Lke place on sarm' t, when I,l,M'S WORTH ()f CHEW l C ." q // ttr.". the paper closely. nigh». Hm. A man would ho amp tor. Tim he man had fur tho noble Lord 'Tift wrung after Mutt-m. and they were sunk-N Powders. enrh park-mo of “leh oruruitta two prepeuastiortrs, one I Q , 1 m a mum! woodetrhost, the "over of (It ffer- t Jni. wlm h thrrrus A manure fur one dose, an mum-diute Mic-i for Nick Hendavhe nod -"""""-"""re"r-eee-. .\hvm.l'll. also Neuraltfus, and all kinds pt:' " FY ' A - " m C, um paitvsandasrtother in cannula-I ;-- . tfrn-m 91â€,â€! one in In ordinary dose) V ', whul, mu nn the Bowels, Liver and mum-M. furnlinK th never failing per- ' tert ’rwu nu-m by.“ Head and Stuumch . , rum mum-4. They down. In most pills . . and m nmny other medicines do, lose ' T their etrrrt or produce alter constipation, 1‘, Jays------- mnhrv nim- to tahe. 25 cents . box, at all “minim. a-r-- [ thoroughly overhaul. tefittod these m} now prepared to do is of custom work " sfaction of the I11tl.",,c,: PING A SPECIALTYr ii HEWSON ts, Shoes and a t Upper Town, Du at WE INTEND tttil:, a SYSTEM on a. "' 31031 next, _ h,'N, ins!e, w ("15 W; 41:31:! qaoing prices b- T. :, . Watch the paper chub. ‘ N IE American Lawton). Burners, Shades h0- No oyr by, any one, mdiiii ly for Cash or he. s, Wool and Wood. NEW! ic)-.".-:-:------;--:' . "l, liii'ft MILL. e Lanterns, U ARKER. New , Price." rd Coal Oil. bbls.) of Goal on. Water White . ProauCe. " Dmen , AND ma I king D l" L1 Ir/ist, Durha- 30113 7we busy this 1 iour goods ail! me I' Credit sell at d ' us than say by I the pat. rmlnym "cr1'CP. "'"rrme nut that which. at cm. "'w' Mr. Hugh lefaydolh “than! :“annwu m in an. neighbor fi"eririk a law. I. u. " "Wm" ~from m to m Novem'r. “WW mum. not be taught, mold. "or run in I ion bet ttww dates both tuna-iv... tMt': tunposie,t I‘M-on. an "qt-ted I". the 10ml FGhery 0M. 'Mm ',"au"rpust. nuisance Mm ma- --P. Mun; m Wilma". Tu,,, Milt nor had them dau- Tarn qportat-'s0 scarcely need to "P Pt'nnuded of an close lean-om for an. and the rvgulntk. Wink tUhintr. "owvver. we “and the odBeiat date, be the an†of six kind- of fish : , fktstr, (mm Iota my to In June. M \SKWOXGEM Mth " totl53tmes Puxzn El. In]. lab " to M Mar. 'errmcra, 1mm.“ 1†It“. in [inn the return much In expects played soon wttqn all. notice P. on“. C. 71min. P, 0mm In, a"... [hr “Nth. v", {aw witnessed ths gnu»: mm of gun- It follow- tho Khulna. Irv-rail spook M. At the rm] 4 an hrrur'te play the score 'stoodir-. l’nrham t. Watkertoo 0. â€emu, urn th. (villus In position t-- 1'“an wnmn‘ror. memr. MAemr.-Taat Saturday the Walkr-rton Jamar Lacrosse Club C mu- "war to pin, . friendly game here. Uwinum the - storm previous to c. m. A. Can,“ J. hull. T. Von‘ '13....“ A. Plan C “who (.01.!sz wertrocma.-om, of these MN!“ NO ran- " to be hlghly interest: in; wok plan “the home of Mr. and Mm. Eouiitured oqttutttedar Ian. A umprmms dinner In: psrtaken " in Mean-hard. and some 80 children and 4raulthddrea. Ind other friends """present. The happy old couple can count about.â€d their descendant- n! tte ihvl and w mentions. They wo-l" tuarritd in thi. vicinity and are now We hell". the oldest married mum who My. lived continuously in thm neghhorhood. Th. RI- ex- reml- rungmtum natd hopes they may rnnlmue in "I. with" many \‘PunyiL 1 Tme fair on My was the most 1mgoly attended (or some time. Buyers um not ph-ntiful all were very partic- nlnr. Animals of good size and in rea- snnnhla mum!“ went " readily through no! an. “in! prices. The appear" nncrofmoytof m cattle showed the on"! of the m. Ming gmu-r:zlly not in ttood order. With theraiu-fresh- onwl [ENS and the ttbsiettre of the fty rattle will not [use In, tor a month yet. I; rd WNW in known as a horse- aneier, bath-m story than that he but! warm place in his bond be (lugs an well. On a voyage. his dog, which IN rrUled Mum. Wa- trisking u- bout "n Jerk Iitcet_ hunts, and tuNriUental. ly full overboard. m "ptaln, I" Red bv Lord R-m-hny tom)". "shared, noth- all 'tedivine M A down-Mon at the o. Bound Presby- ters WM Bur- Chanel: Rocky Sump-HI. but wMy for the pur- P may! uniting“ body, Domoeh 3nd the 'uishle intactâ€. {the proposal haa berm "mm by Munch. so the con- grvgzni-Ilh remain at they were. Rev- (Ira-nth Smuvrville of o. Sound, Acheson. Wi,trtou, btc?iatt mm Knuth and Telford of a w. deputatinn. A rum. MF. David Darby of this town. oouattt he'd visit the river nuco more Mom the ma closed. on "Pri- (hf last. who you“ up the river, and do mu m“ N 00'. homo displaying . pcund and O - teoute-A beauty - mall and M flirty (11" D-tery Cardin] in . t:f::tr,,utrrd.'.' jut. now. Koep I. mule m h. lanrl-ne & Co. (â€When-non clothe- for your buy? If you b can to arant's for them be m ttw m not of child- "n', cum! in town. “Armlll’l‘ I. ndmiaUteeed " Burns' "hunt. lucky Human. on uooud. Edi-Juno. Anderson from vartnn M!!!†M “a to large _r,rci,',t,':.t".T, trom Proton Centre and Frnor Also our Tomto letter Amvml wha the form was up. We much wrrr%to the diligence of our rum-iwmh-Etl. and would request. them Fun: Emile a Mor.--When Mr. C. Knapp of the mm: House, found out that the I"! Council had trot mad and throwts up the In engine scheme, hr ptst went to work mud walled up the oV1 ta,hirmest ttrote-topen tIre plus) and pm ttt .\ WM hardwood floor aud waivoirt- in the two hack mung rmnll of “I hotel. Mr. George Moore a t'o. did the work. (,r,c., hnMav during show week, as prite lists " my, our “caution. m- Town liall o " ' it!" " " right Ilia-o at MeArthttrra, T" â€cullllm war Runnv t Au â€will. â€of.“ I around - In “an Nucl- "yuan Er" 3:“? 'Sic tor su, " ' _ "my u M Into: Ce.:',:?,';;;,').-',.-'.!';,;,, ttea . Entry“ ",it:C,1"is' --a'rtury U ur '0th u... " mm"; "m To ' “I cr', Tsilt."::,',,."";,'),",',',',' Cl'; t2,'t',2 'ata,','"",',', In: , I - ete. sigma . on wir' b' MW“ link. “up W , lst Mar, my on MI Tnotre-hom Into an Nov. l, 3(1)th out In in Nui- Friday tteat, u m..- a goat! not. try.â€!onh u , Gran“ advertuememt..--Th. Mk t clown. in 9mm in Maud O. L aunt's. Lower g Maanrbm's. - is ma. Dnvidgon'o for Mad LOCAL ma. Lima-Indium“ Md I... M. Wham Ont-MO It!" In "ebony" luau-am. P.Britrtnsato nakh I- expected to be when due notice will he m8 m dd. A. I. In†“J M. J. - an M. L. cum-I - L. Jam 1-! loan P. mung-t Pa in! C. Pain. aging: and Eng- the W - m'fl-iridn W ttpet val-Jag: “vacuum trlqi,ttl'ill club“. mauve-nun.†'irt,r.l'iii'e"Autlrnvtrr=a â€thunk". McDoquriAt Berkle St. Toronto, on 11th Sept... Murdm-h 'Cr'fdlllt known as Bilg Murdoch. of Ormanck, Mull. Amy etshire, Scotland, aged 03 years, McKmxmu ,1" Bentinck on the 17th inst. John McKenzie aged 04 years. McfttrAruetyr---rn Ornmsury. in che pm. ish of South Kntspdalo, new Ardri. sham, t4cotUnd, on the Nth ol Auguut. in her 73rd your. Marion lem re. rehct of Lauehlan McQum-ne, £41., formerly factor to the Duke oi Amy e. Mrs. Mchmrrie was» cousin to the McLean's of Bentinek and Mr. McLean Postmaster. Walkerton. Immm remnant. _q "rottr-aetrstttt.trxth-emrttr, (wayWUII-IIwnmuny troll tho m In . m I». “do: 'etttttst-rs-tA.t-d_rtd “attendant-n Items-um yPrttt"rmyi-8te.P"", Tm: Mommy; BEAUTY “Wren on good food and sunshine, with [onty of exercise in the open air. trt torm gluws with health and her Ema blooms with its beauty. It her systex need- the damning union of a luxatvo rem- edy, she uses the gentle- and 4mm. liquid laxative, Syrup of Pigs. wATr_oN-CuLvrtrvr--At thereideneeot the bride'; parents. Boutim'kon Sept. Ittth, by Rev. E. L Flagg. Ir. Geo. watsoit, " Arkell, to Miss (brie Cul- wart. At'rxR.N--Mortnow, At the rmlence of the bride's mother on Sun. 10, by Rev. John â€My. Dornmsh, vlntthew Aitken, of Holland t.oAutheyouarhter of Mrs. Morrow of Glens-lg. EtaaoT-uta.LEtr-At the Male, Dorn. och, on Soft 12th by Re. John Littlf. Mr. (hrhtt tl Wiotictywt, Woodland has the largest and mom, complete stack of ready mado Jobbing in town. Men's tweed suits “an .325 up. Men's black worsted suits tom .10. up. Boy's knee pants to cts Boy's tweed suits 31.50. All the “but are tor cash only. . THE Anniversary Thanksg'ving ser- vice in connection wit Trinity htuqth is to Ire held on Friday the Bill inst. Many outside of the memhrahip of Trinity will be glad to knowlhat, the Rev. J. C. Farthing will mm,“ the service. and several other liq-Symon will he present. i L Mean. D. J. Burns and Wm Burnet Mt. Tuesday morning "vatry only" via Owen Bound. We wish We 't'* men well In their pioneer venture, ' Mina Annie 3nd Mr. Jiiiiirae-. [\VE have room only for the “lowing item from Dnrnm-h correspottbee.t elem: expdtrsGT, and have a neit, nppiy lett in the treasury. I Mr. Baht Abbott, of Them“ flu in town this week, visiting ttt atrsd mother, who we are sorry to har, tn In from well at present. are spending a few days in ti,roud,.' They took Little Olivine Marla" with than), where she expected to meet her mother from Ottawa. DON'T fail to “tend the mingle" up. ening at Mrs. Davidson's Tuqlay and wednesday, Sept. 25th and we . Unusual Ptcsuc.--Thc 01th P. H. C. picnic was fairly w.tuttenuelT. Quite a large crowd mso‘vnhlwto while away n day of pleasure II} Sully Fivpt., but unfm (unatvly the rum Inn-ed the day's sport. ti,'trathaven [mummy in- tended to be prawn: hut vurl mm in the north kvpt, thvm at home Enjoy- ment was just, rising when Iestirrun rather discouraged all. The'rieevind string hand. 5 Mdonnld Rm. werv present. Aha; R: the Pete My: Like a Miracle Consumption-Low Conditior Mr. Wm. Park mane home la' week. Foreign climate,, are proving “do“. to his health, and he is going A) line. up in Canada tor a while. Mr. Mid Mrs Gio. Binnie haw had an anxious time at the sick hmiof their eldest. child. but we are glad In be lea to say he in recovering. M, W. L. Dixon is also getting around mat a te- vere attack of Typhoid fever. Maura-av apprentice mung. Ap- ply to Mrs. Maher at. Rams! "or. 1ock's. SCHOOL burs and girls wear at boots. you can sun's mom-y buying thin hom Ramsay! & Morlnck. Mr. H. wiuoes from Ancmr bu been visiting at his daughteatMta. T. (this. At. Townsend Inky, and HI linker Mm. Jun. Firth Br. at Edgé Hill Cox: to McArthur's open-n on Sat- urday. NEW Dress Goods and Drag Trim- mings. beautiful goods cheupRammy kMorlock. NM! locum "on Hood'- â€napalm. Chm-sky. to Mary ii.%aiur"iriii', Robert (Miles, of williarutfed. MARRIAGE. DEATHS, ELI Any kind ofApples will be tak. -Vin" en; but they should be not less Ilu1rilsr,lll1 ilq (ll October, si, . . . at the hour of two o'clock in the after- 'ly,,' two inches In tttlg; noon 1110an Farm Property c- " not necessary t.?, P10 t 9 ALL and Smomn those certain Apples, as they will not be r,tlttt in M yaw-11in"! lgi,tS' . . In e Joun 0 re ' vein com re] e.util on account of being allot numbeialx in tie thug J2"c'Sil'i'Cl, bruised. of said Township, containing one bun. ged news more or trt R: following The Evaporator is in Wengor’u Saw provomonts MN?tta to m e on . the â€Imam-70 acres cleared and Mill. Ita. GRM' undo? cultivation, also a 1053 dwellin Lynn. Ont. with addition and log outbni dings 'IM o---------------------- nho an Orchard of bearing trees. The Progeny is well situated as to Roads, OPENIuc Mai eta,etr. TERI! or Batar-'ren Ili' mnt. of the --or-- Rgitrt, money in to paid to the endon' Solicitors at the time of sale. DURHAM CIDER MILL and. within thirty day: thereafter, a ' further mm mrtBesibnt with Inch deposit - to uni. up one.third of the whole par . . chm money. The Mme-e of the pur- Tha nndonmmed ham: chug. 110991 my My}? gal-tease. Cash for (lulled Apples At present I will pay from 300. to 40tr. per 100 lbs. for Apples for evaporating. English Spawn Lluiuuut "move. all Hard. Sun or Calluusod anpl and Blemishus (mu: horses, Blood Spnvina, Curbs, Splmts. Sweeney, tling-Bone, smug, Spratimi, I†Swollen Flu-mu. Coughs, etc. Save $50 by use of one homo. Wurrnuled by MeFurlaue & Co. Flour pM' 100m Corn Meal th Short. " ' 3W: . C. Luna's Jackets in the latest stvles and porfI-ct fitting tailor um de at C. L. Grant‘s Lower town. "Ayton 'ittyM"ators We have Opened out in A. DAVIDSON‘S Store, Upper Town, with _ _ 0p -_- General Dry Goods. Dress Goods, Dress Trimmings, Groceries, Etc. These Goods were Bought " a Tre- mndm,t,tttii! m Setting kiGGiiiiriF."" ... --...... It you want Bargains. come along with your-ions]; or Produce. LARGE slxipnu-nta to hand to make room-Clothing, Uarpetsatul Millinery upstairs. Ramsay & Morlock. THE) Ei CASH An Entirely New Stock RAMBAY & Morlock are Garnfii'G large Dress Goods trade. 44 inch black llmriotta wmth75 eta for 50 c', m' cash at Woodland's Fm SICK "I"A'N','d.'l r,,,', I“ n no In nun n no Dual. nn. 'm'l'd,%Wpfi in In ?slL',=U'l1T, Turpid Liver Bud Bunk. toe" our! also "plus the Uau. an! no. fo my. Upper Town, Durharn, Pym!†as can. ar on. W... m»m..v.c.unuo;..wn.x-. Cumothon,wlllcunyou minister Ayer'l Bun-puma, two bot. M ot which elected . oomph“ out, much to her tells! And hot (sun'- delight. I um sure. were he have 10-day. he would tensity in the W “all u to the merit. ot Ayer’s ttarsaparllle a Littlé iiGiiUsr Md by Anv- "mar-tttCEU In Micah: being that ot a um. Mm ot . Church of mm mink- tu. The child wu "me com in. load to 'ootwtthamdamiaz. coding], troublesome nah. iron which It. was.“ In in or that not. I. up“. ot the be“ medial mat available. Her “the: wu in not “my. about the can. and, u my recommendation, " In: began to ad. ot a Church of mm; mining: m " . Mn: mats, y w. Bamapariths. Mt. RICHARD Bun. the well-known Drum“, m 1!on It" Montreal, P. B, a": I in" sold Ayur- In“, I“... b'“!un,md Mum actual,“ good add of then. I no. a my Wonderful Cure; POWDERS S'l‘OIkE. ~A1' THE- 1lNriDtstm ciao. Al'. 1894 " 00 a!" 052 250 main promptneu in relieving pain in th. bladder. kidnap, bank Bad - part of the urinlrv passage. in male or lam-la. It re- lic". retention of water Ind pain in pulsing it almon immediately. If you wattt quick relief and cure this in your rowdy. ts'old by McFulue d: Cow Draught. nay Ind Bladder Dun-u relieved in “ix hours by the “Gm: South American Km. My Cure." This new handy in I gr." Inrprin tad delightpn 39¢un of it? u. Farm Property {in the Tourmkip of fireman U’nder and by Virtue of the Power of Sale contained in a certain Inden- ture of Mortgage made by Henry Crit- unden whi will be Yroducod a, the time of sale, there wil be offered for sale by Public Auction. at the BRITISH Hotel In the Town or Durham 'd',' he 'i;iiiii"urjrri, Fariir -iutumarti, with interest at " and a halt per cant... payable half yearly. Tho property will he elated me sale lubjact. to a reserve bid. Further mum and eortdittoem will he made hiawnm! thrabrof 109. qrr5pdb -‘_n..u... on “I. nnalnnlmdL . N, Gr. 86 J, ykKliil0frlfllEl, The thilt System "Large Sales & Small Profits." “HI-311' .8? 'r.tyrrts--D"try"tryr, tit N., G. a: “at: Durham, Aug. oth."oas, P" l ' l Auction Bale. We take this opportunity of thanking our customers for past patronage, and we are convinced that the new system will merit a continuance of the same. We beg to inform our Custom- ers and the Public generally that we have adopted the Cash System, which means Cash or its equivelant, and that our Motto will be --or-- ADOPTED BY WU ‘THIS Fine Animal in hon the stock MR. H. Ending, Thematic. Im- porter of British an American Stock mud in for service this Mn. 250 ACRES belonging to the Elk“ of the law Jamel Barnett, IM acre: nude: tm1tiyntion, rest hard wood bush, being Lou. 28, 24. M, unit?“ D. bush, being Lou 28, 24. as. aw. $1.0m o. R. in the Township of Arumuiu, County, ot Grey, ttso mile» from Flollwrton 8ta. hon. slam miles from Primvxllo. For Ruth» Mimi-rs Apply to A. H. BURNET. Hopewlk. Or to IRS. BURNET. Durham. MI: Thumughhmd illaut 1llliit hat, - -'"eet _ At BOULDER & 001. Wham. But-m All“ 1.91. A Farm for Sale. ‘Frince Leon.’ What we’re 3725* - a? DOING THIS MONTH! Our Stock of Dress Goods is unrivalled. Its extent, its powers, its influence will be felt-known-by our (-ompet- [itors, our tustro.mers--by the 1We are fitting up Handsome Milline Show Rooms n v . hairs and have put _i,y, a 1,liil.l.1'l.'i?3rr,/x'.l'?ll of “I fl' For the future In well an hr the present. We want your l, MTBBT ROVELTHB Itt .pprovnl, we matt to make You I cqumcr and wont w Shapes Hats, Feathers, 11957 Ospreys. . tid I. We don't claim u ive nod. In haunts, Birds, Clements, kc. keep your Cort Mee, 'f m y ‘ but we do know ant we SELL CHEAP. Come and The Dori-uncut is under the management of HRS. MAH lit, who thoroughly understands her business. examine and we are " doubtful of the "suit. town, by the country. Double width Tweed . . .. T Double width Serge. black. brown, ii,','.Tg,, iiCe {... .... . m. ' ac, ant ....) ‘38 to 40 Shot Suitiugs if. . .... ‘ ll†to 40Atnazon finitsh .___r. [A line we cleared of Bengaliuei I 'ime.ior wr.... ..r_.. Th: Seamus 001?? 3.11439 151‘ A - BASH - BUSINESS! RAMSAY & MORLOCK. Durham & chester. FIRST PLACE FOR BOOTS & SHOES. There are all kinds of Boots and Leather, but I Good Article at the lowest possible selling price is what we will give you. We made a. large purchase for Spot Cash and we are “to in saying that when you see them you will buy them. We purchased one special Cine of 100 Suits of Fine Clothing at a Discourt'uf 25 per ct. We will glve you the Benefit. That will mean Clothing at less than wholesale to you. Perfect Fitting Mantles. I CARPETS.CURTAINS& I GLOVES, “(NICKY New Millinery Department. we have been; ,riptsjiGftFryGrinriiiii are now commg to hand and Stock an our success. In Flue Dress Goods we a; " aeasons cox_ne and go so fl',1tifk" and September brings " face to face with FALL W TS. For the past two months we have been wide _awake “Bargain Bunting' and “Quality Seakina." Shinmnntl those whom you are pressing for iceou'hts of long standing-. Therefore on the 41rat of November next, we intend turning over a. New Leaf and selling only or CASH or Produce ----A20t WE SlrAgitt-----. The support of all who are interested in the CASH SYSTEM. Tlhorirt atone: in "tSrila-vii-IgE'?, irtTiiifng -Gh-i down are Men's heavy full-cloth pants for $1.60 Regular pairs for CASH "tlo Men's Heavy Rooter Coats for 84.50 Ladies' Dong. Button or Lace Boots for 81.25 Will: price for CASH sun) These - rices that should inn-rent clone buyer-II. and we have Iota or Bargains to otter. and the nendy money Reta them, every time. sAts we believe it is the best and we can speak tram expenence as far as collecting accounts are concerned. and the ill will you get of those whom you are pretitsing for accounts of I - Ready to Wear Giothing. - urchased nnn. mania] Li†M Inn gnu“ " 1):-.. fisgCC-,, n. - n:,.,........ f nr --- We are paving the way for We are going to make for our Store the name of loathe-bone Corsets must not 1tttttttnittttmudiththo-whttth vex-emu. autumn!» mrmmmxm is u the moved in tho on mu,umunum WY l "II All! ttttl mu. . H.†Modern 1 C. L. GRANT IN. Henriettas 35c. Home Furnishings. mums TIUMMINGB . Table Linens, Towe1ings, . .lu (iiiupm'lfrmds. SHEâ€. 1ilyrirtipgis, Cottons. "rillingts,Yeiiings, Ribbons. Satin Cloth, ltr, grown, ew my Black a Navy ain Hunting 9nd "Quuliti Seeking." Shipmenia :ock and "can prove a bn'lhant example of Hi: we are shown: , I... act Town- Worth Worth 70c ' We are doing Business 55c. WI the undersigned, hov- ing {and tho m a! " fag leased thi with! of the Rocky Samoan for . purposes from tt',,',,td'ttt dun down to Crenrfbrd'rMit1 " I: LOT tr't, Con. , E. G. IL. (Shawls. ann- .iata'g of It†urn-s, more or my» mums- S,'L'li'. mm to run My on. Fume Hun and!) with human W; and unurmu- dwelling "d othyr eurbt'ilditae" In" “I: "If. otdnrd: two you] upping walls; “I [Hind uni in good an: of cuhlvnuan. Hiunmd Ilmul one, mila- [mm the TM of Durham and one mile (mm dual. Will be mid with or without map. For further pei-u" and] topo- For further [W up" to . in . P" " qet " "'""" D. J. DAWN Duh-m P..0.. "tr Ad. BL tf TERM Thll desirable- rrmam- in l'pper To". uwm-d by It. MrFurlnm-, an. clau- I -liwi"d by R. M0uruitir,nr., can; Nnin a rum». Aim 2 "lulu-allow. Itl'la2, k (Rh. Drug “an. - Boots dk Silk hhh Mtitlttik Black Barritz Cloth (lik. The Newest, This Spam WATCHES, Farm for Sale. NOTICE. The Best PM to get your ,OVIZS, IIOSIERY, lucas, DRESS TRIMMINGS House to Let. IN DURHAM. BELONGS TO Apply at. Ge Drug awn. BEAN & Go. Shoes J63: as» a... Regular 7 le. WORTH $1.00. '01 " 13