Ontario Community Newspapers

Grey Review, 29 Nov 1894, p. 1

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. .. A.A,At0ymtm, mun-Inna... 260 ACRES belonging to the Emu “at. late JIM Burnett, 125 - “an tmltirntion, In: hardwood ”Walnut”. 24. 25.26. 27, ou D. B. io tho Towuhip of Artemis. Conny d ser. he Edict hom _P_l~hglou tltd. I Brick Dwelling, and many eligible Wag lots. will he sold in one or more " Also lot No. (I). com 2, w. G. R., Township of Bentim-k, 100 acres adjoin- ing Town plot. Durham. IntheTown of Durham. Coumy of a", including valuable Water Power FOR SALE The? EDGE PROPERTY. a, UNDERTAKING. at'very lowest rates on good land neuritv. FIRE. Life and Accident Insurance. Claim- ofall kinds collected-Old notes Murm- -- fl --_-- _ Lot 2‘8. mm. 4. s'.W.T. and N. Rand. Mehsncthon Ytacrrs good bush. but 29, can. G, Melartcthon, KI arm-s well timbered. Lot. " con. 5, Bentinck, “Mum-m: known “the Jud. Bulnfurtl faruu-well im- proved close to Dunlush. Litt. Durham Stu-0t. North Priveville. Iatttk Kinrupm Htreet, North Priceville. With other splendid Farms in ontario and the North-West. Toronto and Hanan-r properties for sale or ex-; change. - HONEY TO LOAN I We taken for part purchase Lou 31324:). 213. con. 3, s'.W.T. and 8. Road. Township Nelancthon-174 - timhered. . 1arto 2tt 242. can There’s Big Money ! LICENSED AUCTIONEER for Co. of Grey. All eouunttnietuions tul. drouod to Luann P. 0. will be promptly attqnded to. Residence Lot 19, Con. ti, Township of Hemlock. DAN. MCLEAN. Ls-d Auctioneer. tor tho County " Grey. - moan-to Ind vntlulution gulrnnwad. ”gamut! fur “In: man be mule " tbs - ottko, bum-w. or " mu rennleuco Yunnan. tot, A Farm for Sale. LICENSED AUCTION EEK. for th County of Grey. Sal" unaided to promp cad " mum]. nun. HONOR Graduate of tho Royal Collette of Donal Sargon:- of Outlrln. Teva PT-' hum without pun be no use of tutrrrttqoxi0r, mandala“ air. "rue-liar nth-nun" pod to Imus ot tho “was! new. (mics and Jun- anooun door Wu: of Post ottiev. ya! I DENTISTRY. PHYSICIAN and "turgeon. Gold Mm!- 'uint and Fellow of. Trinity Mtulical C.ot. Toronto .. Member of Col. of thsi- cum and Survzeons of Ontario: Late Re-ident Physitiun and tiurgeon to the roronto General Hos ital and Ac. coucbenr to the Burnside Evin}; in Hos. pital. Toronto. Ollie. a Residence. __ Dromore. Ont. L Maul- for Counting; of Bruce and Grey} 1usideuee-Kiug St., Hanover. Furniture. JAMES LOCKIE, m. “GAGES. mus, WILLS, ETC, AWDID TO PROIP‘I'LY. NEATLY AND CHFAPLY. 331117.39! Irtsrrityte Licenses. Amr Loan and Insurance Agent. Con- veyance». Commissioner ace. Lam mm without dear. Collections promptly mun, Immune. enacted. IONI‘! " “A! "Java". mum ot Intern! other on. door north ot B. Scorn Store, Durham Apply to JAMES EDGE. Edge Hill, Ont. "ea " PIX-LIP. q1om"-.er.etr, MON EY To LOAN. " Box-nook. Ont. J.1l,.t.t.lgl.llllg3. II lilllll 1m ll? JUSTICE Baum ttutEii-it iiiiiiaEiim. BUSINESS DIRECTORY. T. c. HOLT. L. D. S. In my rum-cuss HEaiisE m rm. J. SHEWELL d; SON. HUGH McKAY. MTtWEEtAIrEOTrs. Fire Insurance secured OFFICE. @2111”- 870.1, Lawn Town. DR. c. K. BIRD, 242. $'on. 4. Fi.W.T. and S. Melancuwm-im acres a, hush AUCTION EER. H. H. MILLER. The Hanover Corweyeneer ' L. MCKENZIE, . T. FOSTER. "uec.T.3iLrfhitp,, 'it.ttt'i'iijiAL' - IN 'ere--- DURHAM. coxvuucin. ETC. MEDICAL. GASKETS. coru'tjrrC, I the Latest Designs. In this line we Take the Lead. VOL. XVI,-NO. Atl Jytl,l..s.tetedtnApyvyrte in LARGE and Complete STOCK, Consisunu of Bedroom and Par lor Sets. Extension and Centre Tibia. Ihble Stands-in Oak. Bamboo and Elm. Nice Assort- ment of Eula. We also carry tsurge Stock of Pictures and Frame Moulding. I Bowl-m Durham Out DAN. McLEAN D. MCCORM It) K s Asked "ygttt,.i mrse'" --eev _Vti-_-e_eir_e leer ot 'Pe " Mm o'at. 22?h2ePestet my}: U man to the dune putEIIIFy'E} Giii.. minnion. Preview experience not m on” from. swarm mew cuss autumn GROWN . "oar. GOOD OPENING and permanent aim. "ion to the dam Inn-kw: “I." m u“..- SALESMEN WANTED. - - ' Y" ""- -ee - "'__" - ”ML-9.2m 92m "* --AT-- BOULDIN a GO'S PRIME Of the Best Quality Cheaper THAN EVER. UNDERTAKIXG Promptly attended tl, JAKE KRESS. WM. McFARLANE. Cheap and Reliable. Guaranteed to etreccuaiy rouse the most inveterate lie-a-bed. With cathedral gonga. in very hand cases and in many Styles. SEE OUR HARNESS- , UPPER. TOWN. CLOCKS& - - - - - - WATCHES. XXX ‘irst-Class Hearse- NEXT Door TO PA1IEER'S. We no the only Firm manning 'S still robe found in bi: Old Stand , opposite the Durham Bakery. MISS GUNS, l Fancv Goods, TOYS and Stationary, WOOLS, EMBROIDERIES and SILKS, in all COLORS and _ JAKE KRESS Furniture at areatlv reduced rates Wall Papers Prepared by Dr. J. C. Aycr J: Co., Lemming Cures others, willcure you been Rouble-l siracc. 1"": the - remain, and the memory of the past, to remind me of the goon ayer's Muslim: has done me. aaa 1% two hundn-d and twenty pounds, an am n e t o mar." I have been on the road for the past twelve years. have notieed Ayer's Sar- traparillvadvertised in all parts of the United States, and always take pleas ttre in telling what gmnl it did for me." to try Ayer’s Sarsaparilla. I took thrm hunks. the sons 1mm. and I have not me no good, and it was f, bones would be aitccted, good old Watchmaker & Jeweller, Lower Town , Du than). HARNESS MAKERS. ALARM CLOCKS Arer's SarsapariWi 8 DAY ..CLOC KS Says Hm ny II Mother Urged Me "Only me Scars Remain," HARNESS OIL. Cuse US x tuning the x (-u-llvxm- of our x tiptionully x Alllisilc ahwk of became run- ning sores. Our family phy- sirmn could do toured that the "i. At last, my T. " the James r'muh Woolen ?U'hineryrm., 1' hilrulelphia. Ju., who certi. f..: :13 follows: (iiEiitt We! “It in terriblo'!" cried Vetadorme, smil- ing his tist upon his bosom. “But I must, not remain here idle." "N "What would you do, sir knight Y' "Give pursuit to the villains. 'r "Do you think it’POuible to overcome them an you are now , "That is not the question of a. brave man." "But it ia I. proper question for a wise man, sir 0rlandiV- if you will pardon the. freedom. But I have I better' plan. If you will wait hero, 1 will go out and make inquiries: and if the prince-I bu been taken towards Milan I an may find it out. W111 you trust that much to no r' "You will who his“ "No. I how. has " “Then go." "But you will and: has.” , "Yi-I will unis-ml. the.” The but»: an Iva And be two hours Orluulomnlomh not. Rowan bo-' coming ahnoet “it? ttge, vu- paein manly» ocro- narrow antigen, whg_hb H ma. FK Yes," replied Vendormo. "He mm a small, light-framed mm; of middle age: , with a piercing black eye, and long, iio,tirtg hair: and habited in a. garb of cluunuis skin. "Ah-U know the fallow well," will Mar. co. "He is a spy of the robber band that infest the mountains. And I may tell you now what I have not told you befurc: These robbers have been searching for 'ou. They have been seen hovering around the village ' they have been scouring the country beyond here; and some of their messengers have been making inquiries of the peasants. It is vor plain' that the lady Mabel has fallen into their hands The lpy could never have found the can but for that wonderful acei. den? I ia y.tttad..", _ A "Did Mugabe] give you any description of the man whom she took into the cave y' ask. ed tly? het, whily PPr hero was eating. ‘invs The hunter's kulling was upon tho nut.- skirtn of the village, and when they reached it, Marco led the way to an upnnmcnt where they could be alone, and where refreshment was soon proyird, "I tear," mid Marco, after listening to the account, " that the ludv has {adieu into the bum]: ohm enemy. Bub let m! go to my cot It is not far away; and there we can talk while you rest." And thereupon Orlando related, in as few words as rssible, the story which Rosabel had 'hff, him concerning the un- fortunate hunter; and concluded 'e relat. ing more particularly the events of t no past night. "Ah, Marco, there is the trouble. You did not hm'iwwhen you wont Mm yen- terday ', and I did not know it mm? after you were gone. The girls conveyed a stranger into the cavern. Hold. Let me tell you how it was." “In the nunvm of wonder," gmlred the hunter, seeming almost inclined to believe that the knight" was crazy, "how could it have happened , Who could have found the can: t" self upon the haul rocksI for rest. Whcn daylight came he arose. and tinally succeed- ed in freeing h‘hnm-lf from the trap; and after hunting an hour longer he reached the foot of the mountain. and soon afterward}! gained the river. He was nearly opposite the village, and not far from where he stood was it small boat. He gained this, and upon reaching the oppositt: hank the fust person he me: was Marco I'azzuli. lk ln heaven’s name," cried the hunter, as soon and he Wm; sure that. his eyes did not de. ceive him. " what iloca this mean t Are you Orlando Veiulonne t" i " In truth I am." "Good nir knight, you are mad '." 6F By saint. Paul, you speak the truth, Marco. I an: mad. Enough has happened l to drive angels to madness. The Princesa of Bergmno in lost t" " What. .' Dead '." " No. She has been snatched away from the cavern. They came last ni ht, while i slept, and dragged her off. f heard the noise ; but before I could follow they were beyond my reach. I started in pursuit and lost my way, and here I am. 0, Marco, hue you not seen them'. Have you not heard something t" A _ _ l Meep gorges : sometimes forced to back out from impassable chums ; and often stumbl- ing and fulling. At length he lost his hub torn: and after hours of toil he found him- self in a situation where he gave up in de, npuir. He way shut in hf towering culls: unable to tind the path uy which he had entered; and cnvelo ml in u darkness am black and impenetrable an the closed tomb. Many times he tried to make his way out, uud as many times did he fail. In the and he was forced to give up, and throw Tun. self upon the hard rocks for rest. When daylight came he ”use, and timdly succeed- ed in freeing himself from the trap; and after laboring an hour longer he reached the l foot of the mountain, and won afterwards, l ututte more involved than lngurc. while he reflected, and then rem push on down the declivilv; believi he must. Conn: out at the {not of an min at some time. It was a new: but he kart persislcnlly nu. Over through t sick muses ot tangled vim ,, __._. w.-. “u mun distance he followed the path by which in had been led on his “scent. and at length in reacheda point where abed of soft sand had been washed across the way. He atop- ped here mud examined the tracks-some of them were fresh, and upon these he bestow. ed particular attention. He found foot. prints revealing the recent pmge of six l'ermmtt ovvr the wand-two of them were delicate prints, made by the feet of a wo- man ', and all had gune down the mountain. With rapid strides the knight sprang over the rocks where the way was retnembered ; hut more than once he wan forced to retrace his steps upon finding himself in places where all forward nmvmnent Wu cut all. At length it was evident that he had lost his wuy. He Went hack apiece, and he- Vendorme'n first thought, as moans he wu composed enough to think, was of the tltnutger who had been taken into the cave. Through his agency the enemy had come and borne the princess away. With swift movements he donned hi» outer clething,, and buckled on his sword '. and then, having lighted the luuteru which Marco hml left. he nuoie his wnv from the rtu'n Fm m..." He was alone. and Rombcl was gone '. He called her mum: once more-called out in the deep ugnny of his tortured Huulmand the answer was only the echoey of his own voice from the vaulted arches of the gloomy cavern. _ . W, W...“ __. mm...” mulled it twice--thrice, but no reply. He ventured into the duct: where the Indy and her attendant hmi tsle t, and called again. and yet nounswer. HE): laid his hand u n the couch, and no one was there. Cllr),'! as possible he struck a light, and examined the cavern in all imparts. and then he awoke again. This time he heard a slum]: cry, as of some one in :listrmsHa cry for iyercy--ior help. Did he dream again? No; for now. as he sat up, with his senses clear, he heard thc sound at fro-t. mid n. smothered groan. it wats dis. tnnt irons him, but he could hear it plainly. An quickly as possible he leaped from his bed, and made his way out into the great cavern. but all waa dark and silent as Ere- bus there. He called the, name of Rosabel l OUTCAST (lf MILAN COMPASIDNS ON THE ROAD, heHouucd his "outer clothing. on his sword ' and than, having lantern which Marco had left, wny from the cave. For some followed the path by which he nu his wscent, and at length he aint where tsbml of soft sand shed Nurotu, the. way. He stop- lcxmnined the trswkqvxome of 'csh. and upon these he bestow. r attention. He found foot. ling the recent passage of six} CHAPTER XV r.-l',osrrmcu,:n, then resolved t having that d the manu- tievere task, Dver rocks; vine ' down to back out w. l in» through long no of the teluoope, the " And who no you when in Como t" 'tedrnt and other imtmmcntl mod in " A poor pennant-you WWW" I making ttuttttlutioem " In the light ho " A slurp mm m for t peasant." I bunch-u from the left eye into the one “I in: my I I plane, Airs. Will which poor- so rty through the intra- pe _uttsi-r', ..I - _ _ luau. Rain“ on: Mn ohimt- n littr i Orlando left the village at an easy trot, and as soon my the country was open before him, he started his horse into a gallop. The night was not quite so dark as he could have wished. A moon, four thrys old, hung liu the weaLem heavens, and though ileecy clouds were sweepin over it,yet the light was ver palpable. ilowevcr, this accruing trouble Ul its Id.vtttE-t-ig rendered the road more plain, no t " the cider could dash on with lees rink of stumbling. At I the end of an hour he' struck into a dee , l wood which stretched along through u. vall- ley, and when he emerged from this he , amended a was acclivity, at the brow of which he was mitt. up by half a dozen hammer: who githf, thenuclvea across the path. m would re dashed on past them, but hi. hone refused to go. " Hallo l Who in this t" It was this all from one of the strangers that had led the knight’l home to tstop, uni an application at the upm- only mused him to rear and plunge. " Who are you t" ' When 'gg,ltt,PrP,et.Spierg,t,reeei" 1otytmmdmt,h-iudtevurGGC! mon- rcqunse‘ Orlando readijy accepted the offer; and when he had ulled on the frock, and ex- changed his pExmcd cap for the wide-rim. med hat, he stepped out and was noon in the saddle. Ih Farewell, hureo." "God be with thee t" was the hunter', In thev reached the little door they were met by Pauoii’s wife, who had a garment in her hand. ii 1 came near forgetting that," said Marco t bt for I had hoped that there might he no occasion for it. Your doublet. sir knight. is very conspicuous, and I have thought this pemnt’s frock Ind hat might be oimrvice to you." .. Mme Mme riak/'isdi"vGiiirrii,. ing. towards tht loot. ' And," mturncd the huntjzr, with u da. bious shake of the head, " if I am not great- ly deceived, you will have adventures enough before you reach Milan. But I need not warn you more. I can only pray that you ',ntreae.h.tlys c.ittin spfety." bb What can: I for the Saxon t" cried Von. dorme, pulling himself away {mm the _ grasp of hit, host. bb I have lixtencd to him too much already. IIIhnd not. minded him I mi rht have belt--" bF amen: y' " Fur from here at all even". But enough of that. I suppose the Saxon fig, what he. 'ev-pr-trut-trr-ti-ttrisk' him; but I do not. choose to hang 1ikiCa dependent upon him. I am off for Milan, and my good sword shall insure me a. path. Farewell: vood Mtweo--anrl if We ever meet again 1 ',,'i,i,ri rccoun} to Pp my sdvy?turey." _ "Sir Orlando, I must my my say. even though it otfend you. I do "In like to see you start off. A day can make no differ- ence, and by another sun the Saxon may be here. " arm "That is enough; and now I am off. Why do PP hold on upon me I"' bg Sir knight. I would have you fully N" preciate thedrsuger you are to meet. The robbers must be lying in wait for you ', and nowthut the grime.“ is found, they wall have narrower imits for their search. If I Lhuught 1 could be of assistance to you, I Would willingly gr: with you." 't I thank you, Marco', but yourcompuny is not needed. It would be of no me. Now let me go." The hunter still held on upon the knight'ts found It was n long, kahuna Gy for Orlando Vcndunne; but he worried Lhrnugh the creeping hours mi best he could, and when the shun mm of evening begun to fall, he Wu anxious to ha off. '. A horse is manly for you," said Marco Pazzoli, after they had eaten supper, bt but there is tlmlgcr in ynur may." " I know there in danger. and I am ready to meet. it. I have lived in the midst of danger for months. But if yuu have brought for me a ilcet horse, I fear not." " l have procured one of the “cement to be wait until the Gaa.'ui, again, ax its cover I will go. You will have ready for me 1'" cou We I "Can you tlo anything, I co1tuuetttutrtttt, with the r 1 bb Yes ivms." exclaimec ing arm-a the Iloov. "I muse. That is mun-thin can do more. I have fri believe I can stir upu rt shake the ducal throne! Milan '." bb But not now, air. If you not better wait u should understand the r been done as y not. have Imp}; upon me. I ol males alone in to think of t Milan." EE Minot “If for th Saxon t' spggpsted Myvo, "No," grained rérlnudo. [arming his hands Eugeupr. "It y: as my yang-t tear, "Then,"said Marco, "lout tell you where the Luly knsnlml has gone. A party of the rubber knighba, four in number, have borne her to Milan. They crossed the Sumac. juxt “have Memo. before daylight this morning. And of course," he added, after a pause,‘ "the ' "cation of her whereabouts can no lougug he an openyrtl use! It. I have gar for months. is,rltt for me a flue l have procured , I . "OG-you don't know the villainous ty- rant if you ad: such a question. I believe these nil-hem have been in his employ, more or less, for yours. I know that the captain of. his guard has employed them. Aye-- and I know mm- '. I know that men have served in the ducal uard, and been members of the robber bang at one and the same time." ' But not now, air. If you must; 1 not better wait until night. rtrld.ynderastand the reason for "Ali. but you misunderstand me. I know the rohhcrs would work for him ' but would he mguge them ' Would Manfred of Milan give his Work into the hands of outlaws 1" rubbers will work for mybody who will pay them." nut, is mum-thing. But I think] re. Ihave friends in Milan. I an stir upu rebellion that tshall ducal throne! Marrow! no to r.igh.t, $0911 Mare CO. GREY, TH anything, when once via; the rial: you run exclaimed the knight our. "I um die in ions Gy for Orlando worried Lhrnugh the t he could, and when g begun to fall, he Wu liyoy nuns}. go, Aol -- __. - _.- ._.. -_-m V. ...... .-..- a..- "no . haiku; experience on the In. In this an In hasta, rietimtlkrirtitanmt the «gum complain- a. m 1tttlExtrA' 1ory.r my} I' texe/tly, [it wi, coming 0 min, and under ', mov .,ht, strid. in a (rm: a home there An Aged-u captain, when home in in Philgdelphin, in troubled with a mull-my of vision which in common to All dipper: Ind Ihil’ oiriotrr. of high nut who ham: L Idly smothered [refute theyawoke, thut zip-3 I could give no immediate Mann. and thin I were they home away from the my. run i. in! led down the mountain, the gangs Min; Imp! upon their month until they had gut '"r.' near to the river, where horses wrr'v in waiting. As soon a: Roanbcl omld Maui; she begged for mercy, but the mums would not listen tour. One of the villains, however. more bold than the rest, “hisprr ed into herear thntif she would gm with him he would save her from the dub hw, of the duke. She tumod eagerl ' tuwauwirt him to find Gut what he aunt. in menu: that she should go with him and be his. and he was beginning to mau- eternal tih4ity and love, when she turned from him in disgust ttnd horror. She ubdno more fuvurs' " tho hands of the robberl, but sum-ml lu-r- _ self to be lifted to I saddle, in which con- dition 8116 Val bomb ”my towards Milan, fund ewly in the following day aim was lodged in her own argument» in the 111:qu guinea, Hippolita If baring her company at, the companion: were not to remain long (a,glt At noon 5 messenger came from ugh de Cum and led Hippolita may. conducting her buck to the dwelling other mm, w, are the wu confined in I kw You will As he had promised, 'l'nxmi lcd {he to the 21"2lre, where the girbs slopt by, care ul "eyreytent.they wgru Ni vii Alter some deliberation it was ulm that Vemlomw should not be troulrlol could be “aided, as the two {Ninth-x n. be us much of a capture as they could Mt, and safely make in that place. g thorn, and get them Lid, SL. As tor Vendormc, I supp“: the cave, bat I know not if he has companion.” Curiosity of Seaman's Eyesight “I know where the females, shop,“ the spy. "for I noticed in which din they went when the F put away tlwir menu. and I think ii) We are careful w As the spy manh- hin way frum the u u'n-rn. ho was verv careful to note the Inn-hunks that should guide him un his ruLurn, um! whenhc reached the foot of tlw mnuntuin. he was not long in fimlin I three of hm can» paniouu, to whom he refuted what hv Gd ‘dilscovered. As it was then very nuu'nighl- fall, they concluded not to Search for any more of their number, but tvscenl to the cavern and try their luck as thcy were. Toletti went, ahead with n. hum-:1: um] 'gr,e,,eeveghefteeese,,t; have. udwhcn t ey tangled the entrance they "eh, for consultation. " know where the females sh-cn.“ will CHAPTER XVII. ', munch! , As the render must already he nwnrc, tho I duke of Milan, through his captain. hurl. in hiasmrch fur thupviuccois, had rucuurm'tnihi- rubbers. Tho outluws haul betur not upun the track of the fugitives anda large nu ward promised them in cums of wit-cuss, Hne of their nurnher, named Juan Toletti, who acted in Chu capacity of a spy. had, Iry, Boma means, becotur, imam-ml that thc prinm (:38 bud taken refuge rsotttewhvrv npnn the mountains, and, in the vxirh of a hunter, he made search in that (Erection. H.- lnul wen Marco Pnzoli ascend with provisions, and thus he gained a clue lo tlw path, Judging that the mountaineer must he carrying food to some one who dared not come down after it. With this clue he made his way up among the clitfs, and as be an: resting himself after a Weaning trump. _ he heard voices which seemed to sound {rum sothpOint. below him. He started up and mov forward, and while iuthe act of bending over is 'prnjccting mint of rock ho but his hold and folk-fell, alum-ml and senseless, " the feet of the very huly of whom he was in search. How he was tak. I an into the cave and nursed, :unllmw lu, a left, we have already mu. Tic, Only let um um quicl._" "No-I mumxuber it ve, not believe. that is all you You are not the men to for simple revenge. I kn "By our lady you an: 2 But enough of that. You and you won}. tind it may have been looking for ya cram the river this nmrnin village with Marco Puzzol you would start for Milan was Put. But my bold k, count upon so cheap It Vick ed some hard knocks. and sell "ne nr two lives for [Ir "Speak on. What rcwa "Never. mind." “You have saidenough,' N know very well who in; "Be careful and not know now, Sir Champion. if you upon " hrume,sie'll he utovi "Whirlwve" “You shall tind that u "We mean enough !"returncd the leader. "We htsven't forgotten the kindly turn vou did tun when we fell up)" the Saxon knights! Have you furguth-n that, my master t" if . ,thlt he had {1,0 thought of l'uninlnucv. Eliot, beforellc fairly realized that, the torturing Wei ht had been removed frum his limb, he 1ih been rolled over “pun his b . 't [hits arms drawn up and hushed allt"itbli'vl"c1mii'tt. while afterwards. . was now Orlmulu‘u turn to speak. and h his speech in bcgging for help. The d horse WM resting upon his legs in sun-h a {as to fire him must cxquisite mrtuw, like mm "n9yrily growled for maximum. T i of the robbery pulled the hm'm- away. will“ the other thtve. "tood ready to w-L-urc ttttttri,'), which lhoydhl without much d" ‘lty;_ In! the youth was no racked with uthr. h: All fi, In ho n coxuxmm.) r hero drew his award. and [Us the rub- gstherod ahout. him he sought to defend If l but his horn: wa., mt Met! to such The uniimd reared and plunger! . , and refused to come near to the unn- ilhsins. Now. perhnpx thereutirc hunt t be urged forward, and make reenm pa by his speed for his sltrrrtcruuiugs. ormc shortened the ruin, and plied the F ' but he was doomed to dim 'point- t. tfor one of the mhherx. who hwi quiet, “amounted. glided up and plunged ajirrts (deep behind the linrse's xhnuhler. Uur mun? the act, and JD! his anirual stagger [ under him, he sought to leap from thel Kile. He cleared his right. foot from the hip t but, unfortunately, the skirt of his Ninth frock had been pinned to the ge'e side by the javeliu, and when he left mt he was Gnglingbetwoth the head‘s g. and. in n moment 1m rrcthe uninml fell, I ing him hclplesa upon the earth. B the mm," cried um: of the rnilhem. [him think wc'd capture him an emiiy." He‘s fast mire enough," realwmhni an- . vantage, for while their backs war. a the gleaming urh, he Watt facing it _ a, ha, my water I" cried one nf [In-m 'What now, villains?" Sir Orlando Vettdurtue-we have hm-u 't for ynu 3" hr fro drew his mum]. and as the ml» ll tind tl, say this I ', NOVEMBER 29, 1891 irough his captain. hurl. i: princess. had ruwursvt ' , 1 In Shun! had been sot upm fugitives undo large rs: them in can: of NuUu't"sri. Ihcr. named Juan Tolutti, capacity ofa spy. had, by :nu assured that the princ- uge tiutttyvlircuprit the T the Hub of " hunter, he that tul/di',,,'). He hull insccnd with provisions, sed a clue to the path, I) mountaineer must be some one who dared er it. With this due he mung the cliffs, amlius he after a wmrying trump, deh seemed to sound from rim. He started up aud utd while in t; act of fectin int n ruck he 'kli'lll!ier,' stunned and act of the very Indy of well. How he was tak. md nurrwd, and how he ly Been. his way from the can-m. , sitting posture, and asked ll w a-.. ullllIl' IBI- 'WrMMg8 " MI " no one Dr. Dodds' Apple Pudding.--' the pudendytamm. aha...“ mtrn- yolks of three again, whip into mm In Mt "tP"" can of Myth!“ on " " able-pooch]: of sugar. add two an”. d "V M.“- hr Wm‘“ _lld.'letrurntorocr1iGiiGiiiTfiu' Trt"-'--- 'u.iirlttrtrottrtitttrtttmtutagt-,tG Milan-Ont I. s.- hLI..-_“l_I -1 a - _ _ any male will IV idol if it , um haul in in reminmucc. I that the cd from his , x3p9n_hip} mi l in tu ‘ht pint. of cho tart ' plea. Boil in. I pudding 'i,t',i'hlf enveronrzin pail, And turn with liquid noon aural-ed with jelly, or with had unee. Apple Boiled Padding-sua, two out. lmstera 1ight,nir I pint of milk, itour to make I modemtaly thick batter, . helping taupoonlnl of taking powder, And Randy I Apple Rice Puddhs.-suumt a. cupiul of rice tilt it is soft, and with it line the bot. tom nnd aides of n well-buttered pudding dish, reserving enough to cover the top. Fill the cavity with thinly diced tart nppie and spread over them a. covering of rice. ‘Smnm until the insertion of n fork shown thm apple: to be bender, than let. away to ( coo'. When cool remove the pudding from the dill: by inverting, and nerve with "Manned imam}; Ehin ourtard, fruit an“, or minim wu. in of apple jelly cream being poured out the whole. I rm LA] Apple Tupiocn Padding.--.' Ivcupful of Tupion in four cupfull of water for three hours, add two large mblcspoonfuln of sugar. and keep in a warm plsce, u the back of the slave. Fill a twc-quart pud- ding dish thaw-fourths full of peeled And quartered a ples, pour over them the warm “pica. any bake in a moderate oven for in hour. Serve wath liquid Inucc or awect- I cued cream. brown, tum out on a iia;iaurvV'iiiiii lemon sauce. Ir Mt equally good omen cold. _ Apple Recipes. Apple Almond Puddtig.--Htwing blu- ched and pounded half 1; pound of sweet. almonds, peel and grate eight or nine tut apples. mixing the apple with the ulmonda. Flavor with nutmeg. lemon rind, In]! I teaspoonful of butter, with nweeuning to unit. Having mingled 1heosingredirutta thoroughly, add four well-beaten eggs. And pour the mixture into a well-huucred deep duh. Bake. in a. quick oven till quiwl L_.n._ A__,, - _ I .. . . - When baking in an oven that in too hot M. the top, till with cold water H dripping pan which a about an inch deep, and pluce " on the top gate oi the oven. Should the oven be too hot on the bottom, put A gnu under the article tlust in to be baked. When the oven is too hot at first, a crust forms on the bread or calm. which prevents in rmng. It in better ‘het halting bread And cake, to have she own I linle Low " 'first, and increase the hers: gradually. When baking puff paste, the but. xhnuld be greatest first and dccrcuuc later. This in to keep the [male in Mum. When the oven is too hot the temperature an be reduced by putting in it Aspen ofi cohl'wwcr. l For bread and pun-y. hue an oven that will, in five minutes, turn A piece of white paper dark brown. For all other kinds of cut cake, use an ovon that will in tive minutes, tum a piece of white paper dark yellow. For sponge cake and pound cnke hue hetst that will, in five minutes, mm . piece oi white pnpcr yellow. By using the following mu one any be reasonably aura of getting the proper heat for the various kinds of bnking t jliiltoito, _ on I The roaches are fond of ewe-eta and they I th i will run up the in): to the pan. into which " they tumble, And are then unable to climb m up the smooth side; When you rinein the hc morning cremhtn the catch, and keep it tub I on till none are left. He sure the sides of the u, ‘pan are rtitie,d,.'t'n//it,r, Mid deep, for they I can clim I short diaunce. old lard can! _ are excdlent for this purpose, and old tin 1 m buckeu, bat they must not be runny, u the I .n ronchcs can climb up and get away. Sev 1 col eral women have cleared their houses of n '0 rnuchen in this way. it taken time and pat- ber ie.nee,but when you are once rid oi them you I can keep rid by this method. Ist u. night. It will not and than if than g n lightin the room, for it dove-u light. About the beat way to get rid of them is to have for each room infested a Inge tin pm smooth and mining and with high line». In the bottom of this pan put some bita of cake or pie, or smear the bottom with molnsaex. Son in where the roaches urn most troublesome and lay a bit of huh from _ the table to the Gor In the edge of the PHY. I _ nape“ there an» be protected. The no permanent. cure. They are like an“. . . ' T . . no: .itpsititVtam 1 t, You may rid yoaruelt of them for I um, d - ' b I. . /Ut' tl',?,,":',';,",-',',',', but buck they. some nice? 'e'Sa',i'h', giiii 'riillll1 T "IIA'.',-',':'.,',, , (7 'tM merit, at The cockroach in one of the garments of the housewife, for which there seem: to be nu. The riuo fold of whi 1yirithe collar, with, can. be HOUSE [131155 FOR The Right Sort of Oven, 'he. collar, mum, em. being of thin. min of the skin Are outlined with . white "tim-Toronto Ladies' Jour. A Cockroach Trap LWTLE arm. t? yum or ilLyr.,e-reciiki Aryan-m . iriiriuiFaGiiaiiGk' It in day- the an that my genenlly tempted discovery is stunt-rd found to hum m=urmd to the mind. of writer! who did mum in inputting that View! on thopchlio. Ind thin in lawn! beau... if u Intl','.', In ”capable to the genera mind. c in “this to pro-out incl! inde- pondndy and)“ ulna.“ huh-med m 'S', my P"P of '.uteeast confocal»:- The site of eraeiti Xian was conspicuous iron some dilution: (Muir, xv., 40 ' Luke. xxiii., 49), and there is no doubt that the Ludnioml nite of execution, on in high knoll, with I mural amphitheatre of on slopes to the west, in one peculiarly suited for a public npacucle. tiinca thin View In: mime-Led in IS?!) " (Tent Work in Pulas- tine"), on Account of the tradirion which wu then for the firag time Published and compured with the uccoum, in tha Mishmh, (2ianlsedrirn, vi., 1-4), on which it in found- ed, and since the discovery WI! suing-i quenbly Accepted by Gert. Gordon, it bu become widely populu- in England Bad _Armtrieat And it has been pointed out. that the nine line In ad. vocuod by Otto Thwiul in 1849 And Felix Howe 51871; but than earlier writer- know nothing of the Jewish tn- dition with the Ipot, and their Ile."'"'" van, More, purely coope- The Site of Calvary. As regards the mm of Cniury. it ha now been very genenliy agreed by those who feel tint the tradition“ lile Mandi in too eeatml a poaicioa to newer to th New Tenumenc requirements um the most probable lion-Lion in the knoll outside the Dunn-cu- an, which the Jews point out " the ancient place of execution.‘ Chin suffered " without the Gata" (Heb. xiii., PP.), and "nigh to the city" (John xix., 20) where Wu ' garden (verse 41), such u Jmephm describes north of Jeru, ulam (5 Wan. it, '2), having in it a new tomb. I .. 7,.__.._, u...” ._.. Inluilvu la the country, nud the planing queuuon (is, will not. the European powers nail I themseives of it I ll but. the Rani-nu may be doing on the Chinese frontier me be known to rise Englinh. but by.- not. been i made rublic. The Rut-dun practically contra the railway which universe: Ania I from the (lupin to Pekin. And Lheir inter. clu In: closely knit with the Chineae. [But whatever Rania my do. England in :evidcntiy getting ready to protect Shun;- hai, sud the consequences of mail In act cannot be foreseen. (‘1!le nus sputum BLT mm: in Iou of men. Ber fleet haa been crippled And the drain upon her treaaury ha been connunL, but. if the strife ceued now China would be huh: the worn for the encoun- _ ”fl“ w..- - m. ...u nu throw my obstnclel in the wiy af the camplew View? ot the Jupgnm or of their 1mptureot skin, but that she wtil suffer her pruligein the But. to be In my way wenkencd is lino "ttprobable. The hostilities between Chins und Juan have nor ruched the mngm'tude of I gran w", and so fur V__ .v u v. v-IW“ - iden-ed to he (iarii..iiiai'x",.' thr. uinly u s ban of operation. tgunn. Shughti it in inealuatrte.' It in 'rigattieant Lhn Admiral Fromm: In: been ordered thither and that never-l owners we " ready there. The hasty occupnticn ofit ALMIUG the tserioomsar, of the oltuztion on the Chinese count. In Ur Is the Brit- ish interests are concerned. n in not probable that the Enghih will A____ ---- , . . A ’ """t'"Lrart'Asrr INDIAN Tundra Arill be Mijlunnubly to M m rendi- neu to panes.“ Shlnghli, ont- of the may pom Vick Euglnnd can jotly defend from birds occupnlinn on the ground that htteade bureaus and her subject- um. a" be protected. The UNCLE SAM AND JOHN BULL But the opportunity oirer, "L, - . not ventured to interfere wit h 'hcnpvr; of the belligcmn in the gulf, I: Chum: I force of _ Such fighting " has been done hv, been oonhtedto the northern cont of China, ind now the Jm force in (‘Imm'ntrnbed in the Gulf of‘Pochili. prrpnrmury ton demo. upon mi... Great. 15mm. nu “I: nexzurc Dy urea: Brim": of the island of Chm-l; which ie within A few hours' nil of Sbmghui, has led to the report that the haadetermined not to wait for Action on the pan of the other rowan. but in phoi hem" in position offeetruUly to r',"d'C15a"2'l, intern-ta und British Inhjccu in Chin when the proper time com CI. Int pubic-m In China. - The seizure by Great Bmam of island of Chain. which ie within a hours' nil of Sbmghni, has led to report that the haadetermined not to , Great Brind- Plul-x Ila-ml“- rumm- " I’PIINI 3”qu- l-lerrul-nnd Brtt B.... --._.__- - --- but to nail froth, one ublcnpoonful of nod: dilsolved in hot Inter. and lglin hen thoroughly. Pour into n uhnllow pun, well buttered, nnd bake in a very moderate oven for forty or fifty minutes. till well browned. A good plan in to to: the pudding duh in l dripping" pm, oottuirring boxling water, l wlule baking. l WHOLE NO, 846. A MOVE m THE EAST. ' partir ion TA. Laboratory - For Impure, Weak and 'tttteerie-rig' Blood, Dyspetmia, ti!tsepletutnetka, P l a tion otthe Heart, Liver wl'l'l'lfl'd'd?,tt, " My). Leno! Memory, Bronchitis, . g4 "tamtptiott, 60118me Jaundice, " . 'l and Urinary Dim St. m...- x t " FemauHty1.eiyusaod ,ihi :57. TESTED REMEDIES SPECIFIC and AN TIDOTE j; fHand-made Waggons Toronto. leave mung“ mo . ' ' Hoohomu. " Chm-ml: ' Oran Sound! And" Owen Son nd Chltawnrth ' “summon . Omani“. Town to ' tl TVA“? ggiiit MCLEOD’S System Renovator! Canadlan Pacific Railway TIMETABLE. Comseetietut' with morning Maitudrom Dlrhm no made " l Wurton JTouthtunpton,Kiaearaiw Durhun Baldwin Mt. Porowt. Edmonton Guelph. Tot tttttet London London Durban mm, In. Penn. Pd mar-don Guelph . Toronto. _i,.' Jrorse Shoeing Shop, 21 on 6th apply to LOT FOR SALE J oliiag of all kinds prompt}; diaid ta. A LLA N MCI’ARI A N E, m: In the old stand. made shoes. Grand Trunk Railway. Tm i.'iFaE, LE. ALLAN MCFARLANE . eitiEEii;irirtF7.P.m.lell.W In "o_9tMttte-tttt in business on!” y, positions. Thebudneu coura- of-mdyi we mouthwash sud complete m Com-d: hf“ much in thajuuior department tsrin tire count- ot runny ot the. 504%)le l, colic-m. The man. baud courm- is more: comma“. sud torn mpy of tue Anu- noune ,‘wnl cr-Imunin: ml: particular hen! pm my Adm-any a fwd/037159] AC" I (p.2'efk, (1/? Vefd, 12/6/47? / I OWEN SOUND, ONT., Has opened out a first-elass alert-u: Allan-ea tyd [I'm-nu, l .rmtfvratou an! t, Amman! Bunk“: and In! calla-cu " who? Ind an. a Galvin. Quct and Enrluml. " You Dunn; To Gr:r - AND ormat--- W. F. C RESERVE Fesif CAPITAL. Authorize c, _ {all up f f / fl _ fir" , / _' '//’ f tIPs-, " "" _ / . r " 1i(fs-lsi,a').,_'t//',crh, if; StandardBank of Canada Head orECroroato. WOODWORK my GREY REVIEW TERMS : $1 ltEVIEw OFF“ 'E GENTS in al DURHAM AGENCY. in connection. A first-class lot of Thursday Morning. arrive 10:55 coma son?! SAVINGS BANK Mhttt .. 8.20 mm for sale cheap at any 2.15 cox " 500” coma man 345 p. m . 11.15 11.1: 3.15 10gt3 SOUTH Dome " cave Iowan ' President ---TO ATTE ND- 5: $1 per year, IN ADVANCE. RAMAGE Editor&pmprietor. It!!! on living hon ,. Prompt mum... at (cums living " 5m IS PUBLISHED em! lent-l H. " UNTEI .YOU OFF“ 'E. GA HA FHA X NT.. “I'RHA M. t a. FLEMING, Principal 490m a and evening st 1'alusrrstonror Jun "ttdst-xt ' KELLY w AT' THE 'rdast itt2fi?. 'roprietor, tl 39m orphiirrTaTGa7 10:15 “:89 All Also m Cam-HA. M moon ieo, 9.34 sauna Quin " A Gun 32.000000. olam 1.000.000 600,000 111K P. Reid, Manage), Agent. It brat the an- munc- zah an! In! An- n. It " Dre In “an. _ tt rrettt m in go

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