o & its new mMast ‘gruic ent of the Jh‘ Aru p An statuguo in «iders can asc for reform hba Sultan backe ieais of Gre tussia. Bl\t Q(w"\!.\' with t Powers, and i guim has been "This is unque: ut such a s LonJon Spes uust follow stantinople be eonflagration Fast and inv mmodan popul have come wh must fall, and wat ct Europe, gluming of the _AÂ¥ the pes AS «er its â€"The Chinaâ€"Jap now centred in the eeded by China t late Treaty. The Formosa dec‘ded t tolerate the rule of arms against their : al desultory engag t:acc, one or two ve been bombark Chinese and half . telegraphic reports have been killed of Chinese â€"retire â€" it Japanes~ advance. The bren AReaiuw. S1 / w n# @4z â€"Of the pests of the farm the horn #ly is one of the most troublesome. At this season of the year it is very much so and is most in}:‘\[urioua to caitle c#â€" pecially . cows owever, there is a remedy, by the use of which with care and attention the attacks of the horn BAy will be reduced to a minimum. Fte remedy is simply a mixture of ecal oil, soap suds and water in the vroportion of one cupful of strong soap of a large gather referring to the dec Governor General s truly serve their C gratitude and the that those who may them on questions 0 ods may justly u their fame. The m« ed by> Sir MacKe Kosxter and Mrâ€"Cha â€"The Manitoba School (QuestIOn awaits further development. . Messrs. Greenway _ and â€" Sifton _ have . reâ€" turned to Winnipeg, but nothâ€" ing has been communicated by these gentlemen as to the results of the conâ€" ference at Ottawa, if indeed, any reâ€" sults had been arrived at. The Legisâ€" lature of Manitoba meets on the 13th inst. when as rumor bas it, a modificaâ€" tion of the existing school law will be laid betore the House, and thus an opportunity will be given the peoples ronvresentatives to say. what they want iud's. two of coal cil and ten of water. This mixture may be applied daily, if necessary with a sgnge or swab, and will to found to not only an efâ€" fectual preventive against the attacks of the horn fy, but, under its use, the aendition of theâ€"skin will be very much improved. This coal oil mixture is .also recommerded by XMr. Fletcher of the Experimental farm at Ottawa, as a snecifie for cleaning the eattle of lice. Mont deen of a refer That our friends bave the first claim on our generosity will be admitted by _g'lfl_me of our own household and t world, unquestionably. That is a sound principle, and is of universal application. But, under this rule we can only be thus generous with our own. K we are simply, the adâ€" ministrators of the property of others then the application of the rule is wvieious in the extreme and in plain opposition to the most elementary prinâ€" eiples c morals. _ A case in point has just cccurred in the House of Commons. The Minister of Pablic Works, Mr. uimer blandly informed the Public necorunts committee that in the expendiâ€" ture of public money on harbor _ imâ€" provements and other public work he wonld first of all look after his friends, thagls if 2MX ) were appropriated, and hei~ <hould be twenty harbors phat ‘‘re 3500 each, other things being eqaual, he would have no objection to serve hiz friends first." Here the Govâ€" ernmen entively gnores the public interest as the. one ground upon which P ines teuher munite Ous of later u thag is if «+35000 were apprope® hei~should be twenty harkk re 2500 each, other things equal, he would have no obje serve hiz friends first." â€" Here t ernment entirely Agneres the interest as the one ground upon appropriatens «are to be made the Treasury for publis work Oaimet put in a saving clause speech, ‘uther things being bat wien the appropriations ar« it i= then found, that, other thi ing equal has no place, but 1 the contrary the . a ppropriatio made by the Governiment with to the interests of their friends waes very clearly shown by X who rerainded the House tl speech of the minister was dir sceth of a resolution that had be «1 by the House. which 8«:1:!'1 i mien ankel lÂ¥ TNE CAPERCET T o s ma myd public interest and not parcy favoritâ€" ism should control. The Minister has said that party Anterest should control. le bas said.that he would serve his ifieugds ifiest. _ 1Why (had jhe.erecten @ LL»msr;c. ‘buijiding:in \Pegrolea, . and w hy ‘had Le failed to erect .one N :Sarnia:? ï¬.ctnsed ,réwc.xambwn\warqprescar};. iI thy .a Guvernment «sApporter AB8 West Lambton was represented iby 2 areimber . of the Opmt;g- He bad â€"ereeted .public :bsildi :in smail wyillages where less than a : thousand ts was.collected, and had refased Wo.erect oue in Woodstock where_a â€" % e of £50,000 a year is collected. 4 ATeethat equality 2 The which «h8 Ggvernn ut inss expendiog »as wl â€""Amoney of the Government or ty pary â€"â€" it was the Mfl‘ peech of the minist :ech of a resolution t i by the Hoase, wh + tne expenditure 0 ublic interest and n should control eret Iy _ DURHAM, JUNE 13th, 1895 Zhe Armenian question remains atuguo in so far at least as outâ€" s can asc«rtain. Certain demands cturr have been laid before the n backed ugnby the urgent apâ€" ; of Great Britain, France and in. â€" But the Sultan has failed to ly with the advice of the Western ‘rs, and in consequence an ultimaâ€" has been forwarded toHis Majesty. is unquestionably the right way, such a step nccessitates as the on Speaker says, that deeds ; follow words, and should Conâ€" inople be bombarded, a terrible agration will surely appear in the and involve the whole Mohamâ€" an population. But, the time may : come when tke religion of Islam : fall. and the sick man be bundied 4 Europe, and this may be the beâ€" in« of the struggle. rrowing plants, ‘The prospecis ore in Manitoba are, that not will the wheat crop come in a zht carlier, but the : ield will be r than it has ever Leen before, 3. if no untoward check in the f drouths or frosts should appear n in the season. "OUR FRIENDS FIRST."* Chinaâ€"Japanese troubles have red in the Island of Formosa, y China to Japan under the ity. â€" The Chinese residing on dec‘ded that they would not the rule of Japan, and took up vinst their new masters. Severâ€" ory engagements have taken e or two of the larger towns n bombarded, some scores, of und half dozensâ€"so says the hic reportsâ€"of the Japanese n killed or wounded, and the retire in Aisorder as the â€" advance. â€" The issue of this hellion is not doubtfual. So far rogress of cilvilization is conâ€" Formosa will do better nunder masters than under the Govâ€" of the Chinese. w t @ e M aar oo rie e l ns are to be made ous 0f y for publis work. _ Mr. in a saving clause in his her things being equal," e appropriations are make nd, that, other things beâ€" kas no place,. but that on y the appropriations Are : Governiment with regard sts of their friends. This »arly shown by Mr. Mills ded the House that the e minister wWas directly in solution that bad been pass ouse. which declared that iditure of puablic money «he C zh +c Loamiy + o+ + o + ba School Question aud every. prinâ€" Ontario and 1 a tonic effect The prospects are. that not serve the "all, ® and »red from which | the Dominion garden | prising to find 7e been | on trial. _ We erops in wrong-doing at they | where, and C stead of | freely as we C io and | it has been s1 ic effect | were excessiv rospects | & Domz-nion C J od ormcccovs ciple of honor which should guide the conduct of a public man must lead him to consider the public interest. _ From first to last he had wholly disregarded that consideration. The Convention held on Tuesday in the interests of Mr. Allan‘s candidature has come and gone, and the question of its influence in this riding is being discussed. The demonstration, if inâ€" tended to rank as a party display, in line with the Laurier and Sir John Thompson affairs, fell very far beneath either on all points. _ If intended as a campaign meeting, it would have hbeen courtesy to haye invited opposiâ€" ti0n. + When President Hunt took the chair on Tuesday last he was confronted by an intelligent body of farmers from the neighboring districts. A few ladies were in the andience. _A liberal esâ€" timate of the attendance places it at 400 to 500. This must have been disâ€" appomnting to the promoters, and no doubt was caused Ly the prospect of the Holstein meeting to which many from the south would go. Messrs. MecNichol and Gamey M. P. P‘s for South and East Grey respectiveâ€" iv were on the platform with organizer Jamieson, Leadlz'r Haycock, and Candiâ€" date Allan, and all these addressed the audienee. â€" The two M. P. P‘s made very flattering references to their Leader, and there can be no doubt after hearing Mr, Haycock that the Patron party has been most fortunate in the ("huicc of a leader. Mr. McNichol was more convinced than ever of the benefits of the independent party since he had been through the session, and lives in the hope that the narty. individually and collectively will we still think as we haveâ€"expressed pefore that the displacement of Dr. Landerkin, after his long public serâ€" vicc.d with a wez}lth gt experience, wiz:ln a wide grasp of public questions gn with many upsefn) years yet b‘efor}ï¬m would be a mistake. Partyism is in some respects an evil, but at present we have no substitute for the system unless indeed Patronism can absorb both the present parties and take the reins of Government in hand. â€" This is not likely to oceur, and until it does wholesale denunciation of parties is not in order. No attempt was made to give a reason for Dr. Lanâ€" derkin‘s displacement in. this county except it be the fact that he belongs to a party, and has ridden upon a pass Dr. Landerkin and his party for many years haye been battling for the very objects the Patrons exist for and it is begging the question to say, that once in power, they would just be as bad. We would like to see men like Â¥Mr. Haveock in the public service but party, maividual a.ccmuz»lish much Mr. Gamey, an municipal politi municipal politics, began his address with a play of humor and belittlement of self which led one to think that he had kissed the blarney stone in his time. â€" The two wicked old parties who had both claimed to be patrons before the elections, when they found they could not * work" the patrons delibe:â€" ately laid schemes for their destruction. Their weakness in numbers prevented them from making reforms, anyway "we could‘nut have bettered ourselves by putting the Grits out in Toronto," which we always thought. . He comâ€" pared expenses in the €0‘s and the 90‘s to the disadvantage of courseqf the parties is T was made t derkin‘s di except it be s i Organizer Jamieson said a ‘little,: con demning ~the : practice of ‘&ppointing party men to offices,and gave his experiâ€" ence in Haldimald where both parties united " to defeat the upstarts." Mr. Haycock raised the tone of the pflweedin%; to a higher level by his speech. e is a clear speaker, with a fine presence, has his facts well arranged, is neither irritating nor sarcastic and seems to have a good grasp of ‘public questions. He dealt with the two old parties, showing how difficult it was to form an opinion on the state of the country from the utterances of either. He said it would be insulting his sadience if he referred to the mercenary feature alone, which was sifllp{}; an off 2. n NC ALE cÂ¥ mveer o NTR sevtcains AhiAritceit": u9 TW shoot of the society. â€" The old old story, to liberal cars of condemnation . of boodlers and combinesters received atâ€" tention. â€" His ilfustration that 40 per cent. of the voters were honest Grits who simply tied 40 per cent. of honest tories, while the 20 per cent. of a purâ€" chasable element was the prey of schemâ€" ing manufacturers and others was apâ€" plauded. He dealt graphicaily with the hoodling career of McGreevy, Conolly &c. and showed up the iniquity which led to their incarceration and the iniquity of the lfovemment. which liberated them. e returned again to the Local house, and gave an account of how the 17 Patrons approached each other in caucus, suspicion Altimately giving way to pe fect confidence. The vote of the patrons on the fees quesiion 1 1 Loo im mene o ennenenscer encb PEREVUTRD OMTAITCY TCO Wha s t shoot of the society. The old « to liberal cars of condemn boodlers and combinesters rec he defended, as the CONservim? 08 MOU geliberately tried to frame such a situaâ€" tion as would make them break their word or appear as friends of the governâ€" ment. â€"He furnished several instances where the ,arp;.int,ec in certain offices had more * business ability " ! than the government getting the work done for much less than their emoluments, which latter he therefore considered wasted. m o en se o e P ie i the manultoraredt, COMUULU Cdtanse." o 0 0 an exhaustive address amidst applause." A vote of thanks to Mr. x.deool.wnd by Mr. BRogers and secondedby Mr. oriline, -S;:-mly %Ammdfl:bmh_qvlm' for the and Haycock. .: f %*; " Li ncï¬ n oc en 1 ‘The pass system in both houses came in for hare knocks. He showed that railways considerâ€" ed the pass system influential im procuring favors since at one tims met bers of Gov‘t got full free T @t OR UAU Sn and file only got balf fare. forsibly MASR®RO VORL T iheg az-wiu‘qwm?,d? e i s ies m me 8 ie ’ farmers by the protective.systemn WAs. PCE h aeses . while the rank and fle ( P otatit % tn .‘é:nu? %;lqu_ md@tgggf' to & YOLOE MTUTIUOT Cantanca of a EP rdidite while the acceptance of a $50 pass was thought o}1 right. . . Theovilu of the supersanuation . system were T ols O oan c * *4 aoresaiebnh mt on »Mumhsnbunnmly 200 of the MR. ALLAN‘S CANDIDATURE IN THE RINK rtunatle in ta« s more convinc ts of the indef ad been throw in the hope t y and collectiv more in the fu old veteran in s, began his mor and belit and file only got balf fure n the future. eran in Osprey an his ud(rre:-'s nd belittlement > think that he y stone in his d parties who patrons before ev found they culha stt n %‘ is ook the chair confronted by ners from the A few ladies A liberal esâ€" e places it at ave been disâ€" .'_' the " big * swell dinâ€" lowâ€"necked CEUERENY oles 1 mo;t \:;;‘I w ns visiting Tviencs. â€"siOuIC _LMCE LAAA El p RWei Tb M weite Eit cesï¬ m lagaltie id n cin yernment lately. ho needs of physical being, will attost to shield | _ Among those who attended the Teachâ€" | tho value to health of the pure liquid rs anyâ€" Plli'- (;on\'omn‘unr in â€" Flesherton last | laxyative rcin iples embriced in the | ues oo o L Abtirediay. ‘ank Friday _ (from around miedy, Eyrup of Fi Aures ‘.lb here) were Messrs Wim. L. Dixon, Wm. t rees kxb' es .g‘! i m, where | Rumage, Geo. A. Ewers and Rev Mr Its excolloneo is duo to its presenting enditures | MeVicar and Misses Maria Whitmore, i. the form most acceptab‘s and pleasâ€" say, that, | S. A. Coleridge and S. R. J. McKinnon, | ant to tho taate, the r« freshing and truly g, an atâ€" | â€" Mrs. Cherry, of King Tomnship, who h'v‘."“ï¬cb“l propertios of a porfect iaxâ€" e u statesâ€" | was formerly Miss Grace Muir, of this q ative efec‘ aalty cloansing the system, situation Lvl;u-o. is at present visiting ut the old dispelling colds, headsches and fevers urse, the f pomesteac, Her many old friends will | zid permanently curing sonstipation. h(‘:â€"‘l,].;.zlf"‘:],:‘: |3\-leb her after so mADY | 1t has given soti /action to millions and s an evil, | * ;h <'(x]-m-);nl(;l;l\ ns nA mot with the approva, of the medical & m Mr. Si akestone and Iis sister, fntwost ty :o i Kidâ€" s m er rofess: & st ubstitute | yriss Tda, were guests at Mr. D. \fRin"| profession, because it acts on fhe id Patronism > ; t neys, Liver and Bo es without weakâ€" o8 | cara w Sunday (ast. ening thom and i. is perfectly free from i mm anmaath ing th id {.is perfectly ht parties MMr. W. Coleridge now sports a new ns erfloneie hss is mment t | bik inki every objections bie gubstarce. »ike and many around are thinking of Sar Tds 18 J o by all d ceur, and + $ Tas yrup of Figs is for saic Dy A rug» xcx‘m‘:on of dom;.; likewise. gists in 7%c. brttles, but it is manuâ€" o attempt Quite a number of the folks from factured by the California I'.g Syrup I‘) "I * P¢ | around here attended the funeral of Mr. | Co. ouly, whosen«me is pr’.ntod on every E. T. ,.m: Dan McArthur, of Bunessan, last Saturâ€" | nackage, also the nam‘, Syrup of Tigs, ‘:l C\i(l'll‘.') | “!“1‘."- They report :L “[‘lb the largest one ;t'nl boing woll iv.f»rmcfl.»yfl:l will not elongs to ey were ever at. Yere were sOme | mecout any substitute if fierc n a pass hundred and thirteen carriages Iolowed { ~ooccc Bs e g‘,'_;d:._“,- _ party . for | !° Priceville cemenery. h‘ ] Park lot No. 2. at present occupied by ng for the z. o pranmeqnmans the Rev. Chas, Cameron is for sale. t for and THIBTY YEA;{S UF NGBTURE This is a very desirable location for a â€" that > % . â€"| retived farmer. Apply to sgt) ibe la‘\‘s m J. P. Trrrorp. Zote HRRT Te soved i ecanse nreve en reermemiariny Posmarimiaw CCuRED IX A Day.â€"Routh E&yan of Egremont assemble®in the Tempornnce ull to meet Messrs. Haycock ud Allan who were the only spouker#s that went down. Deop. Reeve Swanston was in the chair und the sperkors got a most respectiul hearing, <Phe matter Was mach the same as in Durham, except that Mr. Haycook gave the Mounted Poilce system of the N. W. an overhauling, Conductor Lavelle kind!y hold the train at Duiliam but only Mr. Huycock and one or two others were accommodated. . The loater is in demand and left for Walkerton yesâ€" w, while D. MeMichol, M. P, P., ulso. left yos~ for w tiip to the land of the heather, and will be absent for the sumine7. were the only speukor» that wen‘ £0 Reeve Swanston was in the chair nnd th got n most respectful bearing. Phe m mach the same as in Durham, except Hayeuok gave the Mounted Poiice sY8t EITY MITO Pea ol en evnicoowect w Mr. John Muir, a guard of Joront Central Prison, was home for a few day vacation this week. All were glad t see him agnin. KANDS AND FINTERS TWISTED OUT OF SHAPE WITH RHEEUMATISM. Miss Mary Jackson ai Tom were visiuing friend recently. the hu to The Story of an Old Man Now Nearing the Foot of Life‘s Hillâ€"How Relief Came to Him After Repeated Failures and disappointments. . From the Kemptville Advance. I am now almost At the foot of the hill of life, having attained the 76th year of my age, and never during that time have I madea statement more willingly ut consclentionsiy than now.: My Mrs. James Mauir retur spending a pleasant tim in King Township, for a Miss Nelly McKenzie was visiting friends aro lately. Among those who atte: er‘s Convention in F and conscienMUonuatt DNdD body has been tortured by wards of thirty years, cau matism, and there are thot ing a like affhiction that nc« would but heed my experic themselves of the proper m The disease first affected spread to my legs and arm sufferers I spared neither t pense in seeking somethin the pain. The disease has helpless that I was unable coat and my hands and fin ing twisted out of shape. t not the shadow of a hope very naturally I became dis disheartened, and time aft I given up in dispair. Wh three vears ago I heard of TT Conananoul s 2 2t o MeVicar and Misses Maria Whitmore, S. A. Coleridge and S. R. J. MceKinnon, Mrs. Cherry, of King Tomnship, who was formerly Miss Grace Muir, of this Lvl;u-(*. is at present visiting ut the old omestead. _ Her many old friends will be happy to meet ber after so many years of absence. Mr. Sidney Blakestone and his sister, Miss Ida, were guests at Mr. D. McKinâ€" non‘s on Sunday last. MMr. W. Coleridge now sports a new bike and many around are thinking of directions closely and D fourth box savas fnishe greatly lessened and I wa ed.© My friends having wonderful effects upon my body could not help admiring the Piuk Pills, ar d being about to leave for the cast, I gave the remaining two boxes to them. Unâ€" fortunately I neglected getting another supply for nearly a year after returning to this part and I felt that to me Pink Pills were one of the necessaries of lifc. Last spring I produced a few boxes and have been taking them since with a very satisfactory effect am glad to say. Now [ feel like a new man entirerly free from pain or stifmess of joint. Thavea slight numbness of feet and half way to the knee, but am confident that these pills will relieve this feeling. â€" Although well advanced in years, I am able and do walk many miles a day. For rhenmaâ€" tism Dr. Willhams‘ Pink Pills stand preâ€" eminently. above all other medicines acâ€" cording to my experience and I urge a trial on all suffering from this painful malady." The above is an unvarnished stateâ€" ment of facts as told the Advance recent» ly by Mr. George Selleck, an esteemed resident of Miller‘s Corners, and no one hearing the earnest manmer of its recital could fail to be convinced of Mr. Selâ€" leck‘s sincerity. But if this were not enough bundreds of witnesses could 1 summoned, if need be, to prove the truth of every word stated. Mr. Angus Buchanan, the well known druggist and popular reeve of Kemptvilie, speaks of Dr. Williams‘ Pink Pills as one of the most popular remedies known, having a great sale among his customers and givâ€" ing general satisfaction. Rhenmatism, sciatica, neuralgia, parâ€" tial paralysis, locomotor ataxia, nervous headache, nervous prostration, and disâ€" eases depending on humors in the blood, such as scrofula, chronic erysipelas, etc., all disappear befor a fair treatment with Dr. Williams‘ Pink Pills. They givea healthy glow to pale and sallow comâ€" plexions and build up and renew the entire system. Sold by all dealers or sent postpaid at 50c a box orsix boxes for $2.50, addressing the Dr. Williams‘ Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont., or Schenectady, N. Y. Don‘t be persuadâ€" ed to take some sudstitute. «© For over 30 years ,my «wife had been .a .sufferer from most dreadful headâ€" aches ; attimes ;thay .were so bad she .could neither sit or lie down but her head seemed as if it would split. She Atried everything she could hear of and. â€"was .attended (hy .two or three doctors,! ‘but(c-oufl(,l ;not,‘flag relief until we got Stark‘s Powders for ‘headache, ;biliousâ€" ness, costiveness, neuralgia and the liver. Since then she has been free ),from suffering, and any tendency to ‘pain ‘Stark‘s Powders remove imâ€" mediately, They"are the only medicine _she ever got that has been of benefit."â€" JoxATHAN®PAGE }’nq;e 25¢ a box, 5 boxes $1, . at all ‘medicine dealers. . Nice, immediate and permanent. June 6th. : ie Suffered for Over 30 Yearsâ€"Tried Everythln'F and Employed Two or hree Doctors. A well jknown farmer says: Lot 232, Thorold Township, Welland P. O,.â€" THRTY TEA8S OF TORTURE. k Pills. rive ther ricey eas unable to put on my FAIRWELL CORNERS. sely and 1 years, caused by rheuâ€" ere are thousands endurâ€" ion that need not if they my experience and a‘vail he proper means of Telief. st affected my hip and gs and arms. Likemany ed neither trouble or exâ€" g something to alleviate disease has made me so was unable to pat on my nds and fingers were beâ€" of shape. There seemed of a hope of relief and [ became discouraged and nd time after time have «vair. Whilein Arizona rir veturned home after ant time with friends ip, for a week or so. kson and her brother & friends around here r tri guard of Toronto MNeerenis t se n 1 by pain f« caused by thousands c move § ;wwi*.%g"évi" it 5 e, of Dromore, ourd Boothville I follc y the t d the p the foot of the d the 76th year iring that time more willingly in now. _ My by pain for upâ€" aused by rheu £{ Dr. W witnc coat aliams in order wed the me the rin bad Mr to able mystemous, . 10 TemOrIA cause and the discase immedietc The lirst dose greatly benefi Sold by McFarl&ane Co, DURHAM MARKT Flour per 1001b Oatmeal _ ** Shorts o Bran a Fall Wheat per bust Spring Wheat ** Oats, t Barley, Potatoes, Hay per t Hides, ** ... Sheepâ€"kine. each Butter per Ib...... Beet, fere quarters, per Beef, hind * *4 Wood 2{t, long...... Turkeys per Ib...... Geese C e agamizes Ducks,. * Chickens, per pair Apples per bag ... Tanners Woolon Wils, Brings comfort tends to perso rightly used. Th tor than others an lesg expenditure, by IMOFT J adapting the world‘s best pro ho needs of physical being, W tho valuo to health of the pu laxative t.cin iples embn ced remody, Eyrup of Figs. Its excolloneo is duo to its p1 . the form most scceptab‘a a ant to the tast«, the rc freshing: Is prepared to pay the prices for Tveeds, Wocllens, Blankets, Yarns, &c., Of the best quality, in Stock, Come and inspect our prices and material before comumitâ€" ting yourself. .Our aud permanently CUI It has given soti Zacti mot with the approv nantnaeaian (Fecative 16 Three "T" Tweed Wears like leather. WOOL 186 Cash. 20c half Cash, half Trade To meet the wishes of their customers The Geo. E. Puckett & Son Co., Ltd., Hamilton, Ont., have placed upon the market * J. M. Hunter‘s Old Stand A Combination Plug of To Smokers cent piece or a a ou: "T & B‘ Tobaceo. This Supplies a long feit want, giving the consumer one 20 centâ€"plug, or a 10 cent piece or a 5 cent piece of the famâ€" ous *T & B" brand of pure Virginia A good man in your district to r%)re- sent the " Fonthill Nurseries"of Canâ€" ada." Over 700 acres. The largest in the Dominion. . Position get'ma.nent. Salary or Commission to right man. RensyMATISM morican â€" Rh« \V-ighvih; Vif;}:reasing demand for fruit, a position with us as Salesmanâ€"wwill pug better than engaging in farming. Sen us your application and we will show you how to earn good money. i : School Teachers!! its just the thing for you during the summer. â€" Write for particulars. : _ STONE & WELLINGTON, £ «ForoXTO. ONT, e en era e n mire n z20 J so. hers, Billousnessr Pain in the Side, @onstipation, Torpid Liver, Bad Breath. _ to stay cured a}s0â€"â€" regulate the bowels. VERY MICS TO TAKE» IN CASH OR TRADE * A T PBBD 1 T & B PriCcz 25 Cants ar Drua SroRkzs. . STEVENSON The tin tas " T & B " is on every piece. C. STEVENSON. VVOOGL KNOWLEDGE Mt. Forest, POWDERS xo heumatism ralota, rac MANAGER FOR w4 and improvement and sonal enjoymont when Tho many, who live botâ€" und enjoy lifo more, with irc, by more promptly world‘s best products t hysical being, will attost realth of the puro liquid tnan awmbrost in : the *icko C ace "urtp IN A Day,.â€"South atism Cure, for Rheumaâ€" a, radically cures in 1 to3. upon the system is remark It removes at once the ase immedtetcly disappears. reatly benefits. 70 cents. duo to its prosenting neseptab‘s and pleasâ€" ie rctreshing and truly iex of a perfect laxâ€" cloansing the system, readcches and fevers curing sonstipation, action to millions and »pova, of tho medical SMOKING TOBACCO. " Tweed 0 0 ) 0 U 9 0O to 3 00 to 2 50 to 4 80 4 00 0 45 50 00 00 80 to 07 to 04 to 05 to 80 40 to Jo hichest to to to to to to to to to to to to 0 40 0 55 10 00 3 50 4 50 1 0C 0 :90 0 75 0 11 0 ©9 0 08 0 05 0 06 30 0 60 50 B( 10 QO Reasonable Prices MOFFAT SELLS CHEAP.i Dalglish‘s old Stand, Upper Town. Chas. McKinnonâ€" WAREHOUSE, Upper Towr, Durham. Just Arrived â€"DEALER INâ€" All kinds of Farm Machinery, Vehicles, Organs & Pianos, Sewing Machines, Etc. Durham, May 1st, ‘95 And Sold at Lowest Possible Prices. Call and inspect and be Convinced. Farmers and others attenâ€" tion. ts HARNESS! | HARNESS! For a Set of Team, Single, Double Driving or Plough Harness in all kinds of mounting and style, or for Sweat Pads, Whigs, Blankets, Belils, Curry Combs, and anything in the way of horse furnishing call and inspect my complete stock. Single Harness from $12.00 up. T. Mofiats. REBppesssepsEeEe® Field and ’ Garden ~CEEDI LAND PLASTER, FLAX SEED FINE GROUND OIL CAKE. Fishing Tackle * â€"ANDâ€" Sporting Goods Qne Car Brockville Buggies also Gananogue, and Campbell, Lonâ€" /. don Carriages & Buggies. "One Car Chatham Famous Wagons, \_ also Snow Ball Wagons. New Stock of the famous Ramsay Cartsâ€"at fabulous prices. Frost & Wood‘s Singe Apron Binâ€" ders, Buékey Mowers and Tiger Rakes. One Car Maxwells‘s Light Steel Bindersâ€"cheayer than ever. Of good quality Shingles For Sale EVERYTHING BOUGHT FOR CASH Call and be gratified MacFARLANE & 60 CasHx ror Hipes axp Tarcow The Rocky Saugeen Mill. "" 22 UA FERGUSON. All the leading and tried varieties. THOMAS SMITH. TS, rcmons, > % CHINA CLASSWARE, All in Great Varisty Cedar Shingles yow â€"â€" AND â€"â€" Seasonable Goods. â€"FORâ€" â€"ATâ€" o_ in large quantities for Sale at CHAS. McKIN NON. M erine matith th :,,,z.,%q ts ons oi Now on Band The Booming Summer Trade at McArithurs â€"INâ€" Readyâ€"Made Clothing and Summer Hats, Suitings, Coatings and Pantings, Dress Goods, Cashmeres, Prints, Ginghams, Gloves, Hosiery, Boots & Shoes and General Groceries. All are Selling rapidly at unasual LOW PRICES. CGall and See Imported and Registered Clydesdals Stallion. That fine specimen of popular breed of horses will stand for the summer mouths at hisowner‘s stable, Lot 13, Con. 2, Tp. of Normanby. TERMS : $6.00 to Insure a Foal. The usual conditions govern all busiâ€" ness done. ROBT. WATSON. $ trestop > Maxwell‘s Stcel Rakes, etc. " Coulthard & Scott‘s Seed Drifts and iJ. CAMERON Harrows. Wilkinson Ploughs and Scuffiers. Organs & Pianos of the best makes. A few Stoves at job prices. New Williams Sewing Maâ€" iSold for 80c 16â€" a Sold for 40c¢c. 1bâ€" a Sold for 50c 1b L.argest Full Stock of Repairs s always on hand Because we sell Milline heaper than any other House in Town. ry Cheape TL & C . â€"â€" TEA o Because we have by far the Largest Stock to select from. " MILLINER. Try it, and you will be perfectly satisfied. Also a full assortment of Crockâ€" ~ry & Glassware Dinâ€" iner- Tea and Toilet Sets [ ~‘â€"Aft Popular Prices. 211C TORDP T.A W RENCE A deli chines. May Frosts destroyed the Fruit prosgpects all over the Country to the extepnt of Thousâ€" ands of Dollars, But they did not flestroy the a 3 wamins Snunmmer Trade at McArthur‘s ‘licious blend put up in 4 lbs ind 1 lbs. Lead Packages Kurma Tea. THREE REAgONS flrmers, Attention ‘ The Business Ej TRAB. Because we employ a First Class WHY WE DO THE bose Millinery % Trade the above xcitement every Afterncon and Evening and it In this Town are : N..CG. & J. McKechnie. We beg to inform our Customâ€" ers and the Public generally that we have adopted the Cash System, which means Cash or its equivalent, and that our Motto will be "Large Sales & Small Profits." WOODLAND. I,. C. McARTHUR. ies Puss THE CASH ADOPTED BY in t = ornnc 35 xill do you good £ 3 We are b DRY GOODS. Everything is Beoming Wool Trade Grey and White â€"â€" Flanrnel Shecting, Colored . Flannels. Grey Flannels, from 12 up. Trade out yOUu with us and Sav You get any t in this tremen« we sell to you Men‘s Heavy Undershirt and Drawersâ€" We bought 2 dozen before AT SPOT Cash Prices. No Credit Profits « Goods. You want the and we want the Wonl Is the ouly proper place & Wool at, because you f nothing on Cotted Fieece Bring along your TPPER J. A.HUNTE TE WlE FACTOR! BLANKXETS by t ROLL GARDING. =â€"â€"~CASH STOREY~ PPER TOWXN, DUREAY Fancy Wash G TRADE IS GETâ€" TING BACK TO ITS OLD STAXâ€" bette AT 3¢ & 5¢ YAR M wy AT 12;¢c YARD Save E&T 25c YARD FROM 15c AT 8c Y£&£RD AT 5c YARD W ool Tic the S score 0 SC up 100