Ontario Community Newspapers

Grey Review, 22 Nov 1894, p. 3

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erhaul- C Mills, d to do ork to epublio. ‘ALTY. CHNIE. generally the Cash Cash or shat our and Chon- 'ery one of nada. VHS l Profits." SET. N BROS. he iiittm money. A winch is STROSG -nt. It u CHN IE. s and each. are stem ',e of sruntee of V..-,, _ _ 1-,." Law. a; 8apo. McFarlane & (to. New Bunk. Pnrkk Cu. Exocutorts' Salk-"Lu. Inuit. Tenders for Supplies. Iitspet'tor of pri- Inns. Wank“. Sumo & Wellington Do you want the Glob vamw club and mm both Rubbers and sucks! Buy your Ala-In Socks and Rubbers from McArthur. Do van like the Mail?_ John 1.1m RE Big twat-d M We w 1,19qu Band J. A. Hunter’s ad. R. J: M. forererytrhing good and cheap Fresh oysters at J. A. Hunter's. McArthur has the best balm: in factory mum in Tuwn. n D '1 s'rt/ to thirty-two 1 DIP'I‘ xxxu'hinrnnv wh ir yum .m- shown on e Cur “mm which mark "sploded thc fulnuusl ago. which the W'itm to it, urtin: and P110 mum-forw- an! bunco whirh by "xposure an it Inn mummy-d to dri Hr at hunt, to deprive unm- and public fre hefore Lninyml at the etic ottivials The i order takon by the W rd in rm invmtigntim detective avatar" of M "math-d tho need of ' clianrgr'. Thu have: t pernnm- and "lt good to he imlooemlertr in Vainly ("Vina-4 witi Cunsm'vnt'w- govern! thr Liberal Mm?! Quebec. It in and! 1 ii; my", van M 7- the main”. in n? 'thi, prvtt' graphy than: New Advertisements. M H M M rush in “I. J. A. LOCAL NEWS. M ovorcnnts and cheap H lulu-X’s. my is! Buy your, Ala-ska. Ti W M ‘wr is devoted toterte muxl things. lbciaims t in pnlifius and haseets with vnual vigor the wrnutertt at Otfuwannd .m-‘uar guvernment at all two-ms a Mean hm- wm‘nlly "g,"ii',t"f one in met an a typo- L-s to carom IV If M Join the Flverytliirntdorn in price since the cash system has been in force at Grunts. Hortse mm sxtm.--A gum] Inn-so. 7 swatsold. Applyut the tit,ish Hotel. J. P. THLFORI). Another rc-pt-M order of those l:tdhs' was“ and [wavy wooilvn hose at25c.to hum] at Rummy & Mot-lock's. 7th of Japan Tea for $1.00 at Grant Call and get. a sample. Cold in the hem! 7mm} Balm gives irritant relief; speedily cures. Lever at 3. Y Mr. Runway is displaying more dramatic I pom-rs than formerly and his hauling uf "l vawn't, change it" brought down J the house. "Tommy Atkins." and in- l deed all of his songs were appmpriabe i and l-njnynhle. The hand, wry kindly l played on the street and at theipming. Mrs. Ramsay is an :wcompanvist of no Inn-Ln order, and as affable and gl-ninl as her husband. Laird Taylor, of Deo- more, and Father Maloney were both Mt,er Mr. Ramsay for future entertain- Ti' merits. “Yuma-mm- oy wmrams.--W. Tavlov, Practical Cutler and Grinder, from shet1ield, England. wili be in Durham for a short, time. Scissors, talhnGs slv-aes, knives and razors. ground and made as good as new. Saws t'rled and set, new blades put, into old handles, mom gmnnd. houed, and set ready for shaving. yehte.l1oueld, Paraffin mug; mun-Aug. u......‘....... "a“ - ly repaired. Lawn Mowers sharpened and zuaranteed as good as new. New handles for razors kept in stock, Don’t have your tools spoilt try incompetent, workmen. when you want tirst chum work some direct to me. No onwry wheels used, my grindsmnes all revolve in water. All work uarartteed. W. Taylor. Cutler's Van. gmnd, side of Mc- lnter's Livery, oppouiw Middaugh gauge. Lantbton unmet. lower Town. Durham,Nav. 13th. ll V“ _, . , iiiii'i' y , buy, mm. or rent " s' next door to bank. 'Cris') cad - and tthi, If you want to buy or sell a farm. ad- vortise in the Toronto ‘Vl-vkly Mail. That paper rim-hos 100.1“) farmers hmnos t'vF'r'V week and your advertise- nnmt should 111005 the Pyi' of smm- one who wants tn purchasy. Arlvcrtitu" moms of this class are in the Toronto Weekly Mail for Five Cr,ntm a word or mush insvrtiun. Twenty Cvntsnword for tlvo insurtinns. Address The Mail Toronto. Canada. y “HART Mums: “mum!- IX 30 Mxxrmx fl". Agnvw‘n Cure for the Heart given par- fret ruin-fin all czm-a Orv;ruie or Syer‘pnthel‘la “wart hut-mm in 3” mimuh's and Bprwlily I'lTx-ctuncnre. It is a yum-:10.“ rvmcnly for I'srtecMAT1sM Ch mm IN A I9Av.--tiot1ti1 Amer-mm Bhummtmn Cure, for Rheum“. Linn and ticutualstus, radically curen in l to 2 days. Its actuhru upon the S) stun) is rcmm k, alnlc myirinur. lt 1'0"me at once the can-w and :lnuliscaso imm oltetelydim'xppeutrm The tirst dum- greatly bcuvtits 75 ceutts. Sold by ManrInuc & Co. Do you wish to borrow money? Call on Park and Co. at the Middsugh House Block. Don't miss Racing those long felt boots at $1.50 worth $2.50 at. J. A. Hunter's Upper' Town. ll all M. So HOW AN OLD xlyl'lFlU'll with st'iulil'n vt.cunsutisui, whivhfitst, lllutll'llh nun-umuce in my lull knru. but gradually took passvssion ol r.il my lambs. Witoin thvce months :xl'h-r in first uppmn-unm- l was unable to lmu- my frtul, and day and night suf- frrw! the most excruuzuing pain. My limln \vrrr swollrn to 1mm. than thn- llzn-ir natural size, and drawn Hutu? all natural shape. My {lam wevcalso badly .-\\nilrn and my 1%;le arm Wttt4 in the simm- ofa sc-miviI-rle. Fur three long yrnml wilt-rod in this manner, being unulnlr to put th. font. to the tloor, the onlyway I could tt'oi'P around was by Doing win-01ml in " "liair. My appetitc gradually " nu- until I had no desire in- relish fur food of any kind. and Igor very thin and weak. During all this Limcl kept. doctoring with the medical pruu:t.itiott,ers of the "neighborhood, and swallowed muons of medivine which cost my husband much money, anImn unable to any that I rowived any, benefit from this medicine. My agony kept in- creasing and my systmn growing weak- or, till many tinses death won d have lwcn a \u-lmmc relief to my suffering». After reading in the nmvspupvrs about the Immv Cttt'utl efNetxad by the use of Ds. Williamr' Pink Pills, I 'd'ocided to try them. My mm- was“ s and itwusnot till! had I (hm-n lmxcsof tlm pills um recl an ',r'//g,.T,1r'v1'ieet; I co im: the pin s, however', and rrlupse. and Ln-tlny I mu as healthy as I was berm-u the ('mnemx. Izlm now able sew as fast, as It.' y young r LAL. TT.....'"'" fl, _ try tin-m. Il y tux“ wasn stuhhorn one, and itwusnot tilll had taken halfa dozen boxeof tlm pills that I began to re.cl an i,tgt.'.1"a1tt?,1) Icontinuvd tak- ing the pil s, however', and never had a m-lupsu. :unl tn-alny I mu as lu-nrby and henthy as I was helm-u the rhvuuml ism munch“. lou, now aisle to knit and sew as fast, as any young perm"). while for vcm's my f'trigtus were as stiff as lug-miles. l ow" my recovery entire] to Dr. Williams' Pink Pills, and wilful- “jnys "have a good word to my fur 81th Dr Wiliirrtus' Pink Pills may he, had of mm dvuggist ttl' direct by mail from Dr. \Villimns’ Medicino 00., Brockvie, out., or Sehetaeetady, N ' Y., at 50c a box. or six boxes for $2.50. Sold only in boxes, the \vmppm-s around which bears the cGmptutrltr trade mask. Do not be persuaded to try something else: a t, I) , b H Sh A f. FROM uoorl ll Mel" srl l cn mm IN A Dsr.--Suuth ummhnm Cure, for Rheum“. slstus. radically CHTIPE in l to 2 ion upon the H3 stem is rumm k- EDGE HILL. IV Left 5 LADY WAS RELEASED 'r SUFFERING. tl th ell , preset' L visiting h '0. Ilood's with which 1etor.v has sold ns' make for 111% or, Tl al sll Hwy , r?iitF7u'i" 3132323 PA R K & J”Ml ,1§.-\.\' Ii EC} tl Mitre-ln Toronto on 17th, inst. Andrew McGirr, of Glenclg, "god 28 years SyrAIL--At Hamilton Asylum. Oct. 15th, leil1 Mrs. (Human-inc suoil, ribont65 nun-s of age. FIRE k, LIFE Tm mined by Dr. J. C. Met & Co., Ls wa,- Ct I have mud Ayer’s Knit Vigor mr. several years and. always obtained math- faetory risults. I knuw it is the bob; preparation for tho hair that is made." -c. T. Amen, Mammoth Spring, Ark; In thc Ifslaic of Walter Snmil, Onward By or.lcr of the judges 0/ Jhe Surrogate C our: of the County of Grey .' T" ERIC will be sold by Public Auction on tlu, premises. at, the brick house. east of the English Chttrch Parsonage. amljsi: mud on 1hy h'vst Division of L01 25, Con. l, S. D. R., Gleuelg. on b _flt'r'ii',rlttiii, 33:29? to WAETED 23:23 HUGH My IV (The m testing o At une (MEL-k p. m.. all the househnld goods and cll'rcH of the lute Mrs. Wal. ttst. Small. cunsistlx-g of a quantity of furnituro and weapinur apparel. ' WOOD’S PIIOSPHODINE The Great English Remedy. _ 51V ., " - . promptly and permanently if a ,. cum all forms at Nervous r " Weakness, 2ihtstssto,ss,Sper'tw f aturrheat, Onpoteturttand att ES 'ts, _ effects of Am or Emma. Y". M -. "7’ 'e sp, Mental Worry. wcmtva we of Tobacco. Opium or Wu- Before and After. was. chh .00» was to In. frmity, Insanity. Consumption and an early gran. Human prescribed Ove." 35yeurn in mound. of was: " tho only rumba; and JTonegt laud" known. Juardraggistror Wood'. Phonphodlne: if he otters some worthless mcdlclno In place at this. inch-o prieo in letter, and we wilt lend by "turn malt. Price. one package. 21: .tx; w. OM tttCl 9km. ttIX teat cure. Pamphlcta tree to my “been. The “food Company, Vina-or. Gnu. Canada. Thursday, 6th December, 1894. n nnv n'Mm-k p. tus. yll_the Atousehyi.d EXECUTORS’ SALE! D, Son by ts.il Dea, Guor.ititeurqq In so HINUTIU paw w...»- -. new, Biliousneul. 51111 in In: Sido. Torpid Liver. Bad math. toat' rogue“. the bowels. VI" I“ BRIO. as arm n can C SICK HE‘D‘O". It” 1:20 MINUTI‘O. Alt? tjtitEd.Te.t i'girhr'd POWDERti) DEATHS, TERMS CASH an tl siraesgea Guaranteed to JP 31 ES LEASK, Executor Yum) menm, Ont. in Canada having Dumb-inn “over “mm: in orders. and liiwrul terms (gt-Hts. Wvite us. ylLLiNGTON. Buppn king '3 It ,st, allowed on ll rules. Also and 1 Traveling lulmndlc our Jl’svry Stock in "eppvriett luv uursrrivs husi moss Co, m to the ations. 1't furtho n Torore um and imn and issuuti iles tpact. I' (an Mic FM, Winn par bulhol hunt.“ Whoat " (mu, " Gee-o bb ......_ [Mk-kn. .. .... Chirkom. per pair Apples per bug ... Fair Dealing with living profits must be our guiding principle, Call arid examine our Goods. We do not sacrifice any line but we sell at the lowest possible prices. _ nu; lllCS'L‘ 1):: ICE I’AID FOR BUTTER AND EGGS. , "ot-y-r-v-s-scsi-iii'! OUR STUCK (IF 'fe5--'ttrss-ascc"t- "N DRY GOODS, GROCERIES, BOOTS AND SHOES is complete. "i.,. NEW GOODS AT RIGHT PRICES. (llF f SOAPS. Bargains Before buyi plv. Wewi u. icw. A tine Itat' THE Ei 09$me u R H A M We have Opened out in A. DAVIDSON‘S Store, Upper Town, with General Dry Goods, Dress Goods, Dress Trimmings, Groceries, Etc. An Entirely New Stock These Goods were Bought at a. Tre-l mendous Reduction and are Selling E Accordingly. 3 l If you want Bargains- come along . with your Cash or Produce. 1 ALL Prrsonsnrt- hereby required to Luke notice that trespatsriug is strictly prohibited within the following frouudsr-, -- . " f ‘- 0n the Ist Convesirsion, has; m tue Gurnfruxa. Road. Glenel". from the Rocky Snug-on sillm'nml to Cyasrle's silk-mad. (m the 2nd Uon. (ilvnvlg. East of tlt" Gm-nfraxn Road from Win, Morrison's tiievoad to Francis Twain. ley's sidevoad. On the 3rd Gun. East of the Garnfr-ixa Road the following Iota, ' Lots 21, 23, 24, 2.". 26, M. 33. 31. Thspvortiyi.tiaut is lulu-mt to include all hunters either with or without, guns, as well as dogs for hunting purpum-s. L. MK'LEAN. A. Mqumncx, ll. Kxxas'mx. QIonolg, Oct. 15th, 1894. . PT, Fine Animal is from the stack , MB, H. Hardiiy, Thomdale, Im- porter of British an American Stock and is for tserv.iett this sewn. _nl@llllllllll) BERKSHIRE 3MB. for Service during season of 1891-05. Registered in the “Canada Berkshire Swine Rocord"us No. 2956. Farrowed Nov. 21st, 1893. and bred thno. Meyer," Kassuth, Ont. TERMS : $1.00. To he paid for at. mun of Smice. Aherbeen, Nov. 12, 1894. fhuaglMil Uhester White Bear, 'mince Leon.’ Upper Town, Durham Notice to Trespassers. LOT ii, CON. 3, w. G. R. BENTINCK. This firusanitv..a1 will he kept on the Premises of Juo. Clark jr.. Dalglish's old Stand, fpi"rt tTR 15. [mu "INAND - " Fi', ”FM _ DAVIDSON & Co - 95‘! .OO. JUST ARRIVED A large consignment of New Goods, Pure Drugs. Patent Medicines, Toilet Art- icles, Teas, Coffees, Tobaccoes, Cigars, School Books and Stationery. Addrerml to the undurpiguml, and endowed .. Tenders for Man-0 Budding" will be re- ceived until 6 p. m. Nov-1min” 26rd: for the building of n dwellmg house, in the village of Priceville, according to Iphn and "reciti- cation- to be men st the Manse, Priccville. The Committee does nut, hind its,“ to aceept the lawn: or any other Lender. By order. of the Msue Building ('mn D. McLEUD. Secret . Puceville. Ont.. Oct. '26sh, 1894. Mc1Cenzie's Emulsion of Cod Liverin‘: Oil is guaranteed. Price 250. 311.13 ' per bottle. 'i/a,, Store, Opposite the McAlister House. [ici., WSééled Tenders. WA TCHES, " :mgE:ex=aEiltNllt?aiiiilllty1Kr3iilRL. Huffman THE PRICES ARE RIGHT J. lil WOOD, Manager. ARCH. MCKENZIE. PHARMACY. GIVE JIli. A GALE Corner, Upper Town, Durham. Infuse the rwo last wwpatuiy in water strain through a cinch. thr.u add the other ingwdieuts: this will ml P. black bottles. A uablcsIroottrtti3 tuues at day before meals Cost of ingredient» S8eenta. “ In. nmnn“! I OT 53. Con. 2, E. G. R., Glenetg. con- tge,tl'eief 100 new, more 01- less.- 80 acres c cared. 70fit to run gthiqm-y on. Frame Ben-n 50x00 with hast-mum stables; good Concrete dwelling and other putbuildingx; by." MT," 'too/ "ii,iti.i,ii?cit.J'i?,iihft,iist half 31-211." gown; pared To Ina! orchard; two gum spring Wt' Is; well . fenced and in good state of cultivation. usual product: Situated about one mile from the Town Apple Jelly a of Durham and one mile from school short notice gym be sold with .or Wuhan} my". 1' . . . o.. Nether peticutars apply to pro- ‘vnll be m chm pnetor on premmes. - . D. J. DAVIS. DAM Mfe‘Ov-WEYM'“: Jt gnu-MAM Farm for Sale. Rheumatism Cure. 3m kinds of Farm Produce moncyjis 598103. ad" 3 rest advantage. "i',' TLF. cmms ti We have Bargainsm Diet in BOOTS AND 530$. j We have Bargxins to offer in HATS, CAPS & FEES. " We have Bargains to offer in M ILLINERY. . . We have Bargains to offer in URUCERIPS, . _ q R. “army, an five the toi “may iii." 3 THE MI Ladies India Kid Button Boot. g tip. 81.2.5. - " fine Duugula. Kid Bum patent trip, $1.25. .. Heavy Glove Glove Gilb- rar HERE ARE SOI Of the Full and Wintef BARGAINS at the BIO: RL'BBERS. "ll kinds and m WM: for a gnud solid all-lad. A Full linr- Hf Infant's shown!“ I All Wool Setges. double ‘ 'm. - r Blrick. Cardinal, Green. Slat. -_ Ag t" -, at S.kts u yd. M 'l, Heavv All Wool FLANNEL - 1 Dark Shades. was a yd. iv.' ' Union Grey Flannel. [25613 sd. si: B" Houvy. Ilcv,tsilshr. Ali-wool Sha - hum-C (hunldzmtion Suits. " , _ Ladirs‘ All-wool Cashmere G . - "lack. tin" [nudity 25c. t Ladies' I‘lomw-de auburn . ‘ ‘ saw. 7 _ -- _ in " mi; iiditiurdi,mut Jacket-95c horrvy doulrle hrs-net"! $1.40. Mcn's Uunderwarv. All kinds gt] sten"s Snmcks and Overhauls. mu like! Table oil Cloth in white aol I 2Gc " yard. . V Good Plush Albums from “k fur mn- host. , _ dud Son-w Luce MI " Hand-made Pegged [Jul 31.25 at. the Big 4. " l’rum-Ha gain-n: was, l good solid all {rubber Luce M i’lzmncimu 5mm 5c up. Lumps. Lump wlnsmes. but.” " My“. Inn-”ms, Muslim. 'ltd Cumo and we what A lot of W ban for“ ." Come and see u. Ben & The undersignei leased the Cider Mitt" pared to mama“ usual productsof T Apple Jelly or short notice. AV tj lwillbe inc "cle?.') DURHAIII CIDER shoe. an prices. 1's Snnx-ks and Oval-hunk. M EN's BOOTS, SHOW. and Upper Town Durham. Wool Finished Undm OPENIHG go

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