Ontario Community Newspapers

Grey Review, 25 Oct 1894, p. 4

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o & A Boox To HorsEm®s.â€"One bottle of < Raglish Spavin Liniment completely removed weurb from my horse. 1 take pleasure in k’“onding the remedy, asit acts with meysterious promptness in the removal from orses of bard, soft or calloused lumps, bicod spayin, splints, curbs, sweeny, stifles eigai@arsamse _ Gxzonc® Lous, Farmer, Mark haim, Ont. Sold by McFarlane & Co. Se«r t» ror TRIat.â€"James Thompâ€" son, who was arrested on & charge of arson in setting fire to the Owen Sound Cement Co‘s buildings at Sballow Lake came up for hearing. before Geo. Price, J. P., Thursday afternoon in Mr. Price‘s o‘fice. Considerable evidence was given none of which was very strong against the prisoner. The magistrate decided, however, to send the case up for trial. reday, November 22, has been upon as Thanksgiving Day hout the Dorinion of Canada. town of Durham and the village ef Drayton have sent donations of $50 and $25 respectivelly to Chief Waterâ€" house, of the P. F. B. Palmerston in recognation of their services at fires which took place in the towns named. Since the big fire in Drayton a few weeks ago, arrangements have been made for the purchase of fire appliâ€" ances. On Saturday next the Ronald and Waterous steam fire engines will impete for the supremacy. We know whereof we affirm when we te that Ayer‘s Pills, taken promptly,. the first symptoms of colds and fever, nrrests further progress of these disordâ€" ers, and speedily | restores the stomach, hver, and bowels, to their normal and regular action. : Subscribe for the REVIEW. To New Subscriters $1.00 to end of Review to end of 1895 and WrEKLY GuoRnk for ore vear for $1.25. Raview and Caxapa Farute®‘s SCS to end of 1895 for $1.25. RevIEw to end of 1800 and Weckiy Maiu for one year for £1.25. Combinations of any two or all three of these papers with the RevIEw at rates that will surprise you. Appiy, or write at once. Send stamps for small change, & secure the â€" world‘s English Spartn Liniment removes all Hard, Soft or Calloused Lumps and Blemishes from horses, Blood Spavins, Curbs, Splints, Sweener, Ringâ€"Bone, Stifles, Sprains, all Swollen Throats, Conghs, etc. Save $50 by use of one boitle. Warranted by McFarlane & Co. Chas. Froman, aC. P. R. teamster, jamped through an $11.plateâ€"glass winâ€" dow in a London store and caught his horses just at they were breaking into & gaillop. "I wouldn‘t let the horses run away for ton plateâ€"glass windows," he said. The Montreal Witness reports tha "in the Court of Queen‘s Bench, ont Saturday, the rooster case was concludâ€" ed. The jury found Ernest Bolduc guilty of keeping crowing fowls, which were a nuisance to the neighborhood, and Judge Wurtele fined himself ¢5 for the offence." Yelping dogs will The third pag Mail is noted ment. If you â€" ehanic, a busine The third page of the Toronto Daily Mail is noted for "Want" advertiseâ€" ment. If you want a situation, a meâ€" ehanpic, a business, machinery, lodging, i‘ you want to find out where any one is, advertise in the Toronto Daily Mail W\'onisvmcnts on the s paper. The charge is two cents a word 0:\}'? insertion, or ten ex +onts a word for six insertions the Mail, Toronto, Canada. Poor digestion leads to nervousness, peevishness, chronic Dyspepsia and great misery. Hood‘s Sarsaparilia is the remedy. It tones the stomach, creates an appetite, and gives a relish to food. â€" It makes pure blood and gives healthy action to all the organs of the Bbodv‘ Take Hood‘s for Hood‘s Sarsaâ€" come next body. Take | parilia Cures â€"Hoop‘s Pircs be enthartic with eve them. 25c. most valuable t always been sat box ; sold by all For Orer Fiity Vears Mas. Wixszow‘s Soomuixc Sygur has been rued by millions of methers for their children while teething. It disturbed at night and broken of your rest by a sick ckild suffering and erving with pain of Cutting Teeth seand at once and get a botile of "\Mrs, Winslow‘s Soothing 3y rup" for Children Teething. It will relieve the poor littie sullerer immedia tely, Depend upou it, mothers, there is 10 mistake about it. 1t cures Dharrhoea, _ r€â€" gulates the Stomach anl Bowels, cures Wind Calic, aoftens the Guins and reducer loflamâ€" mation, aml gives tous and energy to the whole . system. . **Mrs. Winslow‘s Noothing Syrup" for clildren tecthing it pleasnit t0 the I.‘.l aud is the prescription of one of the female physicians and nitrue® in the W omm uie O conatemc‘e ‘Uaited States, Price tWwen‘}~ zu.. Soll by all druggints worki, Be sure and a«k Wixsiow‘s Seorurxe SyRur" Reuirr x Six. Hoors. â€"Distressing Kidney and Eladder diseases relief in air hours the *Great Scuth Americac Kidney €Care" This remedy is a great surprise and delight on acconut ofite exceeding promptness in ing pain in the LLadder, kidmeys=, Lback, every part of the urinary paseages In or female. Jt relieves reteption of and pain in passing it almost iinine~ ‘ . Jt you want quick relie§ and curs ' NUE $ late. â€" Sebi Jo MeForlne & we expect cash in advance, and already our three clubs are growing. We supply a live local paper, renew at ce and ask your friends to follow CHAXGE ECHOES. TOTemE BACICCCYEE he > tark‘s Powders (for Sick Headâ€" iliousness and Liver) to afford ate and permanent relief in every Miss L. G. Johnston says :â€"* A iluable remedy. The result has been satisfactory." Price 25c.a CLUBBING. remely medicine dealers Ey en Sm o for Children Teething. It or littie sulferer immedia ou it, mothers, there is 16 lt cures Drarrhoea, _r€â€" ch an‘d Bowels, cures® Wind Guims aud reduces loflaumâ€" s tous and energy to the Mrs, Winslow‘s Soothing n tecthing it pleasnit to the prescription of one of the iciazs and nurses in the Price twentyâ€"live cents & all druggists throughout nvw" sok‘ e » BOF "Mzrs t 4ez zae 1895 and Weekly reesing sicx beadâ€" mtly incapacitated <iness. ~ 1 know of 1 equally benefitted. of the most useful s of the day." Mr. Messrs. Masuret & we â€" anverâ€"**Phave the favorite e who tries Address If you want to buy or sell a farm, adâ€" vertise in the Toronto Weekly Mail. That paper reaches 100,000 farmers hcmes every weok and your advertiseâ€" ment should meet the eye of some one who wants to purchase, . Advertiseâ€" ments of this class are in the Toronto Week!y Mail for Five Cents a word for each insertion. Twenty Cents a word for five insertions. Address The Mail Toronto, Canada, y WarpEx Lemmtox Daxcerocsiy IuL. â€"We regret to learn that Mr. Wir. Lemon, reeve of Sydenham and warâ€" den of the county, lies dangerously ill at his home and some doubts are exâ€" pressed as to the chances of recovery. Last spring Mr. Lemon had a serious fall from the loft of his barn and he has not been in the best health since. Complicated heart affections have arisâ€" en, causing the gravest anxiety. â€"O. &. Save Yeur Amonia Nonp Wrappers And when you bave 25 Ammonia or 10 Puritau Soap Wrappers send them to ns, and a threo cent stamp _ for postage, and we will mail you FREE. s bandsome picture suitable for framing. A list of pictures sround each bar. . Ammonix Soup has no equal. We recommend it. Write your name plainly and address : W. A. Brapsnaw & Co,, 48 and 50 LombardSt., Toronto. Sold by all gemeral merchants and wrocers. Give it a trial. THr COvrrrw Brut Bxâ€"Lawâ€"Berlin News :â€"The Guelph Council had a curâ€" few byâ€"law before them Monday night, but[for some reason or other it did not commend itself to those wiselheads, and they unanimously voted it out of existâ€" ence. The boys and girls of{ the Royal City must be ever so much better than those of other towns and citics if they require no reminder that they should be at their homes at nine olock. We believe such a byâ€"law, if properly enforeâ€" ed, will do a very great amount of good. Perhaps the Guelph parents have no wish to see their boys and girls become or stay good. _ Next in the marmage line was Mr. 3‘1;«. Pallister a farmer east of Hopeville toMiss Irvine, daughter of Mr. John Irvine near Dundalk. Both young men are industrious, intelligent, farmers and take and active part in the affairs of the neighborhood. Mr. Pallister is the chief and Presiding Officer in the chosen Friends Lodge here and an Officer of the township of Proton P. of I, Association, Many happy days to them Mr. John W. Armstrong, of the stone house has taken to himseli a wife. The ‘adies‘ name was Miss Emma Troyer of Churchill. Our people here turned out in large numbers to the Dundalk Show. Ham. Allan one of our village blacksmiths took first for horse shoes. He also cxâ€" pected a prize for his handsome Prince Erie spring colt, but missed it. Mr. James Allan and Miss Allan of Edge Hill have been visiting the Allan‘s here and took in the Du»dalk show. One of our young men just rising into manhood took it into his head that he would visit the Shelburne show. So he secured his father‘s best horse, a good The Methodist congregation of this place are holding revival meetings, at present the average attâ€"ndance is low owing to the inclemency of the weather. We hope that much good may be acâ€" complished by the labor of their pastor the Rev. Mr. Couch. Mr. Harry Redford, while assisting Mr. James Brown, of the 7th con. got his hand crushed between two stones, one finger being so crushed that amputation was necessary. H. is at present with his parents of this place and is getting along nicely. The farm and implements of the late Jos. Simon v eve sold by Auctioneer Macâ€" Kay. Mr. J. P. Telford was also present. The farm went to the firm of Geo. Sherâ€" man & Sons. Seventeen teachers have applied for the Corinth school for the year 189. It would be charity for some of those older martus to try another occupation and give the younger ones a chance. Mr. James Brown was engaged last week putting an addition to Mr. Arch. McDougall‘s residence. Mr. Robert Currie is making good headway with his residence. But he tells us that he has been pested with those contractors. They are away beâ€" hind their agreement. buggy and a handsome girl, he drove to Shelburne and when he got there he found he had roade a mistake in the day. The cold and slushe weather is makâ€" mg things a little dull. On Sunday last we had snow an inch deep here, but it is all gone and we are looking with exâ€" pectancy for good weather yet. Mr.'a(;é. I‘-"isher has his barn finished and no doubt he will find the good of it this cold weather. Mr. John McGillivary, has erected a driving shed to his barn. Mr. H. Kinâ€" non nas been the . workman. The Carnith lassies will miss the noise of non nas Dec Cornpith lassie his haromer. The unveiling of a monument to the memory of Sir John A. MacDonald in the Queen‘s Park on Saturday, was the first instance of that honor being conâ€" ferred by Toronto on a mith great in political warfare, only. â€" 2 Tok aoe en ie N P c c in > Noble thoughts have always been inâ€" spired by those staiues of Ryerson at the Normal School and Brown in tle Qoen‘s Park as well as around that of the fallen at Ridg â€"way; but this monament secms to mark a now en when even party envy, that most deadly enemy, can be buried and on its bier may be wnised the standard of a new nationâ€" €LIOY + The monument itselfâ€" is of bronze standing 02 4 granite pedestal, the whole height being nearly twonty fect. The figure stands about nine feet high and witn one arm resting by the side and the other pointing through the city to the mother sea of Lake Ountario seems to point out to us our exceeding great opportunities. ‘The head is poised for debate end the thin mobile lips seem to be ready to utter those seniences which baze Lelped to make bim frmous, »â€"» * British subject was I born, a Britis‘ ality. es p LETTER FROM TORONTO HOPEVILLE CRAWFORD subject will I die." eR e d o ds ie At one o‘clock the various schools of the city began to send out squiads of boys dressed in tunics, while some of the larger boys dressed in suits like those of the Toronto regiments. On they went and forming inmmediately before the bronze figure of the doce ased statesnmn, wore addressed by Hon. J. 0. Patterson while the crowd was gathering. About 1.15 Sir John Thompson and party arrivâ€" ed and on the platform with him might be seen several voterans who met and battled with the statesman but who now draw near him to keep green his memâ€" orv. 8 A GLASGOW MIRACLE A SCOTCH LASSIE RESCUED BY CANADIAN. Her Life Was Despaired Ofâ€"Subject to Fainting Spells and Heart Trouble~â€" Doctors Said Recovery Was Imposâ€" sibleâ€"A Wonderfual Story. From the Glasgow Echo. The case of " Little Nell," whose miraâ€" culous cure was reported in the newsâ€" papers, with a subsequent letter from the Rev. Samuel Harding, is but one in w series of similar cases in Glasgow. The Iatest is that of Miss Lizzie Dunâ€" can, a young woman who has been snatched back to life. She was in what is termed a "decline"â€"wasting away by inches before the eyes of her parents, and ker sad condition seetus to" have ©This is the lassie," said the mother, Heaven krows that a miracle has been wrought upon her. Eighteen months ago Lizzie began to pine away. The color left her entirely, and she appeared to be as weak as water. One Sunday morning she said, * Oh, mother, I canna rise toâ€"day," and before she had got out the words her whiteness became like that of a corpse, and she fell away into a faint. I sent for the doctor who said she had heart disease. When he saw her again she had grown worse and the Aoctor said. "The poor lassie is very far doctor throu: through." We expected that poer Lizâ€" zie would not live long. There was no color in her face. She was wasting away, her cheek bones sticking througa as if they would break the skin. Her arms and legs were just bones. The doctor said, "Lizzie may stand the winâ€" ter, but if she does, that will be all," One day, however, I chanced to read of several cases in which dying pe:rsons had been restored to life by a new scientific methodâ€"some pills, not like other mediâ€" cine, but altogether of extraordina y yirtue, called Dr. Williams‘ Pink Pilis fo. Dala Pannle. I said to my husband, TD o Wb for Pale People. I said to my husband, "In the name of God let‘s try Dr. Wilâ€" liams‘ Pink Pills. Well, before the first box was empty there was an improveâ€" n.ent. She ; er . vered and when she had finisked her fifth box she was perfectly well, and there is not now stronger young woman in the townhead of Glasâ€" gow, though at one time she was a livâ€" ing skelie.on. Youcan ask any of the neighbors," said Mrs. Duncan in conâ€" clusion, "or any person in the street and they will confirm my story." #I am stronger than ever I was in my life," added the daughter, "yet I can hardly describe how ill I was. I was certainly dying. I could neither go up nor down stairs; I was afriad to walk on account of the fluttering sensat ion at my heart. I took Dr. Williams‘ Pink Pills as my mother has described, and feel that they saved my life." Miss Wood, the lady who drew the reporter‘s attention to the case, said that the parents had their daughter‘s puotograph taken, for they thought that she would soon be sleeping in her grave. Lizzie once visited her, and was so weak that she had to carry her back to her home. â€"*"The change," said Miss Wood io hanetneton: **kas heen wonderful in conclusion, *‘ Las She is now a sousie I liams‘ Pick â€" Pills ns trument in God‘s c spent valuable time in ~ nearer the spenker‘s ut any perceptibe proâ€" Z?f?‘ t ‘.4. Sfi:{ syâ€"cheeked young ) be Miss Duncan, like an invalid. said the mother. miracle has been Sehteen months VC inds Dr. W Leen . Did you ever try to discover the easicst methods of accomplishing the household task ? Did you ever clean vinegar bottles Did you ever clean vinegar bottles with crushed eggs shells in a little water? Did you ever use an oyster for baitâ€" ing a rat trap? You will catch him ing & 1% sure. Did you ever have occasion to clean paint brashes in which the paint had partly bardened ? _ First soak them in turpentine, then clean with soap and water. Did you ever notice the difference between old and new flour when used for pastry ? The old is always preâ€" ferred. Did you ever brush picâ€"crust over‘ with the white of an egg before putting the frait in? It will keep it from beâ€" coming "soggy." Did you ever have baking dishes â€"or eups opoiled by remaining too long in the hot oven ? The brown discoloratior s may be rubbed off with a flannel dippc d in whiting. MacFarlane & Co., wholesa Hon. Reuben E. Trusx, one of Canada‘s ablest thinkers and statesâ€" men, a man so highly estcemed by the people of his district that he was honored with a seat in Parliament, kindly furnishes us for publication the following statement, which will be most welcome to the public, inasmuck as it is one in which all will place implicit confidence. Mr. Truax says : "I have been for about ten years very much troubled with Indigestion and Dyspepsia, have tried a great many different kinds of patent rsedicines, and havo been treated by a number of physicians and found no benefit from them. I was recomâ€" mended to try the Great South American NervingTanic. I obtained & bostle, and I mf’d"'lkty I found very great relief, and haÂ¥@ since taken two more bottles, and now feel that I am entirely free from Indigestion, and wou‘ld strongly recommend all my fellowâ€"suffcrers from the discase to give South American Nervine an immediate trial. It will cure you. "REUBEN E. TRUAX, «* Walkerton, Ont." It has lately been discovered that certain Nerve Centres, located near the base of the brain, control and supply the stomach with the necesâ€" EXâ€"MEMBERs PARLIAMENT sax-'y- nerve force to properly digest the food. When these Nerve Cenâ€" FROM A WIFE‘S NOTEBOOK Cure.) 10 thid. > + Our New Method Treatment i :. asvas e n o) mi drains and losses, purifies the blood, clears the brain, bailds up the nervous and sexual aystems and restores loat vitality to the body. We 0-{.1:3: to c-fl.‘xfle&vou nfl.:tlltz. "‘_',.“.‘{E, ln!nnhoci, ¢ gclk ?’hfl.ml‘l"m aucd .l.:d.r Digcases. T t Eire Tou Soare of reprot and saltoring. . Caareee ressonauta. " Weite for a 50 U eQuestion List and Book Free. Consnitation Free. WEAK, NERVOUSDISEASED MEN. DRS. KENNEDY & KERGAN. SE S REMEFMBER ><>#> Cured in tiume. REUBEN E. TRUAK 15 YEARS IN DETROIT. 150.000 CURED. "Some 8 years ago I contractod a sorlous constitutional blood diseaso. 1 went to Hot Springs to treat for syphilis. Mercary almost killed mo. After a while the symptoms again appeared. . Throat became sore, pains in limbs, pimples on face, blotches, eyos red, loss of hair, glands enlarged, etc. A modical friend advised Drs. Konnody & Kergan‘s New Mothod Troatment. It cured me, and I have had no ermptoms for fivolpn. I am married and bappy. As & doctor, Ihnr'tid{ recomend it to all who have tuis wrrlb& gismoâ€" auphilts." â€" It eradicate the poison from the blood." ts HRATS) Q M MNOD. * I om 88 t and married. Wh 0 I led. f“ life. Enrg hd?nc.rg&om and later excas:lésym‘:\‘:ige tronblg or me. 1 became weak and nervous. My kidnoys became nffected and I feared Bright‘s discase. Mnrrioi lif. was unsatisâ€" factory and my home unhappy._I tried. overfi".k}inxâ€"nu failed Uill I took treatment from Drs. Kennedy and Kergan. Their Now Method built me up mentally, phyuioullwd soxually, . I fool and act like a man in every respect. ‘Try i t#" No Names Used Without Written Consent of Patient. me. I became nervous and weak. My back troubled me. I could staod mo cxertion. Head and cyes became dall, Dreams and drains at night weakened me. I tried seven Medical Firms, Elecâ€" tric Belts, Patent Medicines and Family Doctors. They gave me no help. A friend advised metotry Drs. Kennody & Korgan. They sent me one month‘s treatment and it cured me. I could feel mysolf gaining every day. Their New Method Treatment cures when cll cue fails." ‘They have cured many o0 my friends." " At 14 years of ago I learned nEadhablc which almost rained DRS. KENNEDY & KERGAN plethedn in oi mnpenierd s ue e i Neapes t .‘r"t '**',‘&w;,fic fpermrory 0 + 00 0 pte e nrorh 10 + C ioh ce it un t| Dr. W. Washburn, of New r| Richmond, Indiana, writes: "I have 1| used South Amorican Nervine in â€"\my family and prescribed it in t| my practice. It is a most excellent â€" | raanedy." e and retail agents for Durkam tres ars in any way deranged th: supply of nerve force is at once diminished, and as a result the food taken into the stomach is ouly partially digested, and Chronic Indiâ€" gestion and Dyspepsia soon make their appearance. UR T MDUITEONOIIIOAIIAN writa tA Flmnpt answer and un bonest opinion, write tG U NN & CO., who bave bad neul(z fifty years® experionce in the patent business, Communica~ tions strictly conflcential, A Handbook of Inâ€" formation concerning Patents and bow to ob« tain them sent free. Also n entalogue of mechan~ teal and scientitic books sont free. EM UMTUTTDANULNUAILLLOL MA eamaten Eo l on o oo eovreasbsrant Pmd Patents taken through Munn & Co. receive lrgoclll notlcoin the Scientific American. and thus are brought widely before the public with~ out cost to the inventor, ‘This aplendid ‘pnmr. issued woekly, olegantly ilustrated. has by far the ]‘u‘gc‘;t eiroulation of any scientitic work in tha world. $3 l\{m. Sample coptes sent free. nunamg Edition, monthly, $2.50 a year, _ Single o(?loc.:.' cents. k‘very number contains beauâ€" E ul plates, in colors, and gh(llfllfl‘lphl of new houses. with plans, enabling butlders to show the to use this precious boon ; if you do, you may neglect the only remedy which will restore you to health. South American Nervine is perfectly safe, and.wery pleasent to the taste. Delicate ladies, do not fail to use this great cure, because it will put the bloom of freshness aud beauty upon your lips and in your cheeks, and quickly drive away your disabilitics and weaknesses. Cure SICK HEADACHE and Neuralgia in 20 miwuTEs, also Coated Toogue, Dizziâ€" ness, Biliousness, Pain in the Side, Constipation, ‘Torpid Liver, Bad Breath. . to stay cured also regulate the bowels. vERY /CE TO TAKE. Price 25 Cants at Daue Sror®e. POWDERS 361 Bnoapwam Paual on Pocite Have | Doneâ€" And get your Buggies and Waggons Repaired at Lowest Rates. We are also getting up New Rigs of all kinds. ALL WORK GUARANTEED. Having Compl Sash and Door Factory. We keep in Stock a large quantity of Sash, Doors, Mouldings, Flooring and the differâ€" Mrs. E. DAVIDBSON‘S. Lumber, Shingles and Lath always New Job and News Type P| BS ; Is still in his old stand Office, where h« R Our Stock of DJ April 24th, 1894 Millinery, Gomething New! To the ‘REVIEW Plart has lately been agdded a Large Quantity of Posters, ent Kinds of Dressed Lumber for outside sheeting. Ve are now better than ever prepared to turn out Neat and Tasty Work in neatare. Bill Heads Poat Forcet that You can get a Good Cleaa Job As an Advertising Medium the Review takes the Lead. Harxd Bills, as Cheze»n at homse CHAS. LEAVENS, Jr., | HEAVY AND LIGHT | HARNESS, *iSADDLEs, l BRIDLES, l‘ COLLARS, Etc. New Stock Horse Blankets. Cirerlars CGome! Come! Business Cards. to FILL ALL ORDERS PROMPTLY. Painting Done in the Latest Styles. Calling Cards, Pamohlets, Fall Millinery nc ip se . Note Forms cted our New Factory we are now prepared d stand on Lambton Street, near the Post where he is ready to fill all orders for McKNIGHT & LENAHAN, Y LUMEE is very Large so that all orders in ( zes me as by sending Good Money cut of the Town. Millinery. Fa ®tock. X.. G &J. M:KECHNIE can be filled. Letter Heads, Statements, CHARLESâ€" LEAVENS. Envelope, Blank Forms, Pr 0 ar x ; LLOL 2t x +8 *s Receipts, Etc. D ormrccis. We call the special attention of Port masters and subscribersto the followibg sy â€" nopsis of the newspaperlawn : 1. If any personorder+ lir paper diseorâ€" tinved, be must pay all grreages, or the publisher may continne to send it unt:) pn3 â€" mentis ade, and collettthe whole an crut whether it be taken from the oflice or pu:. There can be nolegal discontinuavce until paymentisinade. 2. Asy person who takes a prper trom the post offlce, whether dirocted to his nawe or another, or whether be has subâ€" scribed or not is responsible for the pay. 3. If asubscriber orders his paper to e stopped at a certaintime, and the published continues to send,the subscriberis boumd to pay for it if he takes it out o!the pest office. This proceeds upon te ground that a man must pay for what he uses. DURRAM DIRECTCORY T RINITY CBURCH. W. J. CONNOR, Pastor. Sabbath Servicos at 11 a. m. and 7 p. m. Sunday School and Bible class at 9:20 a.m. Church Wardeus, W. B. Vollct and T. M. Whitmore, PRESBYTEHIA.\' CHUECH REV. A. G. JANSEN, Pastor. Service every Sabbath at 11 a. m. and 7 p. m. Sabbath School and Bible elm»s at 2:80 p. m. Erayer meeting on Weduesâ€" day evening at 8 p. m. REV. W. McGREGOR, Pastor. Sunday Service«, morniog at 11 a. . Subbath School and Bible class at 2:30 p. m. Presching at 7 p. m. Week eveeâ€" ing Serviceâ€"Thursday eveving, regolar prayer meeting at 8 p. m. Young Peoples Umion on Monday evening at 8. p. . J. C. POMEROY, Pastor. Service every Sablath at 10:30 2. m. and 7 p. m. _ Sabbath School at 2:80 p. m. Prayer meeting every Wednesday evening xt 8 p. m. Darkram Servicesâ€"11 &. m. firâ€"s Supâ€" day of every mounth. Genelp Serâ€"iceeâ€" 9 a. m. first Sunday of eyery moush, 10:80 a. i. third Sanday of every month. S G. REGISTRY OFFICE. ‘Thozes * Lander, Registrar. Jotin A. M s»ro, Deputyâ€"Registrar. Gffice hours from 10 a. m. to 4 p. im. POST OFFICE, Cfice 1 a. im., to 7 p.i. Arch. J om. m., to 7 Postmaster. DU}”.BA.\I LODGE NO. 206 OF A. F. & A. M. Nigit of Mesting, TnesGay on or Lefore full moon of e«ch mertk. Visiting bretheus welcome. Thos. Erowa, W. M. Geo. Ruswell, See. COUHT DURHAM.N».1!1,1.0.4. Night of Meeting, on »econd and lass Tharsâ€" day in each month. John Livingione, Chief Range, . Boineus, Recording bee. DCBXI.\.\I L.O. L. NO. 632. Nigh& of Moeting, on Teurecay or before fuil moon in eack moruth _ Wi, A Anderson, See. * day aiter Guelph, iss Listowelâ€" First Friday in eaeh month; Fergusâ€"Thursday following Mount Fores Markdaleâ€"Saturday betore Orangeville Orangevilleâ€"Second Thursday in each Durkamâ€"Third Tuesday in each menth Pricevilieâ€"Monday before _ Dorbkam Hanoverâ€"Monday before Durkam. Mount Forestâ€"Third Wednesday in each monih. Guelphâ€"First Wedesdsy in each month Harristonâ€"Friday before the Guelpk Fair Draytonâ€"Suturday betore Guelph. Eloraâ€"The day before Guelph. Douglasâ€"Monday Lefore Elora Fxir. Hamiltonâ€"Crystr] Palace Grounds,> th â€" month. : Fleshertonâ€"Monday before Orangevill Dundalkâ€"Tuesday before Orangevilleie Shelburneâ€"Wednesday before Orangeville Walkertonâ€"Last. Wednesday in each monthb. DL'RHAH LOCGE, a.0.U.W., meeta in the Mall over Grauc‘s aid store. on she Znd and 4ib Monday of every menii. This Society offers insurance of $1000 or 12000 at low rator, and small initiatery Fee.C. L. Grant, M.W., A. McKenzie, Recorder. Soxs OF SCOTLAND, PEX XEYVIS CAMP NO. 45, meets in 8. of S. Hail, Fridsy on or before full w:1oon. George Binuie, Chict, Goo. Ruse«l, Sec. CtAUGEEN TEXT, K O.T.I., No. 154, K> meets on the first and third Iuecdays of every month. Thos. Brown, Com. F. C. Hamilton, R. K. PCBLIC SCHOOL. Duskam Sehoel Board meets on the ist Saturday im every month. Dr, Gun,Cbairiman. Thos. Allex, Prineipal. ME(ZUA)\'I(.’S' INSTITUTE. _ New Hallâ€"open every ITueaGay evening from 7 :10 9 o‘clock, and every Suimacay from 2 io 4 p. m. Annual fee $1, Dr. Gun Pres. C. Rumwage Sec. Mis. MasBas, Librarian. Try his tamous Nagaziki Japan Tea. An assor 2 ent of general groceries, fresh. Crockery and grocery Dinnuer Sets 85 pieces $7.00 64 66 103 W.& C. T sets 44 The best place to buy yeur Crockery, Wringers & Wringer Stands. â€"| A large assortmert of Fancy Crystals &c. N REY LODGE NO. 160 1.O.0.F. Night I t Meeting every Mondzy evening a% o‘clock, in the Odd Feliows Hall. Visitâ€" a brethbern welcomed. W. B. Volict See. CRYSTAL SETS APTIST CRURCH EIHODIST CEURCH C CEUTURCH Newspaper Laws. 66 REV. R. MALONEY. I JOHN CAMERON. o TT O Ec.5, Morthly Fairs THE DURHAM ¢4 66 MacKenz, m\ (¢ /

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