N BROS. +A IN S 1 Profits. Eégs. rV KECHNIE. [V besaW® echnie : public. ALTY. erhaulâ€" rork Sysviem. nce of M1liS TK to nc the i {fOr % AJ Thousands of cases have been cured by Ho This is abundant reaso it will cure you. Owing to the illness of Miss Maggie (Gun, the parlor social at the residence of Mrs. Gun is postponed. WaxTED.â€"10,000 lba. of Turkeys, Ducks and Geese. High(-st, market price paid, at W. Laidlaw‘s. Miss Mamic Gordon and her little sisâ€" ter left Wednesday morning on a visit to their grandimother over the holidays Alaska Socks! Call and see Mc Arthur‘s Alaiska Socks and Rubbers before you bu{ any where else. They are extra good yalue. , | _ |. ;. F Another large shipment of freize over coats to hand at prices below the lowest See them before you buy. _ A few more of those $3.00 ones left. Ramsry & Rev. Jonathan Goforth will speak on Missions on Friday l4th inst. in the Presbyterian church. The handiest [}Lwa in town to load barrel Salt is at J. A. Hunter‘s Cush store. at Ramsay & M Rev. Mr. Middlemiss, D. D. of Elora, will occupy Mr. Jansen‘s pulpit on Sunâ€" day first. H Miss Miller, of Wiartom, is visiting friends in town. + Canadian Almanacs, Henty‘s 3 new books at MeFarlane‘s. New currants, new raisins, new: canâ€" died peel at Davidson & Co. For lumF or Iamp goods of any kind go to MacFarlane‘s Drugstore, _ 3 McArthur bas the best value in factory cotton in Town. Call and flannelette can‘t be be Morlock Try one of Hunter‘s 65¢ axes. Don‘t forget Santa Claus is at the Big4. Dolls! doll‘s trunks, and doll‘s cradles at McFarlane‘s. Men may come and men may go but tamsay & Morlock‘s bargains go on for A Caxnce To Do Goop.â€"You can do good to humanityâ€"to suffering childâ€" renâ€"if you like. Thousands of people have canned fruit this year in your county or township. Now if you and your friends coul{‘i collect a hundred quarts of fruit and send them "to"t.he have canned fruit this year in your county or mwnshi]p. Now if you and your friends could collect a hundred quarts of fruit and send them to the Hospital for sick Children, College Street, Toronto, you would confer a blessing on the hundreds of sick little ones cared for within its walls. Write the Secretary, Hospital for Sick Childâ€" ren College Street, Toronto, and arâ€" rangements will be made to have the gruic brought into Toronto carriage ree. W . Tavior, the Sheffield Catler will stay in Durham a short time longer. Scissors & knives ground and made as good as new ; saws filed and set. razors ground honed and set ready for "‘h“;‘.?.ï¬f umbrellas and parasols neatly repaire Have your skates hollow ground before I goaway by latest improved machinery no better work done in Canada; the proprietor of this establishment is a thorough practical cutler and guarantees all work that is entrusted to him. If you want first class work done come direct to Workshop on Wheels opgosite Midda\Â¥h House, Lambton Street Lower Town, Durham. \r. D. McDougall, Collector for the Township of Bentinck, will receive taxes on the dates and at the places mentioned below:â€" Hanover , Reid House, Tuesday Dec. 11. Durham, Cairn‘s Hotel, Wednesday Dec. 12th. Allan Park. Friday Dec. lMith. ___ _ _ Mr. Hugh Chit K Christmas Goods, Purker,. Santa Claus, Big 4. Saws and axes, }funter. Christmas Goods, MeKenzie. Money to Lend, Jackson. What People Want Davidson »use, Toronto. paid his ol ends in Durham a visit on Tu Call and see MeArthur,s grey innelettes â€" and _ cottonades n‘t be beaten. Another NEW ADVERTISEMENTS Califor: LOCAL NEWS. ship nent rlocks f Figs, is mar a Fig Syrup C k. clerk of the F ol rhenmatism od‘s Sarsaparilla. n for belief that n h d eat illiot time As an emergency medicine, Ayer‘s Cherry Pectoral trakes the lead of all other remedies. â€" For the relief and cure of croup, whooping cough sore throat, and the dangerous pulmonary troubles to which the young are so fiable, it is invalaable, being projupt to act, sure to cure. h +. yyiecs Hrart Diskase R â€"Dr. Agnew‘s Cure Buy your goods at J. A. Hunter‘s Cash‘ Siore. No credit profits there, everything is marked away down to suit the hard times. If you are anxious to find the most reliable bloodâ€"perifier, readâ€"in Ayer‘s Almanze the testimonials of those who hoeva haan eured of such terrible diseases Cold in the headâ€"Nasal Balm &:i\'es }nsmnt relief ; speedily cures, Never wils. Rev. Peter McNab, of Kilsyth, preachâ€" ed in Barns‘ Church, Rocky Saugeen on Sabbath last. Rubbers and socks? Buy your Alaska Socks and Rubbers from McArthur. Xmas Cards. calendars and booklets at McFarline‘s. M Sons of Scotland meet toâ€"morrow night. Try the Big 4 for Xmas presents of all kinds. MacFarlane‘s Drugstore is the place to select a nice present. 3 et Call and see McArthur‘s boots and shoes. â€" They areextra good and cheap. The Bank of Hamilton and :Ontario Bank are the losers but of course are reticent a« to the amount. The»oss is estimated at $2,200. His photograph has been secured and steps taken which will it is expected lead to his amsh. and this time ue is not likely to escrpe the consequences of so serious a crime. Let us hope that this check to the career of a misguided young manâ€"will result in deterring others from leaving the path of r;}ctixude when temptation fresents itself. ® ‘o‘T the r coats if they ; any chance to win. â€"Dr. Agnew‘s Cure for the Reart givex perâ€" ect relicf in all cases Organicor Sympathotic Teart Disease in 30 mivutes and apeedily ffects a cure. It is a. peerles«{ remedy for rutsitatian=® Shartneas 6f Brcath. "&Smother â€" Some 4 or 5 weeks ago he presented a note to the bank here payablerto the order of his father. Mr. Kelly, however was cautious and asked to see his father. Angus called next day, his fathar being ill as he said. However the. father‘s name was on the note. Mr. Kelly was still on his guard, and refused to do anything with the note until Mr. Blythe, the alleged maker of the note had been seen. This was the last Mr. Kelly heard of it. LATER,â€"We hear that McTavish has been captured at a brother‘s in the States. Mattâ€"abm Mr. Geo. Putherbough returned hale and hearty after a summer‘s sojourn down the country. _ wee _ Mr. Robert Grierson has just completâ€" ed the erection of a fine new driving shoc. ~ Lo mar l _ Mr. Jno. W. Smith has prepared him self more eomfor tably for the coid blasts of winter in the erection of a new kitchâ€" â€" Mr. S'z.lkn(\]-y"'.'\'lé(:‘(')rrnick is home from Michigan visiting friends here. : contract Mr. M. N. Clark left last week to reâ€" sume bis studies in Toronto University. A few days previous to his departure he had just arrived home from * The land of brown heath and shaggy wood," where he has spent a most enjoyable summer, In this ward the municipal pot is again beginning to boil, Seme have already entered the ring and are preparâ€" ing for the combat, whï¬e the ‘irrepresâ€" sible Peter," (that man of ability and talent who might have controlled the dmtinK of a nation had fortune favored him) has become quite indignaut beâ€" cause he was not being let out to slay the present candidate in the field. The Patrons are also determined to brin out a man}ind are goingtostand shoulf er to shouider in the fray. They have already chosen a standard bearer, one who is thoroughly devoted to the cause ot Patronism and will no doubt fight this battle to the bitter end.. From the pre entindiev‘ o â€"s ‘t would appear that somme of the Far.hers will have to take Fresh Oysters at J. A. Hunter‘s. Sons of Scotland meet toâ€"morrow Miss Maggie McKechnie, of Durham, as visiting at Mr. Neil McLean‘s last CroIEg ® Jno. Scheuffle, of Hanover, had the SI MULLCORNERS Exc3 Ripuctsn â€" ne 80 Mixures aordina2t nen The regular monthly meeting of the Town Council was held on Monday evening. The Mayor only was absent, and the Reeve presided. Accounts to the amount of $264.83 were passed. Byâ€" law No. 270 authorizing the issuing of debentures for the purchase of a fire engine was read and ratified, A byâ€"law was pnssed.g\nw'n_di%z for.the nominaâ€" tion of candidates for Mayor, Reeve, Councillors and Trustees for 1895, and SR,â€"As this‘is the Bast month of the year it is about time that the elector» began to size up our town fathers, unless they intend to reâ€"elect them. Allow me to set the ball rolling. Now let us begin, not n a general manner, but come to particulars at once, taking a subject quite fresh in the mind of all, that of Fire Protection. Early in the agitation, a resolution came up in the Council, the purport of which was that no engine be purchased til}l after a public test was given here, at the Manufacturers expense. This was voted down, by 7 to 3. a Byeâ€"law be submitted by the Council to a vote of the electors, providing for the issue of Debentures â€" for a suf ficient sum to purchase a steam Fire Engine. This, the chairman, fitting head of a council so autocratic that several of them declared they would not submit a Byeâ€"law, as they bad the power to purâ€" chase on the rental system and they would do so in defiance of the people, did not condescend to submit to a vote of the meeting. Then ensued exciteâ€" ment, turmoil and the incurring of the expense of Deputations and legal advice. This could have been avoided had not the council assumed the ‘high and mighâ€" ty‘ position of masters and tyrants, instead of seryants of the public. Tests by the Engines were given, notâ€" withstanding the majoiity vote against such a thing, and as a last resort a Byeâ€" law had to ï¬m- submitted by the gentleâ€" men who declared vehemently they would not do so. Now who, but ourstupid headstrong counciliors are rcspunsii}h- for the needless expenditure incurred ? Way. GORSLINE. At a Public meeting, called by the Maycer, it was moved and seconded that To Editor of Review : Homor of S. S. No. 10, Bentinck, for the month of November. Sr, V.â€"Mary Clark, Annie Mc Cracken, Jane Putherbough. Jr. V.â€"Geo. Campbell, Joseph Collin sOn IV Class.â€"Dugald _ Clark, Julan Fletcher, Chas, Lunney. III Class.â€"Dan _ Campbell, Lorne Clark. Ellen Putherbough. Sr. II.â€"Jamies McCracken, Tena Mcâ€" Jr. L.â€"Carmie Aitchieson, . Pugaid Clark, Spurgeon McLean. Pi. I1.â€"Alex. Daiglish, Bella Ewen, John Teasdale. Sr. I.â€"Anme Smith, Hugh McDonald, Robert Stinson Jr. I.â€"Goldie Willie Brown. TeE following is §. S. No. 4, Dornoc November Specht. II. Sr.â€" Buchanan. Allen 1. Bk., Ist. Part.â€"J. Heft, J. Robert son, H. Allen. Average Attendance, 25. C. R. McIxtos:t, Teacher .A Gand. Pn x i dnimemiraetiieds n fretfulness, peevishness, chronic Dysperâ€" sin and great miser?'. Hood‘s Sarsaâ€" parilla is the remedy. It tones the stomach, creates an appetite, and gives a relish to food. _ It makes pure_biood and gives healthy action to all the organs of the body. Take Hood‘s for Hood‘s Sarsaparilla CURES.L 3 FESMERIUDIEANIEE MAONETE UAE sotes Melntosh. (Over 75%.) 1V.â€"Percy Chatham. III.â€"A. Davey, L. Heft, C. Alien, L W. Kobe: _ Hood‘s Pills eathartic with Do you like the Mail?_ Join the REâ€" vIEW club and get both for sl.zs. FrEE.â€"To subscribers Suwn and REVIEW for 1805 rmick V. Class IL Jr.â€"K. afcDonald, J. Alien, L Poor digest ion TOWN COUNCIL MEETING Bk. 2nd. Part.â€"A. Koch, L. Kobe, THE TOWN COUNCIL ~Pills become the favorite with every one who trys them. Alex. Collinson L. Walker, T. MclIntosh, A To subscribers to Farmers‘ EVIEW for 1805 we offer the the year free. beha EQNOR ROLL. lie Mutch Jno. Aitchieson, t Angus Mclutosh, Teany ; is the report of Union nock, for the month of D. McPuEL, teacher, leads to nervousness, Aitchieson, Dugald in town. Mr. i and Rubber the Canadian eir respective had samples, Clark, â€" Julian Bentiuck, for Retualty AubEcK Money to lend Parties. Far BAVID JACKSON. Jr.. / ~© BRTEUR B JACKSCX; Clerk Div. Court. Notary Pubic LAND VALUATORS, : INSURANCE 4AGENTS, COMMISSIONERS. Has Arrived A general financial business transacted. Office next door to Standard Bank, Durham. SANYVA +D AT &« . [HE BG 4 Amas Presents, T oys, & In the Estate of Walter Smai, Deceased. By order of the Judge of the Surrogate Court of the County of Grey : 'l‘ HERE will be sold by Public Auction on the premises, at the brick house, east of the E*Juglish Church Parsonage, and situated on the first Division of Lot 25, Con. 1, S. D. R., Glenelg, on At one o‘clock p. m., all the household goods and effects of the late Mrs. Walâ€" ter Smhail, consisting of a quantity of furniture and wenring apparel, TERMS CASH. HUGH MacKay, . JAMES LEASK, Auctioneer. Executor Dated Nov. 19th, 1804. mt Prepared by Dr. J.C. Ayer & Co., Loweli, Mask. Ayer‘s Cherry Pectoral and had about decided to sit up all night in my essy chair, and procure what sleep I could in that way. It then ocâ€" curred to me that I had a bottlo of Ayer‘s Chorry Poctoral. I took ®* spoonful of this preparation in a little water, and was able to lie down without coughing. In a few moments, I fell asleep, and awoke in the morning groatly refreshed and feeling much botter. I took a teaspoonful of the Pec= toral every night for a week, then gradâ€" ually decreased the dose, and in two woeks my cough was cured." Promptto act, suretocure n effects of Abuse or Xncesses, Mental Worry, excessive use of Tobaeco, Optum or Sttimuâ€" Before and AftET. Lunts, which scon lead to Inâ€" Armity, Insanity, Consumption and an early grave. Has been prescribed over 35 yoars in thonsands of, gases; is the only Reliable and Honest Medicine Thursday, Oth Becomber, 1894 wWOODs PHOSPHODINE The Great English Remedy. Siz Packages Guaranteed to sgme@@ xuirnsss m e} curo all forms of Netvous "Over thirty years ngo, I remember hearing my father describe the wonderâ€" ful curative effects of Ayer‘s Cherry Pectoral. During a recent attack of L® Grippe, which assumed the form of & catarrh, soreness of the lungs, accom panied by an aggravating cough, I used various remedies and prescriptions. White some of those medicines partially alleviated the coughing during the day, mone of them afforded me any relief from that spasmodic action of the lungs which would seize me the moment I attempted to lie down at night. Aiter ten or twelve such nights, I was Cured by Ayer‘s Cherry PoctorsaL Mrs. P. D. HAaLL, 217 Genessce St, Lockport, N. X., says: EXECUTORS SALEK! Cure SICK MEADACHE and Neuralgia in zo mrmmures, also Coated Tougue, Dixri« mess, Biliousness, Pain in the Side, Constipation,, Torpid Liver, Bad Breath. . to stay cured also regulate the bowels. VARY AJC@ TO TAKE. Prics 25 Cantse ar Drua Sromss. Nearly in Despair, CcONnVEYANCERS. Gandies. Coms and see him. â€" A Racking Cough WITH A BIG LOAD OF JACKSONS. POWDERS end, Money invested. for Farms bought and sold. stt CLAUS ‘w:'l ness, Eméssions, ..-7 al Gur Stock of â€"fis»s Bibles is now very comâ€" plete, from the smallest to the most complete Teachers‘ Edition. We have a very nico asâ€" sortment of Bibles. with MethodistHymnsconâ€" bined, also Bibles with the Presbyterian Hymns. Flour per 1001b ... Qatmeal _ ** Sliorts _ . :*1 Bran t Farll Wheat per bushel . Spring Wheat * Oats, t Peas, Wt Barley, ts Potatoa®, te Hay peX bOR ...........o.>> Beet, foro quarters, per Beef, buud â€"** es English _ Church Prayer Book & Hymnals in Cases, small pocket, and fine large type Editions. All the latest Hymn Looks in Stock or procured on shortâ€" est notice. ~Special discounts to Choirs. We also keep a full line of Poets in Fancy: Cloth, Paddea Morocco, and Padded MacFARLANE & Co., Dreggists & Booksellers. _ | Family Bibles and Bibles for Family Worship in nuice large type cheap. Sheapekins. eacb.. Butter per Ib........ Eage, por doz ..... Wood 3ft, long..... Seal. Pork, Fair Dealing with living profits must be our guiding principte. Call and examine our Goods. We do not sacrifice any line but we sell at the lowest possible prices. HIIGHEST PRICE PAID FOR BUTUER AND ECGGS. Bargains! Bargains!‘ Bargains{!! +===+3 QUR STOCK OF &>+â€" . s DRY GOODS, GROCERIES, BOOTS AND SHOES â€"_â€" is complete. 7 s tiet with a LLRGER AND BETTER STOCK, scelling far below the prices which Right CThousand PPollars ! â€" C# _ 00 stxks * 4 t se * We have added to it largely in every department tke BEST VALUE that MONEY 1N HAND could buy. . The rapid growth of our business is the result which is most gratâ€" ifying to us and a proof that our s NEW COODS AT RICHT PRICES. DURHAM MARKET Dalglish‘s old Stand, AE : qesesee A0CT0, eprccs.... 0 60 to §$1 50 to 2 25 to 0 80 to 0 12 to 0 14 to 1 00 to Lo 139 t $1 65 0 55 0 53 0 49 0 14 0 15 . M[ocAR.TITETEILU K B For the finest line of Cutters of all dgescriptions, Portland Cutters, P1ano Box Cutters, Latest Styles. Prices For the finest line of Stoves, Cook Stoves, Paclor Stoves, Box Stoves; Furnaces, Double Heaters, &c.. go to § s Lower Town. Also Insurance Agents, Money to Loan and Issuer of Marringe Cutters & Stoves. CALDER & LEVINGSTONE, way 300. 10â€" minif cuon l Ccms dn y e p e aiepnnet n ce ie j * e Rewont wlf.!%:?z:t% 1"‘*““& from $25 upwards. 59%; cents on the Dollar On the whoiesale price, a saving of "he ue‘ Corner, Upper Town, Durham. We don‘t claim to be the largest Store in Durkiam, but we do know it is the cheapest place to buy your : DRY GOODS; â€" â€" â€" GROCERIES, : â€" BOOTS & SHOES. â€" Every article is sold on its ow We don‘t cut prices to make & ® we give good value in every i es cleared, 70 fit torun machines ~n. Frame Barn 50x60 with basemei stables;â€" good concrete dwelling. am other outbuildings; balf acre g0G orchard; two goo§ spring wells; we fenced and in good state of cultivatief Situated about one mrile from the Tow of Durham and one mile from scho¢ Will be sold with or without craf For further particulars apply to pP prietor on premuises, 3 D. J. DAV% Durham P. O., July 3rd, 94. TEROUGHBRED BERKSHRE This fine animal will be kept on premises of Jno. Clark jr.. _ LOT 32, CON..3, W. G. R. BENTINGI for service during season of 1898 Registered in the *"Canada Berkal Swine Record" as‘ No. 2056. Farroy Nov. 21st 1893, aurd bred by Jno. Mey: Kossuth, Ont. ______ al Transact a general Bsnkins business. Money loaned to farmers and others on reasonable terms. Intcrest allowed on special deposits at current rates. Also FIRE & LIFE What People Want o t «* TERMSE $1.00. To be paid for at Service. O ne Berkshire, & one improved Â¥, shire from Caldwell‘s Herd,â€"a be kept for Service on lot 43 and 44 ¢ 3. 8. % R., Glenelg, for the season and 95. Terms $1.00 at time of se PARK & Co. Glenelg, Nov. 25th 1S9M4. rI\HERE will be for service at eon. 2, (near V arney cheese fa Normanby, a thoroughbred m Yorkshire boar, from inported . Terms, 75 cents. W. H. LEESON, Pr November 23th, 189. â€"*< WANTED ‘THXS Fineâ€"Animal is from of R. K. Hud‘i:f. Thor porter of British Ameri and‘is for service this season. NNi\ lLV Salesmen Hardy C:nadian Grown N We guarantee satisfaction tatives avd «customers. â€"€ are the largest in the Doug 700 acvres.. No subs Exclusive territory to whole or part time Thorougbred Bo Thoroughbred Chester Aberbeen, Nov. 12, 1894 Boar for Servi Farm for Sale. â€" T 53, Con. 2, E. G. R., Glenely « sting of 100 acres, more or BA N II ERS. *Prince Leon. STONE & Is value for their money. Assurance Policies issued. FE1 DLNAND 2 DP 9 O