O o â€"â€"=Lord and Lady Aberdcem have made arFongement»® to take up their /csidenee in Montreal during she winâ€" #â€"r monsks, to the great s«tisfaction of ue â€" Montrealers. The Viceâ€"Regal sarty will occupy the residence of the .ate Sir Joh» Abbott during their stay in the cesamercial metwepolis of Canâ€" wmia. Itiwnoticeable that the Governor Serernl and bis Lady attended a meetâ€" ting held by Mr. Moody in St. James‘ Methodist Charck shortly after‘ their awrrival in the city. sccompanied William the Conqgueror on his invastomn of England is 1066. Whethor or no, it is a matter of history that he sgcceeded Sir EAmuand Head »s Governor General of Canada in 1861, and presided over the affairs of this country during the troablous time preâ€" ceding Confederation. during the St. Alban‘s raid affair, the Fenian invas fon, the exeiting episodes in and out of Parliament daring the édisetssion of b. question of representation by popuâ€" m ie i erpernn on Pamas omm 5i ... &:hich were ended in a pescefnl ion by the act of Confederation. To this happy sofution Lord Monek‘s tact and abitity largelycontributed. The Hon. Alexander MacKenzic writes of him that he was a thoroughly honest man, an upright Governor and an enâ€" thusiantie lever of Canada. igi instrac:ion of the childâ€" nd‘ng the schools be relegated parents and the churches to h they respectively belong. In M»nitoba, the Ontario mode has been virtrally adoptedâ€"those not wishing tw hnve the PBible read, not being reâ€" quired to be present during that exerâ€" sisz But manifestly that does not dispose of the quesiion. Better if, in â€"mitoba as well as in Ontario, the Twblic school had been put upon an ..\ entirely secular basis. â€" For after all is ai‘ and done, in society, constituted if® * is, the bome and the church are t’ «: proper spberes for communicating & k‘e.i;:‘.ous instruction. week. The deceased lady was born in 1824, of a noble Pomeranian family, and was married in 1847. Throughout %m a perfect specimen of sbo n housewifeâ€"in the first place, Qcarefully looking after every detail off her housebold, and caring for â€"Johanna, wile of FrinCC Distd died at her residence at Varzin ner children in a motherly way, and in the second place, securing for ber husband that bome life which the great Chanceller loved so well and in which he found repose and refreshment from: hiÂ¥ public labours. In these respecis she bas been to Bismarcic what Mrs. Gladstone has ever been to her hus bandâ€"bis veritable guardian angel. ‘As is to be expectecd Prince Bismarck, already feeble in health. is completely broken down by the death of his wife. _ â€"â€"Religions education in State supâ€" ported schools has been lately receivâ€" h‘ much attention. In London, England, a bitter contest has been in the School Trustees‘ election een the High Church party on the hand who advocate religious inâ€" ion as a part of the Public Sehool rame, and the Nonâ€"conformists the other, who go in for a purely MM’\& the State supportâ€" w& sehcols. For the present the secâ€" fiisrists have carried the day, but the and is pnot yet. Mr. Gladstone who began life as a strong advocate of the arion of Church and State took a hand in the fray. ard lwid down the proposiâ€" tion, that in State supported schoois only a secular education should be given. M. Jory, formerly leader of a liberaf party in the Provinee of beec, and who is expected to enter ical: life shortlv, supports Mr. Gladâ€" is dontentions in so far as this affects Canada and advises that Ff«".-‘he great progress made in electric _wrlence and the use of water power for the generation of electricity bids fair s Jisplace the use of coal and wood w hoeating and lighting as well as for â€" the dovelopement of moter power. We "earn from the ‘Canadian Engineer‘ t"at the Georgian Bay Canal and Fower aqueduet Scheme will be given io «s the company are not prepared to yield on every point demanded by the *~â€"â€"city council, and that Toronto maw reseive its electric power from Zxniton. The latter city has betore * s :c"eme for conveying water by a ine! from Lake Erie to Hamilton %»>~~ the fall would be 320 feet, and by «> ich theretore, more power could ts «‘:ained than would supply the â€"_ageds of both Hamilton and Toronto, | it hoating, lighting and motor purâ€" E‘A At the Niagora Falis, two comâ€" es are at work, propesing to utilize ter of the Niagara. One, the ct construction Co. on the Ameriâ€" le of the Falls is well advanced its work. It first proposes to Buffals with light power and ind as soon as the transm‘s that city is in suceessiul oper Ley intend to convey electricity haster, 60 miles distant: On the ian side, the Cansdian Nisgara ‘Coy.. ‘walso at work, though not E:v.dumé as its neighbor on n usds af thoâ€"river. Uoder the aannnnan t # ffoemaen oy., ©A,SO &L WOLR. M1_Cent =** idvanged as its neighbor on r side of thoâ€"river. U oder the granted to the Canadian Coy. * is obliged to prodwe 'ishl'ithree years. Smï¬xld the an . be successful in its en f Canandian CI:y., m&sy b; oC to supply Toionto AD 'n'hi .lefl?’w’l power but,.a8 in im detail is obsained,. every y town in the Province. ofsteam has its limits. the eleatrio omgrent, 1ll 19 to overcome she diffiâ€" : at allevents e way ot the water. wife of Prince Bismarck, ormerly Governor s dead. He éed from a & of Le Moxn« G(hu 1594’ Ni itle wh last is The ‘Globe‘ is of the opinion that the Dominion elections are not far of. The members of Sir John‘s Cabinet are here and there addressing their constituents and others, wvarions public expenditur ® are beld up before the people, some |. eontracts have been let, notably one in the Trent Valley Canal, others are | in the distance, elcctionâ€"wirepullers of the Ortawa combination are busy seekâ€" l ing to reconeile the opposing factions, | the fruits of ministerial cxtr:wagume] and class legislation are rapily a;~, pearing in the shape of deficitsâ€"oyer | a million dollars in the last financial year, with every reasonable probabik ity of the last year‘s deficit being doubled when the current years a¢â€" counts are laid before Parliament, ard farther a series of Ministerial meetings in Ontario are expected to begin | this week. It is well that the friends of good government sbould, with all these ominous forebodings before them, take time by the forelock. This is evidently the duty of the hour atâ€"al} events. â€" The countryis not ignorant of | the bligh:ing effeets of the policy of the the last 15 years upon the wellbeing of the whole communityâ€"a policy which has been direetly in the interâ€" ests of individuals and corflorations. . The question then is, shall the order ‘of things in the past be continued. ELiberal and Patron alike have resolved that the axe muss be laid to the root of the tree. â€" The policy of lopping off the f mouldering branches has been found virtually to mean a continaance of the evil. The soâ€"called readjuastment of the tariff has been simply one in name, extravagance ard looseness in the exâ€" penditure of public money continues, nor have the contributions to the ele¢â€" tion fands of the Government fallensoff, and at the present day attempts ar* being made by ministers of the crown ‘ to bribe constituences with their own money, under the guise of tu « wharves or hndgs _or wlggt. even glory in their shame. / of good government have made :5‘ their minds that this sort 6f thing must‘ ©HOLL MEAMEAS MAE U CA Cp e c en cease and that the administration of public affairs by whomsoever adminâ€" stered Patron or Liberal must be conâ€" ducted honestly and in the interests of the people. We need scarcely remind our readâ€" ers that the first railway project sabâ€" mitted to the people of South Grey was the East and West route following in this the course of the Sun, & very natural scheme. Some point on the Northern Railway was to be the startâ€" ing point, and Kincardine the Western terminus, passing of course through. the rising townof Durham. Counter projects threw this very feasible scheme into the background for the ‘time being, but now, we are glad to ‘ obseryve that there is a possibility if not | areasonable probability of the scheme being revived. It is reported in the ExrpiRE that at a public meeting held in Wiarton last week, Mr. MeNeill, M. P. for North Bruce, stated, that a repâ€" resentation of the C. P. R. Co. would visit Wiarton shortly for the purpose of examining the harbor, and to confer with the citizens as to the building of aline of the road to that place. â€" A charter has already been granted for aline from Wiarton to connect with the C. P. R. at or near Chatsworth. Now here is our opportunity. Some knowing people might say, that Mr. McNeill is out on an electioneering tour, and that the C. P. R. scheme is simply a bait to hook the Wiarton vo‘es, But whether the electioncering clement enters into this matter or no, we are bound to accept the bona fides of Mr. 1 McNeill and the C. P. R.. and therefore> we would say, let us go on and see what can be made of it. The charter provides that the base be at or near Chatsworth. Well, let it be placed further down the line, say at Dundalk and then unquestionably, a line leayâ€" ing the C. P. R. at Dunda‘k, running by the village of Dromore in Egremont to Durham and reaching the lake at Wiarton would secure the trade of one of the most fruitful sections of country in Western Ontario. In natural Te scurces, in agricultural and dairying products hold to a high place, and the capabilities of this district are only beâ€" ginning to be known. There can be no two opinions as to the advantage and even necessity of â€"stich a lineâ€"ito Durham and the surrounding country. Whatever advantages there might have been in the past in having Durâ€" ham the terminus of the G. T. F. branch, that occasion has past. We want now above all things railway | communications with the Lake. Betâ€" ter directly with Owen Sound, it being the county town, but failing this conneetion by all means let us go in fr connection with the C. P. R. branch to Wiarton. â€" Here is a subject we beg to submitfor elaboration to our enterâ€" prising Town Council They bave disposed satisfactorily of the Fire Proâ€" tection question, let this new railway project now engage their consideration and let an earnest awemft be put forth to benefit ourselves, and at the same | time, to place the superior advantages of Durham and the .snnou‘x‘\'ding counâ€" AMomeison OR T MMMTCCes on es try before the outside world. Dr. Evans‘ CAREFULLY INVESTITATED BY THECANADIAN FARMERS‘ SUN. Miss Koester and Hor Parents Endorse the Statements Contained in the Open Letter.â€"the Doctor‘s Action in Makâ€" ing the Facts Public Fully Justified. From Theâ€"Fazmexr‘s Sun. Wny vepihel > tss In an open JeVZ Canadian Fagmers the »ignatar® of Dr. attention was calle P EUTR ATRICAMisnie ol In an open letter published in the Canadian Farmers‘ Sun of Sept. 19 over the »ignatery of Dr. Evans, of Ehnwood,, attention was called to the remarkable case of Misg Christina Koester, of North Brant, who was attended by the doctor in March, 1892, when suffering from inâ€" flammation, of the left lung, which sab~ sequently developed all the signs of conâ€" Do020 _ _2 tha cama vear ERMi Wev D soanys sumption., In June of the same_year she wasted toa skeleton, and was sufferâ€" ing from . an intense cough with profuse expectoration of putrid matter, accomâ€" panied by hectic fever, Her recovery was despaired of until Dr. Evaus, at a stage when other remedice had proved K °C 2 c sssoeed Dr. Williarns A NEW RAILWAY PROJECT DOMINIONK EXZECTIONâ€" dhelomet it Open Letter t were ily. ‘An Inferâ€"1eWw WIRL SALLCU OOE COCEiR her father and mother, was held at the homestead in the Township of North Brant. Miss Kooster is a well developed, healthy Iooking girl of cighteen years of age. She stated that she was now in the enjoyment of perfect health and able to do her part in the labors of the farm, and has not since her cure had any reâ€" enrrences of her former trouble. m |eaginind: es oae oi enrrences of her former trouble. Tado Koaster, father of Christina, said that the statement as published in Dr. Evans‘ open letter as to his daughter‘s recovery was Ccorrect, She was first taken sick about the 15th of March, 1$93, of inflammation of the left lung, and after treatment by Dr. Evans seemâ€". ed to recover after about two weeks, but again relapsed with apparently hopeless conditions described in the letter. She was terribly wasted. Every vight she coughed up a large bowlful of fetid matter. The family bad completely given up all hopes of her recovery. and for two nights sat up with her expecting that she would die. After beginning the Pink Pills a change for the better was speedily noticeable. The cough beâ€" gan to discontinue and im one month had entifrely ceased, when, as stated in the doctor‘s letter she was sufficiontly hopnanenc n tanus ts Rimwood..â€"She again relapsed with a conditions described 1 was terribly wasted. coughed up a large matter. The family given up all hopes of PNNUETCOT Coaly mt zim t Mrs. Koester concurred with her husâ€" "band‘s statements throughout, and was empbatic in testifying to Christina‘s reâ€" duced and weakly condition at the crisis of the disease snd the completeness of her recovery. BMSne rma sls In view of the corroboration by Miss Koester and her Barc-nts of the stateâ€" ments made in Dr. Evan‘s letter, all doubts in the matter must be set at rest, and the doctor‘s action in giving the fucts of this remarkable case to the pablic is fully justified. Prominent Niagara Distriect People say: Mr. A. E. Douglass, Druggist, Welâ€" and says :â€"** Stark‘s Powdersfor Headâ€" ache, Neuralgia, Biliousness and Liver, ave highly praised by all who have used them." Mr. J. H. Burgar, Druggist and cine dealers, MUBats nc ces D it end buildiuf w chimney,. . Mr. and Mrs. Wim. ~Murdo passed th:6ugh here on their way to Riverview last Sabbath. They gave us a call, ETe Ne i U neesir it valh ing their }}\\yellinguhnuse by plastering Mr. Alex. Smy popular and ener gave some of the call on Saturday, Mr. J ohl-lr-O‘H'carn purchased a pair of bobâ€"sleighs recently. eMUUITO TTR DC noptont y3 C were several vacant houses on the line, but they are rapidly decreasing in numâ€" ber. The last one is now occupied by Mr. Hector Campbell, who, with his wile and family, took possession on Wednesday of last week. Mr. James Haley has been making vaâ€" rious improvements on his bouse Lnely. It is now transformed into quite a comâ€" modious dwelling. Sunday was a cold blustery cay, but it did not prevent that stalwart Glasâ€" cotter from making his customary visit to the Lake. It caunot be an un‘ln:por- sns ieptonrent u> To hrnig NC UORTCEICAEIT ENNN T on m iremenn sn Ing tant matter that brings him so far from home this cold weather. VIOLET. ‘The Ruvizw‘s prominent position forces every goit to chnokle with delight d n es cone on ce iess P CU TTE To ain rwerr Chotce Mennonite revivalixts are prepuring for their aunual Evangelistical meetisg. Xmas chat is at & discount. J>. Lenahan , . of Mil/may, is helping his gonial brother Frank to prepure e cosy cot for himself and bride. Ben Dericks, Williamsford‘s colored gent is within sight of death‘s valley. He was an actor in his youth. \Contractor Coteman, of Orangeyille, is up on a fying visib MSTCE CCC Mrs. Win. Buchauan atiended the obsequies of her ‘ather, Mc. Sapders, of Durhaip, Miss Efic McFarlane, of Durtam, was the gnost of Miss Marjory Ledingham, Sunday last Mas Tens Robertson, of Kilyth,, entrances all by her amiler ayvoe hex roturn. The Corlett voys, Geo. and Ed. are recef, ing many & liandshake trom old time friends.. Rev. Mr. Little excelJod himgol{ at our thanksâ€" g vingservice, ‘The Yeliti butchering company haxe.collapred, Contractor W. Little, of Palmersign visited the parental home lant week., We‘re assured that Miss Delenney,, of ‘Praversâ€" b:..h"; ‘ldeky Durhamite for the Sepurate y, fox 95. , gh oi e U Tok es o Lenies 11 M Alex. Smythe, of Thornbury, the r and energetic headstone agent, ome of the Lake folk a friendly DPORNOCH ECHOES. PROTON CENTRE. «â€"â€"4 & 4â€"â€"â€"â€"~â€"~ w2 @4A " <jacnlated Will Wadre."ideal" «fter, with Christina Koester, IRISH LAKE. NABLE hearing of bis lato return from the 800. W . B. Simpsou, of Chutsworth is to occupy the chair at the entertainment of $.8. No.3, on the lith inst. A quadrille band,good debating coutost, goot exhibition «taawill cmuse fun, mirth and oujoyment to reien su; ®â€"t09, on it o o oi n oi To Pol LC NB W linlcabdefontnrnclleal t artoinnniie Last Saturday we in company with an fnvite@ trio of whole hearted foot billists, took the C. Â¥, K. for the County Capital, for the purpose of sttendiug the Colleginte boyw‘ foot ball ovation, (‘airly well xed). to the East of our vilis being hurd pressed by muuy besotting aifllculties eaned his broubled conscience lately by butchering in a barburous munner twoâ€" of his trotting courser»" 1s it possible such ianuun beiugs exist, or nro we wewding on to a pur with the pig tail colsstiule The Hulloween crauks, who robbed one of our entoprising yoemen or one of his vehiclos,. bad botter turn over m new leaf und politely reâ€" turp. If not a local J. Â¥. vows they‘l1 be scattored like ben‘s teothâ€"fow and far between. A comic as well an a hilsrious sight created ex« citement lately, A Nr. D. wishing to end the gnreer of & pig took m No. 22 rife, and placing himselt in position, Brod, but never fizzed on poor piggie. * Click‘ and quick went the bammer for shou2, 3 and 4 but piggie emerged safoly againâ€" The laughtor of the byestanders increased as No‘ 5 failed, and piggio took off up the street, followed in full pursuit by thoss who sought its life, and with the aid of haltâ€"aâ€"dozen dogs, the elever porâ€" cine was caught and despatched. Obituary« Mr. J. Page, one of Holland‘s most promising youths, was suddenly cut off last week ‘ by heart dironso. Also, from Manitoulin comes | the sad intelligence that Jennio, eldest daughter. of Rev. Mr. Boattie, is no more. To the bereaved. ones all extend their sympathy. Bengen and Co., (Ld.) are rurhing ton ependy finiss a bandsome cot near the inlmer block. Farmer Criig‘s cottage resounded with mirth and music recontly. Come to the Ssparats School antertainment on the 14th inst. There will be fun grlore. A tasty aud elaboratu programizo and pie social in «conâ€" mection will make it he ovent of the soason, Dornoch footâ€"ball boys intend spending an eveâ€" ning with the Forestric Berkely worthics at their anpual court meet on 16th inst. Hev. Mr. McNab, of Kilsyth, gare a rousing, wholeâ€"tearted discourse Sunday last. Our Pasâ€" 1 tor, Rey. Mr Liitle, delighted a large audience a% Owen Sound. Nrs. Wricht, we rezâ€"r;; to hear, is quito i11 with {aflammation and small hopes are ontertained of her recovery, Nrs. Wi. Bothwoll went off to the winior, last Thursdicy. Mr. \;G'm Coleridge has been visiting his brot inâ€"law Mr. R. Legate at the station for 2 weoks Bulncflu is rather quict owing to the rouds, 18 alcighing is not very goou. J. McGowan can scarcely kerp up with h.s co6~ tom work, choppiug especialy. A number of onr old peop‘e nre on the sick 1st amoug whom we find Mrs, Win. Ferguson, Mrs. Win. Watson, sr. and others. The 8. 0. T will give «. grand entert«inment on Thursday evening the 6th inst. Come one come all, a good true is expected. A sleighing party frown the Durbam rond, vimit ed the Stone sottlement one evening ust weok» On the way out the young people moved about conmdermbly but comiug bome, on account of the colduess of the night, or some other cunse, they were content to sit quict wnd close togother. The L. 0. F. initiated Mr. Jus, Oliver into their order Inst Fridny ovening. Mr, Angus MeFeo, of Collingwood was the gnest of Miss Maggio McKechnie for a few days lait week. Mr. avd Mrs. J. Brander were visiting friends in Mr. avd Mrs. J. Brander were visiting friends in Toyouto last wéek, aud mixing m little business witn pleastie, Mr, Reeveley, of Marshville was in this neighâ€" borhood taking out Christmas treen last week to be shipped to Buffalo, Who suys Buaffaio isu‘t a Christian city ? NMrs. Alex. Brown ut the rout Oflce was on the wick list. but is getting botter agnin. Miss Florw )X;Int)'râ€"e, of Mimico, who was tak ing holidays at ber mother‘s Mrs. Mclotyre, of :B South line, Glenelg, intends to return this week, The Munse building committee of the Presbyâ€" terian Church here did not sccept of any of the Tenders received, on the ground of their thinki» g them all too high. The tendor of Mr. W. Williams was the lowest mt something over $1300, There were eight tenders receiyed, the higbest Lb fug only $60 above the lowast. i dtibeas wb dn 1. ht bevenel antaneditulis 7 nve e s Nichol his about100 busbers of carrots in the eround yet and his fuith is good to get a fime day #> take them «ll up. Lots of turuips to take up in soine places. Mr. John Nishol sold last woek, to Mr. Norman Mclutyro, of Durham, four steors, (2 years old,) for the sum 0. $92.00. This was a good price con sidoring the market, But Mr. Nichol is generaliy noted for a goed feeder, consequently he receivea the highest price. '.ha P;uhc c‘oulu u!or:x‘ Allr. Miss McDonald, who under went amputation of one of her legs at Owen Sound i few weoks A50, was tukem home to hor father‘s Mr. Malcoln h?cn Donald, of the South line Artemesin, this week, and is doing as well as could be expected. Mrs, Alox. MeMillan, who is going through certuin operetions for removing a Cancer from her tongne, at Stayner,is expected bome this Ho mm oo se a 2o week. We bear that she is pot much better as the germ has tuken deep root down the thromt, Municipal talk now goes free, In Glenelg we do mot heur imuch mbout a change, but we suppose that there will be enough nomivated to make a quorum nt least, unless «n upusual change bus tiken glu:e. We hourd it rumored th:t‘é}ounflilkvr McFudden is solicited to centest the Deputysiip. Should he see bis way clear to uccept the position we have no doubt of his clecâ€" tion being sur, Tom is generally well liked throughout the muyncipuhg. We do not Eo:u- of PRTOTTComigael ol uy t s amad wny opposition to Keeve Binnie as we beliove there is uo ground fer opposing him as he bus disâ€" chargod is duties in uccordunce with the couâ€" fidence the electors repore in him. We do not hear of any opposition to the councillors but did hear that . K. Beatou is to run afuin for whut position we did not learn. Should he rum for councillor he will be well supported aguin. In wurd no. 1 Artemesia it is likely Deputy Donald MecMilian will go in as he has done his work well during theâ€"last tow years he has been in the officé. This work we have to chronicle the death 6f one of our neighbors in the person of Mrs. Alex. McEachern, of lee South Line, on Runday Nov. the?7th, after a brief ilimess of three days, of iuflamiation of the lungs, at the early age of thirty two years. Sho was a woman that was highly respected by all who forined ber acquainâ€" tauce in uffectionate wile an a loving naother. Mr. McEschern at the same time wes Imd up with pleurisy und could bardly come ong of bed the day of the funeral to give m last glimpseut the remuins of one who was dear and mear to lde heart, muking the stroke more sevore to the dear little children who keeuly aud naturally feel the loss of their dear mother. The funeral took place to the Priceviile Cometery on Tuesdry and was lurgely attendod, notwithstanding the inclemency of the weather. Brings com{ort and improvement and tends to personai enjoymens when rightly used. The many, who live betâ€" ter than others and enjoy life more, with less expenditure, by more prompluly adapting the world‘s best products to the needs of physical being, will attost tho valuo to health of the pure liquid laxative rcinâ€"iples embriced in the remedy, Syrup of Zigs. * Linblamietrath, dn Anbec dn e J Its excellouce is due to its presenting y a i the form most acceptab‘s and pleas~ Now we WJ ant to the test=, the rc freshing and trl:ll a N1CE CéEI beneficial propertice of & perfect larâ€" ativo ; effectaally cleansing the system, gï¬?}%ISII%R‘O( Aispelling colds, bheadccher and fovers s aud permanently curing 50“351“"1:’:& be had in Town It has giwen satiJaction to millions 7 ; 0 met with the approva. of the medical w%gaclaglgvai profeesion, bacauue it acts on the Kidâ€" We can giv neys, Liver and Bo /«‘s withont weakâ€" e & oning them and is is porfectly free from \â€".. Our Stock of Ls every objectionubie substance. 3 <| dven‘s. We can £X Eyrup of Fiï¬:‘il for sale by all drug~ | Arternus Ward are ista in‘ 7"c. bettles, but it is mandâ€" _ | ©_~ mpore is one O &um;a by the California Fig Byrup | . __~ a.n:llethst s Oul Co. only, whose name is pr. package, also the nams«, 8 and boeing wn‘}l. i-nfon.u'.d.. Aieoia i igibatnt ‘v‘: .,..-5»_,;;%.»"“’ y* 2 ies 4 ea uy a se KKOWLEDGE PRICEVILLE. §00 for the Hosor Roll of Durhain School for Nov. S:%h class.â€"Mary Dargavel, May Harris, Ells Nichol, Maggie Crawford, Mur'rEcCreary. Jr.â€"5th ~class.â€"Allic Grant, Walter Park,hxie Anderson, Finlay Grabam, Maud/Caldwell. Sr. 4th | class.â€"Violet â€" Blackburn, Bird?"fpmwford. Mack Watt. Johtiston, May McClocklin. Jr:dth class.â€"Elenor Kress, Maggie Huuter, Vioiet Hind, Maggie Cameron, Tila Robertson. $ ‘Sr, Srd class.â€" Anulty, Cecil G Phoebe Wolf. E. Caused by Inflammatory . Swelling A Perfect Curo by Hood‘s Sarsaâ€" parilia. "It affords me much pleasure to recommend Hood‘s Sarsaparilla. My son was afflicted with great pain in the joints, accompanied with swelling so bad that he could not get up stairs to bed without crawling on hands and knees. I was very anxious about him, and having read Jr.3rd class.â€"AnnieNeal, Willie Hunâ€" ter, Ethel Limin, Paul Vair, May Park. Sr. 2nd class.â€"Lillie Nediger, James Lavell, David Todd, Maggie Jack, Annie Colville aeq., Eva Mockler. Jr. 2nd class.â€"Kate Cameron, Mabel Cameron, Mary Vollet, Geo. Todd, Peter Ramage, Shirley Mclntyre aeq. Sr. Pt. 2nd.â€"May Swinburne, Edith Grant. Flossie Limin, Steila Smith, Willie McKay. PM pmun t s so much sbout Hood‘s Sarsaparilia, I deterâ€" minedito try it, and got A halfâ€"lozen bottles, four of which entirely cured him." Mus. G. A. LAK®E, Oshawa, Ontario. a reeâ€"â€"eelie 2c 2 Sormencicc on Mood‘s Pilis act easily, yet promptly and. efficiently, on the liver and bowels. 25c. Jr. Pt. 2nd.â€"May McDonald, Aunnie McCreary, â€" Bella Cameron, Andrew Williams aeq., Willie Darby, Dora Burnet. Sr. Pt. 1st.â€"Duncan McKenzie Vollet, Thos. Barclay aeg. Fred Bertie McDonald, Charlie Moore Average attendance 209. _ t gage.â€"â€"_â€".â€"_~ Hood‘s==>Cures Honor roll for U. S.S. No and Glenelgâ€"Only the na who have taken over 50% a Christmas Goods A large assortment of New Goods just arrived including a choice and cheap lot of CHRISTMAS CANDIES. Our Stock ofDrqus. Patent Medicines, Staâ€" tionery, School upplies, Tea, Sugar, Tobacco, Cofâ€" fees, Purses, Pipes, Perfumes, COheskers, Dominoes, Violin Strings, Brushes, Combs, Etc. is now complete. Emulsion of’Cod Liver Oil is cur best seller. Why? Because it is cheap and good. 25c. 135 per bottle. We sell everything as chsap as possible. > Give us a Calil. It will pay you. : Having adopted the Cash Sgstem_ of doing business, we are not only going to try and retain the business we have but will strive atter greage_r sgccess than we haye ever atâ€" ained. Z0 8 hn PME akainted If you are not give us & trial, a fair trial t ask. Now we don‘t pretend to be able to sell ¢ low any person else. We Can‘t Sell a 35¢. Article for mm css taae else. In these days of Nor can any body else. keen Competiton everything wuntil there is barely a living farmer. ARE AN We c oneitn l Cnne o ol LC &A NIC?E;V CLEAN UP TO DATE Stock of DRY GOUHS, CLOTHING, MANTLES, HATS, CAPS, BOOTS & SHQES, ERQF}ERIES, &c. that are as good value as is to INMerh NavivLRLK es ce un LC n be had in Towu. We can give you & Good JAPAN TEA 5 lbs. for $1.00 We can give you an Extra JAPAN TEA 4 lbs. for $1.00 _ We can give you an Extra BLACK TEA 4 lbs. for $1.00 . Qur Stock of Ladies‘ underclothingare good sellers, also our Stock of Chilâ€" dren‘s. We can give you all sizes. Men‘s underclothing in the words of Arternus Ward are * Eakled by few and excelled by none." «> There is one other line to which we would like to call your attention this time and that is Our Men's‘Tyv_ggt:l Caps'at 95e, Call and see them. No trouble Mixtures, 10c. per In. 8 lbs. 25. Chocolate Drops, 20c. alb. Conversation Loz. French Bon Bon‘s, Creams, Gum Drops, Sugar Sticks, Hoarhouni; _ _Almonds, Hazel & Wall Nuts, this year‘s crop. Be sure to get Hood‘s Sarsaparilia. CASH BUSINESS! fkigfigAKt" is in the Joints Now we will tell you what we c CU0 0 000 mA o amT .cvl.-;sg;â€"J(\s. Moore, Lorn Mcâ€" "ecil Gun, Cassie McDonald, HONOR ROLL Anderson, Finlay Grabkam You a clsTOomMEr oOr OuRS? HONCR ROLL Stock, it is a pleasure. WW«»{N\ tE o. l ns ns s ~ S.S. No. 3. Bentinck â€"the names of those r 50% ave published. y Ved ARCH. McKENZIE. I\ A Ruth Harry Keliv, olagit ns foek . Article for 25¢. In these days of low prices and is cut down to very lowest notch for either the merchant or the We have sold 15 dozen Axes this last month. We have made a good start, but the Axes are good and the prices are better, and they must go. Just think of buying a new Axe for 65c. â€"Another five dozen lot of them coming. We are loaded up with a large Stock of the finest makes of Men‘s ana boys \(ve Suits, and must sell them off this next month. Prices will be cut to the core, i make sales. Run in and look at them. We wont charge you anything to show th Boys‘ Overcoats for $3.00. Men‘s Heary Long Ulster, Storm Collar $8.50. Old Credit Price $12 Good Heavy Overcoat at $5.00. O1d Credit Price $8.00. See our $2.00 Pants, they are a regular bonanza. W orth $3.00. CHRISTMAS GOODS & 4ibs. Mixed Candies for 25c. 2 lbs. Chocolates for 25c, 2 JIbs:â€" Creams for 25¢; C. L. GRANT, Lower Town. CRRITTCT CCC Sr, 4th class.â€"Mary Maud Dargavel. 3rd classâ€"Lizzie Smi Ind class.â€"Wiltie Yo ‘This is the last year that them thu We will be glad t Sp. 4th clas iumneron Si arted the Cash System at 1 & maet A verage CRoOsSsS CUT SAWS. Puednthn e wele nc sn attt n hn ol en ut C inth mt S h o udret l e , RPOUU L x BC « ul &'fl‘h};’zi‘;]j{:"‘;;:?;%;“,‘;ï¬ â€. hé':‘:;ï¬},:‘::' "i" s i“. v:‘ï¬l“«. /RAAA "!/- ';\ {"-’L‘v’\’fl‘jï¬k Â¥ This is a cut of the noted Henry Disston Saw. We are sell at lowest figures. We ask you to call and see our large Sto« cluding the Nichol Steel, Maple Leaf Lance, Racer, the Ch our 75¢. Lincoln Saw Sets. â€" It is selling fast and gives pe Pt.. May Pt. 2 a fair trial that is what we able to sell goods away beâ€" prcomrectrareee ropiegs Eaph t N( n ho w ao Doinfiealin o uw ho ï¬wuiflfl n ha ?“W!u*w‘*:im%"’f Rlvurte Mes k11 T1 .*flr'a,q&'ï¬Â»f%@‘{f&f“ ysnt t Et . Aoteet ooAE oE 0s . VW ‘vlf' i ""“" [ y roanes nds MCads ar lassâ€"Lizzic Smith lass,â€"Willie Young, M.A.T: t. 2nd.â€"Mary McKuight, M , Chas. McKechnie. c naaretnnore Subith, . D4 an do. We can show you Stock of DRY GOOTDS, A XBRS. attendance, 33 Miss C. Pu" We wait Dried Apples, Pouliry, Butter and Eggs. ving them the annoyance 11 be mailed without exce; 1RTUeANC S â€"Haze!l H. Dargavel, imie, Arthur Young. Willie Smith, Robert s. McKechnie, Tena Overcoats and Ulsters. mCC hat we shall be troubled with accounts. 3 em and e respectfally ask those who have m the annoyance of receiving them throug led without exception as we are going to cl tas much Cash as possible but will of cour ccounts are made out in itemized form. C UTHERBOUCGH, J, McKechme M.A.Twam Teacher. Marion SPECIAL NCTICE. The Gach Svst &6 PECQPLE‘S MILL. &# Pu Durham. Augy. 9th, °04. HOLIDAY BARGAINS. ers and the: Public generally that we have adopted the Cash System, which means Cash or its equivelant, and that our Motto will be We take this opportunity of thanking our customers for past patronage, and we are convinced that the new system will meris a continuance of the samse. :arge Sales & Small Profits." Having thoroughly overhauliâ€" ed and refitted these Mills, we are now prepared to do all kinds of custom work to the satisfaction of the public. CHOPPING A SPECIALTY. HEWSON BROS. ) finest makes of Men‘s and Boys‘ Overcoats and th. Prices will be cut to the core, in order to wont charge you anything to show them to you. erc Aug. 8th, ‘94. beg to inform cur C . & J. McKechanie. Our 25¢. Tea is really a good ore. F:esh Almonds, W allnuts, Fiuberts, Oranges & Lemons. There was quite a large amount ve accounts in our books to kin« iss We are selling a number of them ur large Stock of Cross Cuts, inâ€" acer, the Champion. Try one of and gives perfect satisfaction. ATDCPTED BY N., G. & J. McKECHNIE. e ies ns .1 j e o o e e Tmaup (or Pare he m‘vl“{r he> w agkioe: c reancl Aroelihe it h lï¬ A M is y t n UstOom fem Ist of of thoâ€" Moriock Alaska Socks! Call and :« Arthur‘s Alaska Socks and before you huz' any where clse are extra g valug o. i ; Another large shipme coatst. hand at prices b« See them before you bus Thousands have been cu This is abun« Ramsay & M W axTEp.â€"10,000 Ducks and Geese. price paid, at W. La Miss Mil friends in t day frst town to s at McFar New curra died pee! at Gur, the parlor of Mrs. Gun is ; ter left Wednesday to their graudimnoth« Dornoch Saturday Mr Mills Missions Of Presbyreria was the res McArthur bas cotton in Town. D p th W the en head of c upsetting amntyormwnshi . o your friends coul'c; co %u&rts of fruit and ser ospital _ for sick C Street, Toronto, you blessing on the hundre ones cared for within i the Secretary, Hospital ren. College Street, T rangements will be m fruit brought into TT Townshi taxes on mention« Hanover Durbhaim, thorough pract all work that you want firs direct to Work Hidda:Â¥h H Lower Town, | ground honed and umbrellas and par Have your skates I goaway by lates proprietor Allan Park. Friday 1 His Residence, lot 29 on 13th and 15th, ‘Taxes must positis the 15th of Dec. 1% will be incurred. Rev. Chas. Camerot John Mackay, one of iness men of that town. lar. N in the sixties was in business in ville for a short time and the foi complimentary notice will be nea pleasare by his friends. A cut mills and residence is also given : **One of the busiest of the bus in BRowmanville is that known th over almo<. as *The Cale donia owned by hir. John Mackay. amilis have been running contit now night and day (Sunnglys ex for fire vears, and so great is mand for the products of the m se M i.nc-npl--wd his a Ax orp PRICEY in its Art edition of trates Bowmanville to have our attcuat mills have been running now night and day (Sunds for fire vears, and so gres mand for the products of 1 Mr. MacKay aas completed meuts for doubiinz the size Mr. John Yackay, the g terprising propriefor. was whire. Scotland, 56 years a ed his time ithe faithfol at the business of which | such a success. Bg‘ many chop of all kinds. and pearl harlery Christmas Goods, Par Santa Claus, Big 4. Saws and axcs, Hunte Christmas Goods, Mct Money to Lend, Jacks What People Want D Try one of Ho Doll Don‘t forget Santa Dom Rev. Mr. l occupy R When th Mr. D A RN NEW ADVERTISE in LOCAL NEWS. h pract d below $3.00 McD Re cess. He manufact: harler, spilt peas and buckwhest four, as D Durl H of which he has W hful seven N of the