Ontario Community Newspapers

Grey Review, 30 Aug 1894, p. 1

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ith slight increase gerous. Is mamas IS mamas s names s TABULES no? i re now prepared {lean Job Money 'ipts, Etc. tely been of rt, near t1 Idols for Babes th always Wins, guaranteed. lame-s, .06]; co. . In. Fe"ttt, alrets. the differ- Thy , of Sash, lil,; HT "‘5'! To ACT, a. -- ?3,'at 2l'tg It!» LEAVEN S , Jr., to turn ctory. CHNIE. Type “- flu/M ct f Dinner Sets 86 pie Try his famous Japan Tea. An All general groceries,- , The best place to Crockery, Wtingers Stands. st 22 $3 I: i i",ger.x"v,tl'thipiuftmsth4 W. S; C. T sets 44 " ii,iii,iiljiffailfieie'ru,, [on cnvsTAL , tshaptgl',t'r" .323; Title, A large 2880?“."613t fungi?“ ee, -. Unrhnm Third Tuesday in Priests ilie--uorrhy beta Htsrtover--Mottda, before " Mount b'ors.t.-'rhi" Wedat month. Gaelph---Fimt Wodolday in trarrl,ton-rriday before th Draytou--thtt+ baton 1 b,lora--TI" dny bolero 1touqlas-- Mood-y below. Hamilton-Cry) P_'Il_uo day but! qu‘ph. Lstowel-- First Friday in Fer---'rt"trsauy follo'in Mnr---t%turdtsy beto or-ilrert'eeond Thu I IY,'li CROCKERY fl fr In month. nub-n..._ “no! " be t, 9yttum--Tyemur up... 'duittttrne-- Wain-J... L. PlfliLlC SCHOOL. i;oard - on Ibo t vr'ry month. In. 000.435.11.15. Tho- ME I) 'tt.setrrse-iiiGTCsQ Wslkertou-La.t Walla mouth. DI'RHAM LODGE. A III the Hall nvor (in: 'he 2nd and 4th Monday: Thi~ 50¢er, otfern incur: you! It luv rater. and (ly .l-y in CUief J tP/i) LODGE NO. I. , f Mating awry aa. 8 o', l, vii. II) tbo Odd Fen!“ mg Mullen: welcomed. W IA [GEES TENT, K W " I" m large assortment ( Crystals &e. " n Prem. C. in“... Sec ‘nriau. M’ iDURHAM {Tannin (in: B \I'Tls’r CB URCH. R “EV. W. ”COHEN funday Sonic... mom ,s‘nlnmah ttehooi and Bit p. m. Pun-hit}. u , u. l REV. , ‘1 -- Durham Bervieo,- " w of any loath. tht b. m. In. Emmy of I ' .n) a. w. thin] Sunny-41 'rnyer Pmnhznux REV. A n T: by 0"th an”! Seine 'feed 3...”. m Um Wade.“- mm...” as oF' SCOTLAN case No. 45. mat): "Y on at before lull sic. Cluiel. Goo. 'tth) JOHN CAME I. In, “no“: In]. f l G. REGISTRY m t. Landonlh-gmuu. puty-Rmistrar. 060. m. to 4 . m. , “retina. " '2"""itt u in nth mouth " DST OFF" I" “HAM LO. L yo, M :(rHA-NICS' 1.N8'rt ttull-oe only 'l': to'., unlock. Ind . '00-" the manur- Ind "I ”mi-um a 1. "Any ponc- Lm-ml. In mutt p. j-‘IllehQI may con u.- HI " gunk-Jud A in tlier it he Mn ll., n can be union] E """'nttammU. 3 A Ar pmmn Ibo r‘..- pm: onion, who] ”no nrnrwtlmr I“ - iereiee our, l " n my Moe. So: - -- . I 1"..'.?tr'rhiiud yer Mm; u a p. It m: on Honda, not fthuti, "tr Inning P- m. c (mum-Li um: STOR‘ h on H mun“: "all, IL lo M THE DURHA l RODls'l‘ cmnut J. e. POMrnoy; Monthly F ,1- _'..'"',',,',",,',',',?.".:,',',') luau-K. on new It )0. w‘l- Night "tst V-ro full moon l nth") Welcome -u. Rm". Sec. HI LODGE M. Night . v. a. G. Jass, ' Iver, SIN-"J 1ty'e?a'l','l " it Thi- N em to? Slum”: a tirst and Than. a , ' an " ”:11; ""I I! T p, Thursday “all. 3.... out, w... and...” t Annual MAY no". won. _ a iii Ilcrr. l In Ard my, HM NO, C' ll E ar. pERTAKING. Farm for Bale. “I 312. con. 4, 3.“.1. an“ n. ' iiiGncthou--iN acres“ bush 4, con. 4, S.W.T. and B. Road, nrthon J) {Wren good bush. t, mu. 3, Melancthon~83 acre. Amine-red. , run. a, Relaunch. t0oacresknorm 'se Jan. liamfurd tarm-welt im- Ivtl close In Lunimsh. Durham Sin-0t. North Pricevillo. Rum-es Strum North Plicevilla. 1" her splendid Farms in Ontario the Nath-West.. Toronto and )mur properties for sale, or ex- F s, con. l, W o R, Bendix“. tto men w, m we or Inn. stood land. " d, gun-l dwelling hum” all “dbl. 1! A . Per nu very renonalolo. Adm], te ALL " McPARh-L E, mmm. Daring . ERAL AGENT-PW“ Insnrmca. ", ‘un-co. Audit-I Inn-Hunt. oranmd at lam-ac raster None but. good . , ._.‘...u.um.m revues-Intui- " gm MONEY To LOAN, I --. IN TRE-- _ Properties at Prices A ma M, git 2L3, con. 3, sw.T. and :uul. township "Naancuton---t74 nimhered. MI 242. con. t, SAVE. and S. I sirt2ncthou---1N sort-53 bush re's Big Money ! l, .MES LOCKIE, p and LOAN AGENCY, Shut t'iLUATol'sti, CiiiiviwccNc1iut's. p '.,N 1‘18. Accrmxnmc My ot at.'. Sah- nuunded Pr'ot"0h "tr-I. 53L " 311:"th it Ue waning-I JACKSON’S Ai'KBON, Jr., AB'l‘nlm u. JACKSON .en door to Standard Bunk ”than. 3 kirt s, fit or." Scales' Block rniture. .n this h we Take the Land. Yell 3w Ind Complete in 3.5883”. CpleS. Ete., in , MEDICAL. FOR SALE EDGE MMlff. may! 'ioPirlets STOCK Argtyr10N1ilEIR. ._ ‘0...- I‘W UAVVn’ mm “Bedrzom and Par. ' J'Ct"1,1'dctt and Centre turtee, Mo Bramu-.-in Oak, auttttto .3 Elm. Nice Assort- tent o! lulu. We also any Large ttttsa of Picture: sud ‘nmo Inkling. "o'm'IIASIS. mus. no fun " LY, man” AND f Y. '_"""-' V - mod at Mint nhm. Nun. tr; an. Comvun‘mu nun vaunted. "an tor “In at areal bang or 00an "usual. noel nu - um (balm-mien. N133 DIRECTORY. -uiiiL, ---- -r 3mm "it can“ or mm W“! “V‘uur-m-Q vthited. " auburn“ lam-nu! Inter"! tdoor «I. 3.: W4 Stare. D "1mm M Insurance secured, , w my. Mom» Low“ Town. L-yIcKENZIE, T. FOSTER. STEVENSON. mu: "HARM; m rm. .BEEWELL * SON. ’oJELFORD, ttiiiiiik"rk “Mn, mt The Hanover 1'otweyetMasr. .lln- and 'utr.-- 16in xii ham-anc- Durham Out GG,' 1110 t,r.erndgr. 1116 a: at Lime. um] any St. Hummer, "'e"aotMoi'oorr,ete., .- tbo County " (hay. nlinfuckion guaranteed. .'rto be mam, " In. or " In: maid-nee H. H. MILLER, , Ont. ly WHERE mm l). (mb, Mons? You". meow: Lax Did-ham tor th to Pro0tt unin- Fancv Goods, TOYS and Stationary, W00LS, _--.-- Upper Tow: See'OuriPI ints NEXT Door TO HRKER’S. Don't Forget To my” ;-I 11w ILL: ls,), MISS GUN’S. To c:rll nt 1114- HY: Lin»; " for tlu, VHF) lit-m m. sir fur [um-w}. Boots a Shoes. GOOD OPENING and pummel“ sites. . T “ion to nu right puny: minty or com- mlumu. anioul upon-lone. no! use...” own free. We are tho only Firm Int-inking STRICTLY FIRST cuss CANADIAN GROWN s'rocx. Nurserin of :00 mm at Yoruba]. Ont. Writ. toe partleulul It on“. SALESMEN WANTED. PRIME --M'-- BOULDIN a. cot In" Hm! HUDSON, of the June. Smith Woolen Machinery Co., Philadelphia. My ii Pa., who certi- i ties as follows: “Only the Scars o w l e a I e . E Twenty you: ago, " the no N m allayun, Ibad " == swelling: come m Tq on my legs, -ii which broke and FL" became run- . ning Ion-es. mum...” 3:332:35"; we no good, tad it was lured that the bones would be waded. At last, my good old to try Ayn-’- Suuparinn. I took tttreq bottles, the lotel healed, and I have no: been troubled Iinco. Only the BC8br. remain, and the memory of the Ares Scrap-rill- hnl done In. I now weigh two hundred Ind twenty pounds, and In: in um best of health. I hive been on the row tor the put twelre years. have notiu ‘1 Ares Sat- npums alumna! in all pm of the United sum. and sways at. pleu- nre In caning what good rt did for no." run?“ by ma. C. Ayn l Co..LochI.¥-. Curesothers.willcure you ’1" at greatly; reduced rates SEE OUR HARNESS UPPER TOWN. Vol. XVI. No. 35. Lam's; Pvant.lla (hm-r5 70 cents, Mvny 1,1atyrtytt'tt Kangaroo ow Ladies Kid "utton Hunts 31.25. LiulisTanorstuuls_ 01 tu.00, Isulivs Glove Kl‘ilill 5,5. 'at'. $1.15. Luiits oil pvhhlv Mr im- H. S. Balm - '1.1it. .. -- We have not 11mm (naive pricea. Come and 501- fart. yumwlf. Lace curtains 25 yul,. lung 45c. Lace curtains 3 yd“. long (be. Lace curtains 3) yd--. In” s 43in. Wide 8r.oo. All n; “as are mc. Ladies vests IN 'dhm 25conts. Light summer (‘OI‘SH , 27c a. pair. Best table oil cloth 25c a i-ard. Come and St e what u lot of TIN- w.\m: wegive for 31.00. We also have a full line of toilet and Iaundtwy '4or'tle4. Spa our white eagle my! “anneal snaps Ayer’s Sarsaparllla taped. Art Muslin 36 in, Art muslin 38 in Ladies plain nIl 'icriTJrrijart, fur 2.5m Try our ah. and 25c TEAS they cannot be heat. We also have ll full line of Bannetetts, shirts, shirtings. mend drawers and undershirts. brushes of all kinds, combs. photo albums. Come & give us a call. hose aa. a pair. Ladies black cotton pair 3 pair for 2.5c Mans black can-mumm- 25c a pair, Menu cotton half ho.,, 3 pair for 250. Lulies all wool cash“ furds $2.23. "W V Mens Shoes of all kinds from 90c up. Mother Urged Me try,iy,e7.,'r1,1,,fis t 11.1-», and “31211:; COLORS @3353}; muggy; all Papers BllCt gil, HARNESS MAKERS. Remain) BEAN & Co. HARNESS 01L ant “"er :0 cents. [ " :.h- " cents Wm l cashmere 21 Durham. hose IN a. Imlf hose loc a pair we gloves 1'mino but in town for your a"! _ 'Neil thh fun. You undentund tr" puke“, with anforlov. In: tnupotud with delight " thi- compliment. "What man I do now. puma?" he in- naked. “Nothing milieu". for a ndroit nun; but "me-uh», upon the prpdlion M our mou- melllll’ptlldl the woes-- of my pun. Batu" melting Lingo" I wish lo Iii-[mu of Chum-ran. Now mu the run-3!! "0 upnr-Led. um rim. thing [odollto pre- "ff. their coming tugethrr." N under-thud?" ca anfrrht, mapping to little vat-like cyan ; "I "m to and. I dirrrnirrn." “Exactly. Go out by m Rust do 1-. Ruehette, and Ila-tun to SL Mirhel'l Bridge ', lonfanlnng the bank, an! many m dam: on the Itva of the quay, to than Chlne'uu may know " in ham; watched. N he d tank up you do something to n- tum. hill strontium" - ' I will thrmiv swam". in the water." hid Wnurtot, rubbing his hand: with delight " his own bullmm iuea. “A: no“ A: Curnersrn bu been you," con- tlnued M. Vurdurwx, '. he will be Alarm”! and iuahn'ly d"etrnp. Knnwiug :nvru are "luv I why me p dun Innum be .drer him, he will hu‘au to vlczzpn you ; then coma. the time tor ynu to hoop will. Awake ; he it teript cry eel and cunning ma a rat. “I (Scary-L In.“ l I wssii.,t burn yaw!“ day." /?.qPs':', M = "Sn much (ha better You can vomit-co him of Hunt. Wsul, knuwing you an: ll his hmll, he ml nut. due to rr'ttt"tt m IIIG Hotel tlu Louvre, f r “our of bung called on by lrnuhlunuw damn". Now " in vary impartu.c th ' he Ilmuld net tettartt hr the hotel." "Why all this money t" inquired Prol- por. “CI‘unernu is chargml wuh ten Limes worn mime. Hum I "ll ever accused M, and yet. my disgrace uu made no public " potirle:" w . ' . . "But my pose bo rlorus t" said F..n.'crlo‘. M. vertluret thought tus a minuzo, Ind then M4] '. _ _ "It is no’ mob-.Me that. he will dam. but ii he than]! you must wait [Hull he cums! oat again, and mnmme v." fuilow him. But he won't ruler the bote.l ' nary lrkely ho will [the the can; but in (ht everrt don't. [on night. M him, no master if you have to follow him to Shana. Have you mums, with Yul! t" "Vary unml. Ah! one word more. ll the used tako the cll’l lend m. word. It he beasts nhuu' 1h.. huh mml night. be on your guard, espwidy in lonely plum: the dupemdu n ('nllnhh " my enormity." “If nacvsmry mus-t I fire, t" “Don't. La cash, but If he attacks you ot course def-WI yourself. Como, 'tis than P".', "m amt". _ ., , _ r "Orrt't yvn undv-rntnnd," replim'l the Lt man. "um I wish to luparute the mun of Raoul from that of the marquns? 'Sh, Uh I look '." Clam-sun had left hi. pines nenr the orange tsomars'a Ilmui. and nppronehad the bridge. where ha seemed to be trying to nuke our. name unexpected object. 7-“110 in caught. delight? "I tinker. mum from Mulmne Alex Andre. I Dunn}: hmfrrlut went om. Verduret nu] Pumper rammed their pm. ot omen-va- tion. "Ah!" said M. V-frdurat, "‘ho Ga jun discovered our mun." ClamrrarN uneuinau was quite npnnrent: he walked forward tb few liepi " if intend, ing to emu the budgr. than ludduuly turn. ing around npully wuikad In tho dxrectiun of the Rue St. Jan-(yr g. ”375M, momettt the door openod and Mum. Nina (3ip‘y,uliu Pnlmyre Cn :cnrcille. .ntered. -- . _ . ‘. i [ill {fun had dunawl the brilliancy of her beau'iz'ul Mack eycszhur rosy checks were pale 3nd hollow, and her merry mm. mm we W- A . " , Proupér thought. ost, wild with joy at. toning him, and proud of luving In nubly devulevl helm“ to his intern“, Nina would throw h"r Mum around him neck and say how much the loud him. To hia surprise Nina "areely spoke P, him. Although hm every thought. had boon doc voted to Mnduluiue line. he dilcnvmed the "no“: for her mushy, he Wu: ban by Nims's void manner. Them urn-w". fiiled Prosper with - and Hunt The punt young man. uni. com. rehending the intricate moves of M. Ver- guru. felt a If he were being chased about. from p|llar to post, Ind mmle the tool Ind lunghnngutock of everybody. '"fioriusr, one. so my and spirited, now crushed b-ncalh the burden ad he: Jon-mu, was the picture of misery. _ . ., ,. A m... -_t_l :_, A "You mat" Hunk M Ile. Madsleiue for her eoutidtsueo nu me. I " pole who car- ried out the plnn us decideyupon t" "Yes, Inunnumr." "She roceivel the anuil ot Cllmenn‘s Vinita T" . _ . .. . “Since the marringo has been decided upon he camel aver, day. Ind mmhmoi- all: receives him with kindness. Ha nom- tohe delighted."‘" . n L "i/,i'i"Nimxr. Each day spent in the Ber. vioe " Madeleine scanned to have aged her "Something is going on " the house, monaieur, and I have been trying to get here to loll you ', " In: Mlie. Mmlulciuo undo nu excnle for lendmg me out" “Winn!" he cried, "tho worthless Mar. quis of (Tlmnerun, an usuaasin and u Ude “lowed to visit at M. FauveG And ply his Iddreml to Mmlelenm’ Where are the rumba. moneicnr, which you hnvo made'. IIT,". you merely been Hunting ynurulf h, ruining my hopes todash them----" "Enough'." interrupted M. Verduret harahly, "yon are too green to understand anything, my friend. I you no inupnble of'helpzng yourself, " least in" mm enough to "tulip {rolm ttel".'. than The girl “nod Inukiug at M. Verdurut, with I mixture of {our and devotion, Ilka I r clog crually treated by its mum". He, more”, was kindrtud gentle in bu mun- ner toward her. ""isii'iii," ii/e si/sr," he laid, 'qrtoouraging1r, "what my“ do you lying me I" . ii'diGUi F, ind, Bump look about my qw’b 1m to 1,th mam. 50m: mun-- ._._.,_ him, on any dr ad upon in. He van- den yAbout " 'rr: 1sad Ion. hm mind. Something certainly occurod yesterday . his etti4tq "an i. changed He in no bulb Miniubb that unknowns nd Mott. nicur Lucien was wondering what maid b. the .3th vi“. him. H. mm lo be on the an cl giving my I: I hum of mg", . _. __ A- - -zu mung. look about his tran FILE NO. 113 fig" .51"- Til ialy would ”starchy . changed He in no hull: , muemouelu ad Mott. ' wondering what could b. tint. H. mm. lo be on wny " I hunt of Anger. A urn-n look "rust his Em}: cued M. Vexnluret with DURHAM, Co, Grey, Thursday, August 30th, 1894. e Gaboriau. itiitti 1il.iitttrii,tttt, Yulerdny and”. when M. do 01min! an announced, he jammed 't artd martial out n: (In ro, m. 'lying that a had toll. work to (in in his study." - fl rd/tApart-ex/itat-ttsn from M. Pee duret interrupt" Mme. Gipay. Ho vu udmm. - _ "H in '." he aid to Pro-par, for tting MI bud humor " n for Imam.“ glam. “Uri-o '. what did I tell ynu t" "He h a evideuvly---" "linen uhmd to give 'rat' to his Csrnt im. pulse; of cmr-e he his. He in not neekm‘ tor proofs of your "9min". He mun h.vethem ny this tirms. D.d the lulu-I ‘0 out yesterday t" "Yo, I pan of tho Gr" "Wust hemmed Monsieur quvrl." "The Lulu: took mo wnh Hum; " IUt Monsieur 1'.“ch " home." "Not a d ulr. u! it, '." or ed the fat mun “he lmkal fur III-mi: a ol found them, toot. Your 'ehm told hm: .1.tu whrm to In. Ah, Prmpvr, Hm [autumn mu letter g va more tr unis than ovuythhg also pm lo- ttether." These words seemed to lllmw I sudden l"gltt on Mme. (Hp-y'smind. “I and wand u now!“ slut exduiuml. "M. Fauna muml anything.” "That III. ha thinks he k:-uwn wen-thing. .ndwhut he hu- been ml to fur and ”link! he h" Ilia-owned, I. warn than the nu. Rule of mm..." "That accnu-xla fur the onlur which M. Cum Ion ovcrp.eard him gwu will. scrum- mnn, Evmisw.” "What main?" "llc. told Evan-ta to bring every latter that came In the Imus», nu nus: tar tn whom minimal-Ii. inzo hi; I! Indy, Ami Inn-d them to him, In) in; than. u' Hull older Wu dsobeyed I. “land he "ustautirducurged." . " "At what. mm: w“ tho order sivw?" liked M, Veniuret. "Yesterday "ivvruoon." “Thu in "hat I ma afuid at," mind M. Verdurct. “Mu has clvarly "tado up hi: mind wh J. cvursc In put-mt, and I. keapmg quiob mush: nmke his vo-pwnca mane "In. Thrqnl‘illlm in, hava v”: Ill“ rm. to countrmL-L his l‘rnju'hs? “I," w-.» n-n. to cuuvincu Mm that the 'o"'".'"""" lemon wasiagortvvt Ill toms of its Incr- - "l yin-0min to thut him for you, and I will keep my pronuu. Now you mu: tp", go?d morning." A _ _ _ -- -- _ Th nnpnuxble M. Verdun: surttsd and trembled u tlr, suuud of his name, but quickly recovering hmuolf. an]: - it was "have ouock and M. Vex-duvet Inddeuly rernetubered that ha was hungry. He culled Mme. Alexnndra, and the bum- ing hostess at the Archangel won pluuad I :emp;mg blesklul. before Prosper and an ncun . But the "Nor: brniiod oysters And flaky biscuit Lulu-d In smoulh Uh: perpluxud brow of M. Verdun”. hasten matters, or kee quiet and van. for the next move. And fun hound by n u- ered promise. Como. we hid better go And tulvists mth tha julzo of inluucunn. IL, ('In auxin me. Cum. with no; let u: hurry." Progprr thought over all the men he had ever been connected wnh, but can d new! none unwell and“. To the auger questions Ind complimentary remtrks of Mute. Alexandre he luv-warm]; "Hush! let me :10”;ka quiet." For the tint Lima lance he had known the “out 1mm, Prunpor uw him bum-y unxiely und hesitation. “if; Femamed nlent an long as he could. and than uneatilt um ' - "'Yes, you have dreadfully emburused we," replied M. Vunlurul. "wot on earth to du now I don't. knuw! SM” I Wuh lbw-lute con-inly that he 1m about to learn some new calamh]. no broke the uni. and opening the mar“ p.p~r. Wu mocked by the following . ThGecond time the junlge uf inatrnccion had mentioned in in cunuecuon with Glpsy’l “awry. . . .. . _ . . “viii: iiit"iLTiTGo took three hundred Ind My tho-d "we: trom your ate. tux it he the who took Multan: Fund} dmnondl T priospirlly, vhu oould recall the put wuh- out one b new regret, without remember. iug Any nun-aw deep enough to bring forth WW I " wife deceive him t And um“ Id In. to chorus on. viis enough to " In? " L. jewels, and form hur to be hi. momma. m the ruin of In innocent be hi. seal-Ir vogng pp I "Fil' Jiiiiit the letter before him nun this to be the but, Ind tall him how " canvmce himself of in truth t It I. gouenlly agreed In“ at Amnymou. loner should be "and with tile“: cou- tempn, Ind can. undo u the unlit-lun- 110' of I onward who dnra not to say to nmsu’a has whu he were! ty commit- " pap", and force. upon him. This ll MI very well in weary, but it in ditticait to practice when um monymou loner comes. Yon throw " in the are, it burns; but uhhongh the p-por u dub“),- " by the flatnes doubt remain; Suspicion urine. from in uh“. u I mm. pox-on pbnoxnlu the hum“ reoccu- ot the mind, tgat'" its bolls: beliob. Mad destroy- in ith. The trail ot tho norm is loft Thus were tulipd " Verdun"- pn- lion-‘3" "a tried to hit upon somn phus for re- futing thn dumugu dam by Pumper} oulml setter. “hivuk y-u Gr your information, my dear COM,' b, sud, than lung menus. "I Will decule at. u we wltnt tueps"ro take. for n. “in never no lo At quietly, Ind let thinge gt: on In Hill vuy. Return humo wilhuuv. aletls.v, and he careful (If everything you my and do, {or M. Funnel Inspect. yuu of being in the plot. Send me wordof uny- thing that. happens. no matter now unsig- niticaut it may be." The first time iv. had been whispered in hit our by n rupucuhh-luokmg. middle. aged mun, wan mined In. plouc'inn one u'sy when puuing through the police officer grunge. CEIAPI'ER XXIII. Tun rxmusnn LETTER. A: M. Vr-rdurez bud Hump-tell. Pros. el’n loner had I tumble mick upon M. l)1"di'. It wu toward nine o'clock in tha morn- ingnnd M. FALIVEI had just extend lu- uudy when his mail was brought In. Anaruprnmg an dozen hummus loner: his on: tell on tho {and "man": nut, by . A 'cgid chill rm through his hurt, and hvlrties.l It? opal it. . _ . Vol ds "atnsstmt.--Yon ha" handed your mum" on! to the law, nnd you mud properly, convinced " you were ot hiu diatom-v.1. . . .. . . This mu . terrible blow to I mun when» life Immerto Gd btsett. an link-token alum " “minions. He bad aid I "It M. Fun"! don not yield to " first hpnlu, if In. .mp- " rebel, '0 In" mm to repair the haul dun." up: n In; ost pink! mutilation m. Nina, thus uilmiswd, did not move, but mid, timid y l "Wnar uncut Calm“, monlieur?" This was the ward tuna daring the Int fortnight Hm: Prosper had heard um mum. CAM”. -Tiarn Mraid 1 hue embnrnuel you vary mach, mf""" ur." bunker f1tsal'o d,,qrided to tall. un-l thick his 'Lfn. b In . hard at 1141-!" I mm of F I funk. up ight mm” to ’14, tho I. . t damvliu lpy and ion ou- Inna-mi. Accullomel m git: In, In our! in in MI ct as". but qn why m u o ind Nun. he 8rottid tind it d-tfh all to he cum- pc-lhm lo pamrv: In. urn-Ina u A, M: matter bow du-hd'u! the duo-non . mtg”. he. When he an lucled lilo pron-fa o' gm h um by "he he must. impose New. My” "'t rem Mum”. uurit fuJy new”! " In!“ 0. in: cumin rvi ience. Trier-e w 4 one I'mple mum of “can: I a iryr whether we din-mm}. h..d been P"'"' -it Mm letter lied in this inn-unv- M would trttat :t nigh th,, man u my "ed. It, on Lin orlwr hand, n dunk! pron In no Twelve. hour: rennin-d. m “not“, opened them. They were all empty t Tue lawn} mun» mun Ind told [in truth. And she Ind he“: um deceivmg him for twenty yum ! Hut III-wank n “ham ot hope penetrated hu coofu.ed mord--gisuho ly, [may potabl- , still . uuw to cling VP--- Tiidrrrps into Mme. F-Ivol'n roan-In hat «hence In: opened the drawer of the chi- fnnier, when sh , kept her ju-xela. The In“ dozen at vmure My her an” vel- vet bun. cumin " rupolir m- of j. Id.) which he Ind presentm‘ :0 Let u'o-e gun-e. - . . V . n - "“Perhnps Valentines hu put h r dim momh in Mndelome'n mum." - - Without napping m wnuder the :mlt'n- clay of what he mu about In do he. hurr, A into (In gm " room Bad pullvd 4m.“ my," After All Another. Wtrat d (A. tin t Tii, Mme. Fuurel‘l (Ii-month. l m M.” leiqe’a "P" nr clam-3:0": .sltt'o t ml ty. . Gran heaven-l Wu this .omle girl, whom he Gd treated u I drummer an m.- cnnnplice in this dad of that»! Had nho communal herj we!” to add t, the din- gnco of the root In“ maligned her? 'IN" in” Lst Now mu Aime". lo: much fog tlo, "Humble old man. _ WI! io wife c old (Inceive him now whnn the was Mint-Mural h n! m o um. druivod hug whet! sly in C.tytgf. "itTT ““35" Ind «I. , ""r. Not only dui he suffer In the pro-am, but thet unccrzuinly at an pun mm Ire! hm Bout. ““0 WI.- like I man v'm in to'd that the exquhiu win. ha ha- dnnk contain- 'toitot':. . . . . . . _ . Rigor to lone no time, he opened I drawer. took out I rt-vehct. and examined 111. hammer tp no if It worked eullv. Ha ILugLIc-I mxme.f alone, but 1 vii. lint He no. “Itching his muvpmaul. lisp. By, unuwdmltly upon her return fr. m thet Alfhangl'l, shunned herself at the keyhole ot the study door, And an! "ll that 00- cane-l. M. Fiusvel hid the niltol on the minis}- piece, and nervously mauled the letter. whnh he than took to who boa where tho letters were munlly left. out wishing uny- nue to know thin. Kloul‘l letter bud WI“! through h" hands. . He ya only mount two minuteu, but, inlpir d by the iuuninenco of the linger, (ley dined into the study, Ind npndiy numbed thet bulb from We tomb-er, She burned into Ibo bunk, Incl . r, the clerk Iillll mange, “MIL? ttht to luv. u with Mme. Alumni“, I M. Vuduu bud kn nu hotel. An hour In." Mme. [soul can“ In; why. nad won out. M. an"! Jumped into . whiny-wk, uni followed but. "God [not that M. Vaduz“ w ml: than in tin. t" add Nina to has". “quth It... Fund ad and m ' corttuenco in entire: it is. or it in nut. Kin ooutitltnuse Wu gout; tra hid! wu dead. Nothing but death could wipe out An injury of Ih'l nature. Bun the Very bitterness of his resentment. rhub'cd hmt to restrain him- Ielf uu'il the Hum for punushmettt (tuna. With gruu luudmtinn he prouu-ed hit-mu! that hi: ncnug would be u moccasin! u them. "I will up‘uin why I give you thin trouble, inulcud of ulhug n. your house. RAnl'L" "I have thon new '." cried M. Fauvet tretubung wttit utidnctiou n the neu- prgfpcct ot angun e. ' . . “Thank Heaven I" I! o m trtr u'ol; "ua peril in averted, And M Verdun: mill new pclhlpl urn um. to prevent s murder. I mun, And C' wnillon to pelljlim." oven hope and In pin": on the love of hm wife. Believing 'dlll what hld proved fully less, that. aha hm! plAyed him false, Ind In unwortuy " trust h. mlmined no pmsirbidtr of peaceful guy, and felt tempted to melt coasolatioa rum "1f.destrcat inn. Wit" Ind he to lie" tor uuw, have to mourn our the new" " 1h: put? . . . . . . 'LTI' Thu day lm "weeoded in conceding hi. agitation and kept up u flow of lulk at, d u. lnar; bat " alum: 9 o'clock, wlmn Clmwnn mum on the ladies. he Inked front tho Inna-o fort nr that " would be unnblo to Saliva] his indigutstion " lbs Ii mt of thin destroyer of his hAppiIIell. Ind Sid not 10- mm home unfil ip the may _ ' - .. ”The mu dny he rupé'd the fruit of MI prqdencen t-. Frr8' 'sr , r Among the letters which his valet hung)”, him n urn-n wu on: baring the po-unurk of Vuiuct. _ “Ho intern”, opened the envelope, out rend: "DEAR Arxr,-lt in ittqteratirely noctu- nry Inr Ina to u a you today,” do ttot iad to uvma Vuinor. “Thu Inga” are very poor and there tteverlvaslr" n a member of the fvmly nun-d Raoul. Miuiarrte ngnrl had no Ion, only two daughters." This 'utioruuation dulled his lut hope. The lurker thought when he discovered his wife'l inhmy that aha Ind sinned u deeply In Wl‘IIIln could sin, but he now nut Hm. aha Gd 9mm ierd A nynrm more shock. in: tho the m ima itself. He returard home mare mpy thrn ever: there he found the dupn'ch answer In tho on. In Ind lent. to tit, Remy. It read u follows: This ndviue ha could not follow. Ho bsd Ivorn Hunt the "out. of his wrung! ahnuld be eorsfined to the Linea penny": intended. Re chose to QVrnge hte own injuries, to be Home the judge And execution". flnlxmo "" null. The moment. that tho Momulo ttt cum. on: pemivod that Boon! do itrt no tho only ohmlo botvooa him Mod.- lomo ho om that tho ohmhohonld loo- ”Kr-(win; his “outski- “an, Root-l av hints" mm by loom i In I" (both Inlet. him in on" form ' In Bil thin duject ion did not luv. long. An- digunnv. auger and thirrt for vungennee mule him run up and Iwenr that he would kl. no time in vain regrets. M. Funnel was polio 1y uk-d H as motives urged him to iryittirq i In tho past life of a French c’n- an , and, n he drelined to an: 1in reasons, the chic! of poliee L Id humhe had lm'ler apply to the prucumrior the dellrld information. A _ M. Faun) well know that the fut, of the dixnwnrll being "via 1'“ not mm- citrat ground upon I h ch to b: 413 In teen-anon " man. Iny of the nonm- plicee. . Finally, following the ndv'ce M the un- onymonl letter. In: wmI Lu tho Ir femur: of Police, hoping to obtain a b oar phy "f Clumornn. _ _ A _ . He must nouns: nwrwhr'ln'n " "mm 1 .. fore “Ling my active new. Succeu de. peuded upon yawn I' clue). IN then wrote to urinary " Fit. Run- for minute nml anthem".- mlnrmnu'un about. the Luge”, Ind .tscurily Hunt Rmul. - m beg-In In: allqu hit vkl, tartd ors?erin, him to bring hnn awry loner that thunk com!- to the house. - The wrertehed bunker had "Perl MI CHAPTER XXIV. TORONTO *" qua.) Alum on gum; out 7 audio! to- , Inning " name. He ouly ventured with l the not! :usyucloun csutiou into tlt. moot plb‘ulc plums ; he feared poi-o- nion Moat the nut-uh hulk. nut imagined that I an" dah phml helm: him “and of 'i"ttlus'uht.. .. h,“ -- _ :-..J “II‘ L- in mu Mo of umun v3 intourahle, ha dourminod to AnlicipAM s struggle which In m: must tannin.“ in the Jun: ot aid-or Chmenn or lumu-lf. and it In we" doomod to die, to be rim. reveuged. If he went. down C nmenn mould go. m . honor kill tho devil than to be kuled by him. In his dlyn of penny Raoul Gd often tilted hi1 life to obtain I for suit-cu. and would not, have hem-led to nuke Ihun work of I pet-cu ' ('ltmenn. Bus wid, many rudime- had come. Ha wished to enjoy hr. four hundred thou- Ilnd than without being compromised by committing a. murder which might be din. eovcnd ', he Hierdore began to devis- ”an other mum of getting rid of his dreaded accmnpliou. Mewwhile. he de. Voud his Ilsougnu to some ducted wuy of dawn-Hug Clumrnn'n mu- ring. with Madeleine. H. was lure Hus he won” the. Ilrake him In tho hurt, and this in u. lent. . “Lanzhou. Raoul wn pun-Adm] that by openly thing with Madeleine And her nun he could an them from Clunenu'l ciutclzu. anvil); Nlly reunited "Kll ths. cnnrne ho wrote . not: In Muse. and “king for an interview. - k -- with-vi)” won-n hastened to Veeiuet convinced that some new misturtaa. Wu in "on for Lev. __ ._ _ . Her slum In: groundlnl. Sh. fouud Rmul more tender sud atfesutio- there In land "or been. “a saw the uncanny of ruuurlng her. Bud winnin? his old plus in her forgiving hurl. be.ors making his disclosures. ,, -riiTcuad. The poor Indy Ind . smiling and happy ur u the us in In um- chlir, vim Rmul kneulmg uetore her. "iuve, distressed you too lung. my dear mother." In aid in MI so'trnl Iona, "but. Inn-pent. uncerely , now 1mm to In, Ind not time to lily more ; the door vu violently throen opt-n. and Raoul, T,,t1" to his feet. Vin coMrouted by M. auvol. The banker hid a revolver in his Mud. "sf In deudrrJuces _ "Trunk Heaven '." he cried, "she in un- hurt." “Haw dare you in'erfwre t" eried tho banker, who by I'm: um. had jumul the coup. "I bus the right to Henge my iif,','2' when it bu been degraded; the mm. elm” die 1" - - - "urinal: God. you are and from com. mining I terrible crime; the mouyumlu lent! deceived you." " w" evident thut he Wu muking " Ilium-n effort. to remain calm. Hm I “no “bu" duty " u to jumpy puxmh crime. He cocked the pistol for ' fourth shot, when I nun mulled into the room, annulled the, piltul trot" the banker'- fund. and throwing him on the win, run towsrd Mme. F-uvel. Thin man vu- M. Vetduret, who lml l-cen wmued by Caoillou, but did not. kuow that Mme. Gipsy had ruracwd the bull: from M. Fauvefl revolve r. ”M. i'iruaret nailed the bunker’. wrilu in . viseJIke gulp, Ind whilpered in his But thes horror of the scene I]; too much tor Mme. Plural to wuuon any longer without irtterpouing. She unda-rnuml but on; thing--her can Ind her hull-and Were abom. to killench other bum. her very eye" . .. . ' . . -- :‘klil rug-ml mo done. for I um the guilty one! ' At 'lust wordt M, Pam-cl . glarfd u the -iGiser Raoul nor Mme. F navel moved. The banker fired oeeond lune; men a third. - A - _ -. kin-hing up M Rum] aha threw her arm! Iroulvd Ium. anti mud All) unrj.ug!_.ud; “I clme hero," continued the banker. "with the Intention of killing mm both. But I Munoz kill I Wanna, um] I wi.l not kill In unarmed mun.” haul one. more tried to speak. “Defend your-eh!" mad the banker, “i. " his um, "if you do "ot---" "Ah," he laid. with u horrible hush, “you look surprised. You did not. QIIIGC‘ met You thought that. my “II-mode credul- Ittuertd your unfuy." ink gunman} in an checking a»; “Unluppy womln t" he murmured, “an. happy walnan .' What luv: I dune that you should thas bully In. t. Ah, In only hull. was loving you too de: ply, an; letting you see it. One wmriu of every. thing in thin world, even happineu. Du! pun dome.,tie joys pall up”) you and weary you. dzivmg Juu to seek the (Xulcnmll ot sinful pusi m! Wow you :0 llle of the, Mme-plume of rapt-cl. ovl Lace-non Much Inrroundul you tlnt you mm. need. link your honor and mine by having public npiuiun! 0h. into What Ill abyss you have kllen. Valentine'. sud, oh, my God! If you I'm. untied by nu constant. devotion, had the thought at your children no power to rennin your evil pan-inns; coal-l you not rem-in ttutaruialard for them “he?" Fur nom- momenu nothing I‘M heard but Bobs of M mo. Fauvel. "Bat my iii. contente- uh: u gnflty." in summer“. - - W - _ "So the in." replied M. Verdun ; "but not of the crime you imagine. Do you know who that mm in that you attempted to kill t" "Her lover!" "No; her Ion!" The won!- of thin “anger, allowing " intimue knowledgo ot the Phil-IA "sire of :11 present, mum! to confound 1nd frighten Run! non than M. Fun-I'- thmu luld dig». Yet In but! msttiu%tt pun-neon min mu t "It in the truth!" , Tho bunker looked wildly from Raoul to M. Verdun; then hatching his baud up! on ttit viie, new: . ago. and “and toe by twenty - ot " vouou and “Eating , For an. momma that M. Verdun: bod Gui-had his explaining M. Fund I.- nlined III...» 7 So mu - -qtid how-0d. maid], {ohm-g Owl: tther .in P"'""""" coin In}! Fresh!” _ - “You dull In" proofl," "plied M. Van duvet. "tmhfir"littt" _ _ _ _ And rapidly. with " wonderful mom foe explanation. he reluod the prim-£1151 point: of that plot he had dinoovend. The "no “no of the cue wu horribly dining-in; to M. Fund. tmt with. con- pared with what he had Impacted. Hi. “webbing. your-in bun told hill tut luv-ill land his eh'. Why Ihould In put!!- I “gangland on may you! " mun-ed your “fay." _ Raoul land the courage to p'nce Inimu‘f before Mme. Fnuve-l. Ind to “and prepuod to rccc.ve1he epr-cied bullet. “I am": you. tmale----" ho b'gan. "Enough l" intertupled thn b .ueun ' with In Angry gesture," let. me hear no m :ra in- {Imoul falsehoods I End thin acting. of which I am no longer the dupe." "I "our to you -" "hare yum: If the trolue of denying Anything. I know :11. I know wno phan- Id my Wlfr'l diamonds. I know who mm- mined the robbery for which III xnuoccn'. l min In aim-tut] and icopripsed." The memory of hi: lost. luppinrns was tco much for the stricken man. He forgot the preum in the put, and wu 111mm. melted to faggweneu. _ At these heartbroken tonal the banker Ihook like a leaf. Mme. Fuuvei, “lule'wizh terror, fell ngn ler kyy. . " _ -- _ _ She uw tint all wan tou, And wriugmg her Immi- the lenxquy mowed: "Burden, Audra E I beg you, forgive At but it had eorne-th. drondful day had com". Vainly had aha Added Fue. hood to falsehood l vainly had Ihe "crifictsd herself and otln-rs l all wan tlouwvered. Ely pair, Ind der.tbeorirr ung Aim "um-1.3: hit-us all conspiring to " Whole No. 631. that can gnu urn pun. nu. M. I'M- nl mud to to too boulder“ to think - him .tghtofRauetl (m. m mu -e.Nt.iirs. ... .., .. .. "os; this'" rour Ion," he laid to " I". -.".rhiy may}, who In. plundend you and WVHQVG. Fund I'M unable 1o utter . word I- 'tPty' 1hytt rtemythttu Ttlt. ... Jiri a" ma M. Varduret. "madam will all you um um young mm in lhe con ot Guam de Camera" ' uhr ha. new: doaU. " it "an the truth u----" "Whrt t" . “Thu. in order to “max. ber, M bu my“ I .300.- ilupmturr." F [hung no. Eu. fow'mmulu Raoul hm! he.“ (windy cmrpnn‘ con-uni the Anon hop. ... to nape “a. u on an mam; d him. But M. Verdun-t, who mticipn'ed inhuman. VAC watching hint out of th- e not of on rye. ud stopped hm jut " In Alums Imunu the mom. "Not no fax. my puny youth," he msid, dragging him int" the muddle of [In new; "it ll not polka to leave u: " “no-mm:- othly. Let u- titfph the "orp. .%, Kuhn: Mlhollm". who tout (“on him . ttrl ucamut of the mittfortaot.. a I": anemiue do In Vuberie, Churn: Inn-mm] to Londun. . Mme. Faurel w“ in . pin-bl. lute And yet ulna lm,rot to feel a ray ul haw ' her mute wxiely had no long mun-rod u. t tttat thn Hum won a rod-:1: Illa would think "and: if tha vnckul mu: lu- proved to be no sun ot hem. W “But here u unpack.) diaHtpouttment grett.ed.him. ' ‘. .A. .... ,. - “He 1mm um the child, when a... In regiaterd on thermal! hook-u Raoul Vuennno Wilson. " shed oi the cwup when MI month- old." ' "It wu not only “mad. but proved, my many youth.". nphad M. 1Urduto. "You don't nuppnu I am a mm to tum to or.d ultimo-y. m, you'." "ttid Any-me Mate such I hat " tut'." inurrupzed “goal; "tt In My!" u. drve troin his pocket several "dichl- l, I'lmpctl docu-uenu. wich rad nub Ltachrd' and [and them on the able. "Then Bro the decluuionl at the nun-I, har hush-ml. Ind {our Inna-n. Here i. an extract from the loci-tar of hm.- ; a" in a errufiextm of regitury of " dew": . and all there tr. nuthenlwuled u the Fund: Bunion-I} Now are you satidUd, you». mnu t" "What next t" luquirunl M. Fluvol. "The next I'ep mu thin." replied M. Venluret. "ihametatt, fiadiag “In the child was dud, eupumed that he could. in spin of mi. dnuqnmnnhnem, ohuitt money from Mme, Fnuvnl ', he in Inlluken. ll a first Alwmpt luilml. Having an luv-nun turn of mmd he detcrmined ' the chill] than“ ctrtue to life. Among " Inge cir- clo ot ruullv lean-immune. ho loll-cued . nun: follow to parachute Rnoul Vulcan». (Vilma; and 1h. chosen one lumi- before you." The young rucul haunted a mount. Ind then and l “The money in in thia roam." "Veer good. Thin {nah-r- ie erudit- "la, ind will bortefit you. I know Mgat the mum-y in In thm mum, Ind alto "all, when it " to ha low d. Br Lud "laugh lo look behind um cupboard. Ind you mil find the three hundred and fifty thou-Ind Irma." “VB-17M “1' that his game was bat. [In tesmbliugly went. to the cupboud 55d “Jnme- Spenver had bun living in Int dun About four yearn, running no numnn himself by gunhluuz Ind swindle“, who. he met (ll-menu. who offered him twenty- tive thou-Ind francs In play a put in I lit. tle comedy which he had unzip-d to quit the Acton." “You I" I detective '." interrupted “haul. The In mu milled grimly. "At present," he replied. “I um moral, I friend of Pro-per "enemy. It (lap-ad. aminly upon your behavior which clum- w 1 Anton in while milling up thin link Ilnirf “Whn do you expect me to do t" “Restore tho than hundred and Mt, Mound (rum which you hgn Ito'nn." A Cowman“. traveller recently complained to the guard of his ”min pf the unpunctunlity of the non-ice. In tones of virtuous indium" ion the and“ remuuxu'lu‘d o' I have Inn on the line tor27 years------'" begun. Have you, im'e-0'U'ttterrupud the trundle: h Impsthotic amt-nut; ‘nt what .1“ did you “at in? The gun] " Lit' pun-Hg: the hf‘jjrok further. A Lrrrr.tt wa, swing for the first time a. Highland mld'm- with his kill and large Muck feat her hut. "n, exclaimed to his mower: -'Oh, tniCher, can": hens tut' tee this great big, queer man. He in hm!“ up to the Rum. all' has I tuner II on his head.' MINE ELDERLY: “VIN“ would van do irir should u-ll yuu my use? He .. '51 ul- tiply it, by two.' ' What is sweeter than to have a friend you can trust? 'To haw a Fiend that will trust you,' was the sharp mum. He-' So you arr onguuud m Hurry Inkeshore?‘ She __' No, you urt- wrung. Ham Lakeshore is engaged m tne.' PAMENGBR: " My. nonduvmr, there'. an old gentle-man fallen " tho'buts.' Conductor.. 'Thtrt'n "ll right, heupesid his fare.' No tHrpotite? Then do not try to forms food down: but use tho must uric-milk means for restoring tone to the staunch. How , Why, by taking Ayer's San-q» grills. and in a surpriuingly 'short time, your appetite will corue again, and cum. to May. "Lord Murray, who was very Indulgent. pudonrd many gun’s hulu. but one u... morning he discovered Hut In. adapted can had bun imitatiu Inn man-lure upon mm. check. He "lh"llr')"/r' dinmiuad him from his home. Ind told him - to show hil [we Again. . . . .. ' . . A (‘1.nnGYMAN. catechism“ a little girl, asked, .Whnt in the outward 3nd visible sign of baptism? filse reputed-- "rho: baby, sir.‘ “Thin Jame. Spencer was brought no in "h-e, u heir to the immense Wald: ol tho noble lord. He VII n htrttd.ome, m. tolli‘enl bor, and glvo ntllfnv'lmn to his rot/actor um" ha was Hi you: uf age,wlxeu t.' becnna intimate wuh A would“: no; a: people And turned out badly. "Can thin he ponihio t" All. Inn-unwed ', "can it he t" “lmpomhlu E" cried the bunker ; “an in. human plot like thin could noc be "eeutod in our midst." - -- “In ur- Lord Mun-y, a wealthy and aroul nob'em-n. had a Jockey ”tuned mac" of whom he I'M very fund. At lips um no“ tho jockey was thrown from In. hon. and killed. Loud Murrn ' grieved over the [on of M. favorite, uni, inning no children of his own, drclurcd hi: nun-mum of adopting Spence” Wu,'h0 I'll (hon but [our yum old. in I lie!" - M. Verdun: turned to Iuotalattd,bowitq with irouieul respect, “id: “Moment derires proof, dom he? Mon- aiour dull certainly In" convincing on“. I luv: just [an nil-mm! ol mine. M. Palm, who brought me nimble information from London. Now, my yuuug g 'mlomnn. I will tell you the ”or, he told me, And then you can (in your opinion of it. 4n Elm lib Nu!" um Raoul, boldly; "at To be Coufiruted, " "“"' “va3 an": “(not diam on “dual [Ink dqm- .- dOI. nu «Imam. I’m-mu AIM-um, " MM . u at) (our unnamed on «man in “I" u a mum“... a. u out“. Toronto- CAPITAL. kuttsoriecd $1.000.“ " NH up 1,000.” RESERV E trt'.ND po0.000 EN‘l‘h . ll winei l [tomb kt A 1ti.P2,i"s,'e', ot,','1',1,flt"kllQ - and Burt-mi. Aaauu‘vl own“: humus- “clam-QM Bum and-av eultecuuu. Inn-I0 on tit point, hum.- " mud?“ um have“ gllowod cl cum-O iiiUmmt of mm W. F. Cows". unwind“)! “um: mm and mum-u hatch... Quantum cnuru- durum (he pat" (an t In! UK mic-Inenudulul hununn orttuiup and." [KI-“knit 1"Iellullln-u rum” ot chilly II b n the moat Hanan-h out mun-plot: MI Canada. WI', 'u In. nun-h m "w lumnr dwluuuuem uh- “so 0.- tiro can": at 'ttttttT ml the In tulle-l halo: sullen“. The Ann-I hum] Cr'ttt""' "ttao-tttW' consul-m4. ti od tot lumpy ot u.- Ammo! AI- uounc '11-.“ rotttatttitut lull Paetteuum, " I an an: uuy mldrou‘ t K. FLEXING. Print“ (tr/f,!)',",?',).]')")', gay/[w (5475/ OWEN SOUND. our. ALLAN MGFARIME Horse Shoeing Shop, (Ivan Emmi Cunt-worth, Fla-hem)" ' than.“ Illa Toronto ' Torn-tn. on nun " If Huh-mum ('hmvnr‘ I Olen Baum fills; a Per not. II can, ”In: mun-t In the old stand mole shoes Durham noble“! ' Mt, Fun-Ito PlllnPnNIu (hull-ll . Toronto. Durban Raind- Mt. Pare", m mome- Guehvh . Tomato Count-cu tnhmlrom WWII .81 Low The London 'rr:srir.:'i", ltr', {I EDI F, h' SPECIFIC and ANTIDO'I'E tum of thr. "tart, Liver (Yon-plum“ Sr.- rnlgln. hm- " Memory. “Norman. Goo- ..uummm. (hm Sums». lwnduoo. mam, Bod Evin-n Din-mum tit. ' Dom. Fannie lruan‘umiou uni (Jo-en] Dummy. Pr p. and ”and“. Sold by 1rf'htusTiitr . Canadmn Ptuyif'tt, Bailwu TIMF. I‘AUIJ'I. For Impun. Weak and [um-0min!“ "lood, [Ly-"Twin, !ir"it'"T"t"ts Putou. Laboratory - Goderteiuout. J. M. McLEOD, -- n m: - BEVH'Z‘V OFFICE. GAI 611. DEBRA! Hand-made Waggma I? if/ .' A 4Q /'/ (k grail J hhlitg. ti all kilr?g; pmmptly attended h McLE OD' S System Renovator! It You Dim: To Gre Bmasrnum EDUcAtlol LOT FOR SALE Has opened out a first-che ht GREY REVIEW LL'l'iCs'"'E;a, , DURHAM AGENCY. Grand Trunk Railway, Trs/ir/Arun:. ALLAN 1hl'AllI AN E. WOODWORK oud Prosidcut. --TO tTrEND- in connection. A first-class lot of D Ir; mu bxuuii Durban for sale cheap 'Yo' tf I.“ 10.”! onh-o to " cans. nont- "n " Ionic IIIIlTII T." I, In. In" pt " GINO not!" on“ he" CUB Til J . E HLLY ' Axon. . Toronto. 7m " G. n. r. no". Iain". 7:1! “44w y: . on. n In.“ In. p: qua awn... ' lulu-hunky!” hnugudumml All hand: Also IT‘S. tri Nor. Mutt.. I hf. no...- 7 w " I!) no I.» c» ‘mp.- All no

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