Ontario Community Newspapers

Grey Review, 29 Nov 1894, p. 3

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l “m! see our ECHNIE. Sustom- :nerally le Cash 3ash or at our arhaulc Mills, to do ork to public. LLTY. '2' EROS. Profits" nitv of tat Ed We of an We ie. mm mm; to"; 31 son a U0. Syrup in?» lb. Regs at J. A. Hunter's Cash Snore. McArthur has the best value in factory Big b mantles Sufi“?! meant H Cub Bargains-g. A. Hunter. Christina-I Candies-Durham Phar'v. Boar.-W. H. bet-sou. . Bibles. tw-w-t McFarlane & Co. Workshop on wheers.--W. Taylor. ash SI Men's hnud‘made long boots at David, New Stock D coming ohm ed is still m k ' the loud deposirnry. The choir w;.-- , good form and their sing- ins: mu ,.. ueojosed. The Collection which in "tttrt".""';! year b Tfl'" is the bsrttet yumhtmmd. RM. inhuman”. WI. - oiMy Mt. NEW A DVERTP3E3iENt3, the Book 'orld. whi i, "5- -- . r '1 rzprntc and winn- l m the wonders hurt-3.! of the Biule throuqhout the it. va. Mr. McGregor and Mr. Mam ill!” spoke. briedy; the former ling rimmo-ntly with the 'mfiue,ntre of f Book"on the individual and the rid. while Mr. Jansen made mine whiting rexmtrkn and exhittited a 4t purchmed in Belgium last summer - - _ ---. _ 1 AL_ LA "c.... srgains in dress {to this week at. Davidson LOCA I, N E Ws. hy day gins thy amount. U D an at aat als mg: .u J. A. Hunter's nbhers at. J. A, sugar H un ter's X), M Miss and D GI M were )ndvr- it the l Mr. "mer M D I lock MacFarlane's Drugstore. is to select " nice present. Headquarters fur stylish dress goods and millinery at Ramsay & MoHock's. For lamps or lamp goods of nnv kind go to MaeFarlane's Drugstore. 3 Choice candies at the Durham Phar- nmcy. Our Emulsion of Cod Liver Oil is the bestvzscu bottle, Durham Pharmacy. Ben Nevis Camp meets tor the last time this year on Fridav Dec. 7. TAPIocA.-Gm of tapioca. for 25e " Parkvx's Drugstore, WOOD tor scrle.--flrst class Hardwood y, $1.25 per. cord. J. A. Hunter. Upper own. home last week For every thing in fancy China, see MacFarlane'" stock. " you want to buy. sell. or rent. a farm. we Jacksons' next door to bank If no sale no charge. Have you sewn that heavy' an wool tweed in pluinur check nt48ca yard. It's a seller every time. Ramsay & Moe Arm Estate t ATARI asiuve C iGrjidodof 330.000- u. ....r ASE '.- .W...' _ Ve-tteve- -"" awarded to Mr. Aridrew Onderdonk, the contractor who built some sections of the Canadian Paeitic railway. This section of the canal is flve and a half miles long, extruding from Balsam lake towarks lake Simcoe, and the contract priqe is_unde§§rtm to be in the neigh- " ly M \ r vrews--Crrtsv-Arthe res’doncn of the brim-'5 para-ms. on Wvduesday, 21st, ixmt. by Rev. M P. Jansen. Mr. Wm. Matthews to Miss Bobeua Gray, hath of Glenelq. mrrHrE--wrcsos--At the residence of luile's parents, on Wednesday. 2Ist inst. by Rev. Mr. Jansen, Mr. Thos Ritchie Gieuelg, to Miss Maggie Wil- son. of Egremont. Ar.Lss--ttmrzs--In Trinity Church, Durham, on Wednesday gist inst, by Rev. Mr. Connor. Mr. Alex. Allan. to Miss Matilda Queen, both of Egre- Buzcxnmu Cums» IN A Dav.--Snttlt American Klueumathm Cure, for Rheum». sign: and Neuralgla. radieally cum in 1 ca s day». In anctxivm upon the u) stem in rcumrk- A“. tnyuerit1r. It retttrre'* at once the - ad thn Ihas“: iatatemuvc1rdieppeoes. The um dnve gang". tmmstitV'ug gtqagta. Baht ”Wad-u 8 . wont. accounts of Merritt Cochrane must be settled with qua forth- Arthur B. Jackson. Assignee. 1-rt under the Auspices of Edge mintjun P. of Industry-mas held ie's School Hmno a Week ago lay. Mr. David McNicnl. M. P. Ir. Wm. All“). Patron Candi- re preset and gavelddrttcty Inn. Mothrt, Wm. Hail and C. s also Insult- brief remarks and couple of songs. Mr. Falk. sang and was aFcompnnied, on n by his partner in life. Mrs. mun. Miss Loa Reynolds sang I nicely. A very pleasant even- D have Mame amount of on reasonnhle terms. il' block, Durham. . John McGowan, of visiting friends in town Saga! Balm. Quick tilting. cleaning. heal tl Presentation am; J. oittle,ofDoruoch tat hears. all wool 'f loans to farmers. 'akert as secuntv. or and her daughter the fotaner's sister, .. of town. fibers to Weekly ‘ur 1815 we other the or. sell. or rent . 1395 we all liver ills, J M ,touidc . who time, first new section canal has been on. sick no. we sell tt Ti? regul- at {nanny pr. Thnseto dy sent will ther notice. -hur wishes 5.1% for the ship been“ All accounts tht, place MN fl mate nucl. Ihey no are the head had d tr an y St It know made in our tun? 'f my guru; w “an,” its policy ordict:t rs", Nun'w. It is not (mu flux .. m- have thrown out reports ot' 1.” :w-n Inemingu sent in by our corvcc,wcirvs'sss." Ont: of those geurlemen in pr-v-viii/iss' hwljgvt. per" somle. asked if We would pnhliuh a. paragraph deahig with some patron matter. Ive replied then, as we would do now. hut it was not in the way of re- fusal. Ask our Murdoch correspondent. It ix not true that we were the right hand man of Rev. Mr. Strain]. (though one might well be worse) in the Equal Rights agitation. and it is not true that these two gentlemen " wearicd them- selves. &e., in many stlittle schoolhouse" on this or any other question. Ourcongratulations to our local con- temporars' in throwing " the shackles of partyisni have not been received in a. kindly spirit. This we regret. The masetet and the manner of his reply show that he has made no progress in the paths of Liberalism. it, indeed, he has started on the road at all. A largo portion of the column he devotes to us in his last issue, is occupied with what is known Mining the vulgar as "ruudsliuginit." and hasled some to re- mark that. the Chronicle was aiming to again warn the appellation applied to it hymn eminvnt legal light smnt- Vl‘ars ago of 'The Durham Smut Machine.' Mudslingiug is no practice of trim liberalism. and uf course in this line we cannot follow him. But we must take tln- uppm'tnnily of pointing out when? his crmlulity ltus lN'l'll iutposcd upon. or. where lit-has allowed his imagination one might , Rights agit these two selves. &e., on this or a on this or any other question. It is true that w" once stated we would never vote for Donor Isuutevkin, though without the rhetorical embel- lishment-I our friend gives it. However. subsequent events showed us, that this intention would bemore honored in the breach than in the observance. and com smut-n tly. we did. when opportunity " tered, vote for Dr. Lauder-kin and for those principles of public policy which he has consistently supported, and which now have virtually received the eonuncndtttiou of the Patrons. And so we might go on. It is true we were a patron. and the patron plat- form is virtually our platform still. wr th: 1 If you want to buy or sell a farm. ad- vertise in the Toronto 1veekly Mail. That paper reaches 100.000 farmers hamos every week and your advertise- ment should meet the eye of some one who wants to purchase. Advertise- ments of this class are in the Toronto Weekly Mail for Five Cents a word or each insertion. Twenty Centsaword for five insertions. Address The Mail I Toronto. Canada, y I lizm- IS 51x Hocrvc--Dotreortog Kill [my and Bladder Unease: relieved in all Laura by the "Great South American KM. uey Cure." This new remedy is a great Iurpriuc and delight on account of in ex- eecdiug prnmptnrsl in relieving pain in the bladder. kidneys. back and every part of the urinarv pasungcu in male or female. It re- licvru reteutiou of water and pain in parking It almost immediately. If yuu want. quick relief nnd cure this is your winerly. Sold by McFarlane d. Cw, Druggist. li Heart Dunes“ etfeetss a cure. Palpitatiyt, S ing tsvella, Pa Diorl.-tr, Bertram, Tuna. U. 6. an Frh‘my Nov. 2n:l.18m, Mrs. Jessie Sluclair. relic: of the: deuluud Mr John Sinclair. “and " wars. Mrs. Siuchir was a for" w rc‘idonc ot Inn-hum Brut", (ileuv‘g' u here sho mum " ith bttr brunt-rs. Munro-J Dttis can and the lute Arnh'd Binds. from 3915an Arstrlh'lrirv, Scotland. ttt the year 1841. A uumhr ot yum; nun. who. With no: lumbnnd and tnm0y mama to Howard Ty. Kent Co., Out. Boil-g left t [In PH n wid, w n few yam-I tICO. and wishing to cdmsnu' lmr children sh: mowed to Ann Arbor, Miohigln. U. S. whurr um lived till 1873, when she moved I." Bertram, T-xtw. Mill tutr mu. who started ms . moon rnuchrr. T. hero we lived till the time of Mr Jenn. at we wrote either at we edited the Ty.rmoitlerhsb" hmm- hut. week. Tur, tax ttoileetot' In on bin rotunda. Mrs. Bunnie i. under tho wenther again. Mr. D, MuFMxlcu mu auirsuod taking out bin barn titntrer. Mr. A. tryetor In making preparation forbuuding n huru I ext summer. Miss Maggie Turuhull came home last week to nth-mt her brather'a wedding. Dun. Edge hm- let I 101) at cutting goo earth ot wood a) the Bullbrothon. Rev. an. Connor held I well u‘tendzd pray-tr Rvv.llr. Connor held a. we" wander! pmyur meeting In the Grange mm '1 m-mluy night. Iran. Wm. Manhunt. and That. Biteuio, have much lnLou unto thrmsvlves litu puma". We extend hearty caugrutulnltans tpntttertttttr. The mnnicpul put tk hummus to boil. We will not autumn to fun-"um: the maul: as yet. We loum that unpopular deputy move is to ttnrer optwoi' Hm. A few new man nro “piling tor hnutu.. hut wrung tho old councillors there In no oue - of ru-electlon than our friend Mr. - III ito, whn "We his rlcrt at less than u your nun, Unlul mm H ....‘ unforsuun turn. up we will In able to .mc-uscc who result. a! ttw emu alu- ”Wuhan-u. ill " HEART Dr ltl)1 it .wueua in 30 minutes and " s scum. lt is a. peerleo romew union, Shannen of Email... Sm yells, Pain iv Left side and all of u. Diseased Heart. One dose C Sold by McFarlane & Co. we w M lik not true, that tin of politic Thu all FLESHERTON STATION, x patron, and the patron plat- virtually our platform still. over proffered our services at retings in the sense implied untompomry. We did attend a .uet-Liugs. one in Buntincx, t Ron-mum. and discussrd the t tim EDGE HILL EtW0ES ':tWirrete, PER CONTRA. and Mr. M. should REvn-wis ruled by ms or. worssltipstttty as any attempt born I' "PY .‘urty to shape '30 tut new» IN 30 MLYUTIU Ir um Heart give- prr Ch rzmie Linn M r is Just tl, itave thrown 'tings sent in Onc of these ,5 tos, at we wrote as that we ' sheets, and t as tun-as ride of last r syi/pattietie fl we ., Smdther- d all syn v- dose conun- it ip, udily remedy for ssiugs of last hell ',tiititii';gti'i' Arm? FIRE a, port or of and is for _ F S 11. fr} " ",0 I." ' . Tenders m" Supphe Ch In the Estate of Walter S/nail, Deceased. By order of the judge of the Surrogate Court of the County of Grey J. ',' _ 1 on the weruises, aithe brick house. east of the 11‘1ng1ish Church 1'srsonage, and situated on the fivst Division of Lot 2.", Con. l. S. D. R., Glenelg. on Ayer's Cherry Pectoral Prepared by Dr. J. C. Ayer 8: Co., Lowell, Mitra. At one o'clock p. ru., all the household goods and "tttu-ts of the late Mrs. Wal. tee Sum”, cons-Ming of a, quantity of fux'nituw and waving apparel; who keepit En :':r:" Muse all 11:21am. rut considczn; it safe to .:e with. out it." "I have been uaan: Ayur'ss Cherry Pcetoral in my family for a) yarn, mm the most satisfactory results, and can cht'er.'ully recommend it as being espe- cially adapted to all pulmonary com- plaints. 1 have, tor many years, made pulmonary and other me,dicinesatrpecittt study. and I hnve come to the conclusion that Ayer‘s Cherry Preterm occupies a position pro-eminent over other medi- cines of the class."-'. Davenport. HUGH MACKAY. JAMES LEASK, Auctioneer. Executor, Dhted Nov. mm, 1334. Prompt to act, sureto cure sN . CT , 3v E .3 q . k. " _ f Fl r q 5 ' g 'ttt q M , lil 14 " COMPOUND. . . Areut discovery by mold til . " physician. Snow-(fully and lea ' I" monthly by thousands qf _ ‘7) ~ Lama. la the only perfectly . iv we and reliable medicine div covered. Beware cf LuprlnCIpL-d drugghu who otttsr inferior medicine: .n Aaeo of mu. Ask for Cook's Conan Root ComponndJuke nonhu- Me. or inclose " and 6 cent: la postage " lettu- and we wiiilond. lauded. by rcium mail. “mauled particular: in plain envelope, to indies only. a lump». Addrcu The Cook Company, TR,2f will be for servico at lot T, con. 2. (near Vavney cheese factory) Normanhy, a thoroughbred medium Yorkshire boar, from inported stock. Terms, 75 cents. _ w. H. LEESON, Prop». ". Nov-uh. an. 1894. V v Thursday, 6th lrcoattyi, 1394. flll'i(jlj"i'i)?S SALE! "HERE will be sold by Public 'A.tretion ARK & Co, Pavlituuenb Buildings Toronto, November Inspectors --e-" 7 V wzaasor,om..c.m Sold by all Druggists. Cure SICK HEADACHE Ind NM In ao MINUTES. tho Coated Tettrut, Dini- nrsn. immune“. Pain in tho Side. Campaign, Tarpid Liver. BM Breath. to “any curod also rttgtrutr' this bowels. VERY met 10 TAXI. PRIOR " CINTO ar DRUG 370R... Boar for Ssewice. "Ix-RM ES v. ov POWDERS T. F. CHAMBER JAM Es NOXON TERMS CASH, Ftt'ais an 15.3.1 hid ' 223 {iii (di's())lhat ISM, f '~ ' A ..Y~ ' w, ‘ " M _ 'mya'siiictsrrcre't; “A , ‘_ Lu. Har st Urrcst7 H, altiil 1r'pferW"t'ri?, r a“ __ l 'BEM, " hump»? 'e E5S' " li" Ei 0K all the housgbplgi T' 10th. 1894. T30 and Public titutions. oired forthe (ly in Toron- Hon' and 'rimn and mum). ' not neces poopie :9 time. ‘e with. E FOR C:i?Er11', CON §E§gm IL. ., Vel ¥Wa§§ be found Unequallle4, Ji' rm ”mm Mm 1mm not vet visited us we extend a CORDIAL INVI Fair Dealing with examine our Goods. T possible prices. Bargains ! DRY GOODS, Our Stock of iiisigt, Bibles is now very com- plete, from the smallest to the most complete Teachers' Edition. NEW COODS We have a very nice as- sortment of Bibles with MethodistHymrAstrp- bined, also Bibles with the Presbyterian Hymns. When we opened up in Durban months ago and, in our introduct nouncement, stated we were going) cash business, we found a. numberof‘ expressing an opinion that it could tlone surtessfuliy. We had every col chat with a LARGER AND BE STOCK, selling far below the pricei, English Church Prayer) Book & Hymnals in Uusesm small pocket, and fine large' type Editions. Family Bibles and Bibles for Family Worship in nice large type cheap. _ All the latest Hymn looks in Stock or procured on short- est notice. Special discounts to Choirs. We also keep aiull lme of Poets in Fancy Cloth, Padded Morocco, and Padded We have'added to it largely in 1 IN HAND could buy. The rapid g ifying to us and a proof that our Method of doing' Quality and and bnonrperW01ty ............ bl tro to 0.:lumul bs ......... ... 2 25 ttt 511mm bt ............ tl bu to Bum F6 ............ o BU to Full Wham per 1-11-1th ... 0 55 lo Sprung Wheat bv ... 0 533 to Oats, " ... 0 26 to Peas, " ... 0 50 to Barley, " ... 0 80 u Panniers. ‘K ... O 25 to Buy per ton ........---....... 8 00 to Bert. (we quarteru. per 100 8 00 to Bret. hind " " 4 00 to l'm'K. " .................. 4 GO to Hideu, " i........ ........ 2 00 to Sheep~kinm ttao............ 0 25 to Bauer per It.................. 0 12 to Bugs. per ttor, ............-. 0 14 to Wood 2l&,lom_'...........u.. .1 00 to 'Turkoyl per 1b............... o 07 to Gees. " ............... o M to Ducks. " ....r.c..... 0 05 to tonic-hm. per pain- ....... 20 to We“ has rr.--' o 40 to MAKIEG STILL GREJ "ir0 KEEP mill Seal. HacFABLANE fl; cc, Dmggists & Busksellers. Furwiteat par bushel Sprung Wheat '. Outs, " Puts. " Barley, Potatoes. Huy pen“ ton 3ert, (we q To those who have not yet visited us we extend a t and will be pleased to show goods and QUOTE PRICES On account of the low price of many kinds of Farm it is important that it should be spent to the best advantage We have Bargains to offer in STAPLES. TLE CLOTF We have Bargains to offer in DRESS GOODS AND We have Baigxi Trimmings. We have Bargai We have Bargains to offer in CLOTHING & CLOTHS. We have Bargai We have Bargains to offer in MASTLES AND MAN- We have Bargai are appreciated by t increase the liberal patronage exte Butter and EgtrtcTaltea as Cash. L,/.Ut?,.cv/1"i:3A.'5ir gs MORLOCK. Durham & Chesley.§ Dalglish’s old Star DURHAM MARKET. IIIG IIICS'. COME AND SEE FOR YOURSELF. Nov. 28th 1-594 A Stod $1 65 225 cut. 080 005 050 035 080 2 00 0 43 0 It 0 15 I M tIO co " For the finest line of Cutters of ant description s, Portland Cutters/Plan) Box Cutters, Latest Styles. Prices? from $25 upwards. 5 For the finest line of Stoves, Cook Stores, Parlor Stoves/ Box Stoves, Furnaces, Double Heaters, &c.. go to 1 Cutters & Stoves', Also CALDER & LIVINGSTONE, DURHAM A large assortment of New Goods just arrived including a choice and cheap lot of ppr Stock ofDruats. Patent Medicines, Sta- tionery, Schoo} Smpplies, lea, Sugar, Tobaccoa Cof- fees_, .Pursejs, Pipes, Perfumes. Checkers. Dominoes, Wolin Stnngs, Brushes, Combs, Etc. is now complete. Emulsion of Cod Liver Oil is our best seller. Why? Because it is cheap and good. 250. W 11 t PT bottle. 'bl e se every hm? as 0 ea as poem e. - Give us a Ca ' It wilfpayyou. CHRISTMAS GANDIES. Mixtures, loc. per lp.. 3 lbs. 25. Chocolate Drops, 206.alb. conversation Loz., French Bon Bon's, Creams, Gum Drops. Sugar Sticks. Hoarhouni; Almonds, Hazel d; Wall Nuts, this year's crop. Loxvor Toxvn. Insurance A ‘ents, Mane 'to Loan and Issuer of Marriage b' . J a Lieenses. O"" Berkshire, & um- improved __ shire from Caldwell') Herd hekept for Service on lot 43 and 3. S. D. R... (Hum-lg. for thetieatw auidR5. Terr. " $1.0m: time “rs Bryo Park N r A Convention of young Liberals is LTa to lw held in Toronto in the latter part fee" of January. It is the purpose of the itrth" promoters to form a permanent organ- my: ization, holding conferences to discuss luum public affairs. A call has been sent an": out Irv the young Liberals of Toronto tturs. to clubs throughout the wuntry stating rm“ the object of the meeting. :13" ___ "9‘-" fi‘ 1......“ obliged to leave their homes and Luke refuge elsewhere. In Math a thousand [mums have been rendered homeless by the overfiowing or the river Avon. 1n the English Channel and the North Sea many vessels have but" lost with all on board, Thorougbred Bears .--Tlur, recent storms have not been eoutinetl. in their movements, to this side ofthe Atlantic. They have Visit. ml the Western (must of laurnpe also. won the Meliitermuean, where they ha ve been very much more destructive than here and h. ve caused much loss ol life and property. The winds have been violent and the rainfall has been grenterthnn at anytime during the present century. There has been great loss of life at sea, and munyot the rivers in England have risen so that tho e living on the lowlands have been nth Me DR. WELLS, Manager. M Mr Mr Vol. XVI. No. tti, (1 rev 28th 169-! MIL week And unto n W. Gryre'ts children 't fever. Dr. Mitchel ll Rumhelol Wu vin m Babb-n: but. Wm. MeNar0o Ill ARCH.‘ MCKENZIE. have lku'gainsw offer in BOOTS AND SHULS. have Bargains to offer in HATS. CAPS & FURS have Bargains to offer in MILLINERY. have Bargains to offer in UROCERII'B. f "te"ded fur lost wed: " Mortimur. ot Grand Vtsl Inlay bu onmed Mr, PROTON CENTRE, rHARMACY. I a'CORDIAL INVITATION, Farm Produce moneylis scarce and fmmlement to Grey Review. )THS. an ins to o he" in io Mb H, M th ' in BOOTS AND SHOES. ' pf sc-rn Sulli van has " Mr. Adan: A.tl Jt NOVEMBER Nth Mum N York m Also " lmmniml building. with a fine lot of m-w green houses for raising different plunln' and studying Bot- any. Then in the dairy line they have a building for butterarid trheene making. (with a stable of dairy cows in “mm-N- ion,) where students art-taught the very host. methods of making hutter and Hum-w. thus you seegettinq practice as well as (hoary. I may again talu- pp sumo- features of the college life if this proves :wcvplulple. """". V, "__ ""'"-e and 5 of pigs. There is alm a very lab; e hon-houv- just, about uunploll-d and will eontaiu H different. hrxeNtm of hens. etr. Thc-re is,. also " chemical laboratory for the instruct inn of the students and other uses. the xlvM-riplvinn of which would he too lo-nglln' and tiresome tor this iufhieru.e of the 0. A. C. The farm is tiit,uateNi trtte and a half milms from the citv of Guelph and was Ioumlml in 1X74. h now consiuls of 550 arte divided as follows: _44 acres still ttrteleared t (B bun). gal-dun. arhoretum. uursery and forest tree plantation: GO "t't'e% in small experimentht plots: frt in lung:- exp plots. lo in lanes. roads. etc. and 313 Here a gum-ml fun". and is mnnptmnl of nearly all grades of "oil. and hence is adapted for the pur- lmws for which it, is used. On this farm ”wro- an- large buildings with all modern impmwrmonts and the stable t-nnmins many kinds of stock. sud: as: - ll brawls of mule, 9 of sheep and c, of pigs. There is also a very [an e hen-hoGe just about completed and will Now what is the reason that the Gov.. t-rnnu-nl, of nur land stunrd such a con- m-rn 'y Because it saw the necessity of impmving tho {arms and farmers of (hum-in. lhm lhvir produce might be impnn'ed in quantity and quality and the MINI tCtialorprmrvltuiaI pm in- ert-awn}. To do this they nun-M an Exp-rilm-HMI Farm and Collette of Irtsirvuctnorr. lw'uum- cyruperitio" with the irest ruuulrh-x of the world had to he fun-d. and awning theme had already gut c-nntrul of the has? mark?“ thmfor uur produce had to he the heat. For instant-1- take duirying. and sm- what In“ been dmwulung this liue for Ont, thtt hunk-r used to Le worth little: it, now trompetets very fairly in the best "tarketsof the world. and our eheese lakvstho- v"r.v highest "riee. A good deal of this has hm-n done through the iuf1uvncr. of the 0. A, " If Ontario has union wonders. the o. A. C. in in the eyes of an untravelled studvnt cumin!" one of them. Le. ifby wonders we mean smut-thing that ex- t'ila-s wonder. and which has stood Huc- 'rtssrully so many years the .. battle and tho “rt-147,0" of adverme criticism and is still iurteasiuwi" importance. usefulness and Came. 11mm. Also a hotar t of new q I'ICHOES FROM DORNOCH. 'een dunrulunk this line for Ont. wink-rum! tohe worth "tttes it runways very fairly in the heat etsof the world. and our eheese the wry highut prime. A good if thin has hw-n done thrr"urh nu. THE 0. A. C FARM, GUELPHA mm m pmvmz-inl pnvg‘mm in- To 110 this they started an mm] Farm and Collette of m. lmvcum- 1yrrtperitrit?n with co- Mr. Editor. Item to as. ppimt map with a fart "p. This week tho) for two more mwk M? tee. Mr. Frank Lem. MIMI of matrimony to 'ttrm. an Mill in“. Rev. Inc-m wrong: the trying ( fllfMlllllllllflll BERKSHIRE lull: IU", .. are 'iag a Eiatih'it% ».. for service during season of 1M Rr-gisxered in the "Canada Bet-W Swine Record" as No. 2'.Wi. ram Nov. 2lst 1893. and bred vano. Mere." Kossutit, Ont, TERMS ' $1.00. To be paid for " Service. THE$CA S'I‘OIl E. We have Opened out in A. " Store, Upper Town, w General Dry Goods, Dr. Goods, Dress Trimmings:I Groceries, Etc. ' These Goods were Bought " . I. mendous Reduction and are my Accordingly. F I' If you want Bargains: come " with your Cash or PM u? An Entirely New , THE MI Ladies India Kid Button Boot. ' tip, $1.23. " tine Dongola Kid Button patent tip. $1.25. .. Heavy Glove Glove Gain :3” HERE ARE SOI Of the Fall and Winter",:' BARGAINS at the BIG? LOT 32. CON. 3, W. G, - . ' D. I: DAVIS. Durham P. o.. Julv 3rd. Nya. d dard Svrmv Lace Boota. 'et .. Hand-made Pegged has 'ell, 81.25 at the Big 4. Fr Prunvlla guitars 7hta. 'i, a A good solid all leather Lam Boot." ( mars BOOTS, SHOES. and / 's; RUBBERS, all kinds and prim. " Akrts for a stood solid all-1m u shoe. and up. Ca. C A Full line of Infant's shoes otatt1 All 1Vool Sergee, double within, Black. Cardinal. Green. Slate & ' at 2Geta :1 yd. P, Thin fine animal will premises of J no. Heavy All wool FLANNEL I Dark Shades. 16cta a yd. Union Grey Flannel. men . a Heavy, Reversible, All-wool SI. Cuties' Combination Suit“ Ladies' All-wool Cashmere " Black. tine quality 2Se. "(.- Ladies' Fleece-lined “M Aberbeen. Nov. 12. 189% Ladies' Wool Finished Cndaa Sleeves 25c. hietrs Knit Cardigan I“ heavy double breasted “.1 Menu _ 17underwago all m 25e a. yard. Good Plush_ Albums!!!- L),ihlgt bioGsa. be, see what . Come have for primal. "as, Men's Smncks and CV wt') Best: Table Oil, Cloth in _ v - Yor" our heat. “annexed: from Se up, mm lap? KIM-,8. 1 Upper Town. Durham d: of “laden. MrLittte. 0n occAs'ra Upper Town Durham. m new be run Come Ind FEBDIIAND DAVIDSON he kept on Clark jr.. R. BENTINCK. sing sad est I209; 23.47; " fill I go

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