t of TI tofits." araest hur's Yaiie ‘oatings mms. es. HNIE hnie. Bon eaper Class W? root" nm- 1:11 1st1 DRY GOODS. Everylhing is Booming. i pil‘turvsql m I mun-ratio! ' raw-(l and .1 '; erected fr l, Mr. Mr: Grey and White -- Flannel Sheeting, Colored A. Flannels. Grey 1?lanpe1s, from 12c up. BLANKETS by the score. Men's Heavy Undershirts and Drawers. We bought 25 duzen before the rise in price. Trade out your Wool Ticket with us and Save Money. AT SPOT Cash Prices. You get any thihg you want in this tremendous Stock and we sell to you No Credit Profits on our Goods. You want the Goods and we want the Wool Is the only proper place to sell Wool pt} becapse you loose nothing on Cotted Fleeces. Bring along your LUlljllliff.l.l q; PPER THE WOULLBN FACTORY Boom I Boom I Boom ! ROLL tytRiyhlg. iNCAsn your PPER TOWN, DURHAM- TRADE IS GET- TING BACK TO ITS OLD STAN- - DARD. AT 3c & 50 YARD IN Spots & Stu; AT 12ic YARD. j 1'5, AT Me YARD FROM 15c up. AT 80 YARD. AT 50 YARD able Goods ll reparet Cotter W mg; in} [it 57.1}: ltl It Itl ew Apply at J,nce t Miss Wilkes, guest, of Mr. " friends in town The Ian-st 1 cream point lat Ramsay & Marl Mrs. A bufferin. of fd,"At: atte the fulwral of her sister Hrs. hp last week. Mr. and Mr visiting friends last week. Mr. William Atkinson. of Artvnfmia. moved into town last wgyk. Swami hand hicvcle for snlv clump. J..A. Humér, Uppm- Town. Serums? mm. 1vAsTrrv-Aeply at. John Chuuetiift's, UppetsTowtc Rev. Mr. Little. of Dornoch, preached at hhlgehill hip Thursday evening; Two or any}: new hay tlings for sale cheap. A. H.' Jackson assigucu. Miss FldnaH,r:rlt of Walkevton. was vis- Hing her sisttir Mes. Thus. Lamdrr. M r. and Mrs. Thos. Morton took in the excursion to Guelph on Sntlmluy. New t."li buggy fur sale cheap'. Apply to J. A. [unto]; UplrttTowtt, Dullnnu. Mrs. Wilson. of Hnmlfnnl. is vbilin: at hm father's Mr. John Firl h, of [mun High class miIlilwry and fino dress ll M mm iiriGnirratuW'rttr, w. J. M. Pisher on taking the University dirt“. in with; The raising ham Last wee importance. l the frumer h nnd his, workl 1s highiv ipokvn of. Nearly 150 m-ighbm-s acsisted at the work. The McKee-hula Bros. have now a. barn that will acmmmodate the growth of their estate of 500 acres. .‘IETHODIST ti.cxc.res.--ht Mr. Forest. District, Rev. Gsv. Richardson remains 'chairman and Rev. J. C. Pomeroy B. A. Financial Sony. Mr. Pomeroy was "leer. od to the Board of Examiners Rev. Mr Philips goes to Grand Valley and Rev. Mr. Isyhtt.akyp his _pW?eyt Hols- u... a... "WV, . min. Rev. W. H. Harvey. B. A. late of Hespeler comes to Clifford. Rev. w. J. Mngwoml takes Kenilworth and Rev. Mr.'Tongv mum to Arthur. Rev. J. L. Flagg B. D. n-muixm at Vumey. We are informed that, our' mutt-mp. orary was wrong in Mating that Mr. John Caruepon was Ln be pm-mum-mlv located in Europe in the interest of the J.B. McLean Co. He sails from Mon. trealor, Monday the 19th, Per Steam- ship like Suggrior for Liverpoirt whence he inten to visxt the principal commercial cities of England. Ileland and Scotland, which will occupy about 3 months.. anf on ‘his return to this 'tioiiiiirryse intends to resume his regular trips throughout the Dominion. In the death of MnQuintin Campbell, one of the landmarks of our districts has been takeo away. and a great blank remains in the social 1nd religious circles in which he moved. Mr. Cam bell belongegl to the class-of li‘ignt Wort Martin‘s Rnllml Wheat N's. His voice was not often heard, but when it was. it was always for the good of his fellowureu, socially and morally. When such a man is removed sofiety suffers a great, lots.. The deceased was a native of Ayrthi.rtr, Scotland. Born in 1353. and married m 1852, in 185; with his wife he crossed the Atlantic and setued in the County ot York. In 181B he removed to the Township of Ben. tinck. The homestead chosen was then bush land. but now is one of the best cultivated farms in the townshi . Love for old Scotia and NI ha: bogon in formed a verv prominent factor TE.'. campredt'tt ehdrec.ter. 9nd. it/get be was “low revisit his father nd, on two occasions. In 1881 an} gain in 1886 Mrs. Campbell on 1',t'itf1tl.2 devoted _ wile and mother. and ye epildren an _ Viv: may then: we tsitetit' Par gym. _ t " I! unexpected maven] n l which has overtaken them. e t 1) LOCAL AND GENERAL. ur him , the " itdfg] H Ild M u had millim-ry and fit iulnivs. Ramsay alt >ml hand lmggim‘c u- sale at. " bar in build John Walkevtou. We; ply I A. Black rnmnby th at Grant‘s of Aettuur ittle M Mn the . “199-†(li ' 1'hi';i"t',tct, I :2 gave tut HUHI'OSS. WI en of, ravy and orig chair must, credit calisthenic eSerci [Hutu Ith""l"'""""'.' _ _ "V, his Illustrations of even the mmplest ', piteius, are. with his tine voiveaud “mile 1 intelligence simply rharining, some- :thing to he aimed at. though it may I l.v.‘rl‘ he reached, President Dixon gave an address. which was highly spok- en of, racy and original, and iil1ird the chair mort, I-redimhly. Singing and ealistheuic e.iercises by Mr. lrwm’s pupils tuadea most plowing interlude Ito the more serious work. Rev. Mr. McVicar. of Drmuure. himself an old ltencher. dealt with "Tcrnpcranre in Schools.“ and took the word in its broad sen“: applying it tophees of character, bahitl, ute. T'his gentleman as wollas the Rev. Mr. \Vvlls of 'Fleshermn have I earned the gratitude of the teachers by their inn-rust. Mi. . H. Giendinnintr, teacher and odimr. but teacher first, dealt with .. Higher Ideals." Mr. Bright "of Mm-kdule. would brighten xvlmol'life l and work by' Vocal Music, Miss John- lstnn gave a. paper all too brief on i "Anthrac- Culture." while Mr. J, A. Durham Drawing Class has done Very well. thw 'I‘vnvhm's' t',vtstiftcate. and 39 prvt'tvit".rcy. Nantes will be an hand next week. Mr S. \Viggins is homo for n {ow dawn) rtivuithis health. Open air ptum.iry.rirt tho Salvation Army has injured his voice. fr By Posters and. Programmes the country around this WWII will Soc that an old thshioncd day prawns is to be held on Dominion Digy. Already brawuy men have hoop booked tor the Tug of War. Already local teams nmir by are coming with Lacrosse and Foot Ball to spend theday. The band is preparing itself, the horsemen all round are y,vttingrcady. The prizes are most Liberal, the onnmittce is active, and all should plan to spend Dominion Day in Durham. -Sir. L. MvLoau. of Alpena Miss K. t'lavke, ot Finvardit E Titeofticers for 1895-06urc: Pres.. J. i A. Graham ; lst, Vice Pves. Miss Slack; 125ml Vice Pres.. Miss Johnston: Com- , mince: Mesnrs Blah-sum, ~Hills and _ Hannah, and y1issesColeridge and Find, I of couvstrwhileothtts come and g0 Secy. 3 Irwin ' goes on fur over" in his btfice. l Artmnosia was the banner township l in voovvsPntatioto, with Osprey and A rtmnosiu was the banner w“ Alan-I: in I'e-pl'vsmltallon. with Osprey and Proton well up. Next. matting in Durham, and then u. long pull and a strong pull for Price- vi le. several Lem-hem had to walkto the Station for uccomxnoduion at night. A resolution was pasted unanimously urging that Arithmetic and Grammar be still retained on the Junior Leaving Examination. These subjects are being displaced by languages. - - uh... t.,..rtHo,rl for the Gunman RELIEVE!) IN 10 TO 60Mssrrrgs.-- One short puff of the breath through the Blower. supplied with each bottle of Dr. Agnew": Catnrrhnl Powder, diffuses this __ . _ A..- -....A--.. 1“ â€u. “and run-mum, wThe teajers at few weeks hard summer holidays, A 'ucw n v-m. ..._7 7, . 'A',',"d'i',, over the surface of the nasal sugar. Painless and delightful to use, it rem“ in- stantly, and permnnently cures Catarrh, Hay Fever, Colds, Headache. Sore Thrust, Ton. {nigh and Deafell. 60 septa; At MCFARLAXI & o. ctrpgiyai.? Bentinck. on Saturday the 8 h inst., Quintin Campbell aged 62years and G monphs. . ". Msrrmrwsrrht his residence. in Dar. ham, on Fridgf'. J une- Ith, George J- Matthews. " 82 years @3514 months. McAaraqty-Af the residence of his father, Mr. John McArthur, .of the JMem Gleneigv on the 5th inst... Dan _McArthur, aged ' Fears, . DURHAM FUR THE lst OF JULY r, ----- m-_---'-'- Munuugnll lguich-v. . are now tortitied for the rd .work preceding the DEATHS, (the O. S. Coll. Inst. m on lb Vertical Writ- lucid and convincing. bowed Co be the system W f th Mich.. and p, wept' the and othey,: Th Duty pearl bteK tho Miuihtcr, um Township Coloetor Mid a nun“ ynuug 2mm who“ mvi,'ors ulnar in contact with a. circular saw in n. shingle will. He is doing nicely. We lingo pat pend [Mali how poor Gilt Me- Cnuncll in. Ho had oxyxipclnlmtc. Howl Keeper Scarlet is ciiniplod by . nnil that run into hU toot. D. McLeod, slice mullet. 1m- moved back to " family at. the Son. Than is now b. good opening tor n Boot & Slim uuskor hero. The LoculBunrrl of “Mimi held a. mrntulg in Duudllk nu Simn'duy. the Hill. We have not luau: the results vat. Cauuclllor McAnllo and Mekunr.io were in attendance ' mr rt The BoardofDlvevtovs of H. Grt'v Ag. Society [not in the Minldnugh Home on Sat “ML-Ly last, and mlupn-d the “in List pvcviouslv Int-purml by tho commit.- lt-o. with some alight clump-s. Alsp appointed judrrvs for the exhibition an}! snmv ullwr ruminc work. The Dix-(muffs "redetevrrtirwd lo muku. this year's show vxrt-l all fux'lm'r nut-s. A Tiny: or' BEAUTY N Mr. Purkm's new slnrv. Elegantly carved oak fur- nilun‘. " largo plate glass "tittor, and othrw articles make um- or the new?“ and prettiest Mum's we huvo sac-u for 2mm:- thue. Call and 1resrraritied. The mum was secured in Preton. We nmim- thr. Hump of Me, Malcolm (Turk. Aluuzicvu, alumna thy mu_cceseful 2nd .vi:uv.stuslorsat Topic" Chiivtwsity. t'ouaiuttt0tiotis. Term McDonald. of Fairhairn, Egre- munt. puma Ivinet visit to her home an the South Line (Elunelg on Saturday uvming last and returned next day. The mans? building will be All full operation next week. _ Quito an excitement on Tuesday on account of tlie circus. It is reported that it, was " good one. Miss Mary McLachlan, of Toronto. " a ending a few days at, her father's. M r. 2',r,'ll Molachlan’s and at her uncles Mr. Dugald McCormick of this puma. Miss anie McIntyre. of Mimico spent, a. cmgtlo of weeks at her home and returnc again last week. Miss Annie Mulnnis ip at present on- joving her holidays at her father's, Mr. Allan Mrlnnis of this village. Her many friends in this PY., will be pleas- - . .AL "__--- _o~_~‘l...'.»...ll.- Rev. D. McLeod is away this week at tho assmnhly at London. Svrvice will He conducted by the elders next Sunday. ed to' chm. The t,hernuoinerer on Sunday and Monday last ranged front Wato 90m:- grew; m the shade. Crops need rain after the frosts Business in our town islookiugnp. Everybody seems to huye Many to eat ootiit,hstjuyiiryt the advance in flour and/broad t.he last few weeks. Mr. Butters' fiue brick block adds greatly to the appearance of front street. Should the owners of the Vacant lots caused by fire. a. good many years ago follow suit and build on these lots the appcyuuu1ce of the place would be greatly improved. n Donle McDougall. of the South Line, suffers from the effects of a. fall at Wm. Smellie's hymn; flier-0.319 ngeived a i,,1'.'v'iiiriiairro?' the ankle. Also John Mchmis received a gash in the head from the fall ofa pike pole. Dr. Hutton attended both cases and they are dofng well. _ Norman McIntyre was land u f Inst week with iritiamrnatiom RV? 2,111.: pleased f, see hunlable to he around again. e was ab y treated b Brawler of this town. y Dr. chtor. youngest bo of J Donald of the South Lize, 'L'iohedt attpck of w.hat might be a serious Case g, 1t',yttlf2 obi le, bowels, but was c cc e in has rt eskilful .' of Dr. Hutton. , treataietst The Grim Messenger death visited the home id Mr. John McArthur of the Glen, Durham Road. Glenelg. taking his son"Dona.ld aged 2t 'ly,' after an illness of abouLjM'O days' 0 what was said to he tvphoid fever. The funeral which took plnce to the cemetery hem on sattydoty, last wagnthe largest Been" impretufr “a†“.2†l, meetaibb hid. ad ham: "a fril-udh’ th turs Gunny rectum] hem and hm hm! I. t in bunhmus. His Mnt. [inhé'u'ts' “9!?! mm. ths, Towtrslrip Collector wd a nun“ ‘n brown took in the show iu is Mr. murky! 's G Y‘I'V Ag. Ilnusu- on Prizv List commit.- vs. Also The Stock left is all new and con- sists of New Dress Scrgcs, Lreens, Jklains, Velvets, Prints, Muslims, Embroideries, Ribbons. Flanuels, Pillow Omens, Tiakings, Gloves, Hosiery, & Men's and Boys' Felt IItus. MAGIC One Week More Less than Wholesale WHAT i8 THIS. - ---OF-- Dry Goods and Drees Goods. My 1"'lrmv.s Is to correct. vrrurs of re- frm-cim. - the prinvignl onllw of must. sight, fuilm-v. How do I do it? Hr [nouns of properly construvtml and " Justtul glnsws. My nmnliunm-s "vethe how known to Scivm‘o. Therte. wgrther \viurporloct. skill :mquirul by 20 years orolrsurwation and pruclirr‘. enable me .to ',rutttttitett an urcurah- fit in every Inslnnm‘. PROF. CHAMBERLAIN. This Medicine is highly rccomnwn- dud. We are the sole agents for Dur- ham. Tlis time of year every one 1:th use a bottle and save a. doetor's ill." ' . Tins exeellent treparation we offer to to the Public um; guarantee it to be one of the host now on the mm'ket. Itestores Gray Hail-toils natural color. Keeps the Hair front falling out. and cures dandruit. $1.00 size reduced to (Alp, VISION . . RESTORED TO SIGHTLESS ORBS ls nu lllH‘l' ixnpnssilvility in the 'Bt "iiis!it.vofvu.yt's. To lwutrickon Haul is .krereihlvtudautity. Cots- tt‘nuphue the mulnvss of living in total durknvsu. n (‘hnrgm an ohjvcr of pity to others. This is liuhh-lln happen Lu uny- nue at, any "mum-m. ma the penalty of neglect ‘h: not. attending pmnlplly to failing set. n- . ' . . A _ __ __., “I __ Manley’s Celeryv~ .-----uiglTi) Com. lhleuie'ss, Emulsicn of Cod Liver (lil MllliW& McKEsz's EAIR RENEWER. Cuvesltlteumatisrn, anralgin. 1,atue Back, pain in the Back,Joiurs, Chest or any part of Je system. This "tediciue has [men used Mica-ss- fully by people in Durham foe the put IO yr‘s fur Stomach, Bowels, Dyspepsia, Bradnrho. Liver and Kidneys. Blood and Skin Diseases. Large bottles, aye. EYE SPEHALIST. S7 King lit E. TORONTO. ONT. I visit Durham twice each year. Mckenzie's Tonic we, have sold 600 bottles this winter and have over 50 vecotuttendtttions for its usefulntsy. Brice, only IF. list Spring tjute is here, and “'0 haven Preparation fur-rmmn'ing Diet, Grease. fur. Pitch. Stains from Silk. Wool, or Cotton (Fonds without injury bo the iiucstialwics. Price, Kc. ',\ vtr . Mckervzie's We 11:1“ n " puvtu'ls In“. I11: sum- and gm nun-111111.11: you tut'tt yuur (11.1111- out to Irastutv. I , I McKenmes 1311111131011 Butter and Eggs Taken- 1:I~:.\uc.\1mcn THE PLACE A. Davidson's Store For removing Lice on cattle. Texas Horn Fly and sheep Ticks, Lice on pigs. Price, 25c If you have not dealt with us give us a call and be con- vinced that we are the cheap-, est house to buy this class of goods from in Durham. Wall Paper, Patent Medicines. Oil Cake $1.60 pe,r,100 lbs. _ DURHAM PHARMACY. Arch. MQKenzie, McKenzie’s White Oil McKenzie's Regulator. KKSK‘S with B. I. & W. t Town, Durham Horse tl Cattle Food. High and Colds. and all wasting of young and old. Prive, 25c. CuIder’s Block, Durham. Cream. Seeds, Drugs, COUGH SYRUP. 4660. ll, Davis. A T of Stock Out Bal- ance Yo Clear ham, L/iitasrnityt 4 a, psidcnce of the Rev. C', which tltere is a Itrick eott pantry. two vloscts, kitche wbrls. hrick ('iswrn and A never failing "u.ll lumid door. An orclsavd, a lm ',l,'iti,er shed. A alumni-h reti farmer. Three Itegiw mun-s. One Re Lot, 2 and 3of \Vill sell romeo No. 1, $1.30 per square. No. 2, 60 gC ii N. WENGER & BROS., Ayton, Ont. Durham. Mart Foe, Service. This splenmq lnluuu was imported from the United States and was a. winner of four Prizes M, ttii, Xded'i Fyir, f 'hicago. ':vasaatass" L. 51430. BOULDEN 8: C'o., llarness Makers, & H" .1..A 're, Durham. SHINGLES '. ClllliiiBiicgiiig SPRING is here. so is House Cleaning Limmand you will need New Lam: fig)'"""'" J as: road the prices that fot- trw. .. . ' . w" _ April .ad. TG, Call and See Them! Thoroughbred Bhester White Em, 'Washington,' 35 ff 42 .. $1.1» __ 3* " 48 I' LN .. Our Lace Cumin: all have taped edged. Get one of our Carpet Stretchers. We have the best, made for 906. Our New! PRÂ¥NTS no just in. We have-the very test. vnlu’v at, Gr. 9e, loc, and 12ic a yard. See them before buying. Soc our 56 Chaliies. Flnhnvlcltps from SC up. Meu's Top Shirts from 25c. up. pieny:' Ituhlrevine Collars, stand up, 10 c. Turn down. 156 each. Ruhberine Cutts, 2506 a pair. Is the PRICE of a line of CORSETS which we have passed into. Stock this week. We had to buy 16 doz. of them to be able to sell them at this price and many of our custom- ers tell us that they are aggoorgl as they have Also a French Woven Gorge}: in a light weight very suitable for Summer wear. - " beeiiiarifu 730 for. " In addition to this line we carry Chrompton's Fam- ous Corsets in all the better makes, comprising Magnetic B li) Coraline May Yatici Iii'; We always LOOP a. {nil line kinds of At the very lowest prices. See 1 Ladies' real Dongola Button Boots $1.25. Dirham Bulls For Sale. 24 ydszlong Just step in we give for $1.00- Give us a. Call. Apply u 'ijit0iTt11aaiils, Ueesp Tows, ngusg. SHINGLES ! Cedar Shingles SILVERWQE: BEAN MR. J. P. TELFORD. Barrister Dmhiitt, Ont ACE CURTAINS. we: TINWARE RAMSAY JOSHUA WOODLAND, h 12th 1905. -gish-rn:l " twh, dually LES-in wide, 40c a pair a " (5?. f. and see what a lot of 2. in the Town of Dur- 4 an". at present the k Rev. Ct. Cameron) on hrick cottage, 6 rooms. vts,kitehen.goorl cellar, swrn and wood shed. “'le 1reside the kitchen ard. a hunk burn and Thit splenfiid 531mm} so is Houseffloaying a. full line of all 31-9" vlo veau' old. at L 'strvuutitfr. r old Bull our at UPPER TOWN, DURHAM. We have a. good line of Tweeds at very low prices, startim at 25c per yard. A Valise or Is Well assorted. Also our HATS, TIES, SHIRTS and BOOTS, In fact all Men's Furnishings are to hand. Thirty fourth Annual Im ort of Sta 1 , Pi 1d Garden Seeds fryom Britain. p p e m and FIELD SEEDS. . CLOVER SEED. T1umu's-swEDE. 1 Medium Red: Munmoth. “to. Carter's Elephant Purple Top Swede. , Lucerne and ly hite Dutch. the largest turnip grown. Solid and a Timoth Seed, Orchard a. good keeper. Carter & Co., of London. iGM- Rid Top Grass. Relive 62:. England. are the originators of cururr's 1 Hungarian Gran. Millet and 1gtiiit+ Elephant Swede lute, then xou wthFescue amitatrroGraiE " itii,riiriit%%ii? Riffs: tyirtei's: Carter's Imperial Purple Top Hardy gmwa to a {mod size and keeps well. Banglaolm Purple Top Swede. a favorite Swede. Sutton's Champion P grows to a large size keeper. King of Swede.--A gram quality good. London Plume Top Swlegle Spring has Arrived I t1,ltys,1irfit'it'i?. Ma mmoth Long Red ize Mangol. Carter's G olden Tankard. turrot.--Carter'tr White Yosges. gl'nwstnlm immense size. The urges! ,Carrot'gmwn. Carter‘s Giant Yellow Belgian. ' Rape seed.--t Sowing Rape See 1 Car 1aul_pf those famous - W hows F 1 Cajun! of the Adam's WAGONS. 2 011']th pt'Itldhopt& McLaughlin - ""r- 3&6le .' . . 1 Car loqi of 1hryoe1tstrtd Clans V Theée iuilii'i, il) baugm at the Lowes! Cash during the season. Cdme'One! Come All, and get theScockJ“ '-'v,.' . EIRE INSURANCE amended pygmy!) . MAR h GALDEB- & LIVINGSfrg Car 3 aDztTraFeFTEAT.' And we already for the season with Full Stock of all mums. Etc. KE" See what we Have Got I In Ready to Wear Clothing MAMMOTH SOUTHERN SWEET COW, Impion Purple f"/,', Swede, large size and a grist-class or Satchel give us a call. Come to us with your wants and we will try and supply them. For Ordered Clothing Loxvcr Arter's Broad Laud OUR STOCK IF You WANT rand Turnip; PE? Toévn, Durham. _ _uir'?,r.i,, PARKER, Percival Car Loads of Maswy-Hnrris BIN, _ l MOWERS and minus. FONS. . Fall gtdek of Sprint Tooth HAM mughlm l Tainan Harrow: Chums, Wu __ rows, &c. A hand t tthe Lowest Cash Prices and. mu: Lte, . '. an“ All, and get your Bargains an), Ihe' G.., L. GRANT.- ‘ asagsaDssD=.ar-t 27:5 It will Pay You I Tares or Vetches, Oil Ctae.--Fine Ground. 81.Ma has. 5W0“, $1.50 a Bag. Linseed. Lin- seed ' eat. British Cattle Spice, 12 b for25cenu. ' Mammoth Southern Sweet, Souths White, Bride of the North. Gold! Beauty. Yellow Flint. . - J.St,e,eair,,sgra"gtgt,t,t I“ Plaster. in Bags " 300 “I. {And Snub Bags of :11) lbs. . Rock Salt, 75 ca. 1anbs. - 4 Fine Ba rrel Salt. ', Onloh 'sats.--Yellow Dutrh Settd Potato Onions, English Potato 0min... Top Onions. . Fedora, FIELD CORN. MARRIAGE LICENSE Flax Sea} And Bird See of all kinds of CN at 'tlic Bush go