Ontario Community Newspapers

Grey Review, 6 Jun 1895, p. 1

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at vrry Iowan rates on good land secuntv. Fl RE, Life and Accident Insurance. Chins of All kinds collected-Old new tenant. -. -- -..- -..... Ltta 211. 212, 243. con. 3, S.W.T. and t3.Road, Township Melattcthon--ru acres timbercd. Lot- PAI 212. con. 4, B.W.T. and s. {tom}. hitelancthorr-ltgJ acres; bush ot. Lot Mean. 4.S.W.T. and s. Road. Nelaaethort-ca; acres good bush. Lot 29, con. 5, Melauethon-8' acres well timbered. Lot. 16, con. 5, Beutinck. 100acres known “the Jas.Bamfux-d hsrm-well im. proved close to Lamkuh. Lot]. Durham Street. North Priceville. 1.11:3. Kinrosa Street, North Priceville. With other splendid Farms in Ontario and the North-West. Toronto and Hanover properties for Jule or ex- clause. MONEY TO LOAN Following Properties at Prices Asked There's Big Money ! Brick Dwelling. and may eligible building iota. will be sold in one or more Iota. Also lot No. 60, con. 2, w. o. It., Township of Bentinck. 11]) acres adjoin- ing Town plot Durham. _ FOR SALE The' EDGE PROPERTY. tn the Town of Durham. County of Grey. including valuable Water Power ion-tinge taken for part purchase money. A - ----_ __ __ Bold by B. PARKER. Draught, Durban. For Impnru, Weak and ImPoreruhed Blood, Dyapepsil, 3leeplirtssuesi, Pdpua: “on of the Heart, Liver Complaint. Neu- nlgin. Lou of Memory, Bronchitis. Con- Iumytiou. Gull Stones. Jnuudice. Kidney 3nd Urinary Diseases, St. Vitus' Dance Fomnla Irregauritims tad Gononl Deblmy. Laboratory - Goderich, Ont J. M. McLEOD, TESTED REMEDIES SPECIFIC and ANTIDOTE new: under e' Bush. boin" l [may i "e, ot Wes. LN. rll tan. Imu- will "he! pamcul A Farm for Sale. 250 yileii,tt'ariig't 22:25.5? -'-l of Guy. All communicstionl ad.. druud to Lama P. 0. wtll be promptly “tended to. Bosidonco Lot 19, Can. it, Township of Bontinekt MOLE ODE! System Renovator E DAN. Mud Auctionur, (or on County " Guy. but”. Mont. um null-cue). (“mind magenta:- {or mid-12m I. nude at tho mul' Otttee, Datum, or st an undue. 'ri-i1io. 7 __ - - “County ot Grey. Sula attended to plump m " tuna-bl. nun. in." sums otitfoGUuGi aair. TGriirliifritdi. “no. nu: door Wu: ot Pout one». will HONOR Graduate of the Royal College of Donut Surgeon- of Ontario. Tooth ox- I'Iulod without [nun by Ina use of nitruun oxide Peer, named nlr. PtrP1er uttgution tyuy) to DENTISTRY. T. G. mEii, L. D. s. Luau nun-(ml wttttout duh]. Collwtxonl romp!” tutulo. IDIIJPILICO “hand. no“! I To LOA N " Iowa“ "In of [name “Wu- on. Uoor normal B. - Htou Durham Loan and Insurance Agent. Cow. veyancer. Commismoner &c. ,ICENSED 501% It y Ply BLN‘. 1'-umu"arr,rec J. P. TELFORD, Baum, swam .llt surname UUUHT BUSINESS DIRECTORY. “Jee mm from Pricovxllo. F01 if pamculnrs apply to A. H. BURNET. Hopevillu IRS. BURNETT. Durham. 'cn JCENSED AUCTIONEER, for th Apply to JAMES EDGE, Edge Hill, Ont, MONEY TO LOAN, Fire Insurance secured. “HOE. can Gum's 'tore. Low“ Tom Chasm HUGH McKAY. Furniture of the Best Make MISCELLANEOUS. FURNITURE MI) UNDERTAKING E J. SHEWELL H. H. MILLER. The Hanover Oonveyenm. Remombor Ila only Ilnl flu-l learn " lawn. 11 - AND OTHER - AUCTIU'N tiniR . L. MCKENZIE, ALWAYS ON HAND. PICTURE FRAMING A SPECIALTY inking and limb-Inning on hunt grin angle: at Pen-cubic rum. RES belonging to the Estnto be late June: Burnett. 125 M‘mulion. rest hardwood DURHAM. MEDICAL. Prop. and Manufacturer DURHAM MCLEAN. AUCTIONEEB for Co. Wan Durham Ont r the nlmd<opponlw the Marlo; Durhuu. LEGAL if Artamesia, County coat Fleshorton Sta- ‘m Pricoullo. For DAN. MeLEAN, D. MOCOBMKCI. E. J. "EWELL. 5. 26, 27, Old D, Rama " 1romts.--Dutreoin Kidney and Budd" dint-a relief in nix goon the “Great Scum America: Kidney Care" Thia nn' remedy in A are" Inrprlu and delight on on account of ita exceedin promptneu in relieving pain In the 'rtG'2)Nll'l',t buk,‘ and - part 01th. wintry paup- in' all. or and; P, "1:": It.'??,',',', d; m a pan t on m.- tPl,'. it re Maggi relic! and “It. I in you and}. by Man-lane b Co., Drug”. tux-.915. Gold " #1wa f CO. 3‘. Boot: to Hommzxx.~ Oue bottle ot Hugh-uh Spavin Linimcut completely removed numb horn my horse. lulu: pluumuuin recommending tho remedy, asit nuts with my-uriouu prompuae" & the removal iron, ham: of hard, oott or “Helm-Al lamps, Mood Ipayln, splints. cams. nwccny, and.” not! sprou- (ix-mo: Ron. Farmer, Mark At the taide--" Do yuu know, Am. uylliu," asked the Cheerful ldmt, " why the letters " like thet phurentstion of A out: to I colored gentlemun T" The wait" girl Quail up. "I will tell on. Ange- linu, ' continued the Cheerful idiot. 6t It is Dachau it make. the tru6tt smoke." The Germans show prnineworlhy energy in the introduction of hygienic reforms in. to wheel life. Some of the landing college. Love jot nbolished the old shite Ind pencil The reunion: for thin step In '.--(1) A slight grey mark upon a ulightly darker grey aurtnce is more or Ian indistinct. Lad thereloru trying to tho eyesight: (2) The, renames ot the turd penal upon the bud slate " tiring to the mulcles, and this re- ailtnnco lendu to perverted habitat, which hnvo to be overcome when the pupil begins, to write with pencil or pen upon pupa: (3) And hat, but not lent, the use of the nlntu. Ilute-pencill. nnd sponge. is a very unclalnly cuntom. And lend: to and autob- liahn very unclemly hnbita. So the Ilnto, ulna-pencil, und spousal have had to make wny for the pnpor, lend-pencil and rubber for Ichool um. i Mr. Grumpy- (hotly)--Yoa mun. be crazy. A _ a Mrs. Grumpps iieily)-Juat what every body and when I m-rned you. Committee, of the Privy Council. Tho nlnnen ol Inch judges, under the bill, Ire to he pud by the colonies. The Times unsy- Hut the bill is intended to add number link in the golden chain of the Empire. Lord Rosebery impliel that if the colonic- wun. to be better represent- ed on the lulpcrul Court of Append, they mun. pay for the reprmnnuon. If the manure In“ buy premise! result, it will men: the: the Candle]: Chief Justice. previously and. a right honourable, will oecaaioually some over And lit. m I Cm:- dien append cm. The um. will be true with the ChietJusticen, of the calama- ia Andre“. end Alma; Thin my be I precticel end unlnl but it is not I very tnHraitieent reform. lord Bmehry'u But--Mrmtrern of the fun-Mun Ind Annual nun-en: “I"! May Ml In the Privy run-mu. A denpntch front London lays ..-Lord Bombay hu introduced n bill in the House of Lord- to authorize my judge who bu been I member ot the Supreme Court of Cum-d: or ot nny one oi the Austnh’un colon"", to become h member of the J udicnl Committee, of "us Privy Council. Tho unne- of Inch judgrus, under the bill, "a toto pad by the colonies. Otiiee next Durham. Money to lend. Money invested foe Partles. Farms bought and sold. A generxl timrncGl business transacted David Jackson, Jr.. (W m ('oupr. 11 thur H. Jackson, Notary mm... Land Valuators, Insurance Agents, Commissioners. special deposits at current rates. Als FIRE and LIFE Assurance Policies issued Middaugh House Block, Durham. Disadvantages of the Slate, CONVEYANCERS. PARK & CO. NEXT Door TO PARKERS MISS GUNS. FOR TWENTY-FIVE YEARS Fancv Goods, TOYS and Stationary, WOOLS, EMBROIDERIES and SILKS, THECOOK'S BESTrRftNj) Ending a Discussion DUNNS BAKING POWDER at sreath reduced rates Wall Papers LARGEST SALE In CANKEA: BANKERS COLONIAL JUDGES JACKSON S. VOL. XTrII,---NO. 23. general Banking business. m] to farmers and others on terms. Interest allowed on sits at current mm. Also to Standard E and 1n all COLORS iiht Ha Jpeued the letter wibhoul the amullouv. scrapie, tore the envelope into a thousand I'ngmeuu and neatterad than to tho winds, ' and“ down to enjoy tho tend-r woxdl beginning t " My on: dow Dick," Mennlime, u noon " they had reached Albert Gnu, Lord Aylmer drew out the letter And looked u. it with I gtits of mm- {Action on hil wicked old hum. " Wm I Richtrd Harris, Eur, are of Maura. Brewumr& ta, No 10 Grove nroet.l\hdrn, india," ho muttered. " Oh I» you have not out. the claim, Mutu- Diok, you've not burned your bouts behind you. Whu. I. fool you If». 't be Iuru r' I “Seems no,”nid Bsrker, Barker's nerve- wero tsll Ihnken with tho accident, nod he would hnve given Anything he possuued for A nip of brandy ' he w“ not, therefore, very much inclined for convemlion. " You, m'lord," unwend Chnrlel, wood. anly; than (cranked to Baker, u noun n he hopped up on to the box ' " Palace Mun-ion; even broken legs don’t put 'im off." _ . . - "__ -i_-____. WW»). The cub rolled off, Lord" Aylmer uncoverml his handsome old hand, lmiled his most hsaeittsting smile, And bowed with a profound sir of respect, which was quite ' on the back of the retreating cab and it. occu t. Then he got into his victotin and 59kg)?“ Pnlsce Msttaioaa." “Very well. Make me lubh, for any ex. penus, you know," Lord Aylmer mid, as he moved wwnrd the door. "Cam I Bee you into th cub,my dear lady '." he added to me some“. 66 Thanks," she answered. " And my I have the honor of sealing with the cabmln y' " Oh, no-. very kind of you, burr nlwnyl pnly‘Llor mylull'. J!"' Ceo.iu-.gti-yf." - “Yes it weak? (“not iGTUiii 5 little, I dureny,” the hopguyurgoon tutawered. "C'ertair.ly--with plenum. ShallI bring her back to see the old Indy '."Lord Aylmer inquired, in I! tone which man A delightful mixture of gallantry md itxtherliue-s tone which had, by the bye, stood him in gaming“ muxy a time and oft. "It Oh Zl'm very sorry, Lil I'm due at when“! now--1 mun go off at once. Couldn't you go y' she naked, turning to Lord Aylmer. _ "Broken log," he "id-'utxsd thing At. her time of day. And lbe in warring About. her miatress--wtuo to trendsud break it gently -iauty in good henlth jun now. Will you got"; tugging; to the young Indy; - "Oh, yen, my lord l I'm bound Lu du that." he nn-wered. Lord Aylmer was getting more nud more nervous ; ho got into the cab looking white And neared. With his sinful old hear: thump- ing against hie nlm In A way that was very unuluul with him. Not became the unrringn had run un-r an elderly woman end it W15 likuly to prove a fatal accident, not for than reason AL tdl, hut wholly and Iolely Leeann, when Charles and the policemnn hnd lllced the unconsciouu woman into the carriage, Lord Aylmer lmd picked up a later which Wu lying {we upward in the roulwny jun. whore she had laid. Short. nlghtedueu wan not one of Lord Aylmer'l sigma of Approaching you", And in an in- aunt. he had grupod tut the letter wu uldreued to he nephew Dick, end below Curle- 1nd the policemnn bud got thoir, burden ufely into the Victoria, he Gd) thru-L the letter lube his pocket, with n on of irnpious Ittnkeqriving to Hanan hat " hut. the girl he hnd been hunting down for may weeks wu delivered intol his hand. He Whit positively trembling when they reached the tit. Georgia Hospital, And Bar- bua wu carried in, not nucomcioul now, for the slight: joking at the curring: htd brought, her to again. Then there WA: A Ihorb tima of impatient wsitin before the doctor came to turn-tut u, Ema Aylrner sud the young lady who had come with the patient. _ For evidently this reapecznbe elderly wo. mun, (ironed m deccnb buck, mu Mrs. Hurril'u larvlnt t and ll it hippenad that Iho did not keep more than orte--wlsy, thin Accident would put her altogether It " meicy. ’ Eventually the womln mu lifted into the Victoria. and the energetic young woman ‘hnving runhed Luck to her house to: her LAB, gob in ulna, uni lupponed her in u comfortable I: position " wu compatible with her inuemiblo condition. Just In they were Hurling, a doctor “rived on the ”one. took I hulv mace u ths, mm... A. _ th I "I think we better got her said we polieermsn ; "Phe giv coming round." "Yes, my lord, I really think “all. the best thing we on: do," the other answered. "If your Inm'll give mu a Gad We'll lift her in, in A minute." "How cm we “In her? Shall I? I have the carriage here ready, And the, horse- “a when enough now." "You oughtn‘t tt frightened at triders, “My. "I don't l but my by a child's btslloon, "Would you? Poor thing .' I mu nand. ing n. my window and luv it all. You oughtn'r to let your coachmun drive like that," she added, severely, to Lord Ayl- , " Bndn'v. you batm- get her into my house! She on". He here," aha went on. " Bu my one gono for a doctor f" "I should get her art to the ’orapiul " once,miu," the policemnn replied. much hurt, poor thing '." slut naked. “Pretty bad one, miss," wavered the policeman, who wu trying to get a little handy down the uutronaeioua woman's throat. "Dem faint " preacnt, my lord," replied the polieermut, who hid the wormus's hold up on his know. " I will: we could get some brandy and some water." Lord Aylmer looked round for Charla. “(‘hnrler, get some brnudy and nonn- water from somewhere, or other. Be quick r." Just then I woll-drcucd young womln pushed her wny through the crowd. “Lot IT para," uho urged. " Can't you see I've, brought buody? Stand back, you man , ’ Hove you never seen nu accident before? I Do you want to kill her? Stand back y' 1 She was s hAndaome woman, unruly more thu: 5 girl l her hand: and {see And Ipoech betokeuod that nhe wu gently born, her fonrleu words, putting into words what w“ in her mind, had the “Tact of coming the crowd to shrink back A little. “II she much hurt, poor thing ?" uh. and. lulrnng, but cum-us. Lord Aylmcr, how. ‘evcl', without alluding nu ceremony. vip,or. ouply olbuwud his le m the inner circlu. " Lot me pay ' aund uide. Valium-w. I Am Lord Aylrmsr-my lmrnoa wuru fright- ened by An infernal balloon that a child w“ carrying. h, nhe. much worm l CHAPTER ViH.--iCosmsur The crowd was gubering t every moment, and was not only d, Mum“, but curious. Lord Avlme Jen t DI numb cotuittion. Just as they b I doctor arrived on the huly KIIUCO " the vicnim ot , and quietly got in, (akin the hula buck “AL 'fl"4 's I bad [mains-l,” he "id to , realizing {but he wu owner but my home were (tightened n," he exphiued. bo hue horne- thar an: ta," she rolnonded illogi- 'Phe gives no B, d was not only doumand us. Lord Aylmcr, how. "ling nu ceremony, vigor- wny to the inner circlu. LADY AYLMER. orf BL tall, ’u my“, non new or At Any nus [when in“! turned to him eager to in tllow in . hnpw‘nml to Kuhn”. g G, the l .. [in] me. in nhuluuuh hurt an! this ' "My poor old Ilurbarn I How He told Mr than exactly hot "lo thar." him! happened, nud how they! oltl Luly (u he called Barb“. “d more oi hung himself quite I be; im, whim (h-..rp,u'u, tsho being inneuuibln 0ttce, Ion. lunar rum, uunuuly. numbers, “Sohor unmn in Don _ . -"'"F _-_. ..._,. Somahow the tone JUrred on her dram. but her eyes Were shill radium u she turned them townrd him. "I did not notice what. wn were," aha nid in tb voice "ill tinged Wilt"!!! brighlnpu of her drum. She was so engrossed in her drum. tltet she did not notice that they had ruched their damnation. until a smooth who " her albow slid, “Now, detr lady." " voir daughter." "uri/ir -cTvii;,"tiii Dick’s wife." . __ - --eeev .-°..~-. " You are too good,"miuinured Dorothy gratefully. So by the Mme they Gd ruched the honplul. Dorothy hm thought her-all into quite n. blissful fume of mind. She hha built up a wonderful culls in the air, when Lord Aylmer should expreu u will, " Oh. my dear. I do wilh that you were my daughter I" when she Ihould throw " her disguise and any. " lem the next thing to " I thinkthtst Will be all right, I will make it worth her while to coma. No, don't look so, my dear Mrs. Hum ', it will be only just and right that I should pay for your Lempomry dorneario--it man be a frightful inconvenience. and of course it was my funk. If I hadn'zbecn there the old lady youldn'b hum y.u.ttrysgritd.'/ . " If you could brunt. me to find out uboul. it, I think I know just the very person," he laid. " My valet’u wife the is-tut ex- cellent. cook and a very clever, (up-hie servant in every way." " Bub would Che come '." "l think no." " But t on little (in. like mine, with no- body to do tnything but myull. I um air-id the in a person Accultomed to n vely Urge tsstubliishtiusug"-.... For i" Rhinitis: iUaiF TriGiunt, $6 Writ "you be nblerto g; :E-tvithoub your old nervnul t" Lord Aylmer uked, u th1yyirove “901. _ "I must, for; Dy/ttltr. A u--. mu...“ - "'ew u. 1 an, m 10m. As it by initinct the two women Inaked at one another-there wu no exprenion in the serene face of the Indy who was on foot, nothing uoticenble About her except I cold severity in her eyes . it wu but the glnnce of a moment, yet Dorothy, who queued what WA); in the mind of the other, grew Hem-let from chin to brow, And turned her head “my thntLord Alymer might not we [but by eye: Terttlilled with ten". bb Back to St. George/a Honpiul,” he said to Charles " Yes, m' lord," laid Chlrlu. And, An Il’-luck would haw: it,at that very in-unt the Ind with the arena eyu who lived on the from "ave, Dorouiru fist, c-me down the street in lime to no them come out And the old gentleman hnnd her into the ctsrritsire-mxy, in time .190 to has: Chgrlel'l reply of " Yea, m' lord." He handed her into the cnrringe with an air of deference he might luv. lhown to I prince”, than he got In Home}! and In halide her. Lord Alymer, soothmgly. '. But I am mast, gratrved and sorry to tell you thin her leg is broken, and she h untunlly very unxioun Hut you should hour of her, and, ii Womble. that she Would no you." .. Ol, I'll go. I'll go It once,” Dorothy cried. "Would you be kind enough to get. me a cab? I wont lune another min. ute. Oh, my poor, dear old Bub-n I" "Oh.uo. She is much better off mum alto would be in any [rivals hound," “id Dorothy cried. n" oi,"rG-iar"iifiiirri , She will thiak that mound of the world ha come." in _. _ - -_e - Quick no thought aha wnlkad urtightbo the table and turned the portrait {we downward. carelessly throwing over it the pretty Inca trith, which adorned the top of n little chair which stood close by. She turned And led the way to the little drawing-room. Suddenly more thushed across her mind the romembnnce of the ' that a Inge portmit of Dick wu standing on a little tub]. nau- the tirorGos. Quick u thought she w.lked ltru'ahnm - - __ _ __.. "-4 I own carriage which did the unwind. Bat Want you let me come In and tell luu all about it ? It in such a sham“: to keep you handing there." 6t Oh, yen, of course. Forgive me, but! -thtst ia, you have startled me, and I for, get that we were still here. Come in." " It ia"-Her lips could not utter Dick', name, her Agony wan no great. ; but her eyes upoko volumes in plum of her tongue. "I am sorry tony that she it hurt. More sorry to be obliged Co pwn that it wu my " Thu fact is," he slid, binning out the truth at but, “Li-era hm: born nu Incident, And your old aervtutt"--- " Barbsru-is she hurt y' Dorothy cried in dismay. Jt never occurred to Lord Aylmer L shown thinking of Dick. Ho only thow how lovely she was in her diutreu, I woudemd how he could ber toll her truth. At the mention of hi. nume~ Ind Attila policeman and the doctor, the young My who hui gone to Barb-rub and, the people " SI. Georgia knew all that: im tt would, he knew, be unclean to in Dorothy u to his identity, BO he . 1y DURHAM, co. amiatpmmsDAr, JUNE 6, 1895 " I beg you will not frighten yoeraelf like this," he cried. " indeed, it is not " serious u that." ‘gavo his own Fume and "mud il ‘cnnncc of her not knowing that 1w anything to "iek--DorotCy [tn-cod she bud been shot. sad in the hint ot", thing to tell," which instinct. tslms I In menus bu] news, uha 'a'rl'l'271, and would probably have fallen if ho not chught. her. “May I come in ' l'um Lord Aylnm I hnve something to tell you. No don't be Alarmed; in: nothing vary bad. Psy, don't Alum yourself." _ 'u th "On the watch," he said to himsel And pretty uneasy, too." 1 The lovely {may d in palm! who the carnage drew up at 'l/tls,'),",'..',: cho b fuoann, in his glory of crimnon And he. jumped down and opened the door f the nhudaome old gentleman, who got on and went into the building. He knockad the door of No. 3, Ind Durothy,beitut per My I nlnne, had no choice bat to go and o . in. "Am I srreuking to Mm. Hm:- , V in the suave. wicked, old voice. , "ren," answered Dorothy, won " ing what ho yuld pouihly want with hag; - i “Solmr name in; Dorothy," he F ml. I "Strung! that. they should Alwnyll uch l stream on their love And tlwtr huh! " I l 'l'ley'r" all 1shke. I wander who En- »Lhn-r " Um: ulna talks shout. Ba is [evidently the old girl who $ttbmtt to g ju" I now. \VullJiuban ll "rely Uid up tht, I log fur tho uch tew wool“. l otuly,i all! 1 not. have fullen out better if one " hus. ned it all. But I wonder who Eat in , _ Esther htsen't come yet.' aha uyl,‘ by l come at. any moment.' I mull. C od,! about Esther." l innd ending. " Your loving Ind [mm- wife., Dorothy." .. _ When they got to l’ulwe Mound I he nw Dorothy" looking anxiously out tho window. all me, in xiw much hurt t" the Mimi]. poor old Harbum I How was it?" told her then exactly how the accident upponed, And how they hnd'uken the 'ly (as he called Barbun, with An Air ug himself quite A boy) " to St. is", Bile being inueuuiblo And not lbio thorn where she lived. u lit, George'. I " thn I hospital t , L, 4.; ' ..... _ . the present," navel-ed Thou-und- of y),rtte, Ode.“ at Eotat ' on scan: tt a rophocy tint. who otry would ha 1',td'd,u up by In Barth. gush. “wmo a tell: back, Nady for “To grant ovenr. which :umad (ruminant. which, indeed. wu imminent. for by the time manning light Ihom aver London that. wen two more lam-mu of Lhe little iUt in PM». Mansion.-. "out, 'ttoth) nummho hushed upon her maple hmm I In fauna: of Immunity, A very mall and loft, pinklnh poucn. who had gruntod Ind squalid shady in vita In alumina tum“. an] who w“, u orothy fondly told Esther Brand, the very imlgu of hit father, do" Dick. By that tii,Giii, in; Tiiiidi WEEK-3- sions, And Ibo went in, took " her bonnet lard cloak, Ind battled 1tt"tt only I b am y good worker on o, gating Nadya?” the can event. which nomad that ught "A link. ,ieklrlookiag irl, little better tUn A child." like In 'd'i'h'u'll', u the followed the nut. tttuid into. waiting room. " Not, I dummy. tut Ihe’l looking her put jut new; but, "illorhst on be {way In hu- attar I wanna lit. tne-bat theres-- ba, lit,” lbs said, aloud, " Mm. Hut-in hy been taken nuddanly ill, and Min Brawl milled!” to coup. an! fettrh. you at once." OW She knocked 'ti Dr. Funkliu'l door sud ' to no him in exactly the name quiet, ult-pomlud wny that Ibo had spoken to Min Band. and all the time her thoughlb wen running on thin now {may of hia 1oettt.i.p'y “I had better go " once, mndun," aid Amelie. quietly. I '.'Yem, ny Mrs. Hen-in in very ill-that u m argon.” “You. meduu." mwered Amelia She wllked " to the Victorin road at u. pretty quick pm, thinking herd an she went. " H'm! from when he told me, he never Ipoke to her before Lo-dny. Queer. I wonder if he know, About this baby '. Shit“ I wire him, or Ihull 1 keep the new: as ts little lurprile tor tomorrow? I'll keep n. The light of MI tordahipU face, will bo m.ttth nomethipg. 'L _ _ _ tlu, “Certainly not. donut. Amolil will go und_lgtcl1 lam." Either returned. "Dr. Funklin. in Victor-in Road," Doro. thy Answered. "But don't. Ianve me,Ethcr --dort't." Elmer took firm ground " once. "Now. doa't give le. my dear ; ill will be well," the muted. "Bere in our help, and we wxll hue the doctor here in next, to no timer, if you will only tell me where to send for him." T'Deur me. how mia 1 Wall, I nuppouo my con-in will ' to all you by your Chris- Lim nuns. And thist ii'.-- . "Armrli-Urn," rho Answered quietly. "0h, yen '." Then Escher opened the drawing room door,And bade Amelia Hun-in follow her. “Dorothy. hero is Lord Ayl. merhs----Why, my do” child, what is the matter t" for Dorothy wu lying back in her uhnir with n um, " white u chalk Ind pinghed with pun. _ _ __ . "I m will'!":lio Raped. "Oh, Esther Esther z" ldl y t he - .. My nnmo in Harris, boo. nndume,” the nun or Ila-wand, with tstiespmrctstuts,r luck n if S',', had rather taken a liberty m hav. ing married A Inn IV. 1ty1yny of Hum. a No," aid Either; " I am not Mrs. Hunk. but thin in her house. W111 you Domain! 1 Iuppow Lon! Aylmer sent you? A "I will go "iou'll," cried Esther. She went to the door, when the found I build-emu, nanny-dulled wanna of About. forty you:- old. bt Mrs. Harris "." Ihe and, ittquiEirsglr. -- than . mung till! it would namely be fair booty in to be" had, sud Hut they me not to him held her buck, And she kept her own sharing in its distribution ' Fhtrdpe ll“ of cuunlel About that matter. Into your: cuntrncted the coloninl fever, .. Of course there in no knowing Vii-t1 Ind lrrogutea to iuelf the right to nuke might or might not hue done if (in: Auntie out into “upheru of tuiiuenee" tdl portiauu had lived," uh. bald, wilhing to "plain of the earth's hurl-cc. the owner» oi which everything " for " pouible And yet Avoid Are not lulliciently powerful to resent the saying much about Dkridu feeling. for her, imposition. In pursuance of thin doetrme, " rind yet if I hnd never seen Dick ' but Germany, Frunce, and Spam have doulitlesu Linn. you Ber, I did meet Dick, Ind Dick A vugue acme of grievsuce mud deporwiou, liked me, ood-sud"-. but the claim: ot lluum Are. conuidcnbly "Aud Dnvid Steven-on wont to the wall," l less nimdawy sud probleuatux She really Either aid, finishing the Begttagtee. for her, hu very Urge internal; " Itnkc. interest. _ " and s very proper tad luiuhla place for which are doomed to extinction if the him, too, my den child," with I luugh. Phinn-Jupnn "only in u'oatuttnrntsted. Dorothy llnghed, too. " Ah 1 you no It hu been the anger and [ougJundmg nil very hnrd on poor David," aha Ind, ambition of Rum: to beenmengrut power Ioltly. in the northurn Ptscitic, Ind to content the So they Mt hiking over the Olll limos nupranmcy of Eugluid in the far But. And the new for more than: n hour. Then Minuet“ of the northern half of Auin, like Either luddonly bethought her of dinner. would hue her power predominant kt And prosently there name name one to both and: of thin mighty continent ; but the door who nag gently And knocked Nnture is ugunnt liar. Owing to the rigors softly. or the climntd north at the Nth purnllel of "l will go "it "ill," cried Either. lAtituda, eutern Siberia in ice-bound for sitss In. talkmg over the old limo: And the now for more Hum an hour. The: Either luddanly btthought her of dunner. “And Dnvid Steven-on wont. to bite wall Rather "id, finishing the neurone» for he " and . very proper sud suitable place f, him, too, my den child," with I laugh. n__,..,. . ' -. -., " induyet if I hud never 'ar-tFerl. iii; Linn. you Ber, I did meet. Mek, Ind Dick liked me, ood-sud"-- " Of course there in no knowing 'hnt I might or might not have done ii dun: Auntie had lived," In. "id, winning to explain everything " far " pouible sud yet Avoid “yang mac? about DLvid'l feelinkgl for her, it _ " . --e- _-- 5"“ -- rm" _ For. moment she wu tempted to tell Escher all About. her muting mu: David, than A feeling that it would Icnrcoly be {Air to him held her buck, And aha kept her own coun-el About that mnu‘r. ,hful "s, I think,“ Answered Dorothy, proudly, “Ind Dick " jun, win: he look. -houeat u the day, and u good a gold." m-.__-.,. I A ,, ovhy, _ Ruth-r Bum! took it And looked at. it IL lenlively {on [ma Limo, sipped her tea, Ind looked again sad yet Mum. "Well," laid Dorothy. impuieasly. “I like him.”uid Esther, "he look. good and true, And he in n hundlome mun. too-- . tiuer, homrat-lookime, "1me man. You I like him-you'" u. lucky little girl, Dur. *.L.. FF ' uvu " uuu- I wuum um mm, would you?" "Not till All in over," answered Samar. "lt would only worry him for nothing. My- the-bye, wink. in he like y' "Oh." Ind Dorothy looked around for her Dick's portrait. "Uh, here he in," holding it out to he! mush. any ft he kneie Agout iiGuii 1:311; Jiiii' I don't think I would toll him, would you?' mm. wet' " , .. - _ __ ,N--..-... V. “mum. “Eur Dick," murmured Dorothy. "Yes, hoUperteetiots. He did haste togoaadltrtsve me, but he had to go-he had Inch . good appointment offered him, he did not due "(use it. Still, he hated to go And leave me, just now. clpecinlly. What he would "Ah well. it in a verygood thing. Resulv, the world isn't. hnlf so bad " it acmeumu seeml." Elmer nid drelmily. "Well," with n quick chlnge of tone. “sud this Dial: of ytu.re.ho in perfeggon. of course .'" "Oh, but Lord Aylmor was so kind." Dor. othy cried. "He not only took me to the hawk-I10 no. Bun-Inn sud brought me back Apia, but he has uctully gone off now to no his valoc'n wife, who in the very per-on to stay with me till erbnn is Able to coma btynt tmin." " Jan. " trerll for you that. I turned up when I did, my den,” and Esther. drily ; "it might Inn's been very nwkwurd for you to be u!' .1908 _long." DICI'S ”mm. It would be I'mpou-uibla for me to tell you what A relief it mm for DoroLhy to tind bur couliu Euhor uniting her on her return home. She criod A hula, of courle. nnd than munged to tell her all About. puor Barbara'. accident. MelnwhiTa. Dorothy hm! gonna in to this entrance hull of Pulses, Mun-ions, when: the You” of the enubhuhmuut met hec. "A Idy for you, mn'nm,hen1d. Then there um I pause. I rub. and th glut] cry of " Oh, Father I Esther I" wun’t nurpriud when put, him orf Mo. 'Arr Arm's don't. put him ort in A pretty fl? " Mennwhi a. Doroth l "But what. lrnuMe for you "Not " Ll.-. great plenum lure you," pnllnuuy. He helped her to 'slight And a in the house, than gov. unto il again. " To Ornament round." h he helped her to alight out uw her sale in the house, than gm. Into the carnage again. " To Groamont root," he and. " Yon, m' lord," Curles replied. " Where to now t" Inked Barker, who Wu getting tired And gttnerally denpurua. " Groarnont Rodd." "Oh. my t" "natural! Rnr'lnr " I She turned .guu to him. "How [mm d n you think tbs woman you spoke of will be Able to come y' lbs uked. "To-ni ht, I hope," he rcplieJ. Any Imy I ",'li'li go out and Bee her uni let, yuu know. "Nor old Barb-r- I" the bum out At length. “I don't behave lhe “a ”or tll in All her lilo before; " In.“ nevnr knew her to be ill, never.” (To " magnum.) ' my I" muuored Barker. "l nurpriud when prokau [can duiu't CHAPTER IX Mn. 'Arrii 5):: Tir,,f's'i"i,,' plruuru,l can I: Gronmom. rand, n. forms. - . I I Now, howover, lbs in tNrntrontod by s now and unexpwud didirrultr "pan bu whoa u a pow» ot who Brat mud. n ' fvith"iatiuite pulicnce, but with study dtstertuitumon, she attempted to establish her Intl-cts in Koran. and obtained itn. porlnut Io-callcd commercinl concession- in the paninwln, And permuted the country with her politic“ agents. Meanwhile he wu energetically pushing forward the contraction of the grant truna.Siuritus ;rnilyny,which mighty link would oventunl- ly enoble her to trlnsport her "mics from Went to Eutnud to hock up her upirntion- by overwhelming forms when the propitious moment should arrive. Vladirotstok w“ tomporarily selected an the terminus of thu vut uaderusking, bat that the uni-3 mote terminul was destined to the further l south W» I potent and indioputnble foot. Oahu-vino the rsilwoy would be deprived of hull its vnlua,ond would never hove been commomed. For over . third of every you it would constitute . man “cal-do- ne," without Anyontlat, dud it in idle to pruumo thnt Buni- would be conunt to expend $200,000,000 on Inch I 1rippUd;' lichens u that. An open port in Kore. in I an nblulnle nocmity to hon-ad Iho in ltill I Pant on obtaining it by diplomacy or by l {other own use. Once again Runni- wu foiled, Ind " Koren porn remmned her ott.thts, . . . _ . - I For yeah the melt persistent Ind stren- uous efforts hul been Hilde by Rush: to obtain in port in Koren, and on level-Al occuionl she had been within an ace of “ocean, but had been As often foiled by Chine-e opposition imspired by Englond. Had Room only the Korean government to deal with, she would have long ninco on- nexod Port Loni-oil (Gen-or), without diffieulty of hositntion l but against the gaudy barrier of Chinese. Japanese. nnd 1 British oppo1ition,diplormscy hand to rcplnoo more force of Arms. Compelled to look olncwhero for the moment, Run-in tarued, her eye: on Port Homilton. on irlnnd all" the southern extremity of Koren ', bat here again Ihe was Iuppllnwd by Englnnd,who uized the island, only to antenna it in 1557 on the dutiuct pled o tint it should be occupied by no other foreign power. At another data, Jtpon refused to null the blond of Tlushima. admirably Iitnntod for Russian purpooe- in the Koran Stnit, out] in View of pouihlo breaches of the Tenth and even the Eighth commmdmenu. the converted itinto on ndunoed And. Her nunrcut harbor of raluge ur conllug~ nation to Vlvttvostok in Croutsttsut," [out l2,M0tnilets distant. In other words, fur uthxrd of every your the Russian Pacific. squndron in Without a bus of operationn, Ind it entirely dependent un the good.will (of foreign powers for even such acumen-ion ‘ucoel. And the greater the Itrength of the squadron, the grater in strut- t for, to nine u: Iriahiun, can] in the life-blood of n iuet. Here, then. we see I greet power like Ruuin lsumilustodto a poeiuon ot impotence for n Inge portion of on ry yen- solely owing to the lack of e naval port loath of the See region. Such I'll herpocitian until the ontbxenk of the present war, but she hoped sad intended tlut it should be only a temper-w 9M. I for nrarly five, mouth: every port in frozen up and fuily in third part of _ yen, Ind hug no ourUt. Ar the ant-Lame lanthanum corner of her territory Buui‘ hi- conlcructod the grant naval stronghold of V'ludivonok I tut for nurly five mouphu every winter thin 313w And Wu inclined to support. it, so u to pro. Iorvc intact. the Celaltul buffer between Englnnd Ind Rug-in in the In? Eat. Now, however, that the great Chane-a bubble bu been packed, English dlplomuul- have execuwd I mom; Igllo and nLlnf-ctury "volttsdaee." In plniner Inngunge. anun hu guinea! the maul nupporL of Englnud in return for damage- nor. yet publicly Icaumemted. but doubtless. ot I nub-null“ I order. And nowlet. us consider what an: the intent" on the abhor aide which have prompted this interferon“. Have Hun-in. Fun“, Gummy. And Spain Any genuine - for complains. bexomi the hurt tlsst l iuboresta" in the plausible, excuse for ttdu,. I 'eVitlble thruat of I very Inge tiuger into r everybo'ly ci-e'l pie. It Japan could have I lallled her dispute mth China without . Any tester of interlerence, And could hove been permuted to renp the extreme rewud I of 'superior farce. I anenene Viceroy would doubtless be ruled by now on the Dragon throne of Peking. A pcrnounl experience of the civilizution and memosiuzt $1.19 "Wat. Mien”: brought with it the radiation of that com. preheneive Ind con venien t expreuion "Eu ro. pun laureate." And in deference to thou inure-u Jupun his adopted I line of undi- ed moderation in dict-Ling her conditions of pence. Modersuou, however, only incin- nggreuion, and in sometime. interpreted " u ugn of weakness. The Europe-n pow-en, on the prewmption that Jupan in not. quite lure of her Itreaglh, us now adopting n I ‘dicutoriul Initudc in order to - for l them-elves name of the fruits of annnue victory. At preseannpi-n IceMI diapooed to ”and firm, And to inliu on her obvious I righu, and the lack of anauimivy in the voice a of Europe is undoubtedly strengthening , her in this Altitude. England, not. rcnliz- i ing at the unmet Lhe helpleuuena of Quinn, I dreaded the unknown urenglh of u -'u ,’ CHIN U-JAPANESE TREATY. A hundred your. 1530 China And "pas might have waged n war of ttnerrnuttiott, And the result. would have been roglrdod -w1lh supremo irtditrerence by Europe and America. but now the fever for anemia!) of empire In: bred I mm. for interference und Europe expect.- in ovary cue to take I put, annually the lion'. “are. in tho lawn-ion of tho spam. "Suu-ruse of ( iutoresta" in the phulible excuu for the u. FORTH-1E!) NAVAL STATION XSAL‘t'K‘SIRLE TO "tttt F'tutitt .lnpun "w: hing-In] tt l. .Ilmlerntlou In lvlrlnllw Ila-u or Peaere, Run-In I Inn-null: nl sum-dun- lu not-unu- n brrat "v: hurllnrn 'urine-m Enough " llnfurrr "rr HOW IT IS VIEWED BY THE GREAT POWERS OF EUROPE. TI, TUE SLIII‘ING LEV [ATM A N, a winged n war of extermiulyion, lull. would hnvu been reglrdod mo indilference by Europe mad but. now the fever for omen-ion hing-In] tt Lime " III lvlrlnuug run» Run-In I'll "toturet a “u:- or Mun-ll"! I In lvlrlnllux Iltr I‘ondl' uro- lhn-lu "In "rr Larger " Nukr 'Ilu- " Amman-n n urn“ \nvnl Pawn- I. the "nrtttc-" Inn-In slum-g lint-pru- Mer l'rulnu , mun, wh ore I full u virtually In. An g foseen, it will 3m. .. itttit, anuino long " " at llnt Rani-n ol we not. power, wi In" of to ull m fever, ff/L' {I nuke I deeply in trtiona unbalan- which will Hid a at the pmenc or 21mm, pure-l to . [Mien mum I ustiou, Rmoia won 5:1ny and tho fs really hauled for, i, The oyster now in out ot III“, m'. zoning long uni dim ; H". fooling Bug“, any for 1 Thu. In no ’I on him. 1huropar-1 think Lint Cabbage man he s well-informed mm- t_"swartme1-iruttd t . Smkttr.r--Yoa. Bil wife tell- him .11 due The oxplnéuinn in Lhu. in order a, guard “was: Any Inch nocturnul attempt to nub the politic]: n Jar-aha“ Ind been tirod from the Brim-h c-mp. Who the shell bur-til. Ibo" n brillimc mugneuum light, vividly illutuirusriug the surrounding country. ( “There were 2,000 hillmen who set forth tut ni ht to cnwl up to the soldiers' amp. l,' a lny for hour. in the won tieldts, with the min filling ate-dily. wuuug for our chief to give the [13ml for the gran nub. Word cum! round from chief w yshut to be ready, And - mm crouched 1"ttey " vapon to run forward. Bat " " very moment I dcvil'l gun boom, ed forth, tad lo! mm of bullet- sud balls coming out, more bunt. over us A mighty light, no run that we thought tho night had 'lht',f, become day. And we cued Aloud to All”: to abato hin wrnth nation In, And when the gran. light (Aided we All hurried ""n sad our mull-h: Md mallard In my: _ . . ' " Now, we unruly delirci! Lhmgunl, and the words of our nutluUereited u: gre- tly. We - the men from the river bank numbing toward un, sad we believed vic- tory to bouruiu. Bug when they uw u: they vent hack slowly. sud we could never (at clan to than, for some of their guns mlwuyn firin nmong In, tad may were “ticker: mg fell. When the men Gd ruched their cunp and the Sahib: new“ the rivzrbegw tirin gupon us, too, we went back to the hills for limiter. Then our mulls!” and chiefs talked legume: and de. cided that we Ihould creep upon our enc- miu in the night uni {All on them when the nigh' Va darkest. And every mu: went. willingly for the guns we sorely needed. of the He an: "We an the Honing roadway bred: up, And in pieces swept any in the rapid waters. Our watchman nignded the new: from hill to hill, ad the chin gull- erod for we fray, for we believed that the Ioldierl "paced from their fellows, were dolivaxed into our hunk. Then our mul. ilhl cum: and prmhod to us the right. eouuneu of our mm, Ind Allowed that Allah w mindful of his children by plain. in: l,000 ritles uni much Immunities: with?) their lund- to, gang. _ " _ A woundud I'nlhsn, who mu captured " rm the tight "orth of thes ijkou bridge, in“ given our million] other. I won vind account. of the encmy'n urtion on that ace-lion. Every movomeul of our men In: watched by the enemy trom the tull my. They cur tho “for" to con-true: the bridge, And maottooiterod " cloudy as they dmd the communal mp of the Guida' Infantry. Then the brilliaat Ida: “ruck choir chicln of knocking the heavy be up “an!” wreck, thy bridge. _ Throw: lulu "a"iernattoat lie Rathe- nI Plural. lllience with Jew, the checkmew ol Rmoia would be complete end permanent, and tho far Ruben: queetion would be nettled forever. Engl-ud would hold the ecu end. "part would he invincible on lead, end the edition of the Greet Britain of the ‘Went with the Greet Brium of the {er But would be on unnileble one. And euch en ellienoe, I venture to eey, would elm be tor the beet inure»: of the civilized world. The'holo of the vat Chime Empire would bowl-own open to unto-Inc:- ed tnde. end the mutu- of every union would be bertetitod thereby. I "ttl thorn out. D Ntarl further know- well that England I deeply lawn-bod in the toihag of Raul-”l smbmoun when... And will givo her good. will uni noutnllty, it nothing eke. In tho prawn: email. It England mould ho pr.- pure-l to go A app further Ind form n: w _ ___ -. -"~-I Br would be lolly for Run-in to “tempt A: illusion of ann ' hor whole mum") strength wanld be powerluu to when It and anan has no cxurn-lpoueuiom to lose uve than I!" in now holding by force cl nrm- pending their cation from Chm Conlequondy. though mgry And dupe!“ no. Run-in in in n poculurly helpleu posi- tion, aud In! " present to content hem” with prumu And Vngua mum She ( cunnot frighten annn except. by man!- of n European combined oppo-iuon, and mu communion duplnyl I decided reluctance to nusteriahae. The anannu It: Bettte diplornstiru, And no well "are thut the Frmeun-lnn nlliuzce in the off-puns of Molnuon. not. at iaelustiors, and that u long " sll the choluauu in um tire no Runninn oanmce or my other Europe-n power. will not. neriouoly rink their (ingen- '; Bis Superior Advantages. n. Run-in before the Inter could bt adequate re-enloroomenu from Europe“ without the uni-moo of Englsnd‘u o ink-Intima- that. re-eniorccmeuu cu not bebroughl. " All. In Any evan, In“. , 'has could not. poulbly gun", widn'al‘ - , u time, more than 50,000 troop. g ing quality to oppooo the} Jar v . puma: the other hum. hu- her » "i , r ymobilimd,udl.ho whole of bee e wine” In the moat. edi- can; , " _ . Herbmofoponlionl hon) _ '. . m Tudiroetok, and with aver 100,000 troops of the Gest qud- ity, veteran of the late W“. and lupcl‘iof to the Run-ho Screen in both equipment‘ And intelligence. lt in u. {act recogmzed by l experu thut Vluixvo-tok could not be cap. I cured by I naval force. but would succumb V to. had attack from the rent Ind ‘hc’ procedenu of Port Arthur tad We1.hni-wc , Are satin-ent proof the JAM " no: un- F nkilful " this ck- of OPQL'IHODI. anux ! could undoubtedly dad I I mnlmmlnd con within a mun troop. of Buying Japan... b Apan, her Mandy ‘uf her and” ' u meal, Monk: u only an“ vim an . HMZ‘WM Hut. Run“: proton“ Lglimtl buy of peace. Involvmg such condimpbd the question is, mll the be thick! “glare than prawn? It Juan; ioMtmrhit,y-etuatd,ui.d Rani; strong outing!) “Woo them? In my opinion, ‘unqu‘io-M 'ir, Che in not. On the an the pron-8m owed Rum”: Puma nuuad. I ran Mm‘J‘pAnm navy would be {curly "only . but an lwd Jhpw km: “a! over I". ' “Pater-Hy of strength. _ H “W... “nu“,‘m. At giaiit't'e,? kiiiiiri Are moun- Andl of " fron reautforcomesuta mud The Summer Oyster. Ind tatt po-xuun u to effect-ally innit“: from any willie outanie 1'tta her own. Every pontible out]!!! 'ttte':,,.',',.:;,:],.',', rmlwny.evcry will.“ port. for the Run-nu Plume IunI T hurl-ad by Jspm, And the ten oft become. 8 nomad Buck Sea to Rania, . Mavonok nuoond Sopuxo- pol.. '" - irsrerr, _ iaoa lion- will be u Jun-nope . To main- miller! worn: [w ma I In: Also “mulled hand! an mm inulumrm In! the Lino-long pmt , , iutuesace, 11'“th redomi um! Firm-h muw- I And purpgauhnk.» an M, 'Wd tea of Auntie Run-in. Ind jemteei. l ' ' iI'I dang“, " hung her "571.1, Chum u I menu to cheat:- may , “ The Jupnneu conditions of ' " . " G sbetateslyacuutmi w ole-troy ' wig. I inhei "Mutton. oHean-Hy and?” Karen " proctaimed In inde- M“ gdum, but under annne-e irsNuiut-"" hich w‘l undoubtedly be “I 1 ity' And All-pomerlul n In the! _ , , "an. Egypt. To all 1't'.'ei' wmlgoru mu bu n Juana-e . WHOLE N O. 873. A STAR SHELL A CRUSHXSO BLOW mu. Kuw- prumu of Woe. involving Inch " qua-Lion in. will lho be than promo}? lf Japan: M's FLASH II." Hulda strong , In my opinion, . On the lo- the “I iuciiu, salad. w 3 gins. 'i cos! I Bandrmafe ~Waggon}: for sale cheap. - Jubhing of all kinds ll attended to. brill In the old stand. All mag made shoes. Also i Horse Shoeing Shop, of ALLAN Has opened out a first-clam, First-Glass Hearse.. BOULDIN tk, CO’S PRIME UNDERTAKING Pr ALLAN MoFARLANE. a SEE OUR HARNESS UPPER TOWN. 'ii, I StandardBank of Canada I JAMES LOCKIE WOODWORK JAKE KRESS ttr-meme/rrp, 21, an“ C?f' "2/'rrcE-,!lf((:/titjrs,:, kumlture Raid in connection. A first-class lot of w.r OWEN SOUND, ONT., --ar THF- REVIEW OFFICE, GAR-AMA trr., DURHAM. TERMS; St per year. IN ADVAICI CHAS. BAMAGE EdnoraProprtetms HARNESS MAKE THE GREY REVIEW DURHAM A Thursday,' Morning. Head Office SAVINGS Ef JjrflNlilS OIL IS PUBLISHED EVERY EECFARLANE rtttptly attended ta J ARE KKK-$8.. M AGENCY. BANK Toronto ///a we! $2,000,000 1 000.000 000.000 Manage ed DrMta g. _ Ana Carey, pal 0 am» ot .1“ Then- rit3ta in st m l m go m AU

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