Ontario Community Newspapers

Grey Review, 30 May 1895, p. 1

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FOR SALE TIt EDGE PROPERTY. In the Town of Durham. County of Grey. including valuable Water Power Brick Dwelling, and many eligible building lots. will be sold in one or more Iota. Also lot No. tO, con. 2, w. o. n.. Township of Bentlnck, 100 acres adjou- lng Town plot Durham. D til N (trrg TRY." Sagan. money scro- under cnmynuon, res: m4 nub, hing Lot: 23. " M, 26, 27 B. in the Township of Anemoaia. ot Grey. two miles from Flasher: Ion. mu. miles trom Prison“: mm partieultrreysry.!y,.t,,., " LICENSED AUCTIONEEB to: Co. ot Grey. All oommunieatiotta Id- drum] to Luau! P. o. will be promptly Intended to. Residue. Lot 19, Con. 8. Tawnship of Be'minok.“ - " 'u n Prop. and Manufacturer Sold by B. gamma: _ y For Impnre, Weak and Impovninhec Blood. Dyapepuia. Sluplouneu. hlrta tion ot m. Heart, Liver Comphint. Nam. nlgin. lame of Memory. Bronchitis. Cots, oumpuon, Gull Stones. Jmndico. kidut, sud Urinary Diseases. M. Yittm' Dance Fannie Irrestnlariti" and Gourd 250 if??? lit, DAN. TESTED REMEDIES SPECIFIC and ANTIDOTE I .aborat ory - Goderich, Ont J. M. McLEOD, Following' Properties " Prices Asked Lots mom 213. con. 3. S.W.T. and t3.Itotsd, Township Meuacthorr-1T4 acre- timbered. Lot. 211 PA?, con. 4, S.\V.T. and S. It.'"" Melancthon--1N areas. bush t. tart 218. con. 4, SAVE. and S. Road, Meunethon--00 acres good bush. Lpt ar, con. 5. MeLarrethon--m acres well timbered. 1.0816. con. 5. Beutinck, 100.1cres known "the Jas. Bamford tarm-wen im- proved close to Lamlush. Lot], Durham Street, North Priceville. Iastth, Kinross Street, North Ptieeville. With other spieudid Farms in Ontario and the N6rus-West. Toronto and Honour properties for solo or ex- change. mom TO 1.0L! '. _ ll There's Big Money ! " wry lowest rates on good land teem-inn FIRE, Life and Accident Insurance. China of all kinds coitected-OId noun “J In - * K" Pl nun ('on-Iuio-cr,rlc . - Auat huge. mag-n Luna. Inn... " Winn-u: Jul-y; Calhoun“ plum-u. mud”, 1smartsue..ttoct.d. nests '" L01! "lawn: rud- ulnar“. cb way-m4...» manual-Juar- More Dull-u» System Renovator .' as am mam-cuss HEARSE ill TOWN J, SHEWELL d; SON. BUSINESS DIRECTORY. gigging-e taken for part purchase UNDERTAKING. Furniture. bongm. W. L. MCKENZIE, MONEY TO LOAN, “SIDE QMSTEK, summon Jr SEEM will“ J. P. TEl-FQRPz. It A Farm tor Sale. T. G. BOLT, L. D. S. HUGH McKAY. MISCELLANEOUS. _- "m A. H. YitiRSET, Hopevxlle IRS. was“. Durham. 'cn 'cmnle Irreg So McLEODS Apply to JAMES EDGE. Edge Bill, Ont, LARGE and Complete STOCK. Consisting of Bedroom out! Par. lor Sen. Extension and Centre Toma. Babie fittsniu--irt Oak, Bamboo Ind Elm. Nice Amort- mont of Eula. We .1” com o Luge Stock of Pictnroa sud Franc Moulding. In this line we Tnkc the Lead. Walt Stocked and Complete in GASKETS. COFINS, Me., it the Laws; Designs. All CTIU'N mam. Drug); MEDICAL. DURHAM. DURHAM mm” of the Royal Collect D The Emu: Convm. one". to: tho County " any. to Ind ashram-m gnu-um or uku.un " and. " up Dmlm. " " his “Mono. .-rNTEE-. LEGAL Fire Insurance secured. mum’s to... Loam To"; 1mm..." Burnett. P.'., Nubian. rest burdwom Det MOLEAN. usumnqe .Agerst.. Uomuusmoner & AUCTIONEEK. for th st. Durham. met Datum Oat DAN. MoLEAN. H. H. MILLER. D. [0008316]. At prom, Old D in SLA- ngus! up an Strap,.',,'".',.',',,,,,',',",,',', MWduaII-MMu nix an the 2h'dgtt'T,tre,dgt'Ah,%' Pd ”an " diigtp TTl'lll'h'h"a 'et'ahlttfdttd aGiiiGiiiUriirftue .m' but; and an» Irina Win! .a. Tut n num- Mum.- at; iifi.ifiiri I: "W ENVW’E-E w. t you 'ir4ih"riri?s'i.'i'ri' - I: wanna”. WWII-Ian. A Boom to Homtmm.-Uno bottle of Englinh Spuvin Linimcut covnplutcly ruuuwed acurb from my horse. ttake plcamnuill recommending the rernedy. “it. acts with mynurioua prompts” b. the rational from home: of bard, can or callous“! lumps, blood spuyin. splints, ambit. Iwoeny, stifUs And swam: (120m: Ron, Farmer, Mark beam Odd by 330de & CO. (‘nred of I‘IluerIn: or the Meare no ill-alluring _ Br In. Axlew'n (In 'or the 'retire--" Alvin Idle"- " Thirty Ill-ton III “I'D-I new" Thou- and» of lava. Mr. 3.3. Muaaelman, member of the G. A.K..\\‘olupon. Ps., writ." : “I hue and Lwa homes of Dr. Agnew'n Cure for the Hurt and luvs been unholy cured of pal. pmunn or fluttering of the heart and numbering spells. i took ten bottles ot urnpnrill. but. it (Ailmllin yy, wuy to re- - 3 A ALI‘ . . -- .._I..- A, 1|.- In”, tunes on the rent. or income: of ms) an“ are equally direct axes. Second, we are of the opinion that un- on pariah-l property are “Revue direct “an. The decrees hereinbefore entered In chin court will be “and. the decree- below will be reverud um thank- re- mmded, with "ustruetimm to grant the lrehefprtsyer. Tise section! ot the wit! my toning to tho income tax no doubted voui npocxhcslly. The vow on the income In rekultod:-Five ngninu the commu- tzonsliw of thes law to four tor the law. The" spin: the luv were Chief Janice Fuller and Justice: Field, Guy, Brewer, and Shirts: for the law, Juan-H8130. Whiter, Brown, sud Jnchon. Mr. Chief Just. ice Fuller delivered the opinion of the FOR TWENTY-FIVE YEARS u._,,......- -- ._ _--"" _ - have mo. I do not think the value of the Hun. Cure can be "diluted. It hast wrought such n change in my common an: I feel t k. A new mm." Sold by McFulun a Ctr. David Jackson, h',, mm m mm. mm H. Jackson, Notary MW. Land Valuators, Insurance Agents, Commissioners. A denpnwh from Wuhington Be:-- The income tax law is dochrod unconstitu- tional in tow. The canola-ion- of the Supreme Court. "er-First. we adhere to the opinion Already announood that use. on red etgttstq being mdilpnubly direct. Fancv Goods, TOYS and Stationary, WOOLS, EMBROIDERIES and SILKS, in all COLORS and MISS GUNS, Money to lend. money invested for Parties. Farms bought and sold. “a... 5““... -. -_, u __ of work, bu hit up} the ingeniom design of "ranging ell the loulities for the yeor under the hour " which they took plum. Hut of forty-one wcidoou no fewer than nine no r.isorted in the first hear of work .-mo" mm " my other hour-while in the sixth, nevenm 3nd eight ham there were eight, five and two occidente reopen.- ively. The - seem to point to . luck of proper pneumon- before work in began. N ENT Door TO PARKER'S One of the inupocton of mines, with a View of ten-ting the period n. which 3.ch- demn generally hnppon After the beginning - - .. -c, c, __-t_.., Aux... It I were unto God would pardon me and mm would not know my I'm, you I should be uhumad to I'm, became of it: oasential b-ste-Plato. Transact. n. general Banking business. Money loaned to farmers and others on reasonable terms. Interest allowed on special deposits at current rates. Also FIRE and LIFE Assurance Policies issued. tour b m the income tax can. PARK & CO. A VETERAN IN THE LATE W'8 macaw; BESIERLEND DUNNS BAKING CONVEYANCERS. Off Middnugh H or Wall Papers at rgreatlv reduced rates S. Income Tax Law Unconsmu tlonal. rneralatutcial business transacted mice next door to Standard Bank, 'iruiiaFsar.rn h CAME». Most Fatal Hour of Work. rm J ACKSONS. VOL. Block, Du rheuu (iiiltt i!iihr, I, - NO. 22. 1igii"1Hi: Pr _ m: ___ 3’me 'v?i't'/f, 1 And the My following that David S'tev. {en-on ordered hil hone and rode “my I from Holroyd, through Graveleigh and put. the old IGll to a Inge tusd pro-poroul l looking farm, About a mile beyond the ‘house when Dorothy's old friend, Lady Jule Stun, lived. He Lumed in It the lgnm, and give his hone into the care of li' mu: who came runnmg out. " Its Miss Ellie n home t" he naked. _ l But hue bud counted his chickens too I only, for Inter in the dny the head gu- dener came round to hun. " By-lhe-by, lune," he aid. the: mentioning one or two little mutate, " the governor wanna that little bod under the dininmroom window levelled end turfed over-wan" it done he once." " I hen," aid Inna. The old nun was trembling n he turned "rBy, sad when the other was “one, he “mod by the little dower bed-a if it were " grnve looking down upon it with tear. filled eyes. " Brute I” he ground out be- I tween hi. teesth l " brute '." " What be I to do wi' the violate, Bell '." he naked, the E next time he “me heron hie superior. " I believe the is, air," the max replied ' “an if you'll knock M. the door, they’ll tell you tor certain." A nice-looking country girl in n neat Apron sad “i? came to the door. You Miss New“ at home, tho miscrea- had gone into Dovertraart. Would Mr. Savanna come thin wny I m followed her into I rettyouough eit- 'eti'"t,'t; though it hm: but fewol the Int 9 touchel which had made Miss Dims- dale'a drawing-room so pretty end no restful. There were uhsdel over wax towers and o Pinter of pain vue contain. ing some ntihcill orange bio-coma which had once Adorned the wedding cake of the married doughter of the home. and there were white brochetorork rags our some oi the chin, and other: with tenth] and wonderful designs in crewaln tied up with bite of tray colored ribbons. Yen. it wu pretty enough. but not bear-lilo to him after the quLint and dignified air which had pervaded every thing “the Hullwhere she had Uved. A " Gov'uor and you was to chuck 'tun out on the rubbish heap," Bell mawercd. " Nny. I'll take ‘em down to mine," aid lane, in l quuvering voice. .. AI you like About that," mid Bell. All unknnwing of the Lumult in the old mm’n brunt. In two minutes Eluio thsrriugtoa came in, n tsll, wholewme-looking girl, with hit hair that Wu too yellow nnd cheekn thaw were too red, Lad u David's eyes fell upon her I on bound to say that his very non! seemed to turn nick within him. Not that he eiruahml--.oh, no ', Ibvid Swvemon wu not. of the kind that. fiiuehos. . "i've come on a queer enough errand, Ellie." he beg-n. “You T" lbs “id. in a questioning tone. "Yea. But it's no use homing about the bush ' it's boat. to be honest and true, ia'ut “You mm: know u well u I do," he want. on, not Humming to go . step near- or to he: or to take her hand, " that. I've cued for Dorothy Strode all my life." "Yell," said the girl, famtly. "Well," tsusrulirsg up very straight and “If, And with a face like mnrbla, “chm. ull over now, tsnd 1 want. to get. my life mauled into Ihlpe. Holroyd wiutta a mis- um,md I've kept. the pine open so long," with n pileonl Attempt on mnking fun, "that I hardly litre to "otrrrr it to my one clue. Well," finding aha did not spank "what do you My, Elsie t" it', "ssoieouraeit ia." She was very much flushed 3nd puzzled, too, bat u yet nhe had no id“ of his meaning. .- _ - . . IVE! - 'Hook it better nor! though! he wuuld," muted old km, rather clued " his own boldneu. She mu luring It him in utter con-ter- nntxon. her light blue eyes filled with wonder, her white brow wrinkled, toms of the color blmched from her cheeks, sad her 1i parted. "I don'r quite under- 1hl5UIG,'e Ibo said, " let. " Thu were Miss Dorothv's own bed, at,” he begun; "she dug it herself, and then she'd Me . tam round and have an- other spell o' digging titer. And then, in the Spring time, when the violets came rho m wary proud o' the lust bunch she took to the mintreu.” aunu. Liana, luv saw, an: no». He draw I long breath of impatience. " Look here, Ellie," he tsuid, " I am young, rich, decent-looking, sad not a bad In". as follows in. Bub'a in no use my coming and offering you the devotion cl A lifetime; you wouldn't. believe me it I did-you'd ply it w“ . lie. uni I don't want to begin by lying to you. But I can offer you ull the mat of my life, ad I swear I'll do my level best to be . good husband to you; I twen- with? _ .. Ellie fairly gasped. “You Me Lsking‘ In. to marry you, Dnvid t" Ilia cried. " Of course I sm," he "tsteered. There wu a dead silence tor A few mo. menta. David, gore and hurt, desperately anxious to get his future settled no that looking buck would be is folly and ”pining nothing mm of a sin, Iwod wniring for her docinion, while Elnie turned unv to the window god looked on: Mgr the iis1da, Old Imc looked at. him hoairstins,rly- the old mm bud felt bitterly his dryad- ation from dam: to pdd Reb a! my "ll'lA'rflh%'"r"Flblt'li;h't sneezed 1:! when in Almost certain Alumni“ is the the workhouse. Be hardly dared to my what was in his mind; still the old feud-L! matinct, the habit of forty years Will strong in him, And he ventured n timid protest. a thouaand bitter thought: chuing “all other through her brain. It wu alt out with Dorothy, and Dorothy had evidently chum “other, Ellie 1m lure of that, though Dmud had not aid Io. And David hid turned to her in " trouble--turs wu comic“ in that. But Dorothy had his love still, the WI: condo of that. l on could no it. in his lugs-rd face. hi. ner- vous man: but it in hin defiant voice. May and my . than the lad plotund "I'll hue that bed done any with." he aid to old Inna, pointing out A urn-ll, neat had cut in the velvet curt, just in front of the dminrroorn window; 'ht spoils the look of the In"); thgst up, Ind wc'll have u hurled over." TH! MIR-runs or HOLRm'D. Three day. bud gone nnd still Eathor Brand hid not urivod in London. Each day Dorothy got more 3nd more impeller“ for her presence. because. although she land never once seen Dnvid Shown-0n Iince blunt morning when she bad nlmolb walked into his Arms in the Remington High street. she was no afraid that he might be lurking About. the neighborhood that the had never le'. foot outaido her own door. If Jshe had only known the: he was 1-1er down It Holroyd. dividing his life between riding herd from one point of tho property to “other, sud sitting moodily swing into the em ply firergrste, his thought- nll busily occupied in curling on fuel However, that phnse of foolingdid not In: long with him: for one iitttt September morning he went over to the Hull and wondered round Lhe quiet old gtsrdett-n good deal of ( ita "pedal charm of qunint beauty “im-I proved" “my now-where the bud Ipenl.‘ her happy childhood. I mattered David, and moved CHAPTER TH, LADY AYLMER DURHAM, CO. " "ihs'idstrve- shut the door Ind came new» the room to her side. “You Lhoughb wly" wgld brgnk yer herrt I" ht. eked. Bar Ellie Jhook her bend. '. Never mind," the laid bnvely. We woa't hulk about than. I will come to Bolroyd,sud-- undlxelp you .to {enact thg'put it 1 cm." "51%;; Ehtt'n L bausiu,'Gid he, drawing n lqng Plinth. . V he did not "Y tb word besidu, did mn Attempt. to touch her, or act. in any way diiferont to his nan-I mumm- to her, except.- ing, perhaps, that, he mu lea. polite than ordinny custom considers necennry be. tween person! who are not. bound together by ties of bltod. " , a , , r In thst one moment A dozen thoughts seemed to go srowding through the girl's distrscted bruin.-s vision of Holroyd, with its rich red gshles. in stately “tune of horsuschotnuta,ita pretty lodgems velvet lswna, and wide-sweeping View across the great sheet of water running up from the sea . then 5 Vision of Holroyd with sausage woman as mistress, a. vision of thst strsnge womsn's children breaking the aerene stillness of the puee-sh '. no, she could not lose him for the uke of the one thing wanting which would make her cup or happiness full-in time that might Come-- nnd even if it not, she would at least be spared the agony of seeing another woman reigning st olroyd. No, whistever hate pened in the future. whatever might name to pan, she could not run the risk of losing the man she loved. In that brief s ee of time. the true. instinct M feminine ggnity which slw-ys lives in a woman’s hesrt.‘ called for notice. but in visits-ir, wee atifled l in the pangs of love which consumed her. 1 " stid, don't go l" she cried, in an uppesl- ( ing voice, " he turned the hsndle of thel door. " I only hesitated bet-s-because I have lllel loved you so, tsad-sm, I thought that I should bresk my heart"-- She stopped short there, sshsmed to and her sentence. - 1“ng the bye," he said, suddenly, "l have ughoomtsthing to Sell our contract. No, you need not. look like thin. I only bought. n. yawn-day. I went over to Ipr. wig o.n paw" .. . ' Be had iaen a. little one out of his pocket, and now held his [mud out to her with I ring lying upon the palm. It was lb beautiful r"mg-dismoud and turls/tis-ts rioirf.t fer a prince". " -.'.Tvah yots have it I'" he naked, in In!" pri/ee at {its made up efrtrt lo take it." "Rf”: if you will give it to me," she Answered. 7 _ Ho took the ring In his other hand And held it toward her. Ellie took it with an iaward grow, a Wlld cry thing up in her heart. "Oh I my God'. ml! it be like this for llwtyi?" And then the pat it on her left hand, whence it named no strike cold to her very bean. .. . .. . . “I mun go now," David Mid after look. ing " her hnnd for a moment. "I'll come back this evening. I mun. go now. Will you tell your people, and then I'll speak to your father when I come? And I shall uk for an early wedding Elsie; the looner it in over and we get settled down the better." "Yo," the said, hintly. There was none m much color in her cheeku now, poor child. all her blue eye! Wei-e dhrk With pain. . - David looked at her uneasily. "I mun get luv-y for on hour or two and think it .11 over," he Mid half nervously. "I must. have a olesr story ready for your father.” "Yes" ' "Then-good-hy." "Ibvid," she said, in nu almost inmdible voice, "you hove not told me that you are glad or nnylhing. Have you not one kind '.'tf,. for me? Hus Dorothy got everything m l" . Be started as it he Ind been shot, bat he turned back st once and took her in his arms sud Hind her paasiorsrtely In” A dozen times. "Ohlmy poor girl, it in rough on yon," he snid.regreuully. " I'm . brute to leiyou eit." . . .. “figibgked back, hia hand still upon the handle. .. Well '." he naked. " I: it not " tG, no t" cried she, winding her um! shout his neck ' " no, no 1 I would rumor be you dive than my other man's queen. Kin PrLagtiy, 1hstitC" _ __.. _ ' "lf I were”; liar," ha Ile roughly, "1 should have come And mule love ur you. 1 should htvo remanded that I had been mis- ttken in mining I bud cured for Dorothy. I should have sworn I lnve never loved anyone but you. And by-und-by you would hue found me out, Ind then we lhould both be wretched. " n. in, 1 mum, and told you honotttlr Lt that wu in my heart, I-I-asked you to help me over thu: bad time, became I thought you loved me Ind would bear with me became at your love. As it is, never mind, there are pleuty of women who will marry me willingly enough, to be the mintreu of Holroyd." " stid l" she cried, n he turned toward tlut door. _ _ And Dnvid shudderod. Why t W tth the permritty of love '. The hem tho: but ogninlt him In Inning for him Ilene- The blue eye. looking no yumingly into his were pretty And true. The clinging um- were (and ind loving, but any were not Dorothy'l Arm . it m not. 1hirothy's hmtund he Ihuddnred. And the next moment. hows-on hi. hon. Roam Ind curing homawu-d. while Ellie loy in I iron: ot grief on the door, just whom he had felt her lunding looking mourninlly Harbin. _ - _ "avid begtsts to feel thut this wooing, which he had (Ancied would be no may, was going to prove more dittisauit than he had had my ides of. He had believed ul. wnyn th" he hid only to hold up the pro" pect. of being uni-tren- of Holroyd for Eluie' to simply jump M the chance. And here, to hininlanse lurpriu, wn Ellie demurring to take him beehuw he had said nothing ot love. -Aio, child: poor child I dimly uni "cud, Ibo rulizod what Ibo bud done. 'tBat whai v." he asked coldly. h. of, takin mm!" , (ii'iii'iiiig.t9hi , ' ' b','td4Fl'lrs,'; (if; be? e guilt “You hue not, aid one word about. cu- ing for me," aha "id, in I trembling, timid Voice. Bis tons In Glf.bitter,ulbreprm u if his int hope was louvmg him, girl was touched by it imam! turned quickly to him with both be outstrewhed. "Oh, David '.", alta, I voice of pin, "you know that I wttt--eerrl.iked yoa-but-. "No I And yet I fsaeied um " me better than the other fellows shout." out, -iie, 'vvixiced lithe question, bat Iwered it resdily enough. "Dm mnrgied.f he 951d. Itogdily. . "Oh '.' and that: nhe {gun I gr. and looked at him with piteous, , 'ryefc. .. M-' .. ___ F.. "In Doro-thy go'ing to be mnrrim “Had, quddgnly. A . . -- ‘him coming wooing to her. She - let her head- (All idly in he: lap, ' _er sewing lie neglected. while in fun Fhe Gd seen him turning in en the F% {or coming in Al the door, his mouth " il. ing (as she had seen it for Dorothy' o), his cold eyes lighted up with I ter - " v es deer u it we: rue; but in or drum: Elsie had never pictured hi , 'm. ing like this, hrggnrd end drawn , ‘die loss of Dorothy, nervous, brusque, tr - lienl, brutally truthful And jun, to or to make I berguln, in which love Ih- , be left out of the reckoning l. To oihrr mis body, while she knew his been ell Dorothy's! Oh fit. wee e drenry Wt -.e§ hard, herd bergnin tor her to . " l mu. _ "Wrsll,'Usid he, After I minute “wlgnjo ypu "t T" ' "Well 'f' he "id ' "I um uniting: "I don't know wl.st to say," aht 3m: igh lug Ms ',ed ad lhe Aa they got over the ground the "purial: uesa"of the hone: did not subside ', indeed on the century. it increued, tutd to such an extent that b the Lima they turned into the Remington k',')', street they were no- ing along at oxprels speed, with the evident intention of bolting u soon as they hid I elm-nee. _ Coming events. they say, cut their Ihudowa before, 3nd Barker. who had been giving a small shun: of attention to Chulel and gossip. suddenly pulled in Iris bones with A jerk. " 'khuses is enelinesd to be puyfel to day," he remarked. _ 'rt (Jenny {Hey know it in time of year to be in town, Chel1rs,yuptsreih.oat.tly. . "cLiluy%airis, 'ou,. in u sensible u Christians. and sensible: that some," Bur. ker rejpined. Barker, however, knew his work sud did not give them ib chnnco in All, and by the time they reached the corner of the road for which they were bound, they were going steadily again. Unfur.unn.l.ely at Lint. point, however, um terrible mtlrer of mischief. the uuiorisoeu,htsppoued- little child with A balloon in large a A man’s Mad uniden- let go the luring with which she hld held i' captive , the balloon neared Away Lad dulled into tho nou- hot-0': he. ' ttiohild screamed It the lou of her my t the horse relred and plunged. Bsrker ndminilwred 3 cut of his' whip, mid the next moment. they were dashing down the rand. and on elderly Woman was lying helpleuly in I dud faint. just where the currilge had passed. w -sii'h1/y geuertlit takeout) of themselvel." amid Chm-lea, with a cynicism worth of his estimable muster. W." R. Williams, Dr. [Austria popular cuinbe. Thane gentlemen believe in noting out the axiom of the Good Book, that. hive. ing learned of that which ha been u eource of benefit to themselves, in in their duty to tall the good news to when. These three clergymen of the Epileopll church have each msed Dr. Agnew’e Gnu-rind Powder and found that. ior cold in the hold and ce- mrrhnl troubles it is a grtsat1helper, and over their own eiguuture they hue uid to the public that the” things ere so, that others mey be likewiu bomrtited and helped. ia" Ge order-tGO where Mrs 'Arriu Inc: pp Wm" . "Aye t" muttered the canchman. in reply. “And Mo. 'Arria'll catch a Tum in 'un, no miulnkp abguL tur,". . .. u..." a“. -.... ___ ___ Barker._who Watt pulling in the harm with might sud main, hid already checked their mad speed, and a. moment or BO lunar turned the horses, with I. {we like cnnlk wdn dreadful fear knocking " bin hour. that. the motionless figuro lving in the road would never mow uguiu. He pulled upjus: when the crowd Wu gathering, sad Lord Aylmer won out of the carriage before Charla: could collect. his scattered lenses tsufficiently to get " the box. Who [lave [Inca Dr. Ann-Wu Cantu-ha! Powders, “a In the [mere-In " "r fcrlnx [lulu-nil: tiny INIW Mach " Ilu none for Them. In the tseeletiusatietsl history of Cumin. the lumen of the Right Rev. A. Swntmnn, D.D., D. C.L., Lord Bishop of Toronto, Ind Rev. John ngtxg'. M.A., D.C.L. and out prominent. tut within hia own pain: any be added to these the mine of the RM. a. - ..P_.P. Fi, . “A-..“ _-_...__ This admirable plan was, however, dug. tined never Lu be carried out-tttn been“: Lord Aylmer changed hm mind, not a bit ot it 1 m carried out his pert of it no fur n to order his esrrisgtt for a oer-Lam hour, uni when that hour came to get into it and to give an order to Cliuvrles. _ "Whure to, m'lord v." “PAM Munsions.” "Aa' I believe," murmured ('nuriu to Barker, " they drove oft. "thut the old codger's dome ittst lsat. Palace Mnnniom "rriry God'. we are over home one '." shouted Lord Aylmer. m, wu the 1t1 .F..Ve.9.- _,._ --;-~---- ___ of mm, who, on emergency, Alwayuppodn to the Deity, whom in all " wuyl oi life he utterly and syntemsucslly iguoru. " _Let me get oat 'f he cried. L One short pafrot the breath through the blower, supplied with "ols bottle bt Dr: Agnew'n CitarrUl Powder, dlffuaats this powder over the nut-face of the and pung- u. Painlul and delightful to use it re. liovu in 10 minimal, and perm-neatly can: mstarrls, My (out, ooldl. bombs, lore throstooatailitie and (lo-incl.60 coma. [son by Momma. * co. l Tho cldnlord hnd not found it An any l mutter to othsct nu tsequtu'tstartcts with the young lady in Palm Mnmions; And,rea.lly, when you think of it, it in not ulw-y- as any thing to Accomplill), especinlly when there in no help on the other side! However, this moraimt,Uter hnving Ipent many hour. reseorutoitring the block of building' ctlled Pshsee MAD-ions. utter having drivan slowly up sud down the High tux-eel. after making many more or less uncle" purchuel in the High street. uhopa. mud miter framing hi- irnpatieur old soul iuto a fever, he nude up his mind that he would go boldly to the house, tssl, tor " Mn. Harris," claim a, friendship with the departed Dick, and grndually work into A position of friendli- ness with the object of his present Admin.- non. But then, you use, he did not, And so I have A longer story to tell you Hun I should hnve hull ii All hld gone smoothly and well With our young couple, and they had lune-i their married tite " the ml of a murching regiment, on In increucd allowance kindly given them by I libenl and indulgent uncle. . ' hook or by crook to LI {not in Dorothy‘s eyes. Poor, delndmfold nun! If he had only known all '. Is he could only have lilbened to the young husband tad wife discnuing '. the old stssusge," and hue known all that hnd_its home m Uormhy'x faithful nod under heart , 1 To tell the truth plninly, Lord Aylmer had seen Dorothy with Dick. saver-l month before he curried out the pun which Gd got him nephew "1'er out of the road, and had loft him, as he believed, poor, conceited, deluded, old mun. I hit hold ; and. to tell the truth further tad more plainly Mill. Lord Aylmer had mum dee- penwly in love with her l, So tterporstely I.th he hnd put him-011 under gre" obl'gm Lions to hits old friend Barry Boynton, Md "I. my Indy} uu-pxciom working, and 1nd mule Dick detest him mortsthyw ever. in To do him justice, he never for one mo. ment, Inspecbed that his nephew end Mrs. Herriu were married. He imgined that the lime utebhehment Wu kept up in I wuy which in not In uncommon one in (linden, md them now Dick we. nfely naked " to Indie. he could go end meke Itt,"l'2 with the loveliest. girl he bed Men for many “by. without Any moretditficulty chm that of namnq an tequtiattny. THE THIN nun: " nu wxxml. Well, it happened the very dsy utter thin. Lhul Lord Aylmer nude up his mind that he would watt no longer " 'tffeirtg In emu-moo into the Halo fist in I’ll-cc Muniom. She realized that. if all: bud held out firmly tgmnat him and had "id , " l hnva loved you all my life, nudu noon“ on will come and tell me you [GAIL want. nm for yourself I will glndly come to Holroyd Ibut I will not mtrry tny man ,whuw heart in tiiled full of ”other won-m -.l would rather live and die Alone thart (law-that than she would have ha I hit chums of winning his hurt unutirley u even tshe could wish. She realized thin with. out Actunlly putting hVthroa hainmlug- Inge. and the dimly grupog, too, that by fen-lug to let him go the Ind mule hem]! David SLevcnnon’n Iluve foraver. THREE NOTED EPISCOPALIANS SDAY, MAY 30, 1895. that um pan-ably be sud by r by crook mend {not In Dorothy’s tro Bit oox'mxno.) CHAPTER VIIL P, st5'w, the wrong returned fibtgiit Five Recipes Bacon is an excellent bruxhuc dish And there in more than one way of serving It. The reeipe for creamed bacon is a plenum. change. Pat, some dices of bacon In I pen end let in the oven to bake mm) In is wwn and crisp.. Pat them on a hot put. t ' add to the {at in the pm A table. Ipounful of floar, stir until smooth, Add gndunlly 3 cup end A half of milk Ind cook two minute: or until amooth. Pour over the bacon in the putter. A pretty fashion for marking your per- sgul linen is to me your isvoriba Gwer u a token of owuerahip in All your belongings of this Hort. A uingla violet, rowbnd or duiay embroidered on the corner of I hand. kerchief is in bother Lute (in: I murkiug of buck hill: or indelible ink with the nlmon. inevitable clumsy writing or an “compunylng blot. Then, too, the fiower device is quite A ind. Coffee cakes.- " aubacriber lent the following rule winch she any: makes "gran flaffy nukes.” One quot-L of lukewarm milk, two tableupoonfuls of ungu, one tee. Ipoouful of “In. one hnlf n yeul. coke And flour enough mixed in to make u dough loft. enough to drop from the spoon. n the morning out piece: out lxke pancakes and fry irrttot lard. Mock Chuttelope,--shmld one pint oimilk, add one cup of lugu and two tablespoon- full of corn starch moistened with n little milk. Cook until it xhickwa, add ares eggs tiiiir, light without nepnnbion, and cook for five minute. stirring I“ the while. Grant: I melon mould And sprinkle wish the tir,T'.1 rind of a lemon. Fins-or the pad ing slightly with lemon ; turn into I mould and Bet away to cool. Serve with once or A compote. Rice water is one of the things recom- mended in washing Challis. Ailow one pound oi rims to tive quaint- of wnur: boil and set nude until it cool: to Je Lepid point, then wash the goods and pour " the water, using the use as you would on soap. Strain the wwar 5nd rub the chili mm the ledimenl, theu rinse in the voter that bu been poured ctt and :hnkn out the man-rid well before "aging it up to dry. Notice that no clear wuwr is used for rins- ing. the rice wont serving for chm. purpose to give a modicum oi atiffnetsa. Doughnuu.--Mix well together three cups sifted pastry flour, two teaapoortfuls of baking powder, one-ht” toupoonful of unit and one "ltapoouiul of mace. Bent one egg, add 'o it one-half cup of summons “spoonful of melted Ind and one Ml! cup of milk. Mix with the dry ingredienu, cubinho ringu sad fry. Thin rule make: twenty. Friend-And you no very hnppy , Bride-Very. Almost every dry I but of name other girl who would hue jumped It the chums to mun-y my husband. Quick Heller. With No An" link”- nnlnen». (‘ulnv- to Tumu- “In: the South Amcrlrnn Kidney Cure. Whilst both eexe- Are sufferers trom kid. ney trouble, in many rupee“ women ere lubie to peculiar weekneuee and pain, became of disorganizetion of the kidneys. Objrcnion is uken and rightly to msny "nudism beceuee of the method. of nu, n well u siter-unpieennmul. Thia in never the ease with South America: Kidney Cure. It ghee one to the patient, in " hours, end no annoying effects follow, for in e ehon time. even in "gunned - an entire cure in effected. There in no other medicine like South Amen-ion Kid. ney Cure. It is: remedy for the kidney- and bledder 1'.erii,"t, a gonad Bpeeiiit? whet in Japan to cure everything and end- by e cameo cute. South American Kidney Care doe- ita ttsth: work end doe! it well. Sold by el'erhne & Co. _ Have you tried sheen cloth curtains for uummar when you need something airy And inoxpemiva l' Pale pink, yellow, or blue if you like, on be draped in soft folds or Br. nnged with u vnlmce In the top by cutting it on“ long for the upue you Dun to fill, And decorating it-wherever you moy {lacy to catch it up in folds-with a huge rosette of the mammal. Jr, lend, ttself Lu graceful duping very remiily. Seed Cookies. -1s'mst in a mixing-bowl one egg lightly, Adding grndullly one cup of granulated augm- with a Dover egg- beaber t add one-him cup oi new milk, And before mixing Edd three aad one-huh" cup' of lifted iloue 3nd on helping Leupoonful of hiking ipowder. Stir well. than add one hnlf cup 0 melted butter and one to"poon- ful of canwuy needs. Stir until tine tad white, then drop into}. Ieuered, drigping Wnlw, yuan \uuy unu- - uu-le‘. nurrwo pm, pat out Wendi with the hundwprinklo with Inga: and bu. a. When cold in the pm, cut into mull squsres and put when they will keep moist, 1 A; for dailies and table mun, not only jun they the fashion, but if not Rotten up in too abhor-to I manner for daily an, pm, quite an economic-1 future when it uving in the llundoring. A men. cloth And tray cloth are preurou to n. nnpkin for concealing or preventing unsightly spots. Any ample style of deconrion tat designate thnt the nticlc it intended to be nrnnmt'nllll " well " useful, is nll thu " ruily noceunury. An outline in wuhnble rule of some good deaign involvel but link labor. Some Indian. however, seem no {unlined by the pretty things produced by their needles that, they indulge their fancy lining lovely colon of nut, which. though guzuunecd to stand woohine, would ccruznly be ruined except by most chre. ful handling. Cloth. and mat: mty be friuged, but a. worked edge cut out or“ hemsutchcii or drawn border is newer. I White “tin jun- wd white duck mire excellent apluhera 1nd toilet mun. White Roman iioea with then And long stitch embroidery, either in 3 design of leaves or i1owrsrs u n border, with the carer edge- cut wellop fuhion, or tirsiBhed in any mun- ner indivndul cute may fancy. finds much favor u I suitable, deeorstion. It your mum. shoal need clawing. u they frequently do, dun them off mud uno- pim of lemon to remove the grime. When tho lather is dry, palm: well with A non cloth. Thug treated, the light ban will be: toned down into . no“. Havnnt brown. _ Pick-up work in the moat nimble utter work for warm Walther. A new kind of Iprnd in nude of square: of blue linen embroidered in white Mx And joined to. nether like u puchwork quilt. Thou Iqlllrel no no convenient. for pita: work that. the odd momenta devoted be them can namely be tiresome. By the Way. A handsoma and dnnblo ten-cloth an be much from two or three d-muk touch, which no oornpuratively inexpensive u [ prelent. Urge towels nre joined “mother with hoe imserrion, or inunion crocheted from linen the“, and tinirshed on the edges with Inca to much If armband trimming in used, A Lingo of color muy be introduced in working, if desired. A pure white hat muy be tingnd or changed to A deep can by dipping in notice or au) let. VERY HELPFUL T0 LADIES. HOUSEHOLD. Wedded Bliss. "De Uird name on de he! nu dat of Truthful Johnlon. I Ind occuhun to " him u few qua-hum one mswning he: Sam. mer. When I got "I " marine An' went. out to my henhom. found two chickens missin'. On I [nil by de dosh wu 1 piece of ale blue shirt, In' when Iput it to my none I thought it smelt like Brudder John. son. hook A Well ober to his exhin u’ found de bend: of two chickcue u de beck donh All, (unher- in do quub. 1 went. in An’ end Brndder Johnson mm lodin’ tptoohums,witieh he muted wid de utmost blmdneu, but I dinkibbered my chickens under de bed jest de “me. Du use A re. port around next my dat Brudder Johnson hnd been picked up by n cyolone ass' kerried into do top of s cm 200 fest high, but it WA: I mistake. I new picked him up tsa' “named him Hound fur awhile an' den have him frew n winder. I tm told dst he nhrd was In! night when ulkin' “id sum ot de membon of die club about Azania.- w' Captain Kidd. 7 - church in. He expltined to me dlL it um I. shin which blowed oberinto his y-rd one night Int winter, hat his knees war knockin’ together u he talked. Sum' of yo' [may diureckolacl d“ Ilwry v" ftovain' noun 'bout three weeks use to de etfeck mst Rudder W.tking had bin hit by I house. Hmwu hit, bug not by . hour. I hauled " An' hit him on do chin wid my right, sn’ while he alep' I took de shirt. off hi: body " walked nwax. A'Do fo'ttt name on de litst an dnt of Sumac] Shin. Sunni bu offered to do mou’ ot de bud work in reformin' his fellermen sn' ha I renolnuhun All ready to interdums It do proper time. Lava m. it Am 'abort Ii: weeks up. " nigh u l kin reckolecb. when 1305 up " midnight nn' went. to do back donh to no: if do moonlight Wu too strong fur PW. SP""'."."" be“. t m Jun in time to iiud Bruddor Shin totia' . halo of tsoft mp outer the Wood-bed. When I tit on him, he chimed dat be In: unlkm'm his sleep. Mebbe he was, bat he didn't wulk dat way no mo' dub night! When he srs!ked Hound do smbin tn‘ one of de gnu sn' up de strut, he was wide nuke tus' wyin' to dodge my right tut. He didn't go to work fur de next three dayn, sus' I believe he chimed dot he wrenched hilself tryin' to lift I "ee kyu back on do track. , "My Gil. I law but . few words to any on dm mum- of reform. Pauly, de world In good 'nuff u it mm. Secondly, de pun-on who gm do idem of reform in his hand nebber lucludcl h'umslf. Thirdly, if reform could be "seumpliahed, it would simply mm de bar'l ober un' bring mother not of and: on top. lastly. " Limekiln Club could no: oonsiistonbly demsnd reform. I Im not mainly inneroem. myself. Widin de last .i, month I hev picked up An " in do Illoy wiooutirtquurirp' fur de owner: worked elf-dozen counterfeit nickel. on de “not. kyu conduotnhl. put . none in de ptper ngbug to incl-one do weight m' med. my whitewnh mi by thin on 75- cynt john. We will let go isabjick dnp right you an' go hum." In anil pen-nu 1nd gnu-dime of min. on any, before consenting m the murky of the letter, require a medial teerutietste from the bride or bridegrcou, certifying that. he a? she ha been “counted. In Nanny. and Sweden, before any couple on be legally named. eerrtiiieatots mun. be produced showing the: both bride and bridggrooin heve been duly vsocinnmd. In New”, girl: ere ineligible for metri- mony uncil they hue "rned mtrtitt+ for itrohUney in knitting, biking and Ipiwies: .. . l . Ipinniw In aldeek, more in I luv that no “new to may will be granted to my individual who bu the habit of getting drunk, and, once idmtgifud via: the habit, udrnntud mun produce "ffieriettt proof of reformation to uni-run. his receiving the Home " my future time. Banish law show l mu: te my only font tins, sad he mun mury balm-e 80 or not.» all. 1tiiutorninmrtgHy fathom " sh. the brides o kick “not the muting. 'Rmyfttentr. to make her (on! her subjection. ytiitht Drain the bridegroom boxes the WI an. , P. on de list of would-be rufarmen. I went home In' didn't uy tuttiin' till Sundny cum'. Don I called Brudder Watkiaa oat into do alley sn’ looked him obur fur one o' my aha-tn. He hsd one on to go to " Some fo' week- Mo my ole wot-nu: want. to bed one night an' left do wuhin' out. on do line. When we got up In de manln‘my three Ihiru sn' Mro pin o' loch Gd diuppelrod. I looked fur tmclo ln' found 'tstr Dam tuck! led mighty clam: bode baa; duh of Bruddcr Shmdlg Wakinf cabin. Brudder Wtstkrtm Am No. das't n his me. An’ he didn't hand me no hoard. When dst club cum' down I knowed by do fool of tint, d". in had lighted on Rudder Jones. a in Around nex' day wid hit head tied up Ind clnimin' dest he run Agin' a “one wall In de dark. " M‘thin' Wu . puuon. 'Bout de time I!“ had on de nighut equuh I riz up aeiherusg dat club down on his collar: dripped to hil knot. rolled oboe, W _ ”mm-ff {got in we "Two use!“ .30 10-day Along in de “an”: in: m my back duh ln' any 1 puma “.1tu lurveyin’ my truck patch abet do buck (choc. Du puma Wu Given- dam Joel. m looked sud peeked an' pqmnted an in bud loaned de 01-“ .pot on which“! big Iquubu In: growin' uf den be uni-bod from night. At 9 o'clock dst uvoaia' I went out 311' Bot down in do middle old-m Iquuhes. thad . club Us) my land. " wun't wsitin' fur nu, but far Budd. Janey. At 9.30 de ole worn-m Moved outdo candle And an minim later lunchh’ dripped our de but (we: m’ can arsaeh.F' up to dem Iquuhu. I wu- " My lips," “id Brother Gardner " he wudodtho gravel with one had 3nd unbucwndhhcon and van with the other, .. 1 how bin given to understand dat "rtin minor- of dis club um enthuliutic fur "torn; Ttey whnt, u 1 an told, reform ‘in Icahn] “an, in pollycich. in roligun I ‘md alarming; Day want dia club to take do (Uh-min' bizneu in bud au' keep pulhin' We hull world am made better. I hav a “do! de would-he reformer: Among our unambi- nn’ It, tun headed by do male of Give-d. Jones. It Am Illd dar Brud- der ”on. am no Auxioul to sec de world mule in“. "t he can’t. sleep nighu. WHOLE NO. 872, Vaccinated Before Married. '.fG% THE LIMEKILN CLUB “I an. m reteiirdi Heifee. I Winner: Ji, 30mm Mt.For, Durban Eel-tail Mt, Fan Ohm: B Band-made Waggon: First-Class Hearst In the old stand. All hand- madeshoes. Also it Horse Shoeing Shop, ALLAN fi'rghrtflfJilE PRIME ---hT--- BOULDIN a. co's "ciibrwhAiiiric; Promptly attended to, , JAKE new- mam: allowed trd upwards. t unguarded cum Assam! Bucking and “If collection " mind And it no“. Sheeutrtyorv1"t. “irritabl- Uni-ted Sum. A DURHAM AGENCY. Has opened out a tirst-elast, ¢~~M<WM tm, fr .. y "m-//.t,llri.E-l'll?ii(t/ri.jiy OWEN SOUND. ONT., 66 Paid up 1.000.000 RESERVE FUN D 600.000 CAPITAL, Authorized " . tioneer for couutids of Bruce Gd Gi. Bessideuee-Eiug St., Hanover. TERMS; $1 per Fear, IN ADVAICI CHAS. RAMAGE Emma: Proprietor. StandardBank of Canada REVIEW OFFICE. GAB-Am BT., .DURHAH. JAMES LOCKIE, t9TER_ot Marriage Licenses. Ano- SEE OUR HARNESS UPPER TOWN. Grand Trunk Railway. JAKE KRESS thlgiqg of ill kinds Imqilrrriii Furniture ALLAN MoFAJiLANj, Thursday,' Morning. 15?T.f in . a" -- prjeipa_l will? in Head Office. Toronto. w W0 ODWORK SA VIN GS BANK. to be (om “in the T in connection. _ A first-e1ass lot of HARNESS MAKERS. for sale cheap. 'owan ' Preiuiene IS PUBLISHED 1matr Jest (agility D HM GREY REVIEW J ATTE.t7D- ...-AT Dari Iva-Inca cranium Drum I made on an mink. _ toms: gnawed " cum! MESS OIL. J . KELLY, Amt. AI in his Old Sand itaat Bakery. FLEMING. Principal ‘LCATION rank dam.“ ot 31m hon and -taestt.. a ' m. Geo. P. Raid, Manages It an - I '/qtr 1/ Cheaper $2,000,000 A Gun "can; -rstontor station! om. ttt 6.10 60p.Mt go

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