. he (Sir MILL alumni? CADETS. Mr. Dickey. in my: to Mr. Mulock. aid the total number of ado:- now m mundane. " the Royal Military Collage urn an. In.“ CANAL. Mr. Hug-rt. in mun: to Mr. later. sud we Saul: Sm. Main and 1m not. yet openod for trattie. and would not, be until the ch-nndl Approaching the and " ouch and to“ cloud of abductions in the .mp4: of rocks The manger: of the Canadian 'hut-ttie many And - line of Human had not "(and to In. the Was. dmn can] no Ur “his knowledge went. mun“. 3030c”. M r. Faun. in Answer to Mr. landorkin, Ind it. In: prunmod " ExcolI-ncy mud III woman“ with ,roll.ostatrlUtted pne- new: making tho raconmanduiou to Lh' Imperial authorities for Import“ honours. mum-n - Mr. Four. in -rrr to Mr. Mcuullnn. Inid than va- . lull now balm "to no”. tor mend rustling which WI! may to b. puma baton the ratitUation of the French - could uh place and the truly be trough. "no operation. Luann: BLOCK. Mr. Foal". in waver to Mr. Mulock- wal no money had bun lllowod or paid in rupee: of the dim of Chuloboil for our" foe work on the Lugovin block, uni the Manner of Public Work- had not. made .uv report. to the Council "meeting Inch FIFTH "ssmy--sgi" PARUA. KENT. DOMINION PARLIAMENT. “may“ "reehuete, quad but“? man; the old um ot when upon an new will min my mt. “amnion when I In" time to ask-numb the mud. nap-rum“, u I dancer, - baubl- todx With upon» tho prom» can». I a. all tin com. um. M as: my was. in to to- Mr. bickay aid: I an indohud to thc hon. member for North York for tho mandolin and roan-h made. t an tell the hon. gentleman who bu jun Ipoken that " pang-dog- with "retest to" in- Mr. Muted: naked if the deportmenv. had adopted A policy as to the expenditure upon the permnnen: carpi. There was I fueling throughout. the country that too huge A portion of the great tor militias purpose: wu being upent upon the pct-Innu- ‘ent corps. The belief entertained m but In thnt this oorpeformed new”! landing nrmy, which we. grndnnllv msting up the militias great. The object of then centre- of )utmction was to qualify men to take commnndl. bat it had failed toartttornpliah that aim. Under the old system it VIII ponible for n men to continue tau employ. ment and " the tune time undergo tum. Eng " the whack. Now I man, when he manned toxin nphinenllingfor the up. being. end I” Inbjonud to consider- nhluxponu. - - - _ - - PIRMANBST com On the item of $5,000 for pay and al. lmuncou to the permanent corps and active militia,,, - - “AA _ A _ Sir Cherie: B. Tapper replied that a S'"" (and mu porpounud in that cue. Representation were nude by reputable person- to tho deputment that the trees. men: " the penitentiary In: imuitutuate, end hi. friends promuod lo bare him pieced in In uyuam. A pardon Wu gram.- ed, sad it wen men discovered that insanity we. feigned. To this extent. the kiln mun made). The bill wu reported. Mr. McGregor urged the need of A cure. ful medical summation of criminal hum. Lica. He cited 5 cm wharel mm mu; convicted. but feigned inunity. and Watt pudoued, when he nppeu'cd in public once morn. I Sir Chm-lee B. Tapper. in reply to Mr. "Heier, aid the power: naked for m the ‘ bill were conungenz upon In urangomenz being made with the provincill “thorium. In cue no 'srrrutgernenb wee made. the lunatic: would be and for " King-Mn, u " ptelenr. The lbtario Btttttoritittts hnd been nlreuly tttoO obliging under the circumsuncu, but the trouble hnd been in the cue of lame Inn-Lion when: A pardon had to begranted in order to permit of their removsL _ - _ . “in; E1650}: wu .dopted, and the House went into wmmitloo on the bill. _ - - Sir Cherles H. Tupper,movad the second routing of I bill to "new! the Peaitonusry Act. Tho bill in meinly to enable the Federal Government. to enter into An engagement with the verioue locel gatheri- tir. in reed to the cure of eriminsl lunar. Mea. lg In propoeed lame time ego to uk for I vote wensble the Federal unbor- xty to - a suitable building in connection with the penitentiary " Kinguon foe this purpose. That expense would be saved, however, end every dainble pun-pone aecompluhed, by the adoption of thin bill. Should A criminal lunatic be found to be teigniug inmity, or recover his new before the expiration of his term of imprisonment. he will be when beck to the penitentiery,where the rennin- der of his term would be served, - --- were not members of the rmunont Civil Service. had been "l,,'CaC,',l1r,' the Custom: depot-imam. " Mr. Belton," aid Mr. Willow b0 ha been employed for the {at eight yarn In mercury or uni-tout to Mr. Chief Inspector McMichnel, aid . portion of hi. duties has Alweye been to inventiguto prices of \nrioun clue“ of merchaudme. Mr. Atkinson we: emplovml from the 3rd to the 550th April, 1895, and M r. Howt‘norne on several occuiom during {the period between the 17rh July And the 13th November, 1894. Mr. Bolton hu mule Inventigntimu und report. in regard to I are“ misty of goods. Mr. Atkimon In: employed to inventignte the prices of bicycles. infatuation on thtt nuhject being f necemry, sud the ottieera uluolly employ- ed " Inch work being otherwise engaged. j Similnrlv, Mr. H-wthorne In employed to invegtxgnte the price-- of seythes uni one in tho United Ststel. MnBelton'l pey for A portion of the time nu $2 purl any, and litter 32.50 per day und trovollinz expenlen. Mr. Atkinlon'l pity wn 82 per dly tad unveiling expense; Mr. Haw- thorne received on MIDWIDCO of $110.70, including tr-veling expenua. A. to Mr. Bolton and Mr. Atkinson. I Im not - what buliuen they were engaged in " the time they were employed III the Ola-toms service. As to Mr. Hawthorne, I under-I stood tho! he was connected with the "tanafaetttre of scythe: And oxen and lune-t implomentl, And it tun become of bis technicul knowledge of the vnluuu, qualities, and muking- of the vuioua brand. or scythe: end one that the de. putment neared his union. Though boring no particular, knowledge of the nutter. I preaume tint Mr. Hawthorne resumed his former employment on he use ongtged in the work of the deputmeut for only . few weeks. Mr. Atkinson is mask. ing no further investigation." Mr. Curb, Wnllucc, replying to Mr. Cuey, nid F. y. Balboa. Willitm F. Alina-on, And T. J. Hawthorn, who Sir Charles H. Tapper thought them us: hocking to warrant. the pun-go of Inch I bill, And he moved that the lull be rend. second time nix month- hence. Mr. Chulton moved the neond remling of I bill to tmcnd the Criminal Code, 1592, for the purpose of making more ctfecwnl pron-Ion for the ouuithmout of uduction And abduction. '1he bill proposed to ruse the age of con-em of females from 16 to 18 you'- of up, And to lower the Ige of which male. may be liable: to conviction from 21 to IS yarn; nlnoto nuke it I criminal otUneo Io Ibdnct {amule- up to the Age of 21 ycul. in-_l_end_of l6. Mr. D47)“ concurred in the View of the Minhzer of Justice. sad thought Putnam“ lhm Id not be tinkering with laws, that worked furly well. _ Mr. Dieltey-Thq Boyd Sand-rd no only Authorized to be hound " a nuluary mum: in Candi when . membur oi the Rays! fstrulr in prevent. This regal-non doe. not. however. Apply to HAM“. N.s., n which station the flag in behind by her Mnjoaly'n troops under lmpcrinl regula- tionl. Mr. Martin-Wh" potion. In Cunada have the right. to bout the Royll SL-udurd and on whu con-ion. , Mr. Disrbry--la reply to than first ques- tion,I any uy than " no record in the Depot-Imam. of Militia of the ruxznalion by General Herbert. of bit position " gen- enl commanding the Common milnu. As to thes second question, the naner is no. To the third. four! h. and fifth queuiioul grouped togethnr, 1 may any that Geuersl Herbert " Conn-In on lone gunk-d 2.hh February In”. and be bu been doing tome work in Eoglunl. Hi. dutin in the de. puunenb " general otfieer commanding "a now being duchugul by the unnum- genernl. To the trtxtts question the reply I. no. paper A list of per-om who were nllegcd to : n-vo mule mom our. of the rise in price. , the nggregnce of the amine by Mantra” wiper-Lon being 31,250,”. As I gourd: rule, he and, the Nelionel Policy (mull; hue no .l.'mst upon the price of term. produce. The farUer did not ber"rtit from I the increuo in the price of when, but it', was in. “would“. nod monopolml who rind brought up ell ch. when. and than! "rld it who the change in price cpoki place. He Ippenled to the Gout-amen;| pres- not to and speculators by parorhinE reparu of alleged ulvnncen in the price of I when. which evenlmlly mun. drop to the detriment of the farmer. I GINIRAL Human. _ 1 Mr. Gibson naked I Did M.ior-fienersl l Herbert tender hi. resignation in“. year are commnnder of the medium tmlititrt, 11] no, what was the due of ho resignation. ' and the remnl given? Wu we [no L Premier, Sir John Thompson, notimdt while in England by en member of tlrel Hovcrnmvnt of Genenl '4g'l,C7,', resignat- I Mott, and wut action, if any. mun when maroon? In Canard Herbert. Absent. on leave, from what due, And how long? in he expected to resume the poamon he occupxea? Who in now diachnrgmg the damn oi the gown] tsotnasamlout of the force. Doe. the Government contemplate my chase in the law no u to permit the isppousrn""st of D Canadian other an gun-1 commanding? The amendment was" canned iRDI‘L‘HON’ AND ABDUL‘NON' (In! “INAL LCXATICS. GUSTO)“ DBPaRr.trrNr. Till ROYAL STASDABD. "iidia%weu you lee. mom, I new: hue larch nothing, and I In druid you would be thinking mu lull!" wan to [a Ibo" my mum. . - Mi-you have shay- became arch], Mnry, tint. I can't. underlain! how you Puppet“! yo bunk “at use thin well: once on the coat. of Cornwsll. The mute: picked up A piece of unwecd cov- ered with minute uimnh. and Mr. Owen obeerved to his compenionl t "H Um null piece oonteinl BO may treasures, how rich mutt the whole plent be. How I should like to have one t" The dog in, stantly leaped into the Inter Ind returned with e pint of unwed. which he laid At Preteen: Owen’s te" l _ A despstéh from Lufkin, Tans, Bay".-- Will Johnson, coloured, who criminally unsalted the 7-year-old child of Roby tfhMner, was captured sod taken to the use]. whore the little Victim identified Johnson " the guilty man. Within l5 minutes 500 quiet and determined moo were marching to the goal. The shorin msdo no resistance, sod the prisoner was ink"! to the public squire, where sn im. provised gallows hsd been erecled. The sides of the square were packsd with men women. sod children. The tumbling brute mu quickly seized sud suspended in the sir, where he rcmsined many hours, the curious sanding shout. gsping or. the corpse. Professor Owen, I noted English scion- tist, Ken- I nary of a dog named Lion, who Accompamed him and hia mutu- on n Probable Suicide " the Falls. Adespalch from Niagara Falls, Oat., any: ..-..Cousiderole excitement wu oc- cnioned on Monday by the finding of A note on the river bank between the whirl- pool nnd Foster’e Flats indiumting clearly thut a suicide hud taken place. Later the body of some person Win seen f1osrirtg Around in the whirlpool, which gave more colour to the note which WAS found. An Indion named Joe Frances, of Qneennton, Ont... while walking Along the bunk picked up 1 piece of cardboard, on which Wu pencilled in . large hen! the following c-- ; .. I em in the lend of the Men. I came to ‘ the Fell-June 6rh, Ind will end my life June 9. My home is in Philadelphia, U. S. i leeve I. wife and three email buyn. 3020. Hemilion. I hove been drinking. Good-bye." Written in Another corner w“, " Mr body will be found at the whirlpool." The note was handed to 0trscer Menu. of the Ontario police, end he mule a. neural. of the hotele to Bee if he could tiad :ny such man. When the body wu seen in the whirlpool it Wu conjectur- ed thnt he was the person who wrote the note. The body bu not been recovered. The item w" carried, and the committee rose tad reported progress. Sir CGrles B. Tapper Asked the hon. gentleman to name an Instance of fraud. The tvshery otliuers did not delcrve the “per-ion can on them by the hon. gentle- mn, and he cslled upon him to wilhdruw the charge or makeit speciticsuy in proper form. Mr. Damion. on the item of $4,000 midi Mould smonnc for Iegul expensel, including prosecutions re fishing bounty Handy, and that. Lhonnndsnf dolluru were ukun out of the pockets of the people either Lhrmuh grou negligence or willing conniv-uco of the fUl"rry officers Many of them were induced to put, 1:: their chum: by other: of the Government. The auiiniuutrstion of the depnrtmem had been such that. huge frauds "iateu in the pnyment of those moncyl. Mr. Foster laid the Opposition bud ulked lofu'ly of poliLical mortslity, and ignored the has right under their own not“. Under the heading of harbours and rivers than wan a vow of loss than $10,000 and 55,000 of that w“ intended for a Liberal county represented by 1 Liberal member. l due: them to the number of 800 mom and 'iotriumrs, which the committee will see is I very muoriul reduction. I Also hope to :mnka than: more gonanlly Icrvlceublo in 'tha drilling of tho active militia nnd the “tarnishing of drill iratractorg. I do not. I know " the present. time that it is neces- |any for tttq to any my more. except. chm. tho vote uked for in . Mote for the current lye". u to the policy of which I an: not ',porsomslly responsible. Um: is to any, it l does not. apply in thy Way to the reduction of the permanent. corp. that. I propose to Imaka. Thu. will come in next. year‘s estimates, and chin is naked simply to I enable the Government to diuchnrgu their l',tyte,t' to the present establishment in the permanent. corps. l THISACL’! CANAL. I The next lion: mkon up was that of Tsmmooo for the Sault Ste. Marie canal, l which planed nfwr some explanations by l Mr. Hug-rt. I Mr. Mndock declared it was In outrage [that u. robbery approaching the mnoum of $250,000 lhonld have liken plum without name one liming plseod behind the bus. :The Governmem’a Mucmle Wu In invnn- tion tc, other coulracLuu to do likewmo. Mr. Oaimet replied than: the lpcech referred to he expressed regret shun the nmounb n. his diuponl was iasutrieietng to do justice to that part. of aha country. Being m thu position it I.“ things wrre equn). ho should be surprised if he had aid if their friends were no: served first, Mr. Mills observed that the Mininter w“ funk, sud bud taken the position um. m the expenditure on pubhe works hig friends would be urved first. Mr. Du'iei chnrged the Minister of Pub. lic Works with gluing " a meeting at. Guysboro', Nova saouus,rhtst in the -xpondi- Lure of money on public work. those localities which supported the Conservative Admirtutrstiort would meet with lpecinl tumour. IN DKI‘ENDEXCX or MEMBERS. Mr. Mulock introduced A bill better to more the independence uf Parlinment. The bill was directed “tin-b the pro-lance of plmmen in the Home and tug-inst the cn-tom which preniled of members of PsrGrrteutNrplytng for poeitione oi emola. ment. which, if Accepted, would At once dis. quUify them for remaining memberl. A very considerable numi er of members of the How were opplicnntn tor public odicee from the Government they were supporting, And I great many more bod received promises of such positions. Ines men who occupied such Decisions. he contended. were not free to vote Against the will of the Government upon which they depended tor positions of emolument. The bill wu rend n first time. Pot', IC WORKH. On the item of $3,000 for general rennin and improvements to harbour and river works in the Maritime Provinces. Sir Chimes u. Tapper moved the Home into committee on I ruaoluuon making pro" vision with rupee: to thus "Juries of judges of provincinl courts. to be u follows C-- Two judges of the Circuit. Court of the dis. tries of Manual each $3.000 per nunum ', five County Court judges in Manitoba each $2,000 per "mum during the fin-L three your: of service. and liner three years of service such $2,400 per nnnum. The local judge of the district oi British Columbia $1,000 per Anuum. . The motion Wu reported. The House went into Comma,” of Sap. ply The Home went inm Committee of Sup- ply lad puud the items m isttpplertteatsrt unnumbe- of 1894-3 in the 1hrparumrrttr of RsilwnAyI And Cards. ”BJIETQLm of $6,700 to cover the enquiry into tho Lunine ennui expendi- tare. Sir Chm-lea B. Tapper armed that an spplietstion under tho criminal code wu- pending before the Maize: m. Montreal to lay the evidence taken against. Mr. h". Louis in the police Court befole thu quad Jury. The item passed A Coloured Man Lynchel The Dog Understood. The Modest Maid, 713 RING BOD NTWS, SALARIE or JC' ”as RAILWAY EST] MATES. gaugyrgami aiNlLEi?t', wa "_"'""" 'e .,_.-._... -- - .....n. , m. " YIM murm- und an honour opinion. mm to I [I N ck co.. who have bud Jlr."M,2r, your experience In tho mum business. mmumm- uom amaly communal]. A Hundhuok at In. lawman oonoornma Patetrm Ind bow to on- tam them sent. use. Also " analogue ot mocha:- lcnl Ind mtienutitt books sent (no. Patents mon thrown Mann & Co. Pooch. 3061]“ national: tho Mrderttttie American. and In are brown: widely before the publlcmh- out can to the inventor. This ”would rm. “and week". 'tlt-tly iltttstratea.ttaa lg uthc unrest Irculnuon or a." magnum: wo In this world. a an. Sample co so: tenures. 'tttt iir,t'Fr'siti'l,'t"t,lir,i 'eltfd yw. mule t'aft2 cents. an number coat-1n. bou- ti P,rtt,'ggi?g,tit'gWgrgtihift2fAi,, Man L'il2 plum 1'g,,trd,tt Kiowa-m Rn- MUNN * CO. Na You. 801 BROADWL‘B. I‘onWEv'Dr'i; 1137:1331 iii.uirir,riFic gets. Bilirrusmsss, Fat' in the Sidl. CdrutiPatitas, Turpin Lint. Bad Bram. to my cunt! aha remap an man. any new to an” [305,3 VIM» C:yrFyrr.ipr, 't yawn "'y,""drrP/, i"i'/, 't m Maw _ t rq _ ':iis"j'lii;ic'ftiviiiiji'jij, awfws ',ti'i(ti(j) . iisi? 'itiiiir.ilr,i!li,fitii',i,i; Ei"tt%at't rq 'ti, w 'i'iiiafMiEtli'i' "i'is'yferg.47aria,"2v'i; iii, Et P .m' !SMMBE' Mm if” t ‘ , V ., NC, 1?SEN _ gNEii5ilil q :wa ttii%igt'EitWt'. 'i'ifil tal. E112“: pm Stet uni-949m: an! Nama- Tn: "Ow lemu" tGGGrGrT, Space Gooseberries which will do not mildew. not Blackberry Bushes allow withouithorns. us to further enumerate. Tree Roses, etc. B UT our stock talks for itself. Prices right. Handsome book of plates and comFlete outfit lurnislicd ree of charge. Write for terms and particulars. CHASE BROTHERS' COMPANY, m erm " .. “Colborne, Ont. (no. u cum u enlarging we WANT A MAN AT one; m tltis community to sell specialties " - if t1iiVearGtGiT, rid, "self sFifariiirs in our line. Trees that gear seedless Pears. ii For Sate by an Drutatists. or Address It Tbr. It. t K" FrNTyarm COM PANS, To Iron a. White Shirt. It is Absolum'y necessary to have the shirts just as clean as they can be mule. Dry than before emu-hing. Then procure the starch made especially for such work, and dissolve n tabletspoouiul in one pint oi wnler tor mach shirt; in will ttot need cooking. The qunutlly of starch vurin somewhat. with the kind of rhiru, and s little experience will be necessary to get u. just right. More starch will be required for an old shirt. than for a new one. Dip [Marsha -l have “and MrvortU haul“ of your “Kcndnll's Npavirt Cure" with much hum-nu. I think n the I»: Lmlmuuc I 0701’ tgwd. Maw re» M mam! out Curb, '""' Blood hmulu and mum )1 non "nu-e Maul-u. ttave M‘ummdod it to uneven] a my inaudi- who no much New mm , M keep it. 'u"tlfl'li?, Ci 3.1L AV. Romans. eighth acvernl plea-ant books to cheer the houuewifo‘a rpm-o moments. The two lover pockets were left empty. Scrim curtains were put to tsll the windows, a. pieos of curpct mended and dyed made a good rug. A high-bitched rocker completed this kitchen. Kathy new carried her khan out of doors. The brick walk nutsidothe kitchen door Wu extended until S it. wide. Post: were put down and I slanting; roof lumlt our the opal. " When itgeu not, "Kathy explnined to her wondering parent», " all the washing and cooking on be done out here on an oil sun-r. It Will be pleunnter And will keep the kitchen e.ool. Mother ”for! so with the heat. The slanting roof his: a plank culling straight new“. leaving a. good spun between it and the rout, you Will observe. I’ve planted beans, morning- glories and other vines. and mother will be a queen in her bo ver." Kathy next turned her attention to the dish elicli'ee. She had I piiir of doors put to the lower part. In how were to be kept, tho pole and pens. Pinkcil oilcloth Wu tacked on the edge of the upper i-helvia Ind upon thorn “ranged the tins. enrthcn and ciuws ware. The closet was ltuned oak and the tshelves covered With unwill- paper. Then Kathy brought down pickles, preserves Mid other provision: from the gsrret ntoreroorn. The bucket. And bins were [urge enough to hold flour, mesl And _',','.',?)',',' etc., to but ntleut two weekn. A _ tin bucket with n cover was used for breed l --.it coat much lee: then the regulntion _ bread box-tusd atone crockl for cake nod crullern. The dried fruits, vegetables end herbs hung around the walls in huge. In the closet was room for beeketa. buckets end brooms. " well u clotheislitteis and pine Ind ironing boerd. Mrs. Stone watt delight- ed with these new tsrrtu1gertten'ar, which rowed her mniiv it weary step from gerrct ( to cellar. Kethy then tacked on the door i leading into the hell th lurgeequiire of brown] linen with l0 cepaciaiia pockets bound with red brim]. Ono puck at held ball: of cord, twine. tape line and tr Are. and paper bags neatly folded. A Ct of buticua. cotton. neeilen, pins, thimble and aviators filled it third. Its neighbor had it little tsblet, pencil and knife, and: box of tech. some nnile, screw hammer, gimlet and tack (irnwer occupied still another. A roll of old linen. a. bottle of ginger and one of turpentine, and I packet- of court plaster turned the next pocket into an emergency hospital, and would prove very useful, on there were ionremull children in the fumily. The seventh held the cook hooks, and the The kitchen wen u long room with three window. on ouch side, And a door opened into the yard " the end. Like too may kitchens, it hurl few conveniencel. For $5 the cnrpenter built A large closet in a cor nor, baking in u window for lighond sir. Then the walls and ceiling were painted A light brownish yellow. When soiled or smoked, they could be washed with Imp and water. All the wood work. except, the closet. and dinh 'dtelvrm, was painted var miliun. Two shelves were put up with bracket: over Lin: stove for the clock. irons, "ove.lifter and othtsr emull kitchen bo. longings that are always getting out of night. A broad shelf was built between two windows to be ignored to the rites of pie and cake making. On the wall ebove in Katy hung u (may calendar mil alum mil pencil so her mother could write down ilm iiimgs wanted from town in they oc- curred bo her. "The first thiogl am going G do in to hue alnrge closer. put in the kilcheu to hold stores, no you will nor hue to go up and down 3min BO mueh," Kathy told her mother a few day: she: her return home from school. KENDALL’S SPiWIH MM, Dear Min l'lcun mm] mn ono of ynur Home Books and ammo. Thare mod n we»: deal or your Kendal“ .‘gllvln Cum with mun! anew-us; II in n vandcrtul Inn-dictum I cumy had I mnw th" had u: {km-II, Flu“ In and the bums: CHM her. 1 km n mm on hand In the Mme, Younszruly. can. Pam KENDALL’S SPAVIH MM. Dr. B. J. Human. co, Dear Sin -1 have I " Kcndnll‘u Spawn o -' 'ia?£E"c-m"?n. fr Dr, B. " mum. Co. MOST SUCCESSFUL REMEDY ABOUT THE HOUSE. Apple Trees hardy as oaks. "Excelsior" Crab as large as an Apple. Cherry trees proof against black.kriot. Plum trees not affected by Curculig. Tyne Currantg. Crnnln in m sedent- um um" hunters. and [moons ml" t POWDERS Comfort In the Kitchen RFFaiTteq,iit FOR MAN OR BEAST. [NOSEURGH FA LLS. VT. THE Ilaumn Co,, mire}. kuxzok. ito., iri. s, Tt I! .1! ”on hot. live no u to be Inppy. let uutt.le" tie. no " ta dour" banana. Ono buainen mu: met another on the “not. The ascend mu: uemod downcut, sad bud . look " it he were uhnmed of him-ell. What in the minor !uked the first man Wall to put. it brufir, uid the othor, I In" been mounting in stocks. Indood t Wore you I bull or s but t Neither-t w An In. 1 rho lave devoted their energies to the discovery of cure. for these bites; but judging from the heavy list. of cunnilin- from this mume alone in Bong-l. the most highly civilized province and pone-led of [he been "stern of medial supervision of ell Englinh colonial dependencies. it would leem that ell effort: in thin direction have been oortive. That no leu than 23,000 people allnuld hue perished has you in the Indian pro Vince of Bengal from undue bites shown how Hula progress has been mnde by tMtittntN Loward the dilcovery of some antidote for the poison of the" reptiles The trouble in Nut. the poi-on oi nurly every specie. seem- to "ttot a. diOrent organ of the body. Thus the bite of n calms seeml to paralyze the lungs, while the dnboin pro- duces terrible convulnionn. From time immernorialyhyliqim} ld every climo npd latch are driven down firm'y the plan in l, in but, In then a. hammcr can be used At drive the claws under the head of the Ink. For common use the one provided with n kindle u in a will prove very convenient And. easier on the una, the lorog level-am. allowing shingle null: to he readily moaned. The other negroe* whom she befriended after tho war luv. been either 1mprov1dont or ungrateful, but one at lent. Ind the energy on“! thrifc revel/or, making him Thin in & true story. which illustrates the under feeling sometime: existing between the negro and his former master, and the gratitude which good lmlmmc may in. spire even in I despised race. One of the Iimplen sud best of tnck Pullers in nude of an old tiltt tltr-quarters of an inch wide, the and slightly iUttened, sud turned up, and a. V-shnped opening made in it u abowu herewith. Where the a aif Gu, tarraer,%d the heart m'uke companion on l (handles: and unfortunate womw who had once been kind to him. _ Both are still living. On the first day of every month the negro fumer drawn a. cheek for one hundred dollnru, and sends it to the aged lady whose alnvc he was in his boyhood. At tir,t the was uuwilling to become his pemsiotser, hat he pressed help upon her with Learn in his cyan, tolling her that. he would never have got on in the world it aha had not generously aided him by giving him the tir" bum. "ri'i, Infinity in now her only rcaource,nnd no millionaire in the [and in happier than he in when "parGy" comes mound, and he an: and his check Lo his kind-hearted "old minis." - - Ho did not forget his old plantation mistress m his proaperny. When she had Ion all her property, and there Wu no other friend My take one of her In her old urge, this negro rescued her from deeti. union. Ha beanie her most. faithful friend. _ He prospered from the outset. He made a living out of hie ground, and and every year A little money. In the course of a few year. he bought another itsrrn and doubled his resource; Other put-clinics followed until he wan a. truck farmer with comidernble wealth. This negro WM grateful to her for Ge. inggiveu him u start. alter the war. Learn- ing from experience that she could not munsgc her plantations succenfu‘nly, she had rewarded the fidtsliry of n tunsll group of eamncipnwd shwas by deeding over to them outright 3mm farms. This negro received in this way u. farm of twenty-six acres with a cabin. __-- - Her business unfair: were mismanaged by agents sad lswyera, and Ihe but. one plsntation utter another. Her health filled, snd in her old ago she: becnme wholly dependent upon one of her former llaves. A wealthy slave-owner entered the' Soathorn "my. fought bravely Ind bril. ( liaubly, and dud in one of the clnsing' Mule: of the civil war in the United Sum. Hi: widow was lefb pennilesa,l with large plantations encumbered with mortgages, and a. hundred or more tttttsn- cipated negro" who had cunt! to be her property. An Old Slave“: Grnerasu'.r to “H om )lhlrrau. l Strawberry Shortcake. Pat on quart of flour into n bowl, add two usnpoonfnla of baking powder, one (“spoonful of nlt And gift twice, Rub into this one usb1eapoottful of butter, and than add Inmcient milk to make a sol: dough, about one Mid a. hid! cupiuln. Tako this out on the board Ind roll it out in ll Iheut About one inch thick. Wish a knife mnke it perfectly anarc. and pub in a square, greased pun And lmke, lmving the l centre a little thinner than the edges. Have ready three boxer of berries, stemmed and mnhed. Tun: a potato masher and mash in the bowl, And then stir in a. cupful of lug“. This should be done before making the cake. After the cake is linked thoroughly, shout twenty minutes, tulle it from the tire, and With 1: knife strip the edges and pull Apart. Put one pnrbion in n [urge platter sud butter it thickly. Then cover up with strawberries Put on the era-t, cover it with strawberries. and serve " once with a good nixed pitcher of cold milk or cream. This Will be quite enough to form n whole lunch. The irons mun. be kept perfectly c1051: tad free from rust to insure good reaulu. Rubbing them while wmn with n pieee of beesvnx tied in A cloth, or passing them overnpnpor wet with coni oil mil do a great deal towtrrd keeping Lhem smooth. Yo'ur ironing bond or able uhould be covered with bhrea or tour thicknene- of old blanket, Ind I that than perioctly clean. In nddition to this, there should be A bosom bond about A foot wide And I little longer thnn n uhin buxom. Cover with two thickneucn of felt or Gnnul, and one lhickneu of old linen nr muslin. These must be stretched so Lightly Lhau. were are no wrinklcl. and inu'euud firriy on the underside of the board. Any pieces con- taining seams mix-L be discardnd. Inn the Ileeve and body of the min first. “we the bosom bonnl Iuside the shirt under the bosom, which is drawn smoothly over it. Prue and rub it with the iron until it in dry , then rub it lightly with I wit. cloth wrung out of cold water. Ind with your nmootho-t iron, iron it Again, rubbing Grd. This will put the palinh on. Iron the wrintbnnda in the same wny, and bend them In the uhape you wish them to retain. Hung thcuhlrt up out of the wind until tharoughly dry, then fold it 'with the bosom uppermout. Collar: and cum are “arched and ironed in the lame way. After turn aver comm! are ironed Lima“. dry, turn them in the proper ahape um] pram lightly, to insuret,huir remalnmg BO After they are dry. . _ . the wnubnndl and bosom two or thrto times, rubbing them between aha lands until you are lure that every thread " unturned with tho lurch. Wring them, sud rollthe shirt. up tightly. It will bo Indy to iron in gulf tn hour. A NEGRO'S GRATIT0Di1 As to Snake Bites. Solemn Truth. Tack Pullers W4»- Ct::"tyr, :rfiwr' [ii .uidirThe right in. is mama td min, "sdiuutorsitoth.imtrtmsett the con- One of the not: remuknble church. in to b- found " Frondonth-l. in the Bhok Fore-r. " in built on Inch I plan that the man an amino tp no the women. and vino was. tor it in composed of two wing; '1“)th A: HY as}. yin? an? pulpit. For Sale by McFARLANE & 00., Wholesale Agents for Durham and Vicinity A complete stock of Whips. Combs, Brushes, Bits; etc kept on hind. C - Repairing nromptly attended to. [a still in his old stand on Lambton Street, near the Post 0ifhses, where he is ready to till all orders for if 'iN tt Ili, 't w Lumber, Shingles and Lath always " There's no telling where, I would have been had I kept on the old treat- ment," said Mr. Bauer, with a. merry laugh. the other day, while recounting his experiences as a. very sick man. st Mt. Clemens," he continued. " was the last resort in my case. For months previous I had been suffering indescribable tortures. I began with a loss of appetite and sleepless' nights. Then, as the trouble kept growing, I was getting weaker, and began losing Msh and strength rapidly. My stomach refused to retain food of my kind. During " this time I was under medical treatment, and took everything prescribed. but without relief. Just shout when my condition l Having Completed our New Factory we are new prepared to FILL ALL ORDERS PROMPTLY. We keep in Stock a large quantity of Sash, Doors, Mouldings, Flooring and the differ- Sash and Dear FactOry. .3.1) has tho good fortune of enjoying mlid good health, and if nppezmnceo indicate anything, it is safe to predict um there's a full half century of active lite still ahead for him. Bat its only a few months since, while nursed as an invalid at the Mt. Ulemens sanitary resort, when his friwnds in Waterloo were dismayed with a report that he was " the point of death. -'"". FirsTt-Class' Workmanship guaranteed. 'rftthtmtg'Hott putt! for Raw Furs Perhaps you know him? In Water- 1:0 In; is know? as one of the most pops lat and successful business men ot that enterprising town. As manag- ing execator of the Kuntz estate, he is at the head of a. vast bqsinesa, repro- muting an investment of many thous- mds of dollars, and known to many maple throughout the Province. 'nld fiunneially, Mr. Frank Bauer ent Kinds'of Dressed Lumber for outside sheeting. Our Stock of DRY LUMRE is very Large so that all orderr can lui filled. mm: In. goth, 189tk When the Nerve Centres Need Wrilia, A. Wonderful Recovery, Illustrating the Quick Response of a. Depleted Nerve System to a Treatment Which Replenishes Exhausted Nerve Forces. tn In ”(In whom In: pulp". .l5ld “I." 3“! , t1lotP!f? m. CHAS. LEAV'ENS, Jr., HEAVY AND SLIGHT i HARNESS, I SADDLES, ' BRIDLES, t COLLARS, Etc. New Stock Horse Blankets, MR. FRANK BAUER,' anux, Ost «was, In Stouk. ., G. 85.1. MCKECHNIE dull-h Spain Links“! human M. Bolt or WM lamp- .1 'JrPhe, J.eeyn bsm was!“ dose. It is . great, a. wondrous Curo for all nervous diseases, as well as indigestion md dyspepsiu. It goes bathe real mrce of trouble direct, and the sick Always feel in marvel- lous whining and restorative power " once.“ the very first day oti.ta Mr. Frank Baueru experit'nt'tt is that of all others who have used as South American Nervine Tonic. Its instantaneous action in relieving dis. tresn tsud pain is due to the direct effect of this great remedy upon the nerve centres, whose fngged vitality is energized instantly by the very tirut seemed most hopeless, I heard of A wonderful cure effected in a. an? somewhst similar to mine, by the Greet South American Nervine Tonic, and I firtallr tried that. On the first day of its use I began to feel that it was doing what no other mediclnc had done. The first dose relieved the distress completely. Before night, I note-11y felt hungry and ate with an appetite such as I had not known for months. I began to pick up in strength with surprising rapidity, slept well nights, and before I knew it I was eating three square metde regularly every day, with as much relish on ever. I have no he,itnticn whenever in tstein:; that the South American Nervine Tonic cured m" when all other remedies Giled. l have recovered my old weight-over 200 pottntU--and never felt better in pay life." CHARLES LEAVENS. its 1'tu'Vut of; WW br M. tttmet, For - In" I'm-n. Mus. Wrssu.ow's 500111qu 81121? has been mod by millions of mothers for their children while teething. It disturbed at night and broken of your rest by a lick cLild wife-ling and crying with pain of Cutting Teeth Bend At once and got a bottle of “Mn. Winslow'- SootkLg Syrup" for Children Teething. It will relieve the poor little Jamar immedi- tely. Depend upon it, mowers. there in no mint-kc about it. It cure. Diarrhoea. re- gal-m the Stomach and Bottle. cum Wind lie, soften- the Gums and reduce: Inha- matian, and given tom and can” to the "hole system. "Urs. Wiasiaw'i Soothing 1 Syrup" for children teething“ plenum. to the Wendie weptucnpnon efoueoltln but (and. phylum-And nun- in tho PM Sun Ptt.utt-ttr-tie oe- . unwell but“. race twenty-ave cent. a batch. Sold by :1! danish throughout moral-id. Bonn And ukztor “In mev'l Some that-" Correction does much.but enconngemtv dcam moexx-Goethe. The In side in l u ' - Dr. smug-aged uny- " Met. STARK’S Powders. each package of which contains two preparations, out) in a. mud woodon-ikrs, the cover 0. which forms It mvasttpe for one dose, an tumedinte relief for Sick Hevuiache and Stomach. also Neuralgia. and all kinds of nervous pains, and another in capsul (from i to Q of one in an ordinary dos? which acts on the Bowen. Li ver an Stomach, forming It never failing pew feet treatment for all Head and Stomwch complaints. They do not. as moat gill! and so many other medicines do. ost their eRect or produce after r',1','"'.h','ttp?ii undue nicoto take. 25centa . box. all medicine dealers And when you lave M Ammonia or " Purina Soap Wrappers lend thorn to no. And I three can: “any; for pounce. and ‘wo will mail van F EE. . handset!) picture Iniublo for framing. A list 0: pictures Hound no!) bu. Ammoni. Soap has no equtl. We "command u. Write your name plsinly and Ida-ens ' W. A. Bwaxuw a Co., 68 Ind Mt InmbuJSt.. Toronto. [old by all xenon] notebook m "can. aireitq.tdsL -.- t __ F V month. Futher/n-Monday before Orange-n1 Dundulk- -Tuesduy before 0rasgevilicle Sltelbarne--Weduesduy belore (Jtauocctaulrt Wal.kerton--Lastf Wednesday in each month. day alter Guelyb. Listowelm First Fririny in each month. Fetguts-Tltursdtty following Mount Foret 1hsrkaaie--tiaturdtty before Ornuueville thatsevil1erSeeoml Thursday in GIG month. - (htelpis-First Wodosday in and: man u. tNrriston-Friay before the Guelph Fain Drsrtors--tiuturGybeto-e Guelph. Elora-. The day before Guelph. Douglas-Monday betoro Elan Pair. 1Iamiltou-crystrl Palace Grounds. w 1hsrum--.Tbird Tuesday in each rand. Pdaoville-hlonGy befcrtt Durham Rauovtrr-hl ouday before Durham. Mount Foretrt-Tuird Wednesday in out All. m11--opm, every Tuesday evening from T no 9 o'clock. And every Sunni” ham 2 tad p. m. Anna-J to. 81. Dr. Gun Pres. C. 1Utuage Sea. Hrs. MuBu. Libnrisn. SAUGEEN TENT, K.0.T.M.. No. 164. meets on the tirtst and third Tuesdnya at every month. Thou. Brown, Com. F C. Hamilton. B. K. SONS OF SCOTLAND. BEN NEVIS CAMP 'AO. M, meets in S. ofS. Hull. Pndn y on or baton full moon. George Binnie, Chief, Goo. Russel, Sec. In" Your Annul- Io-p Wrapper- GREY LODGE NO. 169 I.0.O.F. Night of Meeting cvery Monday evening at 8 o'clock, In tho Odd Fellows Hull. vat. ing brethern welcomed. W. B. Vulkl Sec. DURBAE LODGE NO. 806 or' A. F. t A. M. Night of Meeting. Tnvsdny on or before full moon of each um: Us. Visiting Lumen: welcome. Thos. Brown, W. M. Geo. Russell, Sec. DURHAM L.0. L NO. 632. Night of Meeting. ox: Thursday or before fud moon in each month. Wm. A Anderson. REV. R. MALONEY. Paton Dunn-m 8erviees-tt I. m. ftrst Snu- day of every mouth. Glenelg Services-- 9 a. m. first Sunday of every month. 10:80 I. m. third Sunny of every month. Service every Sabbath an 10:30 B. m. and 7 p. m. Subbath School " 2:30 p. m. Prayer meeting every Wednesduy evening " a p. m. POST OFFICE. Offiee boun- from 8 I. m., to 7 p. at. Arch. MucKenzxo. Postmaster. I. “any person order! “(paper tin-cut tinned, he must pay all Lung“. or the publisher any continue to mud it unul In.) . menus made,aud collect ch whole mu tut whatnot it be taken front the odicr at not. There cu: be no legal discontinuance nun} pavmentismndo. 2. Any person who takes a pup" trom the post offiee, whether directed to in: mane or number. or whether he has sub. "ribed or not is responsible for the pa". 8. “subscriber orders Ins pupa to he Stopped " I. cortiin time, Ind the pllbii.~LrJ continues to send.the subscriber in I-uuu.I to p15 for it if he takes it outm,t the post Mice. This proceeds upon ha ground but I mu must pay for-what. he uses. REV. A. G. JANSEN. Puma. Service every Sabbath " ll n. m. tad 7 p. m. Blunt}: School and Bible clus. at 2:30 p. m. Pnyer meeting on Weduel- day evening " 8 p. m. S G. REGISTRY OFFICE. Therm-.5 . Lnutler,Registrisr. John h. Munro. Deputy-Registrar. 0Cuee hours from 10 a. m. to 4 p. m. Sunday Servicen, morning a ll a. In. Snbbath School and Bible elm a 2:30 p. m. Preaching a 7 p. In. Week even- ing tbrviee-rlsarsdV evening. regular payer meeting at 8 p. m. Young People- Uniou on Monday evening It. 8. p. m. DURH AM DIRECTORY W. J. COSNOR. Pmon. Snbbath Service. at " a. r. Ind 7p. m Sundly School Ind Bible class " 9:30 LII“ Church Wardens, w. B. vollet and T. M, Whitmoxo. We all the special attention of I‘m masters and suLseribersto the knowing " nopsie oz'llno nawcpaperlnvu: I RINITY CH URCH. uESBYTERIAN CHURCH. .\PTIST CHURCE‘ ETBODrsT CHOtCR, REV. W. MCGBEGOB. Parrot. th CHURCH, J. C. POMEROY. Paton. Newspaper Laws. Monthly Fairs IIICS' INSTITUTE. New go

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