Ontario Community Newspapers

Grey Review, 18 Oct 1894, p. 4

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Â¥r: Robert Moriee, the King thres ef the Co.. is as busy as ever. and six week‘s erders to fill before the s son clises â€"Ayton Independent. Ayer‘s Hair Vigor, which has outlived and: superseded hundreds of similar preparations, is undoubtedly the most fushionable as well as economica® hairâ€" dvessing in the market. By its use, the poorest head of hair soon becomes luxâ€" uriant and beautiful. Britis® freports frop Canada show n increase of 3 per cent for the month et September, according to the returns published by the British Board of Trade, as compared. with September of last year. There is ako an increase of T per cent in the exports. [OTTOT OR NY mc t nds Ing to the engineer and fireman on that there is plenty of deer to beseen in neighbochood.. fi‘my the credit system and more ill be dong to promote the prosperity effarmers in five years than can be done in a fecade by teaghing sgientific methods of erop produstion and, stock Hoowp‘s PILLS Housuess, jauun A pumber of farmers north of Allan Park complain that a number of their gurkeys geese and chickens have disâ€" appeared in a mysterious manner. There will be trouble in the neighborâ€" hoed one of these days, unless the fowl= The morning traim from Durham Saturday last had an exciting race with fwe deer noear Minto station.. Accordâ€" LA Et ies are allowed to roost unmolested. â€"Hanâ€" ever Post. Rpronp Cowrarisox are the good qualities possessed by Hood‘s Sarsapaâ€" yilla. Above all it purifies the blood, thus strengthening the nerves ; it reguâ€" Intes the digestive organs, invigorates the kidneys and liver, tones and builds mp the entire system, cures Scrofula, Dyspepsia, Catarrh and Rheumatism, L st Hood‘s and only Hood‘s. McCartay y Wark®RTox.â€"Friday October 19th is the date fixed on for Dalton McCarthy‘s public meeting. Thpre will be two smeetings, one in the afternoon at three Orlock and one in the evening at7.30. Col. O‘Brien, M.P., Jobn Tolmie, of Kineardine, and H. L. Potts, of Arran, will be the speakers. ‘The third page of the Toronto Daily Mail is noted‘ for "Want" advertiseâ€" ment. If you went a situation, a meâ€" elamnic, a Business, machinery, lodging, )rf you want to find out where any one is, advertise in the Toronto Daily Mail and read the advertisements on the third page af that pai)‘cr. The charge is ceptsy word eac insertion, or ten Wrd for six insertions. . Address él, Toronto, Canada. y «i Cotimninedl nongscitmminy WMirt citutBee im aik the varions dyys Boat emim chalémed h amun eyce Prowe crimwerm foerw t palest green s« Aouk cemaitec tir seranged hetw en Sbesi‘ Kxtury Breathes her parting bumuuth, kév‘s treblw desetiful io: doatB.. fctober‘s percil peiot+the leaf.. Â¥r: hss bows bewatifua®. the" brisf © Man‘s graod acheivements. Avighter Th hed i dcirg am the tm« Bp. mesl aciths xd sedcormnity. It is said that dancingmakes girls feet L’D- It is also said that ice cream proâ€" duees freekles, Doctors are of the opin jon that hanging on the front gate pn)duccu rheumatism. The chewing of A south ward family had roasted cat for dinner the other day but did not ent it. The animal had erawled into the oven when the fire was low and was accidentally shuat in. The cat was nicely cooked, but the odor and sight were not very appetizing. It would have made a tine feast for a Chinaman. â€"»Alliston Herald. Enm distorts the mouth. Playing on the plano destroys the benuty of the hand, and washing dishes canses chaps to comeâ€"to propose. . And yet girls enâ€" dure all these perils. Walkerton papers give full accounts of the Northern Fair. Theattendance _‘&nor. up to expectations, and the management find themselves with reâ€" ceipts 8260 less than last year. The directors should, it they try again, seâ€" eure an eartier date, Their show has b.een_exceuent in quality, but people will not go to look at exhibits in cold or wet weather, and such unfortunately has been Walkerton‘s fate. . Ancarlier date entails less risk. Whev saen thro" Life‘s C &nd Life» faim cona sodxlioogs. Whm leoming through Â¥Mr. T. S. Hobbs, who made such a placky fight iast June, is spoken of as the, probabie standardâ€"bearer of the Reform party in London to fill the vacancy in the Legis‘ative Assembiy of Ontario created by the promotion of Mr. Meredith to the bench. In no «wther place in Canada ean the Liberals uo as good a fight as in London. with the Meredith prestige no longâ€" p oppose they should be able, in a 6 in which Jadge Elliot gannot ene, to win a great victory.â€" Ab!Evesothac thy life,. my friend May glocipusâ€"as. October end.. s For Over F.ity Â¥ears. Mrs. Wirxapow‘s Soomin®G Syeur has Leen »ued by millions of m=thers for their children whils teething. It disturbed at night and Brukem af your rest by a sick child suffering ..trq;viug with pain of Cutting Teeth seni sÂ¥ once and get a bottle of **Mrs, W:uslow‘s &wmi Syrmp".io¢ Children Teething. It wi relieve the poor little sullere? immedia '&‘, Dipend gpon if, mothers, there is no W about i&. "Atcures Disrrhoes, reâ€" gulntes the Stomach and Bowel«, cures Wind Catic, softems the Gams and reduces Inflam« waution, and givew tous and energy to the whole system. ‘Mrs. Winslow‘s Foothing Rymy." for children tuething it pleasant to the tarte and is the prozcription of one of the begt female physicians ayd jyuses in the Vasted Siste. Price tweytyâ€"liye cents a Soll by all draggisgs throughoct world. Be sure and ask for "Mrs "3 Seopeixy Syrkur " â€"xepOSItOT EXCHANGE ECHOES. Lus cure all Kver ills, bilâ€" wuudice, indigestion, sick w Doun Na«t > wnq@mtn- sects OctoBer glow the haze Ler h Tur. Deartm ow Ourvem WsNDELL| _ HoLMES Loodon, Oct. 8 â€"The afterâ€"| wi Fm pupers. publisied symp'\t;helic in rarticles ow thedosth of OlHiver Wendell | sa (Rolm« The Woestminster Gazette ; st ':flysL ‘"His death izone of those literâ€" i eo t any Tosseswhich will be felt as x personal | da ! one right actoss the broad Tandsand «ons | th where Eaglish is spoken." The fitobe | sa hrm:mrks: * It is no exaggeration to say : 8 | that the neww will Be received by thke | (Englishâ€"speaking â€" people throughout | ,,, i the world with a fee ing of" alheost gerâ€" i ge 1 sonat) beresvement.. He was among | gq | those few muthors who endear themâ€"| ;; [ selves to their readers. by winning love | ,; i before adtmiration." |1, [In connection with the above the fol lowing poem by the deceased author will be read with interest.â€"ED.] Merchant, Joiin Hunt, of | at present enlightens the c business establishment of brother Harry. Taylor Godfrey, of Gan lulled away a day or so many Dornoch friends and anees. The parental domicile, of the Mc Intosh residence is all alit with happi ness, just on account of Miss Maggie‘ return from Owen Sound and Port Ar thur friends. Agent McKinnon hummed his usual | successful business tunes in this yicinâ€" | ity. â€" Arch. still leads. | Pleasure Found.â€"Many of our citiâ€" | zens have taken advantage of the | usual popular autuamn excursions. . On E Friday‘s dawn, NMr. Won. Simith, sr., his estimable life partner, together with Mr. Donald Smith, sr., left by G. T. R. for a visit to Chatham friends. | Nursing & blood poisoned hand at j vpresent is our gritty and efficient vilâ€" ' Mine Host O‘Mara, of the Queen‘s spent Thursday, in Chatsworth. Artist Steward, of the Queen City, now whiles away the October hours on his new Bentinck farm. Suceess will doubtless await hin Up to the vicinity of Shallow Lake sped Will Runnings,. Dave Robertson together with J. Robertson. They inâ€" tend to spend the winter months if all glides oa well there. Nursing & blood pc present is our gritty lager Mr. A. Mcintost Hunt & Co. wish to notify the public, that all future sales will be run on the cash system. â€" ‘T‘will gratify all to hear of such a wise proposal. Monday, was a regular Jubilee ovation, among the numerous memâ€" bers of our W. F. M. S. _ Mrs. Sommerâ€" vilte, of the gounty eapital, was present and gave a pointed address to an appreciative audience. Since reâ€"orgâ€" anization bere in the spring this society has developed _ with â€" marvellous rapidity. â€" Baek frrm Uncle Sam‘s domain is farmer John Sullivan, hale and hearty as of yore. Rev. Mr. Craigie, of Hanover, oceupied the Presbytcrian pulpit on the Tth ult. His discourse was interâ€" esting, emphatic and right to the pcint. This being Mr. Craigie‘s first appearâ€" ance bere, a large audience greeted him. â€" Alil returned home with a last ing impression of Hanover and Hampâ€" den‘s talented divine. Away to refreshen friends and acquaintances of Durham, went Mr. Frank Lenahan, Friday last. Hymenal.â€"A very pleasing event took place on the 3rd ult. ‘Twas the marriage of Mr. Will George, of this place, to Miss Fraser, of Viekers. The happy eouple bas the best wishes of Dorncchers during their journey o‘er the sands of time. Clerk Boulger, of the House, Owen Sound, spent among Sullivan friends. Mrs. Curtes, of Chesley, was the guest of the Heft family for a week, recently. Unfortunate. â€"Master Robbie Robertâ€" son, happened with a very distressing accident recently. He seemed to be in the act of taking of his boots, for the purpose of retiring for the night when a fork which was being made use off, sprang fore:ibly back and inflicted a wound in his eye. . Apparently the sight is destroyed, still Dr. Smith has hopes for its recovery. [ saw him once before; As he passed by the doory And again: The pavementâ€"stones resound As he totters o‘er the ground With his cane. They say that in his prime; Ere the pruningâ€"knife of tim Eut him dowr, Not a better mar: was found By the crier on his round Through the town. But now fie walks the streets The mossy marbles rest On the lips that he has pressed In their bloom; And the name she loved to hea Has been carved for many a y« On the tomb. And he looks at all he meets Soforiorny And he shakes his feeble head That it seems as if it said, "Thev are gone." That he B And his c In the Psor old lad My grandmamma has said But now his t And it rests u I know it isa sin For me to sit and ; At him here. But the old threeâ€"c And the breeches, Are so queer. f And if I should liv The last leaf upon In the spring, Let them smile as At the old forsake And a crook is i And a melanchc In his laugh Intended DORNCCH ECHOES Trt Last LBar upon the t ring, ile as I do W l of M red ha all that rry Ow among D : acquaint D Patterson last week U d There is a story told of a coloaved ;:ix'll whe happened to moet a gentleman goâ€" | ing down a street and who got 0n the , same side of the nartrow walk; then both | started for the other side, and another | eollision â€" was imminent. They then l danced back and dodged again, when | the coloved girl suddenly stopped. umli said.. * ®eo heab, mister, what am dip. eotomy was necessd um was administer high fever set in in the new remedy w fate of the patient but all trace of diph en the second day. CAN I OBTAIN A PATENT? For a g;\:mgt. answer and an bonest opinion, writy to UNN & CQO., who have bad nenrl(ynny years‘ experience in the patent business. Communicaâ€" tiona strictly confidertial." A Handbaei oi Inâ€" formation concerning Patents and bow to Ob« tain them sont free. Aiso a catalogue of mechan» Iclf und scientific books sent free. Patents taken through Munn & Co. receive :Boclm notice in the Scientific American. and us are brought widely before the public with» out cost to the inventor, This splendid )finpcr. issued weekly, elegantly ilustrated. has by far the largest circulation of any scientific work in the world. $3 a year, Sample copies sent free. Butiding Edition, monthly, £2.50 a year. | Singlo eopies, 2. cents, fivury number contins bemu« tiful plates, in cclors, and glmq:::ruvhs of new houses, with plans, enabling buildezs to show the latost de-ignu and secure contracts. Addross MUNN & CO., NEW Yous, 361 Bnoapwaz. Cure SICK HEADACHE and Nenrmigia Pn oee Ne NBT O OO Ni m d ofi 1 ced t in 20 amwuTes, also Coated Tougue, Dizziâ€" mess, Billousness, Pain in the Side, Constipation, Torpid Liver, Bad Breath. . to stay cured also regulate the bowels. VERY NICS TO TAXE. fiklcl 25 Cents ar DrUG SroRES. AT POWDERS 11 1) XI n GPV rentleman g0â€" io got on the ilz; then both and another ours aiter , and the uncertain, the cent rsophagâ€" nthe past London, | w y~ wore T J " " (TYS CGAU 5 i. ! ppearc ME s io es cases (RpeSwe T4 «/ ;. \eeaill lt'-. '/:" ;/ . ?"‘\ ip EL ces na | .'!t?fif'f!nc.:j/ Nes | _ An incident of more than ordinary \ eccurronce took place heve on Thursday \ evening when Grandpapa Stier 73 yre. | and the widow Mrs. Cbas. Stade wore ! urited in the happy bonds of wedlock. | However not before some necessary !fln:uu'i:d documents | were drawn . in | somebody‘s favor,. The happy event | took place at the parsonage, the Rev. | Mr. Burner officiating. What will not Linee doaâ€"»Eimwood cor. of Chesley gos a: sp CE 5e bo [ P g ip; 'Hg 7 {3 §'§ E;’ ? § e fg * is eS Ej t * H & § a ; i ® ht 2s s 2B B e 3 % €3 E‘ tcB CE & Is still in is in Apaaieaiies oo d A complete stock of Whips, Combs, Brushes, Bits, etc., kept on hand. MacFarlane *k \f\\w C waZ Ge & 7 * if Sick Heads he is a malady which makes its appearance most frequently in women. The attack often begins in the morning, upon awakening, after & night of restlessness or heavy gleep; Though it is especially wont to occur in connection with emotional disturbances, such as excitement, fright or mental strain. ‘The pain is{ usually. localized, being in one or the otker, more frequently the lefs side of the head. It is ggncrally accompanied by great disturbance of the stomach, when light pains the eyes ; noises otherwise unnoticed fuflict punishment; odors excite nauses. From the fact that people with strong nerves are never troubled with Sick Headache, it is generally ronceded by the most eminent phyâ€" sicians that it is dependent upon weak nerves or nervous debility, and can only be permanently sured by stroncthening the nervous system. Firstâ€"Class Workmanship guaranteed. Highest Price paid for Raw Â¥E ursâ€" The Great South Amsricaun Nerâ€" vine Tonic is the only remedy manuâ€" fuctured which is prepared especiaily and expressly for the nerves. It acts direotly on the norve centres at the base of the brain, correcting any Gerangoment thero may be, greatly increasing the supply of nervous epersy or nerve force, giving great Durs<m, Jir. 26ih, 1892. SmR NIN L iA C tfz/#!%/éflr r%" h. '§' $ k gyullys :""H“ / M“ ~ ?{Mg,',@// .\\\\\\ i""%f feuus spairing vromptly attended to. SerarRNINk # °_ [\rpase -ۤ,§2/é%é1'4 1[{1'\“&?. A f t. :‘} 8 s s Aâ€""a% J‘ims [ e Nee /[//j\\“’\ NA . w3 7 se e CHAS. LEAVENS, Jr., | HEAVY AND LIGHT | HARNESS, ‘I SADDLES, i; BRIDLES, | COLLARS, Etc. New Stock Horse Blankets. Cuss ~ it a : _\,,i%‘w’ C 6?;»"’5”7::1:. t ons Aas F 7 ,â€"'â€"éz""‘fi" y e N +2. 22. 2 rrang e â€" ;fy"r"*-‘"\‘:»’i se ZLa TA t n s s w osh ez / / his old stand on Lambton Street, near the Post Office, where he is ready to fill all orders for MEAAA | /}’/ “'/1 /1 pped e rp e ee We AV e\ o o ) l Co., wholesal iang of Millions of Livss & ty . 22239 ie h J â€"~t s e ie 5 . 9 "'2; v/fi}\\':â€";g?} N:){ s ‘7"-'1?“’“;";2 u. eA s 4 o M t> §/ e mt y mt es aary P y iN 1 1 â€"â€" B S 2 m U yY * i1 it > Sss T ep io se 3P 2 Mn Marerians dent Subscribe for the REVIEW. To New Subscribers $1.00 to end of 1395. is e an d 3 a number of years I havo suffered intensely with Nervous and Sick Headacho; had hot flashes, was sleepless and became despondent. Dr. Faris, of Bloomington, Indiana, spoke so highly of South American Nervine that I was induced to buy a botile. That purchase led to a few others, and now I sleep soundly, feel buoyant, strong and vigorons. I would not be back in the condition I was in when I began taking this ‘{mcdicino for sany sum you coud name." Mrs. J. H. Proaty, of La Grange, Indiana, writes: " Your South Amerâ€" ican Nervine worked a marvellous cure with mo last year. I began taking it last April about the 20th. The first week I made a gain of 16 lbs. and from that time on I made a steady gain until I reached my mormal waigcht, making in all a total gain of 80 lbs. â€" After taking it three or four months. I found mysolf & well woman." 24 Cz What is it makes her pastry such A treat, her husband eats so much, Though pics he never used to touch ? What is it shortens cake so nice, Better than lard, while less in price, And does the cooking in a trice ? What fills the housewifc with delight, And makes her biscuit crisp and light, Her bread so tempt the appetite ? "What is it that fries oysters, fish, Croquettes, or eggs, or such like dish, As nice and quickly as you‘d wish ? What is it saves the time and care And patience of our women fair, And helps them make their cake so rare? COTTOLENE Who is it earns the gratitude Of every lover of pure food By making * COTTOLENE * sagood ? OReidh N e h im o omnany slsn e ooo m en N. K. FAIRBANK & CO., LreSail agents for Darkam CHARLES LEEAVENS. Wellington and Ann Streeis, MONTREAL. Made only by COTTOLENE COTTCLENE COTTOLENE COTTOLENE C# 2 2t6 T 3 5 JE’W har {‘ j * The MeCormick Bindlochineâ€"the best in the market. _ McCormick Buckâ€"eye Mower, Rakes and Harrows. Waterloo Ploughs. Waterloo Champion Thresher â€"a good solid machine. â€" Buchannan‘s Hay Forks and Slingsâ€"the great labor savers. â€" Also Agent for the Singer Sewing Machineâ€"which recommends itscelf. A Car Load of Speight Waggons and Buggies just arrived. See them before you buy. Implemenis, ete., bought for Cash and sold on very best terms. Â¥Ws are also getting up New Rigs of all kinds. ALI, WORK GUARANTEED. And get your Buggies and Waggons Repaired at Lowest Rates. Having Completed cur New Factory we arc Something New! 7 o hemnp o1 New dob and News 1ypo ; Sash and Door Factory. Warehouse just North of Standard Bank, Durham un tfer April 21th ;lanva filan L.O0rS, BHOH YC KegQ IBR siCo CA2 anmynsS~ccusco®odqt Poster ent K As an Advertising Medium the Review takes the Lead. BHam« WM.SHARPE, Agont thaa CIrCui2rs, C€Gome! CGome!i 1894. inds of Dressed Lumber forouts Forcst that You can Usin@ss Paintins Don#e in the Latest Styles. 262 Bills, agded a Larg kT Et now b Mnod‘ 9 a NXote Forms, ow p ‘feri an cver Preparc! out Neat and Tasty Work in Bill H a ds Shingles and Lath always . ©YIEW P] McKNIGHT & LENAHEAN, M SorEeccis. Y LUMRI â€"â€" EO PHE â€"â€"â€" Binders, Mowers, Ploughs, Harrows, Waggons, Buggiss, Rakes. Threshers, Sewins Machines, Ete. AEL anty usBS( Eic rd Lelks & Il ied Oua us so €47 SA CC co0000000000003000CCS3CON0OCSOPICC 2y 4 \.’ u-t ; a‘ Im » looring and the differâ€" O â€" &I. McKSCHN:E. Oc i etter Heads, got Statements, zt has lately becen st a Good Cleaa Job Ha2nIIL / CI Di 12 o icuuiy WYM.SHARPE. »k Forms, tside shectin Receipts, Ete. aro now nrevareC to tur Sach, S es We call the special attention of Post masters und sobscriler: to the fellowing s3 â€" nopsis of the newspapes lawa : 1. If any person order+ his pape: disecr~â€" tinned, he must vay all «rrenges, or the publisher may coutinus to send it anti] payâ€" mentis _.ade, and collect the whole n crut whetier it be teken from theo office or pot. Theore can be no lega} discontinuavceunctil paymentisimade. 3. If a sn stopped at a continnes t to pay for it THINITY CHURCH PUEREBELM BIEECICRY Su at 2:30 p. m. | Jra day evening at 8 ; | Fieshertonâ€"Monday before Orangevill Dund«lsâ€"Tuesdsy before Orangeviliele Shelburneâ€"Wednesday betore Orengeville Walkertonâ€"Last â€" Wednesday in exch month. ib Alark Oran: 3 1Vi Crockery and grocery Sabi i+ 44 100 i4 66 103 W.& C. T sets 44 Try his tamous Nagaziki Japan Tea. An assor v ent of geneial groceries, fresh. The best place to buy yeur Crockery, Wringers & Wringer Stands. A large assortment of Fancy Crystals &c. RESI REV. A. 6. JANSEXN, Paszor. ervice every Subbath at 11 a. m. and . m. Sabbath School aud Bible elas :30 p. m. â€" Frayer meeting on Wednesâ€" CRYSTAL SETS APTIST CHU Newspaper Laws. ore nel JCOHN CAMERCN. W THE DURHAM C rewspaped lawk : rson order+ his peper: disccr~ t vay all «rrenges, or the coutimnus to sond it anti] pay~ and collect the whole mm crut trken from tho office orpot. »0 legal discontinuance until s 85 pieces $7.00 # ut 11 a. m. and 7 p. m 1 Bible class t 9:30 a.m W. B. Vollet and T. M OI CHUKCH owing Mount Fores before Orangeville Thursday in each ce Grounds, th ercay in escb LEX }EYVIS . Xizht of r 1 cfore full A Anderser, ery menik. f $1000 or ast Thursâ€" ivingstone, Velict See W., mesis | Trade, All sold Chenp for Mac liae . Hali, George Night z at xÂ¥ 9 O

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