Ontario Community Newspapers

Grey Review, 16 Nov 1882, p. 4

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9 0 $* Oifice touk steps for completing.the eonâ€" stuetion of Forts Quealen and St. Julien. to whicié it afterward added Forts Manâ€" stein, Znstrow, Kameke, and Hindersin. The cham oi forts round Metz is uow aâ€" bout 30 klowtres in cireamference; aud it is from 3,00) 1»4,500 metres distant from tue cutheural, which is about in the centre of the towu. The largest of the forts is Fort Goben, 3,500 metres from the cathedâ€" ‘ «ui; the most commanding are Foris Friedâ€" rich Karl and Manstein, both of "ndun‘ 8,500metres froms lie callislial. Fort Hlindersoa, the last link in the giâ€" gauti¢ thain of fortifieations surrounding Metz, hus just been completed, and tho reâ€" Bluit of the most impregnable stronghold in the empire. â€" The present works date from tue pear 1030, up to which time the walls were only of briek, though they were then cousidered very strong. The citadel was built by Nanban in 1678. In 1788 Forts wmosselle and Beliccroix were erected nu-‘ der tae superintendance of General Corâ€"" montaignes, and extensive repairs were | maude m the works generally between lSJ‘)I wud 1846. . The constructign of the four | detacned fortsâ€"â€"St. Queutin, Pinppes‘fllu,’ Queuien, ans St. Jalienâ€"was ouly begun | in 1866; und when the war of 1870 bm.’ out only St. Quentin and Plazpeville were rewdy. After the war the German War Â¥etuin the old ficure ¢uuslderable hesitati maiubaias biat an esttmnite of 100,000,000 is quite enougia, while Belhim and Wasner an imcrease, however, which must |b spread over ten years, as many of the re ceut ceususes are decennial. â€" For Enrope the preseut population is rated at 827.718, 400, showing an increase of about 12,000, 000 over the previous figures by the oper ution ud the ceususes. Iu Astu, making alâ€" lowanee for the rewijustment of the popuâ€" lution of China, there bas been an increase wi 20,000,000, the present population being set dowu at 795,001,000. Of course the eslumates must sometimes be little better tuan guesses, for example, for such places mos Afti¢a. Fox this contineut Dr. Rohlis The populstion of the earth has â€" been a fascinating stady for statistici Behm and Wagner have just published amended edition of a former work in € many. | They give the total as 1,433,8 500â€"which is almost 22,000,000 less t their estimate of two â€"years ago. T have conciaded that China has 50,000, less than â€"they formerly supposed. Tl has thus been an actual increase of a| 38,000,000 in the population of the s1 1 Bome time ago, when deep excavations | the were being made at Charing Cross, in Lon | thi1 don, for the foundations of a bankingâ€"house, | uot a number of fossils were unearthed. They | like hnve since been identified, There are more ll; than one bundred specimens, and they inâ€" | sary clude bones of the cave lion, tasks and io lones of the mammeoth, tasks and bones of Tlre extinet elephants, remains of extinet Irish .“,l:.f deer, remains of red deer, remains of a lckis apecies allied to the fallow ueer, remaing of | ui rhinoceros, remains of extinet oxen from cayy the pleistocens gravels, and bones of the | Psing horse, of the she ep, aud the shorthorn '_'_‘__ froum recent deposits. M! It is estimated that the cost of unloadâ€" ing cutton ut Liverpool and sending it by ruilto Munchester, a distance of fifty miles j is about iwo thirds of the trin port across * tue Atlantic. In order to diminish | the ® eos) it is proposed to dredge the channel .‘ of the Mersey, eutting off corners, and to conutinue a tidal waterway to within filteen {',"-‘rfl-‘fr mutles of Manchester, from which point & | elome; cuual will be constructed with locks. The Stuf, 1 first portion of the eaual will be tid al, the | Stale second semiâ€"tidal, while the concluding ir“f.'x':l:. portion will be above high water. Fr m | Keys, t Munchester to Warrington the canal will }',"',l,'.' be 100 feet wide ut the bottom, or 28 feet l cafner wider than the Suez canal. From War :;:f";"'i“ nugton down the Mersey the channel will strike t be 300 feet wide. ‘The unitorm depth is to | PiSH°R, be 22 feet at low water, and in the upper part 26 feet. The gaarautors of the proâ€"| 2s jeet will apply to parliament for powers to carry it out. The estimated cost is $26,â€" r 000,000, Ninety death sentences have been passe« l0 France sinee 1879, but ouly ten of them have been carried out. It is in such facts, common to almost all countries where the deuth penulty exists, that the opponents of eapital punishwent find one of their strongâ€" wst arguments. There are 74 cherches in Montrceal, which have a population of about 160,000 souls, Mak‘ng an average of one church ror’ 2,000 persons. . ed of his death, and rescued it from the doetor‘s knife and gave it decent burâ€" posure and the baleful effects of drink he fell a vietim to disease and was removed to the Montreal hospital, where a few days ago he died. His body was tuken to the dissecting room, but some old friends learnâ€" (Afikust, Nov. 6.â€"About . twenty five yeuts ago Win. . Muir was a postuer in the firm of Adam Hope & Co., and was at that time commucred to be one of the wealthiest men in the west. He livsed im a fArstâ€"cl.ss Tresidence, kept Lis cumiuge, and was the first in this city to intruduce a liveried footâ€" man. â€" He was a brvtherâ€"inâ€"law of Judge Danils, and was otherwise well conuected. ,' Aiter leaviug this city be went into part» | nersbip with the wellâ€"known firm of Buchâ€" anan, Hurris & Co., of Hamilton. * In that «ity he married a uiece of Mr. R. W. Harâ€" ris, which still tended to improve his fiâ€" nuucial standing. In the crisis which | awept over the Province a few years after, | Mr. Mair, who bua been speculating freely, | was amoug the vietims, and in an evil hour [ he bud recourse to drink in order to stifle t lus griet. He now removed to Montreal, € but it was enly going from bad to worse. t His career was uow steadily downward, p wud to such an extent was he rednced that e he was obliged to travel the country as a A bouk ugeut. Wheu lust seen in this eity W was evident to those who were acquaintâ€" ed ith bim that he was fast breaking up. | n Un /s return to Montreal he was reduc«d’ ‘; to great poverty, and finally through exâ€"| ( Ead Lnd of a Once Bich Man 20080008 lu Astu, making ab the rewijustment of the popu inw, there has been an increns. MISCELLANEOUS. + Canil. . From War lersey the channel will The unitorm depth is to )0 Lo ies us h d uce w w . ced : 1 NP Aeteadpripr OcE t wrage of one church for per pound to ch ‘ blaukets. _ To ; mees have been passed | the balance of se but ouly ten of them | and if to the mar . _ It is in such facts.| the fumers bene countries where the| N. P. was meant that the opponents 0f | Ghurmer might be ; ad one of their strongâ€" | ed the sheep it w turer should fleece m deep exceavations | the return of Mr haring Cross, in Lon | thinks if the cout is of a bankingâ€"house, | uot be so hasty. re unearthed. They | like Lim.â€"Guelp] ied,. â€" There are more llm; ‘imens, and they inâ€" ‘dHrown‘s HWouseh ve lion, tusks and fll'r:i'n'i.l‘.ff'}”'..'l'if:,"‘élf} i, tusks and bones of Throst, Rhoumatism vins of extinet Irish :‘,l:.f‘:'.‘.‘(;;:.;«liu‘:::l‘x:;l deer, remains of n.n\A;n:;\:xl:lllgm]:Y::‘l'!‘::l; low ueer, remains of | (oule Vesdb extinet oxen from sns n e no‘et. , and bones of the | P.ins und Aches of ull ud â€" the shorthorn | 488 4 2 cents a the eost of unloadâ€" MUSIC for and sending it by MER tance of fifty miles e s e transport across l "\ (" ‘l’: earth has long for | statisticians. just published an er work in Gerâ€" al as 1,433,887,. 00,000 less â€" than ars ago. . They a has 50,000,000 supposed. There nerease of about | 0,000 Wi «â€"! Saddles, be .._P.SAUNDERS | Durham, March 9, 1852 A Call Respectfully Solicited Of the best QUALITY, and Article in the best style a of the Trade. Spanish SOLE LEATHER Trunks, ‘ Valises, | Satchels, Whips, &¢c. Kept ia STOOCIC.! Shoemglfltgg'g_‘r FIN DiNGS Oppo Wih Harnoss Sho» NEW HARNESS SHQP YII IX THE MMans REST & COMFORT io the ‘dirown‘s Household Panas CE en Every bottle guaranteed to give satisfac» tion or money refunded, DIRESTIONS WITH EAcH BPTTLE, Prige @5c. T.MILEURMN & 00. Prourintaes ‘ , PuzzueDp.â€"An honest Waterloo farmer is in a qrandary. He was offered only 20 ceuts a pourd for his wool, but when he went to purchase the manufuctured article in the shape of a pair of blankets he â€" was charged $6, althc ugh the article weighed but six pounds. This puzzled him sorely, as well it might, nor was he either satisfied or enlizhtened when told it took five conts per pound to change the raw material into ‘ blaukets. _ To whoum," he enquirea, *"did the balance of seventy cents per pound go, and if to the manufacturer in what way do o Ond Jumen i & 1 . I APPLIED EXTERNALLY For RHEUMATISMH, | NEURA LGIA, CHILBLAILNS, | C1LLOUS LUMPS SWELLINGS STIFF JOINTS, GALLS, FRrost BITE, LAME NESS, ('GIL\'S, ‘ coNTRACTIONS) RRUISES, LUMBAGO, ITCH, DEAFNESS, PAIY IN BACK, SPRAINS, PALN in SIDE, &q, ts en Y IDDUTRIITIA M CROUP, CRAMPS, ASTHMA, To Diszases, Com "h;ch Hacvarp‘s teed to cure or re Buase ind i to the manufucturer in v he furmers benefit by the N.: N. P. was meant for a firstâ€"cl; winer might be answered that d the sheep it was ouly just th ME PREMISES RECENTLY occUprEp BY HALSTEAIY$ BANK, h + ou are requested Co.‘s irug Store, an of cost, it you are su severe coughs, colis, fever, loss of voice, tion of the throat or ly cure you, Bvery Article in shape of site the TOWN HAT. METHOD, following is said to be a true copy of a note received by a tercher in the Clinten Public Sehool from the parent of one of her pupils. It speaks for itself, and ueeds no comment: **Miss J.â€"Diversified adventitious emerâ€" gencies was the cause of my untoward deâ€" tention of wy primary daughter, Eâ€"â€" Jâ€"â€"â€", from her taiticnary duties for the ultimaute three days. â€" You will obligingly exonerate her from any unnecessary stricâ€" tures relutive to her lessons being unpreâ€" pared. â€" I hear you are officiating in the cffiâ€" cral capacity of her regular teacher, Miss M. Yours, obliging, Mre. Lâ€"â€"." s Giren Away, return of Mr. ks if the conte be so hasty. . him.â€" Guelnh __G. M. Everest, af Forest, s.ates that Hag» yard‘s Pectorial Lalsam still holds its own aâ€" mougst The many cough meaicines in the marâ€" ket He says that he has sold it for nearly akteen years anud the sales are steadily inâ€" Creasivg. One fam:ily has purchased 0"" 50 buiwes for yarieus members and frieuds. CHICAGO PIANO Co h KEPT IX STOCK. List Ll‘n.suu..‘) thau 6U years +gu. opes hy Stri .“ul,erml. an Learxtso 1s Most In Madugasear, out of a population of U,LO0 tueis ane 70,000 Curictiau. â€" The 4 ussiwhaly Gaplaed . the isluud lees C for EVERYBODY, MERRILLS @4 1N I OU & INDEBEXz TAKEN INTERNALLY ror covens, S, ! SORE THROAT, 1, COLDS, &e. is1 TORONTO, Gxt. by Strict Attention to Busi ial, and First Class Works merit a share of Public Patronage, T hn it e@eiiatits sw td> > all invalids and sullerers by . Dr. ew Discovery for Cousum ption paswase 3 2 7 ~ 1202 +° Se Answered that as heflieecâ€" ) it was ouly jast the manufucâ€" fleece him. He voted against of Mr. Young in 1878, but he contest was on Agarn ha wanld ComrtaryTs and Acciornrs RD‘s YrLLOW Oil is guaran« th p in Durham; 0~â€"â€"_. A B‘g Investment. the manulactured article pair of blankets he was ugh the article weighed This puzzled him sorely, Mercury PROPRIETOR, y209 announse to the y and surrounding Anau2a aud qaulity to call at McFariane & d get a trial bottle free lering with Consumption asthima brouchitis, hay boarseness, or any affecâ€" lungs. 1t will positiveâ€" every other he N. P.? If the firstâ€"class joke the ero ing the liberal offer ExesirE®t ‘"â€"The $CoReean d Na: 1878, but he gata he would are number: Wiis Musion] Bhow your neighâ€" bour the "Review" and get him to Subscribe for it $1 per year, â€" l T11 Charges a(odorn:.-:()nlen wlll roceive prompt F IIouse, Sign, and| Ornamental Painter, / DURHAM. [ advaes asia id c 0° 9 PRSMIUC ~At our office in Durham and which come due nfter J5th \pril 1882, will be payable at the Canndian Bank of Commerce, Durham, which is hereby authorized to aeccept payment of same. J, A. HALSTED & Co. qua Emubt 4 A Business in Durham., Notir;w that al! Notes nod Drafts mude Durham WOOL, BUTTER & EGGS [{ ~}:‘ Flour, Oatmeal and All kinds of Grain Bought and Sold. © e t on en oweanm eP irent Fresh Groceries & Provisions, Crockery and G@lassware, Chirag Wea sets, Ston, Grnite and Glass Sets, Stone & Glass HMruit . Grocery and Provision Store Hams Prompt attention given to all Orders, Durham, Aug. $rd, 1882, None but first class hands employed A_\'I_.\'G decided to close onr The Big Coat, Vest Durham, Noy French, March ar;i,xssi NOTICE, Tailoring Establishment, lllo O â€" D&CON, JAS. BURNETsS m, Notice is hereby g.] ifts made prayable ‘at are now arriving at the Noted Cheap Store. Beâ€" fore buying an inspection of our Goods and Prices is solicited. New Goods Is the place to get your Suits Made, .« 3rd, 1881 English, and American Fashions Received TRE HIGHEST MARKET PRICE FoRr left atJ. F. Mowat uttention A. G O R D O N , On Hand a Large Supply of AGENT FOR THE BOSS SPECTACLE Repairing a sg.eéiré'l“t;{:-z‘:.;&'a.'fiâ€"wo.rk‘ To prove that the above is correct, I would ask of tY:e public generally to give me a cull before going elsewhere. ' Ladies‘ Gold and S.lver Watches. ; iMy stock of American Jewellery is ulso Complete In SETS, } BROOCHES, Newest Style, LACE PINS, EARRINGS, ALBERTS, FOB CHAINS, Best Quality, GUARDS, & | NECKLACES. Durham, Sept 13th, la;z Clocks of all kinds and styles kept on hand Banking given C. L. GRANT. Ulsterette. Pants, Overcoat or , Anc | 8 Sanmes Yoursete., _GEO. woob. ,1 For sale at Parker‘s, Durham $66 ~6 C 520â€" Therv is alotof Diphthcria in this place. Isaw one Cuse where your medicine was used which proved a success after the Doctors gave it up. I want you to send me #1 worth at once, t1â€"198, Ninermkas ult a s LLCAr Birâ€"My wife and ehildren-l:no cured by your Diphtheria Medicine. I an that it is a aana 2222 ts To Mr Leeson : __ Dear Sirâ€"DM poduatiat. ds AL _ Is the only sure cure for this terrible discase, Tt Cures cnses easy and withou pain to the g\a.tient No washing or swilling the throat, so that the smallest child enn tukeit, It miso ‘cures inflam~ mation of chest. lungs er bowels, Asthma, Croup, hnd colds, and if steadily token will break up Consumptiop, LEESON‘s3s | ; DIPHTHERIA MEDICINE H W Leeson Pictures Enlarged & Framed Charges Moderate. q0 0 o on enmenmennmemmciings.......... a week in your own town. Terms and ?g‘onfilt free. Address H. HauueTT & Co. 7“ guarantee to give a perfect fit and satisfaction woORK STRK ; Upper Town, Durham. arranted. ‘TOIRIR Y & C PHOTOGRAPHERS A. GORDON. TESTIMONIALS ROBERTSON. a% C3 aga ww 22 220 CCPUL + MATTHEW SCOTT, Arthur, Nov 23, 1881 , my 0 0 D S, 0 0 D S, 0 0 D S, ITLY FIRST Cnass Give Satisfaction own, Durbam. Fortlacd, Maine Dec 16th, 1881 @ve all been I am certain & Co. em191 n« CHOICE SELECTION of Knitted Woollen G00D3 At T CAMP sToyrEr DRESS Goods a Speciality. PRICES CLOSE, Duzham, Eob, 29, 1892, MILLINERY STAPLE and Fancy GOODS New Fall Gobds Crockery Teas, Sugars I expect to open out this wee Dress Goods, imported direct Ifl.ud- Befl,llt]‘f!l] MGervidainn menk | 2 New Goods. New Prices. Money saved by buying your Dross C Durham, Sept. 1 FULL STOCK of GROC® Isg NOW daily ianoaninaâ€"~ . A. HARRI3, Durham. & 10 open out this week an Immense Stock of New| Goods, imported direct from the Manufacturers in Jirxg:!,_ Beautiful assortment of Mourning Goods, consisting of | [ Cashmeres, Merinos, Cranes Honrintiae ®.. Do not go without Subscribe for 1883 now, and GET BALANCE OF 1882 FREE Orders and remittances to be addressed Contains Seventyâ€"two Columns of Reading Matter, and is admitted to be the best a&kthorâ€" ity upon Agricultural and Commerc.al matters in the Dominion. THE MONARCH OF THE WEEKLIES The Best General Newspaper THE LARGEST â€" THE CHEAPEST 1883 ] FOR MANITOBA! WEEKLY GLOBE and Tobaccéos, new Green and T , 1882 GROCERIES : IN THE DOMINICN. CrOSt t â€"=â€""oy q For Every Departmeont [ o Lsoots & Shoes, ELard w are, Foal a» l TY Call and see them MILLINERZY Goops ONE DOLLAKR. . HUNTER‘S. ONS DLLAK ccos, new and cheap. n and Roasted Coffees siassw:iare. THE GLOBE PRINTING COMPANY, . DAVIDSON , Crapes, Henriettas, &c. mMmTI1 B k an RIES always on H AND . HUNTER TORONTO. Croods at Jjust arrived.| 192 and It is folly to experiment with the numerâ€" ous low-rri«ud in‘ xtures, of cheap materials, and without medicinal virtues, offered as bloodâ€"puritiers, while discase becomes more firmly seated. Ave®‘s SarsaramuLLa is a medicine of such concentrated curative power, that it is by far the best, cheapest, and most reliable bloodâ€"purifier known. Physicians know its composition, and preâ€" scribe it. It has been "i(‘ely used for loflt z:au. and has won the unqualified uce of millions whom it has benefited. Preparediby Dr. J. C. Ayer & Co., notratics +4 ECUUDY E2CCT0OTS, Salt Rheum, Scaldâ€"head, Ringâ€"worm Ulcers, Sores, Rheumatism, Mercurial Disease, Henr.l(h‘ Female Weak» nesses and Irregularities, Jaundice, Affections of the Liver, D)'!M'rfll. Emaciation, and General Debility. , By its searching and cleansing qualities it purges out the foul corruptions which contaminate the blood and cause derangeâ€" "kl:em nmll cflt‘(‘ly. It stimulates and eniiv cn: the vital functions, energy and strength, restores uu«f preserves bealth, and infuses new life and vigor throughout the whole system." No sufferer from any dis ease which arises from impurity of the blood meed desnair Who Will wivs Arem‘s Whole system. No sufferer from any disâ€" ease which arises from impurity of the blood need despair who will give Aven‘s Barsarartica a fair triel. Salt Rheum, lc yq 2 MO0CCET, MOF ET potent to cure all discases resulting | impure blood. _ Jt eures St‘rofllhl all scrofulous disea Erysip« Rose, or St. Anthony‘s i’lre. Pim: and Faceâ€"grubs, Pustules, Blote E'}""Im. Tumors, _ Tetter, Hum i8 a compound of the virtnes of sarsaparil. la, stillingia, mandrake, yellow dock, witl the iodide of potash and iron, all powerful bloodâ€"making, hlood«'lelluing. nml' lifeâ€"s118» taining elements. It is the purest, safost, and _ most effectual alterative â€" medicing known or available to the public, â€" The sciâ€" ences of imedicine and chemistry have never produced so valuable a remedy, nor one «o PM @idndiithamie seA Is a Practical and Analytical Chemists, Lowell, Mass. BOLD BY ALL DEUGGisTS EVELYWEUERE A mix Owen 8 Bucléien‘s Arnica The best Salve in the worl« sores, nleors, salt rheum, fey ebapped â€" hands, chilblains, emptions, and posttively eu gnaraateed to give perfect money rofunded. | Price 25 For sale by MeFarlans % 45. Toronto,. _ Mr. Mela be devoted to the end syrtematict theology, 735 DDDVC oL besuty lies in pure blood ang poud health, without the one the other in im . sible. â€" Burdock Blood Bitters is the grand r::v that unlocks the secretions and openy the avenue to health by puritiying and rt'gu‘.Liu‘ all the organs to proper action, Jt cures al scrofulous diseasc, fll::t. u;n the ‘Nund, liver, kidneys, skin and owels, and by t bloum)uf health to tha nonck c1 C .""08" the The total truflic;turn of Grey & Bruce for the week ember4 was $10 108 97 . Toronto, Grey week last year, A. Chard, of Steriin in a recen states that hbe met -‘A'Lh an Acenh:nh::: time ago, by whach one of bis knees WAS uoâ€" verely injured. _A few Plications of Hag. yards Yellow Oil ufl'oc:rod pimedifite aud complete relief, _ giy .911 $4,419.17 over The secret of beal.v:; uto, June 1st, 1881 CANADIAN ITEMg, all discases resulting from â€" It eures &'rofuf. and Monthly Fairs 1 GOINC RAMLWAY, COO0B ATOT. $10,108.27, an Increase of ‘ the amount for the ® Khm. 11;30 m on 145 pan N6 sourn, 5:20 aam, 643 * the world for out run between To PER ROX MUND WRagar Erysipelas, week ending Humors, Geners Ver sores Madve, Bruce 1 Manager ©:40 * ronto and #:15 1045 519 390 425 845 , brun » 'ul'-.l::: and al . lt is Nov M=tib s ane> $72 ie £ 3!(! leave to td aa menced the Manuta â€" Branches, an / from m © . WL{ hope to tur New Furnituro Warsroom:s A. H. is Agont for the Gelebrated witson Bowing MWarckines of Bumilten . his masiine is onpable of sowis through 173 of duok with the sams eanse as nny ~* or ay Sm sew two ply, and the ato0 Limen thr mb« ased upon it. Tt cnn o a @ to sew the Amost Â¥sisi~ 4 k GEO. XRESS Residence at tho0! THEs: Bpring and Sammer I JL and Make Up.or he LatestStyle M câ€" Residenceâ€"0); JOHN ROBERTSON TAILOR AND CLOTHII Lnieés! Pashbom: BRegalords tt JL _ mddition addo/ ie now second to por Ing and attontive ho. tion for Commercia per day. First Class Barber in T. SPROULE TpPHIS Popal _r -ddl(lnl(l,ln,::nl,(‘n'; I)L.\\‘Q. $ Furnishod REVERE HOTI Durham . Fel &A 4 County of Gr In all parts of the Goods soid on Com attended and tho <â€" C °m ® ns 44, H.STEVENzON (‘ ENERAL AGEXT. 3 I tario Loaniug Company â€"1.0 1 @aghive Life Lusurance ( M #uranceCo. Watorlos Matual i Baugeon Mutual Pire insus + @munance Comuans AT 4 Residence Cutting done to Ordc: (\R.uu'nx-'.‘.i Onta Il.u«-,T--rnulu YETERINARY surar Alexander Robortson oP'““G Parker‘s Willbe at M ustin; mwy mad Priday + Dundalk Murci W . M. CL A i2 1 Architect and Bs Furnished. Wo Charges Moder ICENSED AU« wen Sound, have pon overy Thurs LPRED FRoST County Crowma J ume #4th 1880 . AAvertisements, exee; wr en instructions to i wntil forbidden and cha PURIHA M Casualadvertisom. for the first insortion su bsequent:asertion rofessional and busine spaceand undes., T woinches or 24 linos ~ Threeinches do . porsoo, C_R. opposite 1 arhum . Meney 16 Lo#n Ordinary notices of 11 kindsof looal now Airay Asimnls, ©: $1,theadvertiso: BUSINESS DIrR3 B.JACKES® .1 â€"PRBRM®S: ~#1.00 porvensin 4 $1.#85 it mot paid Wirhia ait O it hh s . rtbhseriber MISCELLAXEOTe JOHNK Moonts: Prost & Â¥ro ARRISTERS and Ao HUGH MACK a Â¥ IZvery Thue: JACKE TPORXEYs "THE GREY RE TAILOR, TTORNXE Y mone in the the Oflce, Garairaxa s MARKDALYE. fr RATES OF ap 12 a das Borgas #t., M« # & day at homoersily . Tree . K“r;- THOE «0o M MEDICA L. 14 HOu Ni m P BR 8 or S1 H Avt LEGAL GEO. ERI mi#dong 630 m made t tice. . TOMW ES PIBLISH®D nCeo A " e “’ ‘h'& :l i VW di 08 m ECT 1IF Sr

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