Ontario Community Newspapers

Grey Review, 29 Nov 1894, p. 4

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mm 'erhaul- l and see our we are , system moe of nitv of Ready- Made H. and it is iollar'sfworth to started in tt before. We prices to you ;ock and have hey are att Mills, to do ork to public. iLTY. nerally 1e Cash Jash or at our =1 EROS. ustom- Profits" CHNIE. (Tile. for " will pay you to see Rama? & Mor- lock's stuck of overshoon nod rubbers before purchasing elsgwhere. Buckwhent Flour. Cracked Wheat, Rolled Oats. Gmhmn Flour from Tilson- burg at J. A. Hunter's Cash Store. New mantle cloths. Clouds. Ladies' undervests and Combixmcion suits for children at Davidson & Co. Miss Ada Whitmore returned home after spending Lwo weeks with friends no" Mob Roy Corners. McArtharhas the beat value in factory cotton in Town. All kinds and sizes oi Rubbers " J. A. Hunter's Cash Store. strosR.--2?.1b zrzsuulabod sugar for 31.0.) at earkev's Drugswre. Rheumntism is primarily caused by acidity of the blood. Hood'. Samparila smiths the blood. and thus cures the new. The Globe by by (by gives the amount. of the bin 1or_the ppparxtion of the use- Mrs. Dr, Norms am London. w Rubbers and St Socks and Rubi» Men's handmmde long boots at David- son & Cu. Lemons. 25c. dozen at. J. A. nunwr's Cash Store. Big bargains in dress goods Ind mantles this week at Davidson & Go. New Stock of Boots " J. A. Hunter's Cash Store. VI You can buv a pair of good, white bun...“ for tU88:st Ramsay& Nor. locks. Jake Ema furniture for mu season. In. "iarroir:,.' 'tt' now amounts to 3153.31). Remember the Exocumr‘c Bale of the elate of the late Walter Suutil on Thurs- day 6th Der. next. Terms, Cash. HUGH MACKAY. aaetioaser. Syrup in'501b. Regs at. J. A. Hunter’s Cash Store. Ptsrker's, m extra go 310sz TD tasm-Money invm partie" by Jackmna' of Durban Again: for “the be}: chk'und Alaska Socks.' ll Arthur'. Alas!" Sc M Cash Bargains.-) A. Banter. Christ-nu candies-Durham Phar'r. Boar.-W. H. Lemur. Bibles.-- McFavlarse & Co. Workshop on Wheels-W. Taylor. While in Egrcmont last week we had the pit-Mum of meeting. at the residente of Mrs. Lvaghton, Miss King. of Mt. Forest. who has a Urtre number of pupils in music in that township. She was ac- cnmpnnied by Miss Wilker, and. together they diwoursed sum.- delightful music. We had been wk! Mies Kipg was ' "o,- unu ”‘1.- .mn. ._..~ ,VW“ val-stile lady and a .300de when We can now corroborate. On Wednesday of last week at. the residence ot the bride's parents. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Gray. Mr. ll illimn Matthews was united in marriage to Miss Roberta Gray, one of the most estimable young ladies for miles around. The ceremony took place at 5 o'clock and was I,',".',',','.."','." ml by the Rev. Mr. Jansen wni e Mr. J. NV. Mitchell and Miss Robena Watson. cousin of the hride. assisted them through the trving ordeal. Numerous were tbs valuable presents presented to the hride showing in what love and eqteem she was held by her many friends. The Rsvmw extends best wishes. w. Taylor. the Shefrv.ld Cutler will l may in Durlvvrn a short time longer. 1 Svismrsk knives ground and madam; aood as new: sum filed and sen. razors l grnunJ huned and art, ready for shaving; ', mnbro-llaaauul parnsols neatly repaired. Have your skates hollow grnund before l I gn:uv.n' by 1are,tiusirrrtred m ushinm-y i no lwtto-I' work done in Canada: the) proprietyr of this e,tahiehment is v.1 thorough practical (‘ullvr arcl guarantees l all work th rt, is euttaaard to him. it l you want flest, class work done eomel dim-vb to Workshop on Whr.els opposite Mitlxlnurzh Hum». Lambton t'ttrect Lower Town. Durham. Bum. 80¢er ytrurrvss.-The annual ttv.erinrt w.“ bean-r attended than usual. and the aihsenve of the agent has not that-"rum injure.) the Society. The Prvuidenc. Rev. Mr. (humor was in the Cisirand t1lled it well. There Wan no draqr4ittir. Irs npe-ning remarks were apprupriate and robin-l to the wottdets ful spread, of the Bible throughmn the world. Rev. Mr. McGregor and Mr. Jansen also spoke ti/flip the former dealing eloquently with t e infiuenee of "the Book" on the individual and the World. while Mr. Jansen made some interesting remarks um! exhibited 5 hook purchased in Belgium last summer in which the Mth verse of Guard Chap. of John is grit-ted in no dim-rent languages. . u- the work of the Brit. and Forum Bihte Soeiety whose iFGUiiiGrareiiorl.er_ae'1' in whose Nippon thuded.‘ u W M' um FFFT0brr TBrb 'N ...w-v..,,..w.r -Neee'ee h',').' humus meeting fullnwed: Mr. imam] was elected President tor the waning yuan Mr. Goraline WM re- 'wlertied Sm-‘y. Mrs. R. Jamieson was re-oieet" 1 Treat. and Mr. J no. Cameron in still tgt b-:, the local depooivory. The choir war. E'i not! form arid their ting- Gkstaeay:uieyroref. T310 COM?“ wiiieh in Men-Ming yen h yaw is the ' - and the " strrtretretittn,tdc. Er. 'L."s'tlilUo"r", I Pe,- 3:11:31: GGiiTadita I'M NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. H El I. Dr. Human. of Priceville. Miss , and Hume:- Harry Eaton. of on. were guests at Mr. Allan Mus ort's last Monday. sad we M Thev are A SV r on like tlv iub and g r any: to seem-cum tor the ummn Mission, the headquarters o is in England hut having branches Mia. Rev. Dr. Middleatires, D. D, yrs. in expected to occupy Mr, LOCAL NEWS. 71b of japan tea for $1.00. At 250. dozen at J. A. Hunter's Socks! Call sud see Ite, viaskr Socks and Rubbers buy any where else They is lavigfiu big stocks of the w ding and Christ- Xt' fail? Join tt I Buy your Alaska ioat Alt-Arthur. m; har's boo ' gun-1 ind "a Rubhers at. J. A, nth nd h lid for thi. Indian 1setuNuatrtertr. of M DI M clr hes yrrueFarlane's Drugstore is the place to select a uice present. 3 Headquarters fur stylish dross goods and milliuery at Ramsay & Morhmk's. Choice candies at the Durham Phar- mac y. , For every thing in fancy China, see MacFarlane/s stock. Ben Nevis Camp mecca tor the last time this your on Fridav Dee. 7. Our Emulsion of Cod Liver Oil is the best- 2a. " bottle, Durham Pharmacy. WOOD tor sale.-flrst class Hardwood 'y, $1.25 per. cord. J. A. Hunter. Upper own. tATARRH~Use Nagal Balm. Quick positive cure. SoothinR,cleaning, heal mg. Mr. and Mrs. John McGowan. of Prweville, were visiting friends in town on Wednesday last. Have you seen that heavF all wool twecdin plain or check nt48ca yard. It}; seller every time. Ramsay & Mor- loc . >5 . For lamp: or lamp goods of unv kind go to NaeFarlane's Drugstore, 'd TAProcA.--5ttr of tapioca tor 25e at Parkvr's Drugstore, (fall and sec li cApthur,s grey flunnel. nahuelettes mud cottouades 1'hey can't be beaten Miss Maggie T in Toronto for home last week. Do not forget that Park and Co. are makings specialtv of loans to farmers. Chant/cl mortgages taken as security. Park and Co. have "Urge amount of money to lend an reasonable terms. Midduugh House block, Durham. balance of the year free 'iLaavoidabis held over M rs. Richard Collier and her dxughter Nellie. are visiting the farmer‘s sister, Mrs. Rom. Aljoe. sr., of town. Ir you want to buy. sell. or rent I farm. see Jacksons’ next door to hank If no sale no charge. ALL accounts of Merritt Cochrane Estate must be settled with me forth- with. Arthur H. Jackson. Assignee. Franz-To Sulm-ribcrs to Weekly Globe and REVIEW for 1895 we offer the balance of [his year tree. FREtr.-Ttt su) Sun and REVIEW An account of a /'i'iet't,'1t,hi/',t,', and address to the Rey. J. little. of Dornoch, In boots and shoes we shine. We tell mu :1 ladies Dnngnln Boston Tigbmul- mrIy sold for $2.23 fur $1.83 at my & Moclocks. _ " Inn‘noVED Coma Bsr.sapFrrTrT our t'ous,rlt Balsam when u-uubfed with n rough. Two or three doses give relief. At Parker‘s Drugstore. l will bo'handrd nver for immediate cor lection on the 15th Docemher. Thoseu whom accounts were already sent wil' please remit without further notice CHAS. MCAR'X'HL'R. The contract for the first new section of the Trent Valley canal has been awarded to Mr. Andrew 0ndordonk, the contractor who built some sections of the Canadian Paeittte railwa . This srction of the canal is flve anga half miles long, extending from Balsam lake towarks Lake Simme. and the contract price is understood to be in the neigh- borhood of 3500.000. A concertunder the Auspices ot Edge Hill Association P. of Inddstrrway held in Hitehie's School Home a Week ago Wednesday. Mr. David McNieol, M. P. P. and Mr. Wm. Allntt, Patron Candi- date were presept and gaethddretsee. Meoirs. Jno. Moffat, Wm. Hall and C. wiliiatns also made brief remarks and sang a. couple of songs. Mr. Falk- ingumn sung and wns accompanied on the piano by his partner in life. Mrs. Faikinghary. Miss Lou Reynolds sang also very nicely. A very pleassnteven- ing was spent. Beyond comparisop nre the Rood qualities pnswnxod by Hood's Saran.- parillu. Ahow- all it iytyiiletrthe blood, thus strengthening the nerves: it regulates the digestive organs; invigor: atrs the kidneys and liver, tones and huildx up the entire svsu'm. cum-s Svmfuln. Dyspepsia, Cami-m and Rheuuvatism. Get Hood's and only Hood's. Hood's Pills cure .911 “fer ills: yljy.T Mr. and Mrs. J no. Watson from near )rgus. w6're up last week unending the arriage of their n'ece Miss R. Gray. [and to see them and find them well. um, jaundice “the. 250. piaiibi'erw"ao Tcrtsmcr.v--McDotroara--At the resi- dence of the bride's rat-ems. Bentinek, on Tuesday, the mm inst. by the Rev. Jno. Little. Mr. John Tumbull. of Durham. to Miss Bella McDougall, of Dornoch. M yr "rrr,vs-Crrtav-At. the resfdenee of the hride's parents, on \Vcduesday. 21m, inst. by Rev. Mr. Jansen. Mr. Wm. Matthews to Miss Robems Gray, both of Glenelg. Itrrcmz--wusos--At the residence of bride's yurents. on Wednesday. 21st inst. by Rev. Mr. Jansen. Mr. Thos. Ritchie Gleuelg. to Miss Maggie Wil- -son. of Egnmom. Acras--ttirEss--1rt Trinity Church, Durham, on Wednesday 2m inst, by Rev. Mr. Connor. Mr. Alex. Allan. to Miss Matilda Queen, both of Egre- moat, Rawxxnsu Comm " A Iur.-soutlt American Rheumamm Cure, (of Rheumn. than and Neurnlgm. adieu", cum in l to It my» In union Tl" the swam in rim-Mk- . nvncelim‘n. t remnvu_ lt. once the 'rty"eir1t's. It retttovem . . .. 7.7%”, n, nan. .'.fr. MeArthur wishes max-x yrr, in amour: for the win; his owxwrship been“ remit, at once. All accounts ded nver for immediate col- :he 15th Docemher. Thoseto nuts were already sent syil1 Lyiire,i,'i':,ii.: l ‘3}?i'fv‘ Sign; W‘wfim A.' MARRIAGES‘ glossy sheen. so much mm be secured by the , Vigor. All the assist- requires to make the tifcl. and abundant, is 'xerllent preparation. If? all liver ills. Irilioum indigostiou, tsick head, .tst h rihera to Fnt-.sera' {'1895 we "(fer the tll, who has been " time. returned ll IN A DAYL-TSuuth 5,: iGiies the {Nation and 'PH tlyitott 'e to our Miss. to We Pres. 'r, sLudvn? rw a few ewe had we. and :1. mater- was} $287; vtWr.,,is,'; ' N v'r,, :Zamkw 3545:" It is not true, and Mr. M, should know it, that the REVIuw is ruled by any set. at politicians or worshipsatoy party bosses, nm lms any attempt, been math; in our time "y any -.1atty to shape its policy urdium c" .:~ (wanna f Mai. Ask our Murdoch correspondent. It is not true that we were the right hnnd man of Rev. Mr. Struith. (though one might well be worse) in the Equal Rights agitation. and it is not true that these two gentlemen I' wearied them- selves. &c.. in many alittle schoolhouse" on this or any other question. It is true that we once stated we would never vote for Doctor Lander-kin. though without the rhetorical embel- lishments our friend gives it. However, subsequent events showed us, that this intention would bemore honored in the breach than in the observance. and con- sequently. we did, when opportunity " fend. vote for Dr. Lauderkin and for those principles of public policy which he has consistently supported, and which now have virtually received the Commendation of the Patrons. And so we [night go on. It is true we were a patron, and the patron plat- form is virtually our platform still. But we never prmofiered our services at patron meetings in the sense implied by our contemporary. We did attend two patron meetings. one in Bantinck, and one in Egremont. and discussed the tinunciul asnd social aspect of the ques- tion. but we were invited to do so, I tttair, Lem) "mudslinginsr," and has led Home to re- mark that the Chronicle was aiming to again earn the appellation applied to it by an eminent. legal light some Years ago of 'The Durham Smut Machine.' M udslingiug is no practice of true liberalism, and of course in this line we cannot. follow him. But we must take rheorrportuttity of pointing out where bis credulity has been imposed upon, or. where hehas allowed his imagination to run riot. It is not (mu in: br Wt', out reports of ;.n:'o:: mm by our corresvmruats" geuLlcnwn in presuming}: sonally. asked if We wu paragraph dealing with mutter. We replied then do now, but it was not in (mull. Ask our Murdoch © Ourcongratulutions to our local con- temporal-3' in throwing off the shackle. of partyism have not been received in a. kindly spirit. This we regret. The matte: and the manner of his reply show that he has made no progress in the paths of Liberalism, if. indeed, he has started on the road at all. A large portion of the column he dcvotrs to w; in bis last. lame, ii occupied with what is known among the vulgar as and could do so still Again it, is just as true that we wrote Mr. McNichol‘s addresses as that we wrote any of the campaign sheets. and that we wrote either is just as true as that we edited the Chronicle of last week. Your insimmtion Mr. Mitchell "that we would deny it anyway," is. we would like to think, quite unworthy of you. Gritisttt, Equal Rightism. Patmnism. are virtually one and the same thing. The Mun-Ry of the subject, is the founda- tion stom- upon which all rests, and we might refer to souteotour leading men who are lights in the liberal patty, who hold the principles of public policy underlymg all these 'isrus,' and at. one and the same time. * But our friend has been so long under the "shackles," that as yer he mils to appreciate the beauty of the light even when groping after it. Na- turalists tell us Lhat the ilsh in the waters ct the dark Kentucky cave have eyes but. see me. Nature has taken a- way the function that had so lung re. mained unused. And so with our cun- .119 pun'. , the "slum-l still safelv be able to liberty. HEART D‘SEASY. mevzb IN 30 )ltxvms -Dr. Agnew”: Cure for the Bears sive' per. feet relieiia all Cases Urgnnic or Sympathetic Heart Unease in 30 minutes and spa-Lilly etfecutseure. his A peerless, rcmedy fur Palpiution, Shortness of Knuth" Smother- ing Swllz, Pain ir Utt Sula and all syn p- ___ ' .. A ..,, .._- _.,......., “.3, "r... . A _""" mum of a Diseased Hunt. One dose cuuvm- COB. Sold by McFarlaue & C'o. If you want to buy or sell a farm, ad- vertise in the Toronto wells: Mail. That paper reaches 100,000 farmers hc mos everv week and your advertise- ment should meet the eye of some one who wnnu to purchase. Advertise- ments of this class are in the Toronto weekly Mail for Five Cents a word or each insertion. Twenty Cents a. word for five insertions. Address The Mail EiriGi;0iinada, not. RELIE' Is Six Rovr.s.--ihatrestuttg K14? Katy and Bladder 1Jtsearsetr relieved in six hour; by the "Great South American KM. hey Carr." This new remedy is a great surprise and delight on ncconur. of in ex- ceeding promptuesn in relieving pain in the bladder. kidneys, hack and every part of the urinary Werc'k'ett in male or female. It re. lieveo relentinu of water and pain in [waning it almost: immediately. It you want quick relic-fund cum this is your wunenly. Sold by McFarlane& Co., Druggist. DimL-In Bertrrur, Tex”, Tr S. on Friday NOV, 2nd. IMH, Mrs. Jessie Sinclair. relic“)! the datum. 6 Mr John Smcluu’. aged 72 yomtm Mrs. Sincllir Wu n. tor" " resident. ot Hurlmm Road, (How‘s. " hero the mun» utth nor bruthnru. Month Dar.. can and We may Arrh‘d Bin-'11. from Rounauu Argylnhiw, Scotland. In the your 18g7. A "urut 'r ot you"); an". she. with bar blxubnnd and family moved to Howard Tp. Kent Co..0uc. Ben-g left a wirl-vw n for yum can. uud wishing to educate- Let' children she moved to Ann Arbor, Michigan. U. s. when aha lived till 1873, when Ihe would 1." Bertram. Tuna. nitlt har Inn. who startled at l rat-en rancher. when: she lived an the “me of not death. The Hustler hrs! " hm u- last week. The tax canecmr im on his rounds. Mrs. Bunnie i. under tho wthar nuniu. Mr. D. Meander: bu tluirQed ttsung out ttin bnrn umber. Mr. A. Ketor in making preptrtvtioas tor building I: ham 1 ext summur. MM Muggit Tumbun came homo um. wwk to trtterrd her brotUer'ts wedding. Dun. Eda: b.9110;- yi, 012mm: 200 cordl ot wood to the Boll brothel-n. Remain Connor held a. we” sanded pmytr meeting In tho Gringo Hull 'I'uomluy night. luwnug '" .m. ........,- _.v,. ._V..,_, ,1, Hanan. Wm. Matthews. and Thou. Ritchie. hue ouch tar on unto tiremtietvqts lite plume". We “and hearty emutratt1uriams gantlemou. The munlclml pot in beginning to boil. We will not. macaw: to fun-Mm. the “cult. nu yet. We learn that our popula- duputy any“ h to buy. osrpom'"Ju. A few new man no Inspiring tor button. hut tun-mg the old ttottuu'.tletrts than I- no one gum ot rroasUtttiott than our Maud Mr. AIN'- .wita. who WM": his Rer- at hm; than tb you no. um." ootrtr"ceiswrustror_ m up wo win In an» mouse. tho and: at in WI all- “cabin-III}. ll FLESHERTON STATION, EDGE HILL ECHOES. PER CONTRA. MI We have referred to Jimrueviug or hope that {W's i' aver of vision is 'sr', w. .vi.. if his motives t \ wzl’ was toshake off sincere, then we may "whim that, he will yet reciate the blessings of tl “We have thrown mu 1ueetings sent in "nts" One of those "nt inghN iusdgot per- We Would anSsh a. T with some patron m1 then, as We would not in the way of re- Transact a gonmal Banking business. Money loaned to farmers and others on reasoGble terms. Interest allowed on special deposits at current rates. Also FIRE & LEE}: PARK & Cp, TBipl IIERS. THIS Fine Animal is from the stock of It. H. Harding, Thotmdule, Im- porter' of British and American Stock and is for service this season. "ts,t.1sa' iSsitic'tiiii'iy Tenders for Supplie I til915 . The undersigned will receive Tenders for Snliplivs up to mum on MO}. DAY. DECK. IBEX). 3rd. 1824, for the supply of Butcisces' Mot, Buyer, Flour. ot:' Laval. Thamughhrad Ghester White Bear, ‘Prince Leon.' R. CHRISTIE. T. F. CHA MBERLAKN, JAMES NOXON. ', . Inspectors of Prisons and Public Charities. Parliament, Buildings, Toronto, November 10th, 18N.! In the Estate of Walter Sniail, Deceased. By order of the judge of the Surrogate Court of the County of Grey :. f V _ THERE will he sold by Public Auction on the womises. at the brick house, east of the 11'ifr'li'l'i' Church Phrsonngo. and sit mum! nu the fivst Division of Lot 25, Con. l, hi. D. It., Glenclg. on At one o'clock p. m., all the household goods and ettects of the late Mrs. Wal. ter Smail. consisting of a. quantify of furniture and wearing appureh seared " Dr. J. c. Ayer& 00., Lowell, um. Prompt to act, sureto cure Write:; Postmaeter J. C. WOODSON', r west 11331. W. Va., “I had a brow. chial troubio of such a persistent and sunburn character, that the decior pronounced it incurable with culinary medicines, and advised me to try Ayer’s Cherry Pectoral. 1 did so, and one bottle cured me. For the last fifteen yea”, I have used this preparation with good effect whenever I take "I have been win: Ayur’a Cherry Pcetoral in my family for 30 yum-n. mm the most satisfactory results, and can chocrfnlly recommend it an being espo- cinlly adapted to all pulmonary oom- puints. I have, for many years, made pulmonary and other medicinesaspeciat study, and I have come to the conclusion that Ayer’s Cherry Pectoral occupies a position pro-eminent over other medru cine: of the c1sss."-AJhas. Davenport. Dover, N. J. Ayer’s Cherry Pectoral TERMS CASH. _ HUGH MACK AY. JAMES LEASE, Auctioneer. Executor. Dated Nov. 19th, 1891. and I know r who keepit in not consider; out it." At BOULDEN & 30's Upper Town, Durham, Aug. l, "N. it Tho lower: 1rils accept 5 "7 - r " l 3 r B. ‘ covered. Beware ct otNr Interior medic! z ' _ COMPOUND. , A re-mit may by “on lil physlclnn. Warmly and Ilbl monthly by thousands 'f 7 a ' mm. ts the only perfectly t N “to and nibble medicine db covered. Beware of uuprtuc'oiud draggin- who czar Interlor mcdlclnci .n ,lnco of this a: for Cook's Comm Boot Compound,¢ukc now- Ma. or lncloue " and 6 can" in postage " [m and no wxlllcnd. mauled, by return malt. mum particular! in plain envelopa. to ladle: only. a stumps. Address The Cook Compuy, Windsor,0:t.,m Thursday, 6th Ila-smiley, 1834. I s Flour put 1001b ............ bl oO to TARKS Oulmeul '. ......... ... 2 25 lo Shows b6 ............ 0 bl) to Bron th ............ o 80 to Full When: par Funnel ... 0 65 lo I Spring Wheat 't ... 0 53 to l Oats, " ... 0 26 to POWDERS limes“. " ... 0 50 IO Barley, 4k ... 0 30 u C d Nam-Id. i?posgig,'ft",e,a8d'l.', an“. mm. Panto". ". ... 0 25 to ii:,iri;hrt?v"J'.e'ir,t'ls'let'tth." 's'7uiiiGilaGr, Huy per ton -...'.".". 8 00 to at???“ $503.1. 'h",';. 23533:. Bert, W "ues'""'., 100 8 tht to Pm“ " - Ar have awn-o. Brest, bun! 4 oo to Park. " .................. 4 60 to -----" _ ee-e. - - Hides " c........ ........ 2 00 to . _ _ Sheep-Him. mel;............ 0 M to Boar for Servuce. am...» 0 12 to rrmomttitl1re,AEptrctltt tt tot 7-; t'e,yte,'cr.:cr.::.".r.: fl lt t', - -- ............... A M .- "iaGiiiiFrrdur, 'from' 'inported m. I Terms, 75 "ht"i _ 'pr": u '- . B. iil"soH'Tri"e, tbryiiettr/' " fil('il(Ti'(Rfl' SALE! b l'. H 1-t". ','i?ft'il.,%'a' s>f.. 3 " 'k/jr-yay/sci': " 31;, . 'ry-V, (f:,j:f'ftr-iyte"h, si(j1f.'.t:r,r,?;5f . w'., 15"".1" ' 's'-:"-"-":.'). ' ., I 'tt "ir, 'fe-ttyy',""""'?::')'?,.';, .. Tf ‘1". i.1 in: C.; shift 'is, "I He, ' ' a. . ‘59.??? ’ -...A w'Pri%'t F Sold by all Druggisur CWYB SIGN "El-Unvn- -- ..-___-._ in 20 Alma-rte, Bit.0 Comes! Tongue Dun. ness, Buicusnces. Pain In the 'giG",iiillra"aa Torpid leer. Bu! Breath. to my Guroddso rlgumtu the bowel). IIer arre= PO - 2 'tici, TERA/Ll: Cara/ia/Ga, 'shdeset!rite.rrs). _ "W“ a"'" "‘31:: 333hy..( a 'il,4lil7.lifi'l'Calfi1l'i'h'/ 2tt"e' ......... A F3125 Chs'd, Assurance Policies issued. ' n I a was a Bay 1 sure! ies will be required mum nfouch contract. 1d fun-ms of lender can "king application to the spective institutions. " 11- not. required forthe a l 1:“ Azyhuns in Toron- mtr J“. Ha: V Ron! and ',',.,s Ccntrr' witmit. and ' r'nmalns. ‘; ui’uut/oi any rim-Mr not neces 00163 ()uat I“ ubers of people use all the time. sic to be with- "fr, A. r the supply of low. 09.1mm], fur the follow. Ilzc year 1805, . the ltssantt in mt. Sandman. rtrlin; thuch- forntrttAorv,To- l'orhoy's, Pene- mums for the ', and the Blind BS if CEiPU% er5llltNiiiiib i Ema THE CONSIDERATION OF - g , WASH [MYERSM lit Fair Dealing with living profits must be our guiding principle, Call and examine our Goods. We do not sacrifice any line but we sell at the lowest possible prices. . IIIG IIES'F PRICE PAID FOR BUTTER AND EGGS. wi-z-s-tti-ii,'] OUR STOCK 0F %‘+===<+ DRY GOODS, GROC1ilRT1ilfi1, BOOTS AND SHOES is complete. I', RAE Bargains! Bargains!! Bargains”! Our Stock of li/tgat, Bibles is now very com- plete, from the smallest to the most complete Teachers' Edition. NEW GOODS AT RIGHT PRICES. We have a very nice as- sortment of Bibles with MethodistHymr1sey- bined, also Bibles with the Presbyterian Hymns. When we opened up in Durham three; months ago and,iu our introductory an-i nouncement, stated we were going to do a) cash business, we found a. numberof persons , expressing an opinion that it could not be; done sum-essfully. We had every fy1tEretye 1' Eight _ Thousand Dollars I iriijdiiuiiiri7 -firijUdw%; -prices which l English Church Prayer Book & Hymnals m Cases, small pocket, and fine large type Editions. 5:0 C We have added to it largely in every department the BEST‘VALUE that MONEY IN HAND could buy, The rapid growth of our business is the result which is most grat- ifying to us and a proof that our - family Bibles and Bibles for Family Worship in nice large type cheap. ' All the latest Hymn Books in Stock or procured on short- est notice. Special discounts to Choirs. We also keep a full hue of Poets in Fancy Jloth, Padded Morocco, and Padded Seal. Soal. V 'A largga assqrtmept of New MacFARLANE & tle. floods lust arrived including a Druggmis & lholrsellisa 2 choice and cheap lot of Flour pt-r 1001b ........ Onlmeul " ........ Shorts " .......1 Bum " ........ Fall Wheat per Fuahul Sprung Wheat .. Oaur, " hat t with Dalg' DURHAM MARKET. SHIN)’. "e' tutu UVULJ b‘uxullcunu , a LARGER AND BETTER: fish's old Stand, Nov. 28th 1594 " 66 2 25 C '.K 0 80 0 65 For the finest line of Cutters of all descriptions, Portland Cutters,P1ano Box Cutters, Lagest Styles Prices Cutters & Stoves, For the finest line of Stoves, Cook Stoves, Parlor Stoves, Box Stoves, Furnaces, Double Heaters, dx.. go to CALDER & LIVINGSTONE, Also Insurance Agents, DURHAM :Emulsion of Cod Liver Oil is our best seller. thy 9 Because it is cheap and good. 250. iW 11 A , ptr bowie. ssibl ; e " . every ard, pg as o e. I .. Gave us 31651;. .-,.tt, _ilittplhlf. t)pr Stock ofDrugs, Patent Medicines, Sta- tlonery, School Supplies, Tea, Sugar. Tobacco, Cof- fees .Pursgs, Pipes, Perfumes. Checkers. Dominoes, Wolin Strings, Brushes, Combs, Etc. 13 now complete. CHRISTMAS CANDIBS. Mixtures, loc. per lo. Slbs. 25. Chocolate props, 200.alb. thynirersat,ion Loz., French Bon Bois, Creams, Gum Drops. 1tiag, Sticks, Hoarhouni; Almonds, Hazel d; Wall uts, this year's crop. " :BMgrexuaiclE1llU0llltNEallyeralE.. 23;: s'iitsA'is: ‘3- Jun "T r.P. gfiwlgflfizmww 'HF'EEE A [F i. ii'Rkriih"i i‘ Merchants buying in the old way and giving credit were doing, we would gets liberal sup- poryfrtyn a disceryipg publxc. ' We brought a LARGE STOCK from the Town of St. Marys, whrigh we_boyy,llt at DR. WELLS, Manager. from $25 upwdrds. Mh' centslin the Dollar 0n the wholesale price, a saving of Lo‘wor Toxvn. PHARMACY. Money to Loan and Issuer of Marriage Licenses. Corner, Upper Town, Durham. v2."itferPau 'sun, m. “3,1..." The undersigned others tree tho lowing receipt for the beuettt of in terms from Rheum 15$ acknowledgment of his on f Nitrate of Potash £01: About: Glycerme H 02; Oil of Wintergreen T de-t: Liverwort have: 1 08: Ill- dra '0: root k oz. Infuse the two last My I water strain through a. cloth. that the other ingredients; thin will an black hotties. A mblespoonful3 . a day before meals. Cost of in . 28 data. LOT S't, Con. 2 E. G. R.. re,t"tttgt,',st,i'i, sisxingof IN news. mom or 4-3; .81) acres cltaryd. 7ofic l? ru.n.ret9aae9 on. ‘anme Barn 50x11) within-aid stable-s; good concrete dwelling other outbuildings: half were orchard: two good spring wells; fenced and in good stat» of cultiv Situated about one mile from the T, of Durhamund one mile from Will be sold with or without _ For fart her particulars apply to” minor on preusisies. _ D. J. DAVIS. Durham P. o.. Julv 3rd. w. tf lnlllMlllllllflll BERKSHIRE m3 This fine animal will he kept on premises of Jun. Clark jr.. LOT 32, CON. 3. W. G. R. BEtmtRltK. for service _dyripR sgasoq ot. 1tl1el.F, nu ruin bbVT, mum, ..__V__ -" __ _ Registered in the "Canada W Swine Recurd” as No. 2556. FM Nov. 21st ISB, and bred bv Jno. I”, Kossuth. Ont. ______ -mr'er--, “W TERMS t $1.03. To be paid for " Service. THEaCA S'fOIi E. We have Opened out in A, DAV!!! Store. Upper Town. with General Dry Goods, Du Goods. Dress Trimming.,'; Groceries, Etc. , These Goods were Bought " 3 * mendous Rettuetloy agd are S" An Entirely New .w.r.ee-i- 15ch mm. a If you want BargainS- com ( with your Cash or PM WATCHES, THE MI Ladies India Kid Button Boot. F tip, $1.25. " tine Dougcla Kid Button I patent tip. $1.25. " Heavy Glove Glove Gain! dard Screw Lace Boom, ' " Hand-made Pegged he. I 31.25 at the Big 4. , " Prunella gamers 70cm. (, A good solid all leather Lace Bod; MEN'S BOOTS. SHOES. Id; RUBBERS. all kinds and priei% was for a Rood solid LBW shoe. and up. 1 I A Full line of 1mm shots dd! I All Wool Serum. double with; (Black, Cardinal. Green. Shae 8 l at 25cta 8 yd. A gum,» All Wool mum. Dark Shades, 160“;de Union Grey 'ruanel. met: i '"aalitplr,i,tti Aligned . ies' Cambium Ladiega' _All:_wool c..ehee N 'er HERE ARE so} or the Fall and Winged BARGAINS at the me, Atserbeeru Nov. 12. lot, ""iiiLiTttne quality 2Sa. Lamar Fleece-lined cull: 25c I yard. Good Plush Album. Ladies‘ Wool Finished Uni Sleeves 256. my. Knit Cadiz“ In! bury double has“ Xen'arUundcrm II it -Ghii - tioaiu0i iiiirYdiiie oi! Cloth In Prices. Mea 5 Smock Lgd -- - ' our heat. Filaments from that Links: lae1P, 1rlettLj, DAVIDSON Upper Town. Durham. SILVERWABE. Farm for Sale. Rhetunatisu C :29. Upper Town Duiham. Cons FBMDIN‘NI’. KC R. wxrsqs. a. "Ma go (ll

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