Ontario Community Newspapers

Grey Review, 29 Nov 1894, p. 2

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9% 'iiririi ' REVIEW _, gag. 'V Two letters on the above subjee " recently appeared in the columns 'dthe Farmers' Sun. Both letters are _ alike clear, temperate and to the point. L, The first is from Mr. Allen Pringle ot _Belby. After referring to the many huesin the body politic which the Astrorts have set themselves to reform, " wine out one ' ‘big blunder" which 1.0 Farms are in dangerofeommits We have said nothing a " wine wceks was Wu mtskitqt al ra.nstcuiuts and paw e.,inpl1ttrd to mm: an Chriaums Editinn ot the Rt edition nu tine paper wi Minimums and apprvpri: mam-r will ton-m an ttttrm Illa: Souvenir, and will bv, all REVIEW Subscrilmrx nomrand make snrc or chi Phriuymm Number, £1.” Cr Durhrr has cnuml _ all Huh-rt he corrtrlnm: 6tterso' ' yt --The no“: otmWadictttv - new rt P, “but: an, not begun the mnghuld, a “gin. thcy, crack. TIN l an army sl 1‘ go have the p endineg m- we Japanrs.) ithey may banks ot' th- , d nby the W The zen: Ire so ex her prose them. sl amnion. pl Ill-3w”. The report is eontirmed that the. Ja- lxese haw-a when ll rt Arthur. after gunmen ttcars' tialttirvr, and great 1.53 photb sides. 00 db weigh Ile ing in the beginuh;,T of Llioir citt'eer,-- "to quarrul with our friends, who, “though not exactly of our household. "are yet doing our Work,"and rightly adds, that "the enemy would rejoice 'tt our tally." In illustration of this, he addnccs the case of Sir Richard (banish: being opposed by a Patron h’éomh Oxford. Mr. Pringle points on: thatthe letter recently addressed by Sir Richard I» a friend in Lennon: “boss, that he h: s not changed his "policy. and ll " h: is in fall accord “Vulture Patron platform, wpecially l, {at a his work in the Minion tiiiiii of Commons is eooor.med.' wt in these'ttimuiratteetr, it -- "irttpr1ylclt and tutwise to 3mm in Sir Itiehard's con- " "What good then" asks “my" early, could such my do?' For in tlo d's mica: "is than , ‘m Ostord or aw tttrtitt who on“ do Christmas Edit' ort in. they W;|l have a mun l k. The Chinese are said to Irmy or 10".(10 within its wall in the place in every way lingly erl unified, so that, s Japaneso fail in their attack my may have to winter U ks of the Yaltt, The offer of n by the Western Powers hang: menus laid down by the Jar an stesty,.irt.ur that. China will tt havcsaiul nothing we weeks plat w g m runamnvnw mu ,nnpicccd to hue a mus Edition of the H m cm tine {ml-r v mic-us and appropl i will ton“ an am: nun-nix. and will h in: c ' Nov. HG WITH ru' a from tho East is very a Last Week. the Japan- srtcd to have taken Port ', it is said that they have 3 attack on that Chinese and that when they do will bavea hard nut to Chinese are said to have 61H) within its walls and ulacc in every way. ex- .ll tortitted, so that, should rfail in their attack upon . have to winter on the Yala, Tire offur of media- 'estertt Powers hangs tire. m .l..wn hv the Japanese ot Wi nothing about it. tt put we have be menus and have the t Mac an Illartrat, tot the REVIEW. Tl paper with splerrti 'tirprtrptitt.e leadn an attractive Cari Id will be furnished d tt CD ---ee'" I . . i',VTENiir I "mg our platform, and securing for as u , "the rem ms . e ti! mand as Sir Richard , bb Partwr‘ght Vow dy, no matter what ttOth, tsol. I “hm new hum zeal may be would say I et-ri-err-ter-r-T-ee- 1 "so. In nucmmmuclmy ought we vol, tb' "mu a maximum,- “but: thc prctstuiti ost. I . ' . . . Edit, - l ' 3:“:ng mcrufrcy, whcthccUt".t or Kory, ( (ima will in»; in u least, acecdeto ' may change the ITCC in 1J1) P. FRIENDS h $11)in be handsome m it. but «to bag 1’14 Fey . 1n:- ”In: II- m... "_"'-""".' _ Its the” lect.wi:n om and menu-dot! for the l or ttish? use of the Society as soon“ room. '0“me PM. numb could easily be “and murrvaior “mils-nod“. no It!!! qt rt "lain full award with our platform “and will plvrlge himstlftttereto, nn. l "less he can be tGecestsmtivsupemttt"d “by a Putrun ul' more ability, and re- "liability, and ebeut Where the lust "named comlir‘nn exists. it would r.- t "in all 9mm he. wise to run a candi- "date." We c mmer:d these common sense views to the sober attention of our readers. '1 he seeoud letter is from I William Bowes, of Pinkerton. who wrius, than. he is pretty well pleased I . vTlscrtt has been naming in tbepcliey ofthe Mowat Government in the past to create rcvsenttuentin the minds of the people of the city of London True, pp wore no: a friendly people: you did no: t and a, friendly wplesengmive; you have been an eminent orthe (EW- ernment, Lu: more ms t)eeirw.o'dis. erimination against London on that ac- count. Every railway that could come toLondon has received aid (mm the Government. ITur asylum has been enlarged ond added to from time mums, whereas if we had beendispos- ed we could have built elsewhere. Supplies-PYP-ice, much contravened supplies of Mr. F.sicry and others--- hues. hum bought. in London. Thurs: "'b""Py'-""""" W U _ requiring arduous work were carried to a most succwsiul completiomated com- m itteu and members no doubt Ecol termini. Ahoutarrnemhers each with" “special friend" sat down to a sumptuous repast. The oysters were enjoyed 'by some, merely "eycd" by others, but the turkey was declared "straight goods' by every one. There was abundance. followed mid way the intellectual prom amme by a course of delicious grapes. The follow- ing night the Children had their innings on the unused part of tho feast. The Prvsident. Mr. Walter 11.13th wade " capital Chairman. and introduc- ed the various performers in a happy manner. Mr. Taylor, the ‘Laiid of Dro- ruore' as he is commonly. and somewhat happily. called, was in a reminiscent mood and gave an account of the origin or the place. Some 34 years ago he came in there when there were few comforts and fewer neighbors with about slim worth of goods and opened his little store. boon a. Post Oihce was required and the naming of it was left to the Department, who gave it the irish and euphomous name of "Drowore". For many years a. weekly mail brought. Dro- more face to Lace With the World. Now the mail roaches there dailynnd it is only a question of time when we will be abletosay "Hello” Dromore over the telephone. He also spoke on the origin an . 5erd of Forestry and the strength of Court Dromore I. o. 1" their second anniversary an; taken some weeks ago to c event in a hecoxn‘ing manna more’ a. happily mood at of the I in them and few "'"r"" an . syn-2141 ot the Some u. h.“ Mung}, Mr. David Leith in "The Deacon's C "utslsip " Was as humorous as of old. We knew Mr. Wut. Hustle could sin r, oi uuul'ric. but were not. aware. he cont: Lin-ow such gusto and expression. into "uillie brdwed " peck u‘xuzlut," and .. Duncan Grey." Misses Alum Henry and Mary Brown also sang pleasingly - . . " D».....;..I.r husk can. (mu an“) 1’1uuu ...,,.. WW" _ _ _ and etIvain-ly. It. Runwick took for his subieyt .. Wonrau" and made. wine good hits. Messrs. Juo. Findlay, an“. Wilson, W. Coleridge. T. Acheson, and Wat. Lister sang songs and made n ma ks which tlie bed loud applause. Mr. W. Lister in "Jones Girl " ttrott In, down the hon-w. The REVIEW Ire', also e :sade :3 song. Messrs Phelp and Wiednmn gave humorous recitation, and, last mentioned, though not last nor least on the pmgmmme was a. reading by that popular Leather. Mr: G. Ewes s. The society began numb metnher.n mu n {W punters if) my}, (igleridge sum " 7w Hum-rug v. w-.. -- - ." is preiicting that they will doubleagmn before long, and we shouldnt wonder it the aoeselr as well as toms of its members did. _ The Matt in. Bm, building” by try ' ____-azd. 0... ob.“ are all ituit0ted in oiled maple a substantial and phasing a: while the arched roof gives fit qualities. lt is an “annual cuuntry plnct's have.. and-is prvrittef by the ouuururtit) vorrtize Mr. Tn.rbuG curt't'Pt' thelatvsit l-xzunplc of his All lh‘nmnrr. A llrillinnl Polic "Netvd lwi'url‘ lung. ttN 'ilt'ive Ink”: to FQ'l'Nl'K‘ Emil Ll:trr, ml 35 Yeats tWil by his path ting feeble ting (soon The lady C a huge pot over the w lw r "mum" give me tt rev on the e,xtorrisistitok his request After askir partou he let Those 1n early but few le tbe morid that were travel the “UL 1U“ II'lt In F..m"""'- _,,, - tbe muridiun of life and mm: those of us that were bahcs then are beginning to travel the dowrnuml grad» ot life. We heard a wood old gentleman, who held a. very responsible position in the Township of Gfenelg for n. quarter of a. century. and who years ago pussvd from the scenes of time. being at his death worth newly . hundred thousand dot- lars, declare, that when he first came to settle in the bush in the your 1812, (in your own town. Sir.) thathe would be glad to get, a good “was of rocked turnips fur his dinner, "and now," says he, tt these yuuug spulpeeuy of to-day think that Lin-y did every thing themselves. when. in nudity. it wax made by the . . t ~.! A” n-n‘n'nn " A very happy and pleasant event took placeat the residence of Mr. S. Queen on Thursday last, (Thanksgiving day) when his daughter Miss Tillie, one of Egvvtnonthichavuf"vet girls was united in tuaeriageto M 1-. Alexander. eldest son l f Mv. James Allan deputy"rrecve of Egre- mont. The wedding party arriied at Trinity Church. Durham, at 3.30 o'clnuk, where the. Rev. Mr. Connor tied the nuptial knot. The bride was assisted try her cousin Miss Eliza Sin-s. while the groom was supported by his mel.ex-. Mr. J as. Allan. The parlv then return- ed to the residence of the lu-idv atLer, me Highluudcm Dunn " kept at, Uouage is now. on Dir. L' All” a p. "r" . "f . This piacy pruycd tat be quite a home no the old tum-rs. who, chdiug their wav humewurd on a. stormy night, as the old lady always kept. a roaring l'vce on in the lar ge tiveplacy, lunchtu the summa- ion of mu traveller, who, after iiudiug himself thorouoly sezwoned as a mum er of course and a case of necessity, took a wood horn of old Irish whiskey yielding good horn the old kid again. """r ,, by her cousin Miss Eliza Sins. while Lb: groom was supported by his meLcr Mr. Jas. Allan. Tho purlv then return ed to the residence of the mid: (ulnar where a sumptuqus dinner wasawsit in; them. After doing Jurticezw the gum things the young tolks unjuyml Lhem selves until near morning. There ITPD in all about {any couple prwtut Among Lhobc‘prcncnt mm a distuu0 were Mr. and Mrs. J. Chapman. brother in-law and simtewo': the bride, of Mark dale. Mn and Mrs. Lavelie and My. my Mrs. T. Ailau, ot' Durham. Mr. and Mm D. P. CuleI-Ligc je., Mr. and Mrs. w a E.., rt ....,I u... Among those premyuf tum a u were Mr. and Mrs. J. (le41 man. L in-law and pink-rm the Ihude, n dale. Mr. and Lin. Lavelie and: Mrs. T. Allan. of Durham. Mr. tu, D. P. Uuleridgc jr.. Mr. and l lisp-hie. ol' Drum/re. and M r. D. a Marv Allan. of Holstein. The 1' were mum-mus. costly mad. u.,chr "may Mumw-h friruds mac." brides and groom may sy.zaatscvt hummus. _-----------""--'""'"'" HAMILTON PEOPLE SAY we Sz.uts's Powue.usa--Mr. Fax-mun Alderman and Barrister. saysr-ryi experienced almost immediatx- tOlief from the use of Smrk’s Powders (fur Sid; Headache, BAP-ous- ness. Noun-nigh and Liver.) J. Temple, 461Uthowine St. N. tu'1ystr- "I tind R. stswk's Headuche, Neuulgin and Liver Powders a. an n- cure." Mr. Lautiiicld, lzhmrinn, public lib- rary, 'ears:--') Thev are must. valuable tor Hummers fx-mn Headache, Neuralgia and Liver Complaints." Mr. Geo. R. Honk. Station Master G. T. Railway. sarsr-" I was troubled with most, sew-re headaches tor three year: and unable to get more than tem worm-y relief. Since ','/l.,i,',g Sun-k3 Pow‘lors l have been entire y free from Head- ache." - T Pric.a5sasnuarom old hydl moi. {cine deauor. [arm a marl-lam: u-rmmmy, 5mm:- are, in the Township of Proton some Tam-o "4:0 he cnllcd at a house clorw his path feeling the inner mun get. t feeble for want of nourishment. . lady ot the house wasjust taktug uge pot of potatoes from " the chain r the huge fire place. When the ul man "tlaid to her. will you please pioneers who braved , tunes have gone-tlu. l their long home. ' lett of ths: that wer f the lv was Ll: P/k _ to her. will you please a a. few of these potatoes sir, stool. Complying with r muting the blessing he Liomcly dish. saying after he best meal he even on- ptuous dinm-r was await lug . doing iurrice Co the gum: (lung tolks enjoyed Lin-m- wur mnruimz. Thurs wm'e at {any couple pruNm. v prawn “mm a distance liilrs. J. (Jim; mun. brother- En‘wr of the liride, of Mark- l Mrs. Lavelie aml Mr. and I. of Durham, Mr. and Mrs. clicc jr., Nr..aud Mrs. w, mutate. and Mr. D. and Miss of Holstein. The presents ms. costly and mcfui. Their wh friends esce.uied the com Lhuir wammi congru- u... .. ..,._ .. w __ , v vod bye till he would come MURDOCH‘ T, hue-d her "Gallic-h xt, when- the Riverside ', on Mr. 1i'irth'sprvper'ty. wed to be quitea home era, who, wundiug their I nn Ik gun-"w night as the v --r rusting appearmnco. ' gives fine acoustic \u‘vmnmlntinn few . and-is duly up- mmun'ny. who ru- mm-rpriu‘ in this vf his dcvotioto lo "P'm my helm; lahent fopau and have: d the forest, ere are then in no of us tin he TVe are glad to repost the slight im- provement. oi Alex. Carson. who, has been so ill of law. Mr. Frank Brown, of Flosherton. who Rot two of Isis riha hrnkcn last week is visiting at, I). Sinrlair's. Farmers nruum. why thou- ttt'tt p.0 I There are lots of (- hood, and sumo gt Mr. A. u. Mc at. present. Miss Mi bee last l partaking evening tl horne well enjoyment ir/sts Minnie Msz‘an hasju: huuw atut spending a fvw v hcuraunr, Mrs. u. Whittaker, Mr.G. erhy was the guest of Mr, Fred Kennedy, one day last, week. Mr. John McLanghlan in Lends erect ing a. new lrn'n m-xl. spring. Mr. Dan McDonald is going into pou'- try farming and has built, the newssnry accnmodutim) fur his feathered friends. Mr. Duncan McArthur has followed suit. Mr'. John Mi-Lcnn is having his house repaired out sidc- and a Iii-w tloor put in. The w wk is in the hands of James M.- Donald and H. G. McLean. Mr. Jauies Hurling am: Ww. Ham - hill, of F'leshcerott SLution. paid iris-us: in Maple Grove a flying visit. Miss Sum]! Morrow had a number of friends»! burr ro>iuonm~ one night last week. They had a quilting in theafters mum and in the evening: games, singing week. They had a ql noun and in the even and other mnusemum We are pleased to McDonald, who has , covuriug. Mr. James Henry has tract of painting the Priccvme. Miss Minnie Sinclair had a quilting no Inst Thursday afternoon and after Lil-taking of a sumptuous repast in the vvning the young people dnncod until :n-l)’ morning. when theyall retutncd Imll- ou.ll plvast'd with “wit niglu's ind listless. her blood was thin and} watery. she could not walk fast, could nut ('limh a stair. m- do in fact, any work 1 requiring vxmtiun. Her heart troubled hee so mud: and the rcvlp'rtatiotus were so violt-nt as to “mm-nth: prevent her from sleeping at night. her lips were blue and i hloodless, and she was suhieet to ox-i t rcuwiyseveve headaches. Her condi- tion made her vory unhnppy for, be- ing an orphan, she wanted to he of help to the rolnlinns with whom she lived, but iturtead was becoming an in- cumhnmmu Having road of the wand- ers worked by Dr. IN illiatus' Pink Pills, Miss Sauve determined to give them a trial. After. using one or two boxes she began to revive somewhat and felt a mnger than before, She slept better, t m color. bcitatn to return to her cheeks, and a new light. shone in her eyes. 'I‘hmcnvnurngud hit so much that she (It-terminal to continue the treatment. and soon the iii-art palpiuyy'iors and spasms which had made her life mirror- ahle passed away. and she was able to assist once more in the household labor. To-day she foo‘s as young and as ehee. . ful as anyolhm- voung and healthy girl of heruge. She is very thankful for what Dr. Williams' Pink Pills havedonq for her. and feels that she cannot too highly praise that marvellous remedy. Indeed her case points. it means of fesm o ' . . 1 LL. _ LL-‘ lllucru “u u.“ ,.V..... 'eve" -__H to an other young girl“ who find that hralth's ram-B have flown from their chums. or who are tived on slight exer- tion. subject to tits of TaervoutrneB'4, ho-niim-iu's and palpitatin“ of the boart. in all such (‘JNPH Dr. williams' Pink Pills mean unfailing: cure. Sold by a" dealers or sent hy mail post pair]. at, 50 owns a Lox. or six boxes for $2.50. by nddrecsfng the Dr. Williams' Medicine Comp-11y. Brm'kviilo. Ont.. or Schenec- tsulv. N. Y. Bi-wnrc of imitations my: cents-a nddre Conny tady. may. N. Y. luv-warp m 1:1“quan tbFF substitutes alleged to he "just as good Hood’s Cured - . After Others Failed Bcrofula In the Neek-Bunehes All Gone Now. "C. L Hood a. Co., Late“. Mass: "c,eauermuc--ttee1uat1 cannot. uyenough la tavor ot Hood's sarsapariM. For two years I have been troubled with scrotum. itt my neck and throat. Several kinds ot medicine: much 1 tried did. not do mo any good, and when I com- mound to take Hood's 8arsaparllla were were large bunches on my neck so sore that I could llv V w .7 - v v v not bear the anghmst touch. When I had taken Our Stock ot L311 on. hectic ot this medicine, the soreness had dren’s We can give gone. and below I had ttrotted the second!» ' . Ward are ' I bunches had entirely disappeared." BLANCH. Ammus . ArwooD, Sangervule. Maine. . There 18 one othe N. B. nyou decidawmko Emma-mu- time. andthat is our , an: do not be Induced to buy any can. .r to stiow"our Wk, it i Mooet'tw Pill. can boostipudm by um "="aTiL7i,aiisTaetmogt-tir-rV : _' . fi0od)t'istt f.7pgatti., A GRATEF'J MAPLE GROVE. fl ’4. ’ Ind lu-n-nro wondering m cat tle buyers out yet. icattle in our neighbor- good ones too. Lean ison the sick list an is having his house li ArTit"irfiii Ph iittts:'ik's.'ii, is' ifititiiiiii!5 J 1,”: [ h'wwI-Auwn " 'tfs', an has just rvlunlod I' " few weeks with has taken the con- the Crown Hotel, r learn that Mrs been unwell is 1'0 W. GiRL. "rr. Jno. WM Jami" ion tur Prrtitvittththlutr “it Thundny, when: he intundu to spend the win ”month. ___-_ A .. ' _-.. U... t.. w. F_P_e-"'e ”The annual 'rhtuikrrg'vitt'g son-ice was told in was on Thunkuuuug Day. A guudls number who prmestt. 31: Monday but Mr. Williqttt stvptoostrott took tlopnrture fur Prom tt u he re no tuteuds to skid tks during the ll 1utct' uanm. an: Wodhtndny mun ing, Hm children of uro- te; mat in Ila-TIMI “th n tow ottho older poo- . the occnsxou bum; ttse Glupomd of the runnin- " uncut. , icumlu um. trctn the [\ruumm night. Trr. Williturt Ennis mu Chow!) Am chairman and ifyhurt prhgxunum‘ tor the on tfttrtt mm rrudrrod. inprincivnl 311m him: by Um chum-nu. and we in burn they enjoyed Lhumwlvus (ully. at in we mamma- u mount to have nn enur- C,?! he the Xuzcmhm In. present to 1mm) an emer- nimncm. In tttttttttttthat with S. S. No. 13. 5mm:- Ity" duriug the In“. school was); this term. More ttet5uito mlnrmntinu us to Mum and when“ will bu but] will Iso mndo nun‘m. V Mr. John FsudUy hm been " from Work tor I few nays. but wulr0vvo 1min MI night 3min. Mrs, 3lwal'ier.r pruntul be: bunbnhll. with I Mrs. hhsaVierir prrsrm'.ctt hm handsome girl. on Thauksglviv Mr, Coorge rum: Mauitouirrt Ismaud, wot-Int re nowmg w bumumis matters. Hugm'mnu a l and of their :1 and Wiuuuusun The trultcrn o.’ S tpxgod Miss Putt-n. 1893, m a. rainy ut S Mr. John Mchu Mv.sulo far tbuuro W 1893, at A mlm'y ut 52 40. Mr. John McCruo has been winning friend- In Mum-kn tor thmo woo h. John Ind cub. rt McEwnu nn‘hcd homo In: wank. They shunt. the nummer In Pool Counts- Peter, who has been tour you: in tho Honk-won in who home tor u. visit. The Mothodht n op1o intend holding anal":- lary Ian-1co- in the church on Sunday mm in“. Mata ROVB. Button ot Ruby will occupy tbo pulpit. A leu-mnoung will he held on tire {unaw- in; lb wtttrovruinit. A good than in onecud. 'iii (iliiiigi,(l:si, (il; Brings comfort and improvement and tends to personal onjuynzenb when rightly used. The many, who live bob. tor than others and onjuy life more. with less expenditure, by more promptly adapting the World's best products he the needs of physical being, will attest the who to health of the pure liquid Xnmtive min ivles ercbr.urod in tha Brings can?" tends to per rightly used. tor than others [can expenditt One Car (60 bb1s.)crf {30:21 Oil, American Water T'7rcir'ce, The New American Lantern, Lambs. Burners, Shades &c. are no.) on but W111 st Having a ARE YOU A 1.oy,!iTf,y,vriiy,tif?cUtllyiy,0, _ -L ’“:"" "v, ct ftrist a .airtrtct t m Ifn' W1: "lr%ibar I v v - - - If you are not give us a trial, a fairtrial t ask. Now we don't pretend to be able to sell; low any person else. We Can’t Sella 35c. Article for v-.. mm nnv landv else. In these days of Nor can any body else. keen Competitou everything until there is barely a living farmer. 01'1ng rT,tCC-'" _ be had an Clown. .1 srive on a Good JAPAN TEA 5 lbs. for 81.00 wtigag2illf'v..l you an Extra JA PAN TEA tlbs. tor $1.00 We can give you an Extra BLACK TEA 4 lbs. for 81.00 - _ . ”,9, ~A _- mu“: ".11.... Men nnr Smelt ofChil- Now WU Frd6A M... " - a NICE CLEAN UP TO DATE Sto CLOTHING. MANTLES. HATS. GUMPQ iiiihtupRIliH, 6'60. that are a we Cao 3'ch J vu- ...-_ ______ ,7 Our Stock ot Ladies' nndtrel?thirwyit good sellers, also our Stock of Chil. dren's We can give you all sxzes. Men's underelothimt in the words of Artemus Ward are ' ‘Eakled by few and excelled by none." . There is one other line to which we would like to call your attention this time. agdthat is our PP'? Tweed Caps at 250. Call and see them. No trouble wallow our Stock, it Is a pleasure. . _ i _ th h, GRANT. Lower Town. . (i7stahle Lanterns, Lamps, MSH BUSEMSS! Now we wi11_t_ell you Paton rolwnwd a row Jay, nun from "ud. Mme ha spun: about. three in: 1uuImuutur.c.os, and tvttotur.ng to mewrm g GE ','jiiiii,",. PA.iREiCii?/i2, trit'cHArtDvl1.1.E. DROMORE. ucq 1mm uh adopted the Cash Sgstem of doing business, we 0:113 going to try an retain the business we have strive after greater success than we hare ever at, tamed. ‘0- B. No. 1, Ennmunt. have on. m 01 Durham an teacher tor Jchlugletl. News". Myorm Ito work, and made A good Refined Goal Gil. what we can do. We can show yon 'n DATE Stock of DRY GQOUS, Good Heavy Winter Overcoat In these days of low prices and is cut down to very lowest notch for either the merchant or the Given WANTED Druggist, Dur Away 70') new (The only mum testing orchards l Boxes of Matches for Me. Old Credit Price 40c. 25 1b. Currants for.$1.00. Old Credit Price 81.25. 61b. Japan Tea for $1.00. Old' Credit Price $1.50. Good Wasbboards 130. each. Old Credit Price 20c. Extra fine Brooms 25c. each. Old Credit Price 300. Putty 40. per lb. Old Credit Price tie. per 1b. Axes for 65c. Old Credit Price 75c. Axes for 81.00. Old Credit Price $1.25. Some odd shades 111 Factory Yarn 300. lb. Old Cre Men's Long Felt Boots $1.50. uid Credit Cottonade at 23e. per yd. for CASH. Old( a well known fact that of Credit. All we ask i October last to such an are up and doing. W every week by a catchy put on moge help, to b . 41-. a.» st, . . fit for No more Frangyl. 'fits!?. Syy,rl!.nre,,f,'i,P,f0,,r, @9939in (2"t3f,,t,UR, Upper Town, Durham. ood now smce good as mother's. ' fair trial that is what we ble to sell goods away be- Or anything in the Ready Made Clothing Line should not forget to call and see our Reliable Stock, where a. guarantee is With every article sold to be Clothing is Ahead in quality and workmanship of an) firm not bought from the very best manufacturers in (':2.u:u": $5.00, $8.50, $0.50 as special Bargains besides (In Local and Tuvclixg Salesman totuusdle ' Grown Nursery St ziamine this mix-up List of CASH BARGAIN-F Fancy High credit Profits for us. We sell for CASH, and it is fact that We can and do sell cheaper than any house doing a doilariwerth . we ask is your kind support. You have given it to us since we started in l such an extent that our Sales are larger than ever we saw them before. We oing. We use our best endeavors to advertise our goods and prices to Von a catchy advertisement. We have added New Goods to our Stock and line help, to better and quicker serve our good Customers (for they are an mince they pay the CASH.) We make no distinction. One Man's Cnsh is Pci Ier's. No trouble to show you our Goods. Give us a call for the tan of it. 250- route. thit. Mia. having Write us. ham. " a.EE"%r0iyltiiii"tlliilPClEiilaRL, is to FL, C't. "Large Sales & Small Profits." We take this opportunity of thanking our customers for past patronage, and we are convinced that the new system will merit a continuance of the same. PEOPLE'S MiLL. iih T)urh:nu. ‘Xug'. Oth, '94:. Durham. Aug. 8th, ’94. EXACTLY AS REPRESENTED. We beg to inform our Custom- ers and the Public generally that we have adopted the Cash System, which means Cash or its equivelant, and that our Motto will be Having thoroughly overhaul- ed and refitted these Mills, we are now prepared to do all kinds of custom work to the satisfaction of the public. SHOPPING A SPECIALTY. HE‘WSON BROS. zory Yam"30c. lb. Old Credit Price 40e. cots $1.50. Old Credit Price. 82.50. per yd. for CASH. Old Credit Price, 300 ABOPTED BY N., G. d; J. McKECHNIE. wt haridlirog 6763 (up same makes. We Our Ready-Made - V '1. trllr::ri:je. Crit . ”LEE: ofthe bin for, McArthur canon m l ‘11” A: I’m Entities khan: Ls locks. furnitun on new teo You-t": I: will par lock's Btoek before purck: All 's Hume neat-Hub! ”en‘s hand can & Co. Syrup in 5( Cash Store. Cub Store Big bargains mules this we chit ttv Scent. --2 TheGto6edsrhrdertt H luv-e114 and th 19“)pr “as elm-Dd anduux _ coming year. M r. Gorsline w elm-zed S.s'y. Mrs. P.. Javnio=.-; [we-North 1 The»; and Mr. Jun. C: is still tar k , C the local deppsitr" choir war I“ good form and the: in: was m rdreojored. The Col, which is “new-km: you- tlst; ikii-eeey"tc an. .90 Gaik'uabariNSir_ Cad! Bargains-g. A. " Chrirtanaar 1urulits. __ “In Jake Er, Rheum Biules “brush Immxz'x New s Bliss Ada w NT M' B ie;: “a .. NEW ADVERTISE kit; sod LOCA L , ii w ti H R D w K

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