Ontario Community Newspapers

Grey Review, 18 May 1882, p. 1

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FipriAM‘S DIE nu “1.3 An in. shah to In". “It... TD, A was. " ml. with All!» an“!!! " urseriu all“ and may ma- d.- State 3“) *TORY. I... mm on ttret-' thu day uh Mt VIII] . 511),, I; No lo. Euly lino-n 'tat I! math. and an (in? 'l. Put, "apr. Sum att'" ECI "on. ' who. I". cub In): I Pari M. N thrt.tsttae Cauam Look out for oiiiiriitiii, 1urtmi:ss,%uttrzsss. Reliable Scotch COLLAR. 1'... New Slack a. I. " 3.0-. hr the “(uh-IO. w"..- I Inna. AI-‘M-o- oi Danika. Thh nmrlnnv " uni-Me of sewing through I? ply of nIm-I with the num- ano M luv other tntwhine mm - (In plv. and the 'rtroruttst Linen thin-ml m I-lrv‘nn |u- uwcl "H'" It " him run be manly .nbulh’d to um the an"! (Mme. I'ncu "use from 9:15 to an. ]}()l'l.l)l'l.\' BROS And 300 Their New Anti-(hung Working. Good Enough D Bahia-ecu “and PouOIlice, Loin Town DC BILL“ . amass M: Spin; and Summer Fuslnionl "gal”? received. Durham I'M-.14. 187B. I and Make l'p.n|n the w'uor'ti/.rais' ho Lasto""su'31vnnttu "cw'nl'lnlhh Boiioruto--opposite the Canal: Presb, turian Church; . . . nus-u). JOHN ROBERTSON TAILOR AND CLOTHIER AMERICAN COLLARS u L'muny of “my. All In in punk " my l‘uunl numb , mt an tun-1mm": .u--Iu|o--I mud the uh: Ulla Lllfll I'm-lions "eairtt Icrrlvrd VHF. Ullmcfilwrjs Prepared to Beech DUSDAIJJJM. Willlu- at lusting"; 'eet,s'5hrP-rverr, In In, and 'Muer-m u “in |.u.to 5 p. m. hurl-ll Inn-h Wth PN. TIN [ t n t hm tttt _ {Curl-a. 'l'.;',,",'",?,,',',','..".'. math of WW.t manna. Good Wail-Mm.“ an a Special”. I 'A, \h'l' VO'. " Ontario Vctriuary Col VETERINARY SURGEON tormLt In the AteLi GiGai "iiuaGru';"u", annulus, n, of the i.oiistg Donn-u ot To. hallo. overy month, ,rtioktiiGijfG GCG iiiriiiii"iiiii If!!!" I" thmu- that may tavor him with tsir pct mung“. All :1th runway m him will be per- '_.-.,.." 1.. n - .. h. -.- _.,-r . -- Good FIT Guaranteed Cutting done to Order. Alexander Robertson. IgARRlSTERS Ind Attorney'rttt-Lns Dalia-tun in (ll-my, ('ouvuymon. no. "wan Sound, hum- n-sumrd n Fltmta.rton. one. mun "on Thu-ml.) ”tannin". ALU"u: Froirr, _ .. J.w.rRotgT,LL.B, "and .1". -Winuhum WWW-Mn- by "a" who I hut-It of LEATHER, HARNESS WHIP“. FUNKY COMES, BRUSHES. BELLS.te. HUGH MACKAY. m w“) Alirii)Nr'.rHt, r. (Yummy CED; Anal-0y J III. with . “no. TI. appeal“ ruler-Dru Ohio. i'A,.rHi,iili' 'trt"tm. mm LEAVENS; Maker. lawman Street. A... Otbre, bum/m. BUSINESS DIRECTORY. . v- _ 1' , "MI-(dry a a," ‘3‘!“ “an "vM "one, I. In... JACKES I PRINGLE. LT,',',,',,'."?,?:,.'?." at Law, Solicitun. ae. man. Lower Tova, Duh-In. B. JACKIEB. A. It. A. PHINOLE. r'. le. NIX()N. DURHAM MISCELLANEOUS. E.0. MACmLLAx, "may, " " LAW. &e.--Orrwr, “THE (IMT IiiiiiiiiiF TAILOR, r'1tt A LtiO THE OLD um. Frost As Frost. n lJ-unnnfeici CA LL AT MEDICAL. " a sumo-r, will whit Imrhnm - "than, "mid. mm from third 'cryfrcho, 't?tir In” 30 the and of ”I'lV'I'IK'I‘Ill . J. TOWNSEND, Publisher. AUCTIUNEER. for the Iry. Auction “at“ ntmulml to t l‘uunty. " Wmuuuhle at". Irll'hh'll. Laud Nair! euvlnlly nlu tails poauptiy Posted up " N. JEROME. Licentiuks ' DURHAM. Lani notiee, Ind ' ".'t"Uting, Axon near the y 190, It. A. PRINOIJ: ylw I' " (1 )LGAK-s lla-cs mum“: \"l"u~|: , Lgsrs.q...s, Sell on his read, Sign: IN thanking hin mane customers " their "hen! 'ytronago in past you. would the In- torm t"illUl'I'a'i being shun to give up Misha-awn! "'t ytet HM SHOE MAKERS; 600 Bush. Fresh Lime. -"- -~ - Durham P. o., M" ӣ11,130. I MI respects, Ladies and Gentlemen! i A Hump cmmnenced [undue-II when your 't!'"t.rytuwr. I make theh. P. Boot, Inch ll the lemlinnuuntlum-n of the Dominion war. I expect , sir John A.tsurl [ha Hon. Alex-rider comma to Lt, Inpnireuhul my N. P. "an". All the Incl nu Wm“, Mu] who unnl-I think it:'vthe Cause" tiems I tam-n denim: nth men I») they know 'CA','. P _ Hunt Ii rm: than trr both near and "irethrtstsce l Fair dealing. Repairing: dunk. mahrst market price an! Tull. .v . Lumber, Lumber, in Shingles, Shingles, Lath d; Lime, ‘M‘; Call And cumin- Ind youmlvu. l 'rm, PC IP. ‘BOOT and SHOE SHOP IM M ENS!) NTI N"h" I3i.UKh'mF'. N'l't N"h" of FOREIGN and DO- MESTIC LEAT1ikits, Also III-Mum: in you "riety. A 2-1 lomlid lot of HUME HARNESS LEATHER. y10 Durham Feb A PI.A'I'-fl.A-D BIA!!! ttetuember the I'utyr-ut abort dis Tannery VIM - fl -'-"-. Hanna-non! um mm of [um-In a made out-m short nullico. A (“Hum k "H "must, Cunt: .thoud. And Trim ~uinrm|wunon hum) T THE ROCKVILLE MI LI . I use tummy of JOINTS. Lot \V. G. R. Beulmck. " __ "r-f'-"'"" , U Lugs-am " of .Nolt,ttoors und Muihllm nuavrihls abu- I Huck of 3 Walnut.“ mow": mum] um. PM”; um "tllrot Lurul" t mmlcuutun dun Askius' Patent Metalie Glass Burial Cases kept in stock. To" ted “__ - - v .-v 77 . My Mouo tim" um] W'l'll', “ignition to busines- ttttd fair dealing Mtwu-n I1 men. Mu. ()CNVEYANCE It, Cummissioneriu B.R Ital Its-Inn. Ian. I: Ila-nun Agein- Lands Bought and Sold. Decals, Lenses, Willa&c. neatly and cnrrbctly prepared. Auction Sales Attended. All Blames: Strictly Contidentiat, CHARGES LOW. ,JLANS. hsecilhrations, Estimates, t . . Furnished. Won 5 ”unnamed Md III-poo A Chang" Moderate. I ,u I of has]: privnii/Gu iiii MI um.” Fun: or "PM? [an "mine-l strictly I)! i "(I I “and cry. . C. JOPP THF. undersigned has " c ILDEB,Durham Durham Planing Mill SASH. DOOR. General Banking Business 'l'ltA?irihCrlurr. 30m. 29th, Itm TN?,', BANK lumen Letters “Credit on Great Writ-in 3nd other Foreign Causation: Huyuml (‘nllecu Sterling Exchange: III-um; dun- on so": York and tsll pm. of Canon. DEPOSITS urt4 ELK-Human Received, upon which the current rate ot intern: wrll he allowed. W. M. CLARK. Architect and Builder, MARKDALE. ‘. DAVIS, 1i'LESmilltT0N. Capital $6,000,600: BéSefvé $1,400,000. BANK 0f talma, DURTEIAM. CULLECTIONSW MADE “ammo Ind you cluuot ml to suit 'conm of and)" and Albert amen, Lower Towu, Durham. mule: price paid for Eldon. thut Skim . filsould Call and Examine ROBT. BULL On reasonable termtt,and Vol. Tr. N o. LI Tth, “a: 'trietiy eonttskmUnt and an“ of loan reduced to tho lowed N,mre. R. A. l‘RINGLE, Lower Town, Durban. CANADIAN pt- short distance nonho the Pot once. J. W. CRAWFORD, palm": uone. . J "trm ir,T,'r'.,',"o'g,: o am- tho Ftwtr.w re, pp [‘vror Town Durham -ANO- iiili2bt @1321 39% of jiiu'rlU fy.'.'!, Compaq" "tf'i.iu"ii;Tiiii o keeps pn itand MELLS. Also et"y " Iuweh a; To Ill-E “Jon. 2 i all Kina, )luuldinyn ivecmcum haze amount yin? y 169 When the (Hun were “knitted the first glance " the Corpse smitueg to the! “at whatever may the victim of the min knife bud "tuma, bud Ht no true. on his tune. which was utter-l “WWW. The only dbtb.me- in!" u an m; an no“. which won takeout-atoll than l ttIN s" row was of “Lite silk extending our its full length and breadth. The lute Land's lii'i'2',','k"t hung from a column close by, 3 And on either hand "ood mute: with their stave: draped in violet ttnd Much. The chapelle ardent: was cleaml fur a time n ordrr to give the widow Ind the other rel. atives of the deceased than to indulge tltir, grief, when the cumn was opened Ind their eyes rested on the well known feature: of him whom they had to loud m lite. The interval want went in devotion. es 'two dwye have outdone them all. From {the momenta! the arrival of the widowed Lady Frederick, whose composed bearing amid her deepest sorrow has been ttie talk of everyone, the home has Win) the garb of woe. There have been round her the Duke, her fatherin.law, with his sons and daughters, the brothers and deters ofthe departed; Lord Lyttelton, her brother, and ‘liis youngorlvrothers, newly all the tcht. I ; time on both sides of the house, Mrs. Gladstone, the Rev. Stephen Gladstone, , {and many others, her husbands and her - iancient friends and playmates. united by [blood and are new united by a common bond at grief. l The body arrived on Tuesday, escorted ! 1 by a large number of the tenantry, all clad [gin mourning, their horse. alw bearing :Icrnpe rosettes. At the getel of the park l were assembled another company on foot, l and the sud procession wound up the long I [avenue till it reached the home. Here it _ [was met by the Duke of Dtevoushire, the , l Marquis of Irartington, Lord 1a.vttelton,tho I Rev. Stephen Gladstone, and the ladies of 'd Hhe family. The eoffin was reverentb l lborne into a spacious room, fitted up " t ‘une as a chapel, and hung in all the sol-la ', (trapping, of mourning. Every window , lwns obscured; the only light being mti- t , tit-nil. On a bier in the centre was luid the e _eoitin, denied by a huge eandelabrr, from b' l which the warren tapers diffused amild and s 'soothing light. Round the room were F. I pluced at intervals other groups of candles. s lwhose radiance served to render every. th thing clear tuul' distinct. The bier was " handsomely upholstered in violet and black tl the pull being of violet silk with e broad R white border running round it, and in nur. tl VIM- ot l ! From the Globe. London, May 1i.--Nore than three lum. l and members of the House of Commons, l with I proportionately large contingent. Irwin the Home of Lords, Went. down tol 9' I'Chutlworth by specinl train to be preaentntf the funeral of Lord Frederick Cavendish. i [In the the train was Ilsa tho Prince of IT ales and the Duke of Edinburgh, repre- i (il')),",',',," the Queen and ill the Cabinet min. isters in town. With Mr. Gladstone, who Ilooked worn and weuried, were his two _ cone, William Henry and Herbert, who 1 were to be Imong the priute niournen, I lining nearly reload to Lady Frederick I through their mother, who Was I niece of I 3:" the Lord Lyttleton, the fell: r of yi {Lumen 'll.e Rev. “when Gladstone, , Rector of Hnwerden, and his emote. tl, lk Rev. and Hon. Albert Lsttelton, broth». '1 of Lady Frederick. left for Cluttnouth on Ih I Monday night, and arrived there in time l. y to comfort their tdi1ieted relative when the an {corpse was brougLt home. I. 3 nu: FUNERAL C'F.RENoNtF'.q. d, Chaiswova House hue been many " H pageant more or leys'uuirot,itue, nnd wit. c, nessed the olusequies of many a scion of the w Devonshire family, to say nothing of those m of its heads, but the and scenes of the last I re two d-oye have outdone them all. From " DESCRIPTION or The Saviour untied upon him, A: not" on earth had "HM; And heuon'n glory than: wound The link ouch-horn child. On earth thcy missed the ma. one, O'er him they wept And sighed; And crud And woudmd I! "totttie such so their. had died. Oh, had they men thruuah than high at" The wvlcvmu to him given, Thoy never would have winhod their child Buck from hit home in haven. THE AMABNNATtON. For the Review. m usual-ii. inn-xx m In“! (1 man. omen " I... J. c. m pearly pug won _ And slowing mph: lulled. And with their mum nap-atria:- Thay "lemma the Immune. They shouted high Ind holy, A child in out-rod In ', And now hom I" autumnal A soul l- Jaded Mm pin. Ttsoy led him thumb. the golden gates Ott mwnrd‘the liing of may, Whilrtho glory loll "pop. turn From an mulling ot am: who. The. Funeral of lard (Ive-duh. ctiarswottrtg AND VICINITI POETRY DURHAM, Co. Grey, life. the Just where Frederick Cavendish sleeps with his fathers, not the least mutiny ol the noble line whence he sprung; _ The vast assemblage broke up, the Duke Ami Ins sow. returning to comfort those who: were mourning at home, the linpuhs.torn tit the Iutny hum of St. Ppltenitutr my work on getting back being to 'tht? With _ the queution how best to ndnnéver'the in- teresta of Hunt country in who‘d; Itch-Ill Lord Frederick land literally ta1iism, his _ Through a portion of the lovely village the ow tego dragged its slow length along. Each garden showed 1 gronpuf live-strick- en. sorrowing wives, and mothers. And chrildren gazing in silence on the unle- _ cmtomed spectacle. The stilldess was up- l presswe. Even the measured and doleful I tolling of the bell was a rolief to the mon. Iolonous tramp of those who formed the, funernl proees.sion, At the liclrgnte the 1 I white robed clergyund choir tm-t the corgsel and the mighty train filed into ' :1in I churchyard. where every cuign of mlunt- ." l age. was seized on hy the spectatnrn. Even I , the four s'eptt whence [animus the shaft fl the former cross, now superseded by a. nun- <linl. swarmed with boys and girls. name of; tlisim Sunday Srhuol scholars of the decent I ed or of Lady Freden’ck. Under the l pointed doorway of the old south porch thol sod burden was carried an the choir snug “Julia Lives," the well known: hymn of,' soirow tempered by the glorious hope of n, resurrection to a lite of bliss. A tow chant: ed autipltourt and the body is committed ml i titude continued unbroken till the last,and I when the lid was about to be plum-d on the n- (eoffin and the fettturesof her loved hus- m, i baud were about to be hid to her forever, at." she rose from her kneel, and with I tttth. to _ Med cry of agony pressed her lips to his, Mland bunting into tears was lovingly led l" l from the mom. There were few dry eyes Dr’among those who witnessed this harrow- b. ing scene. The eofhn was mounted on the " 'honlderaot six of the tennntry and nor-1 o mints nud carried through the old Itll " which was lined with the relatives mat " 0 friends of the deceased. Itpnssed through; " the lordly portals of the wastrel house k and was placed in the license Amid the fi tears of the ten-utry and labourer. on the " estate, who filled the broad and nmple ter. 'lmce. About 40 of the termntry. clad in l jog-wing clunkl. headed the proceuion. In" hearse came next, immediately be. 'ihind which the sorrowful; father Wulkcd [ Ilene. With a slow bat firm step. Tu Liz," I) succeeded the Marquis of Huntington. y Lord Edward Cavendish, brother of the ‘- deceased. Mr. Glndrtone; speaker of the“ House of Crniunms'. tlwu:.cruima. nf the t Cabinet. and 306 member; of Parliament" walking four abreast. ”The procession” moved cult umly and W ulung the ur. I t race And down the '"""Ne.to the church A of Edeusor. Thousand: lined the mathlo and u the hearse pasted Inv. every hat in it the crowd was lifted in silent respect to ft the dud. It was a night such as none lmd I; 'ever men hefore, and though so many not. J .il-len, and even royalty itself, formed such a. acullectiunof renmrkahle men as Chat» ct wm-th land never beheld, their precure id was unlit-eded. All eyes were Lent upon hi the hearse and its noble burden, on t! e I" bereaved pureht and the mourning relu A' tions. V gt. strum ofpeuone of every degree pruned through the be" grtsd chapel. Admiuiou we» denied to none. however hut-hie, or however poo: their cloth“: to be known a: one of the tam-my. Ins magma tsuttieient. Ou all side: the mourning we. einoere ; in may ease- the teen ehed thawed how the I sorrowing one. loved him. Amid the new _ erttlsilenee, broken only by the planning water in the fountains outside. could be heard the Suleixin toll of the clmnch bott at lEii2'd,7, varied oeeatoionally by tt mu. fled penl of the whole sir, who» weird 'inelody. " it now swelled out in fullest harmony, ttow died away in {hinted echoes keeinéd "yall of farewells to the dying." and as if giving vent to the Ion,rtuurpreas. ed anguish of It soul bowed down by a [ crushing sorrow. The lust rites of the l _ Church ofEnghmul were duly celebrated Ly t the Rev. the Vicar, essisted hy the Ru. t Stephen Gladstone and Hon. A. Lyttelton, l the wrvico being the aimpleét possible. t The ladies of the family attended. includ- r ing Indy Frederick Cavendish, whose for. n ‘Quoen'l wan . ,treattrnt fabulous yum. while not leu prized was one of gradient:- ty the gift of the Irish women of Landau. Tho number of such offering: was infinite, sud every day up to the very hour of the CHATSWORTH. Irrivo. A constant J . . 5 _ I w -__ T-ra-".""""""'"'-""" (I W‘WIIIIUI an“, fl I." r,9,ryytiyiuuiiiiulGGiiii,' and not. iiriaCii2'C'.uTl'1' any William. nu: PLACE or new“. l -.Chnlsivonh will one In can parochial 'hgmlet. but had " in curly date n chapel Tofu- own when the original 1sall-tltat ot i..tt Lethe Mimi; there was a chupel with in the "an; Ind-when Sir Richard Cuvew Jiiatt purchased it from the Agards, its next possum, lurhasl also sch-pd built within tho walls-o! fuss “maid house. The pariah church, however, in now at Edennor. u' lovely Bvmrr-tutbomsrtu and lurf-cupoted‘ i hamlet lying a little more than a with to the west, and near the outlet. of the Park on the lughway from the Yorkshire And Derby. ,xhirq moorlumh. the toad from which pm. Lsec hard by the Punk Waugh Bulmv. Tyu mullet in nnriqlled for bmutty-. w"lovoltur.t ullngo 01mm." Every eut. he in tumble! aural 0193-”;th iiiit radium» in “and bra .nyhp: of. ”Aluminium 1pm. it no hum int l CHARLES CAVEXDISH TO 1118 SONS. I “Sauna. look not nu Huang than pan-bod no“; Thou only hide pm or my tttrsh Ind bones; Which did they have so ntntt nu! proudly dwell, 'wuun ham-nanny mum-unwell. (,2't"l','ll",'f2'v'C,'lCt:,,t'c':i:: I Trust m an toqu their man: (dead: damn; I mm my lilo my monument sud yours, To which (heur- no material that ondum‘ f or vet Inmipunu him it: WIN. but that, l AM We]: your ucphuwi tt to eguluw; It will be my” luud cuougls to tell, Not uhcu I died, but how I mu. Farewell.” l --A. 1): 1617. v the certainly luck the hoary antiquity and the ROW Elizabethan quaintneee of the mooted halls think at Haddon, ChatKWorth'a ritual in the eyee I be of eight-seen. But hi-torieelly lenient " t" at is the Duke of ltntland'e mansion and ro- mnf- mantle as are its associations, the Duke ot mid Devoushire will ever bear the palm " thel liest aner of the gentlest and lovelient of alll hoes Derhyahire'u many grand and lovely rents. l ug," The house alone " a study. It ll built in I *ees- the Italian style of a delicate. warm tinted l y n ntone. All the outside woodwork is gilt' the except the dome and other broad surfaces, I thy no that when seen flout the opposite lieight;‘ In. at set of sun the front elevation seems an ill on, built by fairy hands, as the departing rays, his. thuru here and there around it. First one ad. row ot window: cucum- the thht, and then ' Cor. another blazes out in a sheen, an if of per-l I Ind ple mingled with burniehed gold, and thush. l the lug out the one to the other the departing I 1 un- glories of an English summer day. In the I er, trout of the centre of the honee there ie an 1 an. elevated 'rrtiiieial plateau, fenced with a t ill, a richly carved stone bnluxtrade. On this 1 led terrace men now remember seeing wot: i res after hie marriage. the unfortunate Lord i w- Frederick with his biide, surrounded by a l be bevy of an'utocietio beauties, watching will 9r- Inharing in races which the Duke had let: ll, Ion foot in honor of the event. The wiu- I vl " nen in which merry contests, all beingh, tit i young ladies of noble birth, he rewarded l i. so with tome trinket or coin amid the 1ueiuy 9 " of this high-horn company. Acton that h ie terrace page the lunerale of all the race, and t a; r. none wilt recall more bitterly than the tl in stricken widow the difference between that .14 a. terrace with its and procession of lo-day and tl g. the joy one scene it presented when as a . J fair young wife she viewed her sisters and ta T l girl-Companions sport in merryjeht to cele- he I. I brute her nupiiui; Will: hae beloved, DOW l " e _ snatched from her by so cruel ll fate. " e l ChateWut‘th House is o perfect treasure ofl la: 2 world u art. _It Maine Lundaeer'a j c l t "Bolton Abbey in the olden time." and his I an i , “Dignity and 1mirtvlenee," both equally in . I fainuue by myriad: of engravings. Bolton l on l Abbey in Yorkshire, it may he added. is t in ' I one of the Duke's renderings. The libmry iei I is eaid to contain the finest collection Ol sin foreign literature in Great Britain. The LN f gardens are world-famous. the genius of Sir rem Joseph Paxton, the late Duke's head gar- the dener, having found here full scope. One am conservatory Sir Joseph said gave him the I we idea oi the Crystal Palace ot 1851. The Mt hills to the rear oi the hose furnish a fad! tho head of water for the famous "Eutperor" trot f fountain, which was so named at a Visit of] tl fe ihe, Emperor Nicholas some thirty years reti ago. The Cavendish family have a noble I set i name in the locality for marked simplicity ! oft I of manner and amiubility. of which anec- , a " ', dotee are ri'e in the district. Lord Fred. ‘erick We: a worthy scion of the house in 15 this reepcct; he was indeed a gentlemen Cav, in the highest and best pence. He was le. “i.” loved by all the country around the amnion Can and seems to have taken as his guide the bud following lines, which for over two oen- l . turies have been in view of all who visited an,” the Church of Bolsorcr, a few miles from Eli': Chatsworth _ melt usuuuurcn, wmcuis Minted tel-“1.5.9. thgninun ndm. Georg. Trltwn, " n modem' building. {meted Eulof Shnvsbury, And made 591».de abstipk of In. In. "Sie iGiiaC',C' with titm.-. grout joinmre for the I007. (H In " in. a ‘old thgeasdkhee nudilrlpli union "ttat ho- "aektr.strhostagattit-ttrttrt, M83113“: and w W m- “was“ Turn-at ”may.” 'i-tgt-tts. nkwmuyhu dhmiul an.“ whit. - ".i-.L - _ _-,A " - - the dual plhOI stead: out in bold end glowing relief. with it. mtgttifitssrrt and.“ "treteltine out on - tide, it lum- and its panam- owned with everything in the shape of hunt, that nut-u or In on: Mford. Wealth Ind good “when aided, not overloaded, the landscape. end have enriched the surrounding. All." I furhioul unrivalled even by the proverhi-l splendorl _ of Versalles. with whose fountain. those of Chnuworlh vie, as do its plenunnce and ill wondrous gardens. The house Ind gmundl 'r,W,try,tErh ,: Mum“; . _ 18, 1882. s widow. Thu trrrtka Main uriii, an ho-.s6tlrreatdtaltrot-4. tletalew hand , die. BTW tyetherith gap; “Indium birth but.“ mar-shire, awn-Mimi“: Lordnhlpl But, before closing thr mum cums-wt with tit. Loom!” unlisted ~w;9 stipula- tion BO exhutdinuy that It dealtbnver iaunortati" 1taedilaood in the arm [unity in. banal-do: of tue Cu'ondinbca. She obtained it, " sh. did trunking elu oh. ( an»: 1.59500 ups...” There Wu with. mm. 't"rhat-ieW.to.lrtre. bl which} 11!, tlu 1fte6tbi-stiae.rse,g: 86.14! I mod ‘5- Abe-s.: " .MW Tod William Cum-lbw Chi ey.tlnt nip-Mica. gun hr? muorr (i'liri',ts'j wucl mm named at M, and her hush-ad had left her his whole estate. Prom the duh of her hound man-inn she devoted the whoU energies of n lone, imperious cuter to tho service. of the house of Cav. endish. Her timt command to her new moms VII to sell all his wuthem estuten nognirod from the nhlaoys, and Inna-ta the Cnvonclixh orstatee nround her lace:- trnl farms. In this arrangement was Bo. wired 800 years Mo the Manor of Chats. wurth. in the County of Derby, With but remained ever sine. I family possession, helm; toulay that winch of Euelua 0mm try seats, the monumental residence of the , _ Duke mt Dwonshire. William, thn u l qum-tahrr, died, leaving lull“. dozen child. ran by the marriage, and his widow every l thing; and this remarkable worn-n conun- ael the heroic tixht " the house of Ctw. i sodisb. With three inheritancu on hand; rloyraa counted by my minus. him i funny) at In: (1;.er sh wanted in; Soc-WM“ MI. Glou-l tun-n lAI-DWICI. But the red founder of the immense Cn‘oudish fortune Watt . Walnut}. The Iii-wry is In utnordinury one. William Cavendish, Henry VIP. npuiluor, Inning buried two when, took, at length, for " third wife, n Indy worthy of hi: abuts. Elimlneth Hardwick. Elizabeth Hard Vickhud married M14, and her hush-mi . lining been mentioned by Shakespeare Ili; of one of the funny having aided in l the (latent of the Amanda. In the good t as”. 840 you-I no, of Henry VIl., when I the respect for the right of Englishmen ' wen still I little at large, I tribnul wu er- 1 l tnbh'shed to perform slant which is Enid to I ' he" " that tune puzzled ell English I 'l'.'.?.'.?.'.'.'.'?'.',: viz., to so nugment the Klng'h'! revenue that he should he Milo to put Eng. 1 I land in a state of dengue. The tribunal I I o .t the Gordisn knot of the dimculty by l l Authorizing e 'ueqaesstmtiou," or, speaking l in modern terms, u rormery of the religi- to!" nausea. A certain William cuoonoLul a resident of Suffolk, we; found a conron- I lent instrument for the inonurch's was! nities, and wu accordingly Appointed in 1689 one at the eotumiusiouersfortlle “sur- , renders" (no they were duntily culled) of ‘l the pious establishments, And one of the I I auditors of the column-ted Court of "hug. I I uteutation." Williaut proved a profitable w servant to tho King and to himself. for I those were the days in which ".he " who I, trod out the grain mu not mauled," and i q a few years inter the Suffolk commissioner ( retired from his functions with enough to set up IS n gentlemen. So the ttretttlutuso r, of the English Cavendish“ begins with a a Request-star. I The Duke of Devonshire in il, head of the Cnvendishec. of big imponuuce 5nd . great house. ondiuhel themselves China the Inning been montionod bu Rh - "'V “m e I wine. The ”undid but end pulpit In of I ' modem work, both constructed “when: e tinted marbles from the Duke's “no. I The chancel minin- the ueuel ehoit “all ' end an elevated altar demoted with emu I end madlenliehe. “he nee-doe being of the ( I "tttq new " tho fool and pulpit. I Trom an meny old monument in the 1 , , chorell. but. are tor en ancient. launches Gut, in the mutual mu. porch hulllinlu‘ ,l the eesl. well. and the fugue-t of “other I l Norman cruee in the mmt well. all the real l it" rennieenuee in character. one boning] I the am at 1570, elected to the memory of i 3 "John Baton. of Scotland, Home! wntlllue- ' alone And very excellent men. John Baton ! lot Anthmuty. grandson of the more illne- 'triuus Daria Baum. Curdiualol the Holy I Roman Church. and greet-grandson of the , I Most Rev. James Baton, Archlvinhop of tit. l, Andrsw's, and most honoured Cheneellor I lot we Kingdom of Scotland. Teeter to and I Comptroller of the Household of Mary ( I queen of Scots, who died at Chat-ora, in i ( 1670." The living, which is in um um aria the Duke of Devoushire. u worth £800 a. 1' t you with e comfortable modern Viculge l l and alelpeleud. The prueul. vicer is the , f Rev. Joseph Hull. M. A., who woe induct. it ed itt 1855. The population of the perish e is smell end there is no poverty. to that Mr. I , Hull bu en en: time of it. I ' -- - - chapel. and in was: on! tannin-tea in u to. tour tun-mounted by I MI, bemoUd and: diurnal-of a.) old sdiUiGii'. In: king and. A than um decanted window “(his the Met ond at an Inn“- 1u'ertu.tmttou.ot,nsd in the Ccmdhhclupl. Thor-nub "tmmtod hon 'h. link bramrruatu “8"?! It “A. .m- -__--e-- . - .. _ Whole N o. 218 THE CM'ENDrsnEs m, Ind her husband ole estate. Prom the! Inn-rim the devoted, of I lone. imperious! n'onahire in this Modern 1uus, of high hintoric great house. The Cav. ', of Henry VIL, Jud a right of Englishmen urge. . tribunal wu er- Iko'l an“, l Chain- stall d with own “I" of the aasd pulpit. In“ in the "spate of largo Md -'ts-th.-ant ”and“; h "tthr-oo. vrtrtr.isiiikiir continue in oi iaiGUi iam ad: lppliM: _ th),itoitii beeqiheates Ai, io. 'iLiiid ii “MM continue in {all [an all no "mum new " "I mu . or manor. The MiuUter M Edumlinn, Hun. Adela Crooks, hu imml n circular tor the (tild- w twee of Public School Inspectore. as to the m duration. renewal and emlorsemeutof titird n class public whunl teacher“ eertirteates Ind their extension; also as to thr, granting of : lhird~cluss district eertiheates and 9f tom: ' wary commute: us provided rd indel , the Selsool Act of hut union nfthe Ontldo a I Letritsluare. Under the tint section ot I I this het the lmlder a! n third‘cluu Count, I l Bond eertilictto (when Iwnrdcd by the it _ Board utter panama through the County . ( Model School) becomes mtitletl to he Oll- , played an I duly qaalified Public School ' l teacher in my cuunty if the Prat-moo. .‘without being required to obtain the en- , t Jotsement of the Public School Inxpoctor thereof. The result of this will be to give grater value to such class of etrtilattu. t There is the further admntaeein thclI'hu-ty given to Public Fc'uml tnuteesto engage I suchtelchers, and thus ttttotdiagto 'elcll better chances of mnplwymt-nt. M well u to better “just tho mpply of teacher: rc- lntively to the tlrmmnls‘ therefor. The, teacher is thereupon (lllllled at the "ttir. atiun of the term ofhis third class eertlti. cate to apply for en extension, Ind tor "ueis petiwl m the circumstance. of his lease any justify. The otbet or this :3 lmendment is to furnish the )1th with more information of the Mn! WW uoord in ouch yen: of and agetrt " In extension, but it doeq not “I in nay particular the condition on M "tru- dome-n ably he gnawed. _ the It“; lotion-,ihicli we still In You. In In! in." ‘hllll'lyf‘md the am action at the ‘M tum-dun than e.etibat" on In teuiua, hunt to the We! the Educational amt; ht - hm it the W! In!!!“ “a: "btttttkitdsotttoat,oi0ittrttuhtuett L. 'f trfttstumtttith otvm Me. l gt, PM thttttet wt .63 new. a» may: Ac ' is} a: a“. by In... at Bum-pout up“. I~_. A Third-Class Teachers' cm. fltates. fl The elder Cum-Millie: for two ecutnriei , l have been Whigs and Lila-rein in politiee. ju, here done long end brim-m vie-Moe in the Englhh eottmiortrrettttr. Most of the seven Dukes of the cantineed line heve been eble eteteemnn. They hero. indeed, nearly eemed Di~rwli'n magnilnqnont eel- I nay of the British nobility, In the "ht. jition of the nnaleinod splendor of - (lives. The fifth Duke of Devonehire wee l elriefV unsuitable nu the lmnlveml of Geor- l glam. {laughter of the Earl orBrenoer, the , Leulltiful Duchess who a century ago won I the Vale of: Westminster butcher for her Mend Fax with n kit,s--auother women _ who has decoran the line. The present l head of the an-ndishcn, the seventh Duke of Devonshire, talus little pert in publielito, thungh he joins the melt!) ot the Devwehire and Burlington titlee. end he: enormous iMurnor. The heir of the house in the brilliant Marquis of Bertie;- ton, hrother of Lord Frederick, the tidal of the late brutal "stuuiitmtiotr. V _ v. v... """"r' II ecuutric and a Mel-elm dying - years ago. Isfttt 101ququ property old: millions of dollars. m-.. "t "I: u Mm fought all the lawsuit: and“! pot?trr I fa] “I‘M!!! no] brought than .0 I no: can!!! end. (‘h-rlou I. “mi-hot but, P.tinr---'uGaene, you In“. " my judge- n your dinpoul." This can. I. thoroughly re-ertahliulml the qersMtit a“ house tin-t t younger Inn otihe (snail). Id eeeentrie and . ....1..,u.,- s, ' mm, hi. widow. tt up the hon... til, 000 pound: a yen. cunning loam, _ and peruverenog the {might all thas the family in 9M of the ”an if, itttadt nt the hei Iv as 1094; Wtltiam NJ the head I Earl. Murquia of I “no eldar, or ch-ttt in”. ofth6 (“WM [In-in $ttemtrrt [It hilhnnt UC111','5, _ M, u. _ - - I‘m“ In.» too N irtttutus--tui you." has. “I (“I We!“ having mun May h “Id 43011 period tmen they“: "Sttto "" Id tlie titles of Button 05:10. “I“. ' tu.u, 13-011 Canadian. Earl of New.- “mu-Tyne. Marquis of Newcmlo. And Egg of Ogu--to end at In! in the but MECWMQ. This bum at hob-b ludpmn Io 1t"2.',rtt. rich at: h able”) lose in l ae civil Int of the shut more than "memo, Ind yet rétriovo itg fortunes. v - In “' "ct. and in the P1trroettt, “In... "e Earl died, mu Elia-Mi 'uelut& a not follow Ilia until an". Ind survival N I Mt, bIdnnd. and lived in ugh-dc toe any 90.. on In: cum-Inna who”. But she had pinned “I. loan!” .0? itte Cimac dish family beyond Wham. The houu "eti"tururddii, in» two and l rauclnes-the Inn-“m" ' V TIE ca The 'rldor, or "vâ€" - inheritance. Ind "a HI. the 3""th and " I I T. 0. h H' M. a va- cannon-m “my; "On ---'"'" W, I - 3 trr the. would tie" built tilto Gd I MM of Age" anr, a clear head nud I h.- . With than an! n I“ so unrivaled in, hot “0 m lummill WI“ poetr: r, takes mu. put Ill he joins the 'realth ot lzurlinglon titlel. and men. The heir of the p, when maul." Thi- we.“ ii, .h'ulml the went“: a!“ {or Inn of she family, all H: 95 U 0:2 dz

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